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Thread: Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only)

  1. #91
    Mugen and Rei left the cafeteria after eating some food. He felt nervous and impatient for the tests to end. She felt confident and excited for the tests to begin. Two lovers with almost opposite personalities. The walked side by side down the hallway towards the classes where their tests would be held. Both of them walked quiet until Rei broke the silence.

    "Hey Mugen, what tests do you have first?" She said.

    Mugen stops to reach into his kimono. He pulled out an object from the inside of his kimono. It was a small piece of paper. It had which test Mugen had, the times, and rooms where they would be held. It was given to him the day before by an upperclassman.

    "Let's see, according to this I have 'Swordsmanship' first, then Shunpo and then Kidou. After Kidou I have a break to eat then I have Hakuda, 'History of Soul Society' and then finally 'Nature of the Zanpakuto'."

    "Mine's totally different, that sucks." She replied. "Oh well, maybe it's for our own good, eh?"

    Mugen nods his head and then continues down the hallway. A multitude of thoughts run through his mind. He wonders what will happen if he passes, if he fails, if he makes a mistake and kills someone or, God forbid, dies himself. It feels like a second goes by when they reach the room where he will take his first test.

    "Well, this is it, Mugen. Good luck!" Rei says as she turns to go to her own test. Mugen grabs her by her arm and pulls her back to him. Hold her in his arms, and says: "Rei, will you marry me?" Completely caught off-guard, Rei has no response. " we talk about this later?" She stammers as she talks. Mugen nods his head and kisses her. She turns and runs off blushing. Refreshed with confidence, Mugen enters the test room.
    He joins the line-up of other students. He was in the third line-up. Apparently, when it is your turn, you would step out in front of the class, and spar with the instructor. You are only required to perform basic techniques.

    Match after match, Mugen watches as the test ensues. Some of the fights were short, some were long. After each match, the teacher would give the combatants their own grade. It finally came to Mugen's own match. The teacher calls out him. Mugen steps up, nervous on the inside but stoic on the outside.

    They each took their stances. His instructor was using the generic stance that each of them taught, a well balanced stance. Mugen's was rigid and better for fiercer attacking but poor in defense. At the word of the instructor, Mugen and the teacher clashed swords. Mugen forced his opponent into a defensive position and attacked relentlessly with vertical slashes. He pushed him back with every swing. But the teacher comes up with a counter and puts Mugen in his own defensive position. The teacher backed him into a corner and he nearly panicked. Mugen swung his sword upwards from his lower side and forced the teacher’s practice sword above his head. Swiftly, Mugen moved his sword to his chest and held it. Panting, Mugen lowers his sword at the sign of the instructor.

    "The winner is: Mugen Tsukiakari!" Cried out the instructor. The surrounding classmen clapped. The instructor shook his hand as he did with everyone. "Mr. Tsukiakari, great job. You'd make an excelent Division 11 member. I'll give you an 'A'. You may leave for your next test. Good luck."

    As he was excused, Mugen and the teacher bowed in respect and left. Mugen's next test was Shunpo, his weak point. The classroom wasn't very far and he arrived shortly. The room was the same one he and the other students used every day. Like the Swordsmanship test, the instructor lined up the students. Unlike the Swordsmanship test, due to the nature of the test, it took much shorter . It took longer for the teacher to reach Mugen, but she eventually did.

    "Now, Mr... Tsukiakari, it's your turn". She leads him to a line where she have him stands totally still. From the line, other lines mark every foot to the other side of the room. "The test requires you to do a standing Flash Step from the point were you are now. You will be graded on the total of two Flash Steps. You may begin when ready."

    Mugen inhales. He focuses his spiritual energy to his feet. When he felt ready, Mugen performed the Flash Step. The teacher jots something down on her evaluation papers. Mugen then performs the Flash Step again. The teacher again jots something down on her evaluation papers.

    "Well, Mr Tsukiakari, your efforts were *ahem* adequate at best. You had an average total of 13 feet. Poor, but, you still pass my test, congratulations. Good luck on your final exams. You are dismissed."
    Last edited by Evangel; 02-06-2008 at 03:43 PM.

  2. #92
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    Key Issues...

    Haku brushed the wanton icy locks of his hair from his face. The bed was warm. He felt the room move. Though the hangover made his vision wobble, the sobriety brought all of his fractured memories of last night back in layers. Mikio was left, broken and beaten. Haku’s hungover face smiled, evily. Mikio’s torment was just beginning. Last night brought it to him that he couldn’t leave the Rukongai without resolving some key issues. Key Issues…

    It was last night… Haku had come back in from breaking Mikio down. Tetsuo, his drinking partner, was still conscious. He was nursing some sake. Maybe it was just luck, but Tetsuo felt like bragging. He was a judge. A judge in the Rukongai council. A Judge… He also felt compelled to tell Haku how much money he had made from bribes. It brought a grin to Haku’s face to remember Tatsuo telling him he had kept it all in a trunk in his house.

    Having remembered all of this, Haku swept up from the bed, grabbing his kimono, slipping it on and belting it. He slipped his bamboo zori sandals on and was out the door. ‘A judge.’ He thought, with a grin.

    It was perhaps an hour before he could track down the honorable Tetsuo Genki-sama. The skinny scarecrow man with thick bushy black eyebrows and a shriveled head. His black hair was receding, the remaining hair was bundled up into a ponytail.

    At seeing Haku, his right bushy eyebrow raised. “Can I help you, sir?” He said, trying to intimate that he wished no more association with Haku. Haku kept his composure, just letting a small smirk slip.

    “You don’t remember me then? I suppose that makes things more convenient.”

    “I’m sorry, I’m a busy man. So if there is nothing else I’m afraid you'll have to excuse me.” Haku clicked his tongue, chidingly.

    I’m afraid I’ll need your complete attention. Perhaps I could bribe you for a few moments of your time? I understand that is the custom in dealing with you.” Haku laughed, evily.


    Hours later, after hard work, the both of them produced a document. It was official, bristling with Rukongai red tape. It’s inky pulp smelled so very final. It stated simply in certain terms that:

    A Haku Ishikawa was found murdered on the former date from the printing of this document. Honorable Tetsuo Hiroshi-sama, holding judge of the Rukongai council, witnessed said murder and confirms a one Mikio Goto as the person responsible. This decree serves also as a warrant and bounty for Mikio Goto. Bounty specifics will be forthcoming.

    Haku rubbed the paper between his thumb and forefinger. It felt like freedom. All of his possesions would go to Akane. Mikio would be either put away or hunted for the rest of his life. His ties to Akane would finally be severed. The little possessions he had and all of his money was severance pay to her, his greatest friend so far. But the greatest achievement was that the two men Akane thought so much of will disappear in front of her own eyes.

    Key Issues dealt with, time to move on and besides who better to be a Shinigami than a man who is double-dead. No more key issues or distractions. It’s time to register for the Shinigami academy and become a student.

    This final move of grace on the Rukongai that had tortured him for near ten years felt so very good. It made his insides jump for joy, it made his face hurt from grinning so much. And more important, it made him able to forget all of it. ALL of it...
    Last edited by Sinister; 08-29-2008 at 09:19 PM.

  3. #93
    The room seemed to be over flowed from countless students taking the same test. Zeno was still beaten down from his lack of sleep. But he knew he had to toughen it out if he wanted to pass this test. All he needed was a second wind, which didn’t feel like it was coming anytime soon. Zeno stood in the crowd of people with his head held down and his eyes struggling to stay open.

    “This isn’t good, by the time it gets to my turn I’ll just pass out in front of the instructor. Everyone would laugh at me and think im some kind of loser. Not to mention id probably fail the test and get kicked out. Which is the last thing I want.”

    After seeing several students perform the test with the instructor. Zeno’s name was finally called. He stood up straight and dragged his feet in front of the instructor.

    “So your Kasuma Zenoah correct?”

    “Yes sir, but just call me Zeno.”

    “Hmm. shall we begin then Mr. Zenoah.”

    The sound of that name scared Zeno to his very heart. He’s always hated the fully phrase of his name spoken out loud. Without Zeno even knowing it all of his fatigue was gone.

    “(This instructor thinks he’s being funny. Well he won’t be giggling to himself when I lop of his head.)”

    Zeno was handed a training sword for his test. His right hand gripped it so hard it was like his own life. Zeno’s green eyes glared at the instructor with intense fighting sprit.

    “Alright Mr. Zenoah will start off by seeing your stance, thrusts, and slice. Now begin!”

    Zeno then pointed his sword at the instructor and then gripped his other hand on the lower part of the handle beneath his right hand. He then moved his sword up towards the ceiling so that the attack part of the weapon was facing the instructor.

    Zeno was hoping this stance would be good enough for the instructor. Consider he knew a few other stances, but he thought this would be the most fitting stance for the test.

    The instructor nodded which gave Zeno the signal to move on. Zeno then Zeno moved his sword back on his right side readying for an attack thrust. After he performed a coupled of thrusts he then moved on to slicing. Zeno then held his sword up. He then swung his sword a good vertical swing. After that he performed a horizontal slash. The force of these swings were hard yet stable. One swing seemed to of flowed well with the others. The instructor studied every inch of Zeno’s movements. Yet he gave no sighs of emotion in his actions.

    “(His attacks are a little too wild. Yet he has the basics down. But lets see how he does at defense.) Alright Mr. Zenoah. Now lets see how good you guard!.”


    Without knowing it the instructor was already in front of him swinging his weapon at Zeno’s arm. His weapon was met by Zeno’s the instructors sword was almost touching his clothing. His teeth were clenched trying to force the instructors sword back. The Instructor swung at Zeno aiming for his right side. With no time to think Zeno twisted his sword pointing down to the floor and blocked the other attack. The instructor’s eyes widen a little in surprise.

    “(This kid has and interesting style. He’s holding the sword handle as if he’s holding it up normally, yet he twirled the sword having it block my attack. The fatigue in his eyes showed he must have been practicing a lot.)”

    The other students looked at Zeno weird yet some looked impressed. Zeno back up away from the instructor. He was breathing heavily from barley getting out of those two surprise attacks.

    The instructor withdrew his weapon. And nodded at Zeno.

    “Mr. Kasuma Zenoah your test has now ended. You should be proud you did well.”

    Zeno’s face lit up in happiness.

    “Really I thought I was good!? Did I pass?”

    The instructor nodded acknowledging him but still had the same firm face he had through the whole test.

    “Alright thank you so much Sir!”

    Zeno then walked back to his place in the crowd with a smile on his face. It felt like a huge lift was off his shoulder and his lack of rest seemed like nothing to him after that accomplishment. He knew was nothing special but at this time he thought he would just enjoy the moment.

    “Okay! Now it’s time to kick even more but. Now on to the Kidou test. Just wait I’ll be a shinigami in no time.”

    After a brief break the Kidou test was next. The students gazed at the instructor and a real shinigami. Instead of listening to what he had to do he could not stop looking at the shinigami. Seeing the black uniform that he had on fascinated him. By the time Zeno snapped out of his day dreaming all he gathered. Was a destructive and binding spell had to be performed.

    One after another the students performed the restraint and destructive spell on the shinigami. When it finally became Zeno’s turn he stood with eyes blazing with determination. The shinigami was ready for anything that he was going to throw at him. Zeno then combined his middle and index finger together for the activation of the spell.

    “Binding spell #1 Restrain!”

    Zeno yelled the spell out with force but nothing hit the shinigami. The students and instructor were embarrassed for him. Zeno’s face blushed in embarrassment as well.

    “uh hahaha I was just kidding I’ll be serious this time. Watch this!”

    Zeno then tried again, but like before nothing happened.

    “What the crap? I can’t do it.”

    The students laughed and giggled to themselves on how Zeno screwed up. The instructor sighed.

    “If you cannot perform the restrain move on to the destructive spell then.”

    “Oh right, yes sir.”

    Zeno then pointed his two fingers at the shinigami with his left hand holding his right arm for support.

    “(Please work!) Destructive Spell #..”

    Before Zeno said the last part he heard the other students whispering to each other about him. Most of them were not good.

    “What a screw up.”

    “He was just lucky in the swordsmen test.”

    “Yeah no one who can’t even do a simply restraint spell could never do a destructive spell.”

    Those words hurt Zeno cause he heard those lines muttered to him almost everyday, but he always hid his sadness so people wouldn’t make more fun of him. But this time it was different he practiced long and hard for the destructive spell test, and he knew one spell really well, and now it was time to show it off. Zeno’s eyes went back from sadness to determination.

    “Destructive Spell #4 White Lighting!”

    After the chant was said his sprit energy gathered at his fingertips and shot a bolt of white lighting at the shinigami. He managed to hold it off on with his hands. By the time the attack was over the shinigami shook both of his hands because they were completely numb. Zeno then stood back up smiling. The students then did not say a word on what just happened.

    “Very good Student Kasuma Zenoah, that was a fine destructive spell. You pass but barley because you failed at the binding spell. But nonetheless your destructive spell was impressive. You can go back.”

    “Alright I did it believe it!”

    Zeno yelled out and then went in the back of the line. When he got in the back he did a sigh of relief. He thought for sure he was going to fail that test, but it showed that his hard training that he did paid off.

    “(Brother I don’t know if you saw me or not, but would you admit that was a good. I might not have friends yet but relax I promise I’ll make up for it. And after I become a shinigami. Will you acknowledge me brother.)”

    “Hey that was a cool spell you did.”

    Zeno looked at a student he never saw before. He smiled at Zeno.

    “Oh thank you so much.”

    Zeno closed his eyes and smiled. With the bright sun shining on him.

  4. #94
    Mugen exits the Shunpo Test room and into the hallway. He travels past several doors before he stops and reaches into his kimono. From it, he pulls a folded piece of paper and a pen. He opens the paper and crosses the first two tests of his list. He scans the page with his pen and finds the info on his next test: Kidou. "Alrighty then... let's get this finished with so I can go eat, haha."

    He reaches the room just in time to witness a student beginning his test. The student fails to perform the first spell but does quite well with the second. "Impressive." Mugen says to himself. He enters the line-up but gets pulled out immediately by the instructor. "Why me?" Mugen says. "Because, you are late." Responds the instructor. Mugen groans and approaches the instructor and Soul Reaper. "What is your name, kid?" Asks the Soul Reaper. "I am Mugen Tsukiakari, sir." Mugen answers proudly. "Hmm... I heard your name around today quite a lot." Mugen was about when the instructor interjected. "Enough chit-chat. Let's get started." Mugen faces the Soul Reaper face-to-face. "Here are your instructions: You will be performing two low-level spells on my friend here," He points to the Soul Reaper. "You are required to do the Binding Spell number 1 and the Destructive Spell number 4. Don't be too rough on him, I still got all do to administer this test to the other students. Begin when you are ready."

    Mugen locks eyes with the Soul Reaper. Despite his gentle eyes Rei is so fond of, the Soul Reaper sees something within Mugen that causes him to look down. Mugen streches his arm out in front of him and extends his pointer and middle finger out to touch the Soul Reaper. Spirit energy wells up inside Mugen as he focuses it. Mugen repeats the enchantment (is there one?) and swings his arm out to his right. He says: "Binding Spell No. 1! Restrain!" The Soul Reaper's arms involuntarily lock behind his back, it takes a moment for him to break free but he easily dispels the enchantment. "Good, now for the second spell." Barks the instructor.

    Mugen takes a step back so that he and the Soul Reaper are a meter apart. He raises his arm to point at the Soul Reaper with his pointer and middle finger. A bead of sweat drips down the side of Mugen as he tries to focus the remainder of his spiritual energy to his finger tips. "It's a lot harder than the first time." He thinks to himself. Mugen repeats the enchantment(is there one?). Energy crackles as he performs the spell. "Destructive Arts No. 4! White Lightning!" A focused beam of weak lightning shoots from his finger tips. The Soul Reaper staggers back from the blow but only sustains a small burn.

    "Good work, Mr. Tsukiakari." Applaudes the instructor. Mugen laughs weakly. "Not as well, as wanted but good enough. I will give you a "B" as a grade. Good luck on your remaining tests. You are dismissed." Mugen bows to the instructor and Soul Reaper. He turns to exit, keeping the Soul Reaper in the corner of his eye. He finally exits the room and continues to the cafeteria.

    The cafeteria was buzzing with conversation, students chatter about all sorts of topics. Mugen makes a feeble attempt to find Rei. He eventually gives up and picks up some rice balls, his favorite food when he was alive, and finds a place to sit. He is in the middle of eating when the chatter in the cafeteria dulls down to a whisper. He looks up to see what was going on when he saw the same Soul Reaper enter as before. He minds his own business and continues to munch into his meal. He stops again when he notices a pair of black kimono pant legs opposite of him. He looks up to see the Soul Reaper. "May I sit?" He asks. Mugen nods and the Soul Reaper sits. "What did you mean by you "heard my name quite often today?" Asks Mugen. The Soul Reaper grins and leans forward, resting his head in his hands. "It's not often that a, Academy student asks his lover to marry him on Test Day, y'know." Mugen had a bedazzled look in his face. "How-" His words were caught in his throat. Others around him leaned in to listen in on the conversation. "How did I know? Well, I'm aquaintances with your girl's roommate who I just happened to run into first thing this morning. Rei told her everything. That's how I know. Oh, and then my friend to another one of her friends and so on..." Mugen now lost the bedazzled look and put on a surprised look. "Wow," Mugen said. "Stuff like that spreads like a wildfire, huh?" The Soul Reaper chuckled and stood up. "Enjoy your meal, Mr. Tsukiakari." The Soul Reaper left Mugen with several curious students asking Mugen all sorts of questions he didn't really know the answer to.

    Mr. Tsukiakari... I've been hearing that a lot lately...

  5. #95
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Ten years. Thinking about it as a figure makes it seem like a relatively short amount of time. An insignificant number. But if you actually live those ten years, it seems like an endless amount of time. The time stretches before you and behind you with no beginning or end to it, and you're left feeling helpless. How many tens of years have you lived? How many tens more will you be around to see? How much will you learn in those ten years? How much more do you know now than you did ten years ago?

    Haruka had lived in Soul Society for ten years now. Her body had grown and changed, and she had learned a lot about how to survive there. But what did she really know about Soul Society? She couldn't name the 13 captains of Seiretei. She couldn't tell you the name of Soul Society's king. Heck, she didn't really even know its political structure. Truth was, Haruka didn't know a thing about Soul Society. And now, she had to take a test on it.

    The black haired girl walked calmly into the classroom that would hold the next test, the "written portion." It was still fairly empty, as most of the students were still on break. The teacher standing in the front of the room guided her to a desk, and Haruka gladly sat down. There'd be no long lines to wait in for this test.


    "Akira-kuuuun!" I squealed as I ran into the living room. "Akira-kun, I got my homework done, so let's play!" The older boy, who was sitting on a cushion in front of the TV, grinned.

    "Alright, Hyourin-chan. Let's play!" he exclaimed happily. Akira never minded playing with me, or if he did, he didn't let on. He was so kind to me that I even let him call me by my middle name. My Asahi was the only other person who was allowed to do that.

    "Ok! We'll play hide-and-go-seek! Onii-sama*, you'll play to, won't you?"

    "Not today, Hyourin-chan," he replied kindly. "Onii-sama* has a report to finish."

    My heart plummeted into my stomach. I always did love it when my aniki played hide and seek with us. He was always really hard to find, but he'd always give me a hint as to where he was hiding in the form of a cough or other noise. And once I found him, he'd tackle me and tickle me until I had laughed so hard that I couldn't laugh anymore.

    But Akira was fun to play with too. I got the feeling that he flit from hiding spot to hiding spot over the course of the game, because he'd sometimes end up in spots that you had previously checked. It furthered my image of him as a ghost.


    “Hey, Haruka!”

    Haruka turned to see the room filling up, and a young boy sitting next to her. 'Hey, I know this kid...'

    “Steph…” Haruka said the name out loud, before her mind had even finished processing it. It was as if her subconscious mind was working for her conscious mind, so her conscious mind could wander. Steph talked on.


    "Psst. Hyourin! Over here!" came the whisper. I quickly ran to the source of the noise, but found no one there. "What are you doing over there? I'm over here, Hyourin!" The whisper came again from another location.

    Looking back on it, Akira really did seem malicious. He teased me in all sorts of ways, but my childly innocence overlooked it. He was my brother's friend, and anyone who was my brother's friend could be nothing but good


    And Steph talked on.


    "Found you!" I yelled triumphantly as Akira came out from behind the couch. Akira grinned sheepishly.

    "That you did. But it won't happen again!"

    "Akira-kun! You say that every time!" I giggled.

    "Yeah, yeah. Well, I have to be on my way. You take good care of your brother for me, Hyourin!" Another grin and a pat on the head, and the ghostly boy was gone.


    “You know Kagashi says your name in his sleep.”

    "Yeah..." 'He's still talking? I guess I haven't zoned out out for as long as I thought...God, I barely even know this- wait what did he say?!' She asked him this out loud, and got a “Heh! Welcome back!” as a response. 'He knew I was zoning out...but I wonder if what he said was true?' “Does he really?” she inquired sheepishly.

    But Steph only smiled, and the test began. Haruka looked down at her test booklet. It was thick- almost ten pages, and she guessed that all the questions within it would probably be harder than she wished them to be.

    Well, that was an easy yes. All test questions were harder than Haruka wished them to be.

    "What is the name of Tenth Division's vice captain?"

    a) Matsumoto Tariku
    b)Matsumoto Rangiku
    c) Hitsugaya Toushiro
    d) Kuchiki Byakuya

    Well that one was easy. It was one of the two "Matsumotos." They never put the same name down more than once unless one of them is correct. Well, usually. On tests in the real world. But Haruka figured that Soul Society would follow similar logic to the real world, and picked B.

    "What district of Rukongai is famous for its meat buns?"

    'What the hell kind of question is that? I'm never going to need to find good meat buns....Damn filler questions. '

    The test continued like this, alternating between relevant and irrelevant questions, until finally Haruka was done. She knew she had failed, and hoped the teachers let her move out of basic training anyway. The woman sighed and turned her test in.

    "You fail too?" came a question from behind her. Turning, she found a red haired man about her age standing before her. He looked vaguely familiar, but she just couldn't place from where.

    "Um, yeah. Probably."

    "Optimist, huh?" he asked almost teasingly. Haruka just stared at him blankly. At first she had thought he had been trying to hit on her, but then she realized the man merely had a playful personality. His silver eyes became guarded over the short silence that passed between them, and Haruka realized she needed to say something if she didn't want him to walk away.

    "Haruka. Tokoyami Haruka."

    "Yeah, I know. I didn't expect you to remember me or anything but...."

    Red hair. Silver eyes. Playful, but almost wise at the same time. Tsukiakari Mugen. She didn't know him well, but his was a face she remembered from her days as a high school student.

    "You're Mugen," she said flatly, bluntly.

    "Hehe, so you do remember!"



    "What test do you have next?"

    "Uhm..." Mugen pulled a schedule out of his pocket and scanned it slowly with his finger. "Oh! Hand-to-hand!"

    "Same. Stand in line with me."

    And that was how Haruka and Mugen met up in the afterlife.

    After agreeing that the next break would be a waste of their time, Haruka and Mugen proceeded to the Hand to Hand classroom together. They didn't say much, but Haruka soon found herself relaxing around the man. He was someone she could talk to without blushing or getting jealous over the littlest things.

    "Hmm..." she said after a bout of silence.


    "'s just that this has turned into a bit of a class reunion, don't you think? I mean, I've met up with at least 4 people from our old school- probably more that I didn't recognize."

    "Really? I've barely met a soul." Mugen looked at her incredulously.

    "Oh. Well, stick with me long enough and you'll see 'em. And they come at you out of no where too...and then bam! Ugh."

    "Not very sociable, are ya?"

    "I'm talking to you, aren't I?" Haruka said darkly.

    "But are you really? Or are you just trying to take your mind off-"

    "Don't pull any weird sage-ass crap with me." Haruka growled.


    By this time, they had arrived at the hand-to-hand room. Because they were relatively early, Mugen and Haruka obtained a spot in the hand to hand line that was near the front. "So, what've you been up to these past few years?" Haruka asked.

    "Oh you know...what most people have been. Adjusting to being dead...falling in love..."

    Haruka snorted. "Most people have been falling in love? Probably just you."


    "So who is she?"

    "Her name's Rei. She's an amazing person, and she's pretty kick-ass on the flute."

    "Cool." Haruka heaved a heavy sigh as she thought about her own "social" situation.

    "What's up?"

    "Oh, it''s nothing. Hey! It's your turn. Go kick ass!" The emotion in her voice was definitely feigned, but Mugen managed to take it as relatively sincere as he made his way up to the shinigami they would be fighting against. He faired relatively well, and once he was done it was Haruka's turn. She walked up to the shinigami and took a fighting stance. They hadn't done too much hand to hand, as it had been combined with swordsmanship, but Haruka was fairly confident in her ability to pass. It wouldn't be with flying colors, but it would be enough. She let the shinigami have the first punch so she could get a feel for their strength. Obviously, they were holding back, but the amount of strength they were using should be relatively constant. She was able to block the punch with her hands, and push the shinigami backwards. The method for such a counter was similar to the one used in swordplay, but much simpler. Haruka then took a swing at the shinigami's stomach, which was blocked. She quickly brought her hands up into a block and began circling the shinigami, looking for an opening.

    But one never came, and the shinigami struck again. And, again, Haruka was able to block, but she misjudged the force of the blow and went flying backward. "Good." the shinigami said simply, and Haruka was dismissed.

    Mugen met her at the door, eyeing her cautiously. "What?" she snorted.

    "Hmm...just hoping you'll 'de-sourfy' yourself eventually. 'Cause, you know, we're good acquaintances."


    "Well, sure! Anyway, I gotta go find Rei. I'll talk to you soon, right?"

    "Uh, yeah. Night, I guess."

    "Yeah, g'night!" And, with a wave Mugen was off to find the one he held dearest to his heart. Haruka felt a stab of jelousy. He was completely sure of himself. He knew exactly who he loved, and knew what to do about it. But she...she didn't know who she loved, or if the people she thought she might love loved her back. She didn't really even know if she ever had.

    No, Asahi loved her. That much she knew. But that was about all she knew. Her father and sickly mother never paid much attention to her, so it was always, always Asahi who was with her. She thought Akira might have loved her, but he had turned be...he had turned out to be a murderer.


    Asahi’s car was parked outside our house, just like every other day, but the door was open. I stiffened a little. I may have been little, but I knew what open doors suggested. When I got into the living room, I saw my brother lying unconscious on the floor in front of the couch. I screamed, but no one came running. Why did no one come running?

    I ran to Asahi, and shook him. "Onii-sama*! Onii-sama*! Answer me!" I cried. Tears welled up in the sides of my eyes, and my voice cracked into a million agonized pieces. Sobs escaped my mouth as I tried to shake my unconscious brother. "Onii-sama...*"

    It took a long time, but eventually my brother opened his eyes. "Hyourin-chan..." he said weakly when he saw me. Then there was a little, "Oh!" and he sat up extremely fast. "Otousan**...Okaasan***..." he said weakly. I stood up, to make my way to their bedroom door, but my brother grabbed my tiny wrist and gave me a firm "No!" with a agonized look in his eyes. "They're gone. Akira...oh Hyourin you shouldn't have to see it! It was Akria! Akira
    killed Mom and Dad!" And Asahi broke into sobs as well. We both sat there, holding each other and sobbing, but even as my brother's warm embrace protected me from the harshness of the scene, my heart was hardening.

    Never again would I be the bubbly little girl that I had been. Never again would I laugh hysterically as Akira tickled me, or show immeasurable joy on my face as my brother taught me something new. As just a small child that day, I learned the blatant truth:

    Life sucked.


  6. #96
    Mugen fled from the cafeteria as quickly as he could. The fire that was his proposal to Rei was spreading like fire in a bone dry forest. He found his way to his next test as soon as he could. He just wanted to get this day done and over with. It seemed like this day was going on for forever, never ending.

    It's all a matter of revelation, Mugen thought. As long as I don't focus on time, time will pass by quicker. Listen to me, I'm rambling. I didn't even understand what I just thought!

    He found the next test room easily. He was taking the written portion next then Hakudo. It was fairly empty when he entered. There was only one or two people inside. He took a seat behind a black haired girl who looked so damn familiar to him but he couldn't match a name to the face. Another entered the room shortly after who looked very familiar too. He sat next to the girl and they began to chat.

    Why can't I remember? Mugen struggled with himself. It hurts, not being able to know who someone is when you already know them, doesn't it? His inner darkness told him. It does... Mugen responded.

    The test began. He skimmed through the thick packet quickly before he began. He intsantly thought the he was surely going to fail. Or at least get a terrible grade.

    He began the test. The first few questions came a little easy for him. They were basically about the Seireitei and Soul Society in general. Then it came down to the Gotei 13. One question he struggled with read:

    "Which Captain is the most notorious of the 13 Court Squads to have a thirst for battle?"
    (a) Kenpachi Zaraki
    (b) Kuchiki Byakuya
    (c) Hitsugaya Toushiro
    (d) Matsumoto Rangiku

    Mugen knew the last answer was the Vice-Captain for Hitsugaya Youshiro, but he was stuck between "A" and "B". He finally guessed and went with "A"

    One other question read:
    "Where can the best rice balls be found in the Rukongai?"

    What? What the hell kind of question is that? Mugen thought, hiding his furious emotion for such an irrelevant and stupid question.

    After finishing the last of the questions, Mugen turned in the test. He Finished right after the girl that was in front of him and decided to talk to her. They began to chat and Mugen finally placed a name to her face and so did she. They walked toghether to their final test but arrived early so they talked more.

    When it came to be Mugen's turn to take the test he was eager to step up. All of the waiting, the nuisance of the day boiled up within him and his adrenaline began to pump. He was quick to engage and caught his opponent off guard. He tried to sweep the Soul Reaper off his feet but was countered and Mugen ended up on his ass. He quickly regained himself and brought his opponent to the mat with him and put him in a leg-lock, almost separating his leg from the socket.

    Overall, Mugen did above average. He was dismissed and went to wait at the door for Haruka. He watched her fight and was impressed. Mugen met Haruka at the door.

    He eyed her cautiously. "What?" she snorted.

    "Hmm...just hoping you'll 'de-sourfy' yourself eventually. 'Cause, you know, we're good acquaintances." He told her


    "Well, sure! Anyway, I gotta go find Rei. I'll talk to you soon, right?"

    "Uh, yeah. Night, I guess."

    "Yeah, g'night!" Mugen waved as he walked off to find Rei, with high hopes that she'll say "yes" to his proposal. It would kill him if she didn't.

  7. #97
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    Inland Empire
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    Shino sat up on her bed and stretched her arms as a yawn escaped her lips. Her eyes adjusted her vision while she scratched her chest, only to feel that one of her breasts slipped out of her pajamas. She yawned again and stood up from the bed. In a haze, she grabbed her uniform and slipped into the bathroom. She dropped her pajamas to the floor and had a quick shower to wake herself up. She dried off and put on her uniform and went over the schedule for the day. Swordplay, Shunpo, Kidou, and then a written exam; how lovely.

    Mai had to participate in the tests as well, so the thought of sticking around there for double the length had exhausted Shino before she even took her first step toward the Swordplay classroom. When her feet carried on, she ran her fingers through her long hair and kept her bangs behind her ears.

    “Mai, when are you ever going to let me get a haircut?”

    Never! Just put it in a bun or something!

    “...But buns don't suit me...” she sighed as she opened the door to the Swordplay room.

    The room looked the same as last time. The instructor was new, however. Shino took note of this and took her place in line. Her bokutou had been placed on the side of her hip like a katana. The instructor explained the procedures of the exam. The students were to show basic thrusts and slashes. Easy enough.

    When the time came for Shino to show her skills, her body showed that she had the basics down to an above average degree. The instructor nodded in approval and motioned for her to switch her patch.

    Mai showed the fruits of her training and education and also performed the basics with no trouble. The sensei nodded once more and requested to change back as she had something to discuss with Shino. Mai raised a brow, but did as told.

    “So what did you require of me, sensei?” Shino gave her eyes a roll.

    “Well, I've heard that you've had previous combat experience, and it made me curious. So I thought to ask for a quick spar to gage your abilities.”

    “Oh, I see,” she rubbed her chin “then I will be happy to oblige you.”

    Shino placed her hand on the hilt of the bokutou and drew it out and stood in her stance. The secret to Shino's swordplay was to adapt her martial arts form around the sword. It worked for dodging and predicting oncoming attacks, but she still had to improve her fluidity with a weapon.

    Sensei could easily see that Shino attempted to merge her style with the sword, but she knew Shino went about it the wrong way. Though again, Shino's heart was in martial arts and not swordplay, but one that had strengths in both areas would be a force to reckon with.

    They bowed to each other after the spar session, and Shino left for the Kidou class. Though before then, she stopped that the cafeteria for a little booster. She needed it for the next examination. On her way out, she noticed that one guy Tamashi's exam. He was slightly above average, but nothing special.

    Word about Shino spread like wildfire. Before long she would most likely be the prime example teachers use for their combat classes, aside from most Kidou spells. Shino could use them, but they were very inaccurate and dangerous. Shino didn't mind the attention, but at times she would prefer to have her original body back. Mai's body was not prime for martial arts, but it wasn't a liability either. She just preferred the most efficient body that she was used to all her life.

    Shino sighed and decided to undertake Mai's advice and change her hairstyle and add buns to it. She went to her dorm room for a moment and brushed her hair and rolled it into two buns. To her surprise, she actually looked rather decent, or perhaps attractive. She nodded to herself and left the room and continued to the Kidou examination room.

    This time, Shino let Mai take the test first. She walked into the room, and noticed Haruka. She wanted to go to her, but thought better of it because of an exam. The exam itself was relatively simple. Just do a binding spell and an attack spell toward the volunteer shinigami.

    Before she knew it, Mai's turn to shine had arrived. A while ago she was appointed as a tutor for two students who had detention, so this exam should be easy peasy for the likes of her. She took her place at the predetermined spot. She took a deep breath and mouthed the incantation and shouted the spell. Multiple large rings manifested in the air and surrounded the shinigami and enclosed him within their grasp as Mai brought her hand downward.

    “Mai, you performed the wrong spell, though since it was more advanced than what you were supposed to do, I will give you a passing grade,” she said as she marked Mai off on the roster.

    “Now for your attack spell, Mai.” Mai nodded and mouthed the incantation and aimed her arm straight at the shinigami. It charged on her fingertips and sent a warm sensation through her before it shot to its destination with the loud sound of chirping birds. The ground cracked in its wake and the shinigami thought better to step slightly to the side as it brushed straight through his coat and continued onward and drilled through the hard surface of the cliff and sizzled to nothing.

    “Seems you have found your special talent, Mai... Now, if you please...” The professor didn't even need to finish her thought. Mai switched her patch and Shino took over for her own exam.

    Shino took the same exam. Her bind was tight yet not overly so that he managed to slip out of it. Although her lightning strike was strong and split away from the shinigami instead.

    The instructor shook her head, though gave Shino a barely passable grade. On Shino's way out of the exam room, she again caught Tamashi's exam in the corner of her eye. He seemed to be close to Mai's level of Kidou, yet was more precise with the instructions.

