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Thread: Monster Hunter RP

  1. #61
    " One thing sir. If you are going to call me anything shorter than my full name please call me Xavior. Dont worry about me stumbling along I am alot more nimble than you would think even for having this big sword on my back." He jumps into the trees following bryce and keeping a keen eye on him.

    As he begins to jump from limb to limb he turns in mid jump to see Bryce stopped grabbing a Skakalaka " No time to waste on these primitive savages." He says landing on the branch behind him while looking at Bryce and the small masked humanoid. " Just keep your eyes out for these little buggers. They are trickey i ran into a few earlier, but they aren't nothing if you put some thought into it."

    He turns around on the limb and begins to continue in the direction they were following earlier " Come on Old Man" he says trying to get Bryce's youthfulness for the hunt to show.

  2. #62
    Ahem.... "Xavior" I know what I'm doing, these little bastards can be dangerous. especially their damned king. Bryce hopped from tree to tree. "here is the Narugas den. Watch out for anything. I don't care what the hell you see hear or smell, just keep moving. Dont stop either. If its there and you stop for even a second you might as well be an apceros on its back. This is pretty much the only way to the tower due to the fact the other paths are blocked by fallen trees.

  3. #63
    " Right. I know the little guys can be dangerous, and given the circumstances that we are in the woods with high grass and bushes I figured up here would be safest. I have seen them before and got away once by doing this and they didnt follow me into the trees. I meant no disrepect i just figured this would be safer." He says still jumping from limb to limb.

    :" So you say you have been hunting for a long time. Is there any specific reason? Do you do it for the thrill, the money, or the respect. I have no quarrels in your reasons, but I just would like to know more about who I am working with." Alexavior gives off a small laugh after finishing his his sentence.

  4. #64
    "My reason? I hunt for.... well... at this point I don't know what I hunt for. Maybe just for the thrill of hunting." Bryce pondered " Well once we enter the cave watch out..." Bryce Ran into the cave without looking back, he jumped behind rocks and ran closer to the light. he saw a flash of red in the side of his eye. " Ohh shit...."bryce pulled out his shield and braced for impact

  5. #65
    The nargukarug smashed into bryce's shield knocking him back. It then out of nowhere started flinging spines. They cut through bryce's skin . He yelled out in pain. The narga then jumped towardshim when he was still recovering and smashed his head with the side of it's paw. Bryce lost all control of his body then yelled at the others "run damnit!" just before he blew into the horn. Be then thought to himself, Andorix better hear this, he's the one who wanted to face this thing... The naguga then stood over the unconcios body of bryce growling at the other hunters.
    (cmon guys post post post!!!!)

  6. #66
    Alexavior stands at the cavern entrance and hears Bryce yell. As he begins to make his way to the area he heard bryce he sees a creature unknown to him and under him his prey. Bryce lay unconcious against the damp floor of the dim cave lit only by what light came from the entrance. The area os far enough that bodies look like shadows so alexavior decides to use this to his advantage. HE places his katana against a wall as he thinks to himself. " This wont help we are in too small of an area and moving with this kaktana will be quite impossible.

    Alexavior moves behind a boulder and draws onw of his blades and in his other hand has an item from a puch he had on his side. He cuts the top off the item striking a flint that ignites a flare. He throws the flare towards the creature. His rational is that since there is no light the flare will make the creature's eyes dialate so he can grab bryce and get out quickly. He throwsa the flare past the creature so it will turn after hearing it hit. After the flare hit the monster moves toward it like planned and the wick burns out causing the flare to burst into flames.

    Aleaxvior puts his blade in his sheath as he jumps over the rock to grab bryce. Bryces weapons are left behind because it was just more added weight. As they are running to the exit " Bryce it ill be ok. We can get our weapons back later." He runs out of the cave entrance to a thicket of woods.

    He lays bryce on the ground and sits on a rock. He looks back at the unconcious male and egins to speak to him even though he cant hear him " Stubborn old fool. Getting caught up in a mess like that. Let alone with a new hunter with you. At least we got away."

  7. #67
    "Gah!" Bryce mumbled after spitting up blood. He lay on the rock still mostly unconcious. He barfed up more blood and began to fade again. He wispered to the other hunter who he could not distinguish "Better call the kitty cart". He then layed down his head and faded off.

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