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Thread: Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only)

  1. #121
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries
    Knitting Circle

    Haku walked down the courtyard deck, death in his eyes. It was burning in his eyes like a watchful fire and flickered, outlined in those long arching brows. Dinner was not important. Sleep was unimportant. His getas clacked daringly against the planks of the veranda. Not a soul was around. He could hear the ominous sound of a Kokyu. It sounded abused and ghostly. It was being plucked as well as bowed.

    Through the light of the rising moon Haku spotted the crack in the housing of the Seretei wall. Beyond was Seretei forest. Haku faded over the crack in a leap and fell softly onto the moss on the other side. He could pick the small pips of fire from the jungle of the Seretei forest As he headed towards the lights, the gloomy pluck of the Kokyu faded.

    He leaped down from the hill, sliding down the moss for several feet, until he came to a stop at the base of the hill. He dug his right heel into the loam to break into a flying leap that covered several meters. Hiting the ground, he flash stepped to the zenith of the neighboring hill, from where he could see the lights as four roaring torches. Another flash step and he was there.

    There was a cut clearing that Haku had cleared long ago with some of the more simpler Kidou spells he had spent his time learning. 'If the fool Kidou teacher had known, he would've died of apoplexy' Haku thought with a smile.

    Big wooden benches had been punched into the bare earth of the clearing. On them sat quietly twelve individuals. Keira Akagawa was smiling sweetly, Hana Murasakiro looked as blank as a sheet of paper, Agito Taguchi was reposed with a curious smile playing on his face, Hiro Takane looked dumbly confused, Ritsu Saito's eyes were mostly closed, in fact, he looked asleep, Kentaro Moriyama sat taciturn and dark, Chisaki Dokuja and Yuri Nakamura whispered excitedly, Shengo Izumi pretended to be nonchalant but seemed troubled. Fusue Ibara, Lee Sakai and Koji Hama all looked impatient.

    Haku addressed them all with a familiar bow, death still in his eyes but now a smile on his face. He took a position where a podium should've been. A focal point around which followers gathered to listen to the leader. Where cults of personality descended to address the common lost sheep.

    "We cannot continue this." He said as he let the smile dip from his face. "We cannot meet every night like a cult." He saw one or two faces nod in agreement, the others listened unmoving. "Hana Murasakiro." He said, cutting his eyes to a stoic looking woman with hair the color of a bruised sky. Her mechanical motions, raised her from the chair and took her to face everyone.

    "I spoke with the registrar of student assemblies." She said, tonelessly.
    "What did he ask you that was pertinent to your request?" Haku asked so everyone could hear.

    "He asked me the purpose, meeting place and the name of the assembly."

    "And you told him what we discussed?" Haku said. He had learned that dialogue with Hana would always be much like speaking to a computer. She did not report. Her answers were based soullessly on the pattern of questions. She omitted things of importance unless you asked her general sweeping questions.


    "Tell me exactly what you said. Confine your answer to his question."

    "Which question?"

    "The one you just said!?" Haku said, exasperated.

    "I told you he asked three questions." She clarified.

    "Then tell me about those."

    "I already told you about those."

    "You didn't tell me how you answered them."

    "I agreed that I told him what we discussed."

    "Did you or did you not tell him that we wanted to form a knitting circle to meet inside the Seretei forests called Hana's knitting circle?"

    "Not in those words."

    "But the discussion ended with that impression?"


    "Thank you." Haku said, laughing and pointing back to the benches. "Now that we will have a meeting place, time and purpose that will absolve us of plenty of suspicion. Also I have committed a few of our more ingenious members into working on the communicators we all discussed." Haku looked at Agito and nodded appreciatively. "Shengo Izumi." Haku said directing his deadly gaze at the blonde-haired man. Shengo stood up and walked to the front, with his hands in his pockets.

    Having made the front of all the benches, Shengo turned to face everyone.
    "I was sent to the Archives to find and steal the fifth volume of the Shinigami Syntopicon." Haku noted something in Shengo's tone that caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand in warning.

    "And did you get it?" Haku asked.


    Well a rush of murmurs, all expressive of disapprobation and panic, made speaking impossible. Haku turned towards Shengo, who was refusing to look him in the eye. One of Haku's great eyebrows was arched and quivering, as if still deciding whether or not to be angry.

    "No?" Haku echoed.

    "I was caught by the archivist." Haku was losing patience by the second. How could it have been possible for an octocenturian to catch a young quick shinigami-in-training. "She kept me for an hour asking me questions." At which point Haku had to interrupt.

    "Questions…" He repeated again. "Well that is just wonderous." He said through gritted teeth. "Had it occurred to you that she might've had you followed? Did she know what you were after?"

    "If she knew, she was psychic." Shengo spat, bitterly. "And I wasn't followed."

    "Then what did she ask you?" Haku demanded, his eyes swelling with rekindled anger. It was then that everyone at once seemed to realize the two were talking and hushed to listen.

    "She asked who sent me." Haku didn't have enough anger or wrath to show, he simply nodded. 'Oh no. What will the neighbors think?' Haku thought bitterly. 'He was such a nice student. I'm caught and I didn't even make the blackboard.'

    "She knew someone sent you?" He asked, still nodding with a look that was far past disenchantment. "And what, in fact, did you say?" He asked, louder than was necessary. He could see Shengo's lips hesitate, his eyes still trying to size Haku up. He looked as if he expected Haku to blow him away with an unspoken Kidou at any second.

    "I told her it was Kuiki-sama." Shengo said, tilting his head forward. Haku stopped. His eyebrow still quivered. His lips were trembling and he was looking as though he was about to feel the noose tighten around his neck.

    "Could you repeat that?" He asked, still holding his breath. Shengo, tightened his hand in a fist, preparing if Haku decided to fly at him with a punch. So he replied in a slow steady speech.

    "I told her that Mahonna Kuiki sent me after the Lao Pedigree Digest. They hold a copy of it encased in glass at the archive."

    Haku exploded into laughter, not the creaky nasal tittering that he had demonstrated daily, but a deep clear rolling chuckle of pure amusement. The rush of voices, some joining in laughter some in excited discussion, waxed. "You told her that Mahonna Kuiki paid you to get a pedigree digest?!" Shengo thought Haku was about to hit the ground rolling and Shengo looked very much relieved. "Did she believe you?" Haku asked, raising his head, still laughing to himself.

    "She didn't ask me again why I was there."

    "Alright...alright." Haku said, reclaiming his much damaged composure. "I have to ask what possessed you to say Mahonna's name." Shengo shrugged, nonchalantly.

    "I had to say something and you said she wasn't part of the group. And she was always stuck-up." He said, sneering at the memory of the woman.

    "Satisfactory!" Haku purred. "Highly satisfactory!" The death in his eyes was very much gone, replaced by good humor and spark of laughter.

    "I did get a look at the Syntopicon." Shengo continued.

    "Did you find the name, Sempiternal?" Haku asked.

    "Yea. It's a cave. Sempiternal cave. Seems whenever the Council ruled on contraband or heretical inventions or materials, the items, papers and everything to do with them were dumped in this cave. It's like a big Soul Society trashcan."

    "Did it say where it was?"

    "Outskirts of the Seretei forests. Pretty hidden, it sounded like."

    "Your mission was, if not flawless, very well handled. Thank you, Shengo Izumi." Haku smiled and pointed back at the benches. Shengo bowed, blushing slightly, and returned to his seat Haku turned to them all and clapped his hands once, at which everyone got off the benches and began to filter back into the forest, some with quick flash steps, others walking slowly.


    Haku sat down upon the veranda deck he had slept on only last night. Mahonna had stopped wailing on the poor Kokyu and the moon was a large white boulder threatening to fall on the world. He saw from the corner of his eye a Shinigami approaching. Not a student, not a teacher…a Shinigami.

    The Shinigami was dressed formally in his black Shinigami uwagii and hakama. He had a non-descript face that was crippled with officious self-importance. He wore plain black sunglasses that were designed to enforce the idea that his personal details, such as eye color, were not offered. He bowed weakly to Haku and then sat down on the deck. Haku sipped at his gunpowder green tea.

    "Am I to understand that you are Kuishi Sato of the twelfth district of south rukongai?" He began.

    "That sounded rhetorical." Haku offered over his tea cup.

    "It's official." The shinigami said, with firm intonations. But Haku was far too moody to be bullied. It's true that Haku would normally be thinking paranoid and fearful thoughts about the safety of his position; but to be quite honest, Haku felt contentious and perfectly willing to confound the shinigami at his own game. The battle had begun...

    "Because it's a matter of record or because you are an official?" He asked.

    "Don't put off the question, are you Kuishi Sato of the aforementioned district of south rukongai?"

    "Cheek meets cheek." Haku said nodding his head in acknowledgment. "Announce who you are or I will tell you nothing. I am not convinced that you are anyone I should answer questions to, either by inclination or by obligation. And your prancing in here and demanding answers without telling me your name was grotesque." The shinigami seemed staggered and didn't appear to know whether he should threaten, retreat or attack. He leaned back. Being staggered as he was, he chose to retreat.

    "I am Mitsu Endo, personal assistant to Saigo Arashi-sama, inquisitor and third seat of the third squad of the Gotei 13."

    "Inquisitor is not an official title." Haku remarked, pointedly. "The third seat of the third squad has no business here. I will however, permit sufferance of this because I..." Haku said, indicating himself with his spread hand. "have some respect for Arashi-taichou's position. And I am Kuishi Sato born in the twelfth district of the Rukongai." Mitsu pulled a white booklet and pen from his pocket and began writing.

    "Did you willfully take into possession stolen materials from the laboratories of the twelfth squad, or have any knowledge of the whereabouts of these materials?" 'And now I know.' Haku thought with relief. 'Agito's little friend must have let it slip.'

    "Am I to understand that I am under investigation for theft?" Haku asked, calmly.

    "That sounded rhetorical." Mitsu chided, smiling. Haku nodded, holding back an appreciative chuckle. "Now do you know anything about these materials?" Mitsu persisted.

    "That's fatuous. How am I supposed to identify these materials, via implication?" Haku said, intemperately. Haku was beginning to lose interest after having realized that Mitsu Endo was a lightweight. Mitsu sighed, obviously exasperated.

    "A test tube, five inches in length and filled with four centiliters of a neuro-compound known as Hanashite Primer. It's clear, has a sour smell and taste. Now do you know where it is?"

    "Yes, of course! I used it to poison a classmate!" Haku growled impatiently, making a dismissive gesture and rolling his eyes. He had counted on his sarcasm to disguise the flagrant truth as an outrageous lie and the effect was all he could ask for. Mitsu's brows furrowed.

    "Your cooperation in this is not very-"

    "Why did you think I would know anything about any of this?"

    "I was talking." He said forcibly, his face contorted with frustration.

    "I was interrupting." Haku said, simply. Mitsu sighed again.

    "A member of the twelfth squad admitted having taken this compound and sold it to an academy hopeful. Records show you were a hopeful at the time. Now did you have any part in this?"

    "If I did, what would I say?"

    "I'd suppose you'd say you didn't." Haku sighed inwardly, the amateurs never got it.

    "And if I didn't, what would I say?" There was an embarrassed pause from Mitsu before Haku continued his attack. "Manifestly, I'm not going to admit to a crime I didn't commit," Haku said, waving his fingers about in boredom. "Nor should you expect me to admit to a crime if I had committed it. I think you're wasting my time." Mitsu Endo looked to be words away from exchanging blows with Haku. Haku considered it and admitted that his second-rate hand-to-hand skills were no match to a graduate, so he let up.

    "Assuming you didn't commit any crime," He said, after having calmed himself with deep breaths. "Do you have any helpful information?" Haku laid back on a post, bored.

    "All I have, you would consider hearsay and unrelated to the crime. I wouldn't expect you to let it influence your investigations." Haku said, adding a note of finality to freshen the bait.

    "Any comments you have will help." He said, reassuringly.

    "Have you heard that Mahonna Kuiki, also a hopeful at the time, is being investigated for an attempted break-in to the Gotei 13 archives?"

    "No, I had not heard that yet." He said, jotting something down in his booklet. 'And if you look in the Koi pond outside of her dorm...well' He thought, suppressing a chuckle.
    Last edited by Sinister; 09-01-2008 at 02:33 AM.

  2. #122
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Haruka arrived at her room several minutes after leaving Haku. Her head was clutched in her hand and focused upon the ground. It took her a few tries to get the door open, and once she did, she half wished she hadn't. For, directly on the other side of the door as if she had just been about to leave, was one annoyed looking Mai.

    "Haruka! Wh-where've you been?" She cried out, her voice steeped in worry and irritation. Haruka looked up into the woman's eye blankly, her hand still pressed against her face.

    "Falling...laughing...koi ponds...uhn...Headache..." Haruka muttered as she tried to walk around Mai and into the room. The younger woman wouldn't have it, however.

    "Koi ponds? Haruka what are talking about?" Mai said with a frown and grabbed Haruka by the shoulder. Haruka just moaned. She was in too much pain to go through an interrogation, so she merely made a drinking motion with her hand, shrugged Mai off her shoulder, and ambled into the bathroom to shower.

    She was cold. A carelessly discarded towel wasn't going to prevent very much, especially since Haruka hadn't cared to do much with it after its reception. The woman stared into the bathroom mirror upon arriving in the room. Her clothes still hung rather damply on her body, and her hair dangled limply around her upper body in damp clumps. Her shoulders were slumped forward; she looked as much of a wreck as she felt. With a sigh that disrupted the strands of hair that had fallen into her face, Haruka turned to turn on the shower.

    'What was I thinking...wait, was I thinking?'


    The journey to the cafeteria seemed longer than usual, as it was accompanied by a pounding headache that refused to subside. 'Today, godammit. Today I'm finally going to eat alone, ' Haruka thought darkly as she arrived at the front of the line for food. With a quick glance at the various breakfast items laid out for the students, Haruka realized that the thought of food was thoroughly unpleasant. Instead, she poured herself a generous cup of piping hot, oolong tea and turned to find a table. An empty table.

    And it was that morning that Haruka finally achieved her goal. Off in the corner of the cafeteria was an uninhabited table. With a small smile, Haruka made her way over to it and took a seat. 'Ah...finally, some peace and quiet.' She took a rather sizable sip of oolong, and then rested her elbow on the table and her head upon her palm. She didn't remember much about the night before, only that she and Haku had drank a considerable amount of Awamori and that she had somehow ended up in a koi pond. And, she thought, she probably only remembered the latter bit due to her undeniable dampness the following morning. 'Why did I even sit down with him? He's my prey...I'm supposed to be trying to make his life miserable. If I'm not careful, we might become drinking buddies,' Haruka made a sour face at the thought as she picked her cup up once again, and who knows what could happen.' Her mind lingered on that thought for several moments before her eyes widened and she choked on the tea she had just allowed to slide into her mouth. 'I need to be more careful...'

    Haruka finished her tea and stood up. She had thought that perhaps the pleasing aroma of the oolong would help to alleviate her headache, but she had no such luck. No one had come to bother her this morning. Looking around the cafeteria she did see several people she knew, but none of them seemed to notice her presence. 'Ah well, I'd rather just hole myself up in a nice, dark room and sleep, anyways...' It was then that Haruka really noticed the noise. The mindless chattering of hundreds of students had been prodding the back of her mind the whole time she had been in the cafeteria, but she had done her best to block it out. Now that she had nothing to distract herself from it, however, the noise was overwhelming. Haruka visibly flinched as the din permeated her ears and mind. She decided that it'd be best to wait the rest of the morning break in the silence of a courtyard...just not one with koi ponds.


    Hand to hand was the first class of the day. Haruka entered it silently, and cringed as the noise level in the room worsened her throbbing head. Classes today were not going to be pleasant. She took a quick glance around the room and found that...there were new people around. 'Of course. These must be the hopefuls that passed on the second week of basic training...'

    The students were told to line up so that Hikyou-sensei could see them. Haruka ended up next to a black haired, blue eyed student that she hadn't seen at all last week; she figured she must be one of the new students.

    "Welcome back to a new week, class B," Hikyou-sensei started. "And, to those you you entering this class for the first time, I welcome you. Now, for today's lesson. Today, you are going to practice various forms of blocks on each other."

    "How simple can you get?" scoffed the new girl next to Haruka.

    "What is your name, woman?"

    "Mahonna Kuiki."

    "Well, Mahonna, that is your opinion. And I think you may be disappointed with how much weight the opinion of someone who has not even been a student for a day holds. Besides, I could be teaching you how to correctly form a punch. Would you like that better?"

    Mahonna just glared at the teacher.

    "Good. Now, partner up."

    Haruka had to admit that she was slightly shocked. What an arrogant woman, to try and stand up to the teacher on her first day like that. But wait...Mahonna Kuiki? Haruka's eyes narrowed as she tried to remember where she had heard that name before. And slowly, the memory of the night before worked its way to the surface of her throbbing head and revealed to her...the awful noise of some traditional japanese instrument.

    "Mahonna Kuiki," Haruka growled out loud, and turned to the woman who had not yet moved to find a partner.

    "What?" the blue eyed woman responded, but she sounded uninterested.

    The throbbing in Haruka's head increased with each remembered note of that instrument.

    "You're the one who has that...kokyu."

    "What of it?" she snapped.

    "It sounds...horrible."

    "Why thank you. Now, may I go find a partner?" Mahonna began to scan the room past Haruka's head.

    She should've stopped there and never approached Mahonna again. But Haruka didn't like this woman. No, she didn't like her one bit.

    "No," Haruka said forcefully. "No, I think you better stay right here." And the jarring notes of the kokyu continued within Haruka's mind. They grew in strength in volume, and Haruka wanted desperately to snuff them out. She scowled at the arrogant woman in front of her. This addition to her headache was her fault. All her fault...

    "Well then, I suppose you might want to block," Mahonna spat, and swung.


    The rest of the day passed relatively uneventfully, though the pain in Haruka's head did not give her solace until right around dinner time. The woman hadn't eaten anything all day, and although she was quite hungry, she was able to fall asleep quite easily.

    Another day was done.


    The morning started just as any other. Haruka awoke, showered, and dressed to ready herself for the long day. But something felt different, off somehow. She paused in her morning rituals. For some reason she just...didn't feel up to going anywhere.

    "Haruka?" Mai asked as Haruka stood in the middle of their room, motionless.

    "It''s nothing. You go on ahead without me, Mai. I'll see you in class."

    "You sure?"

    "Mm." Haruka replied, though she was certain she didn't sound convincing.

    "If you say so..." And with that Mai exited the room.

    Haruka walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge. The room was so familiar now. Even with her eyes closed, Haruka knew every inch of it. Across from her sat Mai and Junko's bunk bed. Junko's bunk was unmade with several items haphazardly strewn across the bottom, and Mai's was meticulously neat. Haruka sighed and lay down diagonally across her bed. If she stayed here for too long she'd be late for classes, she knew, but at the moment she didn't really mind.

    "Classes..." she whispered out loud. "What am I doing here, anyway?" It wasn't that Haruka disliked the Academy. It opened the gates to a whole new world. But...she didn't have a concrete reason to be there. Satine had talked her into going for the sheer pleasure of it; neither woman had really realized what they had gotten themselves into. That was made painfully apparent by the fact that Satine had left, without even a word to Haruka.

    So now here she was, lying on her bunk, staring up at the mattress above her. She could blame her arriving here on Satine all she wanted, but even when her friend had left, Haruka had stayed. And it wasn't as if the Academy was easy on her. No, not a day went by where the thought of giving up didn't pass through Haruka's mind. But she never did.

    'Is it the people I've met here? Mai, Shino, Mugen, Haku, and all the others? Is it them that keeps me here? I didn't have friends when I was alive. Satine was it. But here...all those people I knew but never let get close to me...we have a second chance. And then there's those like Mai and Shino that I'm meeting for the first time. '

    Wasn't it funny then, that Satine had left? She had lost her only friend, and yet found the opportunity to gain so many more. But was this what she wanted? After living in seclusion for twenty-four years, opening up wasn't exactly something you could just dive into. People had already started breaking down her barriers against her will, but...

    'But? But what? It's going to happen whether I'm conscious of it or not.'

    With a yawn, Haruka sat up and readied herself to leave the room. She had her hand on the door when she once again lost her will to leave. "Screw classes. I won't be able to focus today." Haruka ventured back towards her dresser, pulled out a normal kimono, and proceeded to replace her school uniform with it. The kimono was black with crimson trimming and suited Haruka much more than the red and white she had just been wearing. She then took her hair out of its usual pigtails and quickly ran a comb through it. She was ready for a trip into Rukongai.

    Haruka left her room and began to wander toward the entrance of the Academy. There were barely any students in the hallways. 'Class must've already started...I do wonder what they'll do to me when they realize I've cut. ' But at this point, Haruka didn't really care. She needed a break, time away from all the suffocating white and confusing hallways. All the shinigami there, they had a reason to stick around. They had a driving force that kept them going from day to day. But what did Haruka have? A friend's summer whim, that had forced her into an entirely new world. But what sort of reason was that?

    There was no one in the entryway when Haruka arrived, so she was able to slip out quickly and quietly. And, as soon as the door was closed behind her and Haruka was in Rukongai once again, she was reminded of how different this world was. The sounds, the smells, the colors, everything was different. From the top of the stairs leading up to the Academy, Haruka was able to hear the excited chattering of young children and the booming voices of merchants. A gust of cool wind let her smell the goods out on carts in the streets. And, looking down, she was able to see the town, with its plain looking buildings. No one had a wonderful life here in Rukongai, but somehow they still managed to be optimistic.

    She started to walk down the stairs, slowly, with a small smile on her face as the wind played with her long hair. It was then that she saw the figure at the foot of the steps. He just sat there, and stared off into the distance, his back against the sides of the steps. Haruka recognized him immediately, and groaned. Who couldn't know that silver hair? 'What's he doing out here? I was supposed to be trying to escape from academy life for a day...' But there was no avoiding it. Once he had seen her, she couldn't just ignore him. Well, she could, but he had her curious.

    "Haku?" She asked, and used his real name so that he'd know right away who she was. Haku didn't respond for a moment, but quickly twisted his head around to face Haruka when he did.

    "Haruka," he said pleasantly, but his voice sounded distant.


    "What brings you out to Rukongai, today?" he asked in the same manner and turned his head back to its previous position.

    "Searching, I guess you could say," she replied, and began to stare at the same point the the distance that he seemed to be. "What about you, Haku? And don't tell me you're just out to pass the morning."

    "Just going over my old stomping ground one last time. And, I'd much prefer it if you called me Kuishi, if you would."

    "I have no reason to. Give me one, and I'll consider it."

    “Excellent.” Haku said, smiling appreciatively. “That would’ve taken a normal person several sentences and you did it in two.”

    “Well?” Haruka insisted, undeterred.

    “I used to live out here, you know,” Haku said, motioning for her to have a seat. She did so, but stared intently with an expression that needed an answer. “There are no easy answers.” Haku began.

    “Especially for such straightforward questions?” Haruka prompted. Haku chuckled good-humoredly.

    “Touché.” He admitted. He seemed nonchalant, but Haruka could see a hint of frustration around Haku’s make-up covered eyes. He got up and stretched lazily, then tilted his head back to look at her, smiling as if to say: “Are you coming?” He walked away far out into the streets. After getting so far, he looked back and saw Haruka still at his elbow. He smiled. “I changed my name because Haku Ishikawa was reported murdered little more than two weeks ago.” He looked back again, Haruka guessed so that he could see some look of puzzlement. But she stared at him, patiently. He said nothing, but his eyes were bright and calm. The two walked quite a ways. Haku saw the same tavern he had met the judge. They passed the same streets he walked over.

    “Where are you going?” Haruka asked.

    “I am going to a place from my past. Once there, I’ll answer your questions.” Haruka nodded to herself. Haku indicated a cluster of rundown buildings.

    “I was raised there from age fifteen.” He said. “Back when it was an orphanarium. Me and my sister.”

    “You have a sister?” Haruka asked.

    “Not my real sister.” Haku admitted. “She died long ago. My adopted sister, Akane Makishima.” Haruka didn’t persist about Haku’s real sister. Mentioning that she had died, Haku must’ve meant that he either didn’t know where she was…or that she wasn’t anywhere.

    It was a few minutes more of walking before a cry was heard. A man, swarthy and stocky with short black hair that stood at attention, was pointing angrily at Haku. Haku saw him and seemed to regard him with disinterest. But the man was not to be ignored.

    “Do you know how long I’ve thought of this?” He yelled, his eyes cross.

    “Really? You haven’t crossed my mind once, Mikio.” Haku admitted, coldly. “Surely you aren’t going to cause any trouble.” Haku said, glaring sharply. Haruka had never seen Haku glare quite like this, it wasn’t a very comfortable thing to see on a face that was usually so pleasant and content.

    “You cause trouble! That’s all you’ll ever be!” Mikio cried. At this, Haku stopped and turned to Haruka. His face seemed to be one of embarrassment and apology.

    “Excuse me for just a minute.” Haku said, smiling goofily. Haruka watched him follow the man into one of the castigated alleys that were so common in the slums. He moved lightly, with a certain cheer and purpose. It didn’t take long, within two minutes Haku returned, smiling pleasantly again.

    “They really love you here.” Haruka shot at him. Haku laughed amiably and motioned for the both of them to continue their walk.

    “This place is a flea-infested freak show.” He said, scratching his ear. Haruka couldn’t help notice a darkish stain on the black cuff of his Uwagii. Haku also seemed to think he had fooled Haruka into not noticing the object that had been stuffed into his Uwagii pocket, but she quickly pointed it out. It was a round package wrapped in brown paper, a corner of which was sticking slightly out of the pocket.

    “What’s that?” She asked, suspiciously. Haku laughed again and scratched his head.

    “A souvenir. Something my adopted sister always wanted, turned out I wanted it even more.” Haku said, giving her a stare saying that was all he would say over the subject.

    Having come closer to the buildings, he motioned to one in particular. It was a battered old place that was missing a large section of wall off it’s second floor. Really, the building had probably looked much more like a building ten years ago.

    “Why were you reported murdered?” Haruka persisted. Haku smiled, patiently.

    “You’re so determined to know all my dark secrets?” He asked, lifting an eyebrow and laughing.

    “When I show up ten years from now with a fake name, you’ll know how I feel,” she replied, coldly. Haruka had noticed how much he had consistently changed the topic whenever the subject of his name had come up, but he didn’t this time.

    “I was reported murdered because I blackmailed a Rukongai holding judge to,” he said simply. Haruka was more and more curious, it was a mess of questions that didn’t seem to get any clearer with each answer.

    “You arranged reports of your own murder?” She asked.

    “Yes. To incriminate the man you just saw, Mikio Goto.” He said, courageously pushing the door wide on the building and walking into it. Haruka walked inside, following. The place was an ocean of dust and neglect. Shattered glass and collapsed ceiling, dripping with water. “Goto had been my sister’s…Akane’s…special friend. One night he punched her in the face; add that to all the times he had tormented me and had rallied the whole district against me and I was at the end of my tether.” Haku pointed up the decrepit stairs, which even he took his time and care to climb. “You see, everyone,” he called down the stairs at Haruka, “has their breaking point. People who torture professionally, know this. Lots of them use it to get information, but the not-so-wise ones…well, torturing someone you can’t control is dangerous.” He said, looking back meaningfully at Haruka. She decided to let it pass.

    The second floor was one large uninterrupted room, totally empty except for two futons rolled up on the floor. The wall facing the district had collapsed, leaving a perfect view of all the rooftops of the twelfth southern district of the Rukongai. Haruka began to wonder what Haku planned to do here, but she soon found her answer. Haku stooped, prying one of the floorboards up with his fingers. Haruka wondered if removing floorboards was such a good idea, considering the state of the building. He reached in the hole and extracted four bottles. Haruka could see the labels. Two of them were Awamori, the other two were decanters, she supposed of Cranberry and Pomegranate juice.

    “How could you live here and afford all that?” She asked. Haku laughed deeply.

    “I didn’t say I could.” He smiled at her and held the bottles up for her to see. “Would you care for a drink?”

    "A..." Haruka pondered a moment. It was a simple question. She could refuse, and things would probably go just fine. However, she could always accept and force herself into a world of unknown endeavors; no one knew quite what they were going to do once they had allowed themselves to become intoxicated. But it wasn't as if it would be the first time...

    "Sure," she decided to respond with. Haku then poured a generous amount of Awamori and cranberry juice into a cup and handed it to her. With a look around at the dilapidated room, Haruka decided that the floor wouldn't be an entirely suitable place to sit down on. She stared semi-intently at the futons for a while, but part of her gaze was also on Haku, who was now mixing his own drink. He didn't notice her glances. "So uhm, am I supposed to sit on the floor?" she finally decided to say.

    Haku took a moment to look around the room himself, and frowned at its sorry state as if noticing it for the first time. "Those futons..." he said, and gestured to them with one hand as he brought his cup up to his mouth with the other, "we'll sit on those." He finished with a swig of the Awamori. Haruka didn't move. She just looked at Haku expectantly, as if to say, "And I'm supposed to roll them out?" He stood there for a moment before giving her an awkward smile.

    "Would you mind holding my drink? I'll roll them out for us." Haruka just nodded and held her hand out for the cup. Haku complied by placing it in her hand. Looking at it, she couldn't help but notice how much its aroma differed from hers. She hadn't had a lot of experience with pomegranate. In fact, she couldn't exactly recall the taste at the moment, but she did remember that she hadn't hated it she just...liked cranberry...

    "Ok, there," Haku said, disrupting her thoughts. She looked up and saw that he had rolled out one of the futons. One of the futons. She scowled at the close proximity they would be forced to sit in, but walked over and gave Haku his drink back, nonetheless. He took a seat at the head of the futon, and she near the end. Upon sitting down, Haruka took a drink of her Awamori, and sighed as she did so.

    "So basically...your sister was with this...Mikio guy, he was an ass, you put him in his place and made it looked like you had been him?" Haruka said, and looked over at him.

    "More or less," Haku replied, and he took another swig of the Awamori.

    "So then...why Kuishi Sato?" Haku didn't respond. "You told me you'd..."

    "My sister called me it," he said before she could finish. He stared at his cup for a moment, and upon realizing it was empty, went to get himself more. He also carried all of their...materials over to the futon so that they could be easily reached and poured himself a cup of straight Awamori. Haruka's cup was only half empty. "She always called me Kuishi, see. was my mother's maiden name." He took a long gulp from his cup.

    Haruka didn't say anything, at first. She just took another sip of her drink. "So then...what would happen if someone found you out?"

    "Oh," Haku said, and finished his second cup. "Something bad to be sure. Did you want another?" Haruka shook her head, and spun the liquid in her cup to indicate that she still had some left.

    "Well aren't you vague," she sighed, and drained the rest of her cup. She stared into the empty container for a minute, as if the universe's secret lay at the bottom. Then she reached for the bottle of Awamori and filled her cup back up to the top. "Kanpai,*" She said, and chugged it. 'Well hey, if he wants to get drunk might as well not waste time. I have what I need now...but that doesn't mean it'll change anything. There's no reason for him to know that, though.' She let the cup part from her lips, and a small smirk spread across her face as she did so.

    Time began to pass quickly as Haku and Haruka drained their supply of liquor. Haruka's sense of judgement was long gone, but some little part of her wondered what she was thinking, getting herself into this.

    "Haku..." she said, as thoughtfully as one could get in such a state, "why are you all the way over there?"

    "Because...I sat down here and you sat down's an easy fix, though," he said, and his speech was so slurred that he could barely be understood. But Haruka decided she didn't want to stay seated. She stood up, and staggered over to the destroyed wall.

    "Nice view over here," she chuckled and leaned over the remains of the wall to look down at the street. A a young woman and her daughter were walking by the house. "Konnichiwaaa!" she screamed through a giggle. The woman looked up at Haruka, startled, and then shot her a dark glare while she grabbed her daughter's hand and sped up. "Well they're no fun..." Haruka commented, and turned around. However, she was met by Haku's chest, and let out a startled squeal. Then she laughed. "What...don't sneak up on me like that, seriously!"

    "Sorry," Haku replied, and walked over to their 'window.' "Not bad," he commented, and leaned over the edge much in the same fashion that Haruka had. But, having had just that much more to drink, he was just that much more intoxicated than she was. And, his already precarious situation got a whole lot worse. Haruka watched as Haku leaned just a little too far, and his balance was shot completely to hell. His arms flailed as he let out a sort of strangled "whoah!" sound. Haruka reacted almost automatically and grabbed him by the arm to pull him back into the room. He fell backward onto the floor, and Haruka, who had also lost her balance at that point, fell next to him. The two laughed harder than any random passerby could have probably thought possible.

    "So do this often, then?" Haruka asked as she stared at the filthy looking ceiling.

    "When the situation...calls for it."

    "And that means?"

    "You like questions, don't you."

    Haruka laughed at that, and rolled onto her side to face him. "When the situation...calls for it."

    With that said, she got up off of the floor and staggered over to one of the intact walls to lean against it. "You know," she said with a sort of detached look on her face, "I've always thought life was stupid. When I died, it didn't change anything. I didn't even leave anyone to miss me behind." She giggled, as if something like that was a perfectly normal statement. "My brother always used to say to me 'Your existence lasts as long as there is someone to remember you by. What makes you immortal is not eternal life. While some fear the end of their life, I merely fear the end of my existence.' I don't think I really ever knew what he meant by that." She paused again, to see Haku's reaction. He was just lying where she had left him, his eyes fixed upon the ceiling. "He...he was a pretty smart guy. If there was someone who was going to immortalize me, it would be him. But he...and then I let him down. After my death...well, there weren't a lot of people left to remember us by. He was liked by all, but he was just one of those people that...didn't try to be loved." Haruka looked at the ground then, not fully sure if she had really said that or not. A thick silence fell then that Haruka's half functioning mind tried desperately to break.

    But, of course, like a horribly overused plot device, Haku broke it instead. "You have to fight for such an immortality." He smirked and stood.

    "He wasn't like that though. He just...wanted to be friends with the world."

    "Then maybe he didn't really want to be immortal, either," Haku said. "Or maybe he didn't see the end of both your lives as the end of your existences, like you seem to."

    "Hm...maybe." She smiled. "After all...I guess I am still around."

    "You are." Haku said, but he sounded almost sour.

    "Hey! Well sorry for existing." Haruka said with a smile.

    Haku didn't respond to her. He merely walked back over to the futon and plopped down upon it.

    "Don't go to sleep!" she laughed, and walked over to stand above him.

    "Is there any more...?" he said with a half smile on his face. Haruka looked around for the bottle of Awamori. There was was a little less than a quarter of a bottle left. She stumbled over and picked it up. Not bothering with a cup, Haku reached up and grabbed the bottle from Haruka's hand and started gulping it. Haruka let out a strange, little noise of amused surprise and then grabbed the bottle back from him.

    "Don't hog it..." she mumbled, and then finished off the bottle. Haku laughed.

    "Out of the same bottle..." And then he laughed again. Haruka looked suspiciously down at the bottle of Awamori with a frown.

    "What's wrong with it?" She said, scrutinizing it. But Haku only laughed a third time, and Haruka was left to wonder what he could've meant. Giving up, she tossed the bottle off into a corner of the room. Then she sat down next to him.

    "I miss my brother." She said abruptly. All the talk of siblings had subconsciously driven her to the point where she could no longer hold that fact hidden away in the back of her mind.

    "I think we all have something we miss," Haku said, and he propped himself up rather unceremoniously on his elbows.

    Haruka chuckled. "He raised me, you know...but I haven't seen him in..." she trailed off then as if trying to figure out how long it had been. "A long time."

    "I haven't seen my real sister in a long time, either..." Haku said strangely. "She was eaten by hollows you know." He chuckled at that a little.

    Haruka frowned. "Well, my brother was killed by a human."

    "And that's worse?" Haku asked with a raised eyebrow.

    "Much worse." Haruka nodded confidently.

    Haku didn't say anything after that.

    "Your hair..." she whispered, as if she desperately needed to get her next revelation off her back.

    "What about it?"

    "It reminds me of someone."

    "Who's that, pray tell?" Haku said and blinked at her.

    "Yamashi Akira. He killed my parents. Somehow...I think he killed my brother, too. But he had white hair."

    "So I remind you of him?"

    "Your hair does." She leaned in so that her face was right up against his. His breath still had a faint hint of pomegranate to it. "But you're not so comparison to him."

    "Oh...what should I make of that?"

    "Whatever you want to..." And she pulled away with a grin. "Hey...let's do something! Let'!" And she jumped up with a giggle.

    " much did you drink?" Haku mumbled, but he stood up himself...rather shakily.

    "Oh c''ll be fun!" Haruka laughed as she began to spin around in clumsy circles. Haku just stood there for a moment, before taking her arm and complying. It was a clumsy dance to no sort of beat in particular, and feet were constantly tripped over. But they only laughed each time. It was several minutes later that Haku tried to spin Haruka around. However, Haruka only ended up falling into another fit of giggles and tripping. She fell backward onto the futon, and took Haku with her as she did so.

    This put them in an awkward position. Haku was lying directly on top of Haruka, his head only inches away from hers. He started to chuckle, and then tried to push himself upward and off of her. But Haruka still had her hand in his from the dancing, and she didn't let go. His lips just inviting. So, she pressed hers against his, just to see what would happen. He tasted, faintly, like pomegranate. Haruka giggled, and pulled away. But Haku didn't try to get up after that. He just stared at her strangely, as if he wasn't quite sure what was supposed to happen next. But, neither was she. All she could think of is leaning back in...she wanted that pomegranate again. It had nothing on cranberry, but it was unfamiliar, it was...The alcohol had more than taken over. But Haruka didn't know what else to do, so she leaned again. She pressed herself against Haku in a strangely desperate kiss.

    And it continued. They started with just that simple kiss, but that kiss became something more. It became an act of passion neither one knew they possessed. And that passion grew in power. They forced themselves closer to each other, desperately grabbing at the other just to stay as close as possible. Haruka didn't even realize when her kimono began to fall away, and she was no longer covered, nor did she think about what was happening when Haku's attire also came off, and she was suddenly granted access to his chest as well as his face, his neck, his lips. There were no thoughts, there was no half-collapsed room, there was only them. The two of them, trying desperately to become one.

    And Haruka didn't know it at that point of time, in fact it would be a long time before she did, but becoming a shinigami was no longer just a summer whim.


    NOTE: "Friday" cowritten by and Sinister and myself.

  3. #123
    Gun-ho Love
    Mugen practiced his Shunpo to get faster to the cafeteria and meet with Rei, the future Mrs. Tsukiakari. He was still warmed up from the class and felt doing so would help increase his speed. It was a matter of moments when he came upon the courtyard near the cafeteria.

    She was sitting there so casually under a fully-bloomed cherry blossom tree. Some petals had fell around her and only increased her loveliness. She was playing her flute, she had seemed to have drawn an audiance. A pair of couples listened to her play, entranced by the sound of her Japanese flute. Mugen slowly entered the courtyard, entranced by the melody himself. As quiet as he was, Rei heard him coming and looked up at him and stopped playing. The two couples looked over at him too and then smiled at their own loves. Rei stood up and Mugen rushed to her arms, embracing her tightly. The audiance left to their own parts of the courtyard.

    "I missed you so much," she said.

    "I was only gone for a little while." Replied Mugen.

    "A little while feels like an eternity without you."

    They kissed briefly and sat back down under the tree. Mugen collected a few blossom petals and made a larger flower out of them, putting it in Rei's hair. She rested her head in his shoulder and sighed.

    "What's wrong, Rei?" He asked softly.

    "I had a most terrible thought earlier." She said, her voice quivering.

    "What was it?" Again, he asked softly.

    "What if- what if when we are on the same Squad, something happens to one of us? What if I get hurt or if you do? The thought of you leaving me after all we've been through together is depressing".

    "Don't you worry, Rei," he reassured her. "As long as we are together, there isn't a Hollow out there that can stop us. With my skills witha sword and your Kido abilities, we will make an unstoppable duo."

    Rei burst out laughing. "That is prossibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard you say." She giggles a bit more before she can speak coherently. "But it was romantic." She smiles and kisses him on the cheek. She drags him into the cafeteria and to the lunch line and purchases a bunch of rice balls (which Mugen ate most of, that fatty).

  4. #124
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    Time did not have any meaning for him and those around him began to understand that very clearly. The shinigami training and eventual shinigami status with the spiritual powers significantly altered time on the aging, but everyone expected him to change. Even in the year away and the following years he remained unchanged physically while others in similar age still changed, even if it was slowing down as they advanced and became stronger. Time had forgotten him; Steph was still a child in appearance.

    However, remaining a child had not persisted the teasing that he had to endure earlier. When he returned back to the academy the year later he passed the test without much trouble while still placing low in areas. But as time passed his abilities were quickly growing closing or exceeding the gaps of his peers. They began to acknowledge him and possibly even give him some respect.

    For him even if he had not changed physically inside there had been many changes for him that was not just related to his spiritual pressure or energy. He carried a heavier façade for everyone now which to them was still the same Steph that they had seen before. He would remain cheerful and pleasant for them while he masked his underlining real emotions that sought revenge and strength.

    Steph never forgot that day and even in his sleep he could not escape his memories for as much as he tried to bury them. It would not allow him to forget or perhaps he could not let him forget. He had hardened himself and prepared himself for the next time that they faced so that he could kill it. He would not rest until they could be at ease. Steph would not fail again.

    He walked slowly down the open hall that ran along the side of the upper classmen buildings for advanced studies. While he was not part of the group it did not mean that he could not enjoy the comfortable walk that it held. In the end he would end up in the same place, but a more pleasing path for him was still preferred. The wind was still his best companion when he was in solitude; it was a fact that he could never change even as much as he tried to harden himself.

    A breeze swam through the columns gathering around Steph picking up his hair and carrying it around him over his face gently. He rose up his hand holding on to his scarf that wrapped around him several times before falling behind his shoulders. The wind played with him attempting to steal away his carefully guarded and valued scarf. Once he had placed on his shoulders years ago he had never let it leave his side as his only personal belonging. His instructors had asked to him to remove several times, but he sternly refused that they eventually let him kept it allowing it as his single mark of distinction as a student. They continued to give him trouble about it from time to time saying that he was breaking the dress code, but it was too important for him not to wear.

    In the past when he was wandering he would take everything that he called home with him. Which simply meant that he was taking himself and his clothes. He had no other belongings or wished for them. It was a simple life, but he still carried that thought with him that he should take his home with him. His academy uniform was a part of him as was the scarf. There was nothing else that he could call home but those.

    The hallway had been empty that he was following. He was early to his class after all so there should not been too many people wandering the halls. However, there was a small gathering that was coming into sight that blocked or impeded his path. He did not know what was happening in the distance and for him it did not concern him. Steph continued on towards the group planning to fight his way through the students gathered not allowing himself to be distracted. When he did reach the group light conversation could be picked up that made him stop.

    “Isn’t anyone going to stop them?” a female student said holding her hand up close to her mouth.

    “No one wants to get involved,” a male student said having some difficulty watching.

    “But it is not even fair.”

    “He’s just a first year. He’ll learn who not to cross.”

    “How can you say that? Being new isn’t an excuse.”

    Steph had heard enough to figure that someone was being bullied and pushed through the students towards brief opening in the open hall. Once he reached the front of the gathering the trouble became clear to him with obstructions now removed. There were four students that were bullying the first year that they had been talking about. Steph could not tell from the distance how far along the bullies were in their studies, but he was not going to stand around and waste time figuring it out. The bullies were leaving bruises and drawing blood in some cases. ‘No…not again…’

    He pushed past the remaining students and exercised his flash step disappearing from the group and appearing next to the first year student. Steph pulled the student back quickly out of the next series of kicks knowing that he would only be able flash step a few feet away with someone else. Even as skilled as he was becoming the distance he traveled was near his limit for a single step.

    The four students slipped a little as their attacks missed the intended target knocking them off balance. It only took them a moment to collect themselves and realize that Steph had intervened. They looked ready to add him to the ground as their punching and kicking bag.

    Not to waste the moment that he had gained Steph concentrated and immediately shouted out at them. “Bakudo #1, Sai!” The bullies did not have time to react, hardly expecting to have kido used on them, to the invisible force that threw all of them together suddenly binding them together. Steph had slightly modified the effect to bind their hands, but be pulled together as well so it in essence became one invisible rope that tied them together. He left the young student he saved behind as he approached the four restrained bullies looking down at them. “What right do you have picking on him?”

    “Shut up! This isn’t a matter that concerns you,” one of the bullies said still feeling like he was in control of the situation, seeing a small child staring him down was hardly something to be intimidated by. The others recovered from the shock were beginning to gather behind him in voice.

    Steph’s face narrowed a little unable to listen to them acting like they were doing nothing wrong. “I became involved the moment I saw you four attacking a defenseless boy. I don’t care who you are, you don’t have the right!”

    The boy behind Steph that he saved tried to speak up, “Umm, I’m-“ Unfortunately, his soft voice and the enraged bullies overrode anything he might had said.

    “Right? A child like you is in no place to speak to me like that. Release me now before I make you!” said the bully that seemed to be in charge speaking for the others. The rest simply nodded in agreement while struggling against the spell. They were quickly coming to the realization that it was stronger than their will was to break it.

    ‘A child…’ Steph’s left eyebrow lowered a little in protest. “Child? Release you?” He stared down with the leader who continued to be unaffected by Steph’s child like presence.

    The leader nearly growled back at Steph for delaying him even further. “Oh, you’re a girl. Release me now I might just forgive you and let you run along and play with your dolls.”

    Steph’s eyebrow twitched again having to hear it once more. “Girl? Hado #4 Byakurai! White Lightning!” He extended his finger out prior to the spell pointing his index finger straight at the leader. The tip of his finger glowed immediately charged so quickly all they could do was widened their eyes in surprise as a white thin beam shot out at them. It was gone in a flash and the bullies sweated looking around at their leader to check if he was hurt by the kido attack. The leader was staring down the tip end of Steph’s finger his body shaking as he saw a few strains of hair fall into his lap. “I don’t have to miss. Now apologize to the boy and swear to me that you’ll never let this happen again.” Even though the leader could not turn to see the others could see the hole that was left behind in the wall that went straight through. But not seeing the result they could tell its strength from sensing the spirit energy in the spell. The bullies and bystanders were looking around at each other surprised to see this from Steph.

    “That was without the spirit chant too,” said a female student.

    “I can’t believe he could use kido with such strength.”

    “Is he a sixth year?” a male student said looking around for answers from the others.

    Several students shook their heads not sure who he was. “I doubt it, but he can’t be a first year either.”

    “That’s Steph from the third year class,” a student said recognizing Steph from one of his classes. Some of the students looked confused still and others seemed to have some sudden light going off as he became familiar. Steph hardly had a reputation that just saying his name would mean anything, but it seemed to still manage to connect with enough.

    “Only third year and using kido that well?”

    During the commotion with the crowd Steph had released the bullies and they had weakly hurried off after they had bowed frightened and partly apologetic to the boy that was left a little awe struck by the events. Steph gave a helping hand to the boy and smiled at him returning to his more cheerful nature for the moment. “It’s alright now. Let’s fix you up a little and see if we can’t stop that bleeding.” Seeing the boy made him think of himself for a moment when he was first here and always getting picked on. Being small and different tended to be a curse more often than anything else.

    Steph placed his hand on the boy’s head that came up to the same height as him and focused for a moment. He knew that he could not heal everything; he was not that good yet. But he could remove or dull a lot of the pain and patch up small cuts. It would have to be enough. The boy’s body glowed light green for a minute as it worked on his injuries. When he was done the boy looked around at his body surprised to see how much better he was feeling. “Thanks!” the boy said bowing to Steph very politely several times.

    While the boy was still profusely giving Steph his thanks Steph’s attention turned away from him to the crowd. He stared at them all briefly for a moment grabbing their attention immediately. They were apprehensive about what he would be doing next seeing how quickly he dealt with the bullies. “And you apologize to the boy as well! Standing around doing nothing is just as wrong. You’re supposed to be shinigami in training and you are not even willing to defend one of your own. What will you do when you have to protect a human life?”

    The boy stepped back from Steph suddenly embarrassed by the attention that was being placed on him. The gathered students looked around at each other murmuring to each other not sure what to make of Steph’s speech. Apart from the low voices a heavy unsettling silence held over everyone. Steph remained the only one that did not seem affected or even embarrassed by what he said simply looking serious and determined to right the wrong. After a couple minutes of awkwardness the boy tried to step forward to dismiss what Steph had said, but Steph put out his hand holding him back.

    When the silence became too unbearable for the boy a female student broke rank and stepped out in front of Steph and the boy. She bowed deeply and apologized remained bent over as though waiting. Another student, her friend followed up in kind soon with everyone else joining. The boy did not know what to think stuttering repeatedly before bowing back to them apologizing as well. During the commotion Steph disappeared back to the hall leaving things increasingly awkward before they all dispersed, hopefully changed a little.

    Steph eased back into his walk trying to pick the breeze back up that he was enjoying, but it seemed uninterested in playing with him anymore. The whole affair had taken away any time that he had before his class. He was still not in a rush, but he would not get time to practice in like he had wanted.

    “Steph-sama…” a weak voice said from behind Steph, but he knew immediately who it was. The boy had followed him or ran after him managing to catch up. But it seemed that he was out of breath now once Steph had stopped and turned. “I-I…wanted to thank you for saving me.”

    He wanted to sigh, but he simply smiled warmly back at the boy. He did not save him for the gratitude, but there was nothing wrong with being thanked. Steph just did not want him always going around thanking him now like it looked like it would turn into. “You’re welcome. But you don’t need to thank me anymore. Knowing that you are well and safe is enough now.”

    “B-but…but.” The boy paused breathing and swallowing carefully, but appearing like neither was what was actually disrupting his words. “W-why did you…”

    “Protect you?” Steph said finishing the sentence. “Because you needed someone. I couldn’t let them keep bullying you. I can’t stand seeing others being cruel.” He would not get in giving him the entire reason and even what he said was more than he was planning. Steph could see how genuine the boy was and that was enough to make him happy.

    “I want to be like you! You were amazing! Can you teach me to be strong like you?” The boy bounced around excited grabbing at his hand and pulling insisting on being accepted by Steph.

    Steph staggered back not used to hearing this sort of response. ‘Onee-nii-sama!’ The voice of his past echoed through him cracking him a little destroying his balance. He did not know why he suddenly recalled a memory of the children that he played with. There was something about the boy that had him pull backwards. “Umm…I’m still a student myself.

    “Please, you’re so strong already!”

    “Ah!!” The boy jumped up on him nearly tackling him and dropping him to the ground with the boy staring at him closely. Steph managed a weak smile not really mad for some reason, more bewildered than anything immediately. However, there was suddenly a realization in Steph eyes as he stared closely face-to-face to the boy. “Hey, you’re a girl!” Steph felt really dumb all of a sudden for never noticing the red uniform that she had been wearing the entire time.

    The girl giggled a little back at Steph nodding in agreement. “And you’re a boy, Steph-sama,” she said hugging him tightly rubbing her head against his chest.

    Steph’s face suddenly began to sweat and turn red as he tried to pull away from her across the floor. But each time he moved she countered keeping with him. He was staring to panic not sure what was happening anymore. Only a minute before she was a boy that seemed to be looking up to him, but now he was not sure what to make of her actions. “A-a-a-ah…m-m-m-miss…”

    She continued to giggle softly at Steph watching him squirm around under her. “Hana, I’m Hana Akiyama.”

    “A-ah, H-hana…you.”

    “You can call me Hana-chan,” she said giggling to him finding his embarrassed expression amusing to watch.

    Steph swallowed roughly and nodded to her as though she was making sure he would call her the way she wanted. He did not know what was happening anymore. “H-hana…chan…can I-“

    The bell sounded through the academy signally the top of the hour and in the case of many start of class. “Oh I’m going to be late. Thank you again, Steph-sama!” Hana jumped up off Steph just as suddenly as she had leapt on him and darted down the hall. She disappeared in a faint trail of smoke from her speedy retreat.

    Steph leaned up coughing a little and blinked several times still confused. It took him a full minute to regain his senses and begin to recover by standing up. He looked around feeling out his surroundings and slowly staggered forward leaning against the column of the hall. ‘What was up with that girl? She was acting so strangely. I-I…’ Steph closed his eyes for a moment catching him up. He could finally feel the wind pick up around him to comfort him and renew his strength. Things were beginning to slide back into place for him, except for that girl. Nothing about her made any sense to him after she jumped at him. Steph hung his head sighing to himself.

    “Ah, innocence and love in the spring,” she said suddenly knocking Steph out of his break. His eyes were open and the waking dream world of his stared back as the woman gave him a big playful grin.

    Steph sat down on his cloud letting the imaginary wind blow against him. “W-what?! No-no-no-no-no!” He waved his hands at her firmly denying the possibility. The thought had already quickly passed his mind and he was trying to throw it out. “And it’s not spring anyway.”

    “Aww, are you embarrassed by someone showing you affection. So adorable.” She walked over to him wrapping her arms around him softly giggling at the red face that he was making.

    He tried to pull out of her reach, but she was like a snake. “N-no, I’m not embarrassed.” Steph turned his head away trying not to look at her directly. The grin she had could be easily felt tormenting him.

    “You are,” she laughed carrying it through his body as she held on to him tightly.

    “You’re having fun.”

    “Of course.”

    “You know I have a class soon right?” Steph pulled away from her finally standing up trying to keep his almost completely red face under control. He turned away from her hoping that it would help to reduce the pressure, but it did not considering that she was standing against him looking down.

    “Aw, can’t admit your feelings. Can’t dodge it forever.”


    She wrapped her arms around him against roughing up his hair a little. “Look at it this way. Must be fate, she looks like a boy and you look like a girl. You’re perfect!”

    Steph’s face could not hold in anymore and turned solid red before her. He passed steam from his head as he collapsed to the cloud in her arms. Forming a word for him would have been doing well.

    “Wow, that was too easy. Didn’t know you were still so weak.” She smiled letting him lie on the cloud that expanded out to meet his length. “Hopefully, she’ll bring some light to your dark path.”

    Steph jerked away as he began to fall from the column he was resting against completely bringing him back to his senses. He dusted off his uniform and reset his scarf from the fall he had with Hana. Once he was ready he started walking slowly to class. Eventually, he was able to walk evenly without trouble making it to his class in time. However, when he arrived there was someone waiting for him that he had been trying to avoid.

    “Good afternoon, Steph,” said the shinigami that had been frequently having him take medical exams to understand the strange qualities that were inside him. “You missed yesterday’s schedule exam. I got your instructor’s permission to take you now.” The shinigami walked towards him and the room’s entry. It was difficult to read if he was upset or not, but the expectation would be that he would be angry.

    After being tackled by a girl that looked like a boy and teased by his dream now he had to deal with another round of tests. ‘You’d think I’d willing come have you poke and prod me? It was his mistake to make an appointment.’ In previous exams the shinigami had just shown up and grabbed him leaving him no choice, but he changed thinking that Steph was actually going to follow. “Was that yesterday?” Steph said innocently, “I had last minute plans come up. I’m sorry.”

    “No harm done. This will only be an hour.” The shinigami walked out and down the hall expecting Steph to follow and with great reluctance he did. When they arrived in the usual place Steph was left to wait on the shinigami to prepare his instruments and other strange devices. Steph had gotten unfortunately used to the proceedings and sat down on the metal table, but kept his shirt on until it was necessary. “You’re advancing in your studies I hear. Already at the top of your swordsmanship class and they are planning on moving you to the B Class next year.”

    Steph gave the shinigami a nod even though it could not be seen. “Yeah, the instructor says that I’m stronger than any of the other students and the class is actually holding me back now. He said he’s tired of giving me special training when he needs to focus on his other students.” The last few months he had actually been helping more with the instructor’s students than actually training. He was glad to be able to advance since he had reached the top of the class by the second year and it was almost effortless now for him to defeat any of the students. The only challenge he would get was from practice with Kagashi who was still a little stronger than them when it came to dueling. Steph kept striving to improve so that one day he could be Kagashi and the next class would help him get there.

    “Is that so. That should make your first instructor pleased to hear. She did not think to highly of you.” The shinigami moved around in front for a moment stretching out his arm with an instrument of some sort. “Oh here, hold this for one minute.” Once Steph agreed he resumed sifting through things out of sight. “I understand that you’re at the top of your Kido class as well, but you’re in A Class so I guess you can’t go any higher. But it is not really that surprising giving your talents. Speaking of which, I saw using your kido on those bullies.”

    When the fight had been mentioned Steph turned around immediately surprised to know that he had been there for that. He did not remember seeing him anywhere or even sensing him as he usually did. “You were there?”

    “Hey, don’t get distracted keep holding that and face forward its important. Yes, I was there. To be able to use kido to that degree without the spirit chant is pretty remarkable.”

    Steph gave another blind shrug hardly even thinking about what he had done back there as being special. “It is not that difficult. They were only low numbered kido, I don’t have many past the first ten practiced well enough to be able to do them without the spirit chant and even still I can’t even manage to maintain even a tenth of the strength for most.”

    “You’re Bakudo certainly does seem to be stronger, but the density your spirit pressure has makes that not too surprising. You have an uncanny natural focus that no doubt improves your kido and reliability to cast without the spirit chant. I dare say that your Sai is as strong as most students in your class when they do use the spirit chant. Okay now I need you to focus your energy for me.” The shinigami was ready now with paper in hand and a complete array of instruments at his disposal.

    Complying with the request Steph made an energy ball that was significantly larger than the first one he made. Though it remained smaller than what most students could easily achieve. It disappointed him, but even knowing how he could not draw out anymore to increase the size further. He was just pleased that it no longer made him faint.

    “Certainly come a long way since the first time. Still the total amount of energy you can use is surprisingly small for your skill level. It is one of many mysteries that I still have not solved about you even in three years. Alright, disperse and make another.” This continued a couple times with no change in size and the shinigami simply nodded writing things down. “You’re ability to recover is simply amazing though. You can use up your full amount on one act, but still make another attempt at equal strength and time. It is almost like you have a massive river of spirit energy and there is a dam over it allowing only a certain amount through until it stops. And yet I can’t get any measurements on your reserves and how much energy you truly have. You can’t possibly be regaining it naturally that fast. I know it is there. Ugh…I can’t believe I still haven’t figured you out after all this time.”

    Steph watched blankly at the man continue to rant and talk about himself. It became too technical soon that he did not even understand what he was talking about anymore. All he knew from all of the times with this man was that his spirit pressure and energy was not like anyone else. He had the density of someone extremely skilled with the energy of a novice. However, he knew well enough to simply let him go on alone and not interrupt.

    “I need another sample now. It still amazes me that your body remains completely unchanged. Not a single part of you has aged a day. This usually does not happen until you’re a shinigami and it is not even in the same manner. Normally, we can recreate any matter since it is all composed of spirit particles anyway, but you’re doing something with them that remains a mystery. There is something key to it that makes it impossible to keep the form without. I was hoping that as you advance some of your mysteries would answer themselves, but you seem good at keeping yourself a black box of secrets.”

    “Umm…alright.” Steph tried to smile and keep things going when requested. The shinigami was unusually talkative today, but it seemed like there was some hidden pressure behind him that was doing it. Steph did not knowing what else had been going on, but as long as he could leave without incident he did not care too much. This was the most worrisome thing he had to muddle through.

    Eventually, the tests came to an end for Steph and he was able to leave. He was pretty sure it was longer than an hour, but telling the man to stop was not something that he could do. In the end he was never certain if anything ever came out of the tests, but the shinigami continued to insist on them and Steph had no choice in refusing since every time that he tried the ‘I’m your sponsor’ card would be played. Then Steph would be forced to do because if he did not he would be kicked out of the academy or so he was told. He did wonder sometimes if that would actually happen and if would be a bad thing but at this point he did have to keep his promise and this was the only way he had to do that.

    The day came to a slow end for him and he was slowly walking back to his room that had been reserved for him since he had left for the year. It made things easier for when he returned, but there was an awkwardness between Kagashi and him now that Steph could not place. He did not know what was wrong, but there always seemed to be a gap between them. On the surface everything seemed to be normal with life going on, but Steph could sense that there was something underneath that was affecting Kagashi. He had tried to talk about it to him several times, but would always get the same answer. Now it was to the point where they seemed to be pretending to act like there was nothing wrong creating tension.

    Steph had almost made it to the boy dormitory for the academy when he over heard a conversation that stopped him in his tracks immediately.

    “A woman dressed in white?” a female student said looking at her friends in disbelief. She appeared to be frightened by the idea while trying to convince herself that she did not believe it to be true.

    The male student nodded back to her looking around seeing the reactions of the others. “Yeah, that’s the rumor going around. It is a woman dressed completely in white with white skin floating through the halls of the academy late at night.”

    A male student with glasses adjusted them with his middle finger and broke into the conversation. “Sounds like you’re talking about a hollow. But the Gotei 13 would know if there was a hollow on the academy grounds. They’d know well before it got anywhere close.” The other students shook their heads in agreement wanting to let it end there.

    “But you’ve all heard the stories of the wandering spirit of the student that died in the academy,” said another male student that seemed to be working together with the other to increase the drama of the rumor. “They say the student was a female and of fair skin. That her spirit lingers not content to pass on until her revenge is complete.” The female students were beginning to worry again along with some of the first years. While they had trouble believing the woman in white the old story of the dead student was fairly common. No one believed it, but for a ghost story it did certainly increase the tension.

    ‘Woman in white…false alarm. They’re just childish boys trying to frighten a couple girls.’ Steph relaxed his shoulders and eased his back allowing himself to loosen up. He had wished it might have been true, but feared that he was still not strong enough to succeed. However, if he had a chance it would not matter. He was going to take it whenever it did come.

    The morning wind came in from the window gently caressing Steph’s cheek making him roll over with a small smile. It took another couple nudges before he was awake looking around the room. For a day off the room was empty. He looked around seeing that the other roommates were all gone early. Then he remembered that they were promising that they would work on their zanpakuto. Many of the fourth years were beginning to do this whenever they had spare time from their classes. He always could tell which they were when they were carrying around katanas. Usually they were coming back or going off since otherwise they were not allowed to be carrying them.

    Steph walked around the room stretching out and doing light exercises before going into the shower. He noticed that only Kagashi’s sword was gone, meaning the others were not training. Kagashi had been focused on achieving his zanpakuto ever since being allowed to start. Steph did not know what it was that was fueling him, but it made him want to follow out of curiosity. ‘I still have another year before I can start…even still…’

    After the shower Steph walked out of the room planning on getting some kido practice in before taking the rest of the day to relax. He did not make it further than the second hallway before he was interrupted.

    “Did you hear, they found him in his room,” a male student said in a close group of three. The other two were nodding listening closely.

    The female student looked between the other two before speaking. “Wasn’t he with three others in his room? How could not have heard anything?”

    “They said they didn’t hear anything.”

    “How is that possible?” the other male student said confused that anyone could have missed such an act in their own room. “You’d have to be deaf not to have heard something. Didn’t they say he had numerous deep cut across his entire body?”

    “I don’t know, but no one knows.”

    “I know I would have woken up from the screaming,” the female student said her body shaking from the mental images that she had put inside.

    “It wasn’t until other students came to the noise that they woke up.”

    “You think they were put to sleep?”

    Another student walked up to the group having heard their conversation. “Did you hear that some of them reported that they saw a woman in white leaving the hall away from the room?”

    “What? Where did you hear this?” the female student said questioning the new voice to intrude on their discussion.

    However, Steph was now listening even more intently than before. ‘A woman in white…’ It had been more than a week since he heard it mentioned in the halls before, but now that she was brought up again it made him wonder. ‘And now a student is a dead…it can’t be coincidence.’ Unknown to Steph his fist was tensing up as he thought to himself. He could not ignore it as merely a ghost story anymore. ‘She’s back…I have to find her…’

    “They were just talking about it down the hall. They claimed that they saw a completely white figure that looked like a woman floating away.”

    “Sounds like a hollow and the shinigami would have noticed it,” said the male student in the group dismissing the information. The others in the group agreed with him not willing to believe that a hollow was walking around the academy. It was too unbelievable of a story for them. This was just a rumor someone made to feel important and scare others.

    Steph tried to move closer to enter their conversation, but was pulled at the arm suddenly spinning him around. “I found you Steph-chan! I was worried that you weren’t still here.” There was a tall, perhaps late twenties male student standing in front of him looking worried. At his side was his katana putting him at least a year above him.

    Still confused and uncertain Steph tried to figure out who this person was and how they knew him. He could not remember the face, but he also did not have too many students that he socialized with, especially from the fourth year. The reverse was apparently not true, as he was acting so familiar with him as though he was supposed to have known who he was instantly. “Still here?” he said trying to find a way to start things from a level field, but knowing that to be impossible.

    “I had heard you left for a year after the test. I remember hearing rumors that you were back, but I was never sure. I’m glad that you are though, I need your help with something.”

    Everything pieced together neatly now for Steph. While he still had no clue who the man was it was clear now that he had met during the entrance test. He was frankly surprised anyone would remember him from just a week of training three years later. Steph did not think that he had left that much of a lasting impression. However, he was more surprised that a fourth year was asking him for help. “Help? What do you need help with?”

    The student grabbed Steph by the hand as Steph tried to get an answer making the mistake of enunciating with his hands. “Come with me and I’ll explain!” He dragged Steph along behind him through the halls leaving Steph hanging on for dear life.

    “But why me?” Steph plead weakly in the gust that he was carried off in. All he could see around him was walls and the occasional blur of something that he could not see. Grass met him almost face first when he finally was brought to a stop. There was nothing but empty rolling fields of grass as far as he could see. Steph pulled himself back together from resting on his hands and knees when he was released. The grass was deep enough to cover his elbows and itch his stomach. He did not recognize this place and wished that he had known about it sooner. It was so far away from everything that Sokyoku hill became a blur on the horizon. He was surprised that they were still in the Seireitei. “Where are we?”

    “An empty field of grass north of the Seireitei.” The man looked around briefly and began walking a short distance in the grass. He motioned Steph to follow him once he found the spot that he was going to stay at. There was a flat rock extended out just enough to allow someone to sit on it. Which is actually what the man did taking his katana out in front of him.

    Steph cautiously made his way to a place in front still not certain what was going on. He was dragged out to the middle of nowhere for a still unexplained reason. “Yes, I can see that. But what are we doing here? Why did you bring me here?”

    Upon the question an immediate response was given in the form of the man thrusting his hand out in front of him with the sword and sheath. Steph dropped his foot back trying to maintain a distance remaining uncertain from the action. “I need your help, Steph-chan.”

    ‘He’s repeating himself now. But there’s something else.’ Steph could see that the man was shaking a little, trembling for an unknown reason. He was not cold or afraid that Steph could see, but there was something troubling him.

    “Please, I need your help with this. I remember everyone talking about you during the entrance exam. I remembered them saying that you had a special ability, the ability to hear the name of any zanpakuto that you touched. Right?”

    ‘Now I understand.’ Steph took another step back wanting to keep his distance from both sword and owner. “That is correct, but I haven’t used it in a while.”

    “Then please help me. Tell me the name of my zanpakuto it won’t speak to me no matter how hard I try.”

    It was clear as the man stood up trying to bring the sword to Steph how desperate he was now. Steph could see at the hilt now that this was not an ordinary katana anymore. It had already been changed and become part of the owner, but this was not for him to do. He knew that much at the very least. ‘Why do I have a power such as this? What good does it do me? Am I supposed to help people like him cheat and bend the rules?’ Steph shook his head knowing how wrong he would be to do this for him. “No, I can’t use my power to help you.”

    “But you can. I won’t tell anyone. It’ll be our secret.” The man stepped forward again pushing the sword in Steph’s face nearly touching him. He was not going to take an answer that was not a ‘yes’ from Steph. The determination in his eyes was proof enough for Steph.

    “No I can’t. It’s supposed to be something you do alone.” Steph backed away finding that he was only going to be followed step for step by the man. He decided that it was time to go and turned away running back towards the Seireitei. Unfortunately, Steph was quickly stopped by the man using flash step to get ahead of him. Steph narrowed his eyes seeing that this had become serious and used his flash step as well. Steph disappeared in a moment with the man following after him. The two blinked around the field, but Steph was at a clear disadvantage with the distance he could cover much less than the man chasing him. If this continued Steph was eventually going to lose as the seconds between them faded away. The fatigue that it was placing on his body mounted faster than he expected, as he had never used it this many times in a row. He legs were already having difficulty moving again for him with each step.

    Steph made a mistake in his footing slipping out and falling to the ground sliding across the grass staining his uniform and bruising his back. When he came to an eventual stop the man was over top of him straddling him to prevent an escape. “Just tell me what you hear!” the man pleaded to Steph putting the hilt of the zanpakuto in his hands forcibly.

    In that instant Steph heard the cries of the sword echo through his mind. The noise was deafening making him pull his hand away sharply breaking free of the restraint. He clutched his head with his hands trying to make the pain cease only for a moment. It felt like his mind was going to explode from the pressure and voices that he heard. He could not keep anything straight soon losing the ability to perceive reality and time. Eventually, Steph passed out on the ground unable to allow the pounding that his mind was taking.

    Water filled and surrounded all that could be heard leaving only a void within in the mind. Steph could feel his body floating hearing the water echoing through him. He slowly opened his eyes finally calmed from the invasion of his mind. However, all he could see around him was a tree. It was familiar and only took him another second to know that he was in his dream again. He pulled himself out of the water as it faded away leaving him on a cloud to stand. “What am I doing here?”

    “Do I need a reason to see you?” the woman said appearing from behind Steph out of the wall of leaves and cherry blossoms. She walked over to him with her usual smile that she held.

    Steph knew that she did have a random nature about her that triggered his dream even when he was awake, but this was different. The way he entered did not feel the same and floating there just before was not normal. “No, but there is a reason I can tell.”

    A shrug of the shoulders from the woman revealed that she was giving up her pretense. “All business and no fun. But you’re correct that there is a reason this time. Your mind was being assaulted from all sides when you came in contact with that man’s zanpakuto. The cries of the untamed sword threatened to split your psyche apart. I had to protect your mind and here you are a safe for a moment.”

    “So my subconscious has a self preservation method to keep me from going insane huh? I guess I can believe that.” Steph looked around his dream world seeing the water retreating even in the distance returning to how he remembered it. There was something strange about how he found solitude here and it remained unchanged each time that he visited. “I shouldn’t be touching zanpakuto that have not been awakened yet I guess.”

    “The reaction may differ, but to be safe it would be unwise.”

    “Hmm, a straight answer. I don’t get that from you very often. Seeing you makes me wonder how truly screwed up my mental state is to be playing tricks on myself like this. Or perhaps it is a mechanism to keep me from being alone.” Steph raised his arms and shoulders in a shrug and nodded briefly to her. He was ready to wake up and return back to the real world.

    Even though only a brief moment may have pasted Steph woke up in the academy’s medical ward once more. It was a place that he was becoming far too familiar with for only being a student. He rose from the bed lifting the covers finding that the man that started this all was next to his bed. Steph was a little surprised to know that he had been waiting for him to wake up this entire time, but there was real honest concern on his face. “How long have I been?”

    “A couple hours. I’m sorry, Steph-chan for making you do that. I should have known knowing the name would not change anything.” He had his head lowered the entire time unable to look at Steph directly. The sword was leaning against the wall while his hands were clasped together shaking trying to stay together.

    Steph looked at him a little confused not remembering what had happened after he touched the sword. “You mean that I told…”

    “Yeah…selfishly I immediately tried it not realizing what was happening to you until it was too late. But nothing happened. Knowing my zanpakuto’s name is not what is simply required, I knew that, but I hoped it would help trigger things even if I just knew where to start. I’m sorry, Steph-chan. Once I saw what happened to you I brought you back here immediately. If I hadn’t…”

    A period of silence held between them as Steph looked away trying to find what to say. This was not something that he was very good at handling, but there had to be something to say. Steph tightened his hands on the sheets bunching them together under his fingers. He did not have an answer, but he could not keep this going. Steph relaxed his hands and placed them over top of the man’s shaking hands. “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine now and I think I understand how you felt. In your position, I probably would have done the same thing.” Steph met stares with the man giving him a warm smile.

    “But I…”

    “No, it’s done. Don’t worry about it. Besides I think you have more pressing matters now.” Steph gave him a small laugh looking over at his zanpakuto resting against the wall.

    The man looked over at what Steph was directing his words towards a little surprised. “Oh, yes. I’ll start over and this time the right way. Thank you, Steph-chan!” He walked over picking up his zanpakuto and exited the room bowing politely at the doorway.

    Steph turned his head looking out the all too familiar view from the window. His thoughts drifted for a moment thinking about the zanpakuto. ‘I still have a year to wait…’ The time that he had to wait seemed to be so far away that it would never come. It would be the next step for him and he needed to reach it soon so that he could keep his promise.

  5. #125
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    Time passed and the days became weeks leaving Steph feeling like he was watching the world go by. More of the people he knew in the fourth year classes were getting their zanpakutos and advancing. Every so often he would still get asked for his help, but he would flatly refuse them knowing what could happen. Most of the time they seemed to get angry, but leave without troubles. When they did not he would explain to them that it would not help and then leave. Fortunately, no one was nearly as pushy as the first time, but he wondered if there might have been another reason for that.

    However, he did take an active role in eavesdropping on conversations from the students listening for any signs of the woman in white. Unfortunately, he had heard nothing from the students. Even still there were two more unexplained student deaths in the academy. While this was mostly kept quiet to not disturb the order of the academy it had everyone confused. No one was able to figure out how the murderer was getting into the student’s room undetected in spite of increased security. By the time someone arrived at the scene they would already be dead and no trace of the criminal. The investigation squad was at a complete loss.

    Steph wanted to do something to help, but he knew that they would not allow a simple student do anything. He would just be seen as being in the way to them. There was nothing that he could do even though he knew whom it was that was doing it. If she did not show herself he would have to wait a terrible game of patience. It was all he was allowed at this point, but eventually that would change.

    “Did you hear the woman in white struck again last night?” Even the students knew well enough to know who was doing the killings. She had started to be spoken more often each day, but most were just empty stories made to increase the stature of her beyond reasonable proportions. Steph could not simply listen anymore and expect to learn anything with her name being thrown around so casually. It made his personal investigation difficult.

    “Steph-sama!” a screeching voice from down the hall shattered the peace putting attention on the small figure. Then there was his other difficulty, Hana would frequently visit him at random times leaving him unable to predict or plan for her. Ever since he had saved her from the bullies she seemed to be insistent on being taught and thanking him even though he continued to tell her that she had already done enough in gratitude. Sadly, he was quick to realize that there was never going to be an end to this and she was somehow faster than him making it impossible for him to outrun her.

    Hana sped through the hallway pushing the attention of the all the students from her to the target of her eyes, Steph. He weakly smiled knowing that there was no chance of playing it off to save himself. Even still it did not mean he did not try to run away. Each time before Steph was immediately and suddenly cornered after only a single flash step. Hana was standing in front of him lunging at him knocking him into the grass. He had managed to move the scene out of the numerous eyes and limit the embarrassment that was going to suffer. “I caught you, Steph-sama!” Hana said giggling as she lay on top of Steph. “Were you practicing your flash step with me, again?”

    Steph looked up at her briefly and dropped his head to the ground resigning to his position. “Y-yeah, Hana, I was-“

    “I told you that you could call me Hana-chan!” Hana latched on to Steph body again rubbing her head against his chest like she did so often. The other students on the grounds were laughing to themselves or walking around disgusted by the display.

    ‘But I’m not Japanese, I’m not used to saying it…why does she always do this.’ Steph struggled to pry her from his body and place her on the ground. “What are you doing here, Hana…” Hana stared at him at that moment waiting to hear the proper response that she desired from him. Steph sighed softly not wanting to deal with this today. He started over again after a pause and swallowing roughly. “What are you doing here, Hana-chan…don’t you have class?”

    “Oh yes, but I still have a few minutes and I wanted to see you.” Hana uncontrollably threw her arms around trying to grab at Steph suddenly distracted by her own words. Steph was fast enough to hold her back from clinging to him once more. She fell forward a little as Steph stopped her enough so that she became distracted once more. “Steph-sama your hair is coming undone! Let me fix it for you, please!”

    “No, that’s-“ Steph started to interrupt her, but she had already disappeared from his gasp and was behind him pulling at his hair. “Ow, agh, let go…it hurts…that hurts…H-hana…argh…Hana-chan.” She had already pulled out the band that held his hair together and was pulling at it leaving him unbalanced. Steph could not do anything to stop her and she seemed to be puzzlingly fast as well. He was no longer sure what was going on. “Fine…”

    “Hey, your hair is really long. I’m sort of jealous with mine being so short.”

    ‘Yeah, it makes you look like a boy, but I guess I have the same problem in reverse…why me…’ Steph slumped over a little when he saw a couple of girls giggling to themselves as they passed by. ‘What people must think…I don’t really care, but still…’ He winced a little from whatever Hana was doing to his hair wishing that it would be over soon. It did sadly drag on for longer than he wished until she popped out in front of him.

    Hana stared at him closely with a wide grin on her face that made Steph nervous and his face red. She was only a few inches away from him with their noses nearly touching it. She seemed to only be getting closer to him make Steph sweat. “All done!” Hana patted him on the head two sharp light times and jumped back up still glowing from happiness.

    ‘I’m almost afraid to know.’

    “Class is starting soon, I just wanted to say to be careful of that lady in white everyone is talking about. I heard she was near your room last night.” After she left him with those words she departed quickly for a class that she was no doubt late to getting to. It seemed too casual, but Steph nearly fell over after the words.

    ‘She’s near…does that mean she is coming for me?’ Steph looked around not sure if he should be expecting her to just be waiting behind him for the moment that he looked at his back. Naturally, his enemy was not there, but he had to remain on edge for the moment that she did appear. There was someone else left looking at him after all of the other students had disappeared laughing at him.

    “That’s some girlfriend you found yourself, Steph,” Tamashi said who had been relaxing under a tree enjoying the simple pleasures of nature as Steph might have been if he had not been interrupted by Hana. He was now leaning against the tree giving Steph a playful smirk.

    Steph’s face grew red again at the thought of her being his girlfriend. It was not something that he even wanted to consider. She was just a random girl that acted randomly around him and enjoyed latching on to him, frequently. ‘No…no…’ Steph shook his head to get the thought out of his mind and facing Tamashi. “N-no-no. It’s not like that at all. S-she’s…she’s just…a lower classman…”

    Tamashi stood up walking over to Steph lifting him off the ground. He started to walk away to leave Steph to his thoughts. “Well call her whatever you want, but I wouldn’t call her your hair stylist. Unless you enjoy the girl look a lot. Later, Steph.” Tamashi waved back to Steph as he walked away into the hall disappearing behind the wall.

    It took a moment for the words to settle in, but Steph then rushed around looking for the nearest mirror. Unfortunately, there was nothing around and he was forced to return back to his room. When he made it back to his room he immediately went to the bathroom the only mirror that he knew of finding the horror that was his hair. ‘Its no wonder they were laughing at me…’ Steph ran his hands over his hair looking at the surprising intricacy that Hana had managed to destroy his hair. He did not even know where to begin or even how it managed to stay in one place. His entire hair was braided, knotted and spun around so close to his head that it looked more like the top of a wedding cake with the artist having gone crazy on the decoration. Steph sighed heavily to himself as he worked on picking at his hair to recover it.

    After an hour of work he managed to have his hair back to the way it was supposed to be a simple tied back tail. “I can’t let her touch my hair again. I don’t know if I’ll manage to undo what she does next time…”

    “Steph, that you? I thought you had class?”

    “Kagashi?” Steph said walking out of the bathroom. “Don’t you have class?”

    “Actually, I just finished. I was…never mind.” Kagashi picked up something from the side of his room and exited the room quickly.

    It was only for a brief flash, but Steph could see that he had taken his sword with him. The sword looked different than the last time he remembered it. He was certain that the hilt and guard had changed. “His zanpakuto…he succeeded then…his zanpakuto…” Steph thoughts drifted away elsewhere before he realized that he was very late for his class and rushed out.

    Months continued and Steph watched all those around him finishing their work with their zanpakuto learning the shape and name. They were leaving him behind taking the step that would push them that much closer to being a true shinigami. He could see the gap between them increasing no longer having an interest in him only working to sharpen their skills so that they could get a good spot in the Gotei 13 once graduating. Steph wondered if some of them might even get a seat position straight out of the academy. It was not uncommon, but it only left him further behind.

    Steph slowly moved through the halls with his mind weighing heavy on the thoughts. Even the woman in white had been quiet as of late leaving him with no clues. All he could do was attend classes and improve his own skills, but it felt like he had suddenly reach a dead end. He was having trouble seeing himself getting stronger, but he was better than the rest of his classmates in the areas that he focused, swordsmanship and kido. It would not be until he entered his fourth year that he would be advanced to a higher class for his swordsmanship and so he was left feeling like he was stagnant. The time was so far away and he could not do anything.

    His classes for the day came to their end and he could return back now as he did each day. The monotonous drudgery finally came to peace, but it would resume again the next day. Steph had the night as his reprieve and suddenly decided that he was not going straight back to his room. He took a walk out of the academy wherever the wind would take him. Once he reached the edge of the Seireitei and came to the open fields he felt calm. Even though there might have bad memories around this place he had to thank him for showing it to him. There was nowhere better in the Seireitei that he could go and feel the wind so unrestrained and free as it did here.

    Steph laid back into the grass on the side of a hill allowing him the reclined position to gaze at the stars. There were so many more that he could see out above the dense lights and buildings of the Seireitei. This was all he needed to break free from the gloom that had been holding him down for the last couple weeks. He could let go and smile honestly not feeling the guilt that weighed him down making it almost impossible to be happy.

    For an hour the wind blew over him bringing the cool breeze to him making him raise his scarf up a little to keep his neck warm. However, the smell in the air soon changed suddenly making his eyes open wide. There was something that he could almost feel laying through the wind. He was not sure what exactly it was, but it felt bad, evil. Everything felt heavy to him suddenly as he had difficulty moving. His entire body was sweating heavily feeling this great pressure surrounding him. “What is that? Why can’t I move? Is this the spiritual pressure they were talking about in class? It is so strong…wait…” Steph struggled to pull his head up remembering this feeling from before. “Its YOU!”

    Out of the wind grass was pulled up forming a cloud around the concentration of the spiritual pressure that was pushing on Steph. It moved closer slowly gathering density until nothing could be seen through it. For just a blur he was certain that he saw a woman in white as everyone described, but the pressure was affecting his vision. “I’m glad you remembered me. I haven’t forgotten you.”

    “You’re the one killing the students! Aren’t you? Why?” Steph pulled at his arm trying to get himself to move, but all he could manage was to keep from falling over.

    “Perhaps I was the one. Even if I was what would you do? You who can’t even stand?” A sinister laugh pierced the storm of grass and dirt as the mass continued forward.

    Steph pushed at the force holding him remembering those that this thing had killed. It had stolen lives away and destroyed the only place that he could call home. He could not let it end with him doing nothing. ‘Onee-nii-sama! Onee-nii-sama!’ Steph closed his eyes trying to fight back the faces that haunted him. All he could see was the blood around him left behind from the thing that killed them. “NO!”

    His body suddenly glowed green exploding outward allowing him to stand up fighting against the pressure that tried to shackle him to the ground. It still was immense for him to fight against and his movement was still restrained, but he was standing. Steph’s hair whipped around in the energy that was bleeding off of him pushing against the grass. “I swore to them that I would kill you for what you did! DIE!! Hado #31 Shakkaho!” It was the first time that Steph had ever used such a higher-level kido without the spirit chant, but he did not have the time. Out of his out stretched palm a red globe of fire formed quickly and released a moment later. It burst upon the cloud completely negated by simply the pressure coming off of the woman.

    Another laugh poured out from the clouds at the weak attempt. “You couldn’t even manage an eighth of the power even with all of the new found strength.” The cloud moved a little closer to Steph, but came to a stop. “Oh, couldn’t even handle that?”

    Steph looked at the cloud confused after he had failed with the spell and then realized what she was talking about. He had not managed to concentrate hard enough and without the spirit chant there was still some backfire from his novice attempt. His energy turned on him going out of control quickly burning him from the unspent spiritual energy. The aura shattered instantly dropping him like a rock to the ground under the renewed pressure unable to cancel it. He was tapped out. ‘Didn’t that shinigami say I regenerated spirit energy quickly? Why can’t I get any? It should be back…what’s wrong? Something…blocking it?!’

    “Hrm, can’t let me dine in peace. My task is completed anyway. That should be enough.” The cloud suddenly disappeared along with the woman that was hiding within. The moment that she had gone Steph was released, but being held seemed to have been the only thing keeping him together as his conscious started to fade.

    A familiar sound of the medical ward echoed through his rousing ears. Steph slowly opened his eyes confirming what he already felt to be true. He was truly becoming a far too common resident of this room. But he wondered more about how he had managed to get here this time. When he tried to lift himself he was replied to with sharp pains spiking through his entire body stopping any movement that he tried. He bit through the pain that washed through him.

    Rather than attempting to move again he shifted his eyes around trying to regain his footing on his situation and use the feeling in his body to determine what happened. Unfortunately, he felt like he was wrapped up head to toe feeling the grainy texture of bandages between his fingers and skin. He could barely move his head to look towards the rest of the room. There was someone else in the room next to his bed wearing an academy uniform. “Ugh…who…” It hurt for him to even move his mouth. ‘How much did it backfire on me?’

    The person returned to life hearing a voice and moved towards him. “Steph-sama?” a soft voice said dulled by the pain Steph was feeling.

    It took him a few moments to realize that it was even a female voice before he put it together that it was actually Hana next to him. If he were not in pain to move he would have leapt from his bed in fear. “H-hana?”

    There was a pause in her voice as she pulled back tears. “You’re awake!” Hana dropped herself on Steph suddenly unable to hold back her tears anymore. Steph’s whole body was razed in pain letting out low groans from his mouth. He tried to speak to tell her to get off him, but seeing the tears and relief on her face he could not say anything. He just let her cry on his chest equally glad to be awake. “I’m so glad. You had me so worried that you’d never wake up!”

    “Hana…chan…” he said hoping that it would ease her a little. He lifted his hand painfully to her hands placing them on her trembling hands. She looked up from crying as he took hold of her hand giving her some of his strength.

    She managed a smile for him staying like that longer than they realized. The time for her to leave came and she put Steph back to rest, but before leaving the room she turned to look back at him. “I have a gift for you when you’re feeling a little better. So you get stronger soon, kay?”

    Steph simply nodded with his eyes closing them to say ‘yes’ to her. She then left with a smile on her face nodding back to him in their agreement. Steph did not know what she was talking about, but he had to focus on getting his strength back. He closed his eyes letting himself return to sleep.

    Hana visited him repeatedly each day to check in on Steph and watch his progress. Steph welcomed the company, though he still remained confused why she was so worried about him. They hardly knew each other yet she seemed to act like he was very important to her. Steph did not understand it, but at the moment he was not going to question it either. On the day that Steph was finally mostly free of his bandages Hana returned with a gift as she had promised him.

    Hana stood at the doorway waiting for Steph to let her come him. He had been looking out the window staring at the tree in the wind. It would only be a couple more days until he could be released from the medical ward. “You can come in Hana-chan,” Steph said out of the corner of his eye when he noticed her presence.

    She was holding something behind her back as she walked in. Steph turned to face her greeting her with a friendly smile, as did she. “You don’t look like a mummy anymore, Steph-sama.” Hana said with a small laugh. Only a couple small bandages remained along his face while his arms remained wrapped still for another day. “I brought you your gift as I promised.”

    “Oh? What-“

    Hana bent for slightly bowing to him with her eyes closed. “I’m sorry I couldn’t give this to you sooner.”

    “Uh…its alright. Don’t worry about it.”

    “Right!” she said removing the sadness from her face as she rose up. “Now close your eyes and put your hands out!”

    “What? But-“

    “No, buts. It’s a surprise. Please, Steph-sama!”

    “Alright…” Steph said with reluctance. He obeyed and closed his eyes leaving his hands out to accept whatever this gift might be that Hana had. His mind ran over a few ideas, but he was not sure what it could be in the end. All he knew was that she could fit it behind her back. The waiting made him apprehensive about what he was going to be receiving worrying that he was getting into something that would only dig him deeper.

    A moment later he felt a weight on his hands spread across both by something long and thin. He was still uncertain wanting to look, but waited for her to say it was ready. “Alright, open your eyes.” Steph looked with his eyes to find that he was holding a sword and sheath in his palms leaving his mouth open in surprise. “Tada!”

    Steph looked at the hilt of the sword finding the symbol of the academy at the base of the metal that capped the bottom of the hilt. “This is…how do you…” He turned to Hana wanting some answers, but still having trouble finding the words.

    “Do you like it? It’s an academy katana meant for focusing to obtain your zanpakuto.”

    “Yes, but how did you get this? They keep them locked up and hand them out personally to each fourth year student.” Steph had his first answer to confirm that this was indeed a katana for zanpakuto training, but how did this first year get it without anyone knowing. There was something more to this that Steph did not yet comprehend.

    “You don’t like it? I can get a different color, if you want.”

    “What?” Steph stared at her even more confused. She made it sound like she had a whole store of these that she could so readily take and give out. ‘There is something more to her than I realized.’ Steph tightened his grip on the hilt pulling out the katana enough to see the blade reflect his face back. “No, it’s not that. How did you get this?”

    Hana smiled innocently at him moving a little closer to him. “I took it from the storeroom that holds them. Where else did you think I got it?”

    “But how? It is locked and sealed so that only the instructor in charge of the zanpakuto training can take them out.”

    “Oh that? The instructor is my father. He lets me go wherever I want.” Hana giggled softly making it difficult to know if she realized what she had just done in give the sword to Steph.

    Steph stared in disbelief at the girl no longer sure what to think of her. He could tell that she was innocent and carefree following whatever her heart desired. However, he was not certain still if there was something more underneath her or not. She was so difficult for him to read into past the glowing smile. “But why? You’ll get into trouble for doing this.”

    Hana suddenly looked down at her lap as though she was now hiding something. She started playing with her fingers like she was delaying and deciding what to do next. Steph leaned forward placing the sword aside and laid a hand on both of hers. “I-I saw you one night…you looked sad. I heard you say that you wish you could have a zanpakuto like your friends. You needed to be stronger. You saved me from those bullies and I hadn’t done anything to return your kindness. So I wanted to help you. Now you can have your own zanpakuto too!”

    Steph could only keep staring at her unable to speak. She did all of this just in return for being saved. But this was far too much for him to take. He clinched the sword in one hand. “I can’t…” Steph paused for a moment thinking to himself about the opportunity that he was being given. ‘This could be my chance. With this I’ll be able get my zanpakuto and…no if I get caught I could…I’ll become stronger with this. I can’t lose to her again…’

    “Steph-sama?” Hana said tilting her head a little confused by his silence in middle sentence.

    He shook off his doubts and looked back at Hana. “I can’t thank you enough for this, Hana-chan,” he said with a smile of gratitude. It would be his best opportunity and fortunately for him listening to Tamashi and Kagashi talk about the process he already knew what he needed to do.

    “Oh, Steph-sama I’m so happy that you like your gift!” It was that moment though that Steph had some regret when she leapt into his bed hugging him tightly. She ended up knocking back down to his bed pillow. Hana held on to him persistently not letting him. When she finally lifted from him her face came in front of his with their noses just barely separated. Steph’s face became red again trying to escape into his pillow while he was the unwilling prisoner of Hana. “Steph-sama…”

    “I-I-I…uh…Hana-chan…” Steph’s entire body began sweating and raising in temperature. He could not get free from her and she knew it. His mind was going blank with panic unable to think straight with the simple thought of ‘flee’ echoing through him.

    “Hey, visiting hours are over…hey what do you two think you’re doing?” The nurse from the hall stormed into the room grabbing Hana off of Steph. “No, funny business is allowed in the hospital.”

    “Thank y-“ Steph said grateful that he was freed from Hana before the nurse interrupted him.

    “Honestly Steph, how could you take advantage of this girl’s heart? Take your hormones and get to some rest before I kick you out of here.”

    “But I-“

    “No, excuses.”

    “Steph-sama! I’ll visit you again tomorrow!”

    “No you won’t little girl. I’m not letting you anywhere near him. This is for your own good and safety. You can’t trust men like him.” The nurse dragged Hana off struggling against her until all that Steph could hear was the distance voice of Hana screaming for him.

    Steph gave a heavy sigh relieved and depressed that he was seen as a pervert trying to take advantage of a girl. In the end it did work towards his benefit since he did not have to worry about any more incidents from Hana. Though that did not protect him from her during classes. ‘However, I have this now…’ He rose up his hand letting the covers that had been hiding the sword fall away. This was a big step for him that he could take now.

    A few days later he was finally released from the medical ward in the academy and allowed to resume his normal studies. Hana was stubborn in her attempts as was the nurse in preventing them. Fortunately, it did give him the opportunity to get his sword out since it would otherwise look a little strange carrying it out. He found the sword in his room resting neatly hidden where he told Hana. Once everyone had left he pulled it out with a childlike excitement running his hand down the length of the sheath. ‘If I’m going to do this I need to be careful and watch when I do this.’

    It took him a week to find the time to escape out to the grass field where he could be in private. The waiting that he had to go through constantly put him on edge not certain how long he was going to have to wait. But he was finally able to try it out. He found a place under a large aging tree that covered the entire hill in its gentle shade.

    ‘Hope this works…’ While he was waiting on the right time he had been talking Kagashi and others about the work. He tried to carefully gain more information on the attempt since he was not sure if there was something special that had to be done. Unfortunately, everyone seemed to have a different method and manner in going about it. If he simplified it down to the basics though it all was the same. It was a dialogue that he had to have with himself and look inward to finding the part of him that would become the image of his zanpakuto.

    Steph placed the sword in his hand horizontally and closed his eyes. He tried to let the wind pass over and around him focusing inward. Nothing moved apart from the leaves of the tree. All things that surrounded him disappeared from his senses and he looked inside. He struggled through the mental walls that he had placed up trying keep his concentration while bringing them down.

    After three hours of utter silence Steph opened his eyes having given up for the day. ‘I guess I can’t expect it to happen for me on the first try. Well there is tomorrow perhaps…’ Steph stood up concealing the sword and walked back to the academy. He knew that it was going to be a difficult task, but it was not until he attempted it that he realized the full extent of the task. However, he was not going to let it stand in his way. This would be his in time.

    Steph spent the rest of the week unable to make any further attempts as well as the week to follow. But he came to another opportunity soon enough. His next attempt did not succeed either forcing him to wait once more. He bought his time and watched until there was another chance.

    The large tree on the hill swayed in the strong wind that day while Steph focused beneath it. He could feel the layers pealing back pushing him deeper. Memories and images haunted him tempting to shatter his concentration, but he let them pass by melting to become a part of him. They were the reason that he pushed on and not to hold him back. Soon he came to a place where he could not feel anything it was a void of black. He was naked laid bare from all his masks and emotions. All that remained was him and nothing else to taint. This was the center of his soul where he would find his true self.

    In front of him a mirror appeared as he floated in the empty wasteland of his soul. He stared into the mirror curious to know what he was supposed to find. However, it did not reflect back remaining unchanged. He stretched out his hand to touch the surface causing it to ripple and distort until he saw him. He was staring back at himself in the mirror, but it did not seem to be that surprising. “Me…”

    “Yes…” the mirror said in response making Steph drift back a little in surprise. “I am you as you are me.”

    “So this is it?”

    “Correct. You are here because you seek to change.”

    “I must change.”

    “Change comes at its own cost. Who are you?”

    “Hrmph…a clichéd question seeking a meaning that I am supposed to know, yet it is not the answer that I think.”

    “Dodging it now are we?”

    “It was you who asked.”

    “It is not I that asked, but you. It is you who are asking the questions.”

    “You are me…cute…” Steph paused staring at himself not certain what to do next. He already knew that there was not going to be an answer and it seemed that he could not advance without an answer. It had to be the right answer, but how could he find it.

    “You must admit to yourself who you are. Only then can you find what you seek.” The mirror suddenly changed revealing images to him quickly. They were all his memories in his time in the Soul Society. It was everything that had shaped him. He saw the children that were slaughtered and grandma. The events played through his mind.

    “No…I don’t want to keep experiencing that.” He changed to the first day he arrived at the academy. The tests that he had to take and the change that became of him. The mirror changed to the people that he saw and experienced life with. There were the travels through the Rukongai that he wandered endlessly without purpose. Now he saw the shinigami that found him and convinced him to join. “They… everyone… memories… what you are trying to get at…” Then he saw the day that everything changed for him. It continued to burn in his thoughts echoing repeatedly. He saw Hana when he saved her from the bullies. “This is all so random…random…meaningless…”

    “What do you want? You want your clever answer to your stupid riddle? You want me to admit that I don’t know myself as well I think. You want me to say that it was just all random events? That I only did anything because it was a whim of mine like the wind. Only moving from moment to moment barely affecting others and just existing invisible. No…I’m not that anymore. I can’t be. I’m not moving without purpose anymore. I’m doing this because I must. I can’t be invisible anymore! I won’t let myself just be the wind!” The void around Steph suddenly changed to white gathering around him. The mirror shattered to pieces spinning around him changing to beautiful cherry blossoms covering him.

    Steph did not know what was happening anymore just letting things go on. He could not do anything to stop it anyway it was beyond his control. The white space disappeared from his sight as the blossoms completely encased him shining bright pink becoming a solid around him. A moment later it shattered cracking away slowly at first and quickly chasing itself around the surface. The pieces fell away changing back to blossoms from the bottom slowly reaching to the top. Once Steph could see again he was in his dream world. “What am I doing here? Did I fail?”

    “No, quite the opposite, Steph,” the woman said gathering from the shattered pieces that had become blossoms. Her face was gradually created and eventually her entire body. She stepped forward to Steph with her hand stretched out for him to accept.

    Being back in his dream world did not make a lot of sense to him especially with the different manner in which the woman appeared and was acting towards him. She was inviting him, but he was not sure if he should be accepting. “What is going on?”

    “Take my hand and I’ll answer that question.”

    Steph gave a narrowed expression finding himself in a position that he could not refuse. He never knew her to do anything wrong, but there was something that did not sit right with him. However, the die was cast already and he had to follow. This could still be part of the trial. He extended his arm placing his hand on her hand when she took a hold of him guiding him forward. She pulled him in a little closer and with each step that he took a cloud seemed to appear underneath to give him footing. This was not like before. When they reached the largest cloud she came to a stop looking up at the tree hanging upside down in the earth gathered by its roots. She stretched her free hand out towards the tree as it twisted a branch out to meet. Once it had reached her hand she gripped around it tightly pulling at it roughly and then twisted snapped off. The branch retreated back quickly and she brought down a long warped piece of wood bare of any twigs or leaves even blossoms.

    She held it firmly in her hand with the bulk of the branch above her. The wood groaned and cracked straightening out and thinning in her hand. Near her hand a cherry blossom grew out spreading and flatting until it became thick and encompassed the entire branch around its circumference. The wood above continued to flatten and thin until it looked like it could cut. “Take hold.”

    Steph was still cautious, but was beginning to understand a little of what was happening; at least he thought that to be so. He raised his hand up grabbing at the base beneath her hand. The moment that he touched it the wood glowed bright green vibrating in his hand violently feeling as though it would shatter under the stress. A crack appeared at the top that charged down the entire length forking and splitting. The green glow filled the cracks appearing as though they were coming from underneath and not from the wood itself. Then the wood shattered into cherry blossoms falling away revealing a katana to be hidden beneath the wood. The cherry blossoms gathered together forming a sheath and held the blade protected in a green metal with a pink sash that connected together at a cherry blossom clasp. The hilt cloth was green and pink twisting around meeting at a guard of gold that curved up slightly forming the shape of a cherry blossom still on the branch.

    Steph pulled back his hand staring in awe at the sword in front of him being held by the woman. Once the transformation was completed she brought it to rest across both her hands. “This is yours. As I am part of this world this sword is a part of me and I am a part of you now. Take hold.” She lowered her hands down to Steph offering it to him.

    “A part of you…” Steph did not accept the meaning immediately still entranced by what had just happened in front of him. This was what he had been seeking. He now had his own Zanpakuto. He took the sword from her hands feeling the heavy weight in his hands and staring at the beauty. His hands ran over the hilt and guard feeling the contours and form. “I still can’t believe it…”

    All the thoughts that ran through his mind slowed him down till he finally came to the realization. He looked up at the woman knowing now. “You…y-you’re…y-you-you…”

    The woman began laughing at the reaction that Steph had, as he finally understood who she actually was now. She bent down and picked him up holding him tightly. “Aww, through all that serious exterior you can still look so adorable.”

    “But you’re the…you’re my…”

    “Yep, you’re correct. I am the form of your Zanpakuto and this is your inner world in which I live.” Suddenly the sky that had been surrounding them fell away expanding the small space that had been concentrated. There was a vast field of green above him and there were thousands of sakura trees that Steph could not count them all. The central tree grew on a large mound that overlooked the entire field of trees seeing only a blanket of pink blossoms that blew in the wind. Steph suddenly found himself on the ground looking up at the sky that he had been so familiar with.

    “Ah!” Steph said as he clung to the grass and tree trunk hoping not to fall. He closed his eyes not wanting to see the upside down world and fearing for his life. Next to him the woman laughed and giggled at his reaction. Steph braved an eye seeing the woman casually standing on the ground as though it was normal to be upside.

    “You aren’t going to fall silly.”

    “But I’m on the ceiling er…ground…uh…”

    “Come on and open your eyes. It is safe see?”

    The woman lifted Steph up from his seat losing his hold on the trunk easily and forcing him to stand on his own. It took an awkward moment for him to accept it, but he opened his eyes looking around. That beautiful sea of pink was a sight for him to behold making him wish that he could stay forever. “Beautiful…”

    “I see you like it. This is your world.”

    “So all that time this wasn’t a dream?”


    “And you’ve actually been…”


    “I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out. It makes so much more sense.”

    “I’m glad to you have you back now. Even if you are still a child.” She sat down leaning against the trunk of the tree inviting him to share the spot. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

    Steph accepted and sat down leaning up against her with her wrapping her hands around him. There was a warm motherly feeling about her this time that he had missed that was not the same as before. “I remembered you said that before. You act as though you’ve known me as though I’ve been someone else.”

    “Perhaps…but there is still plenty of time for that. There will be time for those answers to come.”

    “But I can-“

    “No, those are answers for you learn on your own. For now let us just enjoy the view.”

    Steph felt like he could fall asleep content with everything at that moment. They spent their time simply watching the trees not moving a muscle. It had been too long since Steph could just relax and not be concerned about every detail of his life. He knew it would not last, but he wanted to enjoy it while he could. When it came time for him to return back he stared sorrowfully knowing that he would never find another place this beautiful. He looked back at the woman for just a moment having one question that he wanted an answer to before he left. “What is your name?”

    The woman looked at him a little distracted and then smiled. “Now that you hold me in your hands you should be able to hear. The answer is before you on the wind.” She motioned her hand out over the landscape.

    Steph was a little confused hoping for a straight answer, but stepped forward looking and waiting. He tried to listen to the wind like she said, but he heard nothing. ‘Beautiful…’ The wind burst up around him pulling out cherry blossoms carrying the fragrance to him making his head spin with the intoxication. He closed his eyes suddenly and whispered softly. “Adeyaka-sakura…” A voice in the wind agreed with him confirming before he realized what had happened. It took a minute for him to return to his senses and understand what had happened. “That’s your name, Adeyaka-sakura.”

    She nodded to him giving him that departing piece as he returned to the real world. Steph stood up suddenly jerking from his seated position looking around thinking that he had fallen asleep and it had all just been a dream. When he lifted up his hands it confirmed to him that it was not a dream and everything was real, especially his Zanpakuto. He unsheathed the sword allowing him to view the blade seeing the reflection of his face in the well polished metal. “Adeyaka-sakura…” The blade was returned to its protective sheath and he tested out the feel by lashing it over his back using the sash to set it in place. Steph turned around hoping to see it curious to see how it looked, but stopped shortly giving up. The hilt rose up over left corner of his shoulder meeting near to the top of his head while the sheath ended past the right side of his knee. It was not quite as long as he was tall, but it certainly came very close, not that he was very tall to start.

    Now that he was finished with the task he unsnapped the buckle and hid the Zanpakuto under his cloths for the return walk. He could not let them see his sword for another year. Anything he did had to be done in secret. “I will grow stronger…”

  6. #126
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    It was almost difficult to think that three years had past for him, but it was only almost. The passage of time was clear to him and he had been spending the days in the academy training himself harder. The fourth year had started for him taking him halfway through the standard curriculum. If he was actually growing stronger was difficult for him to know at times, but he tried not to let it affect him.

    Kagashi lifted himself up from his bed still feeling tired from the late night of zanpakuto training that he attempted. It had only been few days since they received their katana, but he did not want to lose anytime in starting. As he had seen for him in the past it usually was a more difficult road for him than others. The fatigue was only mental, but that did not mean it did not change the fact that he was moving slowly.

    He watched Steph pop out of his bed as though waking up was just the next motion of sleep. It aggravated him how quickly he just move from the bed into the bathroom getting there before him, even if he was still the entire room’s length away. Through half glazed eyes he meandered towards the bathroom figuring that by the time he made it over it would once again be free. Which sure enough was no truer spoke when Steph bounced out of the bathroom doorway with an obnoxiously bright wide smile that never seemed to end. Kagashi was pretty sure that Steph uttered a word, but his ears was even less awake then his eyes. It was far too early in the morning for the energy that Steph spent.

    The shower did little to improve his mood. Once he returned to the room everyone else had already left. The quiet space without any eyes looking at him was welcoming to him. But it did not help him any; he was still dead tired and needed to be awake for his classes. Kagashi trudged through the hallway tuning out the other students carrying on conversations. He was grateful that he was not awake enough to hear them or else he would have wanted to beat them senseless for giving him a headache.

    When he reached the cafeteria he saw the usual students and Tamashi off out of sight. He passed by Haruka at the edge of the table keeping his gaze forward ignoring her. There was a slight twinge in his shoulder the moment that he passed, but let it disperse through his arm. Naturally, Steph was nowhere to be seen since he never ate as long as Kagashi could remember. It meant that he did not have to see him making the morning a little easier to deal with. Once he had his meal he departed the cafeteria with enough food in his hands while he walked on. He was not in a mood for sitting and listening to the idle chatter of others; most of it was such drivel that it only aggravated him.

    Class did little to temper his mood, but keeping mute the entire day would do that. He disappeared into the halls falling into the shadows of the moon while the other students went to sleep. Kagashi stopped at a balcony needing some wind to clear the ill stench that he smelled. The wind carried the ends of his scarf up slamming his skin with a cold chill that he was glad to accept. He leaned at the railing looking around at the inner courtyard of the dormitory wings seeing most of the lights already out. There was one that still remained lit that grabbed his attention for a moment. He saw a figure through the window and turned away immediately unable to stand on the balcony feeling the ill stench returning. ‘Haruka…’

    Kagashi moved through the days spending some nights working on his training and others times taking it during the day when he had time. It seemed like it was going nowhere for him and there were already several who had achieved their zanpakuto form. Knowing that he was being left behind only made him push himself harder. He spent more time trying to get his zanpakuto, but failing.

    The top of the academy where he could feel the wind the strongest and connect to the sky was the place of his choosing. Almost no one visited the roof so it was a safe place for him to relax and meditate for his training. He had the sword placed in the middle of his feet that were cross letting the hilt and base of the sword rest again his shoulder. Kagashi held his hands together interweaving them holding the position unchanged in the strong winds for more than four hours. ‘Ugh…still nothing…what am I missing?’

    The sun was going down on the free day that he had and he needed some rest after the exhaustion that he put himself through this day. Kagashi stood up and jumped down to the closest balcony coming to a gentle landing surprising a couple of students. They looked at him questioningly before he walked off without a word.

    “Kagashi!” an annoying familiar voice from behind said calling out to him to stop. But he continued on pretending that he had not heard anything. It was not the end though as he could hear the footsteps that belonged to the voice running up to met him. “Kagashi!” Steph said close enough that Kagashi could not pretend anymore.


    “You coming back from training?” Steph took the time to catch up to him and stand next to him as Kagashi resumed walking down the hall.


    “Always short on words these days. Come on cheer up!” Steph said poking Kagash in the arm to get his attention. Kagashi remained unchanged not even looking at Steph as he stared at him with a pouting face that was supposed to be funny.

    Passing by them was two girls gossiping that took a long enough look at the two of them to giggle. They had the same thoughts that everyone did when they say Steph clinging to him. ‘Brother and sister…so cute…or two brothers…never changed…’ Kagashi eyes narrowed trying to ignore them and the others that were staring. He could not looked down at Steph or justify and acknowledge what he was doing. ‘Innocent after all this time still…he keeps doing this…’

    Kagashi pulled away from Steph turning down a split in the hall. “I need to do something.” He began walking off, but Steph grabbed at his hand holding him back surprising him a little.

    “Kagashi…” Steph said quietly with his silence carrying the words that he wanted to say. He held his head down looking at the ground keeping a tight hold on Kagashi’s hand.

    Kagashi did not know why he was frozen. He should have just kept moving on keeping a distance from Steph. Yet there was something in his silence that made Kagashi choke for a moment. “I must go…” He regained his composure and broke away from Steph’s weak hold and disappeared into the shadows. After a few steps he looked back seeing Steph still standing here with a blank face that carried a myriad of emotions that contradicted his joyful nature. Kagashi pounded his fist against the wall turning away. ‘How can you be like that? You’re always doing that…’

    Weeks passed on behind Kagashi and his training did not improve even after the numerous attempts that he made. Each time he failed he shouted to the sky in frustration. Tamashi had made progress and most of the others in his class. There was something in his way and he did not know what it was that held him back. It seemed to mock him and laugh at his very attempt to try. He was a mockery and he could not stand watching himself.

    However, he could not let his failures distract him right now. There was something else that he had to focus on that was requiring him immediately. The weekly bout between Steph and him had begun, though Kagashi was not sure why he continued. It seemed to be a habit that he could not stop that started back when Steph returned to the academy from his year absence. When he saw Steph then there was a noticeable change, but after a few days that seemed to be faded away. He returned back to the cheerful child that he had always been before making it seem like Steph had never really left. It appeared that the test had no lasting affects to him. The only thing that was different was his desire to keep learning and training. Only a week after he got back Steph had come up to asking to spar with him so that he could improve his skill with the sword. Kagashi doubted that he was a good person to train him, but Steph insisted and as he found that once Steph was set on something he would not let it go. And that began the two-year tradition that they had of sparring on the roof the academy.

    On the roof there were no interruptions from anyone, as they would have purposely have to come up to do it. They had plenty of room to fight in and there was even a little taste of danger if either of them got too close to the edge. At the start Kagashi was always at the advantage with Steph due to many reasons. However, over time Steph’s skill grew quickly, too quickly in fact. In only a short period of time he managed to bridge the gap that was between them. Kagashi still won all of their bouts, but it was always barely usually do his size that gave him more reach. It frightened Kagashi a little how much Steph improved in the only the two years. He was afraid that soon he would not be a match for him. Steph made it all seem so easy and natural for him as though swinging a sword was something that he had always done. Kagashi could not understand it.

    They had been going at it for only ten minutes, but they were already sweating. Kagashi managed to block the blow from Steph, but he could feel the strength behind it increasing. His sword left a stinging feeling through his hand that made him pull back to regroup. Steph did not wait charging in at him. ‘Reckless…still one thing that I can count on…’ Kagashi tracked his motion and judged his body as it moved towards him reading what he was going to do. ‘Leaving yourself open.’ Steph made his blow for Kagashi, but he stepped aside bringing his wooden sword down on Steph’s mid-section.

    “Not this time, Kagashi!” Steph suddenly dropped his foot giving him a rotation and changed his sword’s attack bringing it up for a parry using his right hand as grounding for the blow. He had block the counter to Kagashi surprise.

    ‘Adapting to his flaws…his talent is aggravating…’ Kagashi pushed back forcing Steph to the ground with the two swords groaning against the stress. His eyes narrowed reading a change in Steph’s body and leapt into the air as Steph struck back with his leg meant to knock Kagashi free. While Kagashi was in the air Steph followed through with his motion flipping backwards reaching to his feet. He leapt up to Kagashi clashing swords again pushing Kagashi through the air without any footing. The two hit the ground again breaking their struggle rolling into a ready stance. ‘I can’t lose to him…I can’t lose…I need something still…’

    The two stared down the other breathing heavily with their swords hung on the ground relaxed, but poised. Up to this point the fight had continued to be more or a less a draw. Kagashi managed to hold a little above Steph, but he was fighting stronger this time. It was all he could do just keep Steph at bay. ‘I need this…can’t lose…’

    They read each other’s slight movements and leapt up charging towards each other. Kagashi held his sword extended out to his side ready to strike as Steph held his back near to his body. ‘Steph!’ As they met their swords sprung into action swinging with all their strength remaining clashing together echoing throughout the buildings of the academy.

    ‘You wish to grow stronger?’ a voice said suddenly in Kagashi’s mind freezing time at the moment of sword smashed against the other. He blinked looking around trying to figure out where the voice had come from. There was something different surrounding leaving reality behind in the moment.

    ‘Who are you?’

    ‘Is simply existing enough?’

    ‘What do you want?’

    ‘Do you want to step out of the shadow?’

    ‘Shadow? What are you talking about?’

    ‘Are you satisfied?’

    ‘Satisfied? With what?’ Kagashi tried to look around, but there was nothing out there. The entire world was frozen, yet there was voice. It almost felt like it was coming from inside him. He was fighting; this did not make any sense. ‘Satisfied…no…I can’t be…’ Kagashi was not certain what this voice wanted, but there held something in its words that made him willing to reply.

    ‘Very well…’

    Time resumed just as sharply as it had stopped and the sword flew into the air landing with a clattered on the stone roof. “You won again, Kagashi. I’ll beat you someday.” Steph smiled at Kagashi and walked over to his sword.

    Kagashi stared at his sword not certain what had just happened. Everything was back to normal and Steph did not seem to notice a difference. ‘Was it just me that experience that? Who was that voice? And what did he want?’ Kagashi remained frozen trying to understand what had just happened.

    Steph placed a hand on Kagashi wrist trying to snap him out of his trance. He shook and recoiled himself back from being startled by Steph. “Kagashi? You feeling alright?”

    “Yeah…” Kagashi shook his head free and stood up straight looking down at Steph’s worried face. He narrowed his eyes trying to move past the expression. “I need to do something.” A feeling inside Kagashi was building up giving him a direction that he had not felt before. He needed to act on while he still had it strong.

    “But it hasn’t even been thirty minutes. What about sparring?”

    “We’ll spar again next week.” Kagashi jumped down from the roof to the balcony and rush off to his room. This feeling was growing stronger in him and he was certain of what he had to do. ‘It only makes sense…’ He picked up his katana from his room and departed once more, but suddenly remembered that he left Steph on the roof. It would not be good enough. He needed somewhere else to go and quick. Kagashi did not waste time while he thought running through halls to get out of the academy until his mind came up with a suitable location.

    Eventually, through no thought, but instinct he reached a rough cliff face that rose up to the sky. It seemed like the best substitute in this circumstance. He looked for a way up, but found that only a few flat surfaces were available for him. The obstacles did not matter to him and he began leaping from rock to rock until he came to the top. His body was still fatigued from the fight that he had with Steph with his muscles aching in protest from the overuse that he pressed on them.

    Kagashi thrust the katana and sheath into the rock surface keeping its place while he prepared himself. He knelt down slowly breathing to bring his body under control. The aching was striking at him threatening his concentration, but he would not allow it to interrupt him at this point. When he was ready he opened his eyes piercing his stare through the katana making it the focal point for him. Surroundings slowed down and the wind ceased. The clouds did not move and the echoes of life paused.

    It felt as though he was pulled in towards the sword suddenly dragged into an empty void of black where he was left to float. This was not like other times. Things were different this time. The void suddenly flashed white and changed bringing up something from his past.

    It was the first day that he joined the academy and the entrance exam that he had to take. “Why am I seeing this?” He saw himself in line with the other students all of them looking young and innocent. That was the first day that he met Fukumi. It almost made him smile thinking back to that moment when she chided him on his self-centered attitude. ‘She was right then. I wasn’t the only one suffering. I carried the burden with me pushing on thinking that was the only one. But no one could understand the pain, no one but me.’ He narrowed his expression trying to hold back the memories of his parents. They had been buried deep where they could not hurt him. He did not want them to surface again. It was necessary. ‘No more…I don’t want to see…’

    The memory faded away and he saw his room now. He was standing there with Tamashi, but it could have been anytime. Kagashi watched with curiosity at the meaning of this next memory. When he looked closer he saw the door to their room opening.

    “Time to rest!” Steph said excited until he paused in step.

    Kagashi drew back in surprise. ‘The first time I saw Steph in ten years…so carefree…still is…’

    “Upper classmen Mitsu!” Steph paused looking around seeing that the Tamashi was in the room as well. The innocent mistake made him laugh a little remembering how confused he got. “I’m sorry for interrupt you, Upper classmen Mitsu! I didn’t know that you were staying in the same room.”

    “We aren’t in school anymore. You can just say Kaiigaiishi now.”

    “But I…well I guess I can, Kaiigaiishi.”

    “Why are you so short, you like the same when you were alive?”

    “Oh this? Yeah, seems I haven’t aged a day while I was here. No one understands it, but I don’t mind. I’ve gotten used to it.”

    ‘Even with the unexplained it didn’t seem to rattle him. Nothing seemed to make him angry.’ Kagashi looked away from it suddenly feeling the tension in his body growing from looking at him. He threw his arm out trying to cut it away from his sight. “That’s in the past! The past! That’s not how it is anymore.”

    The new memory faded away and gave way to yet another. ‘More? How much more of this is going to show me? And why?’ This time he could see the cafeteria, but once more it could have been just any time. However, when it focused on him he remembered what memory this truly was. ‘Haruka…’ It was the time that met Haruka again since then. They were having a meal after a class. ‘She asked me about my reasons as well…revenge…she seemed to understand on some level. Or so thought…but she didn’t understand anything…she didn’t understand me…she just toyed with my feelings and tossed my aside when she got bored…’ Kagashi closed his eyes not wanting to look anymore. The memories were becoming too painful for him to recall. They were digging too deep into his heart. He had to keep the wall up or else everything would fall apart. ‘Haruka…no…she never cared…never understood…go away! G-go…a-away…’ Kagashi’s body bent over feeling the emotions rising up as he fought to keep them in check. ‘Don’t show me anymore! I don’t want to see!’

    His request was not answered as the memory faded still more came to take its place. The flash pulled him back forcing him to open his eyes to see what was next for him. He knew what it was this time a moment that he could not forget. It was the final day in the entrance exam during the swordsmanship class. He watched Steph get knocked down by the instructor and move on. However, Steph had other things in mind. He had charged at the instructor violating the rules and getting him immediately failed from the test. ‘That was the moment I thought he had changed forever and as the day continued I was certain of it. That was when I became clearly aware of the difference between him and me. He was not like the others. I wouldn’t go so far to call him a prodigy or anything…no he was not that gifted. But there certainly something different about him and it stood out that day. Everything changed that day…’ Kagashi moved back starting to grow ill from seeing the scene before him. It made his muscle tense to keep watching.

    ‘Steph left after that day and for a year no one heard anything from him. I didn’t know what to think, but I figured he was safe if he had survived for ten years on his own. I was afraid though of him…I feared what he would be when he returned. How much different would he be with the innocence lost? Would he let the hunger for revenge and power swallow him up? Would he become…I didn’t want him to be…he was different, he shouldn’t follow that path…’ Kagashi paused with the weight the memory pressing against him roughly forcing it upon him.

    ‘But then he came back and completely unchanged. Yet he was stronger, but had avoided the path that I…he passed the entrance pass and entered the academy behind me. I was glad that he was unchanged, that he had managed to overcome it. But he continued to improve…it was so easy for him…’ His body tensed more with anger starting to build through him. Kagashi ground his teeth together thinking about it. A flash over his body broke him suddenly and he relaxed. “No…I shouldn’t…Steph is…no…”

    “If you’re not going to tell people what the hell is wrong with you then quit moping around and being cynical! Do you really think your life was just as hard as everyone elses? Take a look around! No one here has had it easy! The rest of us deal with it in our own ways, so you need to too! And another thing! How can you let people treat you like crap? Quit being a frickin coward!” Fukumi’s voice shouted at him as he struggled with the conflicting emotions running through him.

    ‘Fukumi…but I…’ Kagashi grabbed his head in his hands trying to pull out the thoughts that were pounding on his mind. He could not think only feel raw emotions slowly pouring out from him. Anger flashed over him replaced by contempt and then pity. He could not control what was happening.

    More memories played for him flashing through the times that he had with Steph each one eliciting a different emotion from him. He could not handle everything that he was feeling. It felt like his head was going to explode. “Argh…Steph…it came naturally…to you…but I had to work hard…I-I was happy you found a different path. But I was jealous…jealous…” Kagashi hung on the word feeling as though he was sudden released from it hold on him. “I was jealous of you. You took the path I couldn’t. I…I…it made me angry just to look at you. You were a year behind me and yet you are nearly my equal now. You aren’t motivated by anything, yet you surpass me. Why?! Why is it?! Steph, you make me afraid. You make fear you. Envy, spite, anger…Steph, I hate you!” Kagashi could feel the weights pealing off of him piece by piece. The wall around his heart was cracked and he felt the pain that stabbed at it. All the buried emotions finally came to the surface bring tears to his eyes. “No, I’m supposed to be your friend…I hate you, but I have to support you…n-no…w-why…why…why…”

    Kagashi fell silent holding himself together by merely a thread. He wrapped his arms around his legs pulling them up tightly against his chest. His head dropped to his knees and he closed his eyes. The conflict in his heart was too much for him to handle even with the release of everything it did not bring any resolution to his dilemma. No longer having the weight did not solve the greater issue that tortured him in his sleep each night. This was not an answer; this was just a nightmare to torture him further.

    A flash from the void came to him, but he did not want to look. He refused to acknowledge any further the pain was too much already for him. “Kagashi!” Steph’s voice said echoing through the void. Hearing Steph’s voice shook his body making his arms weaken for a moment, but he held fast against looking. “Kagashi? Kagashi!” Steph’s voice repeated over and over again ceaseless echoing through the void drowning him in the torment. The child had caused him so much suffering and remained completely oblivious to the situation. “Kagashi?”

    “Please, stop it! I can’t anymore of it!”

    “Kagashi? Kagashi?”

    He struggled to keep what little resolve he had left to not look at the memory that was trying to be forced on him. This was not what he wanted when he came here. This was not how it was supposed to be. “Why?!” Kagashi pulled his head back his eyes looking at the memory left with no choice, but to be driven insane. When he looked at the image his eyes widened in shock at what he saw. It was repeated memories of Steph talking to him across the years, but there was something about them that he did not remember.

    Steph was always happy and cheerful. His voice never wavered and he remained unchanged, but that was not what he was seeing now. Even though Steph looked happy beneath it all he was hiding something else. Kagashi recognized that look, the look that covered up feelings and emotions. It was the look that disguised all of the pain that you were feeling so that the others around you would not worry. “Revenge…” Kagashi let himself fall down. “You did change…I couldn’t see it…you didn’t take a different path…”

    “Why…you were supposed to be different from me…” Kagashi shouted into the void shattering it into pieces dropping the last pieces of the barrier over his heart. He was left exposed and vulnerable. “Steph…Haruka…Fukumi…Tamashi…”

    “Now you are ready.”

    “Huh?” Kagashi looked around searching in the nothingness for the source of the voice. He quickly recognized it as he voice that he had heard before. “What do you want?” The emptiness was suddenly swallowed up by a brilliant white light that blinded him. When the light faded and Kagashi could see again there was a field of clouds stretched out before him. All around him was nothing, but clouds. He could feel the wind blowing against him pulling up his scarf. His uniform was back and he seemed to be feeling normal again as though everything before had been a bad dream.

    “What do you want?”

    “I asked you first!”

    “That is not for me to answer, but for you.”

    “What was that before, was that you?”

    “One can’t grow when blinded and bound by the weight of conflicting moralities. Those had to be cut.”

    “So it was you!” Kagashi shouted to the formless clouds searching for the voice. However, whenever it spoke it echoed from all sides leaving him lost as to the true direction. He turned about hoping that he could find a change or detail that might point it out. There was nothing to find, but boundless clouds. “Had to be cut? For what?”

    “Are you satisfied with simply existing?”

    It was the question that he had heard before that he had answered. Was this the process for him? Was all of that simply for him to reach this point? He did not want to just exist; living was not enough. “No, existing is not enough. I’m not satisfied with being an…I’m not an OBSERVER!”

    “Good.” The clouds began to move shifting with substance making Kagashi nearly lose his footing. A divide split the mass spreading it outward into an uneven plain. Slowly the clouds changed into land, snow covered land that at the edges trailed off as clouds. At the center a white glow came from the ground rising above into the sky until it began to take form. Out of the sphere came wings and feathers it stretched out to make the elongated form of a bird. The tail was the last growing well beyond normal as a flat white sheet almost that blew in the breeze. The feathers changed from white to a beautiful azure matching the sky. “I am from the cold winds and I am no form given shape. I am never the same, but true. An honest true soul can only wield me.”

    ‘Wield…true…is there such a person? I can’t be honest with myself…’

    “Do not lie to yourself and no matter how different you are you will always find yourself.”

    ‘He showed that all to me so that I could be honest…I have to accept what has come…my memories can’t lie to me…’ Kagashi closed his eyes for a moment to gather his determination. When he was ready he stretched out his hand looking at the bird. “Let me learn to be true like the wind. Guide me and I will be honest to my feelings. Accept me and I will wield you!”

    “Stay true and the arctic winds will not fail you.” The wind suddenly gusted up making it nearly impossible for him to see in front. Between them the winds were gathering and calling up the snow from the ground compressing it. Kagashi shielded his eyes while trying to watch what was happening. Once he saw the shape of a hilt and guard it became clear to him. Pure wind snow packed together making the blade until it was complete and finished by becoming metal and cloth. The sword hung in the air complete with a light blue cloth wove around the hilt and a pure white sheath.

    Kagashi raised his hand up to take hold of the sword feeling almost like he was pulling it from someone’s grasp. He took the Zanpakuto closer to him viewing the guard as a thick gold eight-pointed star that almost looked like a snowflake. He drew the blade from its sheath feeling its weight in his hand.

    “Now you can hear my name, Erimaki no Konpekihane!”

    He stared at the blade and through to the bird. He repeated the name almost entranced. “Erimaki no Konpekihane.” Once he returned the blade back to the sheath the world faded away. He stood up from the rock surface staring at the transformed katana in his hand. ‘I succeeded…’ Kagashi walked back to his room with many thoughts blazing through his mind trying to sort them out. So much had happened while he was conversing with his spirit that he did not know what he should do next. He knew that he promised, but it was easy to say that after what he had to experience. Reality was another thing entirely.

    His room was empty for the moment allowing him to privately place his Zanpakuto from his waist to a resting spot next to his bed. It seemed a little strange to just leave it like that, but Zanpakuto were not allowed to be carried during class and he needed it to be somewhere close. Kagashi approached the door needing some air to think upon. However, the door opened on its own showing Steph into the room. Kagashi froze for a moment not certain how he should act.

    “Hey, Kagashi! You’re back.” Steph gave him that beaming smile that he always did, but Kagashi could see through it now. It made him almost sad for a moment.

    “I’m back, Steph.” He stepped out of the room around Steph leaving him a little confused. “I need some air. I’ll be back later.”


    Kagashi walked off hearing the door close. He was not sure how well that went, but he was not blinded for once. The feeling was…different. It was the best he could describe since he did not know if it was the best or not yet. ‘To be honest…I’ll work on it, but the past can’t be erased or changed. My feelings even if I acknowledged them will not change in a moment. Steph, I hate you…’

  7. #127
    Registered User Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Lady Rika's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    The azure sky wasn’t surprising, it was so usual for the world around her to at least look pretty but peering past the academy and deep into other districts showed true life. Real life wasn’t beautiful, ‘But now…’ Belladonna ran her fingers across the soft grass letting it intertwine on her slender hand. ‘Should I let this warmth sink in, this beauty?’ She never went to any other place to relax or escape; this of many courtyards was her favorite. Few people would dwell here being it was smaller with no ponds and minimal décor but still it remained hers alone. At least in her mind.
    Her green eyes widened when the door to the courtyard slid open letting out two girls giggling happily. Belladonna knew one of them but not by name, the girl was in one of her classes and was easily recognized by her loud voice and dark red hair.

    “I can’t wait till meet up tonight!” She laughed loudly, giving the girl near her a huge smile that made Belladonna’s face hurt.

    “Be quiet, someone might hear you!” Her friend barked yet she too was causing attention to herself, “Damn Noki!”

    “Oh relax, there’s no one here anyways.”

    Belladonna didn’t know if she should be pleased or hurt, though she did make an effort to keep herself unnoticed every now and then a pang of loneliness would attack her. Though the girl’s voices and ridiculous actions made her head shake it did sink in that she would never be like that. She would never have friends much less someone with an emotional connection to. Her teachers would speak to her but other than that it was silence, her life was silence. ‘I wonder if one day I will forget how to speak.’ Belladonna remembered her mother but it was a tender subject she tried not to think about. She knew her mom wasn’t dead, but thoughts of her would pop up and she would be forced to deal with them.
    Memories; ‘I remember our pet bird but not the kind it was…but he used to sing the loveliest of songs.’ Flashes went ramped in her mind, the way he always seemed to find his way out of the small white cage so he could fly around the room. He always seemed to fly away from the ceiling fan except for that one day. When it hit him in the neck.
    ‘I thought it had broken but he lived though the rest of his little life was pained.’ She rubbed her temples, trying to forget all these memories was hard and it hurt her head when they randomly came up. But the bird, why her pet?
    ‘Because he never sang again.’ She admitted to herself, ‘Is that me? Never to sing…’

    Belladonna leaned her head back up against the tree, looking up at the leaves waiting for them to fall. The wind that flirted around with the trees bountiful arms would soon drop a leaf or two down upon her head or somewhere nearby. She liked gentle things, soft little things that she could hold in her hands and never let go. Leaves are doomed the very minute they depart from the tree so why not give them a tender touch before they curl up and wait to die? She rubbed her cheek against the rough bark letting it entrance her into a comfort unknown to many; she had decided long ago that it would be here where she would meditate to her sword. This would be the place that would change her life forever, changing her from what she was into a new being. No longer weak and afraid, now the years that passed had made her strong. Living in the Rukongai, going to the academy…she was not the timid, beaten down little girl anymore.

    ‘There it goes.’ She let a tiny smile slip around on her face as a leaf fell slowly down waltzing in the wind. The memories had finally stopped running around now slowed in a corner somewhere. Belladonna reached her hand out and grabbed at the air till the leaf happily jumped into her hand.

    It was soft and the veins stretching across its small body and its green beauty saddened her a little. It wasn’t very fair that it had to die, yet it was also sad that she felt sad for something as minimal as a leaf. Or any other life, it all was important. To that of a human to a mere leaf on the cold ground, it all held life and deserved to be protected. Another reason she couldn’t wait to get her Zanpakuto, to protect and save lives. She would no longer be the victim and neither would anyone else for that matter.
    Belladonna pressed the leaf to her heart and sighed stretching her legs out to get more comfortable. She didn’t find her silence to wrong obviously it has paid off in her schooling; she was good at nearly everything she did. Her Kido was the best of her abilities while the sword was her second and she took pride in her power now. She would like to go train with her ‘friends’ and show off some of her newly acquired powers but that would only lead to pain. They would in the end betray her and use her weakness to their advantage. ‘They will always do that.’

    The two girls grew bored with the small courtyard quickly, not seeing the beauty in the quiet place. “Come on, there’s another door over there and its closer to my room!” The two walked around the stone path and onto the soft grass getting closer to her.
    “So should I—
    “I know exactly what you’re going to say and let me tell you, don’t do it!”
    Belladonna watched them get closer to her she felt the hair rise up on the back of her neck and quickly she became somewhat afraid of them. Besides trying to be unseen, being scared of them was also an anonymous thing people would never know about them.
    The red haired girl yawned and while not paying attention stumbled over Belladonna’s leg.
    “Whoa! That was close.” She tried to laugh it off but was clearly embarrassed. “Damn tree!” And without any other words they went through the door and disappeared.

    Belladonna lowered her head again, her blonde hair soon hiding her face from the world around her. She didn’t understand why she suddenly started being a little sad when things like that happened; it was what she always wanted. All these years that she tried so hard to accomplish finally came true so she shouldn’t be complaining or thinking too deeply on the subject.
    Speaking was overrated anyways, as were friends and lovers.
    Who needed that kind of hurt, not her, not anymore!

    ‘I guess I am more like my bird then I thought I was.’ Belladonna released the leaf, letting it fall in her lap. Instead now she embraced her face with her cool hand. It was soft and the scars she used to have were gone, running her fingers over her lips she wondered if words would ever come out again. Maybe she would forget to speak. She removed her fingers and opened her mouth. It was light and mentally painful but she found the strength to speak in the end.
    “I never will sing again will I?”
    The silence of the courtyard didn’t surprise her as the wind continued to blow, the only one who would hear those words would be the tree she rested on and the grass that listened to those whom were lost.

  8. #128
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    'Another day, a sunny day, in a world of endless days, on a path whose beginning was so far away that it was out of sight, and whose end may never be found. That is the place where it all begins again.

    Three years. Has it really already been so long? It's all been a blur, with each endless day running into the next, thrusting me ahead without any conscious sort of consent on my part...the repetition of it all makes the important things stand out just that much more, that much clearer. It's like splashing red paint onto a pure, white wall.

    I'm supposed to be meditating, and yet here I am narrating, as if there's someone here to listen. I suppose I have to focus on that "light at the core of my being," now...

    It truly was an exceptionally sunny day, and that glowing orb shone it's cruel, scorching rays down upon a small courtyard near the center of a large, complex, and important looking building. This small plot of land was colored deep greens and blues from the existence of a little man-made stream and the mosses that were allowed to grow all around it. A strong, green tree occupied the courtyard's center with a low, flat rock at its base. On this rock sat a pale skinned woman, her eyes pressed firmly closed and her delicate mouth set in a scowl. A long, plain looking katana rested in front of her crossed legs.

    "What is this..." she muttered, clearly annoyed. "Take the katana, meditate in a place of your choosing, focus only on the source of your spiritual energy...concentrate! They want us to concentrate!" The woman continued to growl out any and every complaint she could possibly think of while the stream that ran across the courtyard babbled kindly and serenely. "So, of course I choose a calming looking courtyard....but that damn stream won't let me think!" She had been attempting to accomplish her goal for some weeks now, but each day she had tried and failed to make much progress. She had found at least a million ways it didn't work now, and she was beginning to think that one special way didn't exist.

    The woman picked up the katana and held it above her head, at arm's length. She cocked her head to the side, and her long, black hair that had been pulled back into a loose ponytail slid across her back. "Why won't you speak to me?" She asked it softly. Then she laughed, a low, warm sound. "What am I doing, talking to a sword and complaining to the courtyard? I think all this sitting in one place is finally driving me crazy..." The woman stood up, katana still in hand, and her hair shifted once again. "Might as well go get a cup to tea or something to try and relax...then I have to come back and do more of this..."

    Haruka never thought that obtaining her zanpakuto would be so difficult. Meditating in itself was quite the task, as her mind was inclined to wander in any and every direction it could possibly conceive, but focusing on transferring her energy into a katana while meditating...

    With a sigh, Haruka-Hyourin Tokoyami left the sunny courtyard.


    And the morning sun rose. It rose over the land, spreading its tender rays across the entirety of Soul Society. And he rose within the barracks of the sixth division, warming mornings of the officers with his smile. He walked along the buildings, greeting all that he could with his kindness. He believed that everyone deserved to start their day with a smile, and refused to neglect a soul. The second sun, the tall, black haired man with a porcelain face and a warm smile that was so bright that it threatened to melt the rest of him away, was the one and only Chikai-Asahi Tokoyami. Known to most as "Third Seat Tokoyami," Chikai-Asahi was a beam of light in his serious division.

    And even in the early hours of this promising new day, Asahi was alert and ready for work. He was to be assigned a new mission today, and was supposed to report to Byakuya-taicho's office as son as he was able. The young third seat knew that keeping his taicho waiting would be beyond impolite, and so as soon as he was up, he was on his way.

    Byakuya's room was plain and formal, with a desk on your right as you walked in the door. And it was in the direction of this desk that Asahi bowed as he entered the room, as Byakuya would undoubtedly be sitting behind it.

    "Third Seat Tokoyami Chikai, reporting in, sir."

    Byakuya remained silent as Asahi straightened up. He stared at his third seat intensely, as if he was reassuring himself that this was the man for...whatever job it was Asahi was about to receive. "As one of your status should already be aware, Captains Ran Aragai, Saigo Arashi, and Fumei Mikomi are...relatively new in their positions. Considering our past luck with certain individuals, the Captain-Commander has ordered that I choose someone to keep tabs on the three captains."

    "Not the second division, sir?" Asahi inquired.

    "The Captain-Commander feels that, should any of them have reason to be suspicious of us, they would see the second division coming before they had a chance."

    "But no one will suspect us."

    "Least of all, you."

    "Me, sir?" Asahi asked, genuinely puzzled.

    "It is no great secret that our division loves you. Why would such a trustworthy face have anything more to offer than friendship?"

    "With all due respect, sir, this may put me in a precarious position."

    "No one will doubt you, Chikai."

    Asahi frowned, then, but bowed to Byakuya to express his consent to the mission.

    "Mikomi-taicho is first."

    With a polite nod, Asahi walked from the room. He would watch over these captains. He would try to earn their trust and draw any secrets that they might impart from their lips, but those secrets he would not keep. He didn't like being put into a position of such deceit, but Kuchiki-taicho had entrusted this job to him, and he respected his captain's judgement. For the sake of the Gotei Thirteen, he would keep watch over these captains. But no one would know.

  9. #129
    "Although it has only been a few years since the Fates orchestrated our destined meeting, it feels like an eternity with you. We have braved through thick and through thin, overcoming challenge after challenge. Now we reach a major point in both our lives. Not even the Fates can change our path which they laid the first stones for, because through the infinite river of time, our love shines brighter than even the brightest of stars."

    Only three years have past since Mugen, Rei, and the children who died that day on Mt. Fuji enrolled into the Soul Reaper Academy. Mugen had taken the path of the lover, ever since he and Rei first met, an invisible bond between them remained unscarred through their experiences. As usual for most people in the Soul Society, Mugen really had not interracted much with his fellow classmates except one but for only a brief time. His mind had been on two things. One had been his marriage to Rei.

    The wedding was beautiful. It took place in a ceremonial meadow filled with perfect rows of cherry blossom trees. Everyone wore white ceremonial clothes, Mugen and Rei's clothes seemed to shine in the morning sunlight. Although most of the academy knew of the marriage through several gossiping girls. Not all came. Several of Rei's and Mugen's friends from calss came and several first year instructors. "Not everyday do two promising students marry in the Academy", said one instructor. Mugen hoped that some of his friends from when he was alive showed, but he could not see them. For most of the time, his eyes were fixed onto his love's. His silver eyes reflected the sun and appeared golden. Her green eyes became brighter and her eyeliner seemed to brighten them even more. When the time came when the minister said: "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Mugen Tsukiakari. You may kiss the bride." Mugen kissed Rei more meaningfully than before. Time had stopped for the lovers... but the Fates still have their strings tied to all, even them.

    Soon after the wedding came the accuisition of Zanpakutou's. When the Soul Reapers-in-training were given their katanas. The first thing came out of Mugen's mouth was "How dreadfully dull". The plain swords were all the same, same blade length, same guard, and same handle. He was reprimanded and lectured about how his soul will make his sword unique.

    "You are to take your blades and focus your soul to draw out the power of the Zanpakuto. In order to do this, you are to meditate in a secluded location, whether it be your dorms, or somewhere else, go somewhere quit and where no one else will disturb you. This process can be physically weakening, so I do not suggest you push yourselves to hard. That is all."

    Mugen and Rei both went to where they were married. It was the perfect location to train. It was out of the way and open. No one else went there. It was just them two. They took turns training, while Mugen meditated, Rei played a soft song on her flute. While Rei was meditating, Mugen was singing softly. During one time of meditation, Mugen came close to entering his "inner world". He thought to himself "Why can I only get into my inner world involuntarily so easily? Man, this is such a drag."

  10. #130
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Wandering the road of life.
    “Test day!” Mizuki said excitedly to himself. “It’s time to show what I got.” He continued. Mizuki had gotten up bright and early to get himself ready for the long tests ahead of him. “Well, time to eat before my first test.” Mizuki said, and headed for the cafeteria. He hoped that he would have a big breakfast before his first test. That way he would be ready for anything, no matter what the shinigami tests threw at him.


    The first test for Mizuki was swordsmanship. This was what Mizuki was best at, so he felt confident in his abilities. He watched as the rather large male instructors with funny dark hair get up from his small chair. “Alright, it is time to begin the first test.” He said in a loud and gruff voice. The instructor announced that everyone was to get into three separate lines. Mizuki was in the second, towards the back.

    As the instructor mentioned the exercises for the test, which were, deflecting an attack, initializing, and succeeding in a few attacks, Mizuki examined his opponent. “Hmmm, I bet I can do this fairly easy.

    When it finally became Mizuki’s turn, he motioned for his opponent to start off. Perhaps it looked a little arrogant, but Mizuki didn’t like to start any engagements, that way he could get a good look at his opponent’s strength. In just a few moments Mizuki was already done with his test, and he watched the rest of his competition, to see their limits. There were some very good competitors.


    The next test was kidou. Now this was an ability that Mizuki had enjoyed learning. He only had to demonstrate a few spells, and then he could move on to his next test.

    The instructor here was a blonde woman. When Mizuki’s turn came up, he flawlessly performed all of his spells. Now it would be time for his next test, shunpo.


    Shunpo was not Mizuki’s best ability, but he was fairly confident in his abilities. He needed to do the best he could so that he would undoubtedly become a shinigami.

    This instructor a tall, thin man, with short brown hair and glasses. The instructor announced that there would be two jumps, one followed by the second one, and that they would be carrying two sticks, and they were to drop these sticks the moment they landed, one for each jump.

    When Mizuki’s turn came he got two sticks from the instructor, and focused all of his energy to his feet. Mizuki could not lose this feeling of excitement every time he performed shunpo. He performed his first shunpo, dropped a stick, and then the next, and dropped his other stick.

    The first leap was 4.4 feet, and the next was 5.3 feet, a total of 9.7. Not bad, he had improved some from all of his training. Now it was time for the final test, the written test.


    Mizuki entered a classroom, and found an empty desk to sit in. He was early and there were only a few test takers and the instructor in the classroom. The instructor was a small framed, dark haired woman. She didn’t look excited about the test.

    Once the rest of test takers were there, the instructor passed the test around.

    “The second release of a Zanpakuto is________________”


    This was an easy one, Bankai of course. Mizuki was glad to see that the test was not that hard.

    “Who is the assistant captain of squad six?”

    *Ikakku Madamare
    *Iba Tetsuzaemon
    *Renji Abarai
    *Toushiro Hitsuguya

    Another easy one, Renji Abarai of course.

    “Who is the captain of Squad twelve?”

    *Mayuri Kurosutchi
    *Jushiro Ukitaki
    *Byakuga Kuchki
    *Nemu Kurosutchi

    Once again, too easy, Mayrui was the obvious answer. The entire test seemed pretty easy, except for what seemed like a few stupid questions.


    The next test was hand-to-hand combat. A bald instructor shouted for everyone to form two lines. Mizuki was in the second.

    Mizuki’s turn finally came, he was not an expert at hand-to-hand combat, but he knew enough to get him by.


    Finally all the tests were over, and Mizuki was confident that he had passed. He now put his complete focus into eating on the buffet line in front of him. The next test was to see if he could feel the giant hole where his stomach was, caused by all the test taking he endured today.


    Over the next week, Mizuki went to all of his classes, studying and training as much as possible. He tried to make sure that he was at the top of his class.

    Mizuki had one C class, Hand to hand. Shunpo and History of Soul Society were both B classes. Swordsmanship, Nature of Zanpakuto, and kidou were his A classes.

    Mizuki really enjoyed his swordsmanship class; he had quite an advantage because of all of his prior training. That being said, his favorite class was kidou. He had picked up kidou quite fast, and he was very well at it.

    -------------------- Three years later ----------------------------

    The next three years passed by Mizuki in a blur. Most of it was spent on training and studying. Mizuki was trying so hard to obtain his zanpakuto. He spent night and day trying to acquire its power. Mizuki never imagined that it would be so hard to obtain a zanpakuto. He wondered how there were so many shinigami when it was so hard to get a zanpakuto.

    Everyday, Mizuki would travel down the halls of the academy, down to a pretty empty courtyard. He noticed just one small tree, towards the back of the courtyard.


    Today was a particularly exhausting day for Mizuki. He was at his courtyard, meditating, as usual, and with no found results. “Nothing I do works! How am I possibly going to do this? I’ve been at this for weeks now, and I still haven’t done anything!” Mizuki angrily said. He felt like his head was about to explode. It was time for a break, so he headed back into the academy, so he could go to his room, and his bed. He was longing for that after another exhausting day.

    ooc: Finally! I've caught up.
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 11-12-2008 at 11:54 PM.

  11. #131
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries
    A heavy tone of ringing soared throughout my veins and grew louder as I felt my very soul being torn out from under my body. Tears ran down my sister's face as she held out her arm to try and grasp my hand. She went farther and farther away from me. I couldn't reach her hand. The sharp ringing sound continued to pulse through my ears. I felt like my ear drums would burst if I heard anymore of that horrible sound. I covered my ears as best as I could, but the sound was ever punishing and pulsed and pulsed through to the depths of my ears, reverberating to my brain.

    The sound kept pulsating and I couldn't stand the pain anymore, being separated from my sister and brought into a white, fiery realm. I couldn't see. I couldn't hear my surroundings. I became blind to whatever place I was brought in to. But then the white became red. The fire began to dance and swirl around me. Then a very large gust of wind dissipated the fire around me and carried me into the air. I could fly. The sky was full of grey clouds and I easily flew into the puffs of water as the wind continued to caress me and carry me. Soft, cool dew drops kissed my face as I flew through the clouds.

    That was when the wind slowly took shape into something discernible. Arms embraced my body as a beautiful feminine face smiled ever so lovingly at me. Her demeanor distantly reminded me of someone I once knew, but my memories have been oh so fuzzy. The rest of the wind that engulfed me took shape as well, into the woman's torso and legs, and very vast wings that carried us through the sky.

    As we continued to fly through the sky, the clouds became a light green. I also caught sight of her legs that brushed against mine. Her feet were not those of a normal human being, but those of a hawk. I also noticed her hair was a lush light brown with tints of blonde. Her scent of pine filled my nose, as the suffering I endured all washed away as she embraced me. That was when she spoke to me.

    “You have a vast amount of strength within you, child. With my help, you can have it all within your grasp, and be able to control it. However...” she glanced away from me for but a few seconds and gave me a weak smile.

    “However, I also sense a darkness within you. I cannot aid you when it comes to this. I can only give you some advice. And that is to always follow your true heart. However, that may be difficult at times, as you have multiple wills inside of you. I just hope they all are as wise and as kind as you. For if but one is brazen and foul enough, the darkness will engulf you.”

    My jaw hung open at her advice and lecture, “I.. Multiple wills? Wh...What do you--?”

    Before I could get my say in, the world flashed in a bright white light as a person's face formed through the fading light. They looked familiar somehow. Her silver and black hair that flowed down her back, and her large breasts that were pressed against my hand. I felt her heart race in anxiety.

    “Shino? Are you all right? Can you hear me?”

    Through my blurred vision, I raised my other hand and wiped the tears from her eyes. I let a half smile form on my lips as I sat up and ran my fingers through her long hair. That was when I noticed my arms and hands. They were more toned than before. My thighs were larger than before, but more refined. I hastily took my hand from Mai and I felt my chest and its much smaller breasts than before. I also noticed a small six pack on my torso. I ran my tongue along my teeth and felt that lucky fang I've always had. My vision's blur subsided and I could see clearly now.

    Though now that I was fully aware of my surroundings, I felt a huge aura emanate from me.

    I saw Mai wince in discomfort as she struggled to stay upright, but fell to her knees. That was when I noticed she wasn't the only one with me. The caretakers and assistants all fell to their knees from what seemed like an invisible wall of pressure. That was when I remembered where I was.

    “Oh, right. I'm a shinigami-in-training. This is my reiatsu...” I thought to myself as I glanced around nervously and blushed. I stuck my tongue out in a “stupid me” manner. A strange man I remembered to be Mayuri-taichou handed me a familiar looking eye-patch that seemed to be modified since I last saw it.

    I shook my head and proclaimed that I could control myself.

    I let out a deep sigh and took in a deep breath. I stood up from the bed and closed my eyes. I spread out my legs and put together the palms of my hand. That was when I recalled my favorite classical song to aid in my concentration.

    I entwined all my fingers but my index fingers and my thumbs and created a triangle with them. My lips mumbled a Taoist incantation I had known all of my life. I let out another sigh as the emanating pressure lifted and vanished.

    Everyone stood up and straightened themselves. Mai shifted her hair behind her ears as I opened my eyes and ran my fingers through my short, fiery hair. Unlike her, my hair was short enough that having it over my ears was no bother to me. By the time I had finished my ritual, Mayuri-taichou had already gone. I shrugged and continued to stretch and yawn. Everything seemed to be all right now. That was when Mai resumed her worry and engulfed my face into her large bosom. Now I know how Haruka feels.

    “I was so worried when you didn't wake up right away. I slapped your cheeks, but you just wouldn't wake up. It took at least fifteen minutes for you to wake up. What happened?”

    “I don't know, but... I had an interesting encounter with what I think to be my zanpakutou spirit, but before I could respond to her warnings, I woke up. I didn't even get to find out her name yet. Though I suppose if I were meant to know it, she would have said it to begin with.”

    Mai smirked and ran her fingers through my hair and caused it to flow over my eyes. I scowled and rolled my eyes as I parted my hair. I noticed that my hair was also back to its original color; red.

    I let out a thankful sigh and looked up at the clock in the room. I panicked when I saw what time it was.

    “What day is it?! Aren't we late for class?!”

    Mai put her fingers over my lips and shook her head, “Don't worry sister, today's Sunday. Our classes don't officially start until tomorrow. Though today is the day that we are handed our katana. Yours is right by mine at the door. You feeling all right now?”

    “Mm..I'm fine.” I lied. The encounter with the spirit still bothered me. I wondered what she meant that I had many wills. I cracked my neck and walked over to the door way and picked up my katana. Now that my full potential of talents and skills have returned to me, the first objective on my to do list that I decided to fulfill was to drop by the Hand to Hand sensei I had in my first year; and coincidentally, my second year as well.

    I began to wonder if he would also be my third year sensei. I scratched under my chin as my feet walked out of the doorway. My left foot caught on to something and I felt gravity pull me down onto the concrete. My face hit the asphalt. My left eye twitched in frustration as I stood back up and dusted myself off and wiped my face on my large sleeve. I looked down and noticed the uniform they prepared for me was a bit too lengthy. Not to mention I couldn't move very well in it, which caused me to trip and fall on my face.

    I stormed off to what I deemed as the “Customer Service Center”. There, I took in the smell of paper and ink. Something a clerical type person would take in every day. I walked up to the desk, and they made eye contact with me. Then they made a double take and looked at me as if they saw a ghost.

    “H-How may I help you, Miss?” sweat came from her brow as her lips smiled meekly at me. I raised a brow and tilted my head in slight confusion as to why she seemed to fear me.

    “I was wondering if I could perhaps have a uniform alteration. Something more.. fitting for a martial artist, and I was also wondering what was bothering you back there.” I feigned a polite smile and leaned on the counter.

    She pondered the thought of the uniform alteration and looped her hair behind her ear, “Oh, that? I was just surprised because you look strikingly similar to a shinigami that graduated from here years ago. I thought he got turned into a woman or something, haha... I sound silly, don't I?”

    That's when I felt a sharp pang inside of my mind. It felt like something attempted to break its way out of my head. The pain brought me to my knees as I grasped my head. The pang created a ringing sound, similar to the treatment of ripping my soul away from Mai's body, except the tone of this one sounded different somehow. I couldn't put my finger on it. A light flashed before my eyes and the next thing I saw was a vision of some sort in black and white. The vision had a vaguely familiar song along with it, that I don't remember very well when I heard it. Though the more the song plays, the more familiar it gets. The vision is blurred in certain areas.


    “Hurry, ____! We have to get you out of here! Now that that stupid song got into her ears, she's gone psycho! You don't know what she'll do to you if you stick around, or even what she'll do to me!”

    “It can't be helped, ____, she was born this way. She's not psycho because she wants to be! I don't want to abandon my sister.. it's just not right. I know I can knock the wind out of her if I had the chance. Besides, we shouldn't leave her to her own devices. What if she wanders out and gets others involved?”

    “...Damn you, ____, you have a point. We have to knock her out or restrain her somehow.. or find some other song that will change her personality.”

    “Nii-chan wa doko? You promised that we'd play together after ya got home from school today... ya remember that game we couldn't play last time because mom took away the tool to play it? I found it again, so now we can play! Nii-chan, where are you?!” the little girl shouted as she walked out the doorway where the two older boys frantically talked to each other to come to an agreement. She held something long and sharp that glistened from the moonshine.

    The two boys stopped their talking when they heard the voice of the girl. The two turned to her and smiled half-heartedly. They glanced toward each other and the shorter boy nodded to the taller one to head over to her.

    He mouthed quietly, “If you're going to do something, do it now before your mom gets home.”

    The taller boy nodded and walked toward his little sister with caution in his wake.

    “I'm over here, Shino! I was just talking to ____ about something, I'm sorry.” As his foot stepped into little Shino's vicinity, there was a fast arc that cut into his pants.

    “Tch... I missed, Nii-chan. Yur not supposed to dodge in this game. The goal of it is to see how much blood a human body has, you know..”

    “I didn't dodge, just have small reach because you're little.” he stepped closer and this time she cut into his waist, past his clothes. He winced, and continued to attempt to grab the cleaver away from her.

    “See? I stepped closer and you got me. This game is dangerous, how about we play something else, hm?” He strafed away from her next attack and moved in with a slight leap. He grabbed her wrist and took away the cleaver successfully. He held her close and petted her head.

    “Let's play something else. You wouldn't want me to die, would you? You'd be all alone if I did.”

    Shino looked up at her brother with the strangest eyes. They looked empty and without soul in them.

    “But nii-chan, blood is so interesting, dun ya think? How it just pours out nonstop? And it's pure, untainted color. That's why I wanna play this game so much, just ta see how much I can get outta ya... butcha won't lemme cut you, nii-chan. Why?”

    She continued to stare at him with those empty, barren eyes. Just then he felt a warm sensation on his back, a cool breeze in a diagonal wake. He heard ____ shout, and turned his head slightly to the left and saw something shine and drip liquid to the driveway. He looked down at Shino's shoulders and noticed one of her arms was arched toward his back. He looked at her hand, and she had a pocket knife enclosed in her fist.

    He was naïve, and found out the hard way. She gave him a deep cut on his back and had the largest grin on her face. Her eyes were still barren, but had a new glistening in them that sent shivers through his body. He put her down and backed away with a new imbalance in his step. The shorter boy had snuck up behind her to remove the second weapon from her and restrain her, but her uncanny reflexes caused her to turn around and cut his right eye and made a cut straight down his chest, which caused his grip to loosen. Luckily the chest cut wasn't as deep, but his eye cut would have to heal for a while.

    Brother's vision blurred in and out as he increased his distance from her. With each of the three steps he took back, with ___ supporting his weight, she took two slow steps. The night gave the illusion that her eyes shined red while she carried a slim pocket knife in her hand. She took a whiff of her brother's scent while her feet subconsciously followed the path of the blood drops on the pavement.

    ___ and Brother had already reached the end of the pavement, and almost lost their balance when they stepped past the curb. Just as Shino had almost caught up with them, a black Mitsubishi Lancer drove down the road at a dangerously fast pace, with music blasting from the speakers. The melody could be heard even though the windows were closed. The driver had been engrosed in the music and lost attention to the front of the road where ___ and Brother had been trying to cross, to get away from the Shino that had grown psychopathic from listening to a particular song from a loud stereo set next door.

    The melody inside the Lancer had reached Shino's ears, and they perked up as she dropped the pocket knife as the glimmer and soul had returned to her eyes. She looked around to see where she was and saw a scene that changed her life forever.

    Brother pushed _____ out of the way as the Lancer stormed across the road. There was a loud crack and his body rolled along the windshield and the top of the car and fell straight onto the road. The loud thumps caught the driver's attention, and they realized that they almost passed up their house again; and also recalled the loud thumps she heard. She turned off the music and stopped the car.

    She noticed the blood trail on the windshield, and that's when she screamed and hastily got out of the car and almost tripped on her heels. She took them off and rushed to whomever she hit.

    Her soul left her body as she knelt next to the body, in shock. Her skin grew more pale the more it set in. She ran over her own son. But what was he doing in the middle of the street anyway? Then she recalled the blood on the car and inspected him closely. That was when ____ came up to her and scolded her for listening to music too loud. She looked at ____ as he explained what happened up until she came, and then she looked at her house and saw Shino sitting in the middle of a small path of blood, which she assumed to be her brother's.

    “....Thank you for filling me in, Nagi-kun... I.. cannot undo what I've done today. I'm not fit to be a parent. After I comfort Shino, I want you to contact a few people.. and most of all, I want you to call the authorities... and turn me in.”

    “But Shiozaki-san! That's not right. The events that led to this weren't your fault! If the stupid next door neighbors hadn't of had a party today, none of this would have happened, and everything would be normal!”

    “...It's okay, Nagi..” she stood up and hugged him gently as she walked to the front yard to the little Shino and picked her up to dry her tears.

    “It's okay, Shino... it's not your fault. None of this is.. let's stop our tears and be brave. ...For Keitani...”

    “...Mother?” Shino held her mother tight and continued to look up at her, filled with sorrow.

    “...Shino, they're going to take me away soon.. I want you to live with a family that will take care of you.” she nodded to Nagi.

    “My cousin Mai's family will take you in... I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. It'll be nice to have a sister, yeah?”

    “Noooo!!! I don't want mommy to go! I don't want to be alone....” Shino clung to her mother and sobbed. Her mother petted her head and handed Shino to Nagi.

    Soon enough, the police came and were told the situation at hand. Nagi told the whole scenario, and Shino was put into a mental ward until her illness was either cured or put to sleep.


    “AAAGGGHHHH!!!” I screamed; very, very loudly. I'm sure I left marks on my head from my iron grip. The pain.... it was finally gone, but a whole new league of pain replaced it. If I had to choose, I'd prefer the loss of a limb to this. This kind of pain never goes away. It's just locked up deep inside until it breaks. And mine broke beyond its limit and flooded into my head. I wasn't prepared for this. Though no one really is, when it comes.

    I laid there on the carpet floor, the ceiling faded in and out of my vision, as it gained and lost focus. The secretary ran up to me, and so did someone else. Their voices failed to reach my ears very well, as I was still out of it. I shook the cobwebs out of my head and sat up. I rubbed my head and asked for some water, which was handed to me in the form of a pitcher behind the desk. I smirked and shrugged.

    I wolfed it down halfway and closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The headache sank in and I winced at the surrounding light. The hearing in my ears returned to me, and so too did my vision. The other person had the same color hair I did, except he was older and more refined in battle, I could tell.

    “I remember...” I said abruptly as I rubbed the back of my neck.

    “What do you remember?” the man said as he leaned his back against the counter, arms folded in.

    “....Everything....” I said as I stood up and dusted myself off and reorientated my senses. I looked forward so I can look to him when I respond, and my jaw dropped as soon as my eyes caught his face. My heart burned and gave me pain as I looked at him. My eye twitched from the traumatic pain.

    “....Hmm. You sure about that, Miss?”

    Why'd he call me that, for? Doesn't he know me? ...Or is he testing me? I walked closer to him and leaned against the counter myself, as I had asked for a uniform alteration, but now I had a need of something else, too.

    “...Yes, ....Keitani-nii-san.” I think I hit a nerve with him, calling him by his name.

    “....Well, it seems you do.” he responded to me, but didn't look into my eyes as he did so. Just then, he did.

    “...Although, Shino.... Raven is my name now. Keitani is... a name I've discarded. ...Don't ask. It's nothing personal.”

    My eyes glistened into puppy awe mode as I looked at him with the utmost respect, and then turned the other way and puffed my cheeks as a stubborn girl would.

    “...What? What are you looking at me like that for, Shino?”

    “....I want a cool name, too.” I said with embarrassment. The secretary cleared her throat. We both turned around to her attention and she handed me my new uniform that I asked for. It looked a lot slimmer than the one I wore currently. I glanced at my brother and ran to the restroom. I came out moments later in my new uniform.

    “Hmm... Interesting. It looks just like Soi Fon-taichou's attire. Something tells me you'll probably be in her squad after you graduate.”

    I didn't notice before, but I somehow grew over the years to be almost as tall as him. I raised a brow at his squad prediction, and then recalled that Squad 2 was the only squad that excelled in hand to hand combat. Then I remembered about his cool new name and that I wanted one as well.

    “So what kind of cool name are you going to give me, aniki?”

    He let out a sigh and stood up from the counter. He started to walk out of the office and turned toward me before he left the door way.

    “That, dear sister, is something you'll have to figure out on your own. Just like I did. Maybe you'll figure it out while you're seeking your Zanpakutou.” he smirked and waved as he left the office.

    “I knew you looked familiar, Shino! I wasn't just imagining things after all. You really are related to Raven. He's a very powerful shinigami. I'm sure his power runs through your veins as well. Oh, and don't worry about your other request, I figured it out for myself after overhearing your conversation. I'll change your last name as soon as possible. Go on ahead, I'll take your old uniform and wash it. Just keep the overcoat at least.” she said as she handed me the overcoat. It was a size smaller than the one I had prior, so I shouldn't trip over it like last time.

    I placed my scabbard at its rightful place inside the belt and thanked the secretary for unlocking my memories, and left the office and went to my room. I'm sure that when I walk in, there would be some surprised faces.

    After my classes had ended the next day, I scurried to my room and grabbed my katana. I sat upon my top bed above Junko, who held her blade to her bosom as she slept soundly. Perhaps that was her meditation method: to sleep.

    I sat cross legged on my bed and closed my eyes; my katana tightly gripped in my hand. The key to unlocking the zanpakutou was to meditate and sync with one's spirit. I was all too familiar with meditation because that was also an important trait to martial artists and their chi.

    I took a breath and let it out through my nose. The scent of a dorm room never gets old. I took in the various feminine scents within the room and lost myself within my mind. I can't believe that bastard Nagi was a family friend all along. I constantly wonder why he did what he did. I suppose that I'll have to apologize for killing him without knowing the full story.

    I could just see him giving me an ear full, though.

    After what felt an hour of meditation, my mental field of calm changed into a mountain cliff side where a strong, yet gentle breeze filled the air and created such wondrous sounds. Not too far from me, I heard a flapping noise. The beautiful winged hawk woman appeared before me yet again.

    “So we meet again, child.” she landed atop a massive tree branch and sat down on it. She patted the spot next to her and beckoned me to her. I complied and hopped up on the cliff side and leaped up to the top of the branch like I was in a martial arts movie.

    “Yes, we do meet again... and this time I am more knowledgeable about myself. Earlier I had a painful epiphany that flooded my brain, and now I remember everything. I know now what you meant by 'multiple wills'.”

    “Indeed. Having multiple personality disorder isn't very easy. Especially in your case. However, that's why I'm here. I have come up with an interesting method to identify your personalities. It is not easy, mind you. You won't have control over which personality overcomes you, but you will know which one will arise. So that you can properly warn people of the coming danger, if there happens to be one.”

    “How will I know which one will possess me? Is there some sort of trick you've come up with?”

    The Hawk Lady nodded her head with a playful grin. “Indeed, my child. But now is not the time I reveal it to you. Your spirit still needs more training. Continue your meditation upon your spirit and in due time, we will meet again and I will have a task for you. If you manage to complete this task, then you will be rewarded.”

    I stared at her as if I had seen a ghost and dropped my jaw. I blinked repeatedly until the phrase came out of my mouth.

    “Does this mean that you're my--,” before I finished my thought, she put her finger upon my lips and continued with her playful grin. I didn't notice before, but she looks very pretty. Her silver-green feathers shifted with the light breeze and smelled of peppermint. Her blue eyes seemed lost, yet so full of vigor and wisdom. The color of her hair shined with the color of the sun. Her light brown skin glistened in the sunlight as the smell of peppermint continued to invade my senses.

    “Shh, my child. You will know soon enough.”

    She removed her finger and just smiled at me and waved. I waved back and found myself back in the bedroom. I let out a sigh and cracked my neck from being in the stance for so long. I shuffled off of the bed and stood on the floor to stretch my legs. They felt somewhat numb, but that was to be expected.

    I placed my katana on my bed as I left the dorm room to get something to snack on, because I felt the need to eat some sustenance after a tiring session of meditation. This routine would continue until the Hawk Lady appeared before me again.

  12. #132
    アズテオル Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Azuteor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Holding down the low end.
    Bleach:Memories of a Shinigami

    The moonlight emanating from the crescent moon blankets the drowsy town and puts its citizens into a deep sleep. A teenage boy, two years before he is finally called an adult, stands on an electric post in a dark,cold, silent night. The boy has an abnormal blue hair color covering his naturally spiked and unkempt hair. He wears tired, kind, and determined eyes under his blue-ish sunglasses, oddly, just about everything he wears has different shades of blue. Vintage clothing is his choice of style, which is apparent on his jacket, his scarf, and long, baggy jeans.

    Miru Soregashi is his name. Miru is a quiet observer of those around him and will at times, be out of his usually serious demeanor when he is with friends, basically any person he particularly likes. He is a lover of adventure, Miru wished constantly for a chance to go out and explore ever since he was a child. His wish was granted when he died and passed on to Soul Society about seven years ago. Although, he regrets the fact that he challenged a student's dare and left his family behind.

    He looks out across the town, patrolling in place of Kurumadani Zennosuke who was previously stationed here. The boy has remained in the same assignment for four years. What is the purpose of staying in Karakura town for so long? He has asked himself this question so many times that he grew accustomed to the trends of human society and soon made use of it because he is not as busy as the other shinigami. The area he spends most of the time is near his home, where his family still remains today.

    "Soregashi-kun!" A stern feminine voices calls out behind the blue shinigami.

    Miru does not hear the woman's voice through his earphones. Her voice is droned out by the high volume of Miru's music.

    "Hey kid, you deaf or something?" Another person appears along with the woman. He seemed annoyed and slyly pulled Miru's earphones away from him. The wires choke the boy into a state of shock. A sharp chill travels across his body like an electric current.

    "Hey! That's not funny! Give my earphones back!" Miru finally noticed the presence of the two souls who are standing midair. Oh, it's only Ichigo and Rukia. He exhales in relief because he believed that a hollow had sneaked behind him.

    "You sure are jumpy during the night," Ichigo says in an annoyed and amused tone. He scratches behind his orange hair and told Miru what he needed to say, "Rukia came to replace you so you can return to Soul Society."

    What a relief...

    Ruka came from behind and grabs unto his left his shoulder with immense strength. She accuses him of breaking Chappy's capsule and came to collect the money he owes as compensation.

    Wait a minute... WHAT?!

    "Do you know the amount of punishment I can inflict upon your soul?" Rukia threatens him effectively due to the fact she has was apart of the war between Soul Society and the Arrancar. Miru was amazed of the stories he heard from all the shinigami and kinda envied them because it would have been very memorable for him.


    "I shall explain your demise in this complex plan of mine. Feel free to marvel at my beautiful artwork." Rukia pulls out a sketch book and turns to an already prepared page. Did she plan for this moment? Oh, her drawing sucks haha. Rukia and Miru argued with each other about the validity of her accusation, but thankfully, Ichigo gave Miru a chance to escape by dragging Rukia back home. The three of them said their goodbyes and parted ways.

    Miru presses his finger against the side of his sunglasses and emits small spiritual energy through the device attached to it to call Kido Corps, "It's Miru Soregashi of Division Six reporting back to Soul Society. Could you open the senkaimon?" The blue shinigami stated his request a little bit informally, but shrugged it off and made sure he doesn't make the same mistake again.

    "Sure thing, welcome back. I'll make sure to let Captain Kuchiki know of your return," the officer reported back.

    "Thanks." Miru jumped from the electric post and entered the gate back to Soul Society.

    pg3 (coming soon)

    It has been four years since Miru Soregashi has seen Soul Society and the friends he left behind.
    By now, everyone he once knew will have already passed him and gained more battle experience during his time of laziness. His skills in the battlefield are rusty and require a decent amount of training for him to catch up. If Soul Academy were to grade his performance through a test, Miru would be equivalent to a graduate and his/her first stages of mastering the zanpakuto.

    As he finally stepped out from the pathway between human world and Soul Society, a shinigami who is in the same division as Miru is assigned to escort him back to their building. Miru asked her about any recent news while he was gone. The female shinigami said that Chikai-Asahi Tokoyami is now third seat, this astonished Miru and he became interested on what kind of power he held.

    "If you get there fast enough, you might get a chance to talk to him. He will be meeting with our Captain this evening," she advised. Miru smiled and nodded in agreement. As they walked, Miru also found out that new students received their zanpakuto as well as a wedding that happened the same day. The students will be graduating very soon, but is still far away from coming. The female shinigami accomplished her task and left Miru outside Captain Kuchiki's office. He looked around finding that Tokoyami is not around and he assumed that it was not time yet.

    "Officer Miru Soregashi, reporting the status of Karakura Town, sir," he stood behind the doors of the Captain's office.


    Miru enters his office while Byakuya stares in silence and waits patiently for Miru to get himself comfortable. He clears his throat and began to speak.

    "Rates of hollow appearances have dropped at least 2%, but there are a few serious casualties within the four years."

    "I assume that one of them is the incident on Mt.Fuji..."

    "Right, fortunately, Kuchiki Rukia, and the substitute shinigami, Kurosaki Ichigo, killed the hollow before it got a chance to hollowfy any of the children. This would explain the small sudden increase of students in Soul Academy a year after they were sent here. As of now, they would have acquired their zanpakuto. At the same time, there was a robbery and the death of sisters in a local convenience store. One of them had successfully entered hollowfication, but from there, I do not know what happened after."

    Byakuya's eyes faced the opposite direction in which Miru stood and was lost in thought, trying to recall the name of the lieutenant who was there at the time. He quickly remembered and looked back at Miru, "Talk to Rangiku Matsumoto, she should know something about it. See if you can gather more information. If you are given the name, find her, and prevent her hollow powers from developing any further." Byakuya closes his eyes for a second, then continues,"Kill her if necessary."

    Miru Soregashi hesitated a bit, carefully choosing his words. He sees the killing of an innocent girl immoral, but if her hollow powers were to grow stronger, the possible damage would be even greater. He would have to come to a decision, but he decided to hold it off until it was the right time to do so.

    "I will see to it, Kuchiki-taicho!" The blue shinigami said half-halfheartedly and bowed. He walked out of the office and returned to his room. Surprisingly, the room appeared the same way when he first left left it. Well, at least he does not have to do anything now. Miru dozed off into a deep sleep.

    Starting tomorrow, his adventure will begin.

    pg4 (coming soon)

    Miru woke up the next day and changed back into his shinigami clothing, except that his blue sunglasses, gauntlets, greaves, and the scarf he bought from the human world remained intact. He traversed down his hallway and caught himself eavesdropping in a discussion between the Captain and an officer.

    "Third Seat Tokoyami Chikai, reporting in, sir."

    Miru Soregashi's ear twitched and presses his face against the office door with his hand cupped around his ear. So this is him!

    As the discussion between Tokoyami and Byakuya drags on, Miru finds out that Tokoyami has orders from the Captain-Commander himself! About an hour has passed and Miru is already sleeping. The doors to the Captain's office opens and Miru falls on the floor, his entire being in front of Tokoyami and Byakuya.

    "Crap," Miru says to himself.
    Last edited by Azuteor; 11-14-2008 at 10:44 PM.

  13. #133
    Registered User Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Lady Rika's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    The loud stomping in the other room began to bother her a little more than she thought it would. Belladonna came to love the people she lived with now they felt more like a second family then just people who let her live with them. Sometimes she wondered why on earth they let her live there for free, no pay and they didn’t care if she did any chores or anything at all. It was just an older woman and her son, they never seemed to bother her when she studied or wanted time alone but they came to talk with her often or they would come to talk at her. Belladonna would say things back every now and then but even for them it would be rare. She touched the soft grey futon that sat rolled up next to her; she wanted to take a nap being she’d been meditating for going on four hours but despite all her focusing not an ounce of sleep ever dipped in her eyes.

    Finally the paper screen door slid open revealing a very confused boy his brown hair wet from the rain outside. “Shady! Oh im so glad you’re here you see the rain just started pouring and you know what it all does to me, my hair look at it!”

    Belladonna shook her head and stood up; his long hair was swirled into a matted mess which she didn’t see earlier. She’d never seen hair like his before, it was long and beautiful and would outshine the prettiest of girl’s locks but anytime it got wet it exploded in a mass of tangles. She was surprised he could even wash it at times.
    Without a word she took his hand and pulled him over towards her tiny Zataku table in the middle of her room, on the top sat a brush and a little bowl of rice with half bitten bread near it.
    “Turn around Daisuke.” Her light voice floated around the room and he nodded, doing as she said. Belladonna picked up the brush and stroked along the soft bristles before rubbing it downward fighting his hair.
    “Is that your Zanpakuto Shady?”

    Belladonna fingered through the twisted strands, letting her nails pick out knots and other weird little shapes. She felt so calm though her expressionless face could have told you otherwise but Daisuke understood everything when it came to the way that she acted and the things she said and didn’t say.

    “No it’s just a normal katana.” She replied back to him letting her emerald eyes flick over towards the alcove close to the door. In place of the hanging picture she’d put her sword; Belladonna didn’t want to just lay it on the ground and she thought that the alcove was a perfect place. She wasn’t surprised that the boy saw it. He had a knack for noticing things like that but would never put his skills to good use. Instead he would rather practice stealing with the other boys where they lived. True they needed it at times but she was so against it just as his mother Nana was.

    “At least for now it is!” He reminded her, proudly. “Mother said that you’ll become a great soul reaper and will meet a rich Shinigami who will move us all into a nice big house!” Daisuke continued to ramble about how she’ll find the perfect guy but Belladonna felt no desire for such a thing. No one even knew she existed save Daisuke and Nana. But that was alright it gave her more time to focus on her schooling and now meditating on her sword, who needed friends or a special somebody.
    She heard Nana’s voice as she came down the hallway; she opened the Shoji and stepped inside. Her short feathered hair flipped out wildly in thick black strand, her tired eyes kept you from noticing her young face despite her age. Her long blue kimono had a silk obi that didn’t match and her hands were covered with soot, “Daisuke!” She barked.
    The boy looked up at his mother with a grim face, “Yes.” He bit his bottom lip in fear as she placed her hand on her hip, leaving a large black smear of soot on the cotton robe.
    “There are big wet feet marks in the Tatami did you know that?”

    Daisuke gulped, “Well…you see—
    “Dammit Daisuke your Japanese don’t you know how to take your shoes off at the door! Tatami isn’t cheap you know.” Nana clutched her fist tightly bringing it up towards her mouth to bite on it lightly. Daisuke got up from the floor and wobbled over to his mother his big eyes pleading her not to hit him.
    “It was raining outside and I was rushing to get in!”

    Belladonna watched him beg and whine to his mother, Nana obviously enjoying herself as her son cried and apologized. A smile formed on her face as she watched them, it was real. Nothing like how some of the families and students acted at the academy.
    She remembered when they took her in, she was nothing but a ragged little girl who ran around the city looking for the woman who’d brought her here. She didn’t remember everything about her and never got a name but it was a pretty young woman with black hair, she’d took her away from the broken body of her former self up to the soul society. Belladonna was so young at the time and she thought if she could find the woman that she could live with her and get out of the slums where she wandered day after day. Luckily Nana found her and brought her to live in her home with her son who was very little at the time. Nana had been moved by the little girls story of death and kept her as a daughter figure, though when she got older Nana finally told her what had happened to her. It had been a car crash, she was pregnant at the time and had broken her legs in the accident so she couldn’t escape and ended up burning to death. The fact that Nana never worried about all that had happened to her was surprising but she was too down to earth for any of that. ‘Lucky woman.’ The girl would always think.

    Belladonna soon found out that she would never see the black haired woman again but could become an image of what the woman had been. A soul reaper.
    She gazed over at the sword once again and sighed knowing that she should be meditating but was frustrated. She figured that she would get her Zanpakuto’s name easily after only a few minutes of mediating in the garden at the academy. She was there for so long and when nothing happened and the sky grew dark she left the campus to go home. It had been at least two days since then and now she felt as if she had failed at everything she had been working so hard to accomplish. Belladonna heard Nana tell Daisuke the last that was on her mind before telling him to leave the room to attempt to fix the mat. When he left the room Nana slid the door closed and turned towards Belladonna a worried look creased along her face.

    “You know I’ve been worried about you for some while right Shady?”

    Belladonna gave her a sweet smile that was actually genuine; she enjoyed it when she heard her nickname being used instead of her real name. It meant basically the same thing, deadly nightshade. A poisonous plant, shady just sounded cooler.
    “Yeah I know.” She replied, “Though I don’t understand why.”

    “You do know exactly what im talking about.” She reached up and grabbed the girls face, “You’re so pale and quiet. I have to yell at Daisuke for bringing friends home all the time…I wanna yell at you for bringing all your friends over!” Nana released her face and hugged her tightly. “Why do you let yourself get so lonely? You are allowed to let people in besides me and Daisuke you know!”

    Belladonna kept her face composed and let Nana’s words drift away, the woman would never understand how she felt no matter how much she wanted to.
    “Im going to go clean up in the kitchen…if you want me to make you something better than that.” Nana eyed the bowl of rice that looked poorly made obviously Belladonna had steamed it herself and failed. “I can.”

    She stood up, helping Nana as well and shook her head, “That’s alright…im going on a walk okay.”
    Nana rubbed her temples, ‘There really is no getting through to that girl.’

    Belladonna walked slowly to the door but before leaving she reached into the alcove and grabbed her katana. She never knew when the mood might come upon her and her spiritual power explode, who knew when the urge for meditating would come upon her?
    “Wait! It’s raining outside.”

    “True…but its not pouring now is it?” And when that she pushed open the door and left her room. Belladonna walked past Daisuke who was messing with the Tatami mat and clearly failing. She reached her hand out and patted his head before opening the door.
    “Shady?” He gave her a strange look, “Its dark…and its raining why on earth are you going out?” Though she was like a sister to him it didn’t mean he couldn’t look at her like she was normal because she was far from being truly normal.
    She shrugged, “Is it that odd to go out at this time?”
    “Well it is raining.”

    “I know.” She looked outside, for some reason every time it rained near the late evening hour it grew cold. She never understood why and maybe one day would ask somebody wiser than her.

    “Are you at least going to wear shoes this time?”

    Belladonna nodded as she slipped on a pair of Nana’s old Zori sandals, her feet sunk deep into the old Tatami material. She had considered getting a pair for herself but since Nana and her feet were around the same size she figured there was no reason to. Unless one of them fell apart then she’d have to; “Your not going to wear your Tabi though are you?”

    She tightened the sash around her waist and slid her Katana between it so it hung loosely but not enough to fall. “Nope.” She replied with a small laugh.

    Daisuke’s ears perked that was the first time he’d heard her laugh even a little bit in a while. ‘She’s been so stressed with school and everything so I guess I can understand.’

    “Come back soon okay I’ve still got a huge tangle in my hair!” He whined and held up a chunk of his hair and waved it around in the air. Belladonna waved at him and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. She wasn’t sure when she’d be home; possibly before he went to bed so she could finish his hair.

    A cool wind brushed up against her leg giving her shivers, the rain wasn’t heavy at all but it also wasn’t just drizzle. Belladonna’s gait was quick but laid back and comfortable, passing all the identical houses and shacks was interesting for her. Wondering what was going on in that house, what they were doing. For not wanting to be bothered she was curious about people another reason why she liked to listen to people. She’d learned a lot about her neighbors just by watching and listening to them which seemed weird but she could be doing stranger things.

    Soon she left her area and found herself in another district that pulled at her heart strings, she saw people sitting in the streets letting the rain just drown through their body. No home or place to go, ‘Some heaven.’


    An hour passed until she found a place with no people, Belladonna wasn’t exactly sure where she was but wasn’t lost. It looked like she was near some sort of pond or lake which is a place she had no problem being lost in if that were the case. Watching the rain drops create dancing ripples in the water was pretty as was the tree that’s long hands dipped down, drinking deep. Her blonde hair now looked almost black from the rain; she was soaked now but didn’t notice or really care. Belladonna walked around the waters edge for a while before finally slipping the shoes off and stepping into the water. It was cold but it felt so good though her feel were already wet from the rain. The bottom of her Hakama touched down in the water that added with her feet kicked up sand and dirt making the crystal clear water cloud. Belladonna looked up letting the rain drizzle her face, the serenity she felt right now was so unreal it almost hurt. Then she knew what it was, her spiritual power was collecting deep within her body.
    ‘My sword…I need to mediate now.’ Belladonna looked back at the tree, its trunk was curved delicately well enough for her to possibly sit on. She trudged through the water till she met the tree, her slender hand pressed against the moist bark letting her know that she could climb on it. After getting comfortable in the trees arms Belladonna pulled out her sword and stared at it. Droplets fell lightly on the swords sleek metal body giving off a shine that gave Belladonna hope that soon she would meet the spirit of her sword, learn its name and be closer on her path to becoming what she truly wanted.
    “Come now.” Belladonna rubbed off the water from her sword holding tight to the handle as she focused.
    Her head pounded along with the rhythm of her heart, her breath thickened as the minutes ticked by with the rains rhythm. Her fingers grew cold as they gripped it tighter, she saw her knuckles growing white and her body trembling with rough tremors as she got thrown into a dark world overwhelmed with mist.

    Belladonna’s eyes were closed but she could see as if they were wide and alive. She knew she was deep inside her subconscious but she let it lie to her so she could fantasize about this unknown place. She wanted her Zanpakuto, knowing how close she was to getting it made her afraid, this place and its thickly perfumed smell of wild orchids and plump fruit. She didn’t notice at first that she was lying down but when the mists cleared it was then when she saw it. The soft tawny feathers were wrapped delicately around her now dried body, light cooing like the sound of aged harps floated around her head.

    “Hello there.” The light voice made her jump out of fear, but it was so soft and gentle it couldn’t be nothing but kind. “Don’t be scared, im glad you’ve finally got to me, I was lonesome Belladonna.”

    The girl looked up and gasped at what was holding her, it was a bird. A nightingale.
    Her ebony eyes watched her with a glossy look filled with warmth she hadn’t seen in a long while. She seemed to smile at her though it was hard to tell with the long sharp beak but if she had to guess then that was what it was. A kindly smile.
    Its cream colored chest warmed her body with its feather as it unwrapped its massive wings from her body.
    “So your my…Zanpakuto spirit?” She automatically felt stupid for her words but wasn’t at all sure how to talk to the large bird.

    The bird giggled and stood up showing her true height, enormous enough for at least three people to fly on but slender and beautiful enough to charm a high status lord.
    “Yes, I am your night songstress my dear here to protect you from all harm. You’ll never have to be afraid again.” She brought her wing up to touch Belladonna’s face.
    The feathers were sleek and lustrous as they grazed across her cheek.

    “What makes you think I am afraid?” She asked a little defensively.

    “I know you better than you do so do not question all that I say and do for you okay. Do what you do best and listen…”

    Belladonna felt a surge of heat flush through her body, reaching up she held her hand up for the Nightingale to touch her. The bird bowed her head slightly allowing Belladonna to touch the tips of the thin feathers that covered her head.

    Belladonna trembled a little for a few seconds growing dizzy, she didn’t know what was happening to her but it was somewhat painful and confusing.

    “Your spiritual power is tiring; you must rest…but feel proud that you have got past the hardest part of being a Shinigami which is getting your Zanpakuto.” The Nightingale let out a pretty chirp before flittered her wings about.

    “A name…yours what is it?” She asked the bird with a begging tone that irritated her throat.

    “To you I will be your Night Songstress but call upon me as Himei Sono Yorukaze.” The nightingale then suddenly whipped her wings up into the air back behind her head as far as she can reach, the tips of her feathers curving into a hook like shape.

    “Screech?” Belladonna asked about the name, it was a little darker than she had believed it would have been.

    With those words being spoken the bird let out a loud cry that was a beautiful pain to Belladonna’s ears. It hurt terribly as it tremored throughout her body.
    The large wings slapped together loosing her grip with the spiritual world within her mind.

    “I will help you find your voice.” She told her before letting out another cry this one though not being painful but it snapped her out of her scenic world.

    The rain had stopped, her body still soaked from the previous sky tears. Her body was like ice from her tightly clung clothing. Her Katana was hot in her hand; her palm was imprinted with the woven texture along the handle which hurt a little when her hand was flexed. “I did it.” She muttered to herself with a laugh, “Yorukaze…it’s done.”
    Her body was so heavy now that she couldn’t even sheath her Zanpakuto let alone get up to go home. “Nana will be angry…” The words tumbled from her mouth as her head fell back slowly against the bark. Sleep wrapping her up as the bird had done and she slept a dreamless sleep.

  14. #134
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries
    Waking Back Up

    Haku Ishikawa. Haku Ishikawa. Haku Ishikawa.

    He had to remind himself that he was not Kuishi Sato and yet was, at the same time. He woke up, his head split like cloven wood. It seemed he should be able to find the cleft in his aching head and fit his fist into it. Instead of doing that, he reached to his bedside and grabbed a calabash of Koshu. He tilted it up and let it trickle into his mouth, smacking his lips as he finished the drink. It had been a brew that had aged over three-hundred years. He had found a hidden store-house filled with peaked carboys, pipes, casks and zun of century-aged Koshu. Finding such a 'vintage' in the transient world would have meant never having to work for the rest of your life…in the soul society, it was just another up-turned amenity and shock of good fortune. But the drink was good. Truly good. And yet…

    He pitched the gourd of Koshu across the room, watching it crack in halves upon the wall and splatter everywhere. He had found exponentially less joy in drinking. It felt like such a sour pastime when alone… And Haku was alone, desperately alone. He had thought…but no… Pain like lonliness didn't disappear on wings of underlings. His circle was nothing but underlings, they clung to his fur like fleas… They expected him to make them all better, but they never gave a morsel in return.

    Haku sneered and threw away the covers, glaring at his long spidery hand. Didn't he think it would change? He had. Didn't he think that he had found…someone. So he had thought. Then that little punk… His hand curled, like a dying spider, forming a fist. Flashes of a soft face and a warm heart tormented his head… How had this happened?

    Haku's jaw tightened. He quickly donned a robe, hakama and getas. The last three years had been a revealing process for him. Haku's mask peeled back like a layer of flesh, revealing the thing underneath, but slowly, so that each tear caused him more pain. Now the cold personality which was once so gentle, lay, now, horribly scarred…and tragically mutilated

    "Are you awake?" Shingo Izumi had been Haku's roommate for the last year. An untidy disorderly blonde that was purposefully lazy and obnoxious. Haku wearied at his approach. And even though he had been part of Haku's circle from the beginning, it had not been because he was likeable.

    Ignoring the question, Haku stormed through the door as Shingo was entering, muttering about Haku being grouchy. It was halfway down the hallway that Haku heard angry shouts coming from their room and Shingo storming after him.

    "Anata wa kichigai desu ka!?*" He demanded. "My bed is soaked!" Haku closed his eyes and began to take a breath but it hadn't lasted. His long fingers wrapped around Shingo's throat and lifted him against the wall. Shingo was momentarily surprised but brought his feet up and kicked Haku back into the wall. Haku's rage accrued but he let it out in a glare and walked on.

    He wouldn't have been so forward with anger…but it had been three years ago today… That day…Haku shook the thought from his head and walked outside...

    Fever Dreams

    "You're a fool, aren't you, child." The words seemed to spawn from the silence. There was no reply, as always. The look of mortification, the sting of that cold remark blistered Mahonna's eight-year old face into weeping tears. "Didn't I say not to go out at night?" There was an impatient sigh as Masashi Kuiki tilted his face and tightened his jaw line. His thick-fingered hand swooped down and scattered his daughter to the floor. Her expression never changed. Inwardly, she had whimpered, but refused to voice it so he could hear.

    He stormed away, his plain-faced indignant expression faded as he left her. He latched the door and she heard the lock click. Her mother or a servant sent by her would be along soon, to free her. She looked down at her hands and noticed bleakly as a drop of blood fell from her face onto her hands. He had busted a lip or a nose, maybe? He was a noble and respected man and she owed her life to him. She deserved it. Deserved it for daring to escape at night to play instead of sleep. Nobles didn't play, not lesser nobles. The high families did whatever they pleased. But not her… It was her fault. She knew this. She deserved this. In her heart, Mahonna wished her mother wouldn't unlock the door. She deserved to rot here, and that was fine.

    She was a fool.

    Mahonna woke from her daydream, staring at the ground. "I'm so sorry, father…will you forgive me someday?"

    Becoming Terror Again

    Haku Ishikawa?
    Haku had no where to go. Haku was not feeling well. Haku needed to find a place to be alone. Haku did not like the academy. Haku wanted away…
    Haku Ishikawa!

    Haku was sick of the academy! His heart curled to water at it's sight. 'I can't explain just how it feels.' He thought, harrumphing at the aureate finery of the academy architecture. 'I can no longer stand this place. I've been here too long.' He decided, flicking his hand, palm up, lightly. It puzzled him to a degree, but Haku had his suspicions why he felt this way. The place had teeth and it bit back… He had not felt this way when he first joined the academy, but before the first year had been out, he had had enough of it.

    Grinding attrition, breaking and shattering…he pictured the academy itself taking his head and forcing it down to a spinning grind stone and pulverizing it all away. Even just walking within it's gates, as he was, he felt himself efface. The sensation was murderous and for the last three years it had blackened Haku's mood, trespassed on his good feelings and even given him an occasional temper.

    He carried on nearly neglecting the object at his hip, he stopped to look down at it. A plain katana with no hilt and a small wooden handle and scabbard was belted at his side. It was a free vessel, presented to him at the completion of his work. He sneered down at this triumph of hard labor. It was the crowning achievement of his time here, and yet, without him, it was nothing but steel and wood. He had half a mind to keep it that way; he was that good of a swordsman, after all. No student ever had a hope of doing greater tricks with just a sliver of metal, than he. And wasn't it Lao Tzu that had said the uncarved block was best?

    Haku Ishikawa…

    He continued. The class had said that the environment for the ceremony had to be carefully selected… Haku could not meditate in that horrible place. He could scarcely force his eyes closed in it to sleep. And he had no childish idea of meditating under a waterfall, like the fools of old. He shuddered at the uncomfortable thought.

    Thinking that it might help ease himself into meditation, Haku had consumed his fill of harumaki, agedashi tofu, a mandarin salad and washed it down with aojiru. He had seen people marvel at him for drinking aojiru, but Haku had always liked it's bitter flavor.

    He had eaten and drank past the limit which good sense dictates in order to receive a warm flush of gratitude from his stomach that might lighten his mood. It did not. Recently, it had only been the supply of new and fascinating vegetarian dishes that had kept him happy at all. The new teas, the wonderful fresh dishes plated and artfully cooked. That had failed him today…

    He followed out into the Seretei wilds. The same fetid jungle that he had met with his circle. He looked on it with growing contempt.

    Three years… With determination he forced himself to admit it… Haku was deathless, indelible, invincible and complete…for about a week after becoming a part of this institution. After that, he was systematically deconstructed by bad luck, by... Hah...just another reason to refuse to stay any longer. He was ready to complete a zampakuto. Three years ago, he thought he had changed forever, and so he had. Haku shook his head and laughed darkly. In his mind he could see her arms…they wrapped around…Kaigaiishi. Haku didn’t notice the tightly bound fist his hand had made. Why had she done that…how could he have been so weak and still was.

    "I've had enough of this act and this scene." Haku breathed aloud, releasing a Hado 40 spell onto the ground without even chanting. It was an amazing feat that still impressed. The hado hit the jungle floor, setting it into spasms of flame. He bitterly rearranged his reiatsu to the souls of his feet as he walked across the spreading circle of fire. It popped, hissed and undulated outwards. Haku stood in the middle of the circle, outlined in flame. His getas were sinking into the fat layer of ash upon the ground and the charred carbon remains marked the skin of his feet dark. From this point on…he was deathless, indelible, invincible and complete once more.

    Brushing his kimono out from behind him he lapsed down into the warm hugging heap of ash, like it was a mattress. A click from his scabbard and dark ominous ring sounded as the nameless vessel was drawn from it's sheath.

    "I know I am a Shinigami. I will have my zampakuto, whatever it may be." He said as he laid back into the ash. The small cinders still choking out glowing specs burned him and provided a warm tingling feeling. He closed his eyes. The itch of ash, the sting of cinders, the sound of burning wood, the smell of smoke, he didn't think, he just felt. He could feel a reaction.

    He could feel the reiatsu bristle and spark across his fingers like a charge and the sword was there. He could feel it join his arm, a new extension of steel, not of bone or flesh. He lengthened his reiatsu from both hands and tried to pour it into the grip of the sword. But it was like a bridgeless gap and the reiatsu could only stalk the rim of the grip. At first, it felt like pushing against something far too heavy, like trying to plow through lead instead of dirt. He concentrated, he had to think back…focus. Emptying his mind, he felt ideas and visions surface like bubbles in a pot of heated oil. At first it was not much more than a simmer.

    He saw the Tone river and along it the Ishikawa lodge. His father was in fishing waders, casting out a line. His mother was cooking a hot pot of something, he could smell. But then as he saw the sun plummet from the sky and a red angry full moon replaced it, the ideas and visions became a steady rolling boil.

    The moon sat, glaring down red hate upon that lonely cabin so full of happily fed family. His mother stared with a subdued gaze, into the fireplace…as she had so often done back in those days. She was as unlike Haku in appearance as was possible, but as close to his heart as was likely. She was raven-haired with a soft blend of features so worthy of a courtly princess. Father was lounging lazily in the biggest and deepest chair in the lodge. His eyelids were collapsing from fatigue and the warmth of fire.

    Without explanation, Ananko Ishikawa shook from her reverie and scattered to her feet in alarm. The shouts seemed so echoic and muffled by time, but Haku could hear: "Takeshi! Take Haku and Midori, now!" Father leapt from his chair, fatigue quickly shuffled aside for fear and he bolted out of the door. "Takeshi!!!" His mother wailed with betrayal. She scurried, knocking Haku aside and shouting at him to get his sister. She set herself to frantically find something, while Haku ran down this length of the cabin to his baby sister's room. She was snuggled into the cradle, defiantly at rest. Haku snatched her unceremoniously from her crib and bolted back to his mother.

    There was a deep raspy howling voice, shaking the house and flashes of light were flaring from the living room. He came into see his mother aiming a severe black look at something barely outlined in the room. In her hand was, something Haku, in all of his eleven years of life would never have placed in his mother's hands, a long serrated katana.

    She seemed to magically appear at one side of the room and then another, swinging that jagged sword at something unseen. Not an oni, a gashadokuro, there was no ringing in his ears… But something, hauled Ananko Ishikawa up off her feet and crushed her alive in it's hands and flung her to the ground. She smacked the ground with a sick 'thok' and laid there, shivering. Haku approached her, his face blank and uncomprehending. She saw him and her face twisted with the ultimate suffering of…fear.

    "RUN!" She screamed before she was flattened into the floor by an unseen enemy and little by little, she disappeared into thin air, groaning as she died.

    Haku turned to run, all the noises, his baby sister sobbing aloud in his arms, the grinding and howling of that awful thing… He felt something grab his arm and tear his sister away from him. He felt the small body leave his arms and it seemed to snap off a piece of his heart. He looked up, tears streaming in his eyes, his face wrinkled with fear… Midori Ishikawa, was gone. He got up and ran back into the living room to see if his mother had magically reappeared and this was all just a joke, a joke that he would have gratefully laughed at... But all that was left was that toothed katana.

    He seized it, and swung it around through the air, desperately. Again he was caught and he felt something bite into his right hand. A voice suddenly shoved into his head. "Warutsu!" It didn't sound like him, it didn't feel like him, but the sword burst into a passionate flame, engulfing his arm and the ignition seemed to cause the unseen thing to scream in sudden pain and the wall next to him crumbled, whilst the mad howling drifted further away into the moon-lit night.

    Tears staining his face, Haku cried… 'I cried.' Haku Ishikawa.

    Haku's eyes split open, feeling the warmth of the fire finally dieing, but he felt something different. The sword was tugging on his reiatsu. He leaned more into his hands and it quickly poured into the sword. He began to stuff his spiritual pressure into the blade, not noticing the second-to-second changes in it's appearance and shape. Just as he felt he had no more spiritual energy to give the hungry blade, he felt his right hand stain black and draw more reiatsu from around him. Using the new-found energy, he continued to cram it in the weapon. There were a few moments where the weapon tried to shove the energy back out but Haku forcibly choked it into the blade. He kept pushing and leaning until his eyesight had begun to darken and his head had lightened. Sealing the last crumbs of reiatsu into the blade, Haku passed-out back onto the soft ashes that littered the ground. But before he completely blacked out he wildly asked himself...Had someone been calling his name...all this time?!

    *Are you insane?
    Last edited by Sinister; 01-02-2009 at 08:00 AM.

  15. #135
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    A surprise awaited Asahi on the other side of his captain's door. A young, blue haired shinigami lay on the ground with a sort of sheepish look planted on a face that looked used to seriousness. Asahi frowned, but remained silent to let Byakuya speak.

    "Soregashi Miru, is that you? I had thought we had taken care of your business yesterday evening..."

    "Uhm, well..." Miru started, but Asahi didn't wish for him to finish.

    "Oh, it's no matter, taicho. He looks like a trustworthy fellow, so I'm sure there's no harm done!" Asahi smiled at his captain, but he knew that not even a scalding grin would melt the ice from his captain's heart and mind.

    "He may seem trustworthy, but if all were as it seemed you would not have this mission, Chikai. No, it seems that you're going to have to keep tabs on this one, as well."

    Asahi wasn't surprised, but Miru seemed a little put off.

    "Uhm, I'm really not...I mean, I didn't even hear all of the conversation."

    Asahi just smiled again, his eyes crinkling at the edges. "Now, now, once the captain has spoken, we must do whatever we can to fulfill his mandate. Come...your name was Miru, correct? Why don't we go have a nice cup of tea back at my room? We can plan our first move there."

    "I'm...helping you?"

    "As long as Kuchiki-taicho has no objections."

    Byakuya merely nodded.


    Asahi's room was sparsely furnished, with a small futon pushed up against the left wall. A table with two chairs sat under a window that was situated directly across from the door, and a small, mahogany desk was against the right hand wall. A tiny kitchenette was in the corner by the futon, and it was to this that Asahi walked upon entering the room. He motioned for Miru to sit at the table and then set about making tea.

    After setting a kettle on, Asahi leaned up against the wall to wait for the water to boil. All around him were wise dragons that shone brightly against a pale, peach colored wall. There were crimson, indigo, violet, and golden dragons. There were green and white and even orange dragons. Whatever color you imagined, there was a dragon to match it, and they were painted so beautifully onto the walls that it was hard to believe that they weren't real.

    "I've never seen a room like this in our barracks before," Miru commented as the water decided that it was ready. Asahi poured it into a delicate, black teapot. A flaming orange sun was painted onto the side of it. He then measured a handful of oolong tea leaves into said teapot.

    "Wait, uhm, I don't particularly like loose leaves floating in my tea..." Miru complained, and the frown Asahi had quickly figured out was the boy's normal expression deepened.

    "Oh, no worries, I have a filtered teapot!" Asahi's expression could easily be compared to that of a man who had just revealed the secret of the universe, and was intensely proud of having discovered it. He then poured the hot water into the teapot and carried it over to the table. Then he returned to the kitchenette and rummaged in a cupboard until he had found two, tall tea cups. "Now," he said, "we can relax with a drink as we talk strategy." He sat down at the table and looked at Miru with a serious expression on his face. "We go after Mikomi-taicho first. Even if she is extremely kind to us, we mustn't let that keep us from seeing deeper, beyond the kind, clumsy, and forgetful face she wears on the surface." He leaned back in his chair. "Assuming....that there is anything beyond that face, of course. Oh, and that tea should steep pretty fast, so pour it before it gets too strong."

    Miru didn't move to pour any tea, yet. "So, you have any ideas on how to get info out of her?"

    Assuming there is any, we should probably treat her to dinner...I hear she likes steamed buns! Good taste, I have to's hard to suspect someone who likes steamed buns!" Asahi chuckled.

    "That's not too...obvious?" Miru responded a little skeptically.

    "Haha, maybe for someone like you it would be. But since I'm uhm...oh yes, that'll work. I'm giving you a few pointers on generosity and she's going to be kind enough to help me! That'll do perfect." Of course, every word of this was said with a smile.

  16. #136
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries
    The Dream?

    Haku stood at the threshold. Beyond lay a temple of sand-blasted stone and smoking incense. Ancient stone sculpted gods stared from their pedestals alongside the bleached colonnade. It struck Haku in that instant how meaningless time really was… The stretching gulfs of eons yawned at each of his footsteps.

    The swish of his cloak cut through the thetic dust as he strode deeper still into the ancient place. It made the hairs on Haku's neck stand up, like a cornered wolf. He felt each moment pass with each footstep like the shudder of a strobing projector, each frame carrying him closest to his proudest moment. To become a full-fledged Shinigami, he would have to meet his Zampakuto's spirit form.

    'So this is the manifestation of my Zampakuto's spirit world.' He thought.

    His smile turned into a maddened grin. His brain was swimming in the brilliant high of total achievement. Here he was. About to become a creature of infinite power. His breath awaited. And his eyes were green searchlights, contumely surveying this temple, that was, in effect, a temple to himself. After all he was…

    "Shinigami-ga." He whispered in fulfilled ambition, as he beheld the final cessation of the colonnade. At it's end was a great altar before a goddess set in stone. The alabaster was blacked around it's eyes and was positively raven for it's stone hair. She stood looking down lovingly at Haku. Her robes flowing out from her. Her face was a thin affair, stretched taut with a look of shapely beauty. Ice sparks crept down Haku's spine. Something was hellishly wrong. His eyes caught the inscription at the statue's feet.

    "I feel that life is sorrowful and unbearable, though I can't flee away, as I am not a bird."

    "W-what is this!?" Cried Haku, stepping back. A deep rumbling was felt throughout the temple and perhaps it was merely Haku's impressions but… It felt as though the whole temple was suddenly plummeting from a great height into depths below the earth. The force of gravity brought Haku to one knee.

    A deep roar was heard above the rustling of gross noises that ran along the periphery of the temple. Lights flashed and strobed like a lively storm. A smell of rotting flesh infected the temple and overpowered the incense. Haku noticed slimy things crawling along the walls, writhing and creeping against each other in pools of puss and black putrescence.

    What had been a statue was now a live goddess standing above him like a judge. As comely and god-like as she had been, she now seemed insect-like with a telescopic neck, a spider's abdomen and great blue, black and green butterfly wings spreading from behind like a cloak. The eyes alight with a purple flame as the thing descended on poor Haku. It's head stretched forward on it's thin stalk-like neck.

    "Haku Ishikawa." The grey voice chewed. It sounded luscious and full, disgusting and disturbingly familiar.

    Haku awoke, screaming. He flung the blade he had found in his grasp far off into the ash. His body twisted and curled like a sheet of paper in a fire, until he was in an unsettled fetal position. His mind was lashing out in venomous paranoia. And all darkened.

    The Nightmare!

    Having awoken just before dawn the next day, Haku sat down upon the charred stump of an old tree, pining for a cup of gang paò de tea. Grey smudges of ash marred his black uwagii and marked his pale face like war paint. His eyes were still dim and he could smell in each nostril the dew-laden ash. At his feet, unsheathed lay his soul slayer. His zampakuto.

    It was an unhealthy black-bladed thing with curious veins of blue. Haku had seen the kind of sword before. A kilij. A blade that was perfectly straight save for having a sharp backward bend three quarters of the way up it's length. But still as thin as a katana. It's black lacquered scabbard made of tiga wood was midnight black with blue and purple edging around gold fastens.

    Haku loathed to look at it. Having awoken and discovered himself actually clutching the disgusting weapon he flung it away into the ash. He could find no fault in it's make. He admired each feature but revolted at the manner of it's assembly. The feel of it's grip seemed to hurt his hand and terrify him.

    It made him wish that he had not troubled with the whole process and was deeply considering leaving it in the ash rather than bothering to retrieve it. There was no recourse for hating an inanimate object or even a soul slayer. More than anything though…Haku was terrified that if he touched the weapon once more he would hear that awful voice call his name…
    A shrill tortured wailing…wailing his name.

    Haku shivered, most likely from a touch of morning chill, he told himself.
    In his efforts to purge the putrid blade from his current notice, he went over his latest plans. Sempiternal cave. The secrets to unlimited power. The maudlin shinigami rulers hid it there. They must've. If he could find it…he would no longer be forced to rely on the soul slayer that lay near him. Hollowfication. To become a Vizard. The secret had to be there.

    He had dispatched his circle to look in the Seretei in shifts, but no cave had turned up. No hidden reliquary, fane or repository of feared Shinigami technology had ever been found in three years of search.

    And yet…Haku had convinced himself that Agito must know it's location. The sly hints and demeaning taunts that Agito was not shy of dropping at the slightest mention of the cave, were very telling.

    If anything Haku's paranoia had become dominant. He was being spied upon. It occurred to Haku that Koji and Ryo could be spying on him. But idea had not made it very far before a strangling sound encroached upon his chain of thought. It was a desperate wheezing sound that spoke of something on the verge of death. Haku forced himself to pick his zampakuto up and sheath it. The contact caused his muscles to clench and seemed to even change his appearance. It made most of his body fade to a colorless background except for those brilliant green eyes. He unwillingly belted it to his hip and flashed off in the direction of the noise.

    Rushing through the trees, he saw ahead of him, a boy impaled via a great spike. The boy hovered sickeningly around the spike's middle, struggling weakly. It was Koji. Haku's greatest dissenter. The boy in his circle that hated him most.

    Haku slid his flash step to a halt. Koji seemed to take the slightest notice of the action and of Haku, but no expression of recognition passed his features. His efforts seemed dedicated in voicing some desperate whimper…so painfully caught in his throat. Sweat beaded his pale face and his eyes were wild and unfocused.

    Haku stopped to consider with a vacant stare that cowled so many frantic sparking calculations. He felt the thoughts wrap around his brain until the accretion, itself, caused the ticking of a sneer upon his face. He looked down on Koji, for the first time, truly assessing the dying boy.

    "Who did this?" Came a cold scraping voice, devoid of emotion. It came in command, not in compassion and left the dying boy little time to reply before it called out again. "Answer immediately." It said, calmly.

    Haku bent at the knee to crouch at Koji's level, feeling the gasps upon his cheek and smelling the blood. "I need to know. I have to know." He said, nodding and trying to smile, thinking for some reason, that it would persuade Koji to speak.


    "Who?" Haku repeated, less patiently. Koji shivered, scratching the dirt with his kicking feet. Haku rested a hand on the boy and leaned upon it, sinking him lower down the spike. Koji squirmed and the pain extorted a sick groan from him. Haku cocked his head to the left, warningly. "Don't die." He cautioned with a laugh.

    "It hurts!" Koji managed in a quick scream. Haku straightened with disappointment and turned his back on the suffering child.

    "Tell me now, or I swear, you'll last the next five hours." He spun back angrily. But anyone who wasn't wracked with pain would have noticed the black joy frothing from the center of Haku's jade-jeweled eyes. For moments, it seemed to Haku that Koji lost awareness of anyone's presence. He finally started braying with a violent chain of wet sticky coughs that showered the dust with clots of blood. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, making no sound. A last convulsive shudder, a dying moan and the boy was fatally still.

    Haku shook his head with a grim look of frustration. And part of him was held thunderstruck by his own behavior. Never before had he withheld compassion from those who deserved it. But here he had done just the opposite and had actually tortured the boy. Normal proceedings were halted and he stood in arrest of judgment wondering if his sanity had slipped. Disapprobation poured at him from every corner of moral stance left in his brain. 'not the time for this' His mind reminded, and so the trial was delayed.

    It was backing away that Haku noticed something scrawled in the dirt of jungle floor. His mind numbed. Had he been betrayed?! Scrawled neatly, like a signature, was the Kanji character:

    (Kawa) The final character in his surname of Ishikawa.

    "Shit." He muttered. Had Haruka done this?! Only she knew his name!
    Last edited by Sinister; 01-02-2009 at 07:30 AM.

  17. #137
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    It should have been months, but unfortunately he was not that lucky. The shinigami that seemed to follow him around at the worst possible moments had him in his clutches this time again. Steph could not avoid him wherever he went, though he had to admit that the man was a shinigami and getting away from someone trained with experience would have been difficult or impossible for him. All the knowing and predictions could not help him.

    Now Steph sat in a place that he wished that he had not become accustomed to over the years. He could not believe that the shinigami still continued to have an interest in him after this long of a time. Most of it was usually just routine exams and tests that happened every time that he came. Steph would have thought that the man would have gotten tried of seeing the same thing every time on his paper that he kept well hidden against his chest. All he would get out the man would be a ‘hmm’ or a tap on his glasses as he examined the data that he was getting. Steph wished that he knew what was so important to him after this long of a time.

    The shinigami was having him make orbs of energy again like he always did. However, the shinigami noticed as quickly as Steph did that the size had changed. When it came to Steph size was very relative, but it was still an increase from what he had before. “Hmm…this is a fifty percent increase…interesting…” The shinigami was quickly writing down something and demanding that he continue to make orb. “The density is still the same as well…very interesting…continue…” He was looking at Steph with almost the question of ‘Why did you stop?’ painted on his face.

    The change was not a great mystery to Steph, but he still was not expecting this much of a difference. He could only guess it was due to his recent success. ‘So this is the power from a Zanpakuto. Though I’m still only managing something that a first year produces, but I guess that is better than a pre-academy student like before.’ Creating orbs and releasing them continued for Steph until the shinigami told him to stop. The task was starting to bore him more than fatigue him.

    The man looked up from his paper for the first time in a few minutes. “This is a largest increase I’ve seen from you since I started to monitor you. Did anything new change for you that you can recall?”

    Steph looked straight at the shinigami knowing that doing anything that might look suspicious would only bring new questions. He could not tell him the truth. If it got out that he already had his Zanpakuto Steph could only guess the troubles that he would get into. He was only halfway through his third year and it would not be until the fourth year that he would have made the attempt. When Kagashi had managed to get his was not clear to him, but he had had it for the last month or so. “I can’t think of anything special that happened. Maybe it was just my training paying off.”

    “I see.” The shinigami turned down writing on his paper more before walking around the room towards more instruments. “Very well. Next test.” He pulled over a tray with the usual tools that Steph had seen before. This was going to be another long day for him.

    Eventually, Steph was let go from his prison, which he escaped from in a hurry. The shinigami remained behind putting his things in order. Once he had his papers he left the examination room and walked down the hall towards deeper parts of the building. It was an important day for him and the luck that he had with Steph would go far in keeping things moving forward. He arrived at the door to Captain Kurotshuchi’s office. A knock and a greeting from the room gave him entrance. “Captain…I have the latest reports regarding experiment #TE5049.”

    “Refresh my memory. You don’t expect me to memorize all of my subordinates projects, do you?”

    The shinigami stiffened his back a little before approaching the desk to place the files in front for his Captain to read. He backed away from the desk keeping himself at a distance. “It pertains to the subject named Steph Whitestone, a shinigami academy student.”

    Mayuri flipped through the data having his memory jogged by both the shinigami and the files. He set the report back down after he had gathered the data that he wished. “A slow improvement over the last six months. Yet I see no progress made on your experiments relating to him.”

    “Yes, Captain. But if you note there are considerable changes in the readings I got from him in his last examination. This note of change goes beyond training, but something internal.”

    “You don’t have to remind me. I saw the data. It just means that he found his Zanpakuto. We see similar readings like this on other students.”

    “But Captain, he is only a third year.”

    “And we’ve had student complete the academy in a year, there’s nothing surprising about that.”

    “I’ve monitored his progress over these three years. And every time he improves all readings increases in unison. Normally, when we see shinigami gain power quickly they are lacking focus and control, but not with him. It is almost as if he is far beyond his limit in every area and so when one limit is destroyed it just hits the next immediately without need to improve. Its like he is being held back rather than improving. This sort of skill is unnatural.”

    “Yes. And if I were running this personally I would have brought him in and already began dissecting him to see how he works. You fail to meet your goals repeated because you are holding back.”

    “But he is still developing. If we start cutting into him now we may miss out on seeing what other secrets he holds. This boy is a rare specimen. There is no one like this ever reported. We can’t lose someone so rare.”

    “Which is the only reason I haven’t removed you from the project. But you must start producing results soon. The boy will be out of the academy in less than three years if not sooner looking at his skills. If you don’t have results by then I will have to take matters into my own hands.”

    “Yes, Captain.”

    Steph was able to enjoy the passage of time once more keeping his secret hidden from everyone. There were times when he thought it might have been discovered, but he had managed to save himself in time. It was difficult for him to keep hiding wanting to be able to show it off to everyone, but he knew that he would be able to in time. Eventually, his fourth year came and he finally able to stop being secretive about the whole thing. He had planned to keep it secret for a while until someone else got theirs, but he could not keep it secret long as he was caught by Kagashi as he pulled his sword out.

    “Steph…your sword…” Kagashi said as he entered the room unexpectedly. He had forgotten something and turned around when he remembered it. When he opened the door to their room Steph had been in the process of retrieving his sword under the guise of training.

    Steph was caught looking like he was sneaking treats out late at night when his mother was coming down for a drink of water. It had all happened so fast that he did not have his guard up and his Zanpakuto was already exposed. “Uh…Kagashi…I-I…”

    “When did you? It’s only be a week, right?”

    “Yeah, it happened last night.” He did not think it was going to happen so quickly into the new year. Hana had even offered him an option to fake his way through it. ‘Wish I had taken that sword from her when she offered it.’ Steph could feel the sweat on his body starting to build up from nerves.

    “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve always been quick to pick things up. Congrats.”

    “Oh thanks, Kagashi!” he said turning on a smile to bring back his façade that he wore for everyone.

    “Well I just came to get my book for class.” Kagashi lifted up the book showing it to Steph before he quickly disappeared out of the room again. ‘Already…but there was something else…that was too fast even for him…what’s going on?’ He knew that he was missing something and the fact that Steph was hiding it from him made him wonder how long he was planning to keep it hidden. It was clear that Steph was trying to make himself appear more normal so not to make others become jealous of his unusual talents. However, that would be impossible since many had already begun to notice how different Steph was than everyone else.

    Steph let out a sigh once Kagashi had left glad that it was out in the open now. Even though someone knew he still felt uneasy about the whole thing. It was not how he had imagined it going. ‘Still I guess if he knows it is only going to be a matter of time now…’ He pulled Adeyaka-Sakura back out from being almost under his sheet when Kagashi entered. Steph threw it over his back and closed the clasp in the front feeling it snugly fit to his chest. The weight on his shoulders and back from the sword was a little unusual for him since he had not worn it since he first tried it out.

    A few confidence building breaths later he opened the door and walked into the hall displaying his Zanpakuto on his back. He got a few looks from students, but he pushed on until a squeal from behind him made his shoulder vibrate in surprise.

    “Steph-sama!” Hana said from so far down the hall it was a wonder how her voice managed to travel so clear to him. The distance was not a problem for her as she appeared next to Steph an instant later. “Steph-sama!”

    Steph began to sweat again fearing what was coming next. He had hoped to avoid her today, but it seemed like he was destined to be followed by her daily. She claimed it was part of her morning routine to walk with him wherever he happened to be going until she would remember that she had class. “H-Hana…chan…”

    She bounced around him and hugged on his arm until she took noticed on his Zanpakuto. She leaned in whispering softly in his ear. “I thought you were going to wait. But I’m glad to see you with it. It suits you so well!”

    He was not certain if it was the perfume or the whispering in his ear, but his face was red in an instant making him jump away. “Uh…things changed…” He could not go into more detail as he was heavily breathing to recover himself and clear his face.

    Hana smiled back at him giggling softly to herself and then jumped over to his side holding tightly on to his arm. “It does look good on you, Steph-sama!”

    ‘I’ll never understand her…’ There was no way out for his arm and he was now forced to walk with her for however long she decided. He had tried in the past to free himself, but always seemed to fail and never understood. “I told you before you don’t need to keep calling me Steph-sama. Steph is just fine.”

    “But you saved me. And you’re going to teach me!”

    “Huh? W-Wha-wa-wait! I never said I was going to teach you.”

    “But you’re already so strong! You get the best scores in your kido class.”

    Steph pulled back roughly, though still attached to Hana. “How do you know that?”

    Hana laughed at his side finding his reaction to be cute. “My father is an instructor. I can find out anything.”

    “Then why not have him teach you.”

    “But I want you!”

    Steph felt the hold on his arm tighten from her suddenly. He was always at a loss with her and the way that she acted. Nothing ever made any sense with her and he found himself eventually agreeing to anything that she asked him. He could not understand the hold that she had over him. “But I’m just a student.”

    “Please…pretty please!” Hana was starting to turn on her charm changing the expression on her face making Steph pull back knowing that he was going to have difficulty avoiding her.

    “Puh-lease…pretty please!” Adeyaka-Sakura said next to him standing at Steph’s side only visible to him. Steph could do nothing, but sweat in embarrassment at his Zanpakuto suddenly appearing to tag team him. It had happened a few times to him before seeming to be a by-product of having his Zanpakuto. Unfortunately, she did it at the worst possible times only to get a reaction out of him. She seemed to take very little seriously and now he was surrounded on both sides.

    “Fine…” Steph said relenting after another barrage of begging from both ears. ‘You play dirty.’ He gave his Zanpakuto a glare out of the corner of his eye.

    “Guilty,” she said giggling to herself before disappearing.

    A sigh escaped from his mouth not certain what he had ended up agreeing himself to at this point. He knew that she had been tormenting him repeatedly to teach him, but she had never given him much of a reason. Steph rarely gave it much of a thought since he preferred to forget about her. He could not understand why she acted like she did around him. So many of the students ended up keeping a distance away from him knowing how strange he was, especially since he had been left to stay in one place for so long. It was yet another reason that he had not considered until now that made moving around frequently an advantage for him. No one ever learned of what made him stand out, his ageless body. Those in his class eventually picked up on it in the last year seeing that there had never been a single change in him.

    Apart from his aging it was because of how young he appeared that he was an easy target for students as well. They enjoyed playing tricks on him even to this day. The number certainly lowered as he progressed, but he always seemed to be an easy target for their mischief. It bothered him a little how much he had gotten used to their pranks, but in the end things would improve and he would be a shinigami that would be respected, at least he hoped.

    The two traveled through the halls with Hana hanging on to the reluctant Steph. ‘I guess I won’t be training with my Zanpakuto today…’ He looked down at Hana and then up realizing that she was getting to be taller and older than him. They were still about the same for the time being, but he could remember when she looked younger than him. The time seemed short, but its affect on the soul seemed to vary from individual to individual. “Don’t have you class today, Hana?”

    “Nope! What about you?”


    Hana stared at him a little confused by his distant reaction to her question. She leaned over his shoulder pressing close to him. “You want to be in class?”

    “Huh? AH!” Steph’s face turned red once more pulling away, but only managing to put Hana back at his hand. He bent over breathing heavy from the shock before he looked back at her. “Yeah…Yeah! I love my classes!” It was difficult for him to pull together, but he smoothed over his mistake the best he could.

    “That’s my Steph-sensei! I don’t really like the classes that much. They are all boring with old people talking so much.”

    “Sensei? What happened to sama?”

    “Well if you’re going to teach me you’re my sensei!” she said declaring the change proudly. However, in spite of being a teacher to her she continued to hug his arm without letting go.

    ‘Better than sama I guess. I’m hardly someone that she needs to see so above her. I’ll never understand the Japanese influence.’ The academy was apparently too stuffy for Hana forcing them to find some place more suitable. Two courtyards, a cliff, a park and a forest later she seemed to have found where she was looking. In all honesty it looked like she was lost and just randomly seeking out something that appealed to whatever tastes were in her mind. “Where are we?”

    “I dunno, but isn’t pretty?” said Hana as she ran off to the flowers that were below the hill leaving Steph watching on. It would appear that she did not really know in the end. However, before Steph had been given the chance to regret following her she returned back to the hill with a white flower in her hand. “Here Steph-sensei!” She leaned in towards Steph once again with her head tilted up watching her hands do something to his hair. Once she was finished she pulled back to admire her work. Hana had left the flower in Steph’s hair on his right side a little above his ear. When he tried to investigate with his hands what had happened she protested. “Hey, you’ll mess it up. It suits you!”

    ‘Figures…does she really see me as her teacher or a play thing?’ Steph relented to her and let it go knowing that she would only make a fuss about it.

    “Hey, Steph-sensei! Can I see you Zanpakuto manifestation?”

    Steph stepped back surprised by the sudden change. “Huh? But I only got my Zanpakuto. I’m not where near that. I don’t even have my Shikai yet.”

    “Aw…but you have such a beautiful Zanpakuto I wanted to see how beautiful your manifestation is.”

    ‘This girl’s got good taste,’ Adeyaka-Sakura said with a smirk, ‘You shouldn’t let her get away.’

    ‘Do you have to keep sneaking up on me?’

    ‘How else you expect me to have fun?’


    Hana pulled him back to reality, but Steph found her to be in front of his face. He immediately fell back to the ground looking up at Hana’s smiling face that had quickly changed from the confusion she had before. “Hana!? You scared me!”

    “You were spacing out, Steph-sensei. Something wrong?”

    “Ah! N-no! No! No!” he said waving his arm about to convince her. Steph turned to his side a moment whispering to himself. “Just my Zanpakuto playing with me too…” Hana bent over leaning in at him once again with a puzzled look. “Nothing!”

    “Oh?” Hana said looking unconvinced. She pushed in with her forehead nearly coming into contact with his making Steph leaned back.

    Steph was having difficulty at this point forming words or even speaking. The matter was only made worse for him when his eyes made the misfortune of looking down for a split second. His entire face lit up bright red making numerous unintelligible sounds. Eventually, he managed to summon up his voice for the sake of Hana’s own decency. “H-Hana-chan your uniform is o-o-open.”

    Hana looked down at herself while still nearly straddling Steph, if she was not bent over, and then back at Steph looking completely unphased. “It’s not the first time you’ve seen.”

    “Huh?! W-What?! W-When?! I-I…” Steph fell back to the grass unable to deal with the compounding stress and confusion passing out with steam escaping his ears. Hana grabbed him shaking him around shouting his name panicked.

    ‘Still so easy to mess with,’ Adeyaka-Sakura said laughing loudly to herself at Steph’s side. Eventually, Hana brought Steph back to the land of the living (sort of), which nearly caused him to pass out again seeing Hana straddling him for real this time. The excitement slowed down after a few more minutes and the teaching kind of began for them, though Steph was hardly the same for the rest of the day.

    Steph fourth year passed on for him with a new routine added to his schedule. Hana continued to insist on training sessions with him and he continued to meet with Kagashi for his own sparring matches with him. It was starting to become a very active year for him and things slowing were changing for him. When it was announced to his class that he had his Zanpakuto well before any of the others he became the eye of many rivals. He had more of the students coming to him for advice and wanting to see his sword.

    The newly garnered attention was not all positive for Steph. Some of his rivals were aggressive in their methods of showing their interest and admiration, if you could even call it that. They took it especially hard on him during the swordsmanship classes where they were free to have sparring matches. It was only his skill with the sword that kept him safe most times, as the instructor rarely interfered unless things got ugly.

    The changes that were happening for him made him uncertain about his future. Life had improved, but even it was darken worse then before. The pranks were nearly over, but they were harmless to what he was facing now. He feared that the rest of his academy life would be split between such polarized extremes.

    Months carried away and Steph dealt with his new way of life in the best way he knew. He simply masked it all way from everyone and went about as though nothing bothered him. It was the only way he knew how to manage things. In the end, those around him were just a passing event that he would leave. So there should not be a reason for him to show them his emotions.

    “Your focus is lacking,” Kagashi said with a swing that rattled through Steph’s sword. They still preferred to use wooden swords over their Zanpakuto for sparring since it meant that in the end that they would not hurt each other and could go their all. “If you don’t pay attention to me you’re going to lose.”

    Steph had to admit that Kagashi was right, though his focus was on something other than the student body. It was about the girl troubles that he had from Hana. There was a sudden whack on his head that cleared out everything in his thoughts. “Hey! What you do that for?”

    Kagashi gave Steph a smirking playful smile as he pulled back his sword. “Knocking the cobwebs free. You ready?” He jumped back a little to give Steph some room to advance in. It was difficult for Kagashi to really know if things had changed between them, but he knew that he was working on being honest. That alone had made the tension between them disappear. He could see Steph clearly and that seemed to be enough. However, as sword skill went he could see that he was being left behind by Steph. It felt like every time Steph learned something new it only got absorbed into him and he was able to respond like he was remembering it rather than learning. Kagashi had never been able to place a finger on it, but Steph’s instructors had the same thing to say about him. It only seemed to deepen the mystery of who Steph was.

    Steph returned him a grin as he pulled his sword in bringing his focus back. “I heard you. Something about me losing. When was the last time I lost?” He charged in playing his size to his advantage to close in on Kagashi evading the swing he made. The actions that Kagashi made had been becoming slower to him over the last six months of fighting with him. He had been finally able to beat him a couple months back and had managed to maintain a winning streak. He had not been able to understand it, but he enjoyed himself.

    “Well you would have if I hadn’t woke you up. You can’t be so cocky to think you can beat me half hearted.” Kagashi barely caught the second swing of Steph’s in time feeling the sting from his awkward parry. It was true though that Kagashi had not been able to pull out a win from their sparring matches as of late. He had been feeling as though he was no longer teaching Steph, but the inverse now. Though it was the more the speed of Steph’s movements that played against him than his skill alone. There had been a change that he noticed during one of their previous matches that had left him on the defensive. The change only continued to improve Steph’s confidence until they were coming out to draws with fatigue taking its toll on them.

    Their wooden blades met as Steph flipped through the air from a counter. They spun around bringing their swords to bear only moments after breaking from the last clash. “Yeah, but you’re going to have be faster if you want to stop me.” Steph exchanged quick blows with Kagashi waiting until he saw the moment to move. He drew himself in pushing off the strike from Kagashi and slid around behind him bringing his sword down on his shoulder lightly with it running past his neck. “Check.”

    Steph pulled out his Zanpakuto from the resting place against his bed. He had been more open about it since it was discovered. He threw it on his back and closed the clasp. The sheath fell into place and he evened out his uniform before heading to the door. Steph gave a brief wave to Tamashi and Kagashi as he opened the door. “I’m heading out to train. I’ll be back later.” The door swung close behind Steph with Tamashi waving and Kagashi silently reading a book.

    Once the door was sealed Tamashi stopped waving and pulled out a mischievous grin on his face. Kagashi continued to ignore him while catching it out of the corner of his eye. Tamashi jumped up from his bed dropping the book that he had been pretending to be reading and quickly polished off his tea. “All ready!” He rushed over to Kagashi bed casting his shadow over his book.

    “You’re in my light…”

    “You’re coming too. You need to get out and have some fun.” Tamashi pushed down the binding over his book so that he could stare back at Kagashi. All he got in response from Kagashi was a raised eyebrow and a fight to raise his book. “Don’t give me that look.” Tamashi grabbed the middle of his book and yanked on it sharply. It rested in his palm closed to accent his smile as he looked down at Kagashi. “Don’t look moppy, pick up your scarf and come with me.”

    A tug and grunt or two later Tamashi undignifiedly had Kagashi out of his room and pushed him on in front. He practically carried Kagashi through the halls coming to a stop at his destination. An excited woman jumped up on top of Kagashi frightening him as she had come out of nowhere. “Hey, Captain Mai! I brought him along like I promised. What about you?”

    Mai leapt off of Kagashi back to the ground leaning around him to look at Tamashi. “Unfortunately, if Shino doesn’t want to go somewhere I can’t make her. But I found someone else instead!” Mai spun around and looked around quickly skipping to one place to another confusion like she had dropped something. “She was behind me just a minute ago…” Then a strain of Mai’s hair jumped up in alert. “There she is!” Mai pulled out a girl that was attempting to sneak away, but had been unfortunately slow. “Here!”

    Kagashi’s eyes had widened in surprise when he saw that it was Haruka. His body suddenly froze seeing her uncertain what to feel at the moment. ‘Haruka…the other source of my troubles…’ When Haruka saw Kagashi she had the same paralyzed expression on her face.

    Tamashi looked back and forth at the two of them and then frowned followed by a sigh. He gave Kagashi a slam on the back and Haruka a tap on the shoulder. “Geesh…how long has it been and you two still can’t talk to each other. And you call Steph a child. She dumped you and you lost interest in him. Get over it already.” After Tamashi’s blunt words he grabbed them each in an arm bringing their faces a little closer to each other than they would have liked. “Besides we got more important things to do. Right, Captain Mai?!”

    “Exactly right, Vice-Captain Tamashi! We’re gathered together to get to the bottom of Steph mysterious training sessions!” Mai was standing proudly at her declaration with a frightening gleam in her eye that made Kagashi and Haruka sweat in embarrassment.

    “Mysterious training sessions?” Kagashi said regaining himself from the stunned announcement.

    “Yeah, mysterious training sessions. Haven’t you noticed that he has been going out more often lately,” Tamashi said starting to draw a diagram of poorly drawn figures that still managed to look cute. Kagashi was regretting having commented to Tamashi in passing about the extracurricular class titled ‘How to Draw for Explanations’ that was available to the students. The teacher had a distinct style that made everyone that saw it question the artistic merits of the instructor. “And when he has been going out there seemed to be a different look in his eye. Didn’t you know he always dodges the question about what he’s doing?”

    “Not really. He’s allowed to train if he wants.”

    Mai stepped in with hearts shining around her face. “Can’t you see? It’s romance! He’s sneaking off under a pretext. Oh a secret love or maybe a forbidden love with an instructor.” The two misfortunate souls watched in disbelief as Mai had a glow about her with thoughts running through her mind.

    “But Steph’s just a kid,” Haruka said, “You really think he-“

    “He may look like a kid, but he is just as old as us,” Tamashi said interrupting her. “Besides you know what they say, its always the quiet ones.” Tamashi was starting to think in line with Mai leaving the two remaining sane ones looking a little blue. “And anyway, we’re today’s comedic relief!” He pulled the two up and pushed them out into the courtyard.

    Behind them there was a cracking sound that Mai and Tamashi ignored. Haruka looked back confused by what had happened. “What was that?”

    “The fourth wall…” Kagashi said looking away no longer certain what to think about the situation he was in.

    Haruka looked back at the others and then away for a way out. “Why do I have to be here?”

    “These things are better with more,” Mai said running around and pushing Haruka on as Tamashi followed up suit with Kagashi. “Right, Vice-Captain!”

    “Right, Captain!” The two laughed in unison as they hurried the other two up so that the trail was not cold by the time they were ready. The foursome cheerfully and grudgingly ran through halls and snuck around corners following Steph through the academy. So far there had not been anyone that he met with, but they remained on the edge waiting.

    Kagashi leaned over the corner still wondering why he was agreeing to following Steph around like some detective. “I don’t see anyone. We’ve been following him for thirty minutes.”

    “Patience. He’s not training, right?” The surprising bit of logic from Tamashi was enough to shut Kagashi up begrudgingly. They leaned in until Steph turned the corner and charged the hall. When the grand hall was reached theys realized that Steph was leaving the academy and following would become more difficult.

    Haruka looked on and then back at Mai. “See he is going out to train. Let’s go now. I feel ridiculous following him around.”

    “No! Wait, look!” said Mai grabbing Haruka’s head to look back down the hall at the entrance outside. Steph was walking down meeting a female student from the uniform that they could see. It was too far for them to make out anymore. The matter was unfortunately proven to hold some merit now as Kagashi and Haruka looked back at a grinning Mai and Tamashi.

    Steph and the mystery girl disappeared giving the four of them the chance to press on in search for new hiding spots. Kagashi exchanged looks with Tamashi trying to figure out if they knew the girl. He could not remember any time that they might have met a friend of Steph’s. Kagashi had assumed that Steph did not socialize with anyone outside of his roommates. The thought of Steph going on a date sat a little heavy in Kagashi’s stomach. He had thought of Steph as a rival and a child, but never as an adult that had romantic issues. Those ideas always seemed to be the furthest from his mind. This side of Steph seemed to be foreign and unnatural. Kagashi was not sure if he should believe what Tamashi was implying.

    The tailing had them go through an open field where they were forced to crawl through the grass by Mai. Then they trekked through a forest followed by a mountain cliff side that was unusually perilous for them. Now that there uniforms were dirty and they were sweating from the travel they collapsed to the grass over looking the hill that Steph and the mystery girl were standing around.

    “Look she’s holding on to his arm!” Mai said pointing for the others. It was difficult for the others to deny how things looked at that moment. The mystery girl was clinging on to Steph tightly.

    “She even looks about the age as Steph,” Tamashi said when the girl turned around giving them a clearer view. “Plus she’s pretty cute. Steph’s got good taste.” Mai nodded as they looked on waiting for the next thing to happen. They all watched on with suspense leaning forward from their hiding spot. However, they quickly collapsed to the ground with a rough pound when they saw that Steph was actually training the girl.

    It only took Kagashi a couple minutes to turn away and want to leave seeing that they had soundly turned their theory down. “I’m leaving.” Tamashi had other ideas as he pulled Kagashi back to their hiding spot.

    “Don’t leave. Steph still with a girl and you never know what might happen next.” The two struggled for ground with Kagashi beginning to come out ahead a little. “If you leave I’ll use Sai on you.” Kagashi paused staring at Tamashi to read his intentions. The glint in Tamashi’s eye was enough to make it clear to him that he did not have a choice.

    In the distance they heard kido spells going off in practice. The only ones remaining watching were Tamashi and Mai with Haruka and Kagashi silently sitting away forced to stay around. Time seemed to be dragging for them drawing out the wait to leave. However, Mai and Tamashi suddenly grabbed them pulling back to look. “Something’s happening!” Mai said softly, “They’re getting close.”

    “Maybe Steph making a move,” Tamashi said with a grin.

    “Like he’d do that,” Kagashi snapped back.

    “Right, Steph’s not like that,” Haruka chimed in.

    “Then maybe it’s the girl.” The two stared at Tamashi who gave them an innocent shrug and looked back at the scene. The girl had grabbed on to Steph and his red face was visible from their hiding spot clear as day. Steph backed away breaking away from the girl, but ended up tripping and falling to the ground. In the accident he brought the girl down with him and now she was straddling over top of him with her hair dangling in his face. “Go Steph!”

    “Kiss! Kiss!” Mai chanted leaning in more to try to see a little better.

    Steph and the girl continued to share a long drawn out silence unmoved as the on lookers watched with increasing tension. The seconds ticked away for everyone waiting for the next action, begging for something. The girl made the first step leaning in towards Steph slowly. Haruka and Kagashi even seemed to be interested more than they would admit leaning in just as much as the others were to see.

    “Is she going for it?”


    “I-I can’t believe…”

    “I-I-I-I…H-H-Hana-chan…” Steph said stuttering the best that he could. He did not even know what was happening anymore. His entire mind was going blank on him and his body was not responding to him. She had been staring over him for the last hour it felt like, but he had completely lost the concept of time with her over him. Steph was red enough for the two of them. She only seemed to be getting closer to him and he did not know what he should be doing. “P-Please H-Hana-chan…”

    He tried to think what had caused all of this, but they had only been practicing kido like Hana had requested. The last few weeks he thought that things had actually been going well with her not acting as strangely around him. He had sort of missed it, but the ease it left on his nerves was welcomed. Unfortunately, the panic ridden stress that he felt before was well remembered now. ‘What’s going on? What am I going to do?’

    Hana was slowly approaching him, but still far enough away that he was not going into a complete panicked state. Steph suddenly was struck with a sharp stinging pain in his side recoiled through his body jerking him forward. Before he knew what had happened everything was warm around him. Then realization set in and his eyes widened in surprise. ‘I-I-I-I…’

    Haruka and Kagashi’s jaw dropped in shock that Steph was so bold as to practically leap into the girl’s arms after remaining still for so long. Mai and Tamashi could barely hold back their cheering and nearly gave their position away if it was not for Haruka and Kagashi in unison slapping their hands over their mouths. Though as the two on the hill continued to embrace sounds were beginning to come out of Haruka and Kagashi now that forced Mai and Tamashi to slap hands over them too. Mutually muted they continued to watch eagerly.

    Steph tried to pull himself away, but he could not move from his paralyzed state. He could not believe what was happening wanting to make it end as soon as possible. Yet nothing was responding to him only make him panic further. While his mind raced beyond his control there was a strange warmth washing over him. The two forces began to conflict with him giving him countless reactions jammed through his brain and body. All it ended up meaning for him was to accept what was happening. ‘I-I-I…m-m-m-my…’

    “They breath yet?” Tamashi said once they had all calmed down enough to remove their hands.

    “Young love is so passionate!” Mai said glowing from her hiding spot.

    “Steph…” Kagashi and Haruka said still in shock.

    The feeling finally returned to Steph’s body allowing him to break free of Hana and collapse to the ground breathing heavily, his eyes still wide with surprise. “H-Hana-chan…I’m s-“

    “Steph-sensei!” Hana said gleefully while wrapping her arms around Steph’s neck. She suddenly began to giggle for no apparent reason. “You took my first kiss!”

    Steph blinked with uncertainty lying in the grass unable to move with Hana’s weight on him. It took him another couple blinks for realization to hit him as well. “T-That-that-that…my f-fir-first k-k-k-kiss.” Steph eyes rolled back and he passed out unable to deal with everything anymore.

    Tamashi was laughing with his hands over his mouth seeing Steph reaction. Kagashi and Haruka looked like they were trying to decide if Steph needed saving or if he would be safe with the girl. Mai was still glowing with thoughts running through her mind and smiling the entire time.

    “Steph-sensei!? Steph-sensei!” Hana grabbed up Steph by his shoulder shaking him to try to wake him up with panic running lightly through her voice.

    Tamashi cleared his throat having finished his bout of laughing. “Well all things said that was fairly innocent. Shouldn’t expect anything less from our Steph.”

    “They’re so cute together too.”

    “You notice how the girl if you aren’t looking clear is nearly a boy?” Tamashi stood up walking down the hill a little dusting himself off from the grass and dirt. “Sounds like the perfect match for Steph. Anyway, I think its time we let them be. Right, Captain?”

    “I think you’re right, Vice-Captain!” Mai stood up and joined Tamashi near the base of the hill.

    “Come on you two peeping toms. Shesh…the morality of people these days.”

    “Peeping!” Haruka said taking offense to the words for having been dragged here.

    “Morality…like you have room to talk…” Kagashi said quickly turning away from the view and walking down coolly playing it off. Once Kagashi had joined the group they walked away back to the academy.

    ‘My Steph’s become a man…’ Adeyaka-Sakura said giggling softly to herself.

    Steph jerked up out of his bed looking around his room to see Tamashi and Kagashi quietly reading. He wiped his face with his hand feeling exhausted for a reason that he could not understand. “What happened? How did I get it?” He searched his two roommates for answers.

    Kagashi stayed out reading his book, but Tamashi set his book aside. “You came from your training.”

    “I did?” Steph jumped up as his memory became clearer and caused his face to turn bright red. “Uh-uh, was there someone else with me?”

    “Should there be?”

    “Uh-uh…no-NO!” Steph dropped down to his bed feeling even more fatigued then he had before he stood up. ‘Long day and-and…’ He began to roll around in his bed thinking about what happened panicking at the thoughts. ‘My first kiss…’ He tossed and turned trying to figure out what he was going to do next. He knew that he was not going to be able face Hana anymore. Tamashi turned back grinning to himself and Kagashi lifted his book up a little higher.
    Last edited by Andromeda; 01-12-2009 at 01:10 AM.

  18. #138
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
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    The meadow that he preferred to train alone in had remained the same even after the months that had passed. Steph stood in the grass holding Adeyaka-Sakura out in front of him with his eyes closed. It had been a week since the incident with Hana and he had been avoiding the best that he knew, which involved being late to all his classes. He had been trying to get her off his mind by training, but it was appearing to be a futile effort. He dropped his Zanpakuto down letting the tip rest against the earth.

    “You know training isn’t your answer,” his Zanpakuto said to him appearing at his side leaning against him. Since she was only an image of his mind there was no weight against him.

    “You’ve been saying the same thing for the last week.” Steph lifted up the sword and slid it back into the sheath. He sat down in the grass knowing what was coming soon.

    “Because I’m right. You’re afraid of what happened. But you can’t let that control your life. You’re hiding everywhere you go and looking over your shoulder at the drop of a book. This isn’t good for you.”

    “You think I like doing those things, but I don’t know what to do. You saw how she looked at me after that…” Steph shook his head to get the image out of mind before it started to pull him away again. “Who knows what she thinks now.”

    “I know you’re scared, but you’re going to see her eventually. You can’t run from it forever.”

    “Running huh? I guess that’s all I really do. Even now all I know how to do is run. Pretty pathetic.”

    “Only if you keep running. If you turn and face it, you will stop. Everyone runs when they get scared, but the difference is between those that keep running and turn around.”

    “Yeah…” Steph looked down at the grass thinking to himself about what she had said. He remained silent for several minutes weighing everything that he had in front of him. There were no answers that he could find, but he felt that he was at least a little ready to face Hana when he saw her again. “You know for a Zanpakuto you’re pretty smart.”

    “Thanks, I think.”

    “Hey, I’m new to this all. I don’t know what to expect from a Zanpakuto. I didn’t think I’d be consoled by it.” Steph stood up looking back at her returning to his innocent appearing self.

    “Who are you talking to?” said a voice from below him coming closer.

    “H-Hana-chan!” Steph said in fright backing away not ready to see her now. He looked around trying to figure out how she had managed to find him out here. “How did you find me?”

    Hana walked up to him looking closely into his eyes before pulling back. “What do you mean, this is the place we always train.”

    “Wh-Wha-What?!” Steph looked around again realizing that he had made the stupid mistake of coming to the wrong meadow and that Hana was indeed correct. He dropped himself down to the grass accepting his fate that he had been handed.

    “Who were you talking it before?”

    He looked up at Hana a little confused about her question before it slowly dawned on him what she was referring to. “How much did you hear?”

    Hana raised up her index finger to the side of her face as she tried to think back. “Uh, something about saying the same thing for the last week, I think.”

    “Oh ok, that’s not…” Steph jumped up from his seat nearly shouting. “That’s everything!” He immediately fell back to the grass burying his hands in his face knowing that she heard everything that he had said out loud. ‘My life’s officially over now…’

    “What’s wrong, Steph-sensei?”

    Hana leaned towards Steph waiting until he lifted his head up to meet with her eyes. The proximity made him pulled back in surprise. “I’m sorry, Hana-chan.”

    “It’s alright. I don’t mind. I was kinda feeling the same way, but I didn’t know about you. But it doesn’t change that you’re still my sensei!”

    Steph relaxed his body feeling a little better about things between them. It seemed that things for them would return to how they were before, at least Steph hoped. He knew that this would still be something over his head, but most of the weight was gone from his chest now. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

    “But you’re still my first kiss,” Hana whispering in to his ear with a giggle as he pulled back.

    Steph’s face turned red again feeling that things were not as resolved as the believed. His Zanpakuto chimed in beside him laughing with Hana. ‘She’s my type of girl.’ Steph shot the woman a frustrated and puzzled look of giving up. He was surrounded by woman that enjoyed teasing him and knew how to press his buttons.

    Weeks passed on for Steph and his training continued as before. He spent his days with Hana and Kagashi in his usual plans. On the side though he was working on his Zanpakuto in unlocking his Shikai that was required for the final test to graduate from the academy. He still had time before it was coming up, but he trained regardless feeling as though he was getting closer to reaching it. He had learned his Zanpakuto’s name and formed it, but he still had much more to learn about his sword.

    He could feel that he was on the edge of a breakthrough after spending the last few months training when he had the time. This day was just like any of the previous days for him. He immediately had rushed back to his room after his classes and left to his place that he always visited with his Zanpakuto. The wind was blowing through stronger than usual today catching his hair in his head frequently. However, he ignored it as he focused his sword and inward.

    “Welcome guest, to the cherry blossom retreat where all your fantasy are our desires,” Adeyaka-Sakura said waving to Steph like she was an innkeeper or some tour guide for a small town.

    Steph reverse stepped a few when he saw his Zanpakuto dressed up in a kimono and her hair all done up neatly brought in close to her head. He did not know what madness had struck her this time, but he had begun to accept the unpredictableness of her. “Wha?!” Even still, this new stunt was reaching an all-new level of crazy. “What’s going on and what with the kimono?”

    “Doesn’t it make me seem more mature and give off that sort of private quiet seductive charm?” Steph dropped his jaw at what he was hearing starting to lose his dimensions and reality. “What you don’t like it?” She scuttled over to Steph through the blowing sakura pedals that perpetually covered the ground and air.

    “Wel-W-Well…it’s not that.” Steph knew that he should not make her upset or she would only make him pay for it later. Though there was nothing wrong with her wearing a kimono and she looked good in it. She was apparently having a little trouble with the top though as her well-endowed figure was not fitting it as perfectly as it could have. But that was beside the point, of course (naturally), it just did not make any sense why she was doing this.

    “Then you like it.”

    “Uh-huh…” Steph slowly nodded to her not sure what else he could be doing still lost as to what was going on.

    His Zanpakuto grabbed him suddenly hugging him tightly and rubbing her cheek up against his head. “You’re so adorable when you’re embarrassed.” Steph gasped for air utterly confused now while be smothered by his Zanpakuto and endowment. She finally let him go free, but held him firmly by the shoulders. “Anyway, it’s a special day for you.”

    “It is?” he said feeling dizzy from what happened. “Did something happen?”

    “Yep! I’ve got a gift for ya! I’m going to grant you your Shikai today! Isn’t that an awesome gift?”

    Steph took a moment for it all to completely sink into to him and understand what she had said. He reran it through his mind just to make sure that he was not missing something. It could not be that easy. “Wait. What? You’re giving it to me? Don’t I have to go through something trial to see if I’m read or not? You can’t just give it to me, can you?”

    “Sure I can, I’m your Zanpakuto aren’t I? I’ve been watching you training so hard and I felt that you were ready for it. Besides, Zanpakuto these days are so stuffy and cryptic about these sorts of things. It’s all so boring, really. They make you shinigami nearly break yourself for something that is already a part of you to begin with.” Steph could only stare at her in disbelief listening to his Zanpakuto talk about something that is so sacred to the shinigami in just a casual manner. “What, you want cryptic? Fine. See this pedal?” She grabbed a sakura pedal out the air in front of them and held it between two fingers showing it to him. “This is you, a part of you. These are all parts of you. Reality becomes clearer here the more you understand that fact. Understand that and you will find the strength you seek.” Her fingers released the pedal letting the wind pull it along once more. “Cryptic enough for you?”


    “I’m not very good of that sort of thing. Anyway, like I promise. Your gift, you’ve worked hard for it.” She pulled him in close to him whispering into his ear some words. Steph face suddenly became red as she finished and pulled away grinning back at him. “Repeat that and you release me.”

    “I-I…I can’t say that!” Steph said still unable to get the words out of his mind or the red to disappear from his face. He backed away from her shaking at the thought. Steph was suddenly back in the meadow staring down at his Zanpakuto. His hand was still shaking from hearing her words.

    She appeared next to him placing her hand between his on the hilt. “I’ll say it with you.”

    “Tha-That’s even worse!”

    “So cute!” Adeyaka-Sakura placed her free hand on his shoulder to calm his nerves. She stood with him as a part of him giving him strength. “Now say with me.”

    The next few moments were a blur for Steph as he could not remember what happened, but when he was focusing again with his eyes he saw his sword suddenly glowing pink. Along the blade cracks began to appear dividing the light until the glow shattered into pieces. It appeared as though his blade had shed a skin and floating around the Zanpakuto were sakura pedals. He looked at them closely pulling up a free hand to reach out for one of the pedals.

    “Careful, they’ll cut you!” Steph looked back at her pulling his hand back sharply. She began to laugh suddenly for no reason until she explained herself. “I’m just joking. They aren’t blades. They are actually pretty close to the real thing, sakura blossoms I mean. At least in appearance.”

    “Huh? What do you mean?” Steph braved enough courage to touch one of the pedals in the air hovering watching it spin lightly around. He delicately grasped one of the pedals and placed it in his hand feeling the texture and weight. It had all the appearances and sensation of being a regular pedal from a sakura tree. But he could smell a fragrance coming from them.

    “Oh you’re starting to detect that. See these aren’t normal pedals. They emit a fragrance or I guess you might say a toxin into the air around them that anyone beside you can breathe in. When they breathe it in the toxin goes to work on their nervous system affecting their senses. It alters their perceptions. Though I will warn you that the affect will vary depending on the difference in strength between you and your opponent.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “Well a stronger opponent will hardly be affected and it may only slightly unbalance them or slow their movements a bit. It might not even be noticeable the affects. While someone weaker than you will be severely affected, they might even hallucinate.”

    “Wow, that sounds pretty strong for just a shikai.”

    “Well it all depends on your concentration and focus too. It’s only as strong as you are. And who knows you might learn to do some tricks with it that I didn’t even think of.” Steph nodded in understanding listening to her explanation. “Oh and one last thing, you have to control these pedals mentally. There aren’t too many so it shouldn’t be too hard. But think of it as a new training regime.”

    He looked back at her for a moment a little surprised to know that final bit of information. “My mind? That sounds complicated.”

    “It’ll come with practice. I think that is enough for today though.”

    “Huh? Why?”

    “Releasing your Zanpakuto drained you more than you know as well as subconsciously maintaining control of all of these pedals.” Steph dropped to the ground upon this realization letting the pedals disappear away. He began to breath heavily as he suddenly felt drained in a way that he never had before. It was like someone left the water running on him continuously pulling more and more out of him until he was unable to keep up. “See? Get some rest before you head back.”
    Last edited by Andromeda; 01-12-2009 at 01:11 AM.

  19. #139
    After a few weeks of meditation, Mugen finally managed to connect to his "Inner World" voluntarily. His sword lay before him as he meditated to the sound of music. Rei sat beside him as always, playing her flute softly while he delved into his own soul in search for the name of his zanpakuto. His eyes closed, a bright light bombarded his being. He has entered the world of his soul.

    It was just as he remembered from the other times when his dark side dragged him in. A lunar landscape. The ground had a haunting white glow to it. To the north of Mugen, the horizon became black. A dark aura eminated from a structure in the distance. Mugen, sensing an evil presence, was beckoned to the structure. "Come my brother..." He knew exactly who it was and he wasn't afraid. "Time to face my demon." He said seriously and began to walk toward the darkness.

    It wasn't long before he reached the structure. He stared wide eyed at it, awed and terrified by it. A massive slab of obsidion, chained to it was the silver lady. Sitting in front of the slab was White Mugen, his inner Hollow. He say on a white throne, white vines stretching out from the base, covering the landscape, choking the world. A field of swords grasped by the vines blocked Mugen from approaching the slap and throne. He looked around at his inner world, twisted by the evil within him. His fist clenches. "How do you like my kingdom, Brother?" Mugen looks at him in hatred. White Mugen smiles and laughs, echoing throughout. "Its been such a long time, Brother. That look isn't much of a greeting. I'm hurt. HAHAHAHA!" Mugen reached for the closest sword. The vines gripping the blade crumble at his touch. He grasped the black and red hilt and raised the blade towards his demon. "So this is what it has come to, Brother? You will raise your sword against ME?" Mugen's stance answers him clearly. "So be it. I will kill you here and now, then after I'm done with you, I'm going to have some fun with her. She's so close. I can only imagine the look on her face when I devour her... when she thinks I'm you." Mugen builds up his reiatsu. "Don't you dare even speak of her!" He lunges across and slams into White Mugen but is blocked by his blade. He chuckles evily and pushes Mugen back, sending him flying. White Mugen flash steps to Mugen and hits him again, sending him crashing into the ground. "Die Brother!" White Mugen keeps on the attack and slams into Mugen while he is down. Mugen cries out in pain and spits up blood. His inner Hollow jumps off of Mugen, who is at the bottom of a crater, and lands on the side. "Is that all you got, Brother? Man, you are weak. I bet you can't even cut me. Come on, I'll let you get in a free shot." Mugen gets up slow but he regains his stance. He wipes the blood from the side of his mouth and jumps up behind his foe. He pants and looks back from the corner of his eye. "The silver lady." He thought. "She must be the avatar of my soul. If I can just free her." He thinks for a second then comes up with a plan. "What are you waiting for? Attack me!" His foe taunts him. Mugen does so and pushes White Mugen back into the crater. While he's down, Mugen places a kido spell over the top of the crater and seals his inner Hollow for a moment. Then he makes his way back to the obsidion slab.

    By the time Mugen gets to the slab, his enemy had broken through the kido spell and was making his way to Mugen. Frantically, Mugen cuts the chains restraining the silver lady. "She's unconsious. Wait... she looks like-" Mugen held the silver lady in his arms and realized that she looked familiar. She comes to and looks Mugen in the eyes. "I knew you'd come," she says. "Brother!" Mugen hears from behind, his inner Hollow was approaching and Mugen knew he couldn't hold him back an more. "Quick," he tells his zanpakuto's avatar. "Tell me your name, please." She whispers into his ear. "I heard it this time!" Mugen stands up and faces White Mugen. He gets back into a stance and faces off against his enemy. "This is where you die!" White Mugen lunges at Mugen, ready to strike him down. Mugen stands up his sword pointed upward. "Shine Brighter, Benihyourin!" Light burst out from Mugen's zanpakuto and engulfs his inner Hollow and himself.

    When the light dissipates, he finds himself back beside Rei. "What the hell just happened? A light just almost blinded me!" Rei says in a unbelieved tone. Mugen simply told her, "Benihyourin." The sword that was layed before him now was in his hands. The sword with the black and red hilt. Rei looked at it closely. "so this is what a real zanpakuto looks like? Amazing."

  20. #140
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    No Time To Cry...

    It's just Like Adam says...It's

    In a fit, Haku seized his sword up by it's scabbard. He felt it again, collusively adding it's strength to his arm and his soul. A sour sort of power that burned like acid at his paranoia. Or rather it was just like a reverse paranoia. The unwarranted doubting of an established fact. It was an inverted paranoia, a certain fact that is doubted without sufficient reason. A spark of blue flame in the belly of a yellow fire that questions the whole of it's composition. Like a mother superior, demoness of an abbey of strict inward collapsing functions that cycle down to only one resolvable conclusion. Someone was betraying him.

    "You!" Squawked a female voice.

    Haku whirled around and backed up. "Stay away!" Haku's sword sprung from it's resting place. The shriek of metal, seeing it's blade in daylight. Haku groaned in pain. He staggered and tried to remain standing. "STAY BACK!" The feel of the sword in his hand…so ghostly familiar. The weight, balance and length were ideal.

    No one could be seen and he questioned reality in that scant moment. Had someone addressed him, or not? He quickly re-sheathed the horrible weapon and a blitzing flash-step retreated Haku far away from the scene of the crime…But not before kicking the 川 character out of the dirt.

    Haku's shades of denial and paranoia palled reason… He could no longer tell friend from foe. The fruit of all instincts and scheming simply fades away leaving drupish pit of alkaloid toxicity called madness.

    Not so Hard to Understand...It's

    Haku awoke in his bed, sweating at cold weather and fears. He could sense the respiration of his bunk mates around the room, all convincingly asleep. He couldn't force himself to think in terms of sleep or rational activities. All needs were secondary to survival.

    His eyes rested on the sheathed blade by his bedside. It's unholy form seemed reposed with sleep as well. He spared it a glare. He would be chased out of the Seretei, owning only a blade he couldn't use. The crystalline snowflake, so labyrinthine with sharp edges of brittle ice… His fate was cold. It was frostbite of the soul. Complete isolation, so immediate it was like being blinded.


    Haku started in alarm. A shadow was paused outside the screen that led to the veranda. It looked almost centaurian but with wings folded behind it. Haku jolted towards his zampakuto, but the traitorous weapon was gone from where it had been only seconds before.

    Haku readied himself with a recited kidou. He could cast the level 33 hado, Sokatsui.

    The shadow passed through the screen, directly into the room. The beast…the insect creature made clicking noised as it proceeded undeterred to Haku. Haku held his hand out in warning. "Don't come near me. Stay away."

    It's spade like hands held up Haku's Zampakuto. It seemed curious to inspect it and it did it momentarily until it throwing it down with a clang. It tilted it's head 90 degrees, grinning.

    "Shouldn't you…" It chanted as it's crab-like legs scuttled forward. "Be worried…" Haku took a deep breath and took control. The convulsions of fear passed. "About Agito?" Haku resolved to do some chanting as well and refused to process the words the thing was chattering.

    "Oh lord, mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws." A blue missle of energy swiveled like a flying disk, tearing it's way through air. Haku rolled and pulled his zampakuto. The beast managed to make it to the other side of his bed, dodging the blast which punched a hole through the screen. Haku made a tremendous slice, one so huge it marked the ceiling, halved his bed and caught in the floor timbers. But nothing was there.

    "KUISHI!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!?" Haku sheathed his sword to his hip, as it had started to affect him again and blinked non-plussed at the newly awakened Shingo.

    "Apparently destroying the building and my bed." Haku answered irritated.
    Shingo was too taken aback to say anything more, as Haku exited the large hole in the screen. He was awake now. Like a sleeper cell, the words echoed. "shouldn't you be worried about agito?"

    Just Like Always Coming Down On,
    Just Like Jesus Never Came...And

    Like a programmed machine, his feet turned him towards Agito's exclusive house. A small, one-room affair that made up a block of identical houses down a further lane. Guards were patrolling the streets, but they took no particular notice of Haku.

    Agito's door was slid back an inch or two, no lights could be seen. Haku furtively slipped to the door and entered unobserved. The first noticeable quality was the humidity and darkness. 'Perfect growing conditions for such an itchy little fungus.' Haku thought, with a disapproving sniff. The smell of Sandalwood and Patchouli incense could not be mistaken, but they tried to cover a smell of decay.

    After having illuminated his surroundings with an oil lamp, Haku started. The inside was shockingly disarrayed. It did not tell of the ordered state of mind that Agito had been believed to be possessed of. It did not tell of the slob, either, though. It told of the maniacal psycho with a creative flair for chaos.

    Things were haphazardly tossed about. Papers stacked in random slipshod piles about the bed and desk. Books everywhere. Messages in a foreign alphabet were burned in the woodwork of the walls.

    Many of the books were technical in the most tedious and uninteresting sense. Some appeared to be treatises on fighting techniques, some on winning social standing others, more ominously, focused on dealing with poisons and such.

    Haku heard the distant rustle of rain. Footsteps, he couldn't hear with the rain. A trap? Haku darkened his lantern and disappeared through the open screen. But outside the hooded guards stood only a few feet from of the house, one much shorter than the other. Their faceless forms staring accusingly. Haku drew his zampakuto in a pathetic attempt to scare them off. Wordlessly, each drew a zampakuto that looked like death.

    Haku felt the rain weight his hair, run down his face. He was lupine again, cornered, his nails digging into the ground. The arctic wolf was caught. Haku's heart was a wardrum and his zampakuto twitched threateningly. If he attacked a Seretei guard, his plans were over, followed shortly by his life. Haku quickly sheathed his zampakuto. His actions were mirrored by the guards.

    "A wise choice." Called a familiar voice. "Kuishi Sato of the South Rukongai." The guard pulled his hood down to reveal Mitsu Endo. The other pulled it's hood back to reveal a child-like face topped with a short cap of straight blue hair.

    (最後 嵐)

    "Thank you, Mitsu." Said the man.


    "You may go now."

    "But Captain-"

    "Leave now."

    "Yes, Captain." Mitsu Endo disappeared into the rain with a flash step. Haku felt very disordered and ill. The shorter man, who was without a doubt, Saigo Arashi captain of the 9th squad of the Gotei thirteen was now staring into Haku's eyes. The man's face was a young stoic palimpsest of non-emotion. Time froze as Saigo-Taicho formed the two words:

    "Haku Ishikawa."

    Haku put up a brave front and nodded at his name. "Saigo Arashi-Taicho. I had hoped-"

    "Shut up and listen, Haku Ishikawa. There is little time. Agito will return here soon. He must not see you. He already knows that Sempiternal cave is fifteen kilometers east and ten north of your usual meeting place. I can't help you. But you must kill him. I will see to it that you are provided a direct pardon for whatever you've done, so long as you kill him. If you don't kill him, you will be arrested and charged. I have all the proof I need."

    Haku snorted in disbelief. "You want it so bad, you do it." Saigo's cold eyes were beads of focus, calculating and murderously calm. In truth, they made Haku unsettled.

    "Unfortunately, I have no evidence against Agito. None at all. But I know he is guilty of crimes that would frighten even you. Thankfully, you were clumsy enough to leave obvious and copious amounts of evidence of your crimes. That, and I sense that he is somehow connected to you."


    Saigo nodded, thoughtfully. "Through more than destiny..." He snapped himself out of thought by glaring coldly at Haku. "But I'm not used to explaining myself. Do as I said."

    "What makes you think I'm capable of killing him? If he's as clever as you say…"

    "I didn't say I thought you capable. If you fail, he'll continue to comit crimes until I catch him at it."

    "So by implication, you're more confident of me killing him than of you catching him?" Saigo's eyes cut dangerously sharp. Haku smiled in triumph.

    "Correction. I'm catching him by making you kill him. Go do it."

    Haku turned to go when Saigo-taichou called out. "I did mention that Sempiternal cave is fifteen kilometers east and ten north of your usual meeting place, didn't I?" Saigo smiled slyly. Haku felt dirty…all his plans, all his crimes, even his name. He did not like Saigo Arashi in the least.

    What Did You Expect to Find?...It's
    Just Like Always Here, Again It's...

    Mahonna Kuiki stooped at a ring of dying cinders…a blaze that had spread across the Seretei forest, pluming smoke like a thousand sticks of incense. A glade of patchoulli plants smouldered quietly at the rim of gray ashes that expanded beyond. The funel of rising smoke caught her eye from the veranda and she followed it out.

    She stood and coughed. A black wrapped package tumbled out of her pocket to her hand. Her fingers selected a black cigarrette and installed it between her lips. A wave of her fingers and it's end sparked to a steady burn.

    She remembered when she was a child her friend Eris Iwasaki had issue after issue of a comic called "The End Storm" about her hero and the man who is now captain of the 9th squad, Saigo Arashi. It was a crime fiction and followed his quick reasoned deductions until the villain was inevitably revealed and defeated in a climactic battle. The question that sprang to mind was…what would Saigo Arashi deduce from the smoldering circle of ashes…? The circle of ashes…and the deep imprint and footsteps in it's center.

    She drew on her cigarette and let it's discharge disappear into the cloud of existing smoke. The ash-imprint was roughly person-sized and shaped. Had there been a battle? Doubtless. Had the winner escaped and the loser disintegrated? Not necessarily…there was no body or body-sized lump of ashes.

    The tracks pointed out past the circle, to the north slightly. It was then that she heard a cry. A choked cry…the cry of someone on their last breath. She swallowed a deep puff of cigarette smoke and flash-stepped away.

    Cover was easy to find, especially with her light-footed flash-steps which were no-doubt the envy of the Seretei. The large trunk of a fig tree with buttressed roots was her screen between her and the hopeless noises. Grabbing a particularly tall root with her fingerless-gloved hands, she leaned around the trunk.

    At first, the impaled corpse did not remind her of Koji Hama. It reminded her of a nightmare she once had. And the villainous figure standing above the corpse did not immediately register as Kuishi Sato. It was just a faceless enemy that was cruelly and murderously observing his handiwork. When her brain caught up with her eyes, she was frozen in stasis.

    She had inwardly joked, about Kuishi. She had deeply suspected him of some kind of criminal activity but somehow never expected him to be guilty of it. Seeing it, she didn't really believe it. Tears collected in the corners of her eyes and her jaw tightened.

    I can't believe "You!" Kuishi lept back brandishing a new blade she had never seen. It was a mission. She must live up to her potential. She would be exactly like Saigo Arashi!!! Her eyes blazed. She would do exactly as he would do... She would kill Kuishi Sato for this!

    everything will be alright, everything will turn out fine...everything will be alright, everything will turn out fine...It's
    Last edited by Sinister; 05-21-2009 at 10:44 AM.

  21. #141
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
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    The time had finally come. Fukumi had been busy with her class work until this very moment at nightfall. She let out a yawn and looked over her shoulder to her sleeping lover, Mahonna. The two women had become an item several months ago after their friendship blossomed to the point of physical attraction to one another.

    Her lips formed a tiny smile as she leaned over and kissed her cheek and quietly took her zanpakutou and left the solemn dormitory to concentrate on her shikai training. As Fukumi left the corridor to the open field of plains, a silhouette awaited her presence.

    Her feet stopped in their tracks as her fingers gripped the scabbard with ferocity. The silhouette’s movements crept closer to her personal space as the moonlight revealed their face to be Shino Shiozaki. The perverted smirk on her face, the bloodlust in her eyes, there was no mistaking her identity.

    Fukumi gave Shino a confident glare as she stepped closer to her.

    “I see you got your body back, hm?”

    “Yep, and that’s not the only thing,” Shino’s body slipped into the air and appeared directly behind Fukumi.

    “Oh? What else happened?” Fukumi loosened her grip on the blade.

    “I recovered my memories and met my brother, and have my proper family name instead of Mai’s.” Shino smirked as both Fukumi and herself turned on the balls of their feet to face each other.

    “Hmm... Omedetou. (congratulations)” Fukumi’s lips spread in a serene smile.

    “Arigatou.” Shino closed her eyes and bowed slightly. A light bulb went off in her head.

    “Ah. I almost forgot. What’re you doing out here anyhow?”

    “I was about to start my shikai training until I ran into you over here.”

    “Oh yeah, I just finished that too. Wanna have our rematch when you’re done?” Shino let out a soft chuckle.

    “Sure, I don’t mind. I’ve improved since then, mind you. Heh.” Fukumi crossed her arms.

    “As have I, Fuku-chan.”

    Fukumi cringed and went blue in the face. “…Fu…Fuku-chan? No one’s called me that before…”

    “There’s a first time for everything, you know.” Shino smirked. Fukumi avoided her eye contact and walked past her toward the entrance to the canyon. After she took a few steps, she let out a sigh to regain her bearings and calm her mind.

    A breeze flew through the canyon and whistled softly against the smooth walls. The scent of earth made its way through Fukumi’s nose as she smiled and walked along the edge of the Cliffside. Off in the distance was a thrashing waterfall that beckoned her to it. The sound of the waves grew louder as she closed in on the waterfall.

    She scanned the walls and used shunpo to scale down onto the rock face below the fall. She let out a breath and removed her robes and undergarments and set them on the shore. Scabbard in hand, she sat beneath the waterfall and closed her open palms together as the scabbard balanced on her thumbs.

    The sound of the waves took her thoughts and washed them away down the river as her mind relaxed. The moment her mind was clear and her body washed away of all impurities, a voice projected itself to her.

    “So you’ve come.”

    Fukumi kept her focus and slowly opened her eyes and found a being next to her on the waterfall. It looked similar to a mantis, but wasn’t quite so.

    “Yes, it seems I have.”

    “Since you are no novice, I will get straight to the point. I have a task for you, and should you pass my judgment, I will lend you my abilities.”

    “Hai, shishou. (master/teacher)”

    “Very well, then. Let’s begin.”

    The lean built mantis creature with crystal blue eyes and green translucent wings vanished from its place. Silence was in the air, Fukumi kept her place and closed her eyes. In half of a second, Fukumi unsheathed the blade and parried its attack from behind. Her legs spread as she opened her eyes with caution.

    This time it was Fukumi’s turn, as she vanished from her position. The green mantis kept still and vigilant as its forearm blades glistened from the water drops. Fukumi came from the left with an upward slash from the left side and it easily parried her and used its other arm to strike, however her image blurred and faded and she struck it on the back with the end of her hilt.

    “Ho… interesting. Seems you are more advanced than I first thought. So far so good,” it remarked as the two of them slipped away from the waterfall and clashed and parried all over the canyon.
    Their flurry of attacks came to a pause as Fukumi attempted to catch her breath. She however didn’t pant like most people. She took soft, long breaths.

    “Mada mada,(not done yet)” it spoke as it smirked as it crossed its arms in an x shape and circled her in a quick motion and created multiple images. However the difference between her illusions and these, were that these attacked as if they had minds of their own.

    She found herself dodging left and parrying right and attempting to find any kind of opening to exploit. Just as the flurry of attacks made things look fruitless, her eyes glared as she shifted the hilt’s position and held the blade in a reversed angle, similar to the mantis.

    Her body broke its limit as she twirled quickly and shot a trail of mist, and as a breeze kicked up, her feet vibrated as her body split into several images that took off in different directions that quickly vanished, and then reappeared where the mantis’s images were blind at.

    In a few seconds, all of the images had been defeated and relinquished and Fukumi and the mantis parried with force that split the water around them.

    The mantis broke a bead of sweat on its brow.

    “Very good; a bit sketchy, but it seems you’ve picked up on one of my techniques. I didn’t plan on that, but your prowess for the blade is among the Lords. I haven’t had this intense of a test in a long while. I shall now grant you my abilities of controlling the wind and being able to slice through anything.”

    “…Anything? Very powerful…” Fukumi blinked as she took in the new information. She was dumbfounded and didn’t know what to say. However, actions speak louder than words. She grasped the hilt and stood with her legs apart and bowed.

    Just then, she sneezed and immediately was brought back to reality; meditating underneath a waterfall in the nude. The scabbard she balanced at her thumbs was a light green with a translucent hilt. The blade itself was a thin grey material that looked fragile at first, but she knew better. It, too, had a crystalline finish.

    Fukumi walked to the shore and swept the water off of her skin so that she was lightly damp rather than soaked. As she ran her hands over her chest, she shuddered. She slipped on her undergarments and robes and made her way back up to the plains.

    Shino and Fukumi faced each other and smirked coyly and activated their shikais. Shino’s zanpakutou glowed and surrounded her fists as open-fingered gloves covered her hands and a small black display monitor with a timer on it and a small playlist of music, along with the title and artist of the songs. An odd shikai, but the songs change Shino’s personality.

    Fukumi’s shikai changed the appearance of her katana to the earlier light green hilt and silver translucent blade. The air around her created a gentle turquoise aura.

    Shino’s expression and demeanor changed as her eyes closed and her body took up a particular stance. It looked similar to Tai Chi, but had a hidden intention behind it.

    Fukumi’s brow raised as mysterious chanting music was heard with drums. If she put her finger on it, it sounded like some sort of tribal music. (Suikoden 3 opening theme.)

    When Fukumi focused closer onto Shino as she gripped the hilt, she sensed that the bloodlust that Shino normally has was completely gone. The reiatsu level was so small, but she knew not to judge a book by its cover.

    This new revelation on Shino distracted Fukumi from making the first move. That is, until Shino spoke.

    “If it is not too much trouble, would you perhaps take the first initiative? I would like to see what kind of improvements you have made.” Shino flipped her wrist and coiled her finger repeatedly.

    Fukumi twitched and tightened her grip, her knuckles turning white from the pressure. She then took a deep breath and loosened her grip slightly and focused upon Shino.

    “If that’s how you want it…” the words trailed from her lips as her form blurred into the abyss. Within the few seconds that she reappeared to the left of Shino in stealth, Shino caught the blade between her fingers as a slight cut formed beneath the joints.

    In that same moment, she pulled the blade and brought Fukumi’s body closer and struck a palm into her chest. The impact swept away the wind in her lungs as she gasped for air. Shino didn’t hesitate in her motion and kneed her stomach, elbowed her throat and moved both palms to her chest, mouthed a few words as compressed air pressure exploded onto Fukumi’s chest in a higher amount than Shino’s single palm. Blood spurt out of her mouth and her robe ripped away in a gaping hole.

    The force sent Fukumi back several paces as Shino kept her distance and stayed in her pose. She glanced at her timer and the song was three quarters through. She had thirty seconds left.

    The next song showed on the queue as the timer crept down to zero with every second she stood in place. Fukumi took deep breaths and wiped the blood from her mouth.

    This girl is fast… she doesn’t hesitate for one moment. I need to stay away from her open palms. Get it together, Fukumi. she thought to herself.

    Just then, Shino spoke. With the time that Fukumi took to recover, the time dwindled down to the last ten seconds.

    “Before I go, I must warn you. If you do not wish to go through extreme pain, run away now. The next one likes to torture their opponents. I do not wish for you to g--.”

    Her dialogue got cut off as the song faded away and the body went limp as the next song started. This one was hard rock and rather loud. (Disturbed – Devour)

    The bloodlust in this one skyrocketed past the levels that even regular Shino had. Fukumi took a deep breath and gulped. The attacks from earlier had made Fukumi rather nauseous. Her focus was disoriented and her vision was slightly blurred. Seems that from the normal Shino that she is used to, and the one she met before, and this new one, she came up with the verdict that Shino had multiple personalities; some she was unaware of.

    Shino’s lips grinned as her feet crept closer to Fukumi, who took steps backward, to keep her distance from the new menace. Shino’s lips parted to speak, and the words were so perverse that they sent disgusted shivers down Fukumi’s spine.

    “So it seems I’ve run into a battered beauty. Care to let me give you some gorgeous pain?” she licked her lips as her feet increased their pace and she dashed in front of Fukumi who turned around in a panic.

    Shino grasped the other woman’s wrist and pulled her closer. She wrapped her arm around her waist and licked her neck. Fukumi’s body shivered and yearned to be free. Her mind raced for ideas to break free from this bane.

    With the hand behind her back, Shino poked at a spot near her spine which caused her to scream in agony.

    “All I have to do is hold a person close to me and I can feel their pressure points and sense which ones cause them the most pain…” she ended with a sadistic giggle.

    What the other Shino said wasn’t an empty threat after all. Shino’s nails dug deep into Fukumi’s back as she held her body close and took in her scent. Fukumi’s pain continued as Shino nibbled on her ear and bit it fiercely. It wasn’t ripped off, but blood trickled from her lobe, onto Shino’s tongue.

    With Shino’s foreplay finished, she went in for the main course. She pushed away Fukumi’s body and spread out her fingers and in a quick motion, pressed all of the sensitive pressure points. Fukumi’s body went through a painful ecstasy that sent her scream throughout all of soul society. Her body shivered as she passed out. The song faded away and brought in Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries.

    The bloodlust faded away as Shino came back to her own body and saw a defeated and maimed Fukumi. Of course she knew everything that happened, but she didn’t think something so perverted and demented would rise out of her. She didn’t want the rematch to be something like this. She wanted more control of these personalities. The play list didn’t help because it was set to random and Shino didn’t know how to fix that. Maybe her bankai would be able to fix that, she wasn’t sure.

    Shino deactivated her Shikai and knelt down to Fukumi and sobbed softly for her friend. She carried the body to the river and cleaned up her wounds and carried her back to the dormitory, and back to her own room.

    Shino crept back to her own bed and plopped down quietly. The trauma set itself deep inside of her being. She wasn’t strong enough yet. She needed more will power to control her personalities.
    Last edited by Victoria; 05-31-2009 at 04:10 PM.

  22. #142
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    This Corrosion

    Sing, child, of right and wrong
    Gimme things that don't last long
    Gimme siren, child, and do you hear me call?

    Her feet patted down the path from the dormitory, away into the night. Mahonna Kuiki had slipped away from Fukumi. Fukumi must never know. Some villains must be faced alone…no… Some villains deserve to be faced alone. Mahonna had earned this. She was owed it. In her life, she had been spat on by an army of foes and demons in the raiments of friends and family. Kuishi's smiling face burned in her head. This one wouldn't get away.

    Mahonna Kuiki looked down into the hot springs. In a normal pool, she could see the nighttime stars…but the springs were all misty water, effervescent with heated steam. The effect was like looking down into blue fogged-glass, impossible to sense it's depth.

    At it's ledge she placed a thin wooden katana that had no hilt, a blank vessel for a zampakuto. She reached up behind her head, untied her long chocolate hair and tossed it forward. She casually unlooped her kimono's belt and shrugged the garment off, revealing smooth dark Arabian skin. And she systematically divested her remaining articles of clothing into a neat pile by the side of the hot springs, but within reach.

    One foot after another lowered into the water and then gradually the rest of her descended. The water burned at first and at long last soothed and smoothed each muscle fiber of her body into perfect relaxation.

    The wind was a perfect temperature and speed to balance the hot spring. The only sounds to be heard were the whispering trickles of the hot spring and the suzumushi crickets. There was a general sigh from all forms of matter in the vicinity, a long exhalation of tension.

    Mahonna had managed to remove all thoughts, even the ones that were most anxiously scraping the grate of her brain. She had to free herself and recleanse. She was getting to close to the problem and it was eroding her into a stream of thoughtless actions. She had been preparing for the ritual for weeks but she needed it most of all, now.

    Kuishi had that new sword she had never seen! It was beyond a doubt his unreleased zampakuto. It looked wicked and sharp, more wicked and sharper seeing Kuishi hold it. She needed to stay his equal or as close as she could manage. Saigo-Taichou could destroy Kuishi with a twitch of his zampakuto, but he was a very real threat to her.

    Her fingers ran across the ledge until they found the grip of the katana. She pulled it into the water with her, feeling it's edge slice through the water as if it were gelatin. She applied reiatsu against the grip of the blade until the pressure started to build. She could feel the resistance of the weapon as it denied the reiatsu. She revved pressure to an intense high until she felt her head swim and run with thoughts. A true stream of conscience ran behind her eyes and tingled through her ears.

    She saw her bedroom so many years away. The door was locked tight, as it so often was then… The manse was uneasily quiet, against it's own will. Some oppressive will from within was forcing the silence…commanding it.

    A small Mahonna, who had forced the lock on her window, was hauling up the pane of glass. She could hear the suppressed arguments. The fights met by an unyielding father and husband…master of his house. The abuse, the bruises, the softly running tears ran down Mahonna's bruised cheek like strings on a violin…like on a kokyu.

    She managed a few quiet sobs as she lowered herself out her window and down onto the hill below. She fell. Her body stretched as gravity ripped her back towards the ground she had left.

    She didn't have anywhere to go… There was no shelter to run to… She simply needed to leave the manse…to escape that awful will. The will she loved, respected and hated beyond all things.

    She hit the ground with a tumble and smacked back into the wall of the house with a thud. She felt a smart pinch and tight burn from her shoulder. Turning her head she saw, perched on her shoulder a great wood spider all seven inches long and stuck her skin. She swiped it off and it scuttled away in anger.

    She continued to sob as she heard the door open to the house and saw her father angrily run to her.

    "How dare you leave your room!!" He backhanded her across her already bruised face. "You wretched little disease!"

    There was a despairing cry from inside the house. No doubt the tears of her mother. She only hoped the tears weren't for her. She could handle it. She deserved it. But all she could do was blubber each time her father hit her.

    "I…was bit…by a spider, daddy!!" She managed through pained gasps for breath between sobs. He punched her back to the ground.

    "If you die from the spider bite, then I'll just adopt the spider! It would be a fair trade!" He sneered.

    He beat her all that night, screaming that she would never amount to anything. She cried that she had been bitten by a spider and that her face hurt and that she was sorry. But he locked her away.

    She remembered that was the night before he disappeared only to be found murdered by the traitor captain. She never was given time to tell him that she loved him, or that she hated him, or that she was sorry, or that she never would be…

    Mahonna awoke in the hot spring. Tears and sweat poured off her face and even in the relaxing grip of the springs, she felt tense and sore. Her face hurt as if she could feel the pain even in this moment.

    She looked down on the katana and felt it soak in the reiatsu pressured at it's grip. It didn't just soak in, it consumed, pulled…tugged. Her face hurt, it was red and she felt furious. She hated… In a passion she crammed reiatsu into the blade and felt it layer and condense. It seemed like it took forever and she just wanted to end it. But she kept pressing reiatsu until she felt it back out the grip and she stopped gasping for breath.

    She couldn't see it from above the water but she felt it's form and grip shift and alter. The balance changed and the resistance to the water altered and the completely disappeared. She anxiously pulled it from the water. The sleekest and finest bladed weapon she had ever seen appeared. The blade was closer akin to an icepick, it was nothing but razor thin metal with a tiny silver hilt and grip.

    A stiletto sword…all length and point.

    A crowding hustle of noises overpowered her awe and she quickly turned, not knowing what to expect. At first she didn't understand what she was seeing, but then she froze in terror. A cloud and swarm of black and yellow things that seem to spawn from the very ground piled and spilled over each other in heaps and hills on the ground beyond the springs. They tumbled over each other until a single form rose, long-legged and hideous. A great spider, it's abdomen bore a face in gold with great red eyes. It was a giant wood spider made of millions of smaller ones!

    "Mahonna Kuiki." The millions screamed. "There is a debt we owe and for it, we will always be your Kage Uzumaki!" The millions growled with the inflextions of her father. "Our power, is yours."

    A detonation of sight and sound bombarded Mahonna. Time stilled as she thrashed in the white hot water. we will help you… A phantasmagoria of haunted memories surged, repressed death wishes, swallowed guilt, buried anger all raced in the hot springs. in what you wish to do... It felt as if she was boiled alive. She had no thoughts of her own. They were drowned in the blistering flood of her spoiled childhood. Her training. Her remised life. our pact is to pay for the sins of the father… All the times he hit her. All the times he cursed her. All the times she had been locked away like a shameful secret. It was all being bought back for her…it was all being made up to her.

    you can call it out…
    Our pact…

    Mahonna's head lit with the hot stinging needles of trillions of nerves, all searing with the pain of the finest pinpricks. It was like the sting of millions of spiders, their legs overcoming her body and covering her in scalding hot pain that weighed her down like a freight train.


    Her hands clawed at her head as she swished back in the springs and screamed out to the thousands of crickets and the moaning wind…


    On daze, like this
    In times like these
    I feel an animal deep inside
    Heel to haunch on bended knees

    Haku Ishikawa shook his wrists and growled sulkily. The morning light showed through the massive hole in the screen. Apparently the spell had destroyed a tree, dried part of the veranda pond and punched through the academy wall, as well.

    He brought the small cup of gunpowder tea to his lips. The smoky flavor was softly sipped out of the cup. He had bullied Shengo out of the dorm, for the moment. After last night's display, Shengo had not been mentally equipped to battle it out.

    He felt stormy and ill-at-ease. Haku sneered. Was it guilt that made him feel this way? Koji. Could he have saved him? Haku's lowered his eyes, archly. He could have, but he didn't want to and he was glad he hadn't.

    Haku raised his chin and smiled as he set his cup down. He could still pull out of this. It wouldn't be so hard. In fact, it could all turn out for the best. A few bad turns of luck, a rotten zampakuto, Saigo Arashi, Agito Taguchi, Mahonna Kuiki, Kaigashi Mitsu, Mitsu Endo, Koji Hama, Haruka Tokoyami. There had been a lot of mistakes. He had let each and everyone affect him. It was time the Seretei felt his presence and this veil was cast off.

    He was in his shredded black uwagii, still marked with ash and burns. His zampakuto was belted to his hip. He would no longer fear it's touch. A few vials of Hanashite primer inside his sleeve and few surprises for later. His mind was buzzing with a few hado and kidou he had memorized for fun.

    He stepped through the hole in his dorm's screen. The sun shined like God. Agito Taguchi will die.

    I got nothing to say that I aint said before
    I bled all I can, I wont bleed no more
    I dont need no one, to understand
    Why the blood won't hold to the higher hand

    Mahonna had made her peace. Kage Uzumaki was sheathed, but ready. Her zampakuto spirit was perfect. She felt it always behind her, sworn in the sword. The hours she writhed in the hot spring, wrestling with the power of her own zampakuto, could have been years. A shock of white hair ran inconspicuously through her chocolate hair. A prodigy had been reborn. She had done something no one was supposed to have done in the same day they had manifested their zampakuto.

    It was beyond acrobatics and spell-slinging. She was Kuishi Sato's certain doom spelled out in certain terms.

    Fukumi met her gaze as she walked to the door. There was an odd searching gaze in her eyes, but Mahonna didn't answer with an explanation. In her mind, she thought: No dearest, this is my legacy.

    Mahonna slid the screen closed after her and stepped into the brilliant sunshine. Kuishi Sato will die.
    Last edited by Sinister; 05-23-2009 at 08:48 PM.

  23. #143
    Mugen and Rei were strolling along between rows of cherry blossom trees while out of school for the day. Mugen was out of uniform, wearing a red Soul Reaper style kimono. Rei was wearing a flower embroidered kimono.

    "How do you like the kimono I made for you?" She asked.

    "It's wonderful!" He said gleefully. "I epecially like this deep 'v' neck you made for it." He tugged at it to display his thankfullness. "How's your's? I hope you like it."

    "Oh, I love it! It's so beautiful."

    Mugen's left hand was resting on the handle of his Zanpakuto. Rei's Zanpakuto was hidden in her sleeve.

    "So, Rei, how did you get your Zanpakuto?"

    "It was surprisingly easy. Not as flashy as yours. I just meditated a lot and had this trippy vision and then...poof! There it was in my hands. It seems a tad short though, compared to other Soul Reaper's." She pulls it out and shows it to Mugen. The green sheath catching his eye.

    "Well, it is indeed short, but... maybe it's because you are more adept at kido? Plus, it's kinda pretty." Rei giggled at his last point then slid it back into her sleeve. She grabbed his hand and they continued to walk together.

    "Well, we better spend these days as much in peace as possible. After this is reality. After this is real fighting..." He thought.

  24. #144
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    The passage was as slow and continually moving as it had always been. There would never be a change in that flow, even though one would remain outside of that flow. Months drew past for the students in the academy and it was coming up to the end of the year for them. It would be an important time for some that were looking to be graduating and getting accepted into the Gotei thirteen. And for the rest it was simply a transition into a new number. Some made it out to be more than that, but that was how Steph viewed things. It was just a number for him, a fifth year to be coming for him.

    He remained in the best Kido class and now the best Swordsmanship class. It was a mid-year transition for him that ended up getting pushed through with the instructor tired of the class holding him back. Everything else remained as it had been before. It was not the fifth year yet, but Steph would hardly notice the change.

    For him he continued his sparring with Kagashi and his training sessions with Hana. It had been nearly a year since he started working with her and apart from some awkward moments in time for them she was improving in her Kido spells. Steph could tell the difference in her power and his own pretty easily. While Steph had the density and quality down, she had the power that he lacked. However, she would become tired while he rarely did in casting. His own knowledge of Kido continued to grow with him being able to cast into the 40s without the incantation anymore.

    The one thing that he grew tired of was repeatedly being summoned by the shinigami that was researching him. It grew tiresome and at this point completely boring to go into the room for tests. He did not know what the man got out of the test at this point. There had been some spikes in his power, so said the shinigami, but afterwards there had been very little in a difference for him. He wondered what it was that continued to drive him at this point. Since he did not stop, that was where Steph found himself now. The discomfort of the place had long faded away for him.

    It was the routine tests that he was used to at this point. The shinigami would just nod and tell him to continue as he had before. Nothing new for Steph and the time came to an end. At least, he thought it had come to an end for him. The shinigami was not letting him go. When the shinigami had grabbed Steph he was going out for training, but being interrupted he had been forced to bring along his Zanpakuto even though Steph tried to return it before following. The shinigami had been insistent about going immediately and now Steph could see why. “Take your Zanpakuto,” he said picking up Steph’s sword that was left to rest at the room during the exam.

    Steph gave the man a narrowed look through his eyes trying to figure out what the purpose of this was supposed to be. He considered forcing his way out of the place, but he knew that while he was skilled there were too many shinigami that would be able to easy stop him. The pause between the two was ended with Steph snatching the sword from his hand and snapping it into place over his back. “Now what?”

    The shinigami walked over to the wall with his hand still running down the pad of paper scribbling out notes to himself. He left Steph in silence until he put away his things and placed a hand flat across the wall. It was then that Steph remembered that they had not gone the same way to the normal exam room as they had previously. The room appeared to be the same, but it was in a different part of the building. Now it was made clear that there was something strange as the shinigami’s hand pressed into the wall forced away a false panel. A moment later the room began to shake alerting Steph to the fact that they were moving. The feeling that he got made it clear to him that they were being taken up.

    Above in the ceiling a crack began to appear until it cut a line across the entire ceiling splitting apart to allow the sunlight outside to bleed in. The darkened room was suddenly blinded by the outside making Steph close his eyes momentary to adjust to the change. When he opened his eyes once more the room that he had been was gone and they stood atop of the academy research wing with the entire academy spread out before them.

    A gust of wind blew through kicking up their clothes and pulling at Steph’s braided hair. There was plenty of room for the two of them now that all of the equipment was removed. However, there still remained the question in Steph’s mind as to what this was supposed to mean. The shinigami stepped forward standing a short distance away holding up his paper once more. “I want you to bring yourself to combat spiritual pressure.”

    Steph took a step back in confusion at the request. ‘What’s he want this time? This isn’t like him.’ He tried to read into the situation, but found nothing coming from the shinigami. In the end, there would be nothing wrong with meeting with his request. Steph closed his eyes to concentrate on the effort. As he began to work a green light surrounded his body highlighting his outline and pushing outward around him. After a few seconds Steph opened his eyes as the aura faded away. He stared back at the shinigami waiting to see what it was that he wanted out of him now.

    “Very well…now release your Zanpakuto.”

    “What?” Steph said questioningly knowing that he had not told anyone that he had released his Zanpakuto. He had not even told Hana, even though she pressured him repeatedly about it. It was something that he had kept a secret for more than one reason.

    “Release it.”

    “I haven’t achieved shikai yet.”

    “Don’t lie to me, boy. I know you’ve achieved shikai for quite some time now. You can’t hide that sort of energy from me. I haven’t been monitoring your spiritual pressure these last five years for nothing.”

    Steph ground his teeth together not expecting to be called out by the shinigami. It made him wonder how much he actually knew about his own body. There was very little that he actually spoke to him about leaving him in the dark about the many mysteries that surrounded him. Steph had tried to get answers on his own about why he was different, but they had lead to dead ends. ‘He wants to see my Shikai…I’ve got little choice…’ A long drawn out sigh escaped Steph’s lips as he focused on his Zanpakuto. “I hate this part…” he said starting to mumble under his breath words that were clear, but nearly inaudible to anyone.

    When Steph finished speaking the blade of his sword cracked glowing pink as pedals fell away from the metal to float and hover around him as though spinning in the wind. “Now what?”

    The shinigami said nothing for several minutes just continuing to write on his paper. Whatever the reason behind needing the shikai it seemed to provide plenty of information for him. Eventually, the man looked up from his writing to Steph. “That is all. You’re done for the day.”

    It left Steph at a lack for words and annoyed, but he let the pedals fade away into particles and sheath his sword. The room was returned back to where it had been before and Steph was allowed to leave. The shinigami remained behind in the room before departing as well.

    The walk back to the squad twelve barracks and the research and development facilities was long. It made for a bothersome journey every time that he had to go to run tests on his subject. The shinigami knew it was necessary and to bring him back to the R&D building would be even more hassle for him. Deep inside the labs of the facilities was where his team of researchers waited for him continuing their work while he was away.

    At the center of the lab was a large cylinder tube that connected from the floor to the ceiling surrounded at the ends by metal and a computer like technology that ran monitors for the stasis of the matter inside the liquid. The liquid remained cloudy as it had been since they began their work make it impossible to see the amorphous matter that was gathered inside. Along the walls of the lab were all of the devices, monitors and equipment that were necessary for their research.

    “No changes to report, sir,” one of the shinigami in a white lab coat said as he entered.

    “It’s been like that for three years, I don’t expect much change,” he said as he placed his notes that he took from his examination of Steph on the ledge next to the tube. “I’ve got new data from the subject. I finally have his shikai readings as well. Start inputting the new data now.” He walked over to edge of the room grabbing up his coat and began pouring over the recent data from the tests ran while he was away. ‘We’re close to the breakthrough. I’ve almost got all of the pieces I need.’

    “Sir, Captain Kurotshuchi was by while you were away.”

    The shinigami turned away from his monitor for a moment changing his features to a pensive calculating concern. “What did he want?”

    “He didn’t say anything. He just looked at the data and left.”

    ‘He’s getting impatient. My deadline is coming up soon for results. I’m running out of time…’

    Steph walked back to his room through hallways of the academy no longer feeling like training after having to go through the exams. Even though he held a pleasant face as he walked hidden beneath it was frustration and anger. He never knew what the shinigami was trying to do with him, but it was getting to a point that he could no longer just let things slide by.

    ‘I don’t like that guy,’ his Zanpakuto said as she appeared walking next to him in the hall.

    Steph did not bother to look at her having become accustom to her appearances. ‘I agree. I know he’s up to something, has been since the beginning. But I need to know what.’

    ‘What you planning on doing? You can’t break into the R&D building.’

    ‘I’ll figure out something. I’ve got to know!’

    “…woman in white!” said a student in the hallway talking to another student casually.

    The words were enough to make Steph snap out and stop immediately. It felt like he could feel the massive presence upon him, but it was just his body remember the pressure. He had not heard those words for a long time and he had nearly forgotten what his purpose had been the entire time. When he felt them echo through his body every nerve in his body throbbed in pain and his skin chilled. The placid expression on Steph’s face was destroyed instantly with one of deep boiling anger that seethed outward. It was an uncontrollable rage that flowed through him rising up. ‘Is she back?’ He had to know more.

    Steph marched over to the students that were still talking standing before them interrupting their conversation. “Did you say something about a woman in white?”

    “Huh? Who are you?”

    “Just answer the question!” Steph said nearly becoming desperate for an answer.

    The student became a little put off by the sharp tone of Steph, but could not hold back when he saw the look in Steph’s eye that told him not to mess around with him. “Y-Yeah, we were. There’s some student dead a few room down and they’re saying it was the woman in white.”

    “But the woman in white is a just ghost story people tell, she’s not real,” the other student said trying to make his friend’s words lose creditability.

    ‘Another dead student…it must be her. She’s returned and she’ll be coming for me, but I’ll have to take the initiative this time.’ Steph walked away from the students leaving them more than a little confused, but quick to dismiss it and return to their normal chatter. He followed the direction that the student had given him to where the dead student must have been found. When he got to the room there were several shinigami standing around that were from Squad Four. Steph kept his distance from them seeing that they were not allowing anyone to go near.

    He stood and watched from the safety of a corner as they pulled out the student’s body covered up in a sheet. There was not much to be seen from the dead student apart from blood soaked sheets. However, behind them were two shinigami that he knew, the Captain and Vice-Captain of Squad Ten. The Captain looked serious and in a bad mood while the taller Vice-Captain had a lighter air about her trying to cheer him up. Steph watched until they all left leaving a Kido seal on the door to prevent anyone from going in. ‘Why’s a Captain here?’

    ‘Be careful, Steph,’ his Zanpakuto said before fading away.

    Time passed on for Steph, but his anger could not be calmed anymore. It was becoming difficult for him to mask it away for everyone. He knew that the woman was nearby, but through all of his attempts he could not find out anything. The woman remained elusive to him while she continued to kill students at random in the academy. In the passing weeks more than ten more students were found dead leaving the entire academy on edge. It was impossible for the Seireitei to cover up what was happening and the students could not ignore it as simple rumors any longer. The story of the woman in white was quick to become a legend told repeatedly. There was no specific telling, but they all had similarities. In the end no one knew anything about the killer aside from that they were able to sneak into a student’s room usually with others in and go completely unnoticed or remembered killing whomever they wanted and leaving without a trace.

    Steph spent all of his time trying to find out more clues to where the woman was hiding, but with none of the witnesses remembering anything it left him with nothing. He was left to dodge the shadows of Captain Hitsugaya that was called in at every murder. After the first couple of appearances it became clear to Steph that the Captain had been assigned the mission of catching the person responsible for killing the students. However, judging from the look that he always saw on his face it was clear to him that the Captain was having no more luck in figuring out who the killer was than Steph was in locating her.

    All he could do was wait seething in private knowing that the day would eventually come for him to meet her again. She always seemed to leave a wake of death behind her before she came to him. He did not understand what purpose she had, but she was nothing more than a hollow. All hollows had to be destroyed and it was for Steph to see that she was destroyed.

    The fifth year had come for Steph and he continued through his lessons with a renew vigor that took some of the others off guard. They had always known Steph to be skilled and improve in strange ways, but there was a serious tone that lined him leaving the others to question him. Some even said he had an obsessive look in his eye like he had been swallowed by something. The instructors could not deny the fact that his skills were improving in leaps and bounds with changes appearing in him on almost a weekly basis. He was no longer a weak yet sharp student. The gap in strength was being closed at an alarming rate that was making them wondering where it was being fueled from.

    Steph found himself summoned by the shinigami again for tests after a month away. The rough tone in Steph’s voice set him back a little, but he brought him along for the usual tests. As they went through the tests the shinigami seemed to be taken by surprise from the manner of Steph’s demeanor. However, the results were what was truly surprising him. ‘These numbers are far exceeding anything he’s done before. I told him to use up all of his energy, but I think he can’t do it anymore. It is still regenerating as quickly, but it’s like the reserves he had has increased ten times. He is actually placing equal with someone that should be in the academy. I’ve never seen him increase like this before.’ The shinigami stared at Steph who was still mindlessly generating orbs of energy. ‘He’s reached a critical stage.’

    The shinigami approached Steph letting him stop in his task. The look in Steph’s eye made him twitch for a split-second still trying to understand what had happened to him. “Look straight in front.” The shinigami raised up his hand in front of Steph which suddenly flashed brightly making Steph pass out in the chair behind him. “It’s time.”

    Steph awoke in his bed pulling himself up to look around. He could not remember how he had gotten back to his room or even what happened in the last few hours. ‘My head hurts…I should rest…more…’ Steph fell back into his bed passing out just as quickly as he had woken up.

    Night fell on the academy and Steph woke up finally feeling better than he had before. His head was still aching a little, but he was not tired anymore so he would have to just push past it. He pulled up his uniform from the dishevel state of sleeping. Steph stood up and walked out of his room leaving Tamashi and Kagashi sleeping along with the rest of the academy. He had brought along his Zanpakuto carried on his back so that he was always prepared.

    Steph had no direction in mind when he was walking that night, but he found his way up to the top of the academy to sit on the roof staring up at the star filled sky. The knitted scarf from Grandma hung around his neck as the constant reminder of what he had to do and why he needed to be stronger still. Hours passed by for him in silence barely thinking anything.

    “Steph-sensei?” said Hana from behind Steph looking over the edge of the roof up at him a little confused. She pulled herself up quickly, but stood at the edge of the roof feeling the bitter empty that was rolling off of Steph.

    He turned his head to look over his shoulder with his mask that he normally wore breaking away as it had been slowly over the month.

    Hana stepped back becoming frightened by the expression that she found on his face. She had never seen it before and never knew Steph to have such a severe almost hateful look. It made her words waver on her lips. “Is something wrong?”

    “Leave me alone.”

    “What?! Steph-sensei! Plea—“

    “I said leave me, annoying brat.”

    Hana’s eyes had widened suddenly in shock at hearing the harsh cold words from Steph bringing her to tears. She did not know what was wrong with Steph to say such things, but she could not stay any longer. She disappeared from the roof in an instant leaving Steph to his solitude.

    ‘That was cold of you.’

    ‘I don’t need to be lectured by my Zanpakuto.’ Steph stood up looking out into the air having already felt in the distance the crisp heavy weight that he remembered. ‘This is no place for her to be.’ He jumped off of the roof coming to a landing on the ground and using flash step to close the distance out into the fields nearby the academy. As he drew closer he could feel the pressure growing on him slowing down his movements making it difficult for him to keep using flash step.

    In the distance a spherical cloud was hovering over the grass waiting on someone. Steph had known before he even arrived, but seeing the cloud made it the final confirmation for him. “YOU!” he growled with anger as he placed his hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto.

    “I’m glad you remembered,” the woman’s voice said through the cloud making it clear that she was enjoying the moment. “I see that you’ve become stronger, but your soul remains as appetizing as always.”

    “Shut up, hollow! You’ve killed too many people already. I’m going to make you pay for all those you killed!” Steph’s eyes glowed green suddenly along with his body as arcs and waves of spiritual energy bleed from his body washing over him into the night sky. He pulled out his Zanpakuto holding it in both hands tightly as he continued to increase his spiritual pressure.

    “Oho! You have become impressive. This will be fun indeed.” The spiritual pressure coming from the cloud suddenly jumped up meeting with Steph’s and making him acknowledge that she was still greater in strength than him.

    None of it matter to Steph as he charged forward to his enemy swing his sword through the cloud. He knew that he hit nothing and it felt like they had avoided the strike making him turn his blade and swing back up through the cloud trying to go deeper. ‘Nothing again…’ The exchange continued to be one sided as the cloud began to move around as Steph thrust inwards to the cloud. Even though he was getting nowhere with his attacks, Steph still continued to go after the woman that delighted in taunting him.

    As one of his strikes ended, the woman launched a counterattack throwing out an arc of energy the hit Steph in the chest knocking him down. “Still too weak.” Another burst of energy sent Steph backwards tumbling through the grass. “I think it’s time now. I’ve enjoyed our little duel, but I’m hungry.” The cloud moved in towards Steph until it engulfed him. A smooth soft hand reached out taking a hold of Steph by the neck lifting him up.

    In the mist of the clouds Steph could still not make out who the woman was that he had been chasing for so many years. All he could see through it all was a white figure that fit with the description that people spoke of. He felt the pressure coming off of the woman increasing even more until it felt like it was crushing his bones.

    A burst of energy from a Kido impacted on the cloud casting away the cover that the woman held making her turn in annoyance at the figure of two shinigami flying in from the horizon. Steph eyes became blurred from the crushing spiritual pressure of the woman and then joined by a captain-level shinigami. The cloud was cleared, but he still could not make out anything more than a white figure. He was dropped to the way side as the woman backed away from the initial strike. “Can no one let me dine? I guess, you will have to wait again little boy!” The woman summoned up a cloud around her and disappeared into the air when the cloud was dispersed by the captain.

    “Captain! It’s that boy,” the female vice-captain said as she walked over to Steph’s unconscious body.

    “Yes, I can see that, Rangiku,” Captain Hitsugaya said as he sheath his sword frustrated that the hollow got away. “We’re taking him back. I’ve got questions for him.”

    “Yes, sir!” Rangiku bent down picking up Steph to carry in her arms as Hitsugaya was already jumping away expecting her to follow up behind him.

    Steph was slowly coming about feeling like he was sitting, but not clear of his surroundings. He felt like there was someone very near to him, but could not make it out as his eyes opened. It took a few blinks for the focus to return to him as he turned his head trying to figure out where he was. The room seemed to be well lit, but there was a large shadow that was being cast over him making him snap back. As he turned his nose as well as his face was almost buried in something very warm. It only took him a second to realize what was happening and he leapt back falling over in the chair that he was resting in hitting his head against the wood floor.

    “Oh look, he’s awake, Captain!”

    “Yes…now get him back up…”

    Steph was pulled out of his chair, which lay on its back, by Rangiku still leaving him uneasy. She set the chair back up right as Hitsugaya directed him to sit back down. The Vice-Captain backed away to the side leaving the Captain to stare at Steph. When Steph realized that he was being stared at by a Captain he froze up. “Captain Hitsugaya!”

    “Yes and you’re Steph Whitestone a fifth-year academy student.” Hitsugaya closed up the file on Steph and looked back at him. “You’re record has a number of holes in them as well as a list of incidents.”

    “It does?” Steph said genuinely confused by what the Captain was implying. He had never seen his own records, so he would not know why there would be holes.

    “Someone is hiding vital information about you. This is a very serious crime. I need to know what they are trying to hide. Would you know anything about this and what they’re hiding?”

    Steph tried to think on what he knew, but since the shinigami had been keeping him in the dark about a lot of the things that he learned he did not know very much. “I don’t know much. I just know that a shinigami examines me on a regular basis and says that there is something different about me.”

    “Which shinigami?”

    “He never said his name, but I know his Zanpakuto’s name is Hanajizou.”

    Hitsugaya looked over to Rangiku to summon her to his side. “Go to records and search for a shinigami with a Zanpakuto called Hanajizou.”

    “Alright, Captain.” The Vice-Captain walked out of the office closing the doors behind her leaving the two alone.

    “What is this thing that is different about you? Did he say?”

    “I assume he’s interested in my ageless body and ability to hear the name of Zanpakuto when I touch them.”

    Hitsugaya was quiet for a moment as he thought leaving Steph on edge. He had been answering his questions the best he could not wanting to get in trouble with the Gotei Thirteen. “Shinigami are slow to age, why would an ageless body be of interest?”

    “I don’t know, sir. I just know that from the day I woke up in the Soul Society I’ve never change in age, height or appearance.”

    “And this other ability of yours?”

    “I don’t know. I just know I can hear a Zanpakuto speak to me when I touch them. I don’t know anything more about it. I try not to use.”

    “I see…” Hitsugaya stared at Steph further like he was trying to look through him. It was unclear whether he believed what Steph was saying. “There is another matter. The reason I had you brought here. Why have you been following me in the academy?”

    Steph pulled back in his chair becoming even more paralyzed, if it was possible. He did not know that Hitsugaya had known that he had been watching him the entire time. ‘I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but I thought…he’s a Captain…’ Steph choked on his words making it all to clear how guilty he looked at the moment. “I’m sorry, sir!”

    “That’s not an answer, student.”

    “I-I’m sorry! I-I…” He thought back to the images of the hollow in the clouds that was laughing at him standing over the dead. He could remember clearly all of the blood that surrounded him and those that he knew slain before him. The murderer stood before him and he could not do anything to stop them. The anger and hatred in his heart thawed the frozen body he had making direct contact with Hitsugaya no longer fearing him. “I’ve got someone that I’ve got to kill! I’ve got to avenge them and I won’t rest until I have my revenge!”

    “Revenge…that’s a dark path you walk.”

    “I don’t care. I’ll become stronger and I’ll kill that hollow, that woman in white!”

    The pieces were starting to get put together for Hitsugaya as he could see emotions that were rising up in the child. ‘Following me for his chance at revenge… But that hollow…she’s far beyond his skill…’ Hitsugaya stood up from his seat behind his desk and looked down at Steph seeing that all of the fear was gone. “That’s all I need. I’ll summon you if I have any more questions. Don’t follow me anymore, understand?”

    “Yes, sir…” Steph said frustrated and nearly ignoring his respect that the Captain was due. He walked out of the office passed by the Vice-Captain as she came back into the room.

    “What did you find, Rangiku?”

    “Records are searching right now, but there’s a lot of shinigami to look through.”

    “And why didn’t you stay to help them?”

    “What?! Me, Captain? All of those books are so dusty and old they’ll make me sneeze.”

    “Rangiku…” Hitsugaya said trying to keep his frustration down at his Vice-Captain’s laziness in doing work. Once he had passed through those feelings he moved on to other matters. “Rangiku, there’s something about that boy that we have to keep an eye on. Other interested parties seem to think he is important enough to break into records and change documents. And he is connected to that hollow that he seemed convinced is the murderer that we’re looking for. This mission is getting more complicated.” Hitsugaya grabbed his cup of tea up becoming exhausted by the number of mysteries that were starting to pile up.

    Rangiku perked up like an idea came on through her head. “You know, Captain, about that boy.”

    “What you know something about him?”

    “…He reminds me of you! But I think you actually might be taller than him, though. Maybe you can be friends! There’s not too many children shinigami in the Seireitei, you know.”

    “…Rangiku…” A vein on Hitsugaya forehead began to pop becoming frustrated with his subordinate’s lack of tact and useless comments.

  25. #145
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    After the meeting with Captain Hitsugaya everything calmed down in the academy once more. The one killing people disappeared again leaving the students to mostly ignore the events. They were easy in going back to their normal activities when it did not affect them. The woman in white returned to be a simple ghost story, though her reputation grew in status adding further weight behind its telling. While the killings did stop it did not leave Hitsugaya’s investigation to be put to rest, even if it did make it more difficult to track.

    Steph kept things quiet from his encounter with hollow and Captain Hitsugaya. He had taken little injury from the fight, so it was easy to pass up his state as over-zealous training. Now that he was warned to stay out of the way of the investigation, it left Steph even angrier than before. The fight had been a miserable loss for him, though he was not even certain he believed that he had a chance to win even before it began. In the end, even the fact that he lost was not necessary the main reason either. However, there was a path before him that he had placed himself on and he was not going to leave it until he reached the end, regardless of the outcome. He was even more determined now to become stronger so that he could have his revenge. It consumed his training to push himself further. He would not rest until he had the power to kill the woman.

    One thing that he could not avoid was the call of the shinigami. He came to meet him in his usual way with Steph trying to get out of it even though he was used to the routine. The feeling that Steph had about the shinigami only grew worse for him as there was an unsettled weight that gnawed at him making his inners raw.

    Out of sight of the both of them, Captain Hitsugaya, with his spiritual pressure heavily suppressed, stood watching as Steph was led into the research wing of the academy. He knew that if there was someone tampering with the documents he had to be careful how he moved in order not to tip his hand. This left him with personally seeing to the tailing of Steph and the shinigami with him.

    From the reports that he had seen on the shinigami, there was little to report on his daily activities. The man remained into the R&D labs most of the time working on something. Hitsugaya did not plan on entering until he had more reason behind his suspicious. He wanted to avoid dealing with Kurotschuchi as much as he could, knowing how particular the man got about his territory.

    The waiting for Steph to exit left Hitsugaya understandably bored, but he remained and was rewarded for his efforts. He could see the shinigami exiting with an unconscious Steph on a stretcher. ‘What’s he up to?’ The path led him back to the R&D labs where the man took Steph in. He did not like what was happening, but still weighed the decision to follow against holding his ground. When he came to his answer he jumped from the roof that he rested on.

    Inside the R&D labs the shinigami took the unconscious Steph down into the facility bringing him to his labs where his assistants were eagerly awaiting his return. The last time that they had brought Steph to their lab they were able to gain a lot more useful information than through all of the data that had been collected. It was bringing them closer to their goals. They had been able to make advancements on their prototype that accelerated their time table greatly.

    “Let’s get started, we have only three hours before the medicine wears off. My new data says that his powers are maturing at a rate that we couldn’t have predicted. He’s already eclipsed himself and if these readings continue he’ll do so again soon. The rate of development is astounding, the doors to the mysteries of his body are quickly starting to open.” The other shinigami closed into the table pulling over an array of tools and kits as they began to cut into Steph. Behind them the liquid filled tube was becoming clearer than before with a faint image of a person inside perhaps.

    When Steph woke up he found himself in his room once more having trouble remembering what had happened to him. His head still felt foggy as though he had been wrung tightly. The feeling did not leave him making him fall back asleep.

    “Hey! Careful, Steph!” Kagashi said as he lost hold of his sword from a strong hit from Steph. The strike from Steph had nearly snapped the wood and came just short of leaving Kagashi with a heavy bruise. The wood sword spun across the roof, which they normally sparred at, coming to a stop at the edge. “You’ve been unusually aggressive in you’re fighting stance. You’re normally more patience and calculating.” Ever since the year began Kagashi had been having more trouble than normal keeping up with Steph. He did not know what it was, but there was a change going through him.

    Steph turned around knocking his sword on his shoulder. He was not in the mood for Kagashi’s complaining. There was no time for him to waste anymore. He had to make improvements and keep challenging himself if he was to become stronger. “I’m bored.” Steph jumped down from the roof landing on the ground and disappearing into the halls.

    Kagashi ran after to him as far as the ledge of the roof confused by his reaction. “What was that? What’s going through his head right now?” There was no chance that he was going to go chasing after Steph in the academy for answers. If he wanted help he would have asked, Kagashi was going to leave it alone.

    “Hey! Steph-sensei!” Hana said as she came running down the hallway towards Steph. The rude attitude that Steph had shown her before did not seem to be affecting anymore. She had been distant for a few days, but she was back to her energetic self.

    Steph had been glad not to have seen Hana for a while since it did not distract from his focus. He side stepped the grab that Hana was making for him letting her trip to the ground kicking up dust. A moment later his feet pushed on leaving her behind.

    “Steph-sensei?” Hana pulled herself up from the floor ignoring the dust on her and ran after Steph before he was gone. She managed to close the distance quickly, but stopped abruptly when Steph paused.

    “Leave me alone.”


    “Don’t follow me!”

    Hana’s eyes were widened in shock unable to say anything more. The stunned look on her face remained even after Steph turned the corner leaving her alone. ‘Steph-sensei? Why?’ She dropped to the floor with her knees unable to hold her weight as she felt her will get ripped from her body. The crowd of students passing through walked around her ignoring her troubled cries.

    ‘You trying to destroy all of your relationships?’

    ‘I don’t need them on the path I’ve chosen. They’re just distractions holding me back. I have to become stronger!’

    ‘I said I’d be at your side through this terrible road you’ve been forced on, but you’re just running away.’

    ‘No, I’m not. I haven’t been. Not since that day.’ Steph’s soft features became rigid and rough unable to mask the dark anger that was welling inside him. The revenge that he had to follow demanded everything of him. He would not let anything stop him. ‘I can’t forgive her what she’s done! She’s killed too many! I must make her pay!’

    The so-called happiness that everyone was experiencing with the months slowly ending to another year soon was abruptly interrupted by a familiar shadow. There was another reported unexplained death of a student in the academy walls. While they had all acted as though things were normal they had not forgotten the fear that everyone felt during that time before. It was quickly renewed through the students. The impact was the worst on Steph though as he knew that she had come for him again leaving the death as a sign of her return.

    The knowing had left him on edge, but he had become better at masking his anger under his guise. He was able to continue his life not letting the others know about or be troubled by what was seething under the skin. The score had to be settled with the hollow and he had improved greatly over the year from how he was before. He was being told that he had finally reached a point that would place him in the ranks of the regular shinigami, maybe even as strong as a seated officer though time would tell if that was real. It did not matter to him how many times it took or how impossible the odds were in him winnings. So long as he was alive he would keep trying until he succeeded.

    As Steph was returning from classes he could see Hitsugaya out of the corner of his eye walking through the hall. It was clear to him that he was investigating the recent death in connection to the hollow. Steph unfortunately could not follow as he knew that his past attempts had failed in him being stealthy. Steph was on his own for this and he would have it no other way.

    Steph spent the next several days doing his own hunting and investigation, mostly just wandering around until he needed to return back. The days he had wasted away with nothing to be found and no more murders. Everyone was holding their breath hoping it had just been an accident or coincidence and that there was not a real threat again. Threat or not though, Steph was not going to ignore his chance to find the woman once more. His patience was rewarded on the fifth night while he was returning to his room. He had been outside from his countless patrols of the academy perimeter when he caught the white streak coming out of a third story window of the academy.

    The white was quickly covered up by a cloud making Steph certain that he had gotten lucky finally. He gave the escaping woman chase through the grounds of the academy and out into the fields. It became clear to him that he was being lured out rather than chasing since the cloud was moving at such a slow pace. Eventually, the cloud came to a stop and landed with Steph making up the last bit of ground. “You’re amusing how little regard you have for your own life,” the woman said echoing through the barrier.

    Steph held his hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto already increasing his spiritual pressure. “I won’t stop until I’ve killed you. That’s all that matters to me!” He pulled his Zanpakuto free from its sheath holding it in one hand with his free hand just under spread open. “Hado 33 Soukatsui!” There was no hesitation from Steph as the blue ball of spiritual energy released from his palm impacting on the cloud in his hopes of blasting it away. Unfortunately, it was cut down before it reached the target forcing Steph to close in quickly to keep his momentum. His swing missed hitting as it sliced through the cloud, but the hollow backed away.

    “So serious,” the woman said laughing to herself as Steph made repeated attempts to land a hit on her. “Well if you’re so eager…” The spiritual pressure from the hollow increased quickly surpassing Steph making him feel the weight pressing down. She released waves of energy from the cloud lashing out at Steph.

    Steph evaded the attacks, but he could see that he was not going to be holding his ground for long with the hollow becoming serious. The woman in the cloud began to disappear and reappear in different locations lashing out attacks at him. Steph attempted to dodge what he could, but was forced to take a few of the slashes ripping at his clothes. He jumped back after the last wave passed him holding his Zanpakuto out in front. Steph quietly whispered to himself biting back his words. Pedals burst out from his blade surrounding the field as he increased his spiritual pressure trying to close the gap. The assault resumed as fierce as before, but this time Steph was able to dodge the waves of energy getting a strange feeling through him that he could not understand. Steph turned into the final wave cutting his blade through it and flash stepping into the cloud making a strike hitting what he found to be the arm that blocked him.

    The hollow woman grabbed his wrist with her free hand tightening her hold to shatter the bones. Steph yelped in pain as his wrist was crushed leaving one hand holding on to his sword. He tried to back out to get some distance, but she was quick to flip her blocking arm around and bare-handed Adeyaka-Sakura. She spun around leaving her foot deep in his chest as he burst from the cloud with his Zanpakuto spinning up and in the opposite direction embedded into the earth.

    Steph slammed into the ground sliding through the grass and dirt eventually coming to a stop, but not before several more waves of energy was launched. He had no time to evade them or even move for defense. The arcs impacted along both his shoulders cutting deep through the skin to the bone with several more grazing him leaving lacerations along his legs. His blood poured into his white uniform top only becoming aggravated when he attempted to move.

    As he laid helpless in the grass the cloud came in slowly approaching for the kill. He was lifted up by his throat disappearing into the cloud. “You’ve become strong, but you’ll never match me. I’ve waited long enough for this meal.” The hand around his throat grasped around beginning to squeeze out the life from Steph’s body as he gasped for air coughing through the pain.

    Sharp thuds all around the area rang out at once alerting the hollow to another presence, but it was already too late. “A barrier…” she said knowing the feeling that was coming for the eight poles that were thrust into the ground. They were placed wide enough to give them plenty of room to move around, but no way to escape. Steph disappeared from the woman’s hand appearing at the edge of the barrier in the arms of Rangiku.

    She looked down at the unconscious Steph to look for life. “Your bait is nearly dead, Captain!”

    Hitsugaya appeared before the hollow with narrowed eyes staring down the hollow. He knew that Rangiku did not approve his of plan, but it was his only chance to surprise the hollow before it had time to escape. Now it was trapped, forced to fight. “Fine. Keep him safe while I deal with the hollow.” Hitsugaya pulled out his Zanpakuto quickly raising his spiritual pressure. “You’ve killed too many students. I’ll put an end to your life, hollow!”

    “Oho! A captain! This should be fun…” The cloud disappeared from the woman as she pulled free a white sword from her waist resting in a sheath. She held it in one hand pointing towards the captain. Her spiritual pressure immediately raised up matching and easily surpassing Hitsugaya’s.

    “An Arrancar?” he said tightening his hold on the hilt.

    The woman lowered her eyes seeming to have taken offense to his words. “Don’t lump me in with those tainted weaklings. My strength far exceeds that of an arrancar.”


    “Stay back, Rangiku.” He was not certain if the hollow was bluffing or not, but it was clear that she was at least as strong as a captain-level shinigami. “BANKAI!” Hitsugaya’s Zanpakuto and spiritual pressure changed in an instant with ice wings forming on his back and claws along his limbs with three groups ice flowers being created behind him. “Daiguren Hyourinmaru!”

    The hollow woman gave a smirk to him as her spiritual pressure easily matched his. She was quickly under assault from several ice attacks launched from the tip of his sword. The ice surrounded her and wrapped around her freezing up her arms and clothes. She simply stood frozen to the ground still smirking at Hitsugaya as she was engulfed. “Mmm…Bankai huh? How long has been since we’ve heard that? For a little boy it’s pretty strong.”

    Hitsugaya narrowed his eyes a moment trying to reading the situation. His emotions had him wanting to charge in knowing this hollow had taken so many lives mercilessly, but there was a gut feeling telling him that there was something not right about this hollow. He did not understand the feeling, but he was not willing to charge blindly in even though it seemed completely open.

    “Hmm…not so dumb… Oh well…” The ice around the hollow cracked and vaporized immediately. Once freed, she swung her arm with the sword like she was getting feeling back in. After she was done humoring him she sharply swung the sword downward creating energy from the tip throwing it in an arc towards Hitsugaya.

    He flash stepped out of the way in time, but watched the energy dig a deep crevasse into the earth. ‘She’s fast…’ Hitsugaya disappeared and appeared behind the hollow launching another attack, but this time his ice was stopped by the edge of the woman’s blade held out. He moved in closer seeing that his ranged attacks were not working crossing blades with the woman. They exchanged several quick parries until breaking apart with the woman will grinning to herself. ‘She acts arrogant, but her skills leave no opens…’

    “Not giving up already, Captain?” The woman rapidly swung her sword creating a multitude of arcs of energy just as dense as before. He was able to dodge them all, but it kept him moving while she appeared behind him bringing down her sword that he barely blocked using his arm to brace his sword’s blade.

    Hitsugaya struggled with her surprising strength and pushed back enough to shunpo away to a safe distance. He could see that he was not going to be getting anywhere with the hollow as he was. The power of this hollow was startling. His eyes began to glow as spirit energy poured off him with his increasing pressure. ‘I’ve got to end this soon…’ As the aura of energy grew around him he pulled back his Zanpakuto raising up and swinging it down launching dozens of shards of ice. “Guncho Tsurara!”

    The ice soared through the air at the hollow, who did not seem to have a care or worry for the attack. All of the shards slammed into the woman covering her chest in ice, but left no sign that there was any damage done. The woman smiled as the ice fell away to the ground shattering into pieces. Hitsugaya followed up charging in with his sword out to pierce through the woman with it heavily charged with energy. However, it was brought to a sudden halt with a single finger pressed against the point of the blade. Unseen to him, his shoulder down his chest burst open in a huge gash cut through him spraying blood from the wound. Hitsugaya’s eyes widened in surprise unable to even see the attack and then knocked backwards.

    The woman raised up the sword in her hand dripping with blood suddenly shattering to dust. However, the sword appeared only to be a shell that encased a sword of spirit energy. “I only use a sword out of courtesy to my opponents.” The energy turned to vapor as her index finger extended aimed at him with a Cero blast quickly gathering together. However, the moment it reached its full potential the woman turned as though she heard something. She lowered her arm with the Cero fading away. “Seems you’re lucky young captain. My master’s calling. Don’t interrupt my meal again or next time she won’t be able to save you.” A cloud rose up around the hollow and shrank disappearing with the hollow.

    “Captain!” Rangiku shouted running over to him as the barrier went down. “Can you stand?”

    Hitsugaya flinched his eyes dealing with the pain quietly knowing that he had been severely out classed. ‘What sort of hollow was that? I’ve never seen one like that before or with that sort of strength. It was nothing like the Arrancars from the war…’ He released his bankai showing his blood soaked captain’s robes.

    “I’ll summon Squad Four immediately, sir!” Rangiku pulled out a communication device from her clothes and began speaking with command. “Send a team from Squad Four immediately there are two severely injured here. The report can wait! Captain Hitsugaya was severely injured during his battle as well as a student. The student is in bad shape.”

    Medical shinigami from squad four arrived after a few minutes providing temporary treatment for HItsugaya to stop the bleeding. Steph was treated as well being in even worse shape from the fighting and the heavy pressure from two captain-level beings. When emergency care was completed they were both carried off to the squad four medical ward for full treatment and recovery.

    Hitsugaya was let go after a few days of rest, but Steph was required to stay longer due to the extent of his injuries. The shinigami told him that he had taken serious injury to several vital organs during his fight and would need time to recover as well as the broken bones he sustained. He had not woken up for two days after being treated and even then they refused him visitors until he had more rest. Even after he was allowed visitors he did not expect anyone to come see him.

    “…Steph…sensei…” Hana said slowly from the doorway of Steph’s room. He turned his eyes to look briefly at her before returning them to the void in front of him. She hung in the entrance for minutes unable to say anything further fearing for the harsh words that would come from Steph. Eventually, Hana braved enough courage to begin stuttering a few words. “…I-I…heard you were hurt…really bad…”

    “…I’m fine…” Steph said shifting himself a little thinking that he could turn over, but found the pain to be stopping him. He turned his head towards the wall as his solution.

    Hana held quiet again uncertain if she was waiting or hoping for something to change in Steph. After nearly ten minutes she bowed politely to him. “…I hope you feel better…” She then departed the threshold of the room disappearing in to the halls leaving Steph alone.

    ‘Pretty sure you made her cry.’


    Once Steph was allowed to go back to his regular activities he began his training again with a fierce determination. He was not going to let the defeat stop him from doing what he had to do. All that could be answered was to get stronger than the hollow. However, as he found out later from the talk Captain Hitsugaya had been beat by the hollow as well. He was a Captain of the Gotei Thirteen and a veteran of the Arrancar War years before. His experience in fighting powerful opponents was vast and still he was brought down. This news made Steph realize how much further he had left to go. If he was to stand a chance with the hollow would have to become stronger than even the Captains of the Gotei Thirteen. There was no other way and he had to do anything to make that come true regardless of the consequences. Nothing else would matter to him. The academy would not be the end for him, he had to join the Gotei and surpass them.

    The distance between Kagashi and him only grew larger with Steph being even more shut out from him. Their sparring matches prior had been tenuous and sparse with Steph losing interest in Kagashi. He was not improving anymore with it becoming one sided most of the time. He had to search for someone that was stronger to practice with if he expected to advance further. Kagashi did not ask questions or seem to care about what Steph was doing which made things easy for him to break things off.

    Steph was rarely to be found in his room anymore since he focused on training more than anything else after his classes were done. He gave himself little rest and preferred not to have to deal with the issues that were surrounding him with his roommates. The other students could easily tell how much Steph had changed in the last year. His gap in his skills was not what they singularly noticed. His aggressive attitude in seeking only the strongest students made an impression on them. While he was always at a distance from the other students, due to his very young appearance and unnatural talent, it was changing for them why they kept their distance from him. They were no longer certain what he would do and just how strong he truly was. The power that would flow off of him during classes made them uneasy.

    The matter of Hana became less of a problem with Steph as he could recognize her spiritual energy whenever she was nearby and make sure to detour. He was able to make it so that they never would cross since it was clear to him that Hana was still stuck on him in spite of the things that he had done to her. It would be the only way that he could let it slowly die off.

    Steph had just finished a round of exercises taking a break in the grass where he did most of his work in peace. It was extremely remote on the edge of the Seireitei itself and out of the way of the Rukongai. There was no one and none knew where he would be. However, in his break his Zanpakuto had become bothersome again. She had been slowly nagging at him about the mistakes that he was making, but he brushed her words off knowing what had to be done.

    ‘You going to keep running?’ His Zanpakuto was sitting in the grass next to him while he laid on his back letting the blades of grass surround him. Steph seemed unmoved by the words, but she could tell that he was listening to her. ‘If you stay like this all you’ll be doing is running away. You’ll be like you were before, unchanged.’

    Steph turned his eyes to catch her staring becoming annoyed by her talking. ‘You going to keep talking?’

    ‘Don’t like the truth?’

    ‘Shut up.’

    ‘You can’t hide from it. I thought you resolved to stop running.’ Steph had nothing to say back to her leaving her to lean on him more. ‘You need to turn around and face your problems. Shutting them out isn’t the solution.’

    ‘Stop talking. I already know…’ Steph had become tired of listening to his Zanpakuto going on about matters that he already understood. This was the path he choose after weighing the choices that he had. ‘I’ve done this fully understanding what I was doing. I’ve made a choice! That is all.’

    ‘A choice, but there’s still other choices you can pick.’

    ‘No! I won’t be swayed by you! It must be this way!’


    ‘Enough!’ Steph stood up from the grass looking down at his Zanpakuto as she stared back at him. He turned away and began walking from the spot, but crashed into something suddenly that he did not remember being there before. “What the…?!” Whatever he had collided with fell down as he backed off. When he looked down he took another step back with his eyes widening in surprise. “Hana?!”

    Hana held the side of her head in her hand looking confused and dazed. She slowly looked up from her place on the ground at Steph starting to hesitate and freeze up. “…Steph…sensei…”

    Steph turned to look over at his Zanpakuto glaring at her. ‘You distracted my senses. You knew she was near didn’t you?’ The woman shrugged her shoulders looking innocent and disappeared from sight. Steph was not going to stay around and took the chance to leave while Hana was still recovering from.

    However, Hana was not about to let Steph leave this time. She narrowed her eyes and pulled herself up from the ground and sprinted after him. While Steph was picking up his Zanpakuto she tackled him to the ground holding his arms and straddling him. “I-I…” There was still hesitation in her voice and face as she looked down at Steph, but he was turned away from her. Her features quickly changed suddenly becoming determined and serious. “I won’t let you run away again without talking to me!” Steph’s eye twitched slightly, but it was the only sign that she received from him. “We need to talk. I want to know what’s wrong!”

    “There’s nothing to talk about. I said everything before. Just leave me alone, annoying child…”

    Hana’s eyes flinched and became angry for a moment. She pulled her hand back raising it up and slapping Steph hard across the cheek. When she was done it went back to holding him down. “There is! Don’t say that there isn’t. We’ve spent time together! I’m not some stranger to you! Talk to me!”

    “No…let go of me.” Steph pulled his arms free from Hana knowing that he was stronger than her. He picked up his Zanpakuto and pulled himself out from underneath her. There was nothing for him; she had to understand that as he had. “Don’t follow me!”

    “…Steph…” Hana hung at the ground staring at the ground her determination staring to break into tears as he became more distant from her. She tightened her hands into fists trying to keep herself together. Her head suddenly turned up looking at him with renewed unbreakable determination. “Bakudo 1 Sai!”

    Steph was suddenly dropped to the ground with his hands tied behind his back dropping his sword into the grass. He struggled against the Kido, but it seemed that his training Hana made her far more skilled than he realized. “I said let me go, Hana!”

    “No! We’re going to talk! You’ve changed recently, but I’ve seen your face and your emotions enough to understand you. You’re lying to me! I can tell!” Hana slowly walked over to the struggling Steph sitting down on him again staring with a piercing gaze at him.

    “You don’t understand me! You’re imagining things that you want to see!”

    “I’m not imagining anything! I do know.” She lean in looking at him carefully letting him know how serious she was. She had been pushed pass her limits of letting things side by and be ignored. Hana would have Steph answer for his actions.

    Steph had never seen Hana acting like this before since he had known her. He had thought that she was such an easy going girl that rarely thought or considered her actions before acting. However, this was something that he had not planned for or even considered. She was before him demanding him to speak. He was not certain what he should do. “You don’t know!”

    “Then tell me! I know I don’t know everything about you, but quit turning your back on me and running away! Stop running and tell me! I want to know!”

    He could hear the echoes of his Zanpakuto’s words to him as Hana spoke. It made his eyes widen for a moment and turn to look at Hana. “…Hana…”

    “Please! Steph! I want to know…”

    “But the things I said to you…”

    “None of it matters. I know you were lying, I could tell. Something’s making you say those things. Why?”

    “…Hana…” Steph could tell that he was cornered now. Nothing was going to work on her but the truth. He did not want to go down this path. “I…I can’t let you follow me down the path I’m talking. I…”

    “What path? What do you have to do?”

    “Revenge… I swore to myself that I’d become stronger so I could avenge their deaths. And I’ve lost sight of that. I have to avenge them at any cost!”

    “But you have become strong! You’re one of the strongest students in the academy right now!”

    “It’s not enough. I have to become even stronger, it’s not enough…”

    “You will…but I’ll be with you.”

    “No! Hana! I can’t let you! The foe I face has killed so many already…and defeated even a Captain! I have to walk this alone!”

    “NO!” Hana shouted snapping Steph out of the sudden wild emotions that he burst into. “You won’t be alone, Steph!”

    “B-But…whenever…it…appears I-I…I have to embrace this if I’m to become stronger… I don’t want you to see me like that…”

    “Then don’t! There’s other ways. You’ll become stronger, I know it. You can’t rush it, Steph! I’ll stay by your side, even for vengeance. That way you don’t have to be afraid. You can stay with me! Let me be your strength and support. You can find another way!” Hana stood up from her seat and released the Kido allowing Steph to be free.

    Steph stood up rubbing his arms from the stress and pull that had been put on them. He looked into Hana’s eyes seeing how sincere and serious she was about what she had said. It was supposed to be difficult, but now he was faced with something else. “…Hana…I…” He had been left with uncertainty in his decision and a path he had not considered. ‘She’s willing to support me… She’ll stand by me… Hana… What do I do now?’

    ‘Accept her, silly!’

    ‘What?! Hey, why are you here now?’

    ‘This is a simple answer, don’t make it so complicated.’


    ‘No more running!’

    “No more running…” Steph gave Hana a smile as he picked his Zanpakuto back up and snapping it on to his back. “Alright!” Hana smiled in return and wiped away her tears nodding pleased to see Steph looking more like his old self. Steph looked around the field and then something hit him. “I need to settle something. Will you stand and watch?”

    “Of course!”

    Steph opened the door to his room and entered it turning to face the side of the room that belonged to Kagashi. The look on his face was easy to read for anyone. “Kagashi…”

    Kagashi looked up from his book a little curious at what it was that Steph wanted after ignoring him and acting in the manner that he had for so long. However, he did not need to hear what Steph had to say. He already knew well enough and picked up his Zanpakuto and set his book down.

    The two walked out of the room leaving Tamashi more than a little dumbfounded by the lack of words. His own curiosity could not be sated until he knew what they were up to. He had never seen either of them take their swords out for practice before. As he jumped out of the room to follow them he burst right into Hana stand at their door. “Hana!?” He looked at her as she passed him by following behind Steph and Kagashi. The three of them were walking away like they knew something and Tamashi had a feeling as well. When he finally caught up to the three of them they were in an open courtyard of the academy that was large enough for whatever they were planning on doing. It lacked the usual trees that most of the courtyards had allowing for a clearing. The place was often used for practice when students did not want to leave.

    Steph had his Zanpakuto strapped over his back as usual and Kagashi held his between the waist cloth that pulled in his pants. They just simply stood looking at each other not saying a word. Tamashi and Hana stay at the entrance watching to see what would happen.

    Kagashi placed his hand on his sword’s hilt getting ready. “Steph…I’m not much for words, so let our blades do the talking.” He pulled out his sword grabbing it with two hands pointing it at Steph waiting for him.

    Steph grabbed for his sword unsheathing it and bearing it’s fang at Kagashi. “Agreed.” The two disappeared for a moment in flash step as they collided with their swords in the center of the courtyard leaving the ringing of blades to echo through the halls. They broke apart and clashed once more echoing the smashing through the stone. As their swords met each time little bits of spiritual energy trailed behind as their warm up grew in intensity with rising spiritual pressures.

    “Hmm, they’re getting pretty serious now,” Tamashi said commenting on the fight as he watched the two take blow after blow. He could tell that they were still just knocking the dust free, but this felt like there was something more than a sparring match for them.

    The battle continued to draw out for the two keeping fairly even between the two of them. However, Kagashi knew that Steph was holding back on him. He did not like being looked down upon by Steph. He spun around after breaking from a parry into a flash step to take Steph from behind. Steph barely avoided the hit getting some of his clothes caught in Kagashi’s blade. “Stop taking it easy on me, get serious!”

    Steph’s eye twitched a moment and then narrowed as he leaped in rotation over Kagashi’s extended arm ripping his clothes free in the motion. When he came up Steph had already turned his sword around to meet with Kagashi’s forcing it back and away to follow through clipping off the same part of Kagashi’s clothes.

    Kagashi gave him a smirk and knocked away the sword as he gave himself distance. ‘It was all a blur…’ He tightened his grip on his sword staring down Steph in the pause. “That’s more like it!” Kagashi was eagerly awaiting Steph next attack as Steph moved quickly leaving Kagashi on the defensive. Steph’s movements and attacks were becoming too quick for him to parry solidly anymore. The strength behind the blows was increasing making his hands sting with the ringing of his Zanpakuto.


    “Looks like Steph finally getting serious. I wonder how long Kagashi can keep up.” Tamashi noticed that as he was watching their fight it had drawn a crowd. There were people talking as though they had heard about it and come running to watch. Steph was the well known mystery child that some were starting to call a prodigy of Kido and Kagashi, well unfortunately for him he was known as being the one that fought with Steph in training with the sword. The odd unspoken rivalry between these two had not gone unnoticed by the students, who knew that they had only every fought with wooden swords. So the fight that they were seeing now was like a long awaited duel for these two. The fight in the rumors that were drawn more people was starting to take on an epic quality making everyone gather to know the outcome.

    As Kagashi was backed into a corner he leapt up the wall and thrust himself away from Steph’s slice that stopped just before hitting the wall and damaging the academy. Kagashi raised up his sword pointing it horizontally at Steph as his spiritual pressure increased again making him glow. “Freeze all, Erimaki no Konpekihane!” Kagashi’s Zanpakuto glowed pale blue in his hands with the blade becoming translucent. A light from Kagashi’s blade alerted Steph to a change, but he had only enough time to bring up his sword as a column of ice burst from the tip of the blade. Steph’s Zanpakuto caught the column of ice and pushed Steph back against the wall.

    Steph struggled against the force for a moment before he pushed back on his sword knocking it aside. He charged forward in flash step to meet blades with Kagashi finding him to have gained some speed and strength with the release of his Zanpakuto. It brought them back to being even as they began to parry repeated swings.

    Tamashi narrowed his eyes seeing the fight continued to become more intense with each strike. “Pulling out your Shikai on Steph, huh? You must be serious. What’s gotten into you?”

    In each swing of their swords Kagashi felt like he was finally getting some relief. It had been boiling him for so long just watching Steph. He had seen him advance him in skill and leave him behind. He could see behind the mask that Steph wore and the weight that was placed on him. “Steph…” Their swords clashed sparking snow from his Zanpakuto to mix with the energy in the fighters. “I can finally feel like I can talk to you.” Steph’s placid face seemed to be returning in part from the anger that was holding it. “I hated you for so long. Everything was so simple for you.” Kagashi pushed back against one of Steph’s attacks throwing out another column of ice that he evaded. “You advanced so quickly like nothing was a challenge for you. It made me jealous. I struggled and worked hard yet I was being left behind. It felt like all I had was being in your shadow.” A parry broke them and pushed them back to their corners. “But I accepted it and I’ve been able to move on. I’ve finally been able to find my place. What about you?”

    Kagashi charged forward bringing his sword down on Steph’s with the ice suddenly growing across Steph’s Zanpakuto to engulf him completely in ice up to his wrist. The move had everyone in the crowd pausing to see if this was the end for Steph. Steph continued to struggle in a strength duel with Kagashi grinning to him. “What happened to letting our swords do the talking?” Kagashi gave him a smirk in response and pushed back on Steph. “I think I knew how you felt. I think in a way I had similar feelings since it always felt like a struggle and that I was being left behind.” Steph fought back against Kagashi holding on while his hand was frozen solid and the ice remained unchanged on his blade. “I thought I should hide what I was since it made me an easy target for people. People were uncertain about me. So I hid things to make it easier. Yet now that I have strength I can feel I can’t hide. However, all I felt was rage and anger and so I had to hide that. But I can’t let that hold me back anymore. I’m not going run away anymore. I shouldn’t be afraid any longer! I have my reasons for being here and I must become even stronger! Kagashi!”


    The two increased their spiritual pressure even more as it began to have effects on the crowd with the first years starting to be a little weak from their upperclassmen’s power. Energy bleed off the two of them as their swords rattled together still holding together in their contest. However, as Kagashi power began to level out Steph continued to pour out of them drawing on his regenerating reserves. “I can’t be afraid anymore! Kagashi!” Steph pushed Kagashi back as his feet dragged against the earth pulling up grass. Steph pulled his Zanpakuto out in front of him as it began to glow pink. “Strip bare my beloved, Adeyaka-Sakura!” The ice around his sword and hand suddenly shattered to pieces as the entire blade glowed pink shedding pedals into the air that hovered throughout the air in the area of their fight.

    “When did Steph get his Shikai?” Tamashi said unable to pull away as the fight just changed again. “What sort of abilities does his have? It doesn’t look like it has changed any, but those sakura pedals in the air must mean something.”

    “It’s beautiful…” Hana said as she stared at Steph’s shikai form.

    Kagashi blinked once suddenly feeling a little strange in a way that he could not explain, but he charged after Steph meeting blades with him. The fight grew again as Kagashi unleashed the full extent of his Zanpakuto on Steph, but he seemed to be able to evade everything that Kagashi was throwing at him. It did not make any sense to him. ‘Something different about Steph now. Before I could follow his movements, but they seem blurred now…why can’t I touch him?’

    Steph could see that Kagashi’s moves were slightly becoming sloppy from the effects of his shikai. It was not a significant effect, but it was more than enough for him to be able to advantage of. Their swords clashed again with each of them pulling out more from the other to keep in their duel. Neither of them would rest until they were satisfied. Spiritual pressure grew again bringing Kagashi back to even levels with Steph. ‘He’s managed to push off the effects… I’ve only used it in real combat once…’ Kagashi began to increase in his movement with Steph hitting the limits that he was set at. Even with all of the energy that Steph had to pull and strength it remained finite for him how much could take at once. He was still limited, his edge was in the quality, but Kagashi had talents that exceeded his when pushed. Kagashi had more to pull on than Steph could and it was finally being hit. Steph was being over taking in speed. ‘I can’t keep up with his movements anymore…’

    Kagashi disappeared in a flash step on Steph leaving him to guess where he would come unable to follow him now. However, there was a sudden feeling inside Steph that Kagashi was coming in from the right side that he could not explain. Steph turned to meet Kagashi’s blade taking Kagashi by surprise, but still pushing back Steph. He disappeared again into flash step. ‘From behind now…and…now the front…left…what’s this feeling? Why do I know where he’s coming from?’ Steph was able to counter Kagashi’s attacks putting them back on even footing even though Kagashi was at the advantage. As Kagashi came into the front Steph finally figured it out. ‘He’s disrupting the flow of my pedals and I can pick that up. So there’s another ability to them.’ Steph could predict Kagashi’s movement giving him the advantage to know where make an attack from. In a flash of shunpo the battle changed once more and Kagashi was left on the defensive until Steph’s sword was resting on Kagashi’s shoulder next to his neck in a sign of checkmate.

    Kagashi smiled standing up as Steph retracted his sword. They turned to face each other with the duel finally over. “I thought I had you this time.” Kagashi sheathed his sword admitting defeat.

    Steph sheathed his sword giving him a smile. “You almost did. Thanks!” Steph extended his hand out to Kagashi as they firmly held hands in respect. All of the emotions and issues that they had had with each other were laying about the ground of their fight. Steph felt lighter for it and more focused. He had to get stronger still if he was to keep his oath.

    Hana and Tamashi ran out to meet the two fatigued fighters as the crowd began to separate satisfied with the duel. Tamashi slapped Kagashi hard on the back making him cough and suddenly feel all of the sore muscles that he pushed to the limits from the fight. “That was pretty epic! For a moment, I wasn’t sure if you were out to kill each other or not with that look in your eyes.”

    Hana jumped on Steph knocking him to the ground too weak from the fight to keep standing up. She hugged him tightly glad to see the Steph that she remembered and not the angry one. “You’re back!”

    “I’m…back…” Steph said slowly as he wrapped his arms around her feeling the warmth from her body soothing his own weary one. “I’m sorry, Hana-chan…”

    “It’s alright, Steph-kun!”

    Tamashi and Kagashi looked down at the two of them a little surprised since they had been used to hearing in passing Hana calling out to Steph in a different tone before.

    Steph suddenly became apprehensive about Hana being so close to him and the change in honorifics was not lost of him. “Hana-chan…” He looked around Hana seeing Tamashi grinning back at him with a mischievous look in his eye. “Guys?”

    Tamashi gave Steph a wink and turned away walking off with Kagashi who needed a shoulder for support. “You two have fun!”

    Steph could not believe that they were abandoning him to Hana. “It’s not like—“ He tried to get up off of the ground out of reflex, but ended up colliding with Hana yet again in a way he wished that he had not. ‘Not again…’ Steph pulled back quickly when he realized what he had done. “Hana-chan…I-I-I…”

    “You’re so aggressive, Steph-kun,” Hana said hugging him tightly and laying on him giggling.

    ‘Why me…’

  26. #146
    Twilight's Enigma Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sato Arashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In the middle of light and dark
    Mokoto walked to down the hall of the academy, wiping his forehead from the tedious training in his swordsmanship class. It’s been five years since he first applied to the academy of Soul Society, another five since his death in the living world. He stopped and starts to remember vaguely all that happened on that day.

    Mokoto sat in the seventh row on the left side of the bus. It was a school trip to Mt. Fuji, one that wasn’t interesting to Mokoto. He had no interests in sightseeing in the first place, but he decided to join in anyways. It was rather a loud crowd; it made Mokoto hold the temple of his forehead rather tightly. He closed his eyes, pretending to be sleeping since he didn’t have that luxury in the first place, the road was bumpy and it kept him awake. “Hey, isn’t he Mokoto, the best runner in cross country?” One of the girls who sat right behind Mokoto asked another girl beside her. The girl nodded and both of them squealed with excitement. Mokoto can only gave a deep sigh and look out of the window. He desperately wished for a life of solitude, but that would be mere fantasy. He continued to ignore the noise in the bus, his attention rather at the fog that began to roll in. Mokoto scowled deeply, something in his gut feeling told him to run, but with no reason.

    When the group got to the destination, Mokoto got off the bus and placed his hands into his pockets as he listened for his name to be placed in a group. His group started to climb the mountain; he followed behind, constantly looking around with no interest. As his group continued up, a high-pitched screech came and Mokoto dropped to his knees, covering up his ears and squinting his eyes. He looks up and saw students from another group fly up in the air and being tossed around like rag dolls. He got up to his feet; only to be hit on the side by an invisible force that made him flew hundreds of yards. Mokoto tried to get up, but he couldn’t move his body much, he can only turn his body. Another high-pitched screech came and another invisible force slammed down on him, as if a 100-ton weight landed on him.

    Mokoto snapped out of the memory and covered his mouth, trying to prevent himself from vomiting. “Why, it’s been ten years since, and I can still remember it as if it happened yesterday.” Mokoto whispered to himself as he relaxed and looks up. After a few moments, a hand reached over to his shoulder and tugged on him.

    “Mokoto-san, are you alright?” A woman’s voice whispered in his ears. Mokoto dropped his hand from his mouth and turns his head, looking at the direction the voice came from. A woman stood there, she was a bit shorter than Mokoto, long amber orange hair that hung over her shoulders, and dark green eyes. The woman wore a normal student garb; the only detail that most people would look at the most is the eye patch that sat on her left eye and a scar that’s still uncovered from the top of her forehead down to the middle of her cheek.

    “C-Claire!” Mokoto stuttered in surprise, then calms down and looks off to the side. “Yes, I’m alright.” Mokoto answered.

    “Are you-“ Claire was cut off when a boy ran down the hall, along with a girl. Mokoto watched the boy with surprise. He remembered the boy from the incident, third year Steph.

    “Hey Steph-sensei!” The girl called out to Steph while running down the hall. Mokoto continued watching the chase until the girl tripped after Steph dodged her, but the girl got up and caught Steph to a pause.


    “Leave me alone.”


    “Don’t follow me!”

    Mokoto watched the whole incident between the girl and Steph to the end when he saw Steph ran off, and the girl just sat on the ground. The crowd that Mokoto and Claire were blended in with starts to leave.

    “Mokoto-san, we need to get going, or else we will be late.” Claire said to Mokoto, starting to walk with the crowd. Mokoto watched the girl for a moment then looks over to Claire.

    “I’ll be with you in a minute, I got something to do.” Mokoto called out to Claire. She stops and looks over to Mokoto, giving a nod before continuing with the crowd. His attention turned to the girl and he walks over to her side, kneeling down. “Are you alright?” The girl looks over to Mokoto and nodded. “Hana I presume?”

    “Y-Yes.” The girl replied with depression.

    “That boy, Steph, is walking down a road into the void that will swallow him gone if he doesn’t turn around,” Mokoto said, Hana looks up at him. “Someone needs to stop him, and the one closer to him is you.” Mokoto continued.

    “But what if he-“

    “Reject you? Are you going to give up? Persist him; knock him into sense if you have to. If you can’t make him turn around, then no one can.” Mokoto said as he got up and starts walking down the hall.

    ‘And so the silent wind plays a helping ballad.’ A low, yet evil voice echoed in Mokoto’s mind.

    ‘This is none of your concern, one who doesn’t tell me his real name.’ Mokoto thought back.

    ‘Oh touché, but it does concern me, after all, we will be working as one, wouldn’t you say?’ The voice continued, but Mokoto plans to ignore it.

    It’s been a couple of days and his classes are all finished. Mokoto sat on the west wall of the academy, his right hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto, the hilt was a mixture of red and black and was a bit longer than most hilts, the guard was shaped as a diamond, and at the pommel was a short chain with an unknown gem that was red, but had a black core. On his left hand, held the scabbard of the Zanpakuto, styled in the same color as the hilt of his Zanpakuto. It was only a matter of time before the graduation will begin. Until then, he will continue to meditate like this. There were sounds of a crowd and a battle, even students nearby were talking of a battle between two students and starts running toward the scene, but Mokoto stayed at the wall with silence. Normally he would come over to watch, but he was deeply in focus in his meditation.
    Last edited by Sato Arashi; 07-05-2009 at 01:21 PM.

  27. #147
    Twilight's Enigma Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sato Arashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In the middle of light and dark
    Mokoto sat at a table in the crowded cafeteria, eating his serving of rice alongside with Claire. There were constant chatter between groups, but it took one booming voice to silence the crowd. “Ok, who’s one of the strongest here!?” A man yelled out. Everyone except for Mokoto stopped and turns to the man. He was a tall, lanky figure with short spiky brown hair and hazy blue eyes. Most of everyone’s attention turned to Mokoto, causing Claire to give a worried look.

    “Mokoto-san…” Claire whispered as Mokoto continued to eat. The man approached closer until he was right behind Mokoto.

    “So, are you strong?” The man asked, crossing his arms while looking down at Mokoto. Mokoto turned his head up, looking at the man at the eyes.

    “And what if I am?” Mokoto retorted back, turning back around to finish his bowl of rice.

    “I challenge you into a duel! The name’s Setsuna, Setsuna Toudora!” The man said with a wide grin. Mokoto placed to bowl on the table and stood up.

    “Mokoto Zaishen, and I accept your duel.” Mokoto said, turning around to face Setsuna. Everyone in the cafeteria began to whisper, while Claire sat there, looking up at Mokoto.

    People were crowding at the open courtyard of the academy, making a huge circle, with Mokoto and Setsuna in the middle. Mokoto held the saya of his Zanpakuto in his left hand, while Setsuna’s was clipped to his robes. “Heh, you better keep me amused.” Setsuna said as he drew his Zanpakuto out of the saya. Mokoto just stayed silent as he tosses the saya of his Zanpakuto to his right hand. “Eh? What’s that for?” Setsuna said, confused of why Mokoto tossed his Zanpakuto to his right hand.

    “You’ll see.” Mokoto answered. Setsuna shrugged his shoulders and begins to run at Mokoto, poising for a downward slash. Mokoto leaned forward while his left hand hovered a couple of inches from the hilt. When Setsuna reached a foot from Mokoto, he took a step forward and drew his Zanpakuto for an immediate slash and quickly sheathed his Zanpakuto back in its saya. Setsuna stood there and turns around to Mokoto.

    “H-How…” Setsuna muttered as he collapsed to the ground. Mokoto stood up straight as he walks off while the crowd disperses. Claire ran up to Mokoto.

    “Four seconds since the starts, beats your previous one by a second. But you could’ve let the duel continue a bit longer, the crowd was dissatisfied with it.” Claire said, walking besides Mokoto. He stayed silent and Claire frowned, this was normal, but she began to worry about the silence.

    Mokoto opened his eyes and looks around, finding himself on top of a tower in a twilight setting. The top of the tower was a flat mosaic of something that’s still unknown to Mokoto. Around the rim of the floor, stone columns were sticking up and were connecting by stone arcs. “Well that was an impressive display, I should say at least.” The same low yet evil voice from earlier called out. Mokoto looks up at saw someone sitting on one of the arcs. The person had a very pale skin, long white hair tied into a ponytail like Mokoto’s hair, and red eyes. The person wore a white shirt with a long black coat overtop, black pants, boots, and gloves.

    “Do you think of it as entertainment, one with no name but calls himself the Demon Slayer?” Mokoto retorted. The person sat up and jumps down to the ground.

    “Oh come on now, we’re working together you know. We’ve already mastered our Shikai, but you don’t use it often.” The Demon Slayer whined, walking over to Mokoto and held out an arm around his shoulder.

    “It’s only for stronger opponents, nothing more. Why waste energy on someone weak?” Mokoto said, pushing the Demon Slayer’s arm off of his shoulder, who gave a sigh in return.

    “You’re straight-forward, but no fun at all.” The Demon Slayer responded back, and the scenery faded into white.

  28. #148
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    The year was coming to an end for many now in the academy. Outside it was just another time in the month, but the students were on edge about exams and graduation. In the case of the graduating students, they were on edge about joining the Gotei 13 and which squad that they would be a part of soon. For them, they had already passed their tests that were required of them. The test was pretty simple; proof of the attaining of Shikai had to be displayed prior to graduation. Then when the end of the year came they would be considered passed. Most of the classes were just supplemental and the basis of performance within them as well as specialties or tendencies would be weighed in the judging of squad assignments. It was not uncommon to have average or poor graduates; it would just mean that they would not gain a seated position as an officer. The Gotei was filled with hundreds of shinigami that were barely trained and skilled as a combatant, but in the end so long as the Shikai could be shown as proof none of it mattered. A Zanpakuto was a part of the shinigami and if something as simple as obtaining Shikai was not possible for them grades mattered not in their eyes.

    All of the students were waiting for their time at the academy to come to an end. It was procedure to have them all enter at a specific time. Often this meant that once they knew that they had their Shikai they would slack off until they graduated. The time of waiting varied for each person depending on when they reached Shikai, but it was always the same day they got their assignments. Naturally, in wartimes or times after battles exceptions are made to fill in losses that were taken and students are pulled out of the academy immediately. However, there had not been a war for ten years and the last Ryoka attack was hardly worth mentioning. So the procedure was being followed and the time for moving on was quickly approaching.

    Steph was one of those that were waiting on his time to come to an end. He had already made his Shikai declared to the academy staff, through the fight that he had with Kagashi. It had not been his intention to make it known that he had achieved Shikai, but since everyone else already knew he did not have much choice in the matter. The result meant that he would be graduating with the others that he had joined in the academy nearly six years ago. Since he was a year behind him in the system he had been out of touch with most of them, but it made him wonder how much that would be changing with them getting squad assignments. They would all be in the same place, the Seireitei, but they would be in completely differently parts. It made him wonder if he would see them even less than he currently had been.

    He had been spending most of his time improving his skill and training with Kagashi or Hana. Hana was still insistent on getting Kidou training from, actually even more so now after everything that happened. Kagashi kept to their sparring though since they had used their Zanpakuto he decided that they should keep using them in their sparring. It did not mean much of a difference for Steph, he just had to be careful that he did not injury Kagashi. Their level of skill continued to improve and the danger with it and the unfortunate injury would happen, but they pushed through it.

    The time came to an end for Steph and others with the graduation only a day away. He was planning on spending some time alone and sorting through the things that were swirling around in his mind, but there seemed to be other things in mind for him. The shinigami came knocking in the late morning looking to examine him again before he had been assigned to a squad. Steph was not fond of the idea, but it gave him another opportunity to find out what this suspicious feeling that he had about the shinigami. The year had been more frequent with exams and each time he could not remember how he ended up in his room each time. It was something that he needed answers for soon.

    The shinigami brought him to the usual place that they had their tests. He had been lately running fewer tests for him and just doing some things that seemed very basic to Steph. It was just a few spirit energy gathering exercises and scans with his equipment before it came to a strange hazy feeling that he felt like had happened before.

    Captain Hitsugaya had been keeping track of Steph throughout the year, but with his own work he had to send out others that he thought he could trust. He kept the information to a minimum only telling his subordinate to monitor his activities and when something changed to notify him of it. It concerned him that he had been called out in the last year more than fifteen times for Steph being taking by the shinigami that was researching him. He had tried to keep himself on the outside, but there seemed to be a difference in this trip that made him concerned. He shadowed the shinigami into the Squad 12 area of the Seireitei and into the research and development center.

    Hitsugaya came up to the closed door that Steph had been carried through. He stood at the entrance for a moment weighing his decisions before he pushed the door open and disappeared into the building following the faint spiritual energy of Steph.

    In the deep laboratories of the facility Steph was wheeled into the research room that focused on the data and samples extracted from Steph. The glass tube at the center held clear liquid, but the light that normally shone was off leaving a dark silhouette visible. Lights around the tube were blinking and cycling as they worked the data that needed to be processed. The other researches gathered around Steph, which lay asleep, looking eager to begin their work.

    The shinigami pulled off several tools from a compartment along the wall and placed them on the table nearby Steph. The others began to arrange the equipment around Steph getting the operation ready. The shinigami began with one of the scalpels as his assistant pulled up Steph’s sleeve to expose his arm. The cutting began as they took new samples from Steph’s body to fulfill all of the needs that they had for their experiment.

    The research had passed an academic and theory point more than a year ago and began to go into experimenting and application. There was some risk as always involved in new research, but the area that they were treading on had them all on edge. It was not the work itself that had them being cautious, but their subject. The subject, Steph, had numerous black boxes within him that they had still been left unable to discover even with six years of study and the samples that they had taken. It happened sometimes that a scientist would find something in the course of their work that they could not explain or reproduce no matter how much logic and math was applied; they had to accept that it would occur. However, it did not change the fact that it was difficult to accept when they were face with that very fact. Steph was a mystery that they could not solve and feared that even with all of the time they had he would remain unsolved.

    There were, however, some things that they had been able to gain a fundamental understanding of that they were able to use in the advancement of their work. This happened to be about the physical body that Steph had along with his spiritual energy. They knew that his skin and the pieces that made him, physically were similar in nature to any other soul that would be found in the Soul Society or a shinigami. It was from those similarities that were able to begin to draw some comparisons and point of reference to work from. Yet, even with being similar there were differences that made him clearly not like anyone else. The working theory they had was that the body was simply an extension of his soul with it trying to mimic the form of a human, but a mutation occurred that altered the structure causing the cells of the body to be almost always in a constant state of regeneration as though it was maintaining its form through subconscious effort. This would explain his ageless appearance. From that theory, is the reason that they believe the bulk of his power is being stored away. If his body was constantly regenerating its form it would require a vast amount of energy to keep up without him growing tired. Thus the bulk of the energy is held in reserve being spent continuously. If he ran out of energy they believed that he would lose his form, but that was just a theory.

    The second part of the theory revolved around his spiritual pressure and energy. The samples over the course of the six years had shown an increase in his energy that could draw on. However, it continued to puzzle them why it was that he always seemed to be maxed out in his spiritual attributes. Their theory answers this by hypothesizing that Steph was brought into the Soul Society with an already advanced level of spirit control whether he contained this in the real world while he was alive or through a means in transition to the Soul Society is unknown to them. However, it is the answer that explains everything even though it is the most improbable of the reasons. It was unheard of for a soul to have highly advanced spirit control. Steph’s control vastly surpassed anything that even most gifted students possessed bordering on the talents of a captain level shinigami. The theory grants the consideration that Steph possesses the talents and skills of a captain level shinigami with a limiter placed on him that severely inhibits his abilities much in the way that a Gentei Kaijo restricts the power of a captain shinigami, but it acts in a stepped stage of release uncontrollable by Steph himself and appears to only affect the amount of spirit energy and some spiritual attributes, while leaving namely his density at a continuously high level. One mark against the theory is that if he had the talents and skills they would be unaffected by the limit and thus placing him at the top of his class in all areas at the academy, but that remains to the contrary. In fact, he was only remarkable in spiritual pressure and density and nothing more. Making the theory lose weight, but it was surmised that Steph was new to his body and unaccustomed to it and required time to adjust as he rapidly advanced in some classes. This only remains theory, but it also remains the only way to explain why when he improves it always is in sudden leaps and always uniformly as though a hole is being widened. The reason or method remains undetermined.

    However, taking the two theories together raises concerns to the future of Steph. If both of the theories have some degree of truth to them and his body requires large continuous amounts of spiritual energy to maintain itself then as he improves and gains access to more power, the reserves used to keep his body could become expended in a battle. The researchers question what would happen to him and believe in part there is an answer to why he has been able to continue thus far without problem. The first is that he remains to use only a small fraction of his full power, but the spiritual energy seems to have a high regenerative rate that remains a complete mystery to them. However, the expended energy could only be answered by high regenerative talents. As he grows the body and energy balances and adjust to continue to meet the needs and so it should be more difficult for him to expend all of his energy, but even expending a large amount for a short period of time could present unforeseen affects to Steph. It remains a question that they are unable to answer since Steph is unable to drawn on the needed amount of energy to make it a concern. However, they believe there might be a final limit that he will not be able to break that is a hard coded limit in his body to keep the bare minimum requirements to maintain his body and thus possibly limiting his overall potential to being something significantly less than what he could reach.

    Unfortunately, it is all theory, hypothesis and speculation on their part and nothing had been determined to be fact beyond what could be observed. It was what made Steph so exciting for them as well as frustrating since he never gave them a clear answer, but only one that made them question even more. Steph was the perfect subject for them. However, they were able to apply their fundamental knowledge of Steph to their work making huge leaps in technology involving the bodies of souls and substitute bodies.

    The final pieces to completing their test would be gained from Steph in their operation. It would leave him unaffected and unaware of their work on him. They could not afford to squander a valuable and rare subject like him with invasive and negative operations. The work required on Steph was done, but they were needing to immediately apply their solutions to the samples and inject them into the experiment immediately. They still had plenty of time before they had to return Steph, or so they thought.

    While Steph did not know what was happening to him, he had come prepared a little. He figured that they were drugging him or using a device to put him asleep. The method was unknown to him, but he surmised that if he could store and condense enough spirit energy in his body he would be able to dampen the affects and with luck be able to wake up sooner than they had planned. He was fortunate to have been correct in his guess and opened his eyes slowly suddenly feeling himself return. He resisted the urge to move about quickly in his unknown surroundings knowing that he would alert them. Eventually, he planned to confront them, but he wanted to learn some things before spring his trap.

    From his position he could only see the backs of the shinigamis and the light coming from the tube in front of them. There was something being pushed through the liquid towards the mass in the center. The distance and small size made it impossible to make for Steph to see well, but he waited.

    “Sample #0291 has been injected into the test subject.”

    “Activating delta solution 15 for catalytic reaction.”

    “The sample is reacting with the test subject. Mutation is commencing within the mass.”

    “All readings are within expected perimeters.”

    “Good, prepare the next sample.”

    One of the shinigami moved around the tube reaching for something when all of the lights on the panels and glass turned red suddenly. A sound alarmed everyone in the room drawing all of them to the screen to learn what was wrong. “What is it?”

    “The mutation is out of control! It is progressing at an exponential rate!”

    “New growths are appearing on the mass!”

    “The containment solution can’t keep up with the increasing pressure!”

    “180 seconds to critical mass!”

    “Trace the mutation and try counter solution #08. It should buy us time to stabilize.”

    Steph suddenly felt a pain in his stomach that filtered through his body growing stronger until he could not keep still. It pulsed and gnawed at him as he ground his teeth trying to keep his body still as it shook racked in pain.

    “Sir! A spiritual pressure is being detected from the mass!”

    “What?! How is that possible?”

    “It’s feeding off of—“

    Steph rolled off the table that he was on hitting the floor, but the pain from inside him dampened any feeling that he had externally. The noise he created was enough to pull all of them away from their work shocked by Steph’s awakening. One of the shinigami rushed over to him trying to restrain him while he was throwing in pain.

    “What’s happening to him?”

    Another shinigami researcher grabbed up a device and went to Steph’s side taking readings. He looked back to the others at the station around the tube getting feedback from the main data processing. “It looks like spirit energy is forcibly being ripped out of him and being absorbed by the mass!”

    As though on cue, Steph broke free from the shinigami restraining him as his spiritual pressure increased becoming visible lighting the room. He stood up shaking in pain bracing himself against the wall feeling the agony start to subside. As feeling returned to his body he began to pant recovering from the stress.

    The researchers began to move towards Steph becoming concerned for their subject, but at that moment a bright light from behind expanded to fill the room until an explosion of glass and resulting shockwave knocked everyone to the floor with liquid spilling out. The light changed from white to green as a spiritual pressure burst from the tube lighting the now darkened lab. Electrical sparks from exposed wires along the station jumped about casting momentary light on the figure that stood in the center of the room.

    “What the…!”

    “Is anyone hurt?”

    Steph could feel the pressure coming off of whatever was in the room feeling the ominous sensation that felt like a sword at his throat. It was different from what he had felt before. He did not know what was going on anymore, but whatever they had in the tube was loose and wanted nothing more than to kill. Steph looked around the room knowing immediately that it was too small for him to fight in and too many people. He was not certain if the shinigami could handle it or not, but he was not going to wait to find out. ‘Need to escape…’ He was near to the door, but found that it was locked or sealed from the outside, probably in the emergency. ‘Stuck in here…’

    He turned his head checking the room seeing the shinigami starting to recover and gather themselves together. However, the thing generating the pressure suddenly turned looking towards Steph. Steph could feel the intentions directed solely on him and none else. It made his need to get to an open space all the direr now. ‘I’ve got to get out of here now!’ The thing leapt towards him and Steph dodged out of the way rolling to the side. ‘This is my only choice!’ He raised up his hand flattening out his palm as it began to glow. “Hado #33 Soukatsui!” A blue ball shot out from his hand hitting the wall of the room and blowing outward. Steph waited a moment and jumped through the hole that he made bounding through the hall looking over his shoulder to check. ‘If it’s interested in me I can lead it away and hopefully minimize the damage here.’

    Steph did not know where he was going in the facility taking random turns that he felt was right and hoping that he was getting somewhere. After running for a few minutes he came to some stairs that led up and down through the facility. He leapt up to the stairs skipping the individual steps and jumping from turn to turn as the stairs climbed higher letting off at each floor. Eventually, he burst out of the stairs feeling the outside nearby through the wall that was before him. He did not have any time as he could feel the pressure closing in on him. “Hado #33 Soukatsui!” Another hole was made and light shown through the wall allowing him to exit from the building leaping up to the top of the nearby building only to learn that he was far from the academy and deep in the Seireitei. “How did I get here? I’ve got to get to open ground quickly!”

    He leapt to the next building after he got his bearings, but before he could make it to another roof the entire western section of the building that he had just exited exploded in a green pillar of light. The shockwave knocked Steph into the roof face first. He scrambled to his feet facing the light as it faded away revealing a darkened figure exiting the smoke of the destruction. “The spiritual pressure is increasing… It was already equal to me, but can I handle it now?” Steph snapped out of his trance and turned away knowing that it was still seeking him out. “I’ve got to keep moving.” He flash stepped away from the roof and began jumping from the roof leading the thing out of the Seireitei and pass the academy towards the open fields. It was a long distant and he was leading it for a while, but the speed of the thing was increasing closing in the gap quickly.

    When Steph slid onto the ground and turned around the thing was already coming to a stop hitting the ground with the impact of a meteor creating a crater and kicking up dirt into the air covering up its arrival. Steph quickly grabbed his Zanpakuto by its hilt and pulled it free letting the sun gleam on its blade.

    The dust began to settle revealing a shadow in the clouds as it walked forward. Out of the dirt came a human looking person with pale skin. Then as Steph looked closer his eyes widened in shock as his hand began to shake. “It can’t be! He looks like me…” The thing that stood only a short distant from him had all of the appearance of Steph.

    The look-a-like stepped forward making Steph grasp his sword with two hands becoming uncertain and uneasy. The pale child raised up his hand looking straight at Steph. “Hado #31 Shakkaho!” A large fire ball grew from his palm released quickly at Steph.

    Steph dodged the kido, but he could not help his surprised look to see that it was using kido against him. It looked like himself, but there was something strange and different about it. Another blast of kido was launched at him keeping him from slowing down or standing in one place for long. “What’s going on? What did they do to me in there? Is that me?” Steph was forced to keep on his toes with the successive attacks made on him before he could even recover.

    A break in the assault came and Steph took the opportunity to counter as the clouds of dirt were settling. He knew exactly where the person was that looked like him making targeting him easy. “Bakudo #1 Sai!” Steph waited for a moment trying to learn if he was successful in restraining him. The clouds faded away coming to rest with the dirt showing the child to be held still. “What do you want?”

    The child did not change in expression from the void filled desire to kill even being tied. Steph stepped closer holding on to his Zanpakuto pointed at the child, but quickly learned why there was no change. The kido was broken without challenge as the spiritual pressure increased again making it clear to Steph that he was much stronger. However, Steph still had a chance as he charged his enemy with some hesitation in his breathing. Steph’s sword was held out in front of him as he charged through cutting off the arm at the last moment unable to strike a more lethal blow. As he turned while he slid along the ground the child turned looking almost casually at Steph. Blood dripped from the wound make Steph wonder and rethink what he was doing; it could really be him or at least something human.

    Not taking the injury seriously, the child bent down grabbing up arm and placing it roughly where it used to be. Steph’s eyes widened in shock and little horror as the body spontaneously grew to reattach the severed arm. Steph stepped back holding his sword firmly in two hands no longer certain what it was that he was dealing anymore. He focused on his spiritual pressure increasing it beyond his normal combat strength hoping to try to match the child that he faced.

    The child stretched out his hand, not quite towards Steph, with spirit energy suddenly being focused at his palm. Steph prepared himself for another kido attack, but found that he was mistaken. A solid mass grew from his palm extruding in length thin and narrow, but eventually taking form as unmistakably a sword. He took hold of it pointing it straight at Steph. Steph tried to prepare for what would happen next, but the child disappeared from his sight.

    “Where is he?” Steph looked around the open field having completely lost track of the child. It was no doubt a shunpo, but skilled enough that he could not follow it. The talents that this thing, child, had made Steph wonder what the shinigami were doing creating or messing with something like this. He wondered if they had done this to the child to make him so skilled and for what purpose. Steph suddenly felt a change in his surroundings making him being to turn towards it, but it was too late as the attack was already coming.

    “Freeze all! Erimaki no Konpekihane!” a voice from above them shouted immediately followed up by a pillar of ice striking just inches away from Steph. The child jumped back disappearing into shunpo once more as Kagashi came to a landing nearby Steph. His Zanpakuto was resting on shoulder too relaxed for the situation. “What’s going on Steph?”

    “Kagashi? How did you get here?”

    “I could feel your spiritual energy from the academy and another strange one that almost seemed like yours, but stronger.” He looked around trying to locate the other source, but it was moving fast. “Is this a practice session or something?”

    “No…I don’t know all of the details, but this thing or person was in the R&D facility of Squad 12 and escaped. They seem to have an interest in me as well.”

    Kagashi’s eyes narrowed as he saw the child appear away from him holding out a sword at the two of them. He lowered his Zanpakuto down into both of his hands moving up to the side of Steph preparing for what was going to happen next. “Squad 12 huh? That doesn’t sound good. Shouldn’t the Gotei 13 be here to deal with this?”

    “Yes, but I think the damage to the R&D facility is causing some confusing. It left a huge mess behind. I don’t know if we can expect help to arrive quickly.”

    “Then I guess we’ll just have to deal with it on our own then.” Kagashi felt a bead of sweat drip down the side of face as he felt the spiritual pressure coming off the child. It was stronger than him, but he did not think it was out of his reach just yet. He feared that there could be more hidden inside it just waiting to be unleashed. It was a feeling that he could not throw off.

    Steph reaffirmed his stance against their opponent. “Oh and another thing. It can use kido and apparently has high speed regeneration.”

    “This just keeps getting better by the second.”

  29. #149
    Twilight's Enigma Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sato Arashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    In the middle of light and dark
    Mokoto sat on the same place of the western wall of the academy, as if it was his territory. He held the saya of his Zanpakuto in his right hand that was in front of him, meditating with his eyes closed. A large explosion sounds off from a distance and he opened his eyes, looking out in front of him to see smoke rising from a building. At the same time, Mokoto felt two spirit pressures, one he recognized as Steph, and the other one on the other hand was intriguing. More explosions followed up near the smoking building. Mokoto stood up and concentrates his instincts, which led him to turn around. A couple feet away, Mokoto saw Steph, or at least, what seems to be a stronger version of Steph. It glared at Mokoto, void of emotions but hunger; Mokoto can only return a scowl back at it. It raised its hand up at Mokoto and a ball of spiritual energy formed at the palm. “Hado #31 Shakkaho!” It chanted as the ball of spiritual energy became a large fireball that was launched at Mokoto, causing an explosion at the wall.

    Debris flew everywhere and smoke continued to rise until it cleared out, leaving a big blasted hole on the wall. The copy of Steph stood like a statue, almost giving the emotion of satisfactory. “So, I see you’re declaring a duel on me.” Mokoto’s voice rang in the area and the copy turned to its left, seeing Mokoto leaning forward on his left leg while his left hand gripped on the hilt of his Zanpakuto, and the right on the saya. The copy simply turned toward Mokoto and raised its hand again at Mokoto. “Hado #31 Shakkaho!” It chanted, sending another large fireball at Mokoto. This time however, Mokoto stepped forward and drew his Zanpakuto in a quick fashion, cutting through the fireball in half while charging at the copy. He got close enough and brought his katana down in a downward slash. The copy was partially stunned while Mokoto walked a couple of feet behind it and sheathed his Zanpakuto, causing the copy to stumble for balance. The copy regained balance and turns to Mokoto, showing no signs of a large gash that would normally show from the slash that Mokoto made.

    “Impressive use of using spiritual energy for armor.” Mokoto commented while turning around to face the copy of Steph. It extended its arm with a fist and something began to grow, forming a sword. Mokoto watched dully as a hazy blue aura started to form on the saya. The copy began to run at Mokoto, holding the sword for a strike. Mokoto reacted by drawing his Zanpakuto half way to deflect the attack and prepared a counter attack by drawing his katana all the way and swung down on the copy’s right arm, successfully amputating it. “So, this is it?” Mokoto asked while sheathing his katana. The copy stood still for a moment until it reached down for the amputated limb and attempted to slam it back in place, which it successfully sewed itself back in. Mokoto scowled at the copy, unaware until now that it had regeneration. It quickly got back up and starts a flurry of stabs; Mokoto jumps back, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to dodge all of the stabs.

    After gaining enough distance, Mokoto held his Zanpakuto in front of him. “Now then, I won’t hold back.” Mokoto muttered. A ring of light starts to surround him and the wind became an updraft around him. “Uchihatasu! Akuma Sureiyaa!” Mokoto added. The winds picked up speed and dust was blowing everywhere. It caught the copy of Steph by surprise and was even more surprised when Mokoto came out of the dust cloud, charging at it with a different kind of weapon. The weapon was of an unusual design, it was a long sword with black and red design, a firm cloth hilt with a large gem chained to the pommel, and an opening on one side of the blade which sat two large moon cutters and three smaller ones. In an act of desperation, the copy tried to block the attack, only for the moon cutters to slide out and start their own attack, as if being controlled by the winds. The moon cutters start making small gashes on the body of the copy. After the attack, it kneeled down for a minute, and then disappeared off, leaving Mokoto alone in the area. Mokoto panted and drops to his knees, blood starts to drop from the tips of his fingers and small gashes from the flurry the copy made starts to open up.

  30. #150
    Mugen and Rei strolled casually through the Sereitei as they burned time while waiting for tomorrow, for graduation, to come. As usual, they walked hand in hand together. Mugen walked on her right side, his sword hand had to be free at all times. Ever since he acquired his Zanpaukto and it's name, he carried it every where. Rei, however, wasn't so materialistic. She decided to leave her Zanpakuto at home, however small and portable it may have been.

    "Hey Mugen, have I ever asked you why you decided to join the academy?" She tried to start a conversation.

    He thought for a moment. "I don't think you have." His face had a thoughtful expression. "Why do you ask? Because of graduation tomorrow?"


    "Well, my most basic reason would have to be revenge."

    "Revenge!?" She exclaimed, shocked. "Why would you want that? Vengeance leads only to bad things..."

    "Revenge for my mother and sister. They were killed by Hollow, remember? That same damn Hollow that killed me and my entire class."

    "But Mugen, if I remember correctly from what you told me about that day, that Hollow was killed, right?" She stopped and looked up into his eyes. "Isn't there a better reason than revenge?"

    "You're right about the Hollow being slain. He was killed by that funny orange hair Soul Reaper and Rukia Kuchiki. I'd remember a noble like that anytime." His look was nostalgic but quickly turned to loving. "I guess my reason now is you."

    Her face brightened and she embraced him. She placed her head on his chest and heard his heart beating. This moment of tenderness was suddenly interrupted by an explosion and a malevolent spiritual pressure.

    "Mugen, do you feel that-" When she lifted her head off his chest and looked up at him he was already looking in the direction of the origin of the spiritual pressure.

    "It feels so... familiar, why?" He said to himself. He looked down at her as if looking at a child. "Stay here, o.k.? I'll go check it out."

    "But..." She was dreadfully concerned.

    "It's o.k. As long as I have Benihyourin with me, I'll be fine. Besides, if I need help, I know you'll come rescue me." She saw through his smile.

    Before she could respond, Mugen was off, his Shunpo ability was getting better, much to her dismay. He hopped from rooftop to rooftop to the origin of the spiritual pressure. As he got closer he sensed two others. He got high enough to spot his target. A lone child facing off against two others. He hopped down from his vantage point and flanked the child. He looked past it and recognized the other two.

    "Steph and Kagashi, right?" It took him a moment to bring names to their faces. "It looks like you need some help. What's with this guy anyways? And why does he feel so familar?" Mugen drew his katana and moved into an offensive stance.

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