    Now it was time for the Shunpo exam. Shino insisted with Mai that they stop by for another snack because of the Kidou exam.

    The Shunpo exam began and Tamashi was before them this time, seemed he did 12 and 12. A very nice exam. Shino took her turn and did the exact same thing. Mai did 10 and 11. Short of Shino, but still very good. Shino found the concept of Shunpo easier to understand than the concept of Kidou, for whatever odd reason it was.

    Oh joy, the written exam. Shino thought as she scratched her head on her way to the classroom.

    The written exam felt like hours to Shino and Mai, though it seemed Tamashi was breezing through the written exam as if he enjoyed this kind of thing. After another short break, the hand to hand exam was the last one for the day. Shino was ecstatic to finally do something she was born ready to do, though the exam itself was such a dull. Basic attacks. Tamashi had no problem, but Mai was off a little bit, but with practice she would be sufficient.

    Shino went back to her dorm room and plopped on her bed without a word.

  8. #98
    After barley passing the Kidou Spell Test Zeno was relived that everything was going smooth, or at least he thought his was smooth to his standards.

    After resting from his last test he followed the crowd of other Academy Students to the Shunpo hall. Zeno liked Shunpo and he learned it was a trick that Soul Reapers could do by jumping from on location to another by incredible speed. Depending on how good the user was a Shinigami could go only a little ways to miles away from where they were standing a second ago. However Zeno wasn’t very good at it but he practice as much as he could.. So he was determine to master it. He only hoped it would be enough for to past the test.

    “Only problem is I suck at it. Oh man how am I goanna get out of this one.”

    Zeno slapped the palm of his hand over his face in worry of failing the test. Has he got to the testing room he noticed instructors observing how far students could do shunpo. Some did reasonable good and some good barley do it at all.

    “Aw crap, please great Soul Reapers let me do good.”

    He said has he bit his hand in worry of failing this test. When the time came for him to finally get his test done. As he stood their waiting to hear the word “Go.” He got hit in the face with a stick.

    “Ow! What was that for Teacher I was ready.”

    The instructor was holding more sticks in his hands patting them gently against his other hand.

    “Were you even paying attention student, you have to hold these two stick for your two jumps that you half to perform each time you land you drop that stick. It’s not hard.”

    He then tossed another stick at Zeno, but he managed to barley catch it after struggling to keep it in his hand. He then held a stick in each hand cause he didn’t want to risk dropping both of them on his first one. He leaned forward concentrating his sprit energy to his feet so he can perform the two jumps.

    “(Ok this feels right I remember I did the best when put this much power in my feet. Alright bro just sit back watch me do this, wherever you are. Cause when I master this im goanna find you and beat the living tar out of you old sack of crap.)”

    Zeno smiled all evil just imagining the look on his older brothers face on how awesome he is. With that positive happy feeling he was more than ready to start.

    “Kasuma Zenoah your begins, now!”

    After hearing those words Zeno shot off performing his first jump, when he felt his feet land he dropped the stick and before he knew it he landed again thus dropping the other stick has he landed a second time. It moment must of lasted no more than 3 seconds. Zeno was looking down at the ground breathing heavily sacred to look how far he went. But before he worked up enough courage to look heard head the instructor.

    “Good Kasuma Zenoah your test is done we will now measure your distance.”

    Zeno then looked back and noticed that he traveled pretty far. Well at least he thought so at the level he is at now. Zeno got out of the testing area and waited to here his results only. To his surprise he traveled 10.5 in his first jump and then 12.3 on his second jump.

    “Dude no way. I did better than ok I totally Aced that test. I remember when I was in the middle of a jump it seemed I was traveling at the speed of light. I never felt such a rush before. I felt really good. Man I can’t believe im saying this but I kind of want to do it again.”

    Zeno stood their in thought wanting to know if he could do it again.

    “What are stupid Zeno, they’d probably fail you for asking such a stupid question. I better quit while im still ahead.”

    Zeno smiled and ran away from the testing area, but then later tripped and fell flat on his face.

    “Uuuug ow that hurt, I guess I should walk a little slower those two jumps really took a lot out of me. Thank the Soul Reapers I only have that blasted written test.”

    Zeno laid their breathing heavily but smiling at the ground as he tried to catch his breath.Before Zeno knew it he was sitting down in another room with a paper in front of him. He used the breaks that were given to him to eat up a little and rest. But the written test sitting in front of him gave him shivers down his spine.
    “Alright question 1,”

    “What is the name of Captain Sqaud 11 that doesn’t have a name for his zanpakuto.”

    Zeno looked at the question for a few more seconds and wrote down Kenpachi Zaraki.

    “Ok that wasn’t so hard. I could no hear enough of that guy where I was living. Ok number 2.”

    “What is the 1st relase for a zanpakuto called.”

    Zeno smiled to himself and answered “Shikai.”

    Question 3 “How man kidou spells are their all together.”

    “Crap I can’t remember that one. I think it’s 90. Ok Question 4.”

    “What’s Final Release for a Zanpakuto? Hmm let me see I believe it was called Ban-Kai. Ok question 5.”

    True or False, General Yamatoe was the one who created the 13 Court Guard?

    “I believe it is true.”

    After several minutes of taking the exam was he was finally done. And he moved on to his next test. When he arrived at the last test on his list he stood watching people perform kicks and punches.

    “Well this is new to me. I never knew a Shinigami had to know hand-to-hand combat. Then again I fought with my brother all the time.”

    When it was finally his turn he punched the pads as fast and as quick as he could. He was probably the easiest test there was. After a few punches and kicks performed in front of the instructors they stopped him.

    “Very good next.”

    Zeno then walked away outside.

    “I can’t believe it that was easy than I thought. I guess the only way you had fail that test is to just stand there and do nothing.”
    He then wrapped his arms around his head and smiled looking at the sky as he walked away. Alright! I’ll be a Soul Reaper in no time now!

    He said to himself as he skipped towards his dorm in relief. Shortly after he got in his room he passed out from exhaustion.
    Last edited by Oathkeeper13; 05-07-2008 at 10:07 PM.

  9. #99
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    Inside was a clay-bricked clearing that was gurgling with cast-off water from the castle and surrounding buildings. Splishing through puddles were Shinigami of various occupation and varied appearance. Each wearing a black Gii and all seemed oblivious to the elements. It had been noted that within the gate, the wind was cut and there was just rainfall.

    Standing in the gateway, a poncho cloaked over his gii, a rice hat hiding his face and shielding from rain, stood Haku Ishikawa. A soft enthusiastic grin sprawled on his features and could be seen from under his hat.

    He held a small clay bowl close to his mouth, cradling it under his rice hat to protect it from the storm. He let the smell revive his senses for a moment. Inside was arrowhead, napa cabbage, sliced carrots, bamboo shoots, black mushrooms, peanuts, fried tofu, water chestnuts boiled in a daishi stock with other spices and flavor appointments. It wasn’t his favorite, but it was damn close. A calabash of sake swung from his hip, where it was belted. It was his last expense. A nice walking meal. Something to sniff and sup on all the way to the Seretei. Had he known that this would be the weather, he would’ve bought double portions. He took a spoonful full of broth-soaked tofu and swallowed it.

    'Memories are wherever you don't need them. They find you, even in places you've never been.' He thought. Ishikawa sniffed. 'Do you hear me, memories? Leave me be.'

    He dropped his spoon and unbelted his sake. He took a quick swig of it and then replaced it. Behind the rush of sake down his throat, the gentle crashing of rain, he heard his mother's voice, soft and perfect. Her coal black hair, golden tan, sad brown eyes and her streamlined face that never made it passed his eighth birthday stared out of his memories.

    "If you should ever pass that gate," She said, her voice astrally distant. "and see for yourself, the castle of the divine, never forget who you are." 'Those old stories' He thought. The stories she spoke as she gazed into the fireplace, tales he never believed, all coming true now, like a twisted fairy tale.

    Looking down into his soup, he saw swirls of red, curling around in the broth. He put his fingers to his lips and felt the part he had bit, absently. He poured the soup outside the gate into a rain gutter and left the bowl on the curb. He cursed to himself. Now the sake would sting his lip when he drank himself to pieces. Misfortune. He unbelted the sake, as if to punish himself. "Campai, Okasan" He drank, and his eyes watered from the sting. The only way he could ever cry for his mother.

    'I did not come here to reminisce. I've been too glum.' He rebelted the sake. 'I HATE memories. From this second on, I remember nothing, ever. I'm Kuishi Sato, all over again.' He thought to himself as he crossed through the Seretei commons.

    Dominating the Seretei commons was the great Academy door to the right. The grand door was shaped like the shell of a heavy artillery round. The wood grain was worn into groves and it had two large paddled handles of old blue steel to pull it wide.

    Haku slithered to it, through the rain, his poncho trailing. Grasping both handles he pulled them open. He felt an air of magnificence. His mother would’ve used a term like Spiritual Energy. It crackled through the air like static, was dense like fog and almost made what he would call an audible sound. The entire building was a coiled spring of spiritual pressure.

    The antechamber was quaint with what one would expect in an office, distractions such as plants and paintings. Past the foyer was a great white-walled dimly lit from the skylights that were pouring in a gray cloudy glow. The light jumped from a strike of thunder. Aside from the trappings of an office, the room was empty. Only one other person was there. A young Shinigami sat with disinterest behind the clerical desk at the apex of the room. She was flipping glumly through a book and fumbling with her glasses. It struck Haku that she had not looked up when he had opened the door. She was either very unobservant or very uninterested.

    Haku shook the traces of water off onto the welcome mat and carried over to the desk. She looked up, a PR smile flashed and for an on-command smile, Haku was impressed.

    “Are you an applicant?”

    Haku bowed. “I am.”

    She handed him a clipboard and an attached pen. Quickly he sketched answers out on the sheet. Kuishi Sato and all other cute details. It was a minute or two, but once he was satisfied, he handed it back.

    “As you may know, we are currently accepting applicants. There will be a trial period in which you will be provided with lodgings. Here is your schedule, itinerary and the number of your assigned room.” Haku took the paper and walked towards the hall she had indicated. “Good luck.” She called out, glum again.

    Haku winded through the halls, halls that seemed to stretch, dangle and twist just to awe him. After an amazing amount of turns he managed to find room 131. Having precious little material attachments dangling over his shoulder, other than a fresh change of clothes, some night clothes and all the bare essentials, he opened the door and quietly sat his possessions down next to one of the four beds in the room. Haku noted that the other two beds were occupied. The occupants must still be out.

    His enrollment had truly begun and so far not a flaw in it at all. He was Kuishi Sato and no one here would have ever seen/known or recognize Haku Ishikawa.

  10. #100
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
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    “Haru-chan!” Came the sweet voice. Haruka rolled over and ignored it. “Haru-CHAN! Now you wake up right this instant, missy!”

    “Bite me.” Haruka muttered. The voice was silent for a moment, as if contemplating. Then she heard the body standing by her bed shuffle closer and lean down. Haruka jolted into a sitting position.

    “Okay, okay! I’m awake! Happy now Mai?” Haruka yelled frantically.

    “Mmm…almost.” The woman said suggestively, as a small smile played at her lips. Haruka groaned, lay back down, and thrust her pillow over her head.

    “Now, Haru-chan, if you go back to sleep you’ll be late for our first day of real classes. As it is you’ll have to skip a shower.” Mai said the last part disdainfully, as if Haruka was already emitting a horrible stench from one day’s lack of shower.

    Haruka was about to make another sarcastic retort, but upon realizing that Mai would probably take it literally, she got out of bed and hastily put on her uniform.

    “Hair,” Mai said with a giggle.

    Oh, right. Gotta put my hair up…’ Haruka hastily tied her hair back into two loose pigtails. Upon finishing, she noticed Junko’s sleeping figure. She was snoring softly, and drooling heavily onto her pillow. “Hey, Mai? You gonna wake her, too?” Haruka asked.

    “Her? No. She can be late.” Mai scoffed. Haruka chuckled nervously before following the other woman out of the room.


    Last week, Haruka had enrolled in the Shinigami Academy with her good friend, Satine. They had gone through a week’s basic training, and while the latter had dropped out due to insecurity in her ability, the former had continued on to begin real classes. She was currently on her way to breakfast in the Academy cafeteria before starting her real first day.

    It was hard to believe that it had only been a week since she had first set foot in the Academy. She remembered the initial overwhelming confusion that took you on your first day, and knew that new students were going through that same sensation today. She smiled. Yes, there would definitely be lots of fresh meat to toy with today…

    But more importantly, she wondered what had become of all those that she had met up with last week. She knew Mai and Shino had made it- Haruka even had a few classes with them- and that Junko had as well, but beyond that she knew nothing. Maybe she’d run in to a few people at breakfast that morning.
    Haruka arrived at the cafeteria doors and entered into the white themed room. The aroma of the food that was being dished out to the students was tantalizing. Haruka and Mai inserted themselves onto the end of the already long line.

    The line moved quickly. You didn’t have time to stand there indecisively about what you wanted to eat. If you didn’t have your mind made up, you were still ushered along and forced to have whatever the food servers felt like giving you.

    Soon it was Haruka and Mai’s turn to get their food. Haruka went with a simple meal of eggs and bacon, while Mai grabbed three waffles, some sausage, and a “side,” as she put it, of eggs. The two girls then began to search for a table. The only relatively empty one already held one person. But, it was better than sitting at a crowded table, so Haruka and Mai walked over to it.

    It didn’t take Haruka long to realize that she knew the man sitting at the table. His brown and black hair and his red eyes were a little hard to forget. Kagashi’s friend. She never quite had gotten his name. But Kagashi wasn’t there with him. ‘ That might be a good thing…I’ll be able to get through a morning without blushing…

    “Yo,” the man said, and waved. Haruka nodded in answer, and she and Mai sat down across from him.

    “So,” Haruka began, “I never did catch your name.”

    Mai looked at Haruka curiously, but said nothing.

    “Ah yes,” he started. “Kagashi got embarrassed and ran off before I had a chance to properly introduce myself.” He paused before answering in a polite tone, “Ore wa,* Kuragari Tamashi.”

    “I see. And, uhm, embarrassed?” Haruka felt a hint of a blush begin to creep across her cheeks. ‘No! No! Think calm. Think cool. Think collected…no blushing!

    “Well, yes. The boy has always been so naive. He doesn’t quite understand how to properly act in such a situation. In other words, he’s sensitive about his feelings.”

    “Ah.” She couldn't help but notice that Tamashi called Kagashi a “boy,” and had to quickly suppress an inappropriately placed giggle.

    Another curious glance came from Mai. But again, she said nothing. Haruka looked at her worriedly and decided a subject change was in order.

    “So, Tamashi, are you excited for class today?” Haruka asked with feigned sweetness.

    "Ah, class. The pride and bane of my existence." He replied with a meaningful sigh.

    “Uhm…okay…and uhm, that means what exactly?” Haruka wasn’t quite sure she followed this man’s way of speaking too well.

    "Nothing too complex. It's just a way of saying there are some that I find challenging and pique my interests, while others are painfully easy and bore me." He said it with an air of boredom, as if having to explain such things was foolish.

    “Oh, ok. And Mai, how about you?” Haruka inquired, and this time her smile was genuine.

    Mai beamed for being included in the conversation, and then replied, "I'm sure classes will go well with me, though I still have some areas I need to work on. I'm sure my sister will help me at some point, but I'd feel more confident with an instructor."

    “Well, that's good. And I can help you out with shunpo and swordplay if you ever need it,” Haruka replied kindly.

    “Hehe, I’d like that very much. But what about you, Haru-chan? Are you excited for classes?” Mai asked.

    “Yeah, I suppose. It’s a lot of work, but it’s pretty fun at the same time. I only wish Satine hadn’t dropped out…”

    Mai frowned. “You two were close, right?”

    “Yeah. She was my only friend when I was alive,” Haruka said sadly.

    Tamashi, who had been quiet throughout the whole exchange, decided that it was time to make another comment. “But that didn’t stop her from leaving.” Haruka opened her mouth to reply, but Tamashi cut her off. “No, no, don’t say anything. I realize that may have come across as harsh…”

    But he offered no forgiveness. Haruka frowned at the red-eyed man, but was unable to think of anything else to say. The bell decided to offer a bit of help, and announced that it was time for their first class of the day- hand to hand. She didn’t have this class with Mai. Mai was in class C, while Haruka was in class B. In fact, Haruka didn’t know if she would even know anyone in the class. She thought of asking Tamashi where he ranked, but decided she’d rather not know.

    Tamashi excused himself from the table, and Haruka and Mai followed him out of the cafeteria. The two walked to class in silence, but it wasn’t the sort of uncomfortable silence that comes from not being able to think of anything to talk about. It was the kind of silence that people who trusted each other were able to share. They went their separate ways at the doors of their respective classes.

    In Classroom B, students were gathered around each other in groups. Class obviously hadn’t started yet. After a quick scan, Haruka realized that she definitely didn’t know anyone in the class. She sighed and walked over to a wall to sit up against until class started.

    She had just closed her eyes when she felt someone approach her. “Haruka-san?” the person asked. She looked up into the face of a man with silver eyes and red hair. Mugen.

    “Hm? Yes.” She said curtly. “Yes, that’s me. You in this class, too?” It was quite obvious that he was, but she asked anyway.

    “Mhm.” He sat down next to her. “Sorry to bother you, I just didn’t recognize anyone else.”

    “Nah, it’s cool.” The two talked for a few more minutes about nothing in particular. Then, the instructor called for order and Haruka’s first hand to hand combat class began.

    Haruka and Mugen decided to stick together for the rest of the class. They agreed to be partners if the teacher asked them to pair up, since it was definitely better than being paired up with someone they didn’t know.

    “Welcome, first years,” began the instructor, “to hand to hand combat training. As class B students, you are expected to be relatively proficient with your hand-to-hand skills by the end of this year. We expect much more of you than class C students; however, please do keep in mind that we also do not expect you to become legends. That is the job of Class A students.” The instructor was a young woman with a sharp nose and hawk-like, green eyes. She had long blue hair that was tied up into a high ponytail. Her voice was crisp, clear, and high. Haruka decided from the contents of her opening speech that the woman was probably a strict disciplinarian who had little faith in life- or well, her afterlife. Needless to say, Haruka didn’t like her.

    The instructor continued her speech. “My name is Hikyou Kurenai. You will call me Hikyou-sensei. Now, let us commence our first lesson. No doubt they taught you basic punches in your basic training? Perform them for me. Twenty…no fifty sets should do. Against no partner. Hurry, now! We don’t have all day!” Haruka, Mugen, and the other students quickly began their punches. The instructor came around curtly correcting stances, and lecturing on how one must conserve energy in such exercises. “Don’t put all of your energy into one punch!” Haruka heard her exclaim over and over again.

    Soon, it was Haruka’s turn to have her every move and twitch criticized by “Hikyou-sensei.” The blue haired woman stared intently at Haruka for a moment, watching with her hawk eyes as Haruka began to break into a sweat. But she said nothing. ‘Thirty-nine…forty…forty-one…

    “Conserve more energy. Keep your head held high. Do not show any signs of weakness. Your fluidity needs much work, but we will get to that another day,” the instructor growled curtly before moving onto Mugen. It was funny. She was able to look into Haruka’s eyes so intensely before she spoke, but as soon as words began to leave her mouth, Hikyou Kurenai’s eyes moved to a point beyond Haruka’s head. However, the tone of her voice made up for her lack of eye contact. This woman wasn’t a force to be reckoned with.

    “Tch.” Haruka sighed, and finished up her punches.

    The rest of the class passed in much the same fashion. Hikyou-sensei asked the class B students to demonstrate the basics of what they had learned in their week of training. Haruka wondered if the whole week would go like this, and if it would be the same for all classes. ‘ Eh. No use wondering about it. I can always ask Shino and Mai later.

    The bell rang for the next class. Haruka sighed in relief and turned to leave.

    “M-matte kudasai!**” Mugen shouted after her. Haruka, who was already by the door and would be in the way of the students quickly filing out of the room if she did in fact wait, decided the best course of action would be to wait outside the classroom’s door. She leaned up against the wall near the said door and waited for Mugen to come out of the room.

    *I am/My name is/etc
    **please wait

  11. #101
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Watching Quietly
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    The morning woke slowly over the horizon waking everyone to a new week. For some the tests were done and they could begin classes while others had to wait. It left an air of excitement through the halls seeing the eager expressions across the new students ready to begin their path to becoming shinigami. Everyone was hurrying along to classes, but beneath them all Steph slowly walked at his leisure.

    For him there was nothing to do as he had a failed and was forced to wait a year until they would accept him to try again. He had been offered the room to stay in until the next time he would be taking the test, but staying in one place for a year with little purpose did not suit him. Steph was still not sure what he was going to do, that was what the stroll was meant to do for him.

    He found his way to a familiar courtyard for him to rest at and let him take in the morning air. His hands smoothed out his clothes as he set himself down to the grass lying back with his hands folded together to prop up his head. There were too few clouds this morning for him to enjoy leaving him to close his eyes and let time pass.

    Time crawled away from him barely keeping a sense of its passage until he was stirred awake by a large hand. He slowly opened his eyes to find the shinigami that had sponsored him standing over top of him. Steph was not sure what the man wanted, but there was purpose in his eyes. “Hello…it’s been a week.”

    “Yes, your week of testing is over and I got your results,” he said holding several papers in his hands shaking them lightly at him. It was difficult to read disappointment in his face, but Steph assumed that he was not pleased.

    The results did not mean much to him since he really knew before he took any of his other tests. It was already decided from the swordsmanship test that he failed. ‘What does he want with me? He here punish me or something?’

    The shinigami remained quiet for a minute longer looking like he was expecting Steph to say something. “Nothing to say?”

    “I failed, there is not much more to say. Sorry for disappointing you.”

    “Hardly, I actually didn’t really think you would pass with as little spiritual energy as you have.” He tucked away the papers in his uniform and knelt down to Steph’s level looking him in the eye. “I heard some of the rumors around you. You’ve made quite the impression for failing.”

    Steph looked at him with a tilted head not too sure what he was getting at with this approach. He was not sure if he was being insulted or praised by the man, but he hardly knew him. It did not really matter to him that much if the man liked him or not. The only thing that he was concerned with having to go back and do more tests like the week before. “Rumors?”

    The shinigami nodded back to him quickly looking a little pleased making Steph feel uncomfortable. “They are saying that the little kid that couldn’t do anything blew up on an instructor. They’re saying that you’re stronger than you look.” He leaned in staring intently at Steph as though seeking something that could only be seen. A moment later he pulled back looking no different than before.

    Steph crawled back a few paces confused and unnerved by the odd manner that the shinigami was looking at him. The way he made it sound it seemed that he did not really believe the rumors and wanted to know if they were true or not. “I don’t know, I didn’t give it too much thought. I just wanted to prove them wrong.” Steph stood up after a short silence looking at the shinigami forced to tilt his head up roughly. He was honest, but he had the feeling that the shinigami was thinking something.

    “I see. It is difficult to tell, but I can sense a little spirit energy leaking out of you. While most untrained would randomly be leaking amounts of spirit energy, it is different in your case. It is highly compressed as though focused from centuries of training, but you have so very little. The small bit that you leak would hardly affect anyone adversely unless you stayed around them at extreme proximity for a long period of time. You are a paradox, little spirit energy, but a high spirit pressure. It doesn’t make much sense.”

    During the explanation Steph yawned softly rubbing his eyes not paying attention too closely to what the shinigami was telling him. After the first sentence or two he got confused and it only became more confusing the longer the man went all. ‘I don’t think I like that look in his eye,’ Steph thought to himself seeing how the shinigami seemed to light up while talking about Steph’s oddities.

    “If you aren’t busy I’d like to take some measurements to chart your progress for science,” the shinigami said leaning a little starting to glow with a curious smile across his face.

    “That’s alright. I think I need to be going anyway.” Steph stepped backwards turning on his right foot to begin running away as quickly as his legs could carry him.

    The shinigami shifted around smoothly coming in front of Steph seemingly out of nowhere. “You can’t ignore science. Besides I sponsored you. You’re here because of me.”

    Back stepping was his only course of action, but even that was not enough. Steph was cornered by the shinigami before he even had a chance to escape. It did not occur to him that he was trying to out flank a shinigami and he was simply an untrained citizen of the Soul Society. ‘I didn’t even care about being a shinigami. I’m only here because you wanted me to be.’ The shinigami pressed him with only his presence making him walk backwards even more until Steph felt the wall at the end of the courtyard creep up on him. “Fine…”

    “Good! Now let’s go!” the shinigami said suddenly grabbing his arm and dragging him down the halls at a blinding speed. He nearly passed out as fear slowly built up in him about what he was going to have to do this time. Steph’s mind faded in and out not really knowing what was happening anymore to him. As the time passed numerous tests and experiments were ran on him in his unresponsive state lying on the metal table. The cold that clawed through his clothes did not even make him shiver.

    After a length of time that Steph could not determine he had found himself in one of the hallways of the academy with drool slowly pouring out of his mouth. Once his eyes were opened and he realized his surroundings he jerked up straight quickly looking around trying to recall what he had been doing. Searching the halls did not tell him anything other than he was losing a part of his memory. It took a few moments, but the wet moist feeling of his uniform at his collarbone made him look down to find it partially soaked. He wiped his chin taking the next minute to figure out how it happened.

    Steph rubbed his hair feeling drowsy still from whatever happened to him. ‘I remember going for walk…then what? Gah, I can’t remember…’ He stood up forced to place his hand against the wall for support and began carefully walking down a random hall, his mind still not clear. After a few feet or hallways, distance did not really seem to add up to him clearly, there was a voice from behind him.

    “Steph? You feeling alright?”

    A slow turn of his head with an almost deathly look on his face showed the voice to belong to Kagashi. “Kagashi…don’t you have class?” Steph did not know what time it was with no windows or doorways found yet. He slowly turned leaning heavily on the wall still feeling like there was a fog around his head.

    Kagashi walked up to Steph quickly kneeing down to look at him straight. “Class, what are you talking about? It’s night. We finished a while ago. When you weren’t in the room I became a little concerned since no one had seen you all day.” The classes had been a little slow today for him since they were getting acclimated to their new life. There were some instructors that were a little harder of them to get them working while others took a more laid back approach. However, the way that Steph looked worried him more than that right now. He looked like he had been drugged up if he had to guess. “What happened to you?”

    Steph felt his legs give out suddenly dropping in to the floor roughly as Kagashi attempted to catch him in time, though futile. Any memories that he had were not coming to him, but he was certain that something happened. He was not sure what occurred in the time that he had lost, but it felt important. “I don’t know…I-I went out in the morning and woke up here. I-I can’t remember.”

    “You don’t look so good. Let’s get you back to the room. Some rest should do you good.” Kagashi was not sure what had happened to Steph, but it was obvious enough that he could not leave him on his own at the moment. He turned around giving him his back and putting his arms out behind him trying to motion to Steph that he was going to carry him back.

    Reservations could not hold him back as his body almost seemed to act on its own sliding himself against Kagashi’s back leaning his head over Kagashi’s shoulder with a rather pitiful and cute exhausted expression. Kagashi’s arms knitted together supporting him from falling down as he stood up carefully leaning forward enough to keep Steph on him. The two slowly walked through the hall until they reached a window looking out to the night sky.

    “It is night…” Steph said weakling through half opened eyes.

    “Yes…say Steph.”


    Kagashi paused for a moment turning towards the window letting his gaze be captured by the view. “You sure about this? You don’t have to leave.”

    “I made my decision. This week showed me that there is something inside me I didn’t realize. I need to sort that out before I can feel ready to be around here.”

    “There are plenty of instructors and even the shinigami that can help you.” Kagashi knew what he saw during the tests was not the same Steph. It was probably a scary thing to comprehend. ‘All this time he thought that he was normal and now to see what you are truly capable of doing.’ He resumed his walk holding Steph realizing that he should not be keeping Steph out.

    “This is something I need to do alone. I don’t know what it is, but I’m certain of that. Don’t worry I’ll be back for the tests next year without fail.” The dreams that he was having were becoming more common since he entered this place. While he had had them before they were nowhere near as vivid as they turned. He needed time to understand what it meant and who that woman was in his dream. She seemed to be important and know him, but it was only his dream it would only make sense she knew him. It still did not sit well with him.

    ‘I’m not going to be able to stop him. Why do I feel like I have to stop him? I hardly knew him until this week. What’s going on with me?’ Kagashi remained quiet for the rest of the walk back to their dorm. In the silence Steph had fallen asleep again. He placed him in his bed without waking him letting him peacefully continue his sleep.

    When morning came Kagashi grudgingly pushed his covers away looking around the room. He looked over to Steph’s bed to check on him only to find it empty. Kagashi rushed over to the bed making sure that he was not imagining things, but it was as he had seen. The bed was made neatly and no sign of Steph. He had left his uniform behind in the dresser taking his old clothes with him. “He’s gone…”

  12. #102
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    Haku was reclining relaxed on his bed, his arms folded behind him. Incapable of sleep, his mind exhausted itself on eventualities and contingencies, spiraling in circles, chasing it's own tail with no sound resolution.

    If he had been thinking aloud then his thoughts would be heard to this effect:
    'There is a 24/240,000,000,000 chance that I'll meet anyone I know, but I can't rely on an estimation of a probability whose direct influences and variables elude me. Also not to use a system of figures that is long past it's realm of supposed influence. If I do chance to meet someone that I know there is a 3/8 chance that it will not affect my studies and endeavors here, leaving me a 5/8 chance that it will…' And it went on in this fashion.

    So when the door to the dormitory opened and a distantly familiar form darkened the doorway, Haku's muscles tightened. 'The spikey blonde hair, Karakura Town. I don't believe it…' Haku straigtened up in the bed, unsure of what to do. 'Kasuma Zenoah. Three years my senior.' He recalled, glumly.

    Zeno walked in and gave a dismissive wave towards Haku, then a pause. It occurred to Haku at this moment that he might not be remembered. But when Zeno gave a suspicious turn and look.

    "Who're you!" He demanded.

    Haku smoothed himself out and stood, stretching himself to his full six feet.
    "Hello. I'm your new roomie. Kuishi Sato. Pleased to meet you!" He said, making his most friendly and kawaii face. The effect seemed immediate. Zeno stepped forward and offered his hand. Haku took it and noted the firm grip. But it was stepping closer that caused Zeno's face to grow even more suspicious.

    "I know you!" He shouted. "Mt. Fuji! You were younger and in a different class, but I know you!"

    Haku backed off and made a calming gesture.

    "Yes." He hissed. "My real name is Haku Ishikawa. I was there on Mt. Fuji. Please don't tell anyone my real name!"

    "Don't worry." Zeno muttered, walking over and leaping on his bed. "You're secret is safe with me."

    It was that night, with various misgivings that Haku was finally able to rest his mind, the worst possible scenario already setting in motion he no longer needed to worry about it.


    Haku stood in queue for morning Swordsmanship training, patiently watching each participant in the lessons. There were precisely five more in front of him. He was confident that by then he would have mapped out the perfect techniques and movements that the instructor was requiring. He already had enough information by watching the first two, to make a respectable enough attempt.

    The woman in front of him was a dark tan. Her face was that of an Indian Emperess, her poise was regal, her motions glided like the fluid ease of water. Haku watched her intensely. 'Be careful.' He warned himself. 'Her execution of these simple motions with that wooden sword will be like a master musician playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on a grass harp.' He thought.

    The next four, Haku noted with meager interest, preferring to study this prodigy's inherent grace. He tried to imitate her actions as he advanced in line, applying the smooth, yet direct flourishes, to his casual actions.

    Finally it was her turn. The instructor called out her name, not bothering to consult the list that he had been calling names from. "Mahonna Kuiki." She stepped forward with her wooden sword; bearing it with a definite tempo and grace. It was perfectly evident to Haku now. 'This is no human, nor had she ever been one. She was born and raised in this place and I wouldn't be surprised if she had trained to enter this academy her whole life.'

    The instructor assumed a defensive stance and gave the signal. What followed was so spectacular that everyone gasped and backed away. The instructor had to struggle to intercept. Her moves were blinding crescendos of perfect speed. She had combined the three practice moves into what seemed, at first glance, a single action.

    Her entire presence here was an imposture, there was nothing that she could learn in the next two weeks so far as swordsmanship was concerned. Haku had an unassuming grin on his face as all the students felt compelled to applaud. A tear glistened in the instructor's eyes as if he had just beheld some brilliant light that was not meant for mere eyes.

    Mahonna, then turned and bowed before the students and returned to the end of the line. Her face was the picture of boredom and disinterest.

    "And that is what every Soul Reaper should aspire to!" The instructor announced, neglecting to chastise Mahonna-san for her obvious showboating.

    Haku was proud of himself, he kept his smugness from his features.
    The instructor had to retrieve his clipboard and search out the next name.

    "Kuishi Sato."

    Haku stepped forward. He felt the soft-sanded wood grain about the grip of his sword. His fingers made a careful check of the grip, testing the area of it's maximum leverage, feeling the tiny microchasms in the wood rub against the prints of his fingers. The information was received, duly noted and stored for later reference.

    In life, Haku had some training that may not have been standard with too many children. Not that he cared to remember it, as he had swore off memories. But the neural pathways were still there, and Kuiki-samasan had just updated it for him.

    He spun the wooden sword, flipped it up, caught it and passed it between hands, the very breeze of the motion was immense, and the motion was too fast to follow. No appreciative gasps were uttered. He turned his own metaphorical composition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" into an opera. And in three fanning spins, one thrust and draw slash combined with a retreating motion, he had finished.

    The succession of knocks against the teacher's wooden weapon were so contiguous that only one knock was heard. The room was silent. The teacher had not moved his sword to block the attacks, Haku had aimed at the blade so as not to actually engage their instructor. The instructor did his greatest to downplay the entire event and chose not to say anything, but there were whispers.

    Walking back to the end of the line, Haku smiled politely at the gaping expressions until he saw Mahonna. Haku made an absolute lifetime trait of reading motions, body language and expressions. If Mahonna could get away with murder at the moment she wouldn't have to even think about it. Her expression was pure mastered fury.

    She approached him and gave a shallow bow, or more accurately, a nod. Haku bowed genuinely. He didn't wish for her to dislike him at the moment. It would be inconvenient, still Haku also had to serve his ego.

    "Have we met?" She asked, trying her best not to speak through clenched teeth or sound angry.

    Haku smiled modestly, using his brow to seem appologetic and sympathetic. "If only that were so, but I am new here and I have a good memory for such memorable faces."

    She seemed not to expect genuine politeness and it took her a while before she could formulate a response.

    "You obviously have had some excellent training wherever you're from. It seems I have some competition."

    Inwardly, Haku sighed with relief. 'She is being honest about the obvious tension between us, that indicates some mutual respect in formation. Now is the tricky part, I've got to downplay what just happened without seeming pretentious. The big questions is: is she really better than me? If she is, I can be honest and tell her that was my best try. If she can't achieve what I just did, then there is no right answer.'

    "Then I welcome the competition." He said, still smiling. "But I warn you that what you saw was my very best."

    'She smiled, slightly.' Haku could read it. 'She is pleased, she must know that she could do much better. If I stay near her, I can learn her tricks.'

    "I hope I can keep up." She said, wryly.

    'She really is a very unpleasant person.' He thought, still a smile on his face.


    Haku kneeled at a table, alone. On the table was a small portion of Mandarin salad and a cup of tea. 'I have to restrict my food intake. I can't expend energy on digestion when so many things require my mental powers instead.' He picked up the tea and breathed in, trying to keep in the tea ritual, he sighed and sipped it. 'Besides, mother always said…' He stopped and sat the cup down, disappointed that he had not mastered the repression of his memories. He pinched a leaf of lettuce covered with the peanut sauce in between his chopsticks and ate it, carefully. 'A full mongoose is a slow mongoose.'

    Haku had just began to relax. He looked around, suspiciously. Kuishi Sato worked well here. On the surface, there were just few enough surfaces to be convincing as 'normal'.

    His eyes suspiciously drifted over the crowd of people, constantly in fear of seeing a familiar face. He swallowed some tea and chewed some salad, but for once in his life he was not terribly hungry. The effect of a guilty stomach, possibly...
    Last edited by Sinister; 06-05-2008 at 02:21 PM.

  13. #103
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    Inland Empire
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    The light of the sun tempered against my closed eye, forcing me to squint and sit up just in time for my alarm to go off. I looked around the room and took in the same old scenery that I lived in for the past few months. The dreary, plain color of white. There needed to be some color in this room or I would go insane.

    I licked my lips and formed a smirk as my eye laid upon Haruka. Oooh, I love how she looks when she sleeps. Too bad I have to wake her up soon.. the sleepyhead.

    I let out a reluctant sigh and thought of slipping into Haruka's bed and sleeping with her, but I would never hear the end of it from the intruding voice in my head that is my sister. I leaned down to her and smiled as my cheeks flushed. I ran a finger through my hair and slid my bang behind my ear. She was so close to me that her scent filled my nose. A mix of flowers and spice ran through my senses and I stifled a shudder. I bit my lower lip and leaned into her ear and whispered to her sleeping state.

    “...When will you ever admit your love for me, hm?” I held back a seductive giggle and kissed her lobe gently and walked off into the bathroom, my nightgown falling to the floor on the way.

    I stepped out of the shower all nice and wet, and dried myself off and wrapped tape around my breasts and shrugged on my uniform and tied the wrap around my waist. I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair and applied a thin layer of gloss on my lips. I nodded to myself and stepped out and still saw Haruka knocked out on her bed, in her drooling glory no less.

    One of her legs crept over the side of the bed and her right hand sloppily placed itself over her abdomen. I smiled to myself and shook my head. One foot in front of the other, I walked to the side of her bed and sat down by her. I ran my fingers through her luscious hair and around the back of her neck.

    “Haru-chan,” I said in a slight raised voice. Though I should've known better that this alone wouldn't have woken her up.

    “Haru-chan!” I exclaimed. I heard a grumble and she rolled over and ignored me. Letting out a sigh once more, I leaned over her body, my breasts making an impression into her side.

    “Haru-CHAN! Wake up this instant, missy!” I scolded as I leaned as close as I could to her face.

    “Bite me.” Haru responded. Don't you tempt me, girl. You know full well how much I want you. I'll do it, too. I bit my lip and leaned closer to the ear I kissed earlier, and was close enough to bite her lobe. She shot up in a quick haze.

    “Happy now Mai?” she exclaimed frantically.

    “Mmm, almost.” I replied with an ulterior motive hidden with a playful smile at my lips. I'll be happy today if you kiss me, but I know that's just wishful thinking.

    Haruka was ready to go back to sleep, but I puffed and scolded her, emphasizing that she would have to skip a shower. That seemed to get her into movement. I looked at Haruka's haphazard hairstyle and giggled. “Hair,” I said.

    This caused her to remember about her hair and she stepped into the bathroom and adjusted her hair into pigtails. While she was occupied, I glanced over at our other roommate that called herself Junko. She still snored as if she didn't care about the afterlife. As far as I was concerned, she could sleep past all of her classes. I still haven't really forgiven her for her attitude when we first met.

    Haruka seemed to notice my glance at Junko, and she inquired that if I was going to wake her up as well. I shook my head with a scoff.

    During breakfast, Haruka and I found ourselves a table alone with someone my sister had met before. His eyes briefly met my own as we sat across from him in the cafeteria. I couldn't wait to bite into my syrupy waffles.

    The two began to converse as I peered around the cafeteria, taking in the daily scenery of the other students chowing down on their choice of food. The bustling noise of students chattering to each other about the latest gossip and who was on their hot or not list. To no surprise, I hear my sister's name said occasionally as some sort of bad ass bitch, and others say she's some sort of goddess. They have no idea.

    Though sometimes I wonder what she does that makes her stand out against me. I suppose her talents have something to do with it, as I've nothing that I'm particularly spectacular at, unless you count blackmailing people and war tactics. Though I have yet to show my tactics prowess because we're simply in a school environment. Unless a war broke out at school, I would continue to be the devious girl that blackmails and seduces people to get what she wants. Maybe that's why they don't talk about me. They're afraid that I'll blackmail them. Yeah, r-i-i-ight.

    I let out a sigh and glance at Haruka as she continues to converse with Tamashi. She seemed to get the impression that I was uncomfortable being left out of the loop, so she changed the topic and asked me how I thought I would do in my classes. I smiled as my heart fluttered because she was concerned about my well being.

    We each answered the topic and the bell rang soon after. Haruka and I cleaned up after ourselves and walked silently towards our classes. It was sad seeing her go off on her own, but I had to deal with it. I couldn't be with her every second of every day. I wasn't her lover or anything. ....Yet.

    Tamashi walked behind me to our hand to hand class. That's right, we have the same class together. Too bad I'll only be there for an hour. My sister was just too talented and had prior experience to be put in class C, so she had been placed in Class A. If there were an S, she'd be in it.

    Thankfully the A and C classes for Hand to Hand weren't too far away from each other. As my thoughts wandered about how my class would be run and what would be the criteria, the last bell rang for the class to begin. The room was spacious and was floored with tatami mats. Pillows had been in place instead of desks, and the students sat in their spots. I sat next to Tamashi, as he was the only one I knew in the class. There was Kagashi as well, but I didn't know him very well, and quite frankly I didn't really care to. Something about him rubbed me the wrong way. But I'm a good girl, I can feign politeness if I need to.

    The hour went by fairly quickly, though I absorbed everything the instructor lectured on with much intent on catching up to Shino. Tamashi yawned throughout the class, but somehow memorized everything as well. I had a feeling he should be in the B class, but sometimes my judge of character isn't exactly accurate. Everyone else stayed in the class, but I was an exception because there are two people in this one body. I let out a sigh and placed my fingers upon my eyepatch and let out a shudder as I became the voice inside Shino's head. It was weird not being able to see anything, but being able to still hear what Shino says, and feel everything she experiences.


    I cracked my neck and twisted my torso and did all the other usual stretches before I began training. When I raised my arms above my head to stretch, I felt the tape that Mai had strapped on my breasts become slightly loose. It was still tolerable for me and would most likely last throughout the rest of the day. If my breasts popped out while in my hand to hand class, that would not only interrupt my personal flow, but would make it harder for me to move around unhindered. I still have not gotten used to Mai's cow breasts. I don't know how she puts up with breasts of such a large size. You can't possibly move with your maximum potential with these fat bags dragging you down. Then I remember the shinigami we met before we died. She had large breasts similar to Mai's and she moved gracefully as if they had not existed. So perhaps it was possible for some people to bypass the feeling of large breasts.

    I walked alone to the class A room of Hand to Hand. It felt weird being the only one around in such a large hallway filled with white. And more white. I finally reached the door and not to my surprise, already found the class in session. I don't get to be tardy because of my special condition with my sister. I once again twisted my torso and stretched my back.

    My classmates had already sparred with each other by the time I walked in. One person was without a partner, obviously. Because I was that person. The instructor was a fine looking gentleman who had battle scars over his arms and one over each eye. I wanted to chat with him about where he had gotten his scars from, but it was class time and there wasn't time for such pleasantries. He had walked up to me and filled me in on the first hour of class and what I had missed. I nodded in comprehension, and walked off to spar with my partner. My partner had a semi-lanky build, but from my experience, I learned never to underestimate your opponent. His red haphazard hair flowed all over the place and his blue eyes met mine. He nodded at me as a form of hello.

    “Sup?” he said as he cracked his neck and got into the battle stance the instructor had noted to do earlier. They were all learning a specific style. Karate, if I remember correctly. The instructor knew I had my own style beforehand and he said I could use that if I wanted to. Would be a good experience for the students, he said.

    I shrugged, “Nothin' much. Sorry to keep ya waitin'.”

    “Don't worry about it,” he bowed and came at me as an element of surprise. I wasn't taken aback, though. As a force of habit, I pretended to get struck by his chop to my chest. I added my own momentum as I fell backwards and lifted my right foot and connected to his chin. My body hit the ground and I kicked up and landed on my feet fluidly. His chop felt like a poke to me, but I didn't want him to know that. My attack took him off guard and he stumbled back.

    He shook the cobwebs from his face and rubbed his chin and glared at me, as if contemplating what to do next. I knew of Karate and the types of attacks they normally did, so whatever he did I would be ready for it. Besides, that bastard Nagi was a much better fighter. I would give anything to have another bout with him again.

    The tune of Wagner's Riding of the Valkyries flowed through my head as I hummed the tune. This action caused him to raise a brow. Perhaps he thought I was going crazy or became bored. Neither was the case at this point in time. Okay, so I lied.

    He gave a running start and leaped into the air. As if I didn't see that coming. He brought out his leg and aimed directly for my head. I just stared at him and smiled as I leaned to the side, brought out my hand and gripped his ankle tightly by his socks and tossed him hard into the ground. I hope I didn't knock him out.

    Sure enough, he groaned and I heard a curse through his mumbled breath. He had a hard time regaining his balance. He managed to get to his feet, but his knees were liquid and he shook a lot.

    The instructor took special interest in our spar. Or what was supposed to be a spar, anyway. This was pathetic. I wasn't getting any training in and wasn't very amused beating a novice to a pulp. However, my partner had a different thought process. He looked to be getting very annoyed at my skill level. It's not my fault I have prior combat experience. Before the guy's knees could collapse, the instructor held him up and grinned at me.

    “I'll bet you're thinking that you shouldn't be in this class. Well, as you know, A is the highest rank there is; and I can't have you wandering around the halls. So I propose this:” he gently escorted my sparring partner to the medic that had came in at the request of sensei. I walked with them of course.

    “My sister could just take the two hours while I do nothing...” I rebuked.

    “That is true, but wouldn't you feel that your talents are deteriorating? Any warrior would feel that.”

    He knew me well. As well as any martial arts instructor would, anyway. I smirked and nodded. He took that as a sign to continue his proposition.

    “Would you like to become my assistant in this class? I'm sure you know a fair amount about other martial arts and I'd like to have the class get a different perspective on things. Your style is unique, and that may help the class get an edge on the battlefield.”

    “If I teach everyone my style, it won't be unique anymore now will it?” I raised a brow and crossed my arms.

    “That's true, but I'm not asking you to do that. I'm just suggesting you tutor them on how to predict their opponent's movements and counter accordingly.”

    “I can do that. It's essential to any martial art. I'm surprised you didn't have it in your agenda beforehand.”

    “Oh, believe me, I do. I just have to admit that since your style surrounds it, you know more about the slight intricacies than I do.”

    “True.” I cracked my neck and nodded to his proposal. I suppose that was as high as I was going to get. Maybe I could even spar with him once in a while. Or the other instructors as well. It seems that I'm going places. I like this.

  14. #104
    “M-matte kudasai!” Mugen shouted after Haruka. Haruka, who was already by the door and would be in the way of the students quickly filing out of the room if she did in fact wait, decided the best course of action would be to wait outside the classroom’s door. She leaned up against the wall near the said door and waited for Mugen to come out of the room.

    Mugen pushed through the crowd of students exiting the calssroom. He tripped right near the door and was trampled by the students coming out. When everyone passed, Mugen popped up in front of Haruka, cleaning off his uniform. He leaned back to see if anyone else was coming. He sighs in ease and turns his attention to Haruka.

    "Hikyou-sensei is a strict teacher, isn't she? Man, I thought she was going to kill me at one point for messing up the motions." He rubbed the back of his neck to add to the moment. "So..." He said, starting to get more serious. "Have you met anyone else from the real world? It gets kinda lonely since Rei is avoiding me."

    It was true that Rei seemed like she was avoiding Mugen. They met several times in the hallway since Mugen proposed to her. Each time she seemed distant, any conversation Mugen tried to start up was met with simple answers. He asked several times if she made up her mind yet but when he did, her face became bright red and she ran off. Mugen's hope was beginning to diminish. "Maybe I should have never asked..." He thought several times. He would shrug and go do what he had to do.

    Just that morning, the two met again. This time, Rei was the one who stopped Mugen in the hallway. He was walking away from her to his class when he heard her soft, sweet voice from behind him. "M-Mugen." He turned on his heel to see Rei standing opposite of him, only a few feet away. He forced himself to be stoic. "Yes Rei?" He simply said, some eagerness in his tone. Rei approached him slowly and embraced him. "I have decided..." She looked up at his face, tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. "I accept your proposal, Mugen, my love. I want to marry you and become your wife. I made appeals to the Gotei Captains to be assigned to whatever squad you may be placed in upon graduation, so we can be together." Mugen didn't say anything, he was too happy to. He just held her in his arms.
    "She accepted my proposal this morning," Mugen told Haruka casually. "I'd actually like for you to be at the wedding or however marriages are performed in the Sereitei. I'd also like for anyone you met from the real world to be there too. That's why I asked." He smiled kindly and looked around. "Well then... on to the next class, yeah? S'ya around Haruka-chan." Mugen waved off again and started off down the hall (the wrong way). He stopped suddenly and jogged back the other way, pausing in front of Haruka to say "Wrong way." And continued on to the Nature of the Zanpakutou class.

  15. #105
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries
    “And remember students each of you must demonstrate basic competency with spiritual particles and your reiatsu. All form a queue.”

    Haku took his place behind Mahonna. She didn’t seem to mind or notice and squeezed every drop of overconfident self-aggrandizing airs into each of her sleek movements. Each swing of her arms was perfectly rhythmic and fluid. The slightest tacit spoke pages of her own opinion of herself.

    Haku admired her devotion to her own ego, but this was not a test of physical prowess and perfect finesse. ‘She may not be the master of this art yet. But then, I don’t recall mastering this either. In fact, aside from the short lecture the instructor provided, I know nothing.

    “Keira Akagawa, step forward please.” A bright scarlet haired female stepped next to the instructor.

    “You will now focus your reiatsu into the hollow of your hand. Try to form a sphere.”

    She presented her hand, and extended her arm supinated for all to see. Her brows knitted and her face began to sweat, but before long there was a definite glowing light that sparked and grew to fill the palm of her hand. Eventually, with the sound of glass shattering, it burst into a brilliant cloud of blue smoke.

    “Very good.” The instructor wrote something down on her clipboard.

    “Mahonna Kuiki, please step forward.” She called out.

    Mahonna stepped forward and presented both of her hands, fully extended. The instructor opened her mouth to say something but Mahonna’s hands preemptively burst into light with a crack. Both hands cradled a sphere of magnificent size and azure brilliance. Haku fully expected her to break into a juggling routine and prepared himself not to laugh out loud. But there was a sobering side to it. ‘There are no actions to imitate here. Nothing to observe. Is that why she’s smiling? Could she already know that I was learning from her?’ He thought.

    “That will be quite enough, Kuiki-san!” The Instructor broke in. “You will refrain from further displays and only act on your instructions in the future. Do not expect your name to mean much here.”

    Mahonna let the spheres extinguish and sneered in slight annoyance. One more pretentious glare at the instructor and stepped to the end of the line, giving Haku a meaningful smirk.

    “Kuishi Sato, please step forward.”

    Haku advanced, a pinch of nervousness was worrying his stomach and he felt a little uneasy. Something felt wrong…dreadfully wrong. Dark clouds seemed to pour over the training ground. No one seemed to notice. ‘It’s just my nerves. I really should have better control than this.’ Haku could feel heavy blisters of impending doom, so thick with anxiety and terror, began to load his shoulders and courage down. He kept an optimistic grin on his face, but it barely felt skin deep.

    He pulled the sleeve of his black gii up his bone thin arm and presented his left hand, palm up for all to see. He felt the wind blow in and out of his fingers. A cold sensation tingled and bit around his knuckles. He had failed to notice the doings of his right hand, the black gape that had formed from between his fingers, a black fire that consumed and drew like a great mouth. But his sense of horror was growing deeper and more profound. His nerves, intensity tested, matted with the shards of shattered confidence, tried to assemble a matrix of serviceable poise.

    It may have seemed an eternity before the sphere of white radiance blossomed in his hand. The instructor nodded in satisfaction and motioned him to return to the line, but Haku was bolted where he stood. The white sphere grew steadily to a diameter of near two feet, trying persistently for a yard.

    The instructor backed away from Haku, with a panicked expression. The students also began giving Haku a wide berth.

    “Just release it, Kuishi-kun!” Cried the instructor. “Stop forcing your reiatsu into it.”

    Haku’s mind was overpowered with raw fear, rotting his skills of comprehension. He heard the instructor say something but it fuzzed out to white static. The ball of energy had now attained a meter’s diameter and felt icy and heavy in Haku’s hand. He felt it shift and the balance become unstable.

    He couldn’t think…too much panic. Terror…

    It was his eyes that saw Kuiki-san’s expression of awed terror, that brought him back to sense. She was terrified. He could see it in her eyes like an aura. ‘She feels inadequate and in danger. She feels contempt towards me for lacking control.’ With a confident dismissive gesture, Haku flicked the giant ball of energy out into the stratosphere. Reaching a certain altitude, it detonated in a shower of charged spiritual particles.

    What really had happened looked so different than how Haku had felt it. During the entire affair, his face never made an expression that was more concerned than annoyed. Neither Haku nor anyone present noticed that his right hand had polarized and was draining spiritual particles from the air to supply reiatsu for the globe of compressed spiritual energy growing in his other hand.

    “Are you alright, Kuishi-kun?!” Cried the instructor. She rushed to him, but he had maintained his composure. He sighed and wiped his brow.

    “Something of a strain.” he complained. “But I really am fine, arigato. I am sorry I disrupted the practice.”

    Haku stepped to the back of the line, noting all the odd stares he received, Mahonna’s being the oddest. His hand was unsteady and shaking, but he held them behind his back and tried to still his heart.


    Haku had a bowl of rice with dried cherries, grapes, dates and plums soaking in tea. A cup of warm silver needle tea sat to his right, smelling like hay. A pickled carrot lay atop the saucer on which his bowl sat. He had already been at the carrot and had let the salty brine curl his tongue. He poured some pomegranate juice into the tea, which now smelt of citrus. A spoonful of the dried fruits tasted so sweet in contrast to the pickled carrot. The tea tasted like it would regrow a soul. He had to resort to comfort food. He felt he needed the moral support and would perhaps resort to drink if he could acquire some.

    Haku was nervous over the Shun-po class. He had been best in his last two clashes with Mahonna Kuiki, but he knew that she would prove his better in this class, at least. Perhaps it was the defeatist tone of his current mood, but her grace meeting speed would be better than him no matter what.

    He sat and stared into his tea, focusing on the red bubbles that had formed around the rim of the cup. ‘Why am I daydreaming, this way? So many things have gone wrong…’ His hand still had some shake in it from kidou class. His face was calm and distant, but a ring of confusion hung around the mouth and eyes. ‘Why was I afraid? What did that class do to me?’ He thought, as if asking the bubbles in his tea.

    “I’m sitting here, okay?” A female voice asserted. The sentence hung in echo, while Haku generally disregarded it. The tone sounded as if to say: “I dare you to try and stop me”.

    “Fine.” He said, his eyes not moving.

    “What’s your name?”

    Haku glanced up to find out who was asking stupid questions of him, but in so doing his face turned grim. His eyes widened. ‘A statistical impossibility! It’s simply not possible, my mind is playing tricks on me.’ He quickly turned his expression of surprise into embarrassment.

    In front of him was the girl with red and black streaked hair from Mt. Fuji. She was blinking with eyes the color of deep pitch. ‘Mt. Fuji, Haruka-Hyourin Tokoyami.’ He thought, dismally. His all too encyclopedic memory never failed, no matter how he tried to suppress it.

    Haku, being as he was, a handsome lanky youth full of elbow and bone, took some time to stand. Stretched to his full six feet with a sly grin on his face, he looked positively Mephistophelean. He bowed quickly and deeply.

    “I’m so sorry, I was daydreaming.” He said, closing his eyes and looking quite pathetic. “I am Kuishi Sato of South Rukongai district twelve. Hajimemashite*.” He bowed again.

    “Geez, so formal.” She said, sharply. Haku took the cue and sat down, grabbing his tea. He drank, trying to focus so desperately on the soothing taste that pomegranate juice so often brought to him. “I’m Haruka Tokoyami.” She explained. “What classes are you in, Sato-san?” She asked, picking through her food.

    “I’m a hopeful in basic training. I am not in any class.” He said calmly.

    “You look familiar.” Her brow knotted in suspicion as she peered at him with those dark eyes.

    “Perhaps you saw someone who looked like me. Or watched a movie with a young handsome actor that I reminded you of.” He offered, with a smug grin.

    “Not really.” She said, giving him an awkward stare. Then something happened that was not lost on Haku. Her look of suspicion cleared and her brows unknotted. ‘She remembers me, now. …damn.’ He felt relaxed, once again, the damage had been done.

    “How did you enjoy Mt. Fuji, Kuishi-sama**?” She said, twirling her chopsticks between her fingers.

    I am lost in a land of evil women.

    “It was fine.” He said, grinning amiably. “A little cold, but it was a cold year, as I recall.”

    “Well, at least you got a nice view, Kuishi-sama.”

    Haku laughed, as if delighting in a good joke, but mentally recalling the anguish of falling down a mountain at terminal velocity. He felt the sting of sparkling snow and sharp gravel catching inside the great gashes left by the rocks that ground him apart as he fell.

    “Seeing that we’re here, now, I’d say we both did.” He closed his eyes, looking like a pleased cat.

    Why isn’t she asking me about my alias? She must either not care(which is good) or is avoiding the question(which can be bad).’ Then a bloodcurdling revelation struck Haku, like a smack of lightening. ‘I’m going to have to make a friend out of her too. Or at least seem a friend.

    Haku drained the last of his tea, the sedative and euphoric effects of the pomegranate juice was lost. He set the cup down with a note of finality.

    “I have these premonitions,” His eyes, reawakening, narrowed meaningfully. “most of the time they’re right. I think we’ll meet again, Tokoyami-san.” He bowed once more and walked away with his dishes, leaving her to the deserted table. 'running away for a moment.' He wasn't hungry after all.


    Students were lined up in front of a gauntlet of sand, various markers lay to the right and a great measuring board stretched along side the sand terminating 14 feet. A dazed instructor sat in a chair with a drink and wide hat covering his eyes. He had a short beard and generally had the air of someone who was professionally engaged in not doing anything in particular. He gave the drink a shake, sipped and checked his chart.

    "Keira Akagawa, please." He said, his voice slightly slurred and a little astral.

    She stepped up and he tipped his drink at her and then at the starting line. "You took Kido training already? Same thing, just focus your reiatsu at your feet. Do not try a flash step, just a single jump. Don't forget a marker."
    Keira nodded, more to herself than the oblivious instructor.

    She picked one of the markers. She focused hard, once again, the sweat of concentration formed. Flames burst in her cute Kawaii eyes. Haku saw her lift her foot but couldn't follow the blur of light that ended with an earth-shattering crash straight into the sand. A cloud of dust spread out and covered everything.

    "Right." Said the Instructor. He set his drink down and clapped his hands. "Squad four, please!" Two Shinigami appeared from nowhere with a practiced flash step and loaded the very thunderstruck Keira onto a stretcher, carrying her off. Her marker laid just a little past the 8 feet mark. The instructor picked his drink back up, gave it another sip. Noticing the student's horrified expressions, he shrugged. "She'll be fine, but I told her not to try a flash step." He took one more peek at the clipboard. "Mahonna Kuiki!" He yelled, louder than necessary.

    Mahonna stepped up to the line with the same bored expression that she had carried into the last two trials. Haku knew the expression was more dangerous now than it ever had been. She chose a marker and readied herself.

    "Watch carefully, Sato-san." She yelled, as reiatsu collected around her ankles.

    It was instantaneously and surprised Haku, she seemed to do little more than flick her feet and suddenly she was waiting at the end of the measurement line at the last mark.

    "Nice." The Instructor appraised, clapping his hands. "Kuishi Sato."

    Haku stepped up to the line and chose a marker. 'She knows I was learning by watching her now. At this time, none of that matters. I'll beat her at her own game, now. I may not be able to flash step, like she can. But that won't keep me from making a lower score than her.'

    Haku could feel the center of his reiatsu lower as he forced it down into his feet. He strained up onto the balls of his feet, like a greyhound at the start. Keira's failure was fresh in his mind. 'Watch carefully, Kuiki-san…' Fly or fall, Haku felt his right foot leave the ground. Pure velocity hit him, slamming him up into the air. His body flew like a dart, jolting up with inertia. The world blurred beyond whips of wind. Haku saw sentient shapes and vision reappear as he felt the speed pull back and found that he was hovering above the ground some three feet. He fell like a snowflake, gently and gracefully. He dropped his marker and looked to the measuring board. The black letters read cruelly: "eleven feet," two feet and five inches short.

    He returned to the end of the line to see a warmly smiling Mahonna. The smile that told herself and all who were watching…"I am still, always and ever the best. This man is not so bad but he fell short."

    Mahonna's smile widened as she said the words: "Good try, Kuishi-san. You'll get there someday."

    Haku smiled pleasantly and bowed. 'You're a pretentious narcissistic psycho born of a harpy that tugs on my sanity, Mahonna Kuiki and I will destroy you.' It was a premonition as much as it was a promise and not thought in any joking manner at all.

    Haku's next try reached twelve feet, but it wasn't the same as Kuiki's perfect form flash step that reached the maximum score once again. She added a flourish by landing backwards, doing a hundred and eighty degree spin in mid flash step.

    'I'm being too insecure and competitive.' He reminded himself. 'Can't get caught up. Second best isn't bad. For a first try, it really was the best in the class. Besides, she probably trained her whole life to get this way.'

    "If you want I could help you train once we finish this insulting basic training, Kuishi-san." Mahonna said, earnestly.

    "Perhaps someday we can train together." Haku agreed, smiling pleasantly.

    *Hajimemashite means “It’s nice to meet you” and is the very essence of a polite and formal introduction, but can only be used when you meet someone for the first time. Haku uses it here to be polite and to reinforce the idea that the two had never met before.

    **-Sama is a really high blown title meaning ‘master’ but is used by Haruka in a mocking sardonic way to imply that Haku-san is not who he says he is.
    Last edited by Sinister; 06-16-2008 at 09:02 AM.

  16. #106
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    "Well then... on to the next class, yeah? S'ya around Haruka-chan." Mugen said cheerfully before taking off down the hallway.

    Haruka's eyebrow twitched. "C-chan?" she muttered aloud. "Since when did I give him permission to call me...chan...?"

    She sighed as she watched him pass by her again. Just like a person to be so caught up in the moment that they go the wrong way. 'Hmm...I really can't stay mad at him, though. He's just that sort of strange person, I guess. ’ With a small chuckle, she began her walk toward Nature of Zanpakuto class. She would get him for the "chan" comment later.

    Nature of Zanpakuto was with Mai. Haruka felt her heart flutter slightly at seeing the younger woman again. She really was something else; Haruka would never try to deny it. The class wasn't really that far away, only over to the left two hallways, down a third, and through a courtyard. All three Nature of Zanpakuto rooms were on the opposite side of the said courtyard from Haruka’s current location. It was a small courtyard, covered with grass and sporting a small koi pond in the eastern corner. Haruka glanced briefly at the pond, but was on the other side of the courtyard before she could really get a good look at it. Classroom B was, fittingly, in the middle of classroom A on the left and C on the right. She drew open the sliding door, and entered the room.

    The first thing she noticed was the noise. Or, in this case, the lack of it. Though she was almost positive she still had a couple minutes before class started, the room was absolutely silent. Students sat at desks set in meticulously arranged rows, all of them with their heads turned forward. Well, almost all of them. There was one girl, near the back, with black and gray hair who was turned completely around with a grin on her face. Mai. As soon as Haruka's eyes found her, the woman began pointing enthusiastically to the seat next to her with a look that said, "I saved you a seat!"

    Such a show of movement obviously attracted the eyes of the teacher, an old wrinkled woman, and was greeted by a sharp rap on the table with her zanpakuto sheath. Haruka hastily bowed to her, and quickly took her seat beside Mai.

    She looked back up at the old, wrinkled teacher and frowned. The woman had long hair so devoid of color that it was nearly transparent. Her face sported many wrinkles, but suggested an unparalleled beauty in her youth. Haruka was sure that her teeth would probably be rotting if she opened her mouth. But with all that said, the worst thing about her was her frown. The woman looked so painfully grief stricken that Haruka wondered if there was truly something wrong.

    'I didn't know shinigami could get this old...she has to AT LEAST be as old as the Captain-Commander...or maybe she became a shinigami at an old age?' Haruka frowned herself then, and her eyes widened as she thought 'Am I joining at an old age?!? No, no...I'm only twenty-four...still just a baby!' And she allowed herself to a small inaudible chuckle. With another glance at the front of the room, Haruka caught the name "Hakanai-sensei" scrawled across the board.

    "Class." The old sensei startled Haruka with speech. She had a deep, raspy voice that had undeniably been destroyed by something when she was younger. Haruka would guess smoking, but she didn't know if they had cigarettes in Seireitei. Perhaps it was from yelling?

    "You will devote yourself completely to learning about zanpakuto while you are in this classroom. I will allow no horseplay, no off-subject chatter, and most importantly, no excessive talking. You may ask your neighbor a question regarding the material, but that's the extent."

    'Are you serious? This is one of only two classes that I have with Mai! Grr. This woman is really going to get it. Look at those feeble old bones. I could totally take her in a fight!' Haruka scowled.

    "Do not disturb me unless it's an emergency." The woman finished her opening speech. "Now," she said with a completely feigned and failed attempt at pleasantness. "Please open your textbooks to page 10 and begin reading the chapter. Once you're done, answer the questions at the end of the section. Good luck."

    Haruka grabbed the textbook sitting in front of her and lazily opened it to begin turning pages. From next to her, Mai cleared her throat. Haruka glanced up at her with some interest, and saw a note gripped in the woman's hand. Noticing that she had Haruka's attention, she quickly thrust the note out towards Haruka's desk. The black and red haired girl eagerly, but discreetly, took the note from the black and gray haired girl, and opened it.

    "Oh." came the horrible voice from the front. "And no note passing."

    With a grin she couldn't suppress, Haruka shrugged and began to read the note.

    "This is going to be such a great class! I can't wait to infuriate her.
    Haru, you
    will help me, right? I totally can't do this by myself. "

    Haruka chuckled. That was Mai for you. Insanely devious yet extremely pleasant at the same time.

    "Oh of course. We'll tear the room apart. Textbook work my arse."

    Haruka replied below Mai's message. She waited a few minutes to make sure that the teacher wasn't watching her, and then quickly slipped the note back to her roommate.

    With that done, she decided to check out "page ten" in her textbook. It was the beginning of one of the chapters, which was entitled "Introduction to Zanpakuto: Basics." 'Joy to the world. Can't get any more fun than this!' was Haruka's bitter thought on the matter.

    A cough from Mai, this time, saved her from beginning the wonderful "Basics" chapter. With a similar ceremony as used the previous time, Haruka took the note.

    "Oh, well, I don't know about skipping the work...I really do want to learn about zanpakuto. After all, we'll be getting ours in a few years. I want to know how to treat it.

    "But, still, something has to be done about this teacher. Heehee.

    "I guess. We'll never get strong if we don't know how to handle the Zanpakuto. How about we put pins in her chair?"

    Yep. Haruka was absolutely amazing about coming up with original ideas. No one could beat her in that field. No one.

    Though really, thinking stuff up wasn't really her cup of tea. She just wanted to get something started. Mai could come up with the genius prank, and she'd execute it.

    Mai chuckled upon getting the note. Haruka left the woman to the writing of her reply as she began to read the wonderful "Basics" chapter. And the first thing she noticed about the book was the language it used. The construction of the sentences, the words used, no one wrote like that these days. Their textbooks were entirely outdated.

    'Yay. Not only do I have to read it, I have to decipher it as well. No wonder these classes are two hours long...' With a great sigh, Haruka looked back up at Mai, who was just finishing her response to the note. Mai glanced over at the older girl, and hastily handed her the note. Then she stood. Haruka frowned at her, but Mai merely smiled, gestured to the message in the other woman's hand, and walked to the front of the room. Haruka looked down at the piece of paper.

    "Hehe. Leave the pranks to me, dearest Haruka. I'll have some good information in no time. Don't you worry."

    Well, that wasn't exactly an answer to her unasked question. Haruka looked back up to the front of the room, and furrowed her brow as she did so. Mai was talking to Hakanai-sensei with the sweetest smile she could muster plastered across her elegant face. "Excuse me, Sensei-sama-"

    'Sensei-sama? Ooookaaay Mai. '

    "If it would be at all possible, I would really like to go to the bathroom."

    She paused, and her eyes searched "Sensei-sama's" desk. Haruka shook her head and went back to deciphering the text in front of her. Mai would get her way. She always got her way.

    'Let's see here...'

    "At first glance, the esoteric zanpakuto looks as if it would be just a mundane katana. But that is not so. Each zanpakuto harbors a sentient being who is the corporeal manifestation of the anima of its possessor.”

    'Who do they think we are?! I've never even heard the word 'esoteric' before! But okay. Lets's obviously an adjective used to describe the zanpakuto. Zanpakuto are rather mysterious, and only shinigami know about how they work. So, maybe it means something like not well-known or hidden from the public? So...if we replace that word with mysterious, and all the other weird words it'd read something like:

    "At first glance, the mysterious zanpakuto looks like an ordinary katana. But that isn't true. Every zanpakuto possesses a conscious spirit who is the..."

    Corporeal...I know that word...hmmm...I'll come back to it...

    "...materialized form of the..." energy or whatever... so then...

    "At first glance, the mysterious zanpakuto looks like an ordinary katana. But that isn't true. Every zanpakuto possesses a conscious spirit who is the corporeal..."

    Corporeal. I think that means something similar to materialized. So then like, tangible or something? Man. I think I'll take the word out. It can probably function without it.

    "At first glance, the mysterious zanpakuto looks like an ordinary katana. But that isn't true. Every zanpakuto possesses a conscious spirit who is the materialized form of its holder's spirit."

    Phew. One section down, at least 100 like it to go...

    She felt someone brush by her desk, and saw Mai sit back down next to her. The girl grinned, and gestured to their textbooks. They'd talk later. Haruka went back to the daunting task the teacher had given them. They should probably offer a complex language class here, too, so they could actually learn what they needed to. Either that or get new textbooks.

    By the time Mai had switched the eye patch to Shino, given Haruka a perfectly nasty glare, and stalked off to her classroom at the halfway point in the class, Haruka had finally finished the second page. Now she just two more and a few questions to go.

    Maybe, just maybe, she'd get it done.


    The nagging ache of hunger was beginning to set in as Haruka rose to turn in the answers to the textbook questions. The torture of the class was finally drawing to a close, and the torture of a new class was nearing. Shunpo with Shino. The upside of the deal was that Shino wouldn't be coming into the class until the halfway point, so she had an entire hour to enjoy it without the abrasive woman around.

    The downside, however, was that she didn't know if she knew anyone else in the class or not. And, seeing that class A was hard to get into, she probably didn't.

    Shunpo was located in a large courtyard near the back of the building. It would take Haruka a while to find her way there, so she figured she better walk fast. She passed many students in the corridors, and wondered how many of them would actually make it all the way to shinigami status, and how many of them would quit the way Satine had. All the faces looked emotionless, as if they were so focused on where they were trying to go that nothing else mattered. Well, you couldn't blame them. The Shinigami Academy was a pain to navigate, after all.

    It took Haruka almost all the time she was given to go from class to class, and almost all the air her lungs could hold to get to the Shunpo classroom, or courtyard, really. The courtyard was just a simple, large, grass covered field with sakura trees running around the perimeter. The sakura were not in bloom this time of year, however, so the trees stood with merely their plain green.

    Students were lining up in a row in front of a powerful looking shinigami. The man had short, spiked, navy blue hair and severely tanned skin. He was also noticeably taller than many of the students, although he was close to the same age. As she got closer, Haruka was able to see his eyes. They were a deep hazel, and danced with the amusement of something known only to him. His mouth was set in a slight smile, and his hands were clasped behind his back. Haruka took a place at the end of the row, and waited patiently for the class to begin.

    She didn't have to wait long. The last few students sprinted into the courtyard only moments after Haruka had taken her place in line. The young instructor nodded to them, and allowed the slight smile on his face to become complete. "Good afternoon. It has probably been a rather long morning for all of you talented shinigami-in-training. I know that you are probably all very hungry after expending so much spiritual energy. Well, lucky for you, lunch is right after this.

    "However, if you don't understand that simple fact and begin to think that you do not have to wait for lunch to come, then you will find that it never will.”

    He paused a moment to allowed his words to sink in and become fully appreciated. A few students laughed, and when they were not scolded, Haruka began to wonder whether or not the man was serious. Then he continued.

    "Welcome to Shunpo. My name is Kouguu Juusha. You will, of course, call me Kouguu-sensei. I've never much enjoyed my given name, anyhow.*As you all well know, this is Shunpo Class A. What is expected of you here far exceeds what is expected of the students in the other classes. Remember that. If you cannot handle our exercises, I will be glad to remove you from Class A.

    "But with all those formalities aside, I would like to think that you will have fun in this class. I have no problems with you experimenting with your shunpo techniques, just make sure you complete all the work I assign you first. My rules for this class are simple: Get your work done. After that, I don't care what happens- just don't eat.

    "However, I do want you to remember that if your skills do not improve over the course of the year, you may find yourself in another Class besides A next year. Let that be an incentive for your hard work throughout the period.

    "Now, to today's assignment. I would like you to see how many steps it takes you to get across the entire field, and then report that number to me. Once you're done, you're welcome to try to improve your number. Report to me each time you do so, but only one number is required of you. Have fun. Get to work." He bowed, and the students began to walk over to one end of the field. "And remember," he shouted, "no eating!"

    When Haruka reached the end of the field, students were already flash stepping over to the other side of it. Many reported their number to Kouguu-sensei and then went to a corner of the field to socialize. Haruka frowned. They were never going to get anywhere like that. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and prepared her flash step. When she was ready, she began to flit across the field. It took her three flash steps to accomplish her goal.

    Upon reporting her number to Kouguu, she realized that her number was one of the highest. No one had been able to do it in one jump, but a couple of students had been able to do it in two. Haruka frowned. She knew that she should be able to do it in one. It wasn't that huge of a field; fully-fledged shinigami could make quick work of it. She was in class A, and excellence was what was expected of her. With another scowl, she made her way back over to the starting line to try again. But still, it took her three steps. She tried again and again, but no matter what she did, she was unable to surpass that number.

    And then Shino showed up. It was always unnerving seeing the woman in Mai's body. But there was nothing either one could do about it. Haruka watched her go up to Kouguu-sensei and talk to him. After a moment, he gestured to Haruka, and before she knew it, Shino was standing in front of her. "Sashiburi, hime-sama.** Our sensei wanted you to explain today's assignment. So spit it out."

    "Tch." What a pain. She'd never be able to concentrate with Shino around to annoy her. Haruka nodded to the field. "Jump across it."

    "Little vague, don't you think?" Shino drawled with a slight smirk.

    "Really? I found it perfectly easy when Kouguu-sensei said it." Shino didn't have to know that Kouguu had given a more detailed explanation. In fact, there was no way she could know, and thusly, no reason she should know.

    But Haruka had thoroughly irritated the yellow-eyed woman. "Oh really? Well look who's a little genius, hmm?"

    "Sure," Haruka spat. Then she flash stepped again, and reappeared a little more than halfway across the field. ’This is further than I got last time…’ Another step showed her all the way across the field. She had broken her record. Maybe she’d be able to get across the whole field in a single step by the end of the week! When she turned around, she saw Shino at the other side of the field preparing to attempt the vaguely explained assignment.

    What caused that? Was it the fact that I didn’t think about what I was going to do as hard as I usually do? Was it Shino? Or was it the frustration Shino instilled in me? Hmm…’ She’d have to experiment with that later. Right now, she needed to get her score to the instructor before Shino reached her side of the field.


    Lunchtime. Haruka had been waiting for it for quite a while. The line moved quickly, and Haruka absentmindedly grabbed the first food items that came to mind: fried rice and sushi- a spider roll. She also nabbed a water bottle, and then went to look for a place to sit down. The lunchroom was crawling with people, but at the far corner of the room there was a table where a single figure sat. He appeared to be rather tall, and had shoulder length, silver hair. Even from this distance, Haruka could see he had make-up on, but she couldn't tell what the color of his eyes was. 'Well, there's no where else to sit...He seems like he'd be easy to push around, anyway.'

    Haruka walked over and set her tray on the table. “I’m sitting here, okay?” was her opening statement. She then proceeded to match actions with words and settled herself down at the table. With that taken care of, she looked over at him, scrutinizing him.

    “Fine," he told her without looking up. The angle his head was at rendered her still unable to tell what color his eyes were. But he looked somehow familiar, even though the only thing she could see was the top of his head. She thought about asking him about this, but was at a loss for what she could say. ' "Hey! I noticed you had a familiar I know you?" Yeah...never.'

    “What’s your name?” Is what she asked instead. It was a good place to start.

    And that's when the man looked up. He had piercing green eyes. Haruka had to admit that his face was a rather impressive one. Maybe he wasn't so easy to push around, after all. But all that aside, the new view of his face confirmed her suspicion. She knew him. But from where?

    “I’m so sorry, I was daydreaming. I am Kuishi Sato of South Rukongai district twelve. Hajimemashite.***"

    'Interesting change in's almost as if he's trying to cover something up. But hmm...Kuishi Sato...that name doesn't ring a bell. Maybe I've seen him around the academy?'

    “Geez, so formal,” she stated, sharply. This Kuishi person was certainly strange. “I’m Haruka Tokoyami. What classes are you in, Sato-san?” She asked before momentarily turning her attention to her rice. It was a strange color. A little browner than it should be. She took a bite, and was surprised to find the taste rather satisfying.

    “I’m a hopeful in basic training. I am not in any class.”

    'That rules that possibility out. Hmm...'

    “You look familiar.” Well, it's not like she was going to let it eat at her for the rest of the day. It didn’t sound so strange now that she had seen his face.

    “Perhaps you saw someone who looked like me. Or watched a movie with a young handsome actor that I reminded you of,” he said, and grinned.

    “Not really.” Haruka wasn't really much of a movie person. And, this guy sort of had a unique look to him. It would be hard to find a look alike.

    Then it dawned on her. School. He had been one of her upperclassmen, and was present at Mt. Fuji. But his name hadn't been Kuishi Sato.

    'It was...Ishi...H...Ishikawa Haku! But why is he using a fake name?'

    “How did you enjoy Mt. Fuji, Kuishi-sama?" The torment had begun. Oh, she would ask him about his fake name. But not yet. This was more fun. He knew she knew, but if she started asking too many questions, the fun would be over too soon.

    “It was fine.” He said, surprising her slightly with a grin. “A little cold, but it was a cold year, as I recall.”

    “Well, at least you got a nice view, Kuishi-sama.

    Haku laughed, but Haruka could tell that she had him nervous.

    “Seeing that we’re here, now, I’d say we both did.” This time, it was Haruka's turn to laugh. Yes, she had definitely gotten quite a view. But it wouldn't do to think of such things now. Haku was certainly an interesting person. She'd have to keep an eye on him. “I have these premonitions," he continued, "most of the time they’re right. I think we’ll meet again, Tokoyami-san.”

    He stood, bowed, and walked away as quickly as he could, his silver hair swishing unceremoniously across the nape of his neck as he did so. He walked so fast, in fact, that he did not even hear Haruka mutter, "Oh, you can bet on it, Ishikawa."

    She allowed her thoughts to take her back to this morning, and her conversation with Mugen.

    "So…have you met anyone else from the real world?” He had asked her.

    'Have I ever.’

    Now the only person at the table, Haruka looked down to her fried rice and spider roll. She could eat in peace for the first time in over a week. She dug in, and allowed a malicious grin to spread slowly across her face as she chewed. What an interesting experience the Shinigami Academy was turning out to be.

    *Juusha means follower or servant. What can I say, the name suited him somehow, despite the meaning.

    **Sashiburi, hime-sama: "It's been a while, princess."

    *** Copy from Sin's post: Hajimemashite means “It’s nice to meet you” and is the very essence of a polite and formal introduction, but can only be used when you meet someone for the first time. Haku uses it here to be polite and to reinforce the idea that the two had never met before.

  17. #107
    Yuki was standing out side of the academy just staring blankly at the whole building just looking at how new it is to her.
    She could hardly see anything actually, she was just staring at the main building laughing to herself for no particular reason.
    ~I wonder if the building is just as big from the inside as it is from the outside...
    Yuki thought to herself as she began to walk towards the main registration building.
    ~I wonder if anyone else from the accident is here...probably better if I don't worry to much I guess...

    Yuki then enter the main building and walked up to the front desk where there was a woman with brown hair reading.

    "Good morning, um...excuse me can I get a registration form please?"

    "Sure just fill it out and return it when your done, here a pen and you can fill out the form over there on that desk"

    The woman handed Yuki the form with the pen on top and pointed her into the direction of the desk.

    "Thank you, arigato"

    Yuki then smiled and walked over to the desk skimming trough the form at what information was required in it.
    She sat down at the desk and began to fill out the Basic information on it, name, last name, age etc.

    Yuki let out a brief sigh as she thought about how long it must have taken her to complete the form.
    Must be 25 minutes give or take...
    Yuki then got up and walked over to the desk where she had gotten the form in the first place.
    The woman was reading the same book as she was earlier only she looked a bit less interested for some odd reason.
    Yuki placed the form in front of the woman that was still reading.

    "Here's my form miss..."


    "So um...where do I stay while I'm here?"

    "Just head out the door and go to the building on right."


    "There should be someone there to help you find your room and hand you your new uniform"

    "Oh okay thank you"

    "Excuse me miss, the pen, others will need it to you know..."

    "Oh right, here you go."

    Yuki placed the pen she almost forgot she even had at the desk with the woman and began to walk out the door.
    She then walked over to the secound building and she was directed by the woman in the previous building.
    Yuki then opened the door to the second building where there was another woman.
    She was filing a bit of papers and more dedicated to her work then the first woman who was working.
    Yuki then walked up to the woman.

    "Um excuse me miss the wom-"

    "New Student right?"

    "um yeah the woman at the desk in the other build told me to come here."


    "Oh to find my room and get my uniform or something like that."

    "Oh, well um give me a minute..."

    The woman then walked away into another room and the sound of papers being shuffled could be heard.
    Yuki was just standing in the room looking around.
    Soon after the woman come out and wrote some things on a small slip of paper.
    She then handed it over to Yuki and began to direct Yuki to her room.

    "Just head down that hall and make a left. Its the second room down"

    "Thank you"

    "Your Uniform should be in the room"

    "Oh okay, bye then" Yuki said as she then began to head down the hall towards her new room.

    The morning brought Yuki to her first day of training. She got up early, changed into the school uniform, and then aimlessly wandered around until she found the first class.

    "So swordsmanship training is first, awesome I can’t wait!" She said with a bit of nervousness in her voice as she walked in just as the class began.

    The instructor stood in front of the class and asked them to do some of the beginner techniques that instructor had displayed. She had all of the students line up so that she could see their skills personally. The first couple of kids went ahead and imitated the movements, each of them performing it pretty well. The amount of people in front of Yuki got less and less until it was her turn.

    “Kanazuchi Yuki,” the instructor called out.

    She tried to remember everything that the instructor did. Yuki walked over to the front of the class and got ready to show the moves. She remembered the moves; three fanning spins, one thrust and draw slash put together with a retreating motion. She could sense she was about to embarrass herself. Yuki picked up the wooden blade and began. One by one she completed the movements, and finally finished in what seemed like forever.

    “Not bad for a beginner," the instructor said as Yuki walked by and waited for everyone else to finish.

    It was near the back of the line where things got interesting. First it was a tan skinned girl who managed to make the basic training moves seem amazing. Next was a white haired boy with green eyes. His movements were so fast and the knocks against the teacher's wooden weapon were so swift that Yuki only heard one single knock. The entire room was silent as he just walked to the back of the line.

  18. #108
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) FF Ace Cid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Wandering the road of life.
    The shinigami academy. Mizuki stood in front of the Shinigami Academy. Wow, he was finally here. Well, sort of. Basic training first, but how hard could it be? He already had some swordsmanship training, back when he was in the real world. Now that he was becoming a shinigami, he could fulfill his dream. A dream that was everything to him, returning to the real world, so he could watch over his two younger brothers. Mizuki would do whatever it took to make his dream come true. He stepped inside, and found the nearest official looking person.

    “Excuse me, I am Mizuki Sora, I am to begin basic training today.” Mizuki stated, in a polite tone. The shinigami brought him to a room a few hallways away from the entrance.

    “You will begin your swordsmanship training as of now.” The shinigami said, and motioned for Mizuki to line up with the other new students. He walked over into the line, and looked at all the students, no one he knew. What should he expect anyway, what are the odds of meeting anyone here that he knew.

    There was an older male in charge here, he must be the sensei. He began a very long speech on the principles and history of swordsmanship. He seemed like he was a little arrogant and a know-it-all. Mizuki didn’t really pay any attention to it, his sensei in his Iaido* class had instructed him on all of this. When the sensei finished, he instructed the students to get their wooden swords. These wooden swords were just like the rest, and he was intimately familiar with them. The handling of it was like his body, just like his sensei taught him.

    The person he was teamed up with was an overly eager young man. He seemed excited to face Mizuki, who had been silent the entire time, he probably figured he was nervous and a coward. This couldn’t be an easier match for Mizuki, he was about as excited as his opponent, but he had been trained to suppress his emotions.

    Mizuki’s partner lunged at him wildly; he didn’t seem to have too much swordsmanship experience. It would be an easy win for Mizuki. He just dodged the crazy thrusts, and kept his hand on the handle of the wooden sword. With one fluent movement he knocked his opponent down, and broke the wooden sword.

    “Iaido, is that correct? We don’t get too much students who know that style.” The sensei said. He started another speech on Iaido this time. This guy was really obnoxious to and irritating to Mizuki.

    Mizuki decided to take it easy on his opponent after that first demonstration, he seemed a little frightened after Mizuki’s display of power. Mizuki dodged, as his opponent continued the wild swings, Mizuki had already proven himself, so he decided he did not need to get serious with him.

    A bell rang, signaling the break for food. Mizuki bowed, showing that he was respecting his opponent, even though he thought that he was reckless and was very inexperienced.
    Mizuki sat down beside a few of the other students in the previous room, but he didn’t talk to any of them, he was focused on eating. He didn’t even know what he was eating, he was just glad to eat. This was amazing food. He gulped it down, bite after bite, as fast as he could. After the break was Kidou training, Mizuki heard from the other students talking.

    They reentered the training room, this time greeted by a female sensei. Now, we are going to teach you about kidou. I doubt that one of you doesn’t know what it is.” The woman said. True, even though Mizuki never seen anyone use it, he had heard all about it, and read about it as well. He even went as far as to practice using it. It had never worked for him, but he figured it was experience over the rest of the students.

    The sensei instructed them on the proper technique they should be using. Already, Mizuki had found a mistake. Now he focused his energy into the palm of his hand. He could feel it, growing, this was truly amazing. He looked around, his was at least twice as big as anyone else’s. He could see the other students’ faces. They were in awe. All that practice must have paid off. Sure he was using the wrong technique, but the amount of focus he was able to use, allowed him to have a large advantage over his classmates.

    “You are quite good at that Mizuki, perhaps we should take note of this.” The sensei stated, and jotted something down in a notebook. She was rather weird. After the kidou training, which was extremely exausting, there was a food break.

    Three students sat by Mizuki, each questioning how he had so much skill. This was annoying. One of the students informed him that the shunpo class was next. This was completely new to Mizuki. He wondered about how that would turn out.

    As Mizuki entered the training room once again, he heard the new shinigami sensei. A gruff sounding man, who was eagerly awaiting the students, probably because he wanted to get this over with. The sensei explained that they should focus their energy into their feet. Yet another focusing exercise, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He would just have to wait to see how he did.

    When it came to Mizuki’s turn, the students all watched with anticipation, to see how good Mizuki was. Mizuki focused his energy into his feet and leapt into the air. He was amazed by the speed in which he moved through the air. He landed, and the sensei measured it, 9.2 meters, nothing special. Oh well, you can’t win them all. Some more practice would fix that.

    They went to the next food break after the shunpo class ended. Mizuki tried to relax and think of himself being a shinigami, what a day that would be! After the food break was sleep, this was what Mizuki was really waiting to see. He was very tired. When he laid down, he completely passed out. This had been quite a day for Mizuki.

    Iaido* A style of swordplay, focused on defeating opponents in one fluent movement
    Last edited by FF Ace Cid; 06-25-2008 at 12:56 PM.

  19. #109
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    Frame of Mind

    Mahonna Kuiki stood in an abused but glorious Captain's gii; the number five was scrawled in black ink on the back. At her waist was a katana of gleaming sharpness that could barely be restrained by the full efforts of its scabbard. Magnificent reiatsu was rolling off of her like a fog, trumpeting her presence. She…Was…Immaculate.

    Only then did she see that her Captain's gii was a fake; the number on the back had been forged and it covered an assistant captain's gii. In front of her, she saw a bone-skinny stick figure with platinum hair wearing the Captain's gii that should've been hers. He had his hand politely covering his mouth as he laughed at her, a noisome creaking sound.

    Mahonna awoke in a mantle of cold sweat. She quickly grabbed her robe from her bedside table and slipped it on. Despite sharing the room with three others, she couldn't force herself to sleep in clothes. In the deep pocket of her robe, she found a wax paper bag, which she tore open, crinkling it loudly. Her fingers reached in and plucked a candied violet. She popped it into her mouth, chewing quietly so as not to wake her roommates.

    Walking with cat-like ease, she slipped out the sliding door into the courtyard.
    Once outside, the cool air hit her cold sweat and gave her a pleasant chill, like a lazy breeze with murmurs of winter. She thought passively about smoking a cigarette and then decided that she simply must. Pulling out papers and ribboned tobacco, she deftly rolled one in seconds. She ran the cigarette underneath her nose, giving it a gentle sniff. It had a sour, vanilla and honey nose to it. It was certainly a luxury that Nobility had led her to. Transient world stuffs were rare and expensive. She lit it with a match she had pulled from her robe. She drew from the end. The scenery would've been perfect for her kokyu*, but, to be honest, she wasn't in the mood.

    She wouldn't be driven to this if it hadn't been for that insolent schoolboy. Kuishi Sato. He OBVIOUSLY was not royalty and had spent the majority of his life riding bicycles or whatever it was the baseborn did in the transient world.

    How could anyone, who hadn't trained their entire life, be that good so quickly? The more and more Mahonna rolled it over in her mind, the surer she became that he had been learning these things by watching her. How else could he?

    If her father had seen the way that two-bit copycatting silver-haired stick figure and his wolfish grin had continued to shame her in front of classes of hopefuls, she would be too ashamed to bear her own name. Kuishi seemed so unrepentantly arrogant and trying to mask it with politeness was such a disgustingly arrogant act. He exuded slimy drooling strands of raw pretension that practically fouled the air.

    Her hand tightened to a fist just thinking about it. It went beyond prowess. Because he really was…inspiring. But the hopefuls seemed to think he was some legendary prodigy. Mahonna began to think she was the only who noticed was a repulsive person he was. Everything just revolved around him without apology.

    Mahonna sighed. She had smoked her cigarette down to a tiny glowing stub and exhausted the packet of candied violets. By the glowing flush of red sky over the wall, she was pretty sure that it was near morning, perhaps a few restless hours away. It would be stupid and pointless to exhaust her with training before the testing began. But even more pointless was going back to bed; there wasn't a half an hour of rest in it for her, no matter what the time was. She would train. She would make damn sure that that she was better than anything Sato-kun could possibly attempt. There was a flame in her that would've made a gambling man bet on her in an instance.


    It was a crisp and watery morning. Others were yawning, but Kuishi seemed alert, composed and in high-spirits, a curling smirk on his face. His eyes focused perfectly, the small circles of black make-up making his eyes wide and startling. Mahonna remembered that one of the first things about Kuishi-san that impressed upon her, besides his obvious wraith-like thinness and white hair, were his bushy long eyebrows and lupine features. He looked like a dire arctic wolf with every inch of its cunning and desperation hidden by pride.

    It may have been early but Mahonna was certainly not yawning. She was observing, as if trying to complete the circle and copy Kuishi. Her eyes drifted over their classmates, which she had mapped out in her brain.

    Hana Murasakiro was the short-haired quiet girl with the eyes of an automaton. There was never any indication of her thoughts at any moment. She seemed to have little or any emotion at all. However, she seemed quite capable. Keira Akagawa was the enthusiastic failure of the bunch, ready to try anything and fail at a moment's notice. Cute and kind enough, but she didn't have the make-up of a particularly powerful Shinigami. Agito Taguchi was the sly quiet one with spiky dark hair, slicked back like a hedgehog. He had a pen-sharp nose and seemed to be clever, but not particularly skilled. So Tsugimaru was boyishly handsome, though a little young. For one of his age he was competent, but by no means incredible. Hiro Takane was a great hulk with bulging muscles, but far too stiff and inflexible to keep pace with the rest. He also seemed quite wooden and dumb, definitely not a genius.

    Mahonna knew there were only two genius level students in the class. There were only two for sure that would pass the basic training without exerting themselves in the slightest and it tore Mahonna up inside.

    A loud clap gathered the attention of the class. "We need you all to form three lines. We are going to test you through a progression drill. You must deflect every attack, initiate attacks and land three of them. Try not to injure your instructor." The head instructor shouted.

    Mahonna got in line behind Kuishi without delay. He turned, his eyes closed, beaming at her like a pleased cat. He seemed genuinely delighted to see her. She intended to keep her promise about training with him after they had entered the academy together. Largely because she didn't want him out of her sight. But even she was forced to admit that, without any major training as a shinigami, he had mastered the basics remarkably quick.

    "How are you today, Mahonna-san?" He asked in a high-pitched creak. "You haven't been up all night training, have you?" He said, still smiling.

    "Not all night." She said, trying to keep up with his reasoning. She didn't know how he had guessed. He was a witch. "Do you feel up to tests, Sato-kun?"

    He stretched his angular limbs, groaning. She sniffed, he always smelt of opium and sandalwood, likely his most endearing trait.

    "I think I am, really." He said, cheerfully. "I'd wish you luck, but you really don't need it." There he went again, feigning manners, again. He spun around to see the instructors had organized and were waiting to begin the tests.

    Mahonna watched with no great surprise as Kuishi ended the drill in a matter of seconds, deflecting two blows and making three of his own that went unblocked. It was not meant to have been showy, merely quick. The instructor seemed surprised, but it was a different instructor that had obviously not seen Kuishi train before.

    Mahonna's turn ended just as quickly, but with more acrobatic flair. She hadn't trained early to leave such a dull impression as Kuishi. She used all of her training to her advantage to show off. Dodging, somersaulting and attacking like a nimble spider. She left the instructor quite stunned, who immediately turned and uttered to the head instructor. "These kids are really good."


    Breakfast blew by quickly. She sat wordlessly next to Kuishi-san, eating sukiyaki as he picked through yet another salad. She had seen him eat two salads before now and never anything with any meat. He ate quietly, sipping always on either tea or sake, depending on his mood. He drank sake in the evening if he seemed tired and tea in the mornings when he was usually at peace.

    Kidou class was a mess. The poor female Shinigami instructor had been unable to convince her fellow instructors to submit themselves as targets. Mahonna assumed that they had learned from experience. So the instructor had organized high-ranking academy volunteers to pair up with each hopeful.

    Mahonna had been paired with a meek looking blonde kid named Koji. She was going to wow them again. She pointed her hand limply at the palm of Koji's hand. "Hado 4." An unspoken white lightening hado erupted with pale virago from the tips of her fingers. She had worked extra hard so that she could perform it unspoken. Not bothering to see if it obliterated Koji or if he had managed to block it, she turned in Kuishi's direction. Two of the other volunteers and the instructor were trying to relieve the binding spell that Kuishi had cast on his partner. He was watching them, trying not to laugh aloud, rubbing his chin absently.

    "Damn him anyway." Mahonna spat.


    Lunch was brisk. She had two great baozi** filled with egg and sausage and a cup of green tea. Kuishi was sitting at the table in front of her, talking with Taguchi-san, animatedly. They seemed to have become good friends, as she had seen them talk on more than one occasion. She hated how popular he had become with all of the students. She had understood that it was her place to be all-time adored, but she was barely on speaking terms with a single member of the classes aside from Kuishi.

    Kuishi was eating from a bowl of Miso soup with only vegetables and mushrooms in it. Mahonna now assumed that he was a vegetarian. It was an odd thing, but it did explain his bone-thin build.

    She sighed, why had she become so obsessed with him? She felt as though she was stalking him and she knew that he had caught her staring at him more than once. The only possible solution was that she was terrified, intimidated and mistrusting of him…and she was.


    The Shunpo test seemed uncannily similar to the practice of the last two weeks. The instructor was reclining in his chair with a drink and called out names. Kuishi made eight feet at first. He was still struggling with Shunpo. He had the premise but his problem went beyond premise and into technique. Mahonna was easily better than him at shunpo, but she felt somehow unjustified in using it to claim she was better in general. He had learned in weeks what she had studied for decades. His last attempt hit twelve feet. Still just a jump, he didn't dare attempt a flash step. In fact, only Mahonna and Keira Akagawa had successfully executed a flash step in the class. Mahonna quickly flash stepped to the end of the measure twice, leaving her markers next to Kuishi's last attempt.


    Normally it would be time for Mahonna to indulge in a hearty dinner, but current scheduling required her to sit in a desk and grind pencils over a test paper. It was positively unbearable and indecent. She knew that some evil enemy of her father's must've seen the name Kuiki and decided to reduce her with petty torments.
    "Who is the assistant captain of squad twelve?
    *Mayuri Kurotsuchi
    *Nemu Kurotsuchi
    *Ikakku Madarame
    *Iba Tetsuzaemon"
    Mahonna yawned and circled Nemu Kurotsuchi. They wouldn't surprise her with any questions over the captain and assistant captain titles that she coveted.
    "A Shinigami that has illegally obtained a hollow's powers is known as _______?
    *Hollow Shinigami
    Mahonna had heard her father talk about Vizards; he seemed to hate them and was part of the more recent legislation against them. He was always saying that it all started so long ago with Shinigami who had almost been transformed into hollows. She selected Vizard, carefully
    "The second release of a zampakuto is called __________?
    Mahonna growled in disgust. It was insulting. Not only were they going to make her sit here, they weren't even going to make it worth her while. She circled Bankai.

    "What's this!?" Cried Agito. Mahonna ignored him, but noticed that a lot of the students looked confused and angered. It occurred to her that it was unlike Agito to cry out at all. Her eyes drifted down to the next question and she did a double take.
    "Who is the most handsome member of the Gotei 13?
    *Renji Abarai
    *Jushiro Ukitake
    *Toushiro Hitsuguya
    *Shunsui Kyoraku"
    What the hell is this? She looked over at Kuishi, who seemed puzzled but shrugged and selected one. She would've given anything if she could've seen his answer to tease him with for the rest of their association. Mahonna noticed that the females really had no problem with the question whereas the males looked profoundly thunderstruck.

    Mahonna considered the question. She had known Ukitake-taichou as a good friend of her Father's. She had always been quite fond of Jushiro-sama, because every time that she had gone with her Father to visit him he had always had chocolates and candies ready. He first introduced her to the glories that were candied violets. He also happened to be very handsome, in her opinion, despite his accidental yet minor resemblance to an evil academy hopeful. The others she had met in passing, although she had not ever really met Renji Abarai, she knew what he looked like. Shunsui was rather a lazy ladies man, but far too rough looking for her tastes in men. Hitsuguya-taichou was too short. She casually selected Jushiro Ukitake.

    Aside from the awkward question the rest was pure tedium and standard fare, easily tucked away.


    The cafeteria was quieter than normal, many of the test takers had chosen to go on to bed without eating. She sneered at the thought. It was unhealthy! She used the buffet to assemble a clever Okonomiyaki*** with a deep glass of something new. Chilled green gunpowder tea with honey. It was quite a development and was suggested by an alumnus of the academy recently from the transient world. Everyone had been talking about it.

    She sat next to Kuishi Sato, who was scooping out some Buddha's Delight and enjoying it. He had prepared an enormous quantity along with quite a lot of Sake and five reishi**** berries. She noted the reishi fruit and chuckled inwardly at a slight irony. Kuishi probably couldn't resist the irony and had to have them.

    Oddly enough, he seemed in a good mood and Mahonna had no reservations of approaching him. She sat aside him and murmured a greeting. Unable to vocalize with his mouth full, he grunted and nodded his head in greeting. He had generally reserved himself very little food on most occasions, but test day had apparently convinced him to go all out.

    "How did you do in the tests, Kuishi-san?" He managed to swallow with the help of a belt of sake.

    "I don't imagine I failed them." He said, happily. "How did you, yourself, do, Mahonna Kuiki-san?" She really disliked him. The more pleasant he seemed, the more the saccharin sweet and artificial a scene he made. He knew how she had done, he had been there.

    "I imagine we'll have a few classes together." She said, quietly beginning on her okonomiyaki.

    "I'm glad." He said before he took another bite of Buddha's Delight. Mahonna smiled. After swallowing, he pointed out her glass. "Try that, I think you'll like it."

    Mahonna looked down into her glass at the pale tea. She felt very hesitant to taste it now that Kuishi had recommended it. But she had picked it out. She brought it up to her nose and gave it a suspicious sniff that reveal nothing beyond a faint tea smell. She gave it a cautious sip. She could taste a lot less tea than in a normal cup of tea, but she could taste the honey and it filled her up with a very content refreshed feeling. Gunpowder tea always had a smoky taste and this was lighter and milder and it simply tasted healthy.

    "I like it." She said, quietly.

    "I knew you would." He returned.

    *A Japanese string instrument played with a bow.

    **Baozi is a steam bun. ^^

    ***meaning "fried as you like it." A cross between a pizza and a pancake with all number of optional toppings

    ****Reishi is what the Japanese sometimes refer to a Lychee, which is a big thick-skinned drupe that tastes much like a grape mixed with a cherry.
    Last edited by Sinister; 07-05-2008 at 02:35 PM.

  20. #110
    The day was surreal to Mugen. Rei, now his fiance, accepted the proposal he asked her so long ago. Well, it wasn't THAT long, but time seemed to slow down for Mugen waiting for her answer. He was off-beat basically the rest of the day. He kept heading in the wrong direction when going to class and was even trampled coming out of Swordsmanship.


    He headed to his next class which was Nature of Zanpakuto. Besides Shunpo, this was the only other class he was horrible in. Class C was respectively placed on the far right end of the three class rooms. Mugen did not hesitate in entering the class, he was seconds from being late.

    The room was unusually quiet, one of the two most apparent things that came to Mugen instantly. The other thing was how the room was arranged. Desks were lined perfectly in rows. Mugen sighed in disgust as he thought this form of teaching was obsolete, especially Soul Reaper training.

    He immediately sat in a front row seat, the desk closest to the door, of course. He noticed the teacher was quite old. He was hunched over and wore glasses. His pure white and unkempt hair was paired with a equally white yet straight chest-length mustache and beard. He used his zanpakuto as a kind of cane. He was old yet held a strong presence in the room. A trio of students entered the room noisily. The teacher cleared his throat to catch their attention and to silence them but it was useless. He then said in a soft but audible tone: "Quiet, please." The students still insisted on chatting. Mugen looked back at the disrespect and glared at the group. He was about to say something when the teacher placed a hand on his shoulder. Mugen looked up at him and he looked back with a sort of smile. Then the unexpected happened. The old teacher showed the trio the respect he deserved by increasing his spiritual presure. It was grater than any in the room and silenced them immediately.

    The old teacher returned to the front of the room and faced the class. "Greetings, young ladies and gentlemen." His voice was a little raspy but was still strong. "I am Tetsuya Mibu. You will refer to me as Mibu-sensei. If you looked around the room when you entered you would have noticed this is a lecturing class." He pauses a moment to catch and groans but notices none. "There is much to learn about the powers of the zanpakuto. Let's begin..." He turns around and begins to write on the blackboard with chalk.

    'This is going to be a LONG two hours.' Mugen thought.

    Mibu-sensei drew a sword up on the board and labeled it properly. He also drew several figures underneath. A Soul Reaper stick figure, a zanpakuto spirit, & a Hollow and Arrancar. "We are going to begin with the basics. The weapon used by Soul Reapers to defeat Hollow and ferry good souls to the Soul Society is called a zanpakuto. The only way to defeat a Hollow or Arrancar is with a Zanpakuto or very powerful spiritual powers. With the zanpakuto, to truly defeat a Hollow, the mask must be cut in two..."

    The lecture went on for two more hours. The old teacher made the class worthwhile with interjecting stories when he was a Soul Reaper in the Gotei 13 and not only a teacher. Also, his unusual drawing style was quite humorous. Instead of normal people, he sorta drew bunny-people. Mugen snickered quite a few times. "For the next class, I expect chapters 1 through 5 read and all questions completed. It isn't much but I still expect it completed. Class dismissed." Mugen was the first out of the room and on his way to Shunpo.

    Hunger had set in and Mugen's stomach was growling quite loudly. He decided to actually practice his shunpo on his way to the class yet that made the hunger even worse, so halfway there he decided to walk the rest of the way. He decided right because he ran into Rei on the way to class. She was in all advanced placement classes and they were in a different wing of the academy. They were all highly advanced classes and graduating with high grades in all of them would guarentee her choice of which squad she would go into. They had disgused this the entire walk to Mugen's classroom and both agreed that it would be ideal considering they are getting married and it would be best if it was guarenteed they qould be in the same squad.

    "Meet me at the couryard near the cafeteria, Mugen." Rei said before they kissed and seprated to their respective classes.

    Mugen opened up the sliding door and was met with a metal hand fan to the face. "Ow... What the hell was that for?" He yelled out, rubbing his nose which was bleeding a little.

    The person who hit him was standing in front of him, and blocking the way into the class, tapper the metal fan on her hip. "You are the last student to the class." She said in a strong, demanding tone.

    "W-what?!" Mugen looked up to see a female Soul Reaper who was a foot taller than he was, with dark skin and light, almost snow white hair. The teacher. She stepped to the side and raised her arm to "welcome" him into her class.

    It was true as to what she had said. Mugen was the last person to the class and was puroposly placed in the front row. He was put between a pair of women who were snickering at his discipline. The female teacher stood with a demanding presence before the entire class. She had a big smile on her face as she glanced over to Mugen who's nose was bleeding kinda bad. He used the inside of his uniform to stop it and hide the blood. She finally began to begin the class with a monologe.

    "The role of a Soul Reaper can be a dangerous and bloddy business. Just look at Mr..." She looks at a clipboard for a moment. "Just look at Mr. Tsukiakari here, " she points him out using her fan. "He was too busy smooching some girl and he was surprised attacked by a simple fan. Imagine if that was a Hollow, what would have happened then? More importantly, what if one of your fellow Soul Reapers where in trouble and couldn't get there fast enough? That's where I come in. Although you all almost failed the first tests, I'll make sure you are prepared for when that happens. My name is Asuka Watanabe. Welcome to Shunpo Class C.

    "Being Class C, don't expect me to go easy on you, by the time I am finished you will be able to use shunpo to leap several meters. Let's begin!" Her cheerful yet drill instructor like charm caught the eyes of several male students, but not Mugen, obviously.

    Watanabe-sensei called out Mugen first. She tested each student indivdually at first to examine their strengths and weaknesses. "To begin today's lesson, let's see how many Flash Steps it takes for you to go from me to the wall, and back again. Go!" Mugen was on his way right at the moment she said "go".

    He counted the number in his head. '1, 2, 3...WALL!... 4... this isn't good... 5, and 6.'

    By the time he got back to Watanabe-sensei he was already out of breath and flat on his back breathing heavily. She looked over him, her white hair trailed down and touched his face, causing some uncomfortness. "You are going to be a handful, aren't you?." She said. Mugen looked up at that wry smile on her face and exhaled deeply. "Next!" She said as Mugen crawled out of the way.

    After everyone took their turn, Watanabe-sensei conferenced with each student, particularly those who performed poorly. Mugen was the last one to be talked to. "How did you do in Kidou?" She asked him. "About average, I think." He responded simply. "Well, to suceed at Shunpo, Kidou also plays a part." She held out a hand and formed a ball of spirit energy in her palm. "You see, control is key, focusing control of your spirit energy helps in performing longer jumps. With this knowledge, would you like to try again?" Mugen stared at her through the whole speech. For a second, she looked like his mother...

    He was reluctant at first to try again but soon warmed up. Mugen lined up with the teacher once again and the other students stopped their conversations to watch. "Are you ready?" Watanabe-sensei asked. Mugen got into a starting stance and closed his eyes, trying to focus his spirtual energy. He pictured that moment when Watanbe looked like his mother. He found his resolve. His open his eyes which were shimmering silver due to the focus of his spirit energy. "Hai, I am ready." The instructor smiled and said out loud "Go!" Mugen disappeared and reappeared several feet away, several times, too.

    '1, 2... I'm at the wall... 3, and 4!'

    He was out of breath again when he returned to Watanabe-sensei but it was worth it this time. The other students applauded and the teacher congradulated. "That is what I expect from you, Mr. Tsukiakari." Mugen thanked her. He also thanked his mother in his heart. The class was over moments later and Mugen tried as quick as he can to meet up with Rei at the courtyard.
    Last edited by Evangel; 07-04-2008 at 09:20 PM.

  21. #111
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    The day was long, longer than usual. It was longer than Kagashi remembered it being. Each act seemed to drag on interminably for him. A weight tied him down making his movements and thoughts slow as though they were suspended in time. Kagashi did not know how long he could keep going at this pace. He never felt so taxed with fatigue as he did this day. The day seemed normal to him and the motions felt usual, yet there was something off that he could not understand.

    Once the sun set below the horizon he was finally freed from the prison. The sand around him did not seem to disappear filling in higher to his knees. He pulled his legs through the hall feeling as though he was ripping his muscles from his bone. Each struggled step increased in difficulty now up to his thighs. ‘What’s this feeling? What wrong with me?’

    Kagashi trudged forward as a heavy wind slapped him across the face losing him ground. His step became unbalanced causing the next step to trip him forcing him to over counter and slam into the wall. The moment that his back came to rest against the wall he suddenly received an enormous weight on his shoulder straining at his legs to keep him up right. ‘This doesn’t make any sense…I don’t feel ill, but something…’

    Sweat was beading down his face, but he was retaining his breath. He tried to ignore the paradox and push himself off the wall to resume the burning trek back to his room. Kagashi staggered back to his feet taking an uncertain step forward hearing the echo of the wood floor beneath his sandal. There was still no balance in his body as he started leaning forward. He saw the floor coming up quick to his face when a firm hand took hold of him. His mouth tasted the fabric of an academy uniform as a body stopped his fall, sort of. The motion could not be stopped and there was a heavy thud on the wood floor and a squashing noise as he met with the body that caught him.

    Kagashi’s head was still thin, but he was almost certain that he had heard the indelicate exclamation of a woman. He raised up his hand to his head shaking himself back to focus. All that he knew was that he was on top of someone and he tried to push himself off, but he felt something strange under his left hand. Kagashi tightened his hand finishing to raise himself and opened his eyes that brought an immediate shocked expression to his face followed by a deep flush over him. He looked down at his hand finding that it was resting roughly against, unintentionally placed completely unknowingly without any sort of ill thoughts in mind. “U-u-uh…H-h-h-h-haruka! I-I didn’t…”

    He jumped up off of her nearly running himself through the wall in the process. “I’m sorry!” he said sharply bowing repeatedly knowing that there was nothing he could do to make up for touching, assaulting. It was a mistake. ‘I can’t believe…I just…’

    Haruka pulled herself up from the floor her face still red from the encounter that she had with Kagashi. She forewent her uniform and approached Kagashi slapping him firmly across the face laying him out on the floor dazed. Once that was done she straightened out her uniform making sure everything was back in the right place.

    “Ugh…I should have hit the floor…” he said putting his hand to his cheek preferring to remain on the floor at this point rather than attempting to stand again.

    The hall remained quiet for a moment before Haruka stepped forward leaning over Kagashi. “There’s a price for everything.”

    “Hey! I didn’t mean to…you were under me when I fell!”

    “Speak of which. What’s wrong with you?”

    Kagashi felt cornered suddenly by the question. He was buried up to his waist now with weight applied to his shoulders. “I don’t know what you mean…” His head turned away forcing his eyes to look down the endless hallway that stopped in encroaching darkness.

    An expression that said she did not believe him appeared, but he could not see it. “Right…stew in your problems…I don’t care…” Haruka walked away from Kagashi allowing the silence to return to the hall.

    Now his chest was feeling the pressure making it difficult to breathe. It would be to his neck soon, but he would not last long enough for it to reach that point. Kagashi stood up roughly taking a couple steps forward. “Haruka…w-wait…” He stopped unable to continue forward hoping that it was enough for her. All he could see was her back, but he was certain that she was not moving anymore.

    “Is this the place?” Haruka said having taken the lead for most of the walk through the academy coming out to a balcony. She leaned up against the railing looking out at the view as Kagashi stood at the entrance still.

    Steph, Kagashi and Tamashi were standing before him looking out at the sky silently talking to each other. ‘Yeah, this is the place.’ He blinked his eyes quickly finding that the trio had disappeared when he looked once more. It was just Haruka alone waiting for him to join her. There was no turning back for him now. He pushed himself forward meeting up with Haruka looking out at the stars.

    She turned to her side looking at the profile of Kagashi’s face. “So you going to tell me or you going to make me guess?”

    “Huh?” Kagashi said having become distracted by the stars. He had been trying to let it them calm him, but he all he had done was buy himself time. It would be to his neck soon if he did nothing.

    Haruka scowled at him tired of being brushed off by his constant desire to keep himself at a distance to everyone. He did not want to let anyone in. She was ready to leave again not sure if he deserved another chance. “You haven’t been yourself all day. You never said a single word and you failed just about everything. It doesn’t take a genius to see something’s on your mind. It’s distracting you. What is it?”

    Kagashi turned his head to look at Haruka. He could genuinely stare at her confused. All he knew was that there was something off about him and the day. Nothing made any sense to him and he could not pin point it. “I wish I knew…I just…don’t know. I feel slow like there is a huge weight strapped to me and I’m buried in sand. I can’t explain it.”

    “What happened? Something must have happened last night or maybe this morning.”

    “No…” he said slowly as his memory flashed through him. ‘Last night…last…night…’ The events that transpired suddenly returned to him as though he had locked them away not able to withstand them. “Last night!”

    Haruka leaned back a bit seeing the quick change in Kagashi from confusion to understanding. However, the understanding soon bled to something else. “What happened last night?”

    He could not believe that he would do that to him. This was not the way that he should have been acting. It did not make sense that he would do this to Steph. “I…I…” The pressure held firm around him almost squeezing as to force him to speak knowing that there could not be any other way. “I…I saw Steph last night. He was weak and out of it. I don’t even know why I was out there. It seemed to go against my nature. I shouldn’t have cared. I never did before…but I don’t know… There is something different about him that makes me do things that I don’t normally do.”

    “That’s not a bad thing. People like us view the world through a different lens. We keep everyone at a distance. Steph ignores those boundaries we have somehow finding his way inside. It sort of grows on you… But that doesn’t completely explain your mood today.”

    “Hmm…I guess it doesn’t. It’s probably because Steph left during the night. When I woke up his bed was empty. Maybe you’re right that we have boundaries. I guess I just was used to seeing him there with that simple carefree grin. And when I saw him in those tests something else seemed to awaken in him. I watched all that innocence just crumble away. He’s not the same anymore. Maybe he shouldn’t come back. It might be better that he stayed away if this is going to destroy who is his.”

    “We can’t decide that for him. It’s for him to determine his life and how he lives it.”

    “But why do I care so much? I don’t understand.” Kagashi sat down on the stonework of the balcony leaning against the railing. He tilted his head up trying for the stars again. “Why?”

    Haruka knelt down towards Kagashi looking at him when he brought his head back down. She stretched out her hand to meet with his feeling the shaking passing into her. “He can’t go back and neither can we…”

    “Haruka…” Kagashi said slowly feeling his face become warm. The pressure poured out from around him bringing him relief finally from the weight of the day. He was at ease for once.


    “AH!” Kagashi said suddenly shooting up from his bed throwing the covers to his feet. He looked around in the darkened room seeing that it was still night. ‘Night…but what happened? Was all that…’ His memory was fuzzy unable to remember the events past with Haruka on the balcony. ‘How did I get back here and out of my uniform? Did something happen? Ugh…I can’t remember…’ Kagashi laid back on his pillow dropping his arm on his forehead staring at the ceiling trying to remember.

  22. #112
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Kido. Spells used by shinigami for multiple purposes. They required a certain degree of concentration and dedication that Haruka didn’t quite care to posses. Forming spiritual energy at her feet for shunpo she could handle, but forming spells and memorizing incantations? Not her thing. Thusly, the young woman was in Kido class C.

    She really appreciated the tutoring Mai had given her the week before, and it was probably those sessions that gave her enough motivation to actually pass the test. But, alas, there was just nothing driving her any further. She wasn’t a perfectionist, nor was she an overachiever. She allowed what came to her easily to come to her, and allowed what troubled her to continue troubling her at a level she could take.

    Ok, well, maybe that last part wasn’t entirely true. She was rather sick of letting Kagashi trouble her. And, fittingly, when she walked into Kido class C he was on one of the cushions haphazardly strewn across the room with his arms on his knees and his eyes focused intently on the ground. Haruka allowed her eyes’ target to become one with Kagashi’s as a blush crept across her face. However, there were no cushions near the man, so Haruka headed toward the back of the room, which was currently rather sparsely populated. The floor was still the object of her attention when the class started, so Haruka never got a chance to scan the room for people she knew.

    “Good afternoon!” Boomed a loud baritone. “Welcome to Kido class C! I welcome all of you apparently unmotivated students into this room with a wholesome heart, and promise that you won’t leave here with the same attitude.” Haruka finally got herself together enough to take her eyes off of the ground. The man speaking was very tall and very round. His uniform pitifully begged to become a size larger, and his long black hair was loosely tied into a ponytail. His eyes were dark brown and extremely small compared to the flabby folds of his cheeks. “My name is Mumei Akasu. As you have probably already guessed, you are to call me ‘Mumei-sensei.’ I am neither your friend nor your foe, but I am one of the ones who will shape you into a competent shinigami.

    “Now, enough with the introductory material. I’m guessing I’m boring you and making you feel like this is never going to go anywhere. All of you destroy the cushions you are sitting on with kido. Now, go!”

    As one, the “apparently unmotivated” students rose and turned on their former seats. Haruka frowned, formed spiritual energy into her arm, and uttered the incantation for one of the basic spells they had been taught late last week. A small spark slithered out of her hand and created a small burn mark on the cushion. After a quick glance around the room, Haruka found that most of the students were only faring a little better than her.

    Mumei-sensei sighed from the front of the room. “This is going to be harder than I thought…Well then! Let’s go back to the basics, shall we? Everyone, find a partner and begin to form spiritual energy into a ball on your palm! Your partner will be there to chart your progress and tell you where they think you’re going wrong.”

    As soon as Mumei’s voice died from the room, everything fell into a chaotic stampede. Students flew immaturely around the classroom yelling for “so and so” to be their partner. Haruka sighed and stayed still. At the very worst, she’d just end up with that one guy who never got a partner on his own.

    “Yo, Racing Stripes. ‘Sup?” came a voice from behind. Oh, Haruka would recognize that voice anywhere. Sendo Shino.

    That’s right. She needs much more help in kido than Mai does, so she’s attending the first half of the class. Great.

    “And what do you want?” Haruka said flatly, without turning around.

    “Should be obvious, yeah? I wanna be partners with my all-time favorite roommate!” Shino said the last part as if it were an imitation of Mai.

    “Tch.” Well, let’s see if you can get a ball going, then.” Haruka said darkly, and finally turned around to face the other woman.

    Shino immediately thrust her arm out in front of her and began to force the spiritual energy out into her palm. At first, it looked similar to a miniature lake, and then it slowly formed into a properly shaped sphere. “You closed your eyes.” Haruka said bluntly. “And you have your arm too straight.”

    “Tch. And what does that have to do with anything?” Shino retorted with a growl.

    “Hmph,” was Haruka’s reply before she herself extended her arm. Unlike Shino’s stance, Haruka’s arm was visibly relaxed. She allowed her spiritual energy to flow calmly down her arm and ooze out into her palm in a pillar-like shape that abruptly morphed into a sphere.

    “That took you way too long, you fool.” Shino said arrogantly.

    “Oh?” Haruka replied, allowing a small smirk to disrupt the previous expression of concentration her face had worn.

    “Well, yeah. I think I got a couple grey hairs while waiting for that.”


    “What is it?”

    “You already have grey hairs. A lot of them.”

    Shino scowled at that and grabbed a strand of her current body’s long grey and black hair. “Right…I miss my red hair…” With that, the girl heaved a heavy sigh and began to act as if Haruka were a mere mannequin.

    “Shall we uhm, continue?” Haruka asked cautiously, scared by the other woman’s lack of retort. When Shino didn’t reply, Haruka sighed and sat down.

    Wait, did she say red hair?


    It wasn’t long before the bell rang to order the passage of students from kido to swordsmanship. Haruka meandered through the labyrinth of white halls until she reached the swordsmanship room. It was actually quite close to where she had had swordsmanship as a basic training student, but it was down the hallway some.

    Swordsmanship class A. This was the only other class that Haruka had with Mai. And, since Shino needed the help more, the woman wouldn’t even be showing up until halfway through the class. Upon opening the door, Haruka was thrust into a room unlike any of the ones she had seen so far. Most of the rooms were sparse and dull. However, this one had walls lined with many impressive katana. A distinct, sandalwood scent hung in air that did not even seem stagnant despite the fact that its home was an enclosed classroom.

    And the enclosed classroom was definitely gaudy. Aside from the katana on the walls, there was a meticulously polished oaken desk sitting on an expensive, iridescent rug near the front of the room. Upon the desk were twin incense holders, busily working to fulfill their purpose. Between the incense was another katana. While many of the katana on the walls had intricately carved scabbards, this one far surpassed the work on the others. Flowers, sakura blossoms, and vines alike wove their way up the intricately carved wood.

    A woman whose appearance definitely matched that of the intricate scabbard on the desk was standing off to the left, her hands behind her back. Her hair was neither purple nor black, but somewhere in between, and was pinned up in an intricate pattern on top of her head. Her large, green eyes shone out with a sort of radiance that spoke of great determination and passion for life, and her skin was a delicate, pale porcelain.

    “Class A students.” She began her speech. Her voice was as elegant as everything else in the room, and although it was not loud, its soothing tone floated through the atmosphere with a force that demanded the attention of all in the room. “My name is Kiyora Hakuen. Welcome. In this class you will be refining you abilities with the blade. I will not allow any slacking off, nor will I allow any complaining. If you cannot handle something, then you do not belong here. Am I clear? Good. Now, partner up and begin sparring. I want to see what I have to work with here.”

    Hmm…with Shino in class now, Mai’s not around…

    Haruka saw Mugen off on the other side of the room, but he had already found a partner.

    Darn…and I could’ve gotten him back for earlier by pulverizing him. Oh well. ’ The woman sighed and stood off to the side a bit to wait for someone to come up and ask to partner up with her. No one came. And soon, everyone has a partner. Haruka was the only one still alone.

    “You there,” Kiyora-sensei called out as she walked up to her. “You shall be that Sendo girl’s sparring partner.”

    Mai’s sparring partner? Can’t argue with that.

    “However, she will not be here until halfway through the period. What is your name, woman?”

    “Tokoyami Haruka, ma’am,” Haruka said with a bow. Kiyora-sensei was a woman that demanded your respect.

    “Tokoyami-san. Until the time that Sendo arrives, you shall spar with me. As I have already stated, I will not allow any slacking in this class. Now, get ready.” And with that, she tossed Haruka a wooden practice sword.

    The taller, more experienced woman came at Haruka quickly. The black and red haired woman barely even had the chance to raise her blade to block the attack. The fight continued like this for the next few minutes, with Haruka using everything she could just to block her sensei’s attacks. But all too suddenly, Kiyora’s attacks slowed. She began to leave herself open far too noticeably to be serious.

    She’s trying to lure me into a trap? She even goes all out in training matches…

    Haruka knew better than to take one of the false openings, but was unable to figure out how to get a hit in otherwise. Then, Kiyora tied to get a little too fancy. The graceful woman leapt into the air and thrust her blade downward in a vertical slash. Haruka saw an opportunity and used her developing shunpo skills to slide herself behind the woman. As a trained shinigami, Kiyora was able to recover from her move fairly quickly, but not before Haruka was able to get a tap on her shoulder.

    “Brat. This is swordsmanship class, not shunpo,” Kiyora spat.

    “Yes, ma’am, but with all due respect…if we don’t learn to chain the various skill sets that we are learning together, we won’t get anywhere. Your introductory speech never said anything against using knowledge from other classes in this one.”

    “Tokoyami Haruka, right? I’ll remember that name. Come, let’s continue.”


    It was finally time for the last class of the day. Haruka couldn’t believe that she was going to have to go through a similar routine every day for the next few years. One day was tiring enough.

    History of Soul Society was going to be another lecture class. Haruka wondered just how important it really was. Perhaps she could get away with sleeping in it? But no. Shino was in this class. She’d never let her get any rest. “Just my luck,” Haruka sighed as she entered the room.

    Unlike the swordsmanship room, history of Soul Society class C had a feeling of dead air about it. Everything about the room seemed limp. Haruka took a seat near the back of the room and waited for the rest of the students to file in. The teacher was a flashy looking man with long, blue hair that reached his waist and a large bead necklace only a few shades lighter than his hair around his neck. His brown eyes looked as dead as the air in the room felt, and his voice when he asked for silence was monotonous.

    “Welcome class C students. In this class you will be learning all about Soul Society and the important events in its past. Please work hard. Oh, and my name is Kokuu. Now, open your textbooks to page 17 and begin reading.”

    “Whew. This is going to be fun,” growled a voice on her right. Shino, of course.

    “Well, we may as well try and make the best of it…” sighed a different voice on her left. Kagashi, of course. Haruka allowed her face to hit her desk with an audible thud. “Oh, Haruka-san. Are you alright?”

    “Tch. Stripes over there? She’s probably just frightened by my menacing presence.”

    And…that was probably as close to reading Haruka’s mind as Shino had come so far. She let her head remain on the desktop for a few moments, and then reached beneath her desk to grab her textbook. Haruka opened the book, flipped to page 17, and began to read.

    “An Introduction to Soul Society.”



    It was after the day had ended and the sun was well on its way below the horizon that the day got interesting once again. After history class, Haruka headed over to the cafeteria for dinner. She was planning, just like always, on a nice, quiet meal in isolation with no one to bother and no one to bother her. But Haruka’s plans were often foiled.

    She wasn’t far from the cafeteria when she came across a tall, silver haired figure making his way in much the same direction as her. ‘Hehe...Ishikawa again, eh?

    “Yo,” Haruka called out at the figure in front of her. He kept walking.

    I suppose he didn’t realize I was talking to him….'

    “Oi, Ish-”



    He jumped, and then turned around slowly. “O-oh. Haruka. And how are you this evening?”

    “Fine. Yourself?”

    “Oh, you know. I have a feeling the academy is going to be tough to get used to. You heading to dinner?”

    “Mm. You?”

    “Of course.”

    The two began to head towards their destination once more.

    “So,” Haruka started. “You see anyone else you knew, yet?”

    “Oh, perhaps. But no one as perceptive as yourself.”

    “So you’re staying under the radar pretty successfully, then?” she chuckled.

    “I should hope so.” He said it kindly, with an air of teasing to his voice, but Haruka could’ve sworn she detected a hint of cold, wickedness under the polite front. She frowned, but decided to discard the information for now.

    They arrived at the cafeteria at this point and began to wait silently in line for their meals. When they arrived at the front, Haruka found herself unable to keep her mouth from watering. There were a lot of delicious foods lined up, and she was extremely hungry from the day. She watched with a frown as Haku grabbed himself a dish of Buddha’s delight.

    “You’re kidding me, right?”


    “You didn’t have any meat at lunch, either,” Haruka stated flatly as she grabbed herself two piping hot, pork baozi*. She paused a moment, grabbed a third, and then threw it on top of ‘Kuishi’s’ Buddha’s delight. “You’re eating it,” she finished with a shrug.

    “And why might I do that, Hakura-san?” the silver haired man asked as he followed her towards a table.

    “Oh, because…I have several ways to make you,” she snickered.

    Ishikawa Haku gave Haruka a rather spectacular glare at that point, but the girl was so absorbed in her baozi that she barely noticed.

    “Oishii!*” she exclaimed. “Now you. Eat.”

    “Hai, hai, okaa-sama…***”


    How in the world did I end up eating with someone again? Peace and quiet. Peace and quiet…someday…

    The rest of their meal passed in silence. After she had finished her second baozi, Haruka stretched, yawned, and stood. Haku, who had eaten the baozi but had made no comment on it, was just finishing the rest of his Buddha’s delight.

    “Well then, Kuishi. If you’ll excuse me for the time being, I need to find my roommate. Don’t go fallin’ off any mountains after I leave.”

    “Mm. You take care as well.” Her eating partner said pleasantly.

    Now to see what Mai had found out about that troublesome history teacher.

    *Steamed buns! =D


    ***Yeah, yeah, mother.

  23. #113
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    I Knew I Could Count on You

    Mahonna Kuiki stood five foot nine with a long trailing ponytail of black charred hair. Her face, a blended golden tan, was fashioned like an Arabian princess. Her chocolate eyes were trained on Kuishi Sato. Slight suspicion and contempt seeped through the pupils into her gaze.

    Kuishi Sato was at the center of a circle of friends laughing and chatting animatedly. Keira Akagawa and Agito Taguchi had become Kuishi's shadows. Hana Murasakiro, Hiro Takane, Shengo Izumi, Yuri Nakamura, Chisaki Dokuja, Ritsu Saito and even Kentaro Moriyama hung around him by habit alone. The list of his friends was purely staggering and growing by the second. 'Surely he's brainwashing them all.' Mahonna thought, bitterly. 'They can't ALL be that thick-headed.'

    Kuishi's laugh sounded out like an unoiled door, deep and creaky although not entirely unpleasant. His mouth curled into a blood-chilling Cheshire cat grin, his eyes met Mahonna's gaze. They seemed to linger for a second and then moved on. He parted the perimeter of followers and made for Mahonna. Her gaze broke and looked down at her feet, embarrassed.

    Kuishi came to her, patting her on her right shoulder and his cultivated creaky voice scraped pleasantly from his throat.

    "Tomorrow is our first day of actual classes. You promised to help me train, didn't you?" He asked, cocking his head and arching one of his long eyebrows.

    "Yes." Mahonna said, hissing slightly. Kuishi's face straightened and cleared, beaming happily.

    "I knew I could count on you. I'm looking forward to it."

    "And if you need help, I'm sure Kuishi could lend a hand as well." Agito said, a weak smile on his face. His voice was deep and sonorous, it was a wonder to Mahonna that with such a pleasant voice that he didn't talk more often. The timbre of his voice had distracted her from the no-doubt intended insult. Kuishi laughed his creaky deep laugh once more, it squeaked to a high pitch.

    "I'm not sure I could help her much." He said, appreciatively. Mahonna was possessed with the deep desire to grab him by his shoulders and glare straight into his eyes. If for no other reason so that she could clear the air and make the actual tone between them more obvious. Kuishi seemed determined to treat her like an old friend and it made her physically ill. "I, on the other hand have no hand-to-hand skills and I'm lax in Shunpo."

    "That's brave of you." Agito said, smiling. "Detailing your weaknesses before witnesses."

    "I don't think I've ever been called 'brave' before." Kuishi mused. "But I wouldn't do so unless I was positive I was among friends." He said smiling meaningfully at both Agito and Mahonna. Mahonna saw something odd in the smile that she didn't like. It was a frightening smile, almost like a threat.

    "I have to go." Mahonna demurred, softly. She ducked her head and left, but she could feel Kuishi's bright green eyes stalking her. Following Mahonna excusing herself, the circle clique dispersed into different directions leaving only three members. Keira clung to Haku's arm like a child and Agito was still staring off in the direction Mahonna left.


    "She's very talented, don't you think, Kuishi?" Agito mumbled. Haku's green eyes fired a bitter glare at Agito. Haku's long graying right eyebrow stretched, as if daring the younger man to say anything at all.

    "I'll decide that, if it's decided." Haku said in a shocking voice, one that he had not used in many years. The pure ultimatum in the tone caused Keira to squeeze Haku's arm uncomfortably and Agito to back up. Agito held his hands up in apology, smiling.

    Keira listened, unable to follow the conversation, but her face was one of uncertain alarm. She watched on, nervously. She had never seen them fight or show dislike for each other in the last two weeks.

    "What's wrong, Kuishi-kun?" Keira asked, her voice sparkling with innocence and concern. Haku stopped his glare so that he could smile reassuringly at her. He truly admired her; she was unspotted and kind.

    "Agito was thinking that I should invite Mahonna." Haku explained, simply. Keira's face lightened with revelation only to darken seconds later with worry. Her forehead wrinkled in modest contemplation. Agito covered his eyes and shook his head.

    "What's the point of being subtle if you're just going to blurt it out like that?" He laughed. Haku's smile dried off of his face at the sound of Agito's voice. "I just thought I could remind you of your options." He said. Haku shrugged.

    "It's not an option anyway." Haku said, breaking into a pleasant and unconvincing smile. "She's not into making friends."

    "Not even with you?" Agito said, slightly surprised. Haku ignored the comment. He pulled Keira's hand off of his arm and backed away from them both.

    "What about 'our' friend in the Seretei?" He asked, addressing Agito, business-like. Agito regarded the sentence with some amusement, folding his hands behind his back and raising his chin.

    "You mean, my friend?" He corrected. Haku looked particularly disenchanted, noting the superior tone.

    "I think we both knew the consequences of what we called an alliance. It's the small nuances that shake such a shaky truce." He warned. "I meant 'our' friend." Haku's voice was austere and magisterial. It was so drastically different, that it frightened Keira. It made her painfully aware that she might not know "Kuishi" as well as she thought.

    Agito reached into the pockets of his silk purple long shirt. He retrieved a thin glass test tube pinched between forefinger and thumb. He held it up in the daylight, the small sample of liquid inside was clear. Haku smiled wrapped his fingers around the tiny vial. He slipped it into the inside of his uwagi.

    "Thank the fourth seat of the twelfth squad for me." Haku said, musically. Still smiling, his right eyebrow was raised in a confident and slightly humorous expression. "I'll talk to Mahonna a little later. In the meantime, it's the last day of the weekend, go do something fun!" He urged, shooing them off with his hands. They nodded wordlessly and broke off into separate directions. Haku laughed lightly to himself, shaking his head.


    Mahonna sat, reposed; her legs crossed and her arms laying at her side. Her eyes were closed. A bowl full of incense bark burned to her left. It was sandalwood. She had finished a cigarette and half a packet of candied violets only two minutes ago. Her fingers twitched, she imagined them guiding a bow across the three strings of her kokyu. She winced with awkward notes of that old song…so nostalgic.

    She heard a rustling far off into the courtyard. Her closed eyes strained to remain closed. She tried to refocus her meditation on those familiar tones. She ignored the approaching rustles of feet against dirt, forcing them away by pure will.

    Finally the rustles became clacks of getas against the planks of the veranda deck. The noise paused to the left of her. She sighed, loudly. 'Go away…' She lifted one eyelid only to see Kuishi Sato. His head was shielded by an ornate rice hat, his bright eyes darkened with black make-up. He looked down on her, grinning pleasantly.

    Mahonna opened both eyes and abandoned her pose, stretching. She growled loudly. "Can I help you?" She asked, annoyed. Kuishi shrugged, still grinning. His voice replied in a deep suave creaking, so insincere and so damn smug.

    "I came, thinking that if you weren't busy, we could talk."

    "Well, I am busy." She shot back, impatiently. Kuishi bowed, an understanding and sympathetic expression was his reply.

    "Some other time, perhaps." He suggested, turning to leave. 'Damn him…' Mahonna groaned with frustration.

    "I can spare a few minutes for such a promising student." Kuishi pivoted, revealing a victorious grin.

    "Soraii." He rasped, deeply. Mahonna pulled her hair free from it's ponytail, letting it unfurl like a flag. She stood up, pirouetting like a ballerina. She cocked her head in what she hoped was an expression of genuine interest.

    "How can I help you, classman?"

    "I thought you might help me in some research." He said, with a mockingly artificial air. Mahonna could not raise a long eyebrow to show suspicious curiosity, so she smiled politely instead.

    "You've not even started class and you need help researching something? I knew you were over ambitious." Kuishi flinched with something that Mahonna would almost call fear. 'He's nervous…about what?' She thought. "You know, it's really none of my business," She said, looking at her fingernails. "but you've been acting very suspiciously, you and your little cult." He seemed to consider for a moment before looking back at her with playfully fake confusion.

    "It's nothing more than a social knitting group for students." He replied, calmly.

    "And what is it you need me to help you research?" She asked, smiling. He nodded, appreciatively.

    "You're nobility, aren't you, Kuiki-san?" His raspy creak teased. Mahonna's face rebooted, quickly repressing surprise. She was under the impression Kuishi was from the transient world. How would he have known? 'Someone must've told him.' She reasoned.

    He pulled his rice hat off and sat it down on the courtyard grass. He smiled again, but this time it was unpleasant, very unpleasant. "You're well-trained, but I doubt you learned what you know now at your own pace, so I bet you're not too noble. You had a trainer or attended a training school?" Mahonna's indulgent smile had long disappeared and she was now listening with growing impatience. "You came this far out of some notion of honor or sense of duty to raise your family's status?"

    Mahonna's right cross flashed all of it's own accord, but Kuishi caught it in mid-swing and brought it aside, looking at it with amusement. "I meant no offense, Kuiki-san." He creaked. She hated that voice, it grated on her very sanity…so self-satisfied and superior. "I just want to learn more about you." He said, innocently. Mahonna was breathing in slow gulps of air, a few drops of sweat trickled down her face. "Such a good friend you are, too." He smirked. "You're already training me in hand-to-hand combat and I didn't even ask." He said, grinning. "So exactly why are you so noble? Where did you get all that poise? Did you pick it from the pocket of your father's corpse?" His eyes widened with his smile, cruelly. He had twisted the last sentence with so much blistering malice that Mahonna could no longer stand it.

    She hated him and that hate, being a faithful servant, gave her superhuman speed. She unclenched her fist, that Kuishi still held and grabbed his wrist. With a grip that could twist steel, she reeled him in with a yank and swooped her left in an uppercut to his solar plexis. The force of the blow caused Kuishi to leave the ground. It connected with a sharp crunching sound and Kuishi gasped for his breath. But, when he found it, he rasped out in a low-pitched cackle. Taken aback, Mahonna felt something wet over her knuckles.

    She stumbled back, her stomach churning. She felt a sickness brought on by a sudden attack of fear; something was deadly wrong… The courtyard reeled, as if she had been the one hit by an uppercut. She couldn't focus as the world wobbled and she fell back to the ground. She saw that the knuckles of her hand were covered in blood and riddled with cuts.

    "I knew I could count on you." She heard Kuishi say. She saw him draw a shattered test-tube from the inside of his uwagi. He looked at it, grinning wickedly and tossed it behind him into a koi pond. She felt his hands wrench her up by her shoulders, but she couldn't move. "Now." He said, having regained his composure. "We can begin our research, can't we? I wasn't even sure of the dosage, but that doesn't matter now."

    Mahonna managed a loud despairing groan, but she couldn't think or move. Her mind felt as if it had been pulled from her skull and put on a carousel. It went beyond dumbness and vertigo. She could see the unsteady vision of Kuishi's face, tilting and changing in hue. "Why?" She tried.

    Kuishi looked into her eyes. "This is how I work." He explained, simply. "I can sneak your diary and read it like I did two nights ago and learn that your snobby blue-blooded parents died." He taunted, dryly. "But that's not enough for me." He smiled, wagging his forefinger. "No, I need direct answers to some very specific questions. So focus and please…be honest."

    Mahonna couldn't form words, she just shook her head, frantically. Somewhere there was a part of her that spun with cowardly questions: 'Will he kill me? Is this poison fatal?' She shuddered like she was seizing until Kuishi shook her roughly.

    "Do you know my name?" He asked, his voice reverberating low, stuffed with echoes.

    "Kuishi Sato." She said, her eyes forming tears.

    "Round two, Do you know who Haku Ishikawa is?"

    "No!" She said, beginning to sob. He smiled reassuringly and nodded like an
    old confidant.

    "We're almost done and you're doing very well. Just relax and tell me, what do you know about Agito Taguchi?"

    "Nothing!" She howled. Haku's face narrowed, expressive of disappointment.

    "I see." His face re-chambered, looking very serious. "What do you know about hollowfication?"

    "My father." She cried. Haku's face brightened and he drew her closer. Those sick green eyes peering from Haku's make-up-blackened sockets, they seemed to glow supernaturally.

    "Your father?" He said, trying to drive it out of her. She just kept shaking her head. "He worked with banning artifacts that concerned hollowfication, remember? What did he do with them?" Haku asked, his patience dwindling.

    "Sempiternal…" She sobbed. "Something called sempiturnal!" She muttered, quickly. Haku nodded, commiting the word to his memory.

    "The moment of truth, my patrician friend." He took her by the chin and he forced her eyes to meet his own. "Under threat of death, tell me…Our little cult, as you called it, what do you know about it?"

    "Knitting circle?" She said, crying loudly, looking puzzled and in pain.

    "Do you think I would go to this much trouble if I believed that!?" He shouted at her. He let her fall and then smacked her back to the deck. "You've been following and spying on me for the past two weeks." He accused, looking particularly unsympathetic. "You're trying to convince me, that in all that time you learned nothing at all."

    "I-I just…" She stuttered. "I didn't believe you were from the transient-"

    "World?" He offered, crouching to her eye-level. He patted her on the head and ruffled her hair with relief. "Satisfactory." He purred. "So you're just a curious little bug, not a bright one?" He smiled, obviously very content. She nodded, in a panic. He patted her shoulder. "Then we'll get along just fine." He stood up and replaced his rice hat, tipping it politely. "This has been a revealing and a promising research session. But of course," His face twisted with counterfeit pity. "You won't remember this." He turned to leave and made a parting motion with his hand. "Yoroshiku*, Kuiki-sama."


    石川 伯, or Haku Ishikawa sat up on his bed. His hair was wet from being freshly washed and was combed and slicked back out of his eyes. In the dim light of his dorm, his eyes shined like two bright phosphorescent green flames. His aquiline jaw and thin features seemed more prominent and accented. Physically he had made the metaphorical transition from arctic wolf to albino viper.

    He sighed, audibly; unconcerned with awakening his heavy-sleeping roommates. It was now Sunday of the last week of Basic Training. He had passed and passed gracefully, with the exception of the hand-to-hand part of his exams. He sighed because it was now his ego and success that burdened him with notion that he should celebrate.

    Really, to think that in the midst of all of this,’ Haku thought to himself, smiling weakly in the dark. ‘I want so much more… Celebrating seems so pointless, but it’s been so long…’ Haku’s eyes picked the faint shadow of his rucksack. He leaned forward and hauled it up by it’s straps. ‘Class starts tomorrow for the first time.’ He warned himself.

    Haku strained the leather fastening strap up until it slipped over it’s fastener with a pop. Inside lay four clinking bottles of the very finest Okinawan Awamori that could be found in the Rukongai imports. He supposed it may have been the name Awamori, it meant lots of bubbles(泡盛) but it almost sounded like river forest (川森), that attracted him to it. He had always liked poetic and visual irony and Ishikawa meaning river rock seemed to justify it all in his strange and abstract mind.

    He extracted two bottles, a cup and two decanters, one of pomegranate juice and one of cranberry. Haku looked about disapprovingly. ‘A celebration deserves a more private and relaxing setting.’ He thought. Slipping all five items into the deep pockets of his robe, he quietly snuck out of his room. He had left his getas a continued on, barefoot.

    The labyrinthine corridors of the academy stretched out, but Haku had already learned his way around like a mouse in a maze. ‘Another thing worth celebrating.’ After a few clever navigations he met with a sliding door that led to the veranda and courtyard. He slid the door open and entered out into the night.

    It’s not cold. Warm, not cold.’ He thought, enjoying the night air. Haku felt the groans of wind-blown chills dry his hair against his head. But that aside, the air was warm. The courtyard pond tippled with the wrinkling splashes of fish as they inhaled bugs that landed on the surface of the water. A chorus of suzumushi circkets magicked a ringing melody accompanied by frogs on percussion. Even the breeze, rattling leaves together, provided a pleasant natural cadence. But overlapping all of the pleasant night music was the caterwauling whine of a kokyu. The instrument was the fingernail scratching the otherwise peaceful blackboard of night. It grated physically on Haku’s expression and mentally on his patience. It probably didn’t help that he had discovered two nights ago that the mysterious performer was none other than Mahonna Kuiki.

    If I had only had the presence of mind to bash that thing across a rock, earlier today.’ It wasn’t that Kuiki-sama wasn’t skilled with the kokyu, it's only that the instrument itself was the bane of what Haku commonly held as music. Haku strained his brain and by pure force of imagination and willpower, he submitted his ear into hearing Vivaldi’s Winter composition from the four seasons opus instead. A virtuoso violin sang for the part of kokyu and the music sped along violently.

    I suppose she is celebrating as well.’ He thought, fairly. ‘And then again, this nightly performance is probably her most endearing trait.’ Haku never would have permanently harmed the noble and he demanded assurances that the toxin would eradicate memory. In fact, though the idea was his own, Agito facilitated. In his heart of hearts, Haku became more and more intrigued with Agito. He was a complete mystery.

    Haku divested himself of the drinking paraphernalia and laid them out on the deck beside him in short order. Performing his feats of alcoholic chemistry by automation, he overlooked the peaceful courtyard. As much as he hated the sun, it was nice to be in the presence of night once again. The courtyard was so much lovelier by moonlight.

    The jade cup had been filled with half pomegranate and half Awamori. He gave the cup a swish, letting the liquids mix. The smell reached his nose and it set off the pleasure center in his mind, his brain already knowing the significance. He leaned against a post for the roof of the veranda, cup in hand. Closing his eyes, he brought the rim of the cup to his lips. He tilted it and tasted the sour bitter sensation run across the surface of his tongue, burning as it went.

    How nice it is to finally shut off for just a minute or two.’ He thought, sipping again. ‘Despite all the lies and the stress, if it weren’t for moments like these I might not make it.’ Haku sipped some more. ‘I should use this time to think a while. Where to start… To think that nothing could go wrong. In two weeks, I’ve already been identified by two individuals, teased by one and harassed by a third.’ Haku took a deeper sip this time.

    “Staying under the radar?” Haku mocked. ‘She’s got something I just don’t trust. She’s has a built in ability to border on positively threatening and then to swing back to annoying at the zero hour. I may be forced to reign her in, somehow.’ Haku finished the glass with a gulp, the first drink having finally gotten to his head.

    “Celebrating, Haku?” Came a voice. Haku’s eyes closed, hiding a non-plussed expression of disbelief and perhaps more than a touch of fear. ‘I thought too loudly. I somehow conjured her from a nightmare and now here she is using my name aloud. That’s not good is it? No need to burn bridges yet, though.

    “If the occasion calls for it.” Haku let the sentence roll off his tongue in his creaky refined voice. He smiled, pleasantly. “Do you have anything you would care to celebrate?” Haku asked, opening his eyes and offering Haruka Tokoyami a seat and one of the decanters. She peered back with her curious obsidian-jet eyes. Haku hadn’t recovered over how seamlessly intimidating they were, even as they seemed to dart, peer and emote.

    “Sure.” She said, smugly, taking seat opposite Haku on the veranda deck.

    “Do you like pomegranate or cranberry?” Haku asked. “Careful. It’s an important question, like a personality test.” He said, hardly being serious. ‘I will stake my grades that she’ll ask for cranberry. Still…’ Haku eyed Haru, amiably. ‘What do I really know about her? She hasn’t divulged my secret thus far… But why…

    “Cranberry, I guess.” She said, cautiously.

    Haku nodded to himself and poured a liberal portion of the remaining bottle of Awamori into the cranberry decanter and offered it to her, graciously. ‘Perhaps it’s not in her nature to interfere with others… Maybe she looks at me as a friend because of ten years ago?

    “Thanks.” She gave it an inaugural sip, her mouth tightening as the tart taste bit in. She made a “Mmm” sound and then swallowed. “I’ve always liked cranberry. So what does that mean on your stupid test?”

    “It means…” He trailed off. Haku took out another bottle of Awamori, popped the top and emptied half of it into the pomegranate decanter. “That you like sour things, or at least sour fruit over sweet fruit. Now whether that’s true always or just right now is unimportant. If it’s the case, it could mean that novel experiences, in this instance, sour fruit, are more important to you than pleasant ones.” Haku sipped, having delivered his dissertation.

    “Or it could mean I like cranberries. You think too much.” She said, annoyed, taking a deep drink. ‘If she only knew…

    “Then again, I could be right. And seeing as I don’t know much about you,” Haku shrugged, and swallowed a mouthful of the drink. “I have to guess."
    “I don’t know much about you, but I’m not making up stupid tests.” She returned. ‘You know more than I’d like you to know.’ He thought, sharply.

    “Well you may not be interested in me.” Haku said, fairly.

    “So you’re saying that you are interested in me?” She laughed, taking a daringly large gulp. ‘What a typical egotistical trap…

    “I‘m interested in anyone who is clever enough to hold me ransom with my own dark little secrets.” Haku said, matching her enormous gulp.

    “Is that a plea for mercy? I thought I really interested you.” She teased.

    “Hmph.” Haku expressed, looking away with a faked hurt expression. “You did sound disappointed though.” Haku teased, thinking it best to return in kind.

    “You must have drank more than I thought you did.” She laughed. She looked down at her empty cup, expectantly, before Haku refilled it with pure Awamori.

    “No more cranberry or pomegranate juice to soften the blow.” Haku warned. The both took a quick breath in preparation and downed a throatful. Haku and Haru both came up coughing and trying to catch their breath.

    “What is with this stuff?” She asked, choking.

    “Okinawan Awamori.” Haku said, robotically. “Ninety proof.” Haru inspected the liquid in the cup suspiciously.

    “What if I was interested in you at least enough to ask you more about yourself?” She said, still eying the decanter.

    Haku sipped, gingerly, bracing himself for the burn. Shaking it off, he continued the conversation. “What…uh…would you be interested in knowing?” He asked, slurring his speech slightly. ‘This is potentially a dangerous area of discussion. Is it possible she wants even more info on me…? I really feel inebriated at this point. Why am I even still talking with this person?!

    “Start with why you want to become a Shinigami.” She demanded before taking a stunningly large gulp and choking. Haku’s mind raced, trying to invent something, but he realized that he looked like he was trying to come up with a lie. ‘Why did you want to become a Shinigami?’ A part of Haku’s drunken brain asked. Thinking for another moment, he blurted the answer out as soon as he realized it.

    “I was afraid.” Haku tried to shut his mouth, but the thoughts kept making the seemless transition from his mind to his mouth without any intervention. “Afraid of everything. There was a time…” Haku paused to sip his drink.
    “when I was afraid of my own shadow. I wouldn’t go near the light or go out in daylight, because I was afraid.” Haru burst into a fit of giggles. Haku laughed along, still thinking back. His creaky laugh wound down into a sad smile. The giggling died off when Haru saw Haku’s sad little smile. “And that’s why I’m here. I’d rather be feared than afraid.”

    An awkward silence set in, but it didn’t last long. Now that both participants were quiet, the squawking notes of Mahonna’s stringed instrument could be heard brayingly loud.

    “What the hell is that awful noise?!” Haruka cried, bringing her hands over her ears. Haku lifted his head, listening to the graceless tones musingly. He took another sip. He was drunk enough that he still heard Vivaldi and not that whining melody.

    “That would be a one, Mahonna Kuiki-sama and her kokyu. She’s part of the lesser aristocracy in the soul society.” Haku tried not to sound amused when answering Haru’s question about Mahonna, but she was part of the reason he was celebrating. Haru giggled. The alcohol had begun to really take it’s toll on the both of them. Haku’s line of thoughts had drifted inimically back to those dark personal years of his childhood.

    “A f-friend of yours?” Haru slurred between giggles. Haku looked out into the courtyard pond distantly. His eyes straining to pick out shapes and identify them, desperate for anything to distract him from his memories.

    “Not in the strongest turn, no.” He said quietly. He sat up from the post, the world tilting and spining on it’s axis. He poured another drink for himself. Haru held her cup out and Haku lookled at it doubtfully. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” He asked, surprised. She shook her head with a short blast of giggles and held her cup out defiantly. Haku flinched, even in a drunken stupor, those eyes were intimidating. Haku trickled two or three or more swallows into her decanter. Watching as she nursed on the remaining alcohol in her decanter, Haku drained his cup.

    “I think,” Haku said, trying to get up only to fail. I th-think…” He watched as Haru giggled at him trying to raise up. Her face was spining, in fact, Haku’s whole world was spinning. “I think iths been a while…sthince…I’ve drank this much.” He said, butchering the language. Haru exploded into a rolling fit of giggles and fell off the veranda onto the grass, rolling with laughter. She knocked the remaining Awamori that was in her decanter over the deck.

    “You’re drunk.” She giggled. Haku watched her, his long eyebrow arched in a disturbed expression.

    “Yeths, well…It musth’ve had sthomething to do with the two fifths of alcohol we justh drank.” He lisped, drunkenly. “We sh-should probability walk to sleep…” He sighed. “I mean go…to sleep, that is.” Haku motioned for her to stand. Haru’s attempt to stand consisted of rolling directly into the courtyard koi pond. Haku scrambled up, tripping and struggling to the pond. He grabbed her by the shoulders and hauled her up. She came up laughing, her dark eyes squinted in fits of laughter.

    “I fell over.” She said, chuckling.

    “I s-saw.” Haku said, laughing. Haku leaned up, pulling Haru to her feet. He was guiding her back to the veranda and in doing so, collided head-first with one of the supporting posts. He was in the process of falling, when Haru caught him and threw him back to the post so he could support himself. Between their combined efforts and in between giggles, they made it back onto the deck, collapsing.

    “I’m cold.” Haru said, talking into the deck.

    “You fell in a pond.” Haku murmured matter-of-factly to no one in particular.

    “Would you like me to steal you a towel from our dorm washroom?” Haku slurred.

    “Sure.” Haru blurted out.

    Haku ambled up and disappeared only to reappear with a stolen sheet of terri-cloth fabric which he unceremoniously threw on Haruka Tokoyami. It draped over her much like a shroud.

    “Thanks.” She said, giggling softly from underneath it.

    Haku remained there for sometime, staring off into nothing, blissfully without any thoughts at all. His eyes fluttered drunkenly and then he saw the light and color fade as his eyelids closed slowly. He simply blacked out, sprawled out on the veranda deck. Unable to tell if Haru had left or if she still remained sprawled out like him underneath the towel.

    *Means the equivalent of "see you later"
    Last edited by Sinister; 08-20-2008 at 01:02 AM.

  24. #114
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    “Hey, fool. It's time to wake up. You have basic training starting today, remember?”

    “Mmm..” My foot rustled inside the sheets and poked out of the end as I pulled the covers over my head. I really didn't want to wake up today. Failing the first Basic Training week really wasn't in my plans at all. I wanted to continue to annoy Haruka by pretending to stalk her, but I guess life doesn't always work out the way you want it to.

    I let out a grumble as I pushed away the covers. I sat up and cracked my neck.

    “Let's see how my luck is today,” I said to myself as I flipped my trusty coin. “Fantastic... It's tails.”

    I let out a sigh and walked into the bathroom. My pajamas fell to the floor as I stepped into the shower and washed myself, along with my hair. The other daily hygiene rituals were performed with haste as I slipped on my uniform and went out the door to start off my dreary day. This is just the start of my bad luck. I can feel it.

    Classes zoomed by as usual, but I noticed two particular students that always feuded with each other. One of them was named Mahonna. I couldn't remember the name of the other one, though. I could have sworn I've seen him before. I pondered to myself as I kept my eyes on Mahonna.

    That girl always gave off the vibe that she was a lonely woman. What she needed was a friend that she could confide to and hang around with. She was always alone whenever I looked at her.

    Perhaps she could be my next stalking victim? I asked myself as I smirked and stared at her.

    The bell tolled for lunch to begin, and that was the start of my lucky afternoon. I peered around the cafeteria for my prey, and found her alone in a bench. I gathered my meal and sat across from her.

    “I know just what you're thinking. You're a loner and you don't want me here. Alright. I'll oblige you, but on one condition.”

    Mahonna sneered at me and rolled her eyes as she turned away.

    “No thank you. I would rather not associate myself with one such as yourself.” Her eyes fixated themselves on me as she took her last bite of food and tapped her fingertips on the table.

    “Oh? And you would associate yourself with one more egotistical and vile than myself? One such as Kuishi-kun?” I made only one mere mention of his name and her eyes shifted to an extreme as if she had seen a ghost. Mahonna shifted her body and leaned closer to me. Her lips so close that they could be kissed, if I were interested in her like that.

    “Listen, you. You have no idea what you're talking about. I despise that fool. There's just... something about him that irks me.”

    Her sudden closeness failed to intimidate me, as I just did the same. I pulled out a deck of cards from inside of my hakama and began to shuffle them. I grinned and set them on the table.

    “Garu. Fukumi, Garu. That's my name.”

    “I don't recall asking for it.” She glared at me and sat back down on her seat and crossed her arms.

    “I'll tell you what,” I pointed to the deck of cards on the table. “If you get the highest card, consider me gone. However, if I get the highest card, consider yourself to have a brand new friend. Honestly, I'm a loner just like yourself; though I admitted to myself that I was lonely and needed friends. From that, here we are today.”

    I took a deep breath and rolled up my sleeve, as if those actions gave me luck. “You may go first, by the way.”

    “But of course.”

    Mahonna took the same actions as I did. She took a deep breath a took a gulp. She placed her fingertips on the cards and judged where she was going to take them. She picked up a small stack and the Queen of Spades surfaced. She had a successful grin on her face that made her light up. She seemed genuinely happy for but a few seconds.

    I winced and bit my lip. “Tch. Looks like Lady Luck is with you today.”

    Mahonna blushed and cleared her throat. “She always is, as is Lady Victory.” I smirked in response and took my turn as she put the cards back in the stack. I cracked my knuckles and took about half the stack. I gulped and let out a deep sigh. I closed my eyes to prepare myself.

    As I turned my hand to face me, she let out a sigh. I took that as a sign that I won. When I opened my eyes, that was not the case. It had been a draw. Queen of Hearts.

    I wiped the sweat from my brow and reshuffled the cards thoroughly. The bell rang, but we didn't budge.

    “This is it.” we both said in unison. I went first and picked the ten of clubs. She stuck her tongue out at me and took her try.

    I could feel Lady Luck kiss me on the cheek. I blushed as Mahonna pulled out the nine of diamonds.

    “Oh, so close." I picked up the cards and shoved them back into my cleavage. I walked around the table and offered her my hand.

    Mahonna grumbled and sighed. She took my hand with reluctance, and pulled me close. Her lips touched my ear as she whispered sweet nothings.

    “Listen, Garu. You may have won this round, but I assure you that I will get you back, one way or another,” she seemed to blush before she said her last statement.

    “...Also. ...Please don't hurt me, okay?” she ran off with verocity to reach her class. I blinked and stood dumbfounded for a moment. I opened my lips to speak, but then realized no one was there.

    I suppose my luck isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I thought to myself as I took out my coin and flipped it in the air.

    I lost again. I pondered what would be in store for me that Lady Luck kept warning me about. If it wasn't Mahonna, what was it?

    The rest of the classes for the week zoomed by without a thought, as my mind could only think of Mahonna and what Lady Luck had in store for me.

    Mahonna and I hung out all the time ever since then, but she still felt distant and reluctant. I made another bet with her that if she won, that I would do whatever she wanted, throughout the course of the Academy.

    She won.


    With the permission of the old sensei, I walked out of the classroom and toward a general direction to one of the restrooms. Of course, my original destination was nowhere near a restroom. I had gone to see one of my many contacts within the Academy. The mission I assigned myself with was to discover the weakness of that old crone in the History of Zanpakutou class. Her strictness was far too strong for my liking, so she had to pay for that. She also had the gall to prevent my communication with the very woman I love and cherish. We exchanged notes anyway, but that's besides the point.

    I walked my way to one of the empty courtyards and snapped my fingers. Three slaves appeared with the wind. I eyed the one in the middle, as I recalled her having this sensei before.

    “Leah, come.” I beckoned her with my finger. I dismissed the other two, they lacked any importance at this time.

    “Yes, Mistress? What is it you desire?” she lifted her head and looked up into my eyes.

    “I require to know what makes that old crone in History of Zanpakutou tick. What is her weakness? Is there any dirt on her?”

    Leah, the dirty blonde girl stood up and glanced around. Once she knew we were in the clear, she nodded.

    “Yes, as a matter of fact there is, Mistress. It seems she cannot resist the Captain-Commander. She also greatly dislikes homosexuals. Though, ironically, in her much earlier years in the real world, she was known greatly as a courtesan of high fame that frequently had female clients. As you could tell from her voice, she has had a very traumatic drug problem. She died due to those problems.”

    I smirked with mal-intent and I walked closer to Leah and wrapped my arms around her, “I assume we have some pleasing pictures of the Captain-Commander, my pet?” I nuzzled against her neck.

    Leah let out a pleased sigh and nodded. “Yes, Utzusemi has them. If you require any, he's the man to go to.”

    “Perfect. Thank you much, Leah. You've never let me down. You're my favorite slave, you know that?” I pulled her close and kissed her lips softly. Leah stood dumbfounded for a moment and placed her fingers upon her lips and blushed.

    “Thank you, Mistress.” She knelt and vanished into the wind. I smirked and made a mental note to contact Utzusemi after the day was over. I walked back to the classroom, as I've spent a few moments outside of it. I didn't want to be suspicious and strode in and back into my seat. Haruka looked at me with anxious want. I smiled sweetly and pointed to the textbooks.

    The rest of the hour passed and it was time to leave Haru. I frowned as I switched patches to my sister.


    The hour for my half of the Zanpakutou class passed by like the wind. My slumber during the class had been the culprit for the quick passing. I didn't complain, but instead carried on to Mai's Shunpo class. I switched patches with a sigh. From what I could sense, she slowly improved her skills of the flash step. I felt myself smile out of being proud of her.

    My vision returned at the front door of the Shunpo A class. Must've been time for my class already. I walked into the door and closed it behind me. I walked up to the sensei, and eyed him up. I asked him what the day's assignment was. With no surprise, he directed me to my partner, “Racing Stripes” Haru.

    “Long time no see, hime-sama,” I said as I bowed. “Sensei said for you to explain the assignment. So spit it out.” I stuck my tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes at me and let out an exhausted sigh.

    She nodded her head toward the field, “Jump across it.”

    “Little vague, don't you think?” I gave a smirk as I stretched out my legs. Then she said something that made my eye twitch.

    “Really? I found it perfectly easy when Kouguu-sensei said it.”

    “Oh really? Well, look who's a little genius, eh?” I chuckled quietly to myself as I continued to stretch my muscles and concentrate my aura on my feet.

    “Sure,” she mumbled She was off doing her run. I waited for her to finish to do my turn. I glanced around the room to see if anyone glanced my way. I took a breath and twirled with the grace of a ballerina. The end of the twirl, I pushed off of my heel and zipped over a third of the field. I smirked at myself and zipped the rest of the way in a second jump.

    Racing Stripes' vague instruction left a big hole in my mind that I contemplated for a while. I shrugged and reported to the sensei that I made it across in two jumps. The bell rang for the end of the class and I sighed as I wiped the sweat from my brow.

    I made my way to Kidou class after the lunch period ended with the bell. The class was with Racing Stripes again. This class just went from dull to excruciatingly painful. We exchanged words as usual, and without missing a beat, I smirked.

    “Should be obvious, yeah? I wanna be partners with my all-time favorite roommate!” I imitated Mai with the last statement and gave a cheesy innocent grin that only Mai could make.

    “Tch. Well, let's see if you can get a ball going, then.” I let out a sigh and held my wrist out. I focused my mind and forced the energy from within outward onto my palm.

    “You closed your eyes,” she said. “and you have your arm too straight.” I rolled my eyes and sneered at her.

    “What does that have to do with anything?”

    “Hmph.” was all the other girl said before she took her own shot at forming the sphere. Her arm had been more relaxed than mine had been. Must have been the tutorials with Mai. God knows what that woman did to her.

    I smirked at her attempt and blinked as the process took her longer than mine had.

    “You took too long, fool.”


    “Well, yeah. I got a couple grey hairs waiting for you to finish.”

    “Shino.” her eyes looked at me with sincerity for the first time.

    “.. What is it?” I asked as I raised a brow.

    “You already have grey hairs. Lots of them.”

    That was when I crashed and burned. I knew Mai and I shared her body, but I never liked to be reminded of it. Why couldn't we have had our own bodies? Mai's overly big breasts had already gone past their tolerance limit. And now Haruka reminded me that my fiery red hair no longer existed. The pride of my life that showed my opponents that I could kick ass and take names if they messed with me.

    The shimmer in my eyes vanished as I grabbed a few strands of Mai's long hair and took a deep look at them. “...Right. I forgot. ....Oh, red hair, where have you gone?” I asked rhetorically to myself. I loved Mai, but I hated being in her voluptuous body.

    I sighed and stood there in a daze. I don't remember what happened after that.
    Last edited by Victoria; 08-10-2008 at 06:49 PM.

  25. #115
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
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    The second, third, fourth, and fifth days of class passed much like the first, and by the end of the week Haruka could actually shoot off a fairly decent kido spell and list all thirteen captains of the Gotei in order. She knew the weeks would be long and arduous, and would only get harder from here on out, but she had no intention of giving up. She hadn't expected it, but becoming a shinigami was surprisingly enjoyable.

    It was late evening. The sun struggled to shoot out its final rays of warmth, and all over the building academy students walked back to their dorms ready for a well earned weekend. Haruka, however, had decided to go for a walk before venturing back, as she had many a thing on her mind and it needed clearing. Walking by a balcony, Haruka paused for a moment and peered into the courtyard it overlooked.

    'It's been quite an interesting two weeks...And so much has happened. I've run into half the school, even. ' She thought for a moment about Mai and Shino, and wondered how she and Mai had become such close friends so fast. 'But is that really all there is...?' She also let her thoughts touch upon Kagashi, the man she knew she now knew she harbored feelings for, but didn't know why. 'He causes me so much pain..'

    Her feet began their journey again as she thought about the other people she had run into. Mugen was definitely a possible friend. The guy could get annoying sometimes, 'And I still haven't gotten him back for calling me "Haruka-chan...' but he was a good guy overall and fun to talk to. Tamashi was a complete asshole, and Haruka would be happy if she never had to see him again. And then there was Haku. Oh yes, Haku. Haruka giggled as her mind found his name. She really did have him in a tight spot; she could let it be known to everyone that he was using a fake name in an instant. 'But I won't...then all the fun will be over and there'll be nothing left for me to do...'

    The sun was now well below the horizon, and the slight chill of the night was beginning to set in. Haruka was still lost in her musings and completely unaware that a rather unsteady Kagashi was fast approaching. It wasn't until he was basically upon her that she finally caught on and tried to catch him as he began to fall. But it was too late to stop him and he was soon lying on top of her in a rather uncomfortable place.

    “U-u-uh…H-h-h-h-haruka! I-I didn’t…” Kagashi stuttered as he pulled himself off of her. “I’m sorry!"

    Haruka was rather surprised and slightly irritated at being unexpectedly molested by the man she had only recently been thinking about. She frowned, stood up, and slapped Kagashi with an unexpected force that sent him flying on the floor, this time without anything to break his fall.

    “Ugh…I should have hit the floor…” he grunted.

    'Damn right.'

    “There’s a price for everything,” Haruka said sourly.

    “Hey! I didn’t mean to…you were under me when I fell!”

    “Speaking of which. What’s wrong with you?”

    “I don’t know what you mean…” He turned his head away, an unconscious choice that showed he would rather gaze upon the hallway than Haruka at the moment. The black haired woman frowned.

    “Right…stew in your problems…I don’t care…” Haruka sighed. She might have feelings for Kagashi, but she wasn't going to let him waste her time. She began to walk away without a backward glance.

    “Haruka…w-wait…” Kagashi groaned. Haruka paused.

    'Well then, if he's willing to share, then I'll be there for him. Ugh. What happened to me?'


    As it turned out, Kagashi was worried about Steph, who had left the academy not long before. Haruka thought about telling Kagashi that Satine had left as well, but figured that it wouldn't really help anything whether she did or not.

    But Kagashi had looked so sad sitting there talking to her that Haruka couldn't help but reach out for his hand. And the man hadn't pulled away. They sat there like that for a long time before they decided that they'd best be off to bed.

    So, Haruka's first week as a true shinigami-in-training ended on that tranquil note.

  26. #116
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    ~~~~~MAI, Part 2~~~~~

    I showed up to swordsmanship class halfway through because Shino needed the help more than I did. By the time I showed up, the sensei had been in a session with Haru. From the looks of things, the woman didn't condone slacking off. I notified them of my presence and the sensei had me perform my basic stance and motions. She liked what she saw, but pointed out a few minor flaws in my stance that could be easily corrected.

    For the remainder of the hour, Haru and I chatted for a few moments so she could catch her breath from sparring with the sensei for the first hour. Of course, while we chatted, I practiced different approaches to my stance as Haruka swung her blade toward me. After twenty minutes or so, I found my niche and stuck with the stance for the rest of the class. “Racing Stripes”, as Shino called her, bowed and began her spar with me. I was to be her partner for the remainder of the week.

    The bell rang for the end of the class. Now it was the last class of the day. Shino had the first hour, so I had the pleasure of switching patches yet again.

    The bell for History of Soul Society rang. It meant that no more classes were assigned for the day. I was starved and headed for the cafeteria for dinner. After my fill, I went into an empty courtyard and summoned Utzusemi, as he had what I wanted. The exchange took place with few words spoken between us. The sly dog managed to grope me before he vanished into the wind. Not that I minded, really. That's what they're there for, after all.

    So now my ammunition was prepared to be launched tomorrow.

    Kekekeke, vile crone, suffer my wrath~ I chuckled to myself as I walked back to my room.

  27. #117
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Time seemed to have passed quickly where ever that he went while for himself he would remain constantly stuck unable to advance. After three months of wandering he had ended up in the twenty-third district of Rukongai not spending too long in one place. It felt like there was supposed to be something that needed to be found, but wherever he went it was never the right spot. He could not understand the force that was driving him. All that he knew was that it simply pushed him on.

    In the months since his departure from the Seireitei and the academy he had not spent as much time focusing on his training like he thought he would. It seemed like a smart thing to do. The trip would give him the space that he wanted and would result in him being more focused. However, now there was something constantly nagging at him that broke his concentration whenever he tried to stop for a moment. That feeling never seemed to vanish for him leaving him on edge. He was not certain how he was going to progress with his training if he was going to pass the test next time. Determination was all that he had going for himself at the time. It was not enough though as he found since it could not silence the feeling in his body.

    Steph walked the back alleys of the district keeping out of the sight of most residents. He had already spent the last few hours in the crowded market street leaving him feeling tight and twisted. For him he had been with the crowd enough for the day that he needed the peace that the empty alleys brought him. In the distance he could see the riverbank holding its arms out welcoming him. It was not an invitation that could be refused.

    The grass made a soft pillow for him as he laid back looking at the clouds in the sky. Steph closed his eyes letting the flow of the river echo through his ears with its gentle melody that eased him to sleep. It had been nearly a day since the last time he took a break, the time to rest was most welcome to him. ‘Will I ever find what I’m searching for?’

    “Eventually,” the familiar voice said to him suddenly

    Steph tried to maintain his sleep, but after a few minutes knew that it was already too late for that. “You know it makes it difficult to sleep with you talking to me.” He stood up on the cloud that was resting underneath him looking out at the woman slowly approaching him as she always did.

    The woman gave him a playful smile in return as she stopped a couple clouds away. She leaned down towards on purpose causing him to blush slightly. “You know you’re getting quite the mouth on you talking so casually to your imagination.”

    “How can I not get used to it considering how often you visit me.” He had only seen her a few short times during the week that he had spent in training and never before then but that one moment. However, ever since the test he had begun to see her more and more often. The first week it was only a couple times, but it increased. Now he was seeing her almost every time that he closed his eyes. He never seemed to wake up tired, but it was screwing with his mental stability. There was even one time that she visited him when he was walking. He did not know what was happening to him anymore with his mind playing these games. It had to mean something, but nothing made any sense.

    She pulled herself back up letting her hand rest at her hip. “You wound me. You don’t like my company?”

    Steph sighed softly not wanting to be fighting with himself while he was sleeping. “I didn’t say that. I’m sorry. You can visit as much as you like.” He looked around at the view having grown used to its bizarre environment. It could only be a dream, but all the same it was beautiful to behold each time.

    “Always giving up. You back away from a fight every time it appears. You’re never going to learn anything if you hide.”

    “I just don’t think it is a good idea to be fighting with myself. Its already strange enough.”

    “No, you always back down. I thought that day had changed you where you stood up and fought during the test. But every time something conflicts with you step down. There’s going to come a time when you must fight; there will be no corners to run to and your opponent will not take ‘no’ for an answer.”

    The sudden lecture from himself came as a bite of a surprise to Steph. She had a sharp tongue at times, but he was not expecting this from her. He had always seen her as some strange reflection of his conscious, but there were times where she did and said things that were nothing like him even deep down. It made him wonder how messed up he actually was to be having these sort of debate with himself. “I was trying to prove something to them then. I don’t have anything to prove to anyone out here. I have no interest in the people here. They will disappear from my thoughts the moment I leave. Nothing lingers. There’s no reason to get into a conflict with someone I’m not going to be seeing again. Its pointless.”

    “Pointless? Is protecting others from danger pointless? Is protecting yourself pointless?”

    “Protecting others? What are you talking about? I don’t have anyone to protect. I’m alone here. You should be well aware of that fact. As for myself, I’m still alive after ten years I think I’ve been doing well enough protecting myself.” Steph did not know what had gotten into her today, but there was a different mood and tone in her voice. This was not how things usually went between the two of them. He was not sure what he should be making of it. It made him want to wake up and not have to deal with her, but even that may not be a haven any longer.

    “Selfish…things won’t change like this.” Upon those words she turned away walking on clouds that gathered beneath her. The world turned to a gray void until blackness leaped out from all corners surrounding it in an empty pit casting out Steph.

    “Selfish!?” he shouted reaching out into the void already too late. The dream was gone and he was wake again unfortunately not feeling as well as he had wished. Steph’s voice did escape into the real world though bringing him the unwanted attention of several dark looking individuals that were standing over him. He pulled himself back to the grass uncertain as their presence around him. If they were just passing through he was not going to give them any reason to stay. ‘Why aren’t they leaving?’

    Steph pulled up a part of the ground allowing him to escape a little only to have them all follow his movements. They were focused on him for some strange reason. He should have held no interest for them being a complete stranger. “What’s the matter little girl?” one of them said taking a hold of his wrist forcing him back at their feet.

    It was difficult for him to know which hurt more at this point. His head was roughly planted into the dirt with grass tinkling his throat and he was yet again mistaken for a girl. ‘I’m never going to get over that…what did I do to them?’ Steph struggled against the force that was being applied to him trying to break free, but nothing seemed to be working. “Please…I don’t want to…fight.”

    All his words did was make them laugh pulling at him harder. “You hear that, she doesn’t want to fight.”

    “What could a little child like you do anyway?”

    The pressure was increased to his arms as one of them pressed his foot into his back putting his shoulder joints to the breaking point. Steph bit through the pain feeling blood slowly drip through his lips from his teeth grinding against them. “What did…I do to…you?” He could not understand what he could have possible done to offend them. All he had been doing until the moment he woke was sleeping minding his own business. He should have done nothing to make them angry.

    The three men looked at each other smirking to the other with a look like they were saying words without needing to speak them. “You hear that, she wondering what she did.” They laughed once again all in on the joke that remained between them leaving Steph in pain.

    One of the men knelt down looking Steph in the face with a stupid wide grin across his face. “Nothing kid. We just having a bad day and wanted to share it with others. You just happen to be the first we saw. Should have stayed asleep.”

    Steph’s eyes had widened in shock to hear that they were just picking on him because he was there. They were just looking for a fight for no other reason than to burn off anger. When the man was finished speaking they resumed the pressure on him and introduce their feet to the equation finding the soft thud against Steph to be most pleasing to their ears. ‘Why? Its like she planned this somehow…’

    ‘There’s going to come a time when you must fight; there will be no corners to run to and your opponent will not take ‘no’ for an answer,’ the woman’s voice echoed through his mind reminding him. It seemed as though this was happening on purpose just because to spite him. Like his subconscious was trying to fight him to prove a point.

    ‘Well I’m not going to give in. I’m not so weak as to let this bend me. I’ll prove to her that fighting is not the way to solve things.’ Steph painfully took the hits that layered across his body. It eventually came to the point that he did not where he was getting hit as his entire body was screaming out. All he could do was wait out his time, but it was growing worse for him each minute that passed. He had never been in a fight before and only been hit during those training sessions. While he hardened him a little this was nothing like training. He did not know when they were going to stop and he was starting to taste blood in his mouth. ‘Let it be over…please…’

    After what felt like hours for Steph it stopped and the men grew tired walking away leaving the bleeding crippled mess of what was left of Steph in the grass to die. ‘I survived…proved to her, but at what cost…am I going to die?’ Steph quickly passed out not even dreaming this time fading away to darkness.

    The sound of children playing was faint in the distance and the sound of a knife hitting a cutting board. It seemed like life and he could hear it. Steph slowly opened his eyes looking at the ceiling above him. ‘There’s no afterlife for the afterlife is there?’ He tried to raise his head, but found the pain too great to move. ‘No, not dead…though I sort of wish I was…the pain…’ The mistake of moving his body came as too late of a realization as everything over his body shouted out screaming in agony.

    “I wouldn’t move if I were you, dear,” an elderly voice said from across the room.

    Steph attempted again to lift his head, but found it too heavy for him to budge. He could hear the noise in the distance of chopping stop. The old woman walked over to the bed that Steph was resting in sitting down next to him. “Wha-how…”

    “Don’t over exert yourself. The children found you on the bank of the river and carried you back here. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to save you, but you seem to have a strong will to live.”

    ‘Strong will to live? I don’t know about that…’ Steph narrowed his face slightly trying not to induce any more pain on his body than there already was.

    “You’ve asleep for a day and yet most of your wounds already almost healed. You seem to be special, normal souls do not recover at the rate you are. How did you end up in a fight?” Steph kept quiet partly not wanting to answer the question and get too involve and partly because it would hurt too much. He could not even turn away. All that he was able to manage was closing his eyes. “Well I won’t pry if you don’t want to talk about it. Just focus on getting better right now.” The elderly woman stood up leaving the bedside.

    Steph closed his eyes hoping to return back to the empty void. It had been too long since he had known a peaceful rest and the change was most welcoming. There was also the added advantage of not having to feel all of the pain that he was in. He hoped that the old woman was right in how quickly he was recovering. Fortune was on his side this time allowing him to quickly pass out.

    Over the next few days Steph made a quick recovery as the old woman had said. In the short period of time most of the injures that he had sustained from the beating were fully healed. While he was not able to move as freely still the pain had subsided away to a manageable level. Steph was able to get out of the bed and walk about the small house that sat in a line of homes. He did not venture any further than the window, but it allowed him the view to see children playing in the streets. “So peaceful…”

    “Yes, it is. You might learn a thing or two from them if you watch long enough,” the old woman said from the corner of the single room house fixing a hole in Steph’s clothes.

    ‘Still going on about that.’ He had to listen to her half subtle lectures about non-violence. From what he was told by the old woman was that the neighborhood in this district had made a decision to stop fighting between each other. They did everything that they could to forbade it and upon anyone that entered. However, blind they were not. All of the fighting and struggle going on around them continued and they would allow others in even if they had fought outside so long as they followed their rules while inside. “I already told you before I did not start the fight. I didn’t fight back.”

    The children outside had suddenly stopped playing with one of them standing back shouting. Steph did not know what was wrong between them, but it looked like they were going to get into a fight over something. He looked around to see if the adults would step in knowing their nature, but they children continued. One of them stood up to the single child not backing down. Steph expected them to start something, even if they were just children. However, nothing became of it when the child saw that they were not backing down it ended just as quickly. They went back to playing innocently as though their problems were sorted out. “Why didn’t anyone step in to stop them? Something could have happened. They’re just children they shouldn’t be fighting.”

    “And yet that managed to work things out without us interfering. You haven’t been listening very well to me. We may not condone violence, but we also do not hide in a corner letting ourselves become victims. If we believe in something we stand up for it facing it head on.”

    Steph walked back to the bed lying down suddenly feeling the need for rest. He quickly went to rest looking forward to another peaceful time. While he was enjoying the silence he began to wonder why the strange dreams just stopped so suddenly. He could not have possibly gotten into a fight with his subconscious; the thought was stupid to even consider. Steph did not give it another thought fading out once his head came to rest on the pillow.

    “Mister Shinigami! Hey! Hey, Mister Shinigami!” shouted numerous children. The noise that was being made outside was enough to force Steph away from his rest. However, it was the words ‘shinigami’ that caught his ears most of all keeping him awake. There was a shinigami outside and while he was not really surprised it made him wonder if there was a reason or just simple coincidence.

    Steph pushed off the covers and disguised his interest with a casual walk to the window. When he arrived to look to see if he knew who it was there was no shinigami around. The noise had calmed as well bringing a bit of disappointment to him, but relief too. “Hmm, I guess he’s already gone.”

    “You’re awake? Who’s gone?”

    He turned back finding the old woman in the kitchen portion of the room making a midday meal. “The shinigami. I heard the children shouting about him, but he didn’t seem to stay around.”

    “Oh you mean Mr. Nakai? He stops by every so often during his traveling. I doubt he left so quickly.”

    Steph looked out the window once more scanning the street carefully looking for a shinigami, but it was not as though they were very difficult to find. The black uniform that they all wore made them stand very clearly. However, there was still no sign of a shinigami anywhere outside. Before Steph could walk outside to look more thoroughly a man entered the house followed by several children.

    “Mr. Nakai, it is good to see you. It has been too long since your last visit. I hope the children have not troubled you much.”

    The man in the doorway did not look the part of a shinigami. He was indeed carrying a sword with him, but apart from that he looked like anyone else that he would see on the street. While swords were not common it was not very hard to find someone that was not a shinigami keeping one at their side. “I’ve been missing them so it is no trouble at all.” The supposed shinigami turned his head looking at Steph a little confused and curious. “Who’s the young girl? Adopting another one?”

    “Actually she’s a boy. Well don’t be shy.”

    “My apologies. I meant no offense,” he said stepping towards Steph to welcome him.

    Steph measured him up once again still not seeing a shinigami in him. He wondered if he was in disguise wandering the street looking for something. “I’m used to it. I heard the children calling you a shinigami. Are you really one?”

    The shinigami backed off a step suddenly looking embarrassed rubbing his head. “They call me that around here, but I’m not really. I guess I’m the closest you can be to being one without really being one. So I guess that’s why they say that.”

    “I don’t understand what you mean.”

    “I never passed the final test, learning my Zanpukto’s name. I could do everything else, but that.” Mr. Nakai held out his sheathed Zanpukto out towards Steph while he spoke.

    The sword whispered to him like the others that he had seen before, but since he was not touching it he could not hear it very clearly. He was not about to make a scene for himself trying to explain his strange powers. “I see,” Steph said letting the subject go from there. ‘Since he’s not a real shinigami he is not here for me. Though I don’ t know why that would be the case anyway. I said I’d be back for the next test.’

    Once they were done the sword was returned back to his side and he walked over to the old woman chatting quickly between each other. Steph lost interest in the man and walked to the back of the house and through the doorway. He had not been in the back alley for the house before being stuck inside and it was about time that he reminded himself what the wind felt like. ‘It feels like its been so long, but it hasn’t even been a week yet. I’m going to have to leave soon.’

    Day passed into night coating most of the neighborhood in a black veil with small holes of light from a few houses. Steph shared the meager dinner with the family that he had started to become a little accustomed towards. The children had their charm even if they were far wilder than he could deal with most of the time. Their dinner was interrupted by a rude noise from down the street. It was followed up by shouting and deep voices. The children’s curiosity got the better of them sending them to the window quickly to see what was happening.

    “Come back and eat your dinner before it gets cold,” the elderly woman said realizing the futility of her words before she finished speaking.

    Falling on distracted ears the children called back about the scene outside in the street. “There’s three men outside breaking things, Grandma.”

    “Come back from the window.”

    “But they’re breaking things. They’ll make people sad.”

    Steph got pulled to the window by one of the little ones wanting to show him the scene that was getting out of control. He was not sure why the child dragged him over, but he kept looking at him like he wanted something from him. After a moment Steph came to the conclusion that the kid wanted him to go outside of stop them. ‘It’s just some tables and a few toys. They’ll grow tired of it and leave soon enough. No reason to antagonize them needlessly.’ Steph remained unmoved by the looks and attempted to return back to the seat he had on the floor. The child was stubborn, though the weak hold would not have been enough to hold him had he wished to forcibly get free. However, a door opened across the street releasing a couple approaching the three men. ‘What are they trying to do?’

    The couple spoke calmly to the trio of men that were looking for a fight trying to talk them down. Even as they were surrounded by the three they did not back down, but they remained unwilling to fight as well. Steph did not even know if they would defend themselves if attacked. He assumed that this sort of thing had to have happened before, but given their ideals he was not sure to what complexity their rules extended. ‘Were they allowed to fight in a situation like this?’ Steph looked back at the old woman unchanged from her place since this all began.

    “This is how we do things. We won’t stand by while wrongs are committed to us. What are you thinking? You want to help them or you want to run away?”

    ‘Who is this woman? I barely know these people. And I already said that I’m not going to fight before.’ Steph thought back to the week of training that he had trying to figure out what that was to him. He did not like fighting, but he still went along with it knowing that shinigami fight hollows. ‘It was a whim, but still did I cross that line? No…that was a mistake striking back at the instructor. I’m not like that. I’ll prove myself differently. I’ll prove fighting doesn’t have to be the way.’ There had to be another way for him.

    Outside the men had grown tired of the defiant look in the couple’s eyes and began to take out their frustrations on them. A few hits and both were on the ground being kicked into the dirt. Steph tightened up his hand feeling the memories of the beating that he had received. It was difficult for him to watch, but this was their decision and it was not his place to change that.

    As the time passed and the children pulled him to do something Steph turned away unable to continue. The old woman looked back at him with an unfamiliar look. He was not sure what she was wanting from him. It almost looked like she wanted him to stop the beating, but that seemed to go against their belief.

    “Mr. Shinigami! Grandma, its Mr. Shinigami!”

    Steph turned once more wanting to see what he would do knowing that a shinigami was trained to fight. He would be breaking their system fighting in the street, in their neighborhood. How would they react and would they refuse his aid?

    Mr. Nakai walked straight into the mob gaining all of their attention quickly bringing the beating to a stop. The men seemed to find a target that looked healthier more interesting to fight. They all ceased their kicking charging in an uncoordinated mass at him. Nakai disappeared from everyone’s sight appearing for a moment at the couple before the three disappeared once more. In the silence carried across the street the men looked at each other confused searching for their missing target. One was even laughing acting like they had chased him off. Nakai reappeared back in front of the three individual carrying the defiant look that the couple once had.

    ‘Shunpo…flash step. It must be, he was trained it would only make since. But he was so fast I could not even see a blur like I did with some of the students.’ Steph watched a little in awe of seeing a shinigami, or someone close to that of a shinigami, actually making use of what he had briefly been instructed about in the week of training. For him to be able to witness this made him curious to know what else the man was capable of doing. It was not the time for question though as it looked like things were going to be heating up again with the real fight starting.

    One of the men charged without thinking at Nakai grabbing a broken piece of wood from the table that they had destroyed earlier. The man took a wide swing at him, but only hit air as Nakai somehow was behind the men tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention once the man become puzzled by the strange disappearance again. The man took another swing making Nakai back up a few steps only enraging the man more. They danced around each other until Nakai disappeared again on a heavy swing by the man that connected with his two companions knocking the first out cold and angering the other. Once that had been done Nakai sat back letting the two knock the other senseless until neither could move. When all three were done he escorted them to the border of the neighborhood leaving them to wake up on their own.

    Nakai returned to the doorway stepping in part way looking over at the old woman. “I’m sorry, I was late in arriving. I apologize for the fighting that you had to witness.” After his last words he walked out of the house leaving the street.

    Steph had been left a little confused by what happened. While it was technically a fight that went against what they believed Nakai did not actually throw a single punch. He did nothing more than move out of the way leading the others to fight instead of himself. It was actually quite clever and a careful loophole. But he was pretty sure that they did not approve of any fighting in their neighborhood even if it was not being done by one of their own. ‘What are they going to do now?’

    The street returned to normal and the children went back to eating at the order of the old woman. Things seemed to have resumed as though it did nothing to change them. Steph awkwardly sat down on the floor looking at his food not sure he was interested in eating. For him at this point he was simply humoring them as he no longer had any hunger. The first few days he did for the first time in as long as he could remember, but now it was back to the way he was accustomed.

    Mr. Nakai walked to the bank of the river nearby the neighborhood. A dark figured approached from behind leaning down to drop a stone in the water. Neither looked at each other continuing to watch the water pass slowly down. “I waited as long as I could before stepping in.”

    “Yes, it seems that he is a stubborn one indeed.”

    “What will you do now?”

    “Well it seems getting beaten to an inch of his life was not enough to push him over and seeing people that he knew beaten did not do it either. I have no choice, but to watch and wait. If I can’t push him with force I’m going to have to let time work it’s own magic.”

    “But sir. Didn’t you say he is a wander? Time won’t last long enough.”

    “Yes, but from my short time in researching him I know that he is looking for something. He wants a place that he can return to.”

    “And you think this place will be that place? I visit here frequently for your work, but this place is hardly an environment to invoke the fighting spirit in him. Everyone here is pacifists, they’ll soften him.”

    “I’m counting on it. When the time comes I will see that power grow. I must know more about him.”

    “Why is he so important? I heard you have even Captain Kurotshuchi’s approval for this research. If the Captain is interested won’t he take control of the research?”

    “The Captain is still not convinced, but he is curious. Neither of us have seen someone like him. I must know more.”

    “Yes, sir.” Once the last words were spoken the two disappeared leaving the river alone again.

    The time for Steph to leave had come after a full week of recovery. In the last couple of days he got to know the people a little better and even used a little of the healing technique that he learned on the couple that got hurt. He did not know what he was doing, but it seemed to help. The children seemed reluctant to let him leave wanting him to stay around.

    “Please don’t go, onee-nii-sama*!”

    “You’ll be back onee-nii-sama right?”

    “Onee-nii-sama! Onee-nii-sama!”

    ‘I guess its better than nyuu-chan. Still difficult to get used to.’ Steph gave them an awkward smile getting past the new title that he had earned in his stay. It was at least something that he could get used to being called since they were just children. “I promise that I’ll stop by again. Thanks for your hospitality…Grandma.”

    The old woman gave a small chuckle and smiled back at Steph. “Still having trouble saying it huh? Well don’t be shy and don’t forget.”

    “Alright. I’ll be going now.” The walk out of the neighborhood was even more difficult than leaving the house. He had the children following in his shadow the entire time quietly, but piercing him with their eyes. Their efforts to change his will were not enough to make him change his mind and once he reached the end of the street he looked back at them. Steph gave them a final wave before departing from the street to resume his wandering.

    The weeks passed for Steph slowly still searching for the unknown arbitrary intangible object that haunted the back of his mind. In the time he was able to focus more on his training, but improvements seemed to be painful and slow. He had made a lot of changes in that week, but now he was at a stand still. His mind was welcomingly quiet as well with the woman of his dream no longer bothering him everyday. In fact, Steph had not seen her since the day that she got mad at him. It made his concentration better and after the first week he stopped thinking about it as anything more than a phase.

    Every so often when he roamed back to the twenty-third district he stopped by to visit the children and the old woman that he was slowly being able to call Grandma. The first time he returned was a month later and he left the next day. But he returned on a whim two weeks later staying for a couple days. Steph could not explain the reasoning, but they seemed to grow on him. There was something about them that he felt comfortable around. He wanted to go back and it became more difficult to leave each time. The children had become attached to him and he almost felt the same. It seemed like a place he could call home, but that almost felt wrong for him to say since he had traveled without a home for ten years in the Rukongai. A home was never something that interested him as he had all he needed with him. However, his thoughts were changing in ways that he was not expecting.

    “Onee-nii-sama!” a child shouted announcing Steph’s return.

    This was his fifth visit back to the neighborhood. The last visit was three week ago, a little longer than his usual for him, but he had gone into the forty-fifth district following the strange trail that he had picked up. He had no further explanation for himself other than it was something he had to track down. If it held some meaning to him he did not understand it and left shortly after reaching the end. He was glad to be back in somewhere familiar and a place that he could get a night’s rest. “How you guys doing?”

    “We were just playing with the tops.”

    “Do you bring us something back, onee-nii-sama?”

    “Always got a sharp eye don’t you? I can’t hide anything from you.” Steph pulled out a few small trinkets from his pockets that he had found along his walk. One was a small flower of wood, a blue marble that when spun glowed and an iron wheel. He held out his hand flat letting them pick and enjoy the new toys that he had brought them.

    “Pretty! Thank you, onee-nii-sama!” The children ran off down the street to show off to the others. The marble seemed to grab the most attention glowing as it rolled through the dirt street.

    Steph continued down the street making his way to the house that was waiting for him each time. Inside was the old woman that he called Grandma. She was working in the corner on some sheets of cloth when he entered. “Hey, Grandma!” He adjusted his clothes briefly to fit on his shoulders and pull it off his back before sitting down on the floor.

    “Steph, I thought it was you from the noise the children were making. You bring them something back again from your travels?” She continued to stitch the fabric pieces together with only half of her attention.

    “Yeah, they are showing them off to the other kids.” He pulled out the band that held his hair together letting go free to straighten out from the weather and wear that went through it.

    “You spoil them too much.”

    “Hardly. They did find me lying there on the riverbank and dragged me back. It’s the least I can do. So what you working on now?” Steph leaned over trying to see if he could figure out from the shapes and pattern what she was making. However, aside from it being folded up, he did not have a good understanding of sewing to make a guess without it being hung straight.

    She drew in the fabric closer to herself to keep the secret. “Just something I’m making for one of the neighbors. So did you find what you were seeking this time. You were gone for quite some time this time.”

    Steph finished evening out his hair and tied it back up when he looked up at the old woman to respond. “Oh. Unfortunately, I did not. But I guess it does not help that I don’t know what I’m looking for.” He pulled gently at his ponytail bringing the band up against the base of his head making it tight around. “Well I’ll figure it out eventually.”

    “That’s right. Just need to give it time.”

    The two continued to chat the hours away until it came time for their dinner to be prepared. As Steph had been doing before he helped in the preparations like the children did making the work go back faster. This was usually the only time that he ever ate anything out of courtesy. He also rarely had much to eat always making the children question him about his habits. All he could ever tell them was he was that he had a small appetite.

    Around the table while they were eating one of the children brought up something. “Did you hear about the ghost woman haunting the streets?” The mention of ghosts had the others at the table immediately glowing with curiosity wanting to hear more.

    “What ghost woman? I didn’t hear about that.”

    “I heard it from Shinji Ichino. He said that she’s been appearing every night for the last two week taking away people.”

    “Did he see the ghost?”

    “Well no I don’t think so. But he said he heard it from someone that did. So it must be true!” The validity of the claim was quickly disappearing as the curiosity was fading away to disappointing skepticism. The youngest seemed to be taking it a little too seriously starting to become frightened by the thought of a ghost wandering around the street.

    The old woman could see the effect that it was having on the child and the bickering that was quickly devolving into a debate of the legitimacy of hearsay. “Now children the dinner table is no place for ghost stories.”

    Steph leaned over handing the scared child seconds on food to try to get their mind off the thoughts. “Don’t worry about it. This is the Soul Society, there are no ghosts here. We’re all spirits, so if anything we are all ghosts. You have nothing to be afraid of.”

    “But honest-“

    “You heard Grandma, no more lies.”

    “But-“ The child could quickly see that he was not going to get anyway further with the conversation. The others that had been interested before were now just seeing him as a lair looking for attention and they had all been lightly scolded. No one wanted to continue it any further.

  28. #118
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Watching Quietly
    Blog Entries
    Once dinner finished after the bit of excitement over a fake ghost Steph stepped outside to look at the stars and enjoy the night air. Now that all of the lights in the area were out it made it much easier for him to watch the sky. ‘So peaceful…wonder how long I can stay.’ Steph folded his arms under his head and leaned back against the house.


    Steph looked behind him finding the child with the tale of the ghost looking at him like he wanted something from him. He had a feeling he knew what the child was wanting, but he asked anyway. “Yes? It’s late. Did you need something?”

    The child played with his fingers holding back his question for the moment. He stepped further outside of the house looking straight at Steph. “Uh, you don’t think it was a ghost, Onee-nii-sama?”

    His hunch played out as he expected. He could see during dinner that the child seemed to believe what he was saying, even if no one else did. It was not going to be dropped and forgotten so easily. “What makes you think it is ghost?” Steph knew that there were no ghosts here because of what he said earlier. There was no such thing as a spirit of a spirit. The ghosts were those in the real world. If he could learn a little more about the mystery woman that was supposedly running around at night he might be able to give a better answer to what she actually was.

    “Well I haven’t seen it, but Shinji said she was completely white. I remember hearing that ghosts in the real world were white.”

    Steph watched him carefully while he was speaking hoping to glean some clues from the child to see deeper. It was clear enough that he seemed to believe his friend Shinji. But for all Steph knew Shinji could be pulling a prank on him for some twisted laughs. He remembered seeing how cruel children could be in spite of appearing so innocent. However, when he heard the description he could not deny how similar it could sound. ‘Ghosts are white at least in stories. However, if the child saw it so clearly to know how white it was it was probably not a ghost. The more likely probability is that it is a hollow. And if a child had never seen one before it probably could easily be confused. It would also explain why people would be disappearing.’ The thought of a hollow being nearby worried him. He knew that he had no chance against one and it was uncertain how quickly the Seireitei could come to kill it. If it attacked how many people would be hurt or killed?

    ‘I can’t let him think that it could be a hollow.’ Steph moved closer to the child giving him a reassuring smile letting him know that everything would be safe. “Yeah, that sounds like it could be a ghost. But are you sure your friend did not see someone dressed completely in white?” He had to try to calm the child down, but there seemed to be something else besides just thinking it was a ghost.

    “But that’s not all. Shinji’s going to be attacked tonight!” The child clung to Steph’s clothes insisting on being believed at this point. All that was on his face was honest panic and fear for someone he knew being in danger.

    ‘That explains why he taking this so seriously. If it is a hollow there is nothing I can do, it would kill me. Perhaps if it was something else I might be able to do something. But still…’ Steph narrowed his expression while he tried to calculate his next move. Unfortunately, everything that he came out with found him in a conflict with someone. He was not certain what he could possibly do. “How do you know that he is the target?”

    “The ghost leaves a mark on the next house and it always takes someone. Shinji’s house was marked last night.”

    Steph looked up at the stars one last time seeing how late it was in the night. ‘I don’t have much choice left.’ The child dragged him down the street by the hand leading him to Shinji’s house or at least the place that he stayed at. Steph did not know who Shinji was, but he figured that he had possibly seen him in passing. ‘I don’t have any tricks like Mr. Nakai to avoid danger. My flash step has not improved any to be useful.’ Steph’s mind turned while they drew closer to the house. He was sadly left with nothing for him to do, but worry and figure out the different variables.

    Shinji’s house arrived in front of them with the night sky and complete silence stirring an ill brew that made Steph’s spine tingle. He had not been afraid like the child before, but he was sharing in the experience now to his dismay. “Where’s Shinji, inside?”

    “He said he was going to hid in the back of the house.”

    Steph was guided around the house letting the child call out for his friend. However, there was no answer bringing further panic into his voice. He searched around franticly looking for his friend, but still to no avail.

    Steph stepped back suddenly feeling something bad from within him telling him that he should not be around any longer. He could not make any sense of the feeling past the ill feeling that he was receiving, but he had to act. “Hey, maybe Shinji’s in the front or nearby. We should check elsewhere.”

    “But what if-“

    “We should move!” Steph shouted grabbing the child running as quickly as he could before there was a large crash in the ground behind them. The impact cracked the stone and dirt kicking up dust and smoke into the air masking whatever happened. Steph stumbled over from the shockwave holding the child on top of him for protection. Once he had stopped sliding across the ground he slowly rose up making sure the child was safe. “You hurt?”

    “No…but Shinji.”

    In the suddenness of everything Steph had not took a scan of his surroundings. The child was pointing towards the ground just outside of the dust cloud that hung in the air. Steph’s eyes jerked open in horror seeing blood spread all over the ground with the mangled body of a small child at the center. “We have to get out of here now!” His mind froze up only thinking of fleeing. This was no ghost and it was certainly nothing that he could handle. ‘I’m going to die! I’m going to die! I’m-‘

    “Onee-nii-sama, but-“ the child said as his voice was cut off as blood sprayed across Steph’s face. The boy that he had been trying to protect was now in two pieces in his arms soaking his clothes. Once the blood ran through the layers to touch his skin his mind completely shut down paralyzed in absolute fear. He had not even seen the attack and the cloud still hung around the crater left in a void of silence. Steph no longer knew what was happening fearing for the next attack to cleave him.

    “Steph!” a voice from above said as the figure landed between him and the crater. It took a minute for Steph to see clearly enough to making out the face. Mr. Nakai had shown up standing defiantly against the unknown that stayed hidden in the smoke. This time he was not playing around like with those men months back. He had his Zanpukto drawn aimed towards the smoke. “If you can move run now!”

    ‘Run? Run…I can’t move!’ The hold that fear had on him was too great for him to struggle against. Steph’s entire body was shaking uncontrollable and sweat poured down his face. He could barely see straight as he saw Nakai leap into the smoke leaving Steph alone to listen to the scrapping attacks. Each clash that he heard pounded through his head rattling his heart and sucking air out of his lungs. Pressure around him continued to increased pulling on his skin and bones making it impossible for him to flee now even if he wished.

    After a series of attacks out of sight Nakai appeared bursting out of the smoke with trails following off the ends of his torn clothes. He was breathing heavy and blood dripped from wounds that lined his body. ‘This spiritual pressure… why does it feel familiar?’ Nakai turned back looking at Steph to see that he had still not moved. The opponent that he faced was strong, much stronger than he imagined. He was not certain that he would be able to defeat this enemy. The spiritual pressure was stronger than his making it difficult for him to move at his usual speed. ‘It’s as strong as a seated officer…I must do what I can to protect Steph.’

    Nakai charged back into the cloud that masked their fight leaving Steph alone. As the clashes grew louder Steph could feel the pressure on him lifting a little allowing him to struggle against it and stand up. The earth quaked beneath his feet knocking off balance during his attempts, but he continued to fight it. ‘I must run…like Nakai said…’ Once he was on his feet backing away Nakai burst from the cloud again landing on his back spraying blood to the ground. Steph stepped back seeing the blood and wounds that covered him.

    With deep labored breathing Mr. Nakai stood up to one knee looking out of one eye, the other cut and blood dripping down along the cheek to his chin. He looked back once more at Steph pleased to see him standing. “You alright, Steph?”

    “Y-yes…but you…” Steph tilted his head down casting shadows over this eyes blocking them from view.

    “That’s good. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Get out of here now while you have the chance.” Nakai stood up dripping blood from simply the exertion of moving his muscles. He confidently clasped his sword firmly staring down the clouded enemy.

    Steph held his hands close to his chest trying to keep himself from falling apart again. “You’re not. You’re hurt! You have to stop before-“

    “No! Leave now! This is a fight for me and not you.” Nakai walked over to Steph grabbing him by the shoulders and pushed away into the street to the front of the house out of view. He turned back to face the enemy before him giving a smirk to the unknown. “Now that he is away I can fight without holding back!” Nakai’s spiritual pressure suddenly increased dramatically with a blue glow around the outline of his body. He leapt to the air changing the way he held his Zanpukto bringing the hilt back behind him with the bladed edge to the sky and the tip of the blade angled down towards the crater. “Purge and clean all that struggles against you! Mizuyousei!” Upon the words Nakai spoke he released his Zanpukto to its shikai state transforming its appearance slightly. The blade grew in length slightly and became double-edged straightening out.

    “Go Mizuyousei! Wash away that cloud that surrounds them!” Nakai grasped the sword with both hands raising it high above his head and swinging it down in a full arc. In the path of the arc water burst from the air as though he had cut a pocket into the dimensions releasing a tidal wave. The water directed through his spiritual pressure aimed straight at the hidden enemy impacting the cloud and passing through taking the dirt and dust with it too heavy to remain in the air soaked with water. At the center of the crater stood a white figure.

    Before Nakai could make another attack a suddenly red and black energy blade came from the crater striking him down. Not even his water wall that he erected a second before the attack could stop it. The attack cut deep sending Nakai flying backwards ripping through his clothes down to the skin. Nakai slammed against the stone of a house fifty meters away cracking it slightly. The blood from his wound brushed across the white painted stone. ‘I can’t move…’

    The white figure moved towards Nakai out of the crater gathering up the dust and dirt once again. A final blow was delivered to Nakai stripping him of his life letting the last breaths of his existence escape him while the cloud was completed and moved on to the street.

    “A woman in white…she…hollow…” Nakai said unable to speak completely with some words not being spoken as he slowly closed his eyes.

    Steph continued to run down the street his eyes wide with panic. He had to alert someone. There had to be something done. Mr. Nakai was going to die if he did not find someone to help him. Suddenly his mind whispered him an echo from his memories. ‘No, you always back down. I thought that day had changed you where you stood up and fought during the test. But every time something conflicts with you step down. There’s going to come a time when you must fight; there will be no corners to run to and your opponent will not take ‘no’ for an answer.’ Steph closed his eyes still running trying not to listen to it.

    ‘You always back down.’

    ‘No! I’m not!’

    ‘I thought that day had changed you…’

    ‘I’m no different!’

    ‘But every time something conflicts with you step down.’

    ‘Fighting’s not the way!’

    Steph had made it back to Grandma’s house coming to a sliding stop. He pulled the curtains open used as a door and his eyes widened freezing him in his step. No words would come from his mouth. Mind and body had just simply come to a crashing stop. He fell into a black void of emptiness that was waiting for him.

    In what felt like days in that world he finally could think a single thought. ‘They’re dead!’ Before him was blood splattered across every wall of the house and the bodies of the family that he had come to know as his own left around the floor. When he had found his muscles again he stepped into the house with every inch of his body trembling in fear and sadness. Even though he could not speak tears shouted for him covering his face as he looked down at the horrified expressions on the children’s face. ‘Dead…dead…they’re all…DEAD!’

    A scream escaped from Steph’s mouth after having been locked inside for so long. The scream pierced the walls and the minds of everyone nearby shaking all who heard it to their very core. Sorrow, depression, tears, anger and sadness soaked the noise thickly leaving none to question the reason for it being released. The emotions that rode upon its back wrapped themselves around any that heard it chilling their blood and leaving paralysis behind. Painted through the night sky was a broken heart left with no boundaries or walls that could with hold it any longer. All restraint and logic were vaporized in the instant leaving nothing but the raw seething emotions of pain, self-loathing, rage and sadness. “DEAD!!”

    “Yes and you will be next. Pain and lost makes for the most satisfying spice to a soul.” The voice came from outside through the disguised cloud. The new target had become Steph now as though this was all simply to make for a more enjoyable meal.

    “You killed them all!”

    “Yes I did and now I will kill you. You might be weaker than that shinigami, but your soul is just the way I like it.” A sinister laugh crawled from the cloud playing on the last thread that held Steph back.

    ‘There’s going to come a time when you must fight; there will be no corners to run to and your opponent will not take ‘no’ for an answer.’

    “I don’t care anymore! I’m going to KILL YOU!” Steph eyes suddenly glowed green followed by his entire body being surrounded by a green aura that burst unrestrained from him lashing out at the house. The aged house that had stood too long already collapsed under the sudden release of spiritual pressure from Steph exploding it to debris leaving an empty lot with the bodies of the dead around him. Energy radiated from him in waves riding off of pure emotions quickly increased bottled up for so long.

    “What’s this spiritual pressure? You’re much stronger than you look, but it would seem I can’t enjoy my meal with company coming. I’ll let it boil to a simmer until the time comes when I can devour you.” The cloud disappeared in an instant having sensed the arrival of a Captain and Vice-Captain shinigami.

    Steph eyes widen as he felt a sharp pain in his chest and coughed up blood collapsing to the ground. He suddenly felt all of the energy leaving him. There was nothing for him to stand up and he could barely lift a muscle. He stretched out his hand trying to reach out to the children and Grandma, but they were out of reach of him. His eyes suddenly became heavy with the world becoming gray.

    Footsteps nearby turned his eyes towards the new visitors that had scared off the unknown individual. Steph could not make out anything just simply vague voices.

    “Captain one of Captain Kurotshuchi’s subordinates is dead as well as a two children.”

    “Yes, there’s more over here Rangiku.”

    “I can’t sense that hollow anywhere, Captain. It seems to have killed many of the people here.”

    “Yes, it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. I find it strange that it was the Squad 12 Captain rather than the Hollow Monitoring Station that detect it.”

    “Didn’t he say he wanted the child if he was still alive?”

    “Something doesn’t sit right.”


    “Pick up the child and let’s go. We’ll send someone from Squad 4 to see tend to this.”

    Steph was still holding on to consciousness as he saw a woman picking him up. She held him close as she leapt into the air following behind the other shinigami. There was something familiar about it that made him feel safe as the light disappeared. He whispered something with his last breath before passing out.

    “What’s with that look?”

    “I think he called me his mother. But I’m too young aren’t I?”

    “Don’t be stupid, Rangiku. The boy lost his family. He’s probably just thinking about them.”

    “Don’t have to be so mean, Captain.”

    “Take him to Squad 4 to be tended to. I’ve got something to look into.”

    “But Captain!”

    From a monitoring room of the research and development building stood Captain Kurotshuchi and a shinigami watching the scenes that transpired with Steph. The Captain remained stone face from the events while the shinigami seemed to appear pleased. Once it was over the Captain turned and began walking away. He stopped for a moment looking back. “I see the proper stimulation has been applied. I expect regular reports on this boy’s development. Once he’s fully developed he will make for an interesting specimen.”

    “Thank you, Captain.” Captain Kurotshuchi left the room leaving the shinigami behind to stare at the monitor. The pleased smirk on his face washed away as he turned to panel as he began to work.

    The days passed away for Steph in the medical station of Squad 4 until he finally woke up. When he awoke he looked around the room finding it not the place that he had left or remembered. He could barely remember anything after collapsing to the ground, but there was enough for him to realize that he had been taken here.

    Steph stood up from the bed walking around the room as much as he could with tubes attached to him. After a few moments of aimless wandering a woman showed up in the room looking at him with a warm caring smile. “I’m glad to see you’re awake. You’ve been unconscious for some time. We were not certain with the amount of reiatsu that you released if you would be able to recover, but I’m relieved to see that you are well.”

    “What are you talking about?” Steph said looking at the nurse confused tilting his head. All he could remember was that he got angry and there was something warm around him. He did not know what had happened, but it like the spiritual energy when he focused on making a ball. However, it was as though it was all around him and everywhere. It did not make a lot of sense to him, but he did not want to focus on it at the moment. He could feel the memories coming back to him making him start to cry.

    The nurse became a little worried seeing Steph reaction and rushed over to him. “Did I say something to hurt you?” She tried to comfort him not know the circumstances to his injuries.

    “No…I’m sorry. Just memories.” Steph looked around the room trying to let the thoughts go and be taken in by something else. He walked away from the bed looking down at the floor and then at a table in the corner. On top of the table where his clothes along with another clothe that he was not familiar with laying across. He touched his hand to it feeling memories flow into him again.

    The nurse stepped forward to Steph when she saw what he was looking at. “They found that in the remains of the house. It had your name sew into it.”

    Steph pulled it up from the table letting it unfold finding it to be a fine scarf of green silk with careful embroidery of his name at the corner. ‘Grandma was working on this when I came. This was for me…’ The memories only made it more difficult for him forcing him to set it back down on the table. “May I walk around outside?” Steph said looking towards the window. It felt like forever since he had felt the wind between his fingers. He had other things to do as well.

    “Uh, I don’t see why not. But don’t go too far. You’re still recovering.” The nurse requested that Steph lie back down on the bed while she removed everything that was attached to him. Once he was free she gave him a reassuring nod and walked out of the room. Steph came up behind her following her directions that she had given him on how to get outside.

    Steph did not waste anytime finding his way glad for the first burst of wind that crashed up against him. He released a warm grin on his face trying to hide the sorrow behind his eyes. Unfortunately, the memories would not fade for him. After another moment with the air he walked over to the nearest place of shade to look at the clouds. He leaned back against the wall of the building slowly closing his eyes, waiting.

    ‘I’m sorry.’

    Steph opened his eyes to find himself back in the dream that he had left behind for so long. He figured that he would see her again. It was only a matter of time before they would be face to face. “You’re back. You got what you wanted. Why are you sorry?”

    “I can feel the pain that you’re in, but I’ll be here to support you. I won’t let you suffer alone.” The woman walked over to Steph crossing the clouds to meet him where he sat with his head hung low. She wrapped her arms around him holding him tightly. “I may have wanted you to see my point of view, but this is not the manner in which I would have wanted it shown to you. It is far too cruel to do you.”

    ‘So warm…’ Steph began to cry again with the memories flooding back to him. He could not go back now from what had happened. There was no more choice and no other path for him to follow. “I’ll become stronger. I’ll kill that thing that killed Grandma and the children. I’ll make sure that never has to happen again. I will!”

    “Steph…” the woman said lowering her head with his sharing in his pain and tears. She wept with him until the tears were dry and Steph had fallen as sleep in her arms. “This is too cruel a path for you Steph…but I’ll be here to walk with you no matter where you go.”

    *Onee-nii-sama – Older sister-brother

  29. #119
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries

    The bell for the bountiful meal of lunch had just finished its ringing echo throughout the campus. Nature of Zanpakutou's atmosphere was so stuffed, that I fell asleep through the class and woke up in a half-dead daze from the utter boredom of the class. Shunpo cured that boredom for a while as I hung out with Mahonna and encountered the woman I met before I joined the academy. I could tell that this was merely her sibling Shino, so I ran up to her to speak to her. Though when I did so, I was unaware of how fast I appeared there, next to her. She was indeed on the other side of the room, and I appeared next to her as if she were only two yards away.

    Since the class was Shunpo, the sensei and Shino assumed I did a flash step over there. He was impressed with my yard gain. However... after a ten second delay, there was a large gust of wind that lifted the kimonos of several girls that were nearby. As if queued by a card, they all yelped “Iiyaa~” in unison.

    The sensei raised a brow and stared at me. Before I could talk to Shino, he stood in front of me.

    “Normally a flash step doesn't create a gust effect. What did you do just now?” he stroked the back of his head.

    As if he were a mental patient, I stared at him as if he asked a retarded question, “I just dashed here normally. Why do you ask?”

    “It's rare for someone to have such high running speed that I just got caught off guard. It looked very closely to a flash step. You even vanished as if it were one. Say, do you remember your fastest time in a one hundred meter dash?”

    “Four seconds,” I tilted my head in oblivious ignorance. Of course I knew the official world record was about nine and a half seconds. I never had my speed publicly known, for I was not a fan of the media. I wasn't fond of having my identity discovered.

    I always left wind in my wake from my speed. I couldn't fly, but I always thought myself a child of the wind. My response had the sensei frozen in contemplation and shock. I walked past him to talk to Shino.

    “Hello, I've seen you since before the academy. I was wondering if I could challenge you to a duel during lunch. I've sensed much aura from you and wanted to test my skills.”

    Shino raised her brow at me and looked around the room to see if anyone had heard what I had said. It seemed I was in the clear, and she took a breath.

    “Alright. We'll duel in the eastern courtyard. However, I don't sense much martial arts experience from you, are you sure you want to do this?”

    “I may not be well versed in hand to hand, but I'm confident that I can have you running for your money with a blade.” I smirked and placed my hand on the hilt of my practice sword.

    Shino smirked in response and ran her tongue along her lips, “Very well, then. We'll do this after class is over.”

    Class was over as I spent the rest of my time with Mahonna, recording her improvements and her, mine. Mahonna decided that she wanted to watch the duel with Shino and I, and I couldn't refuse her audience. I didn't want her away from me for very long in the first place, because of that bastard Haku. Who knew what he was doing at this point in time, but I vowed myself to protect her from any more harm.

    I spotted Shino after we left the Shunpo class and we wandered over to the eastern courtyard. We patted fists and separated a good distance away for a traditional duel. When I saw her gather herself into her stance, she beckoned that I make the first move. I unsheathed my training sword and twirled the hilt between my fingers as easily as a stick, and resheathed it on my other hip. I kept my fingers lightly wrapped along the hilt.

    I bent my knees and launched myself with wind in my wake. Shino was ready for me, and she easily sidestepped the arc of my slash. However, that light arrogance cost her, as the tip of my sword cut through her torso fabric. Her concentration hadn't slipped an inch, and she countered me with great vigor. Her hand was also in the shape of a blade, and it ran across my cheek. It was too late for my reflexes to guard, and blood seeped out of a small cut to my cheek. I felt a warm sensation on my face and ran my finger across where she hit me. Sure enough, it was blood.

    How could she make a cut like that without a blade? I thought to myself as we regained our distance. Of course, martial artists must have styles that cut like that. She must know a technique or two of something like that. I ran my tongue across my fingers and cleaned my blood, and smirked at her.

    In our next clash, wind was left in both our wakes. Before we knew it, our speed had picked up to where Mahonna couldn't see us anymore, except for short glimpses of impact. Shino smirked as her eyes made glances toward the courtyard and noticed that we had attracted attention of many students and a few curious shinigami. One particular student stuck out to me, but I paid him no mind. That wretched Haku. We stopped our combat long enough to take a breather for a few minutes and confirm with the few teachers that this was a duel of skill, and not a fight. The only problem was that the two of us got carried away.

    When the metaphorical dust cleared, parts of her clothes were sliced in pieces and I had cuts over my arms and a few more across my other cheek. The two of us stared each other down and tuned out our surroundings. I sheathed my practice sword and took steps toward her. She did the same. We put a fist enclosed in a hand and bowed to each other respectively, and then gave each other a high five.

    “You know, if I had a real blade, you'd be naked right now.”

    “And if I had my real body, you wouldn't have been able to even touch me. And yes, you heard me right. I'm not Mai's twin. We don't have the same physique at all. I'm taller, I have red hair, my body is toned athletically and most important of all...” she broke off and looked down at her chest and grabbed her breasts. “...My breasts are much more fitting for a martial artist. They're smaller. A lot smaller.”

    “...Wow. I had no idea. What percentage of power do you think you're at with Mai's body?”

    “Sixty percent,” the crowd had overheard our conversation, of course. Everyone suddenly went silent when they heard Shino's response to my question. Sixty Percent. That's a huge gap in strength. Maybe Shino was right and that I was no match for her. But again, I didn't have a real blade. Things may be different if we spar at our full talents.

    That thought alone sent my adrenaline pumping off the scale. Mahonna seemed a bit pale when she heard my conversation with Shino. Perhaps she was intimidated by Shino as well, or thought something different all together.

    Well, this endeavor turned out to be very interesting. I just have to spar with Shino again, after she gets her body back. My blood boiled with the sheer excitement and anticipation of brawling with someone so naturally strong.

    “Ugh... so tired..” with that, she fell to her knees and dozed off on the pavement. I kicked her in her ribs. “Hey, bozo. We still have the rest of the classes to attend. You don't see me konking out any time soon.”

    “....Touche, goldie lox.”

    “G...Goldie...” my eye twitched and my subconscious thwacked her head with my practice sword, “Don't... ever... call me that. Again.”

    “Okay, Lox.” Shino smirked and stood up and cracked her neck. She yawned just as the bell rang for classes to resume.

    My eye continued to twitch as she called me Lox. ....It was a start. At least it wasn't Goldie. I hate being called Goldie. Lox is fine for now. That... is tolerable.

    Mahonna jogged up in front of me and had a look of heartbreak in her eyes. She slapped my face hard as a tear rolled down her cheek. My heart's beating stopped for but a moment as my eyes stared at her out of shock. I did not look away from her eyes, however.

    “How dare you hide yourself from me! I opened my heart to you, letting you in on my true self, and this is the thanks I get?! Why... why didn't you tell me the truth? Wh.....Why did I have to find out like this?”

    I took a breath and looked deep into her eyes. I took her hand and entwined it within my own and pulled her close.

    “Why do you think I invited you to come along in the first place, Maho-chan? Granted, I should have said something to start with before the battle started. It slipped my mind. I'm only human, honey. We all make mistakes. Besides... I was going to tell you either way when I came back to you. I didn't expect to get slapped like this. If... you had just waited for thirty seconds, I would have told you everything.”

    She blushed and wiped her tears and looked away from me. I turned her chin to keep her eyes on me.

    “...I'm sorry, Fu-chan. But... the point is, I'm not upset with you because you didn't tell me. I'm... upset because I'm not good enough. I mean... I thought that I was really skilled with the sword, but to find not only that Haku is better than me, but my own friend as well, who feigned to be weaker?”

    “....Ah. That's why. ...I'm sorry, Maho. I did you wrong by holding back my skill in class, and also for not confiding in you. To make up for this, I will tell you how I came to be the way I am.”

    And so I did. I told her all about my childhood in the real world, and how I have always been abnormally fast. I learned the sword ever since I was old enough to hold a kendo stick. I've had twice as long experience as anyone else had. I was in the olympics at the age of 10. However... two years later, my world changed forever.

    That was when I walked in on my father going at it with his voluptuous secretary. I never did like that woman. Her vibes always rubbed me the wrong way. However, my mom seemed to like her even less. Because that was when after I screamed, mom happened to come home to hear it. She raced to the bedroom and found them together like that.

    Mom became a blur and stabbed the big breasted woman with a short-sword she always kept on her person. Her icy glare sent shivers down my father's spine as he cowered under her. She wiped the blood from her blade and put it away. I walked in and slapped him and disowned myself from his existence. Which meant no more rich life for me. I didn't particularly care for it anyway.

    I always thought my mother was more beautiful anyway. I don't know what it is with big breasts. Men seem to be obsessed with them these days. Then again, the woman I like has big breasts, but she has something more than that that interests me. It's that quality that brings me to her.

    “...Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Fu-chan... I didn't know it was that horrible.” She wrapped her arms around me and embraced me tightly.

    “Mm.. I know, Maho. It's okay. I've moved past that. I have you now, don't I?”

    Mahonna lightened her grip and looked deep into my eyes with her own that were full of tears. She leaned her forehead against mine and nodded.

    “Nn. You do. Indeed you do.” I wiped the tears from her eyes and held her hand as we walked to Kidou class together.


    The first week of class has ended, and now the weekend rushed toward the horizon. That meant a good deal of time to meditate and train my inner chi. During my late night meditation that most people would call sleep, my surroundings switched to what appeared to be a room of royalty. A princess, to be more accurate. Why I would envision something like this in the first place, I haven't the faintest clue.

    A few seconds more, and I would wake myself up to get out of this illusion, but a woman's voice simply just spoke out of nowhere.

    “Tamashi-kun, I wouldn't be so quick to leave, if I were you. There are some important things that we must discuss with you.”

    I turned around, and an elegant woman with ice blonde hair laid across a bed that hadn't been there a moment ago. Her pure white gown flowed through the whole bed. I blinked the moment I realized that she wasn't wearing a gown, but she wore the bed sheet.

    I took a gulp from anticipation that she may be nude underneath that sheet. I mentally smacked myself to concentrate on her.

    “Oh? So what is important enough for your highness to interrupt my meditation?” I folded my arms and tapped my finger against my elbow as I waited for her response.

    She dropped the sheet and crawled out of the bed, snapping her fingers to place a board of some kind on the floor, along with pieces to go with that board. She sat on one end, and pointed to the other and instructed me to sit there. As I sat across from her, the board and pieces became all too familiar. Shogi.

    That's what this was. She wanted to play Shogi with me. I hadn't played this game in years. At least, I haven't since I've come to Soul Society. The biggest thing that ran across my mind, was the fact that Shogi was important enough to bother my sleep.

    “We need to keep your mind sharp, Tamashi-kun. That is, if we expect you to be our representative.”

    “Representative for what, Princess?”

    “You shall know soon enough, Tamashi. If I told you directly right now, it would be too soon. You will learn of my name soon enough, and what you would be representing.”

    “... I see. I think I get it now. In any case, there must be a reason why you set up a shogi board. Let's play a game to pass the time, shall we?”

    “Yes, lets. That's exactly why I brought it out here. Think of it as an exercise tool to keep your mind sharp. Every night, we shall play Shogi. You're a tactician, and tacticians need their minds constantly sharp.”

    The pieces were set up and she made the first move.

    Tch... this is so troublesome. I rubbed my forehead as I made my opening move. The first part of the game went relatively fast, and it looked to me like I was in the lead. That was when she unexpectedly flanked me and put me in check mate.

    “Well.. I did better than I expected to. I haven't played Shogi in over ten years, so I'm expected to be somewhat rusty.”

    “You'll get better with time. That's why you and I will continue to train every night. Do not worry. You are still sleeping soundly. You will not lose any sleep over playing Shogi with me.”

    “That's good to know, Princess.”

  30. #120
    Sir Prize Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Sinister's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
    Blog Entries

    Part One of Two

    Haku groaned as a beam of accursed daylight popped through the branches and leaves of the courtyard trees and bombed him out of sleep. There were evil and tormenting birds that flew about adding their warbling and squawking to the morning’s suffering.

    Haku’s circled eyes squinted and he rolled over to see Haruka’s form still outlined underneath the towel he had thrown on her the previous night. Haku stumbled, unsteadily onto his bare feet. The bastard world tilted like it was balanced atop a gyroscope. He was a newborn giraffe, whose legs seemed so unfairly long. Crossing one leg over another, trying to step forward, he finally found equilibrium. He bent down and grabbed a corner of the towel. With one violent motion, he ripped it up from the ground, unveiling Haruka Tokoyami as if she were part of a presentation or a failed magic trick.

    She groaned in displeasure. Her nose wrinkled and she tried to shut her eyes even more than they were already. Finally giving up, she blinked, trying to break-in her eyes on the daylight. She rose up.

    “Class.” She said, darkly. Haku meant to respond, but found himself groaning in agreement instead. She got to her feet more easily than Haku had and they made eye contact and nodded with pained expressions. Both pass each other, going opposite ways, stumbling back to ready for their classes.

    Hand-to-Hand C

    Haku reached the door that he had been told to find Hand-to-Hand class C and flung it open. ‘This classroom, as expected, is a gym. Filled with tumble mats, punching bags and other martial art…impedimenta.’ He thought, looking about. He held his hand over his wrinkled nose. ‘And of course, it smells like leather and foot sweat.’ The place offended Haku’s senses and made him realize how oafish and vulgar martial arts was compared to swordplay.

    The class was assembling on the mats as the professor walked in, smiling cheerfully. She was a dark-skinned young woman with long wavy black hair. She was athletically cued and very shapely. Haku’s premonitions had carried him far and though he never relied on them, they were fair consultants. ‘This woman is far too cute. He thought, disgustedly. In the same way pure sugar tasted bad, Haku did not like her. He rarely admitted things like that to himself. He preferred not to make it personal enough to say that he did not like someone. He preferred such statements such as “She’s unpleasant” followed by adjectives like “annoying”, “demanding” or “unpersonable”. Sano Kekei was her name, as was scrawled upon the modest blackboard at the side of the class.

    Haku looked about to see who else was unfortunate to be in the class. He could recognize quite a few classmen. There was a blond that Haku had seen around the academy along with a gray and black-haired woman with an eye patch. But only two from his…knitting circle. He saw Shengo Izumi, sitting petulantly and unenthusiastic. He also noted Keira Akagawa, who he wouldn’t have been surprised to learn was enrolled in every C grade class. She looked determined to understand at least something before class let out.

    Haku kept smiling cheerfully. His head was throbbing like it had been hit with a hammer, but Haku had a rule to not show pain or discomfort under any duress. But his poor grades had warranted the C class. Though he really couldn’t convince himself of the point of such a class. ‘Why bring a fist to a sword fight unless you‘re skilled enough to bridge the difference?’ He thought, sourly.

    “Ohayo, class.” Kekei-sensei said, beaming motherly. To which the class responded in grumbles and murmurs. “It’s so wonderful to see all of you. I hope you’re as excited to be here, as I am to have you here. And I’m very excited to have you all here.”

    “Can we get on with this?” Shengo asked, raising his hand after he had already asked the question. Haku smiled inwardly, as it had been a question after his own heart, but too rude for him to voice. Sano smiled maniacally in response. She pointed Shengo out with a fingernail.

    “Demonstration time.” She squeaked, happily. “Student, what’s your name?”

    “Shengo Izumi.” He said, nonplussed.

    “Please approach.” She said, still grinning like someone who was on pills. Shengo walked in front of her, his face was grim and obviously still worn from having to wake at such a premature hour. “Now.” She said, letting her her smile weaken off her face. “Defend yourself.” She said, plainly. Shengo had time to assume a stance, not recognizable or promising, before the woman lurched out, grabbing his wrist with a grip that must’ve crushed. She swung him around into her elbow, causing him to double over. Keeping her elbow in place on his stomach, her arm rotated, bringing the back of her fist into contact with his nose. She then ducked her hand under his chin, grasping the neck of his gii and flipped him over her shoulder onto his back.

    “Next time you’re gonna shut up and listen ‘fore you try an move things along, won’t ya?” She asked, cheerfully.

    Haku laughed aloud, causing people to look his way. Kekei-sensei looked up at him and smiled appreciatively. Against his useless premonitions, he liked this teacher.

    “Now…” She said addressing all of the students, gesturing peaceably with her hands. “You’re not here ‘cause you’re the best. And I understand that.” She said nodding reassuringly. “So we’ll take things slow.” She said, glaring playfully at Shengo’s very motionless form. “I want you all to know that I’m here for you and you’ll learn enough.”

    It was Keira who raised her hand and Sanowa pointed her out.

    "What will we learn, Kekei-sensei?"

    "Name?" She reminded, Keira.

    "Keira Akagawa." Keira said, bubbly.

    "Keira, then." Sano smiled, approving of the name. "We will learn how to disarm an opponent, back an opponent off, take a hit and how to look good doing it." She squeaked and clapped her hands, nearly causing Haku to grimace. 'This is worse than drinking maple syrup.' He thought. "Rule one is to always lean your spiritual pressure into a blow, otherwise you're just asking for broken bones. And that's just icky.." She said making a clowning face. 'Worse than swimming in maple syrup.' He corrected.

    The class proceeded, during which Haku sparred with Sano-sensei...She knocked the breath from him and he may have broken the last knuckle of his right hand. For the remainder of the day, his knuckle crunched and squished each time he opened and closed his hand. But he left the class laughing. Although Sano-sensei was like drowning in maple syrup, he liked her. He would've never guessed.

    Nature of Zampakuto A

    Haku bustled, using his five minutes to dodge flocks of students and navigate the labyrinthine hallways of the academy to reach Nature of a Zampakuto class. He had hoped there was no required text, as he had nothing but himself and his memory. Once inside, his eyes saw Mahonna at a desk. She seemed determined not to notice Haku and Haku was fine with that.

    Roshi Matsutachi was written on the blackboard by a dour and elegiac person who had just swept into the room. His hair was midnight black and straight as a ruler. It had an oily sheen that made it reflect like the carapace of a black beetle. His face was austere and pale with hooded blue eyes framed by a pair of small rectangular glasses. His long nose had been broken and healed at an odd angle. His ectomorphic build seemed unreal and scarecrowish, even compared to Haku's own very thin make-up. He was dressed in unusually black uwagii and hakama that accentuated his build and quite frankly made him look like a hollow.

    His smile looked physically disabled and even if he could have smiled, Haku doubt it would've been a pleasant thing to see. It wouldn't have broken his face but it would have been altogether inappropriate and out of place.

    "New faces." He said aloud, matching his long fingertips together. And then it happened, there was an instantaneous flash of a weak smile. A smile that was...unimpressed. "You've made it to this class, but I promise you, your time here will be short." He said, whipping up from his seat and swirling through the class. "This class is meant only for prodigies. It wasn't designed to cater to the above average or even the gifted student" He said, glaring down his nose as though it were the scope of a rifle. His roaming eyes found Haku and Haku could feel Roshi-sensei's eyes actually make his head hurt worse. But Roshi suddenly looked away, his face suddenly lightening, transforming to a more relaxed state. "Though, I do believe in you. Making it here is a testament to your skill. You will all become excellent Shinigami, no doubt. Maybe even a few of you will make assistant captain or even captain. But you will never have been worthy of this class. Most of it will fly over your head." 'This speech isn't prepared or rehearsed. This has been used many times before and is an observation of experience.' Haku thought, while massaging the throbbing temples of his head.

    Roshi buzzed back to his seat, his motions violent and impatient. "No talking. No note passing. No skipping..." He said, slowing over the word "skipping". "In my class you will learn the types of zampakutos, the types of their spirits. How to form both."

    He reached under his desk and hefted a book roughly twice the dimensions of any average book. It was worn and bound in brown leather. It's spine was creased and cracked and many of the pages had been dog-eared or were curled.

    "This is the student copy of the Numenomnicon, or the all-spirit index. It lists all recorded Zampakutos, their famous wielders and a description of their workings. Because Zampakutos are highly personal, this is nothing close to a complete list. But it has enough examples for you to learn the intricacies. Now let's begin."

    Haku listened as attentively as his growing hangover would allow. He had to break his attention away to try and relieve his headache but he left with the basic composition of what consisted a Zampakuto. He learned that it's sealed physical shape made little difference and could vary or be determined. But that it would have no effect on it's released form necessarily, as that was wholly determined by the residing spirit. At the end of the class, he had received his assignment and filed it in his cracking and throbbing head.

    Shunpo B

    Haku looked at the wall clock that was magisterially presiding over poor Haku and his fellow classmates. 'Juuji yonju.*' Haku thought grimly. 'If he's not here in five minutes, I'm leaving.' But with that thought a large swarthy fellow with brown hair and thick brown mustache stomped into the gym. His eyes were wide and large, but he had a refined and gentlemanly poise. Big as he was, he seemed truly graceful in his motions.

    "I am..." His voice was friendly and not particularly deep for his size. "Shenji Yorihito." He said, smiling lightly. "And you crew of flash steppers." He looked about with his bright friendly brown eyes and nodded with approval. "You'll be nervous, naturally. But no worries." He said, holding his hands up peacefully and laughing merrily. "I won't start cracking a whip until all of you have had a chance to test the water." Haku counted himself lucky, his poor head couldn't take any yelling or stress. "First rule is, no honorifics in this class. I like to foster trust and honesty. You will call me Shenji and I will call you by your first name. Just like old friends."

    He kneeled down on the ground in front of his class and scratched his poorly-shaven chin. "This class presupposes you're ability to flash step." There were groans of dread and panic, which only made Shenji laugh. "But any of you who have problems doing so, I will work with you one-on-one." Which seemed to satisfy the class. Haku sighed. 'If I could flash step...' He thought sourly.

    "During this year we will work on chaining flash steps so that they can be used in tandem with offensive moves. We will work on breaching greater distances with each step and we will refine speed. And most important, changing directions during a flash step without tripping. But today is practice only. Just practice free-style flash-stepping."

    Haku was set aside and waited for Shenji and finally the man stomped heavily over to him. He smiled down at Haku.

    "Kuishi, isn't it?" He asked, his eyes twinkling.

    "Hai, Shenji." Haku said, unable to keep from bowing. Shenji seemed to notice, but let it pass.

    "I understand you cannot flash step yet, but can flash leap. But this is no problem." He said, pointing down the practice strip with his bulky hand. "All I want you to do is practice flash leaping as far as you can, but keep lowering the height. Work yourself down. Once you get some feedback on how to adjust your height you should be able to adjust for a step instead of a leap."

    Haku continued practice. The speed and raw velocity of course...caused his headache to triple. But by the end of the two hour class he could flash step properly. Haku eagerly stopped at the bell and when class was dismissed he was fervently looking forward to something cold to wet his throat and maybe something other than Buddha's delight.

    Kidou A

    It was kidou class and the class was hardly full. In fact, maybe ten people populated the room and one of them had to be the teacher. He was tall and had a creamy tan. His hair was sunset red and fell past the blades of his shoulders in locks and spikes. He wore a black mandarin jacket and not the uniform. It was decorated in silver zippers, chains and snaps. He looked tough, but was not masculine and beefy. He had dark scar that traveled the left side of his face and ended at his sharp chin.

    Aside from this man who was standing quietly and patient at the end of the class. Shino seemed to be in the class but had the eye patch in yet a different position and didn't seem to recognize him as before. Also in the class was Ritsu Saito who looked half-dead. Ritsu always looked half dead. He slept mostly and talked in a slow dreamy speech. His eyes were always droopy and looked as though they couldn't focus.

    "Suzuki Kozima." The red-haired man blurted out in a confident cocky voice. He bowed, like a showman. "I see that we have some new faces. Always a pleasure." He smiled. "I don't seem to get a lot of students in this class. Kidou is a tricky and frustrating art even for the very skilled. Most prefer to rely on Zampakutos or hand-to-hand combat and rely on Kidou as a last resort. The fact is, it's perfect should you find yourself unable to use your Zampakuto or are disarmed." He said. He seemed to be boring himself and looked not very thrilled. "Truth is...I can kill everyone of you in this class room any second without drawing a weapon or bothering with martial arts." He said it as though he were contemplating it seriously. He walked around the ranks of students.

    "You're all here because you're better than the rest. You have the potential of turning kidou into more than a deadly weapon. And that's what I'm here for. All of you have demonstrated an unspoken demon art spell. Knowing that is the requirement, I can't help but wonder why this white-haired gentleman siting here has the reiatsu of a class C student." Haku looked up at Kozima-sensei, unperturbed, smiling happily. Suzuki Kozima leaned in closer and opened his eyes wide and threatening.

    "Why do you?" He asked, impatiently.

    "Why wouldn't I?" Haku asked, innocently. Kozima seemed unconvinced and motioned for Haku to stand up. Which Haku did, slowly.

    "Do something. You've demonstrated a spell, do it for me now or I will have you reassigned to the C class." Haku raised an eyebrow reprovingly. Kozima pointed to a target at the end of the room. "Wow me." He dared.

    Haku faced the target and presented his left hand. Black color sprouted from the fingertips of his right hand and enveloped his whole arm. He felt his reiatsu surge..double...triple. He felt it. It was like taking and holding a breath. Haku felt that he could've gone much deeper with a little discomfort, but he stopped. It was an unspoken hado 4 that rocketed from the tips of his left hand. The target felt the brunt, collapsed and embedded in the wall, irreparably scarred. Kozima's jaw line tightened and Haku could see the veins in his face pulse indignantly.

    "How did you do that?" He demanded, crossly. Haku smiled.

    "I just did." Kozima wisely chose to dismiss it and motioned for Haku to reseat himself.

    "Let this be a lesson for all of you. There are exceptions and freaks to every rule or natural law. The is no sure accuracy in calculating strength in spiritual combat." Kozima continued with his dissertation and lesson, but he kept a suspicious eye on Haku. Haku found the man to be...noisome. The man had already unwisely made Haku an enemy.

    Swordsmanship A

    Haku's headache was beginning to abate and with it his sour disposition was lifting. Swordsmanship classroom was decorated with various knives and swords both broken, rusted, new and tarnished. In entering the classroom, Haku noticed Haruka sitting still with a very distressed and uncomfortable expression. Normally, Haku would've felt avenged but...he did not. Sympathy was too strong a word as Haku had a hangover, himself. But Haku had enjoyed the previous night. Sharing a drink with someone was something he had done many times before and they were all useful or relaxing memories. Not to mention that Haruka was now less liable to divulge Haku's name.

    Haku walked to her, intending to offer sympathy. She looked up, pained and recovering from misery. "Are you alright, Haruka-san?" She looked up, her dark eyes staring up at him in disbelief.

    "No." She grumbled softly.

    "I'm sorry." Haku bowed, smiling sympathetically. "Do drink something and you'll feel better." He offered. Thinking that was beyond his normal fits of generosity and concern and certainly satisfactory, he retreated to leave her alone.

    Haku also unwillingly noticed Mahonna who was sitting impatiently. She seemed frustrated, but as to what, Haku could only guess. 'It would not be wholly out of character for her to think these classes are wasting her time.' He speculated.

    Hana Murasakiro had made the class, but Haku noticed no other member of his 'knitting circle'.

    A woman entered. Her sable hair was artfully pinned up atop her head. Her eyes were reminiscent of Haku's own, bright chunks of jade. Her skin was alabaster like the geisha's of old. She seemed perfectly at ease and purposeful, though possibly a little fiery.

    "Some new faces have surfaced, I see." She said, bemused. "For our new students, I am Kiyora Hakuen. And now, if everyone is settled..." She said, eyeing the class. "I want the new students to spar over here. I want returning students over here for instructions. I expect all of the new students to obey and behave by rules of decent ettiquette while I am teaching over here."

    Haku grabbed his practice weapon, a steel katana with a rounded edge and blunted tip. He was on his way to Hana when Mahonna, acknowledging his presence for the first time the entire day, intercepted. She was brandishing a practice blade of her own and had an eager passion in her eyes. She looked determined to spar with him and no excuse would do...

    "I suggest we spar together." She said, coughing haughtily. "No one else in here has enough skill to make this worth either of our time." Haku was pleasantly surprised with the veiled compliment, even if it was to mutual effect. He bowed, to which Mahonna reciprocated but not quite as deeply.
    Haku saw her quickly fall back into a high one-handed stance, her shoulders in line with her sword, minimizing her target area. Her other hand was raised to ensure balance. Which Haku understood to mean that she would lead off with a forward strike. He adopted a two-handed pose that ensured his balance and reaction speed. 'Use small motions...use small motions. Use small motions.' He repeated, mantra-like.

    "Are you ready?" She asked.

    "I am."

    "Begin." Haku half-expected her to leap forward in attack but she stood studying for a second. He saw her wrist begin to move so he closed in lightening fast, to stop her out. Haku's engagement was lateral and Mahonna made a beat attack, smacking the blade off-target. Her riposte was still high and Haku blocked it with a high third parry of kendo, keeping it from spliting his head. He used the curve of the practice blade to push Mahonna's blade back with a swipe and then reengaged in a low draw shot. Mahonna went to block but Haku disengaged around it and pushed the tip into Mahonna's ribs.

    She backed off, glaring sharply. Trying to attack with raw speed simply locked her blade with Haku's. He leaned in, pressing against her but when she tried to match his strength by leaning in as well, he withdrew his blade causing her stumble forward. He brought his practice blade down at her, which she avoided by dropping and rolling away, only to be followed closely. Mahonna spun to her feet, knocking Haku's attack back. She kept the momentum up, spinning one more time and presented the same action this time as an attack rather than a parry. Haku stepped into and ducked under the attack, once again shoving his tip back into her ribs, this time giving her a fair poke.

    Mahonna growled furiously and began a series of mad slashes. Haku weaved his blade in and out of the large sloppy motions achieving hit after hit after hit until Mahonna stopped, realizing that it was not working. She crossed her blade again with Haku's and instead of leaning in any strength she ground her blade up the one side of Haku's blade and back down on the other, drawing Haku into a defensive parry which she doubled around. Haku, