Steph was about to make to his move with Kagashi when a surprising appearance of someone from the academy showed up standing opposite of them to the strange child that was eying Steph still. The new person to the field did not make an immediate impression on Steph, but he was not always great with names of people that he did not meet but once.
Kagashi recognized Mugen when he dropped in on the fight, but he could see that Steph was a little uncertain about him. “He’s from the sixth year class, Steph. Besides anyone willing to help deal with this thing the better.”
“If you know him… The look-a-like is very skilled in the shinigami arts. It has kido, shunpo and high speed regeneration. It’s very dangerous, so don’t let your guard down for a moment.” Steph did not leave his readied state watching the child uncertain what was going to happen next. He weighed his decisions on attack knowing that he would have to go all out if he expected to even stand a chance. His eyes shifted momentarily over to Kagashi silently communicating with him. They had trained together for so long they knew each other styles very well. It was a fact that Steph was counting on in this fight.
Steph freed up one of his hands facing it straight at the child without hesitation release a large fireball from his palm. The child evaded the kido as he expected, but Kagashi was already gone in shunpo the moment Steph had fired. It gave Steph the time that he needed to focus on his next attack. Kagashi was far more skilled in shunpo than him making it difficult for him to follow their movements even with the time that he had fought with him. The spiritual pressure around him increased with spirit energy pouring into his hand for his next spell. This time he took the time to recite the chant for the spell while he checked around the field for Kagashi and the child. They were breaking in and out of shunpo in their sword clashing with the movements starting to show. ‘Keep him distracted another moment, Kagashi…’
The spell was nearly complete with the last few words of the chant left and he could tell Kagashi’s change in his shunpo speed dropped for just a moment. It was enough for Steph to read and make the final adjustments to the angle. Kagashi spun around landing in the air kicking back the dust as he slid bringing his Zanpakuto straight out shooting a small column of ice from the tip of the blade bringing the child to change his direction to avoid the attack.
“Hado #33 Soukatsui!” Steph shouted as a large blue sphere grew out of his palm flying faster than normal towards the child just as he was evading Kagashi’s attack leaving him completely off guard. The blue sphere engulfed the child disappearing from sight as the energy exploded blinding everyone momentarily.
Kagashi came to a landing on the ground still keeping his sword out staring in the sky at the cloud of blue energy and dust that covered where the child had been. “Did you get him?”
“I think so, but is it over?”
“What’s going on here?” Hitsugaya said as he was on the outer edge of the blast that took out nearly twenty floors of underground labs in the Research and Development Department of the Squad 12. He could see cross sections of labs across the gap that led up to the surface. There were countless shinigami researchers either dead or severely injured laying everywhere. The Hell Butterflies were already sent out to the Squad 4, but with the size of the blast he figured they were already moving. As bad as this was, he had to get to the bottom of his problem. The spirit energy of the shinigami he was following came from the center of the blast. “He’s still alive…”
Hitsugaya jumped down the hole getting to the room that he needed quickly. He landed lightly in the broken lab of what little remained. The researchers looked to be lightly burned, but the blast was directed up sparing them from much of the energy. He found the man that he was looking for laying against the wall unconscious along with everyone else. Hitsugaya knelt down by the man giving him a light slap to the face finding that it was apparently enough to get the shinigami moving. “Hey, what happened here?”
“Huh?” the shinigami said still out of it from the blast. It took a moment, but the man jumped up to his feet looking surprisingly well if not distracted by his room. “It’s all destroyed. Everything… And the subject’s missing and the sample…”
Hitsugaya narrowed his eyes and stood up walking over to the shinigami crossing his arms. “What happened here?”
“What? A Captain?! What’s a captain doing here?”
“I was the closest when the explosion occurred, so I came to investigate,” Hitsugaya said not ready to play his cards if he could get the information that he needed without revealing his hand.
The shinigami turned to face him directly, but the anxious and broken expression that he had the moment before was gone. The man had become cold changing his demeanor in front of Hitsugaya. “Just an experiment that we were conducting with highly unstable materials. The containment was broken during a procedure which resulted in the explosion.”
‘So you’re not going to be straight with me. Lying to a Captain…’ Hitsugaya pulled his arms up a little tighter as he watched the shinigami for a moment. “I see… You were saying something about a subject being missing. If you’re missing something from your research I can have some of my men help with the search.”
The shinigami tried to keep from twitching hearing Hitsugaya’s offer of assistance. “No, that’s alright. I must have been thinking out loud about another project of mine.”
He was getting a little closer. Hitsugaya knew that he still wanted to play things carefully for the moment. There was plenty he had left to work with. “I sensed a spiritual pressure leaving this area as I arrived. Do you know what that was from?”
“No, I can’t imagine. There are a lot of a projects being carried out here, so maybe one of their subjects escaped in the confusion.”
Hitsugaya walked around the room looking at the other shinigami that lay still unconscious from the blast. He looked up to the sky that was visible through the hole that the explosion made. ‘The size and energy used had to have come from someone of at least Vice-Captain skill level. Dangerous materials indeed…’ The room was completely trashed making it impossible for him to get any further from the room to fuel his questions. While he turned around to face the shinigami again something caught his eye. “The blast was all directed upward from what I can see.”
“Yes, we were fortunate. If the safety measures had not activated we would have been killed in the blast.”
“I see… But that doesn’t explain this.” Hitsugaya pointed to a large hole in the wall of the room that went into the hallway. “If the blast was directed up then why is there a separate hole here?”
“As I said before, we were dealing with unstable materials. Not all of them being used. It must have become unstable when the experiment blew up creating that hole.”
“Yes, you had mentioned that. However, I don’t see any debris here or marks on the floor that would indicate that sort of explosion.” The shinigami held his words that he normally had a quick answer. Hitsugaya turned back looking at the wall seeing that he was starting to get to the place that he wanted. “That also doesn’t explain why I’m detecting faint traces of spirit energy in the room that are consistent of a kido spell. This explosion looks focused and directed, not random.” Hitsugaya tilted he head over his shoulder connecting his gaze with the shinigami seeing sweat start to bead up on the man’s face. “I’m a busy Captain and I can’t be expected to remember every detail from a report someone gave without it being written. Perhaps you can refresh my memory so that the report is accurate.”
The shinigami’s composure was disappearing seeing that he was on the losing side of the argument and Hitsugaya was even giving him the chance to revise his statement without the previous being on the record. The man narrowed his eyes for a moment and blinked seeing his own defeat. “It was caused by an experiment that we were working on, but it would be closer to consider it a living organism. It became unstable during a procedure and escaped.”
“And the subject you mentioned?”
The shinigami went quiet again beginning to look sheepish from the question. Hitsugaya glaring at him helped to make up his mind. “An academy student…”
“You were experimenting on an academy student? How are what escaped and the student related?”
“The test sample that escaped is made up from cells that we took from the student and then duplicated. We kept the samples small, but recent tests required a larger working material.”
“How large?”
“We duplicated enough to be equal to the mass of the subject’s body.”
“But it’s just cells, how can it be moving on its own?”
“We don’t know. It all happened so fast that we didn’t have time to look at the data. An uncontrollable reaction occurred within the mass that caused a massive restructuring of its molecular makeup. It then fed on the subject’s spirit energy gaining its own source of spiritual energy. The energy it is using is very much in the same quality of the subject as though it took on all of the traits of the subject. However…”
“There’s more? What is it?”
“The subject was unique in a number of ways, but the most important is that for whatever reason the subject has a barrier or seal for lack of a better word that significantly restricts their spirit energy usage. However, the sample doesn’t have those limits. So depending on the body and amount of spirit energy it can generate it could exceed the current subject’s capabilities.”
“By how much?”
“I’m not certain.”
“Give me a guess then.”
“Well the subject’s spirit quality exceeds anyone in the academy by far. They have quality that would be expected from a Captain level shinigami, but they only have the reserves of a mid-level officer. The sample I don’t think is complete, but I believe that the subject’s true reserves are that of a Captain level shinigami. So theoretically the sample could be as strong as a Captain.”
“You’re saying that a test sample is running around the Seireitei with the possible strength of a Captain? You’ve put the entire Seireitei in danger with your experiment!” Hitsugaya could not believe what he was hearing from the shinigami. He still did not know what they were trying to accomplish with the tests that they were doing to Steph, but it became clear to him that he did not have time to waste listening to the shinigami. He started to prepare for shunpo when he was interrupted.
“Wait! One more thing. The other important thing about the subject was his body, which the sample has copied and enhanced.”
Hitsugaya did not like where this was heading. It was only getting worse the longer that he listened. “What does this mean combat wise?”
“The subject is still a mystery to us, but we found that we could not duplicate it without the samples from the subject. So all of the black box secrets are built into the sample. We don’t know the full capabilities of this, but our initial estimates say that it would have high-speed regeneration on par with what we’ve recorded from hollows and arrancars along with high-speed spirit energy regeneration. The body itself is made out of reishi like everything in the Soul Society, but it can alter and mold it at will. That is how it can have the regenerative abilities. It will literally strip the area of reishi to fuel its regeneration.”
“You lost a possible Captain level shinigami test sample with high-speed regeneration into the Seireitei. I can’t believe this. I’ve got to track this thing down and help I can stop it before it destroys any more of the Seireitei.” Hitsugaya disappeared into shunpo without another word leaving the researchers to their thoughts. ‘I can’t that they were using Steph for such experiments or that he had that much potential… I don’t like the sound of a black box… I may need to keep a closer eye on him to prevent further troubles from occurring…’
Steph and Kagashi saw the cloud lower to the ground slowly starting to fade away from where the child would be. The moments grew to be tense as they developed an uneasy feeling about what was occurring. He knew that he had hit his target, but he was not sure if it was enough to destroy it completely. Steph figured with something that had high-speed regeneration it would mean that the only way to destroy it completely would be to doing all at once.
A gust of wind burst through the field taking away the cloud that surrounded the child revealing it to be severely burned over most of its body and missing both arms up to the shoulders as well as much of the chest and face. However, the body was glowing as the ground turned into partials ripped from their home to become attached to the body of the child. It was only a moment before they were completely whole again. The child began to glow green with everyone quickly feeling the increasing spiritual pressure coming off it.
“I know!” Kagashi increased his spiritual pressure trying to keep with the child and Steph as well. However, he knew that without his release he would have trouble keeping up with the speed. He would have to focus on kido since a sword cut would not be able to kill it.
“Use your shikai, Steph!” Kagashi said noticing that he had remained sealed so far. This was not a fight where they could hold back in and Steph knew it.
“I’ll focus on kido! My shikai isn’t refined enough for it not to affect you negatively as well.”
Kagashi was not sure what Steph was talking about, but they had not really gotten into the powers of their Zanpakuto. He was still unclear to what the capabilities of Steph’s shikai were, but Steph knew best. This would have to be fought with him on the front line with Mugen and Steph supporting them from behind. “Come on, Mugen! Let’s show this thing what the academy is made of!”
Kagashi used shunpo to close the distance with the child bringing his Zanpakuto clashing with the energy sword that it had created. He did not wait on Mugen knowing that he would join with him. ‘I’ve managed to match his spiritual pressure, but I’m almost at my limit. If he goes any further I don’t know what I’ll do. I don’t know if this thing has a limit.’ He disappeared into shunpo again trying to get an advantage on the thing, but its defenses were even stronger than before as though it was learning and countering what Kagashi was throwing at it. As the fight dragged on and exchanging blows with the child, Kagashi found that nothing was working anymore forcing him to start using his ice attacks from his Zanpakuto to keep pace with the child. ‘I don’t know how long we can hold out like this…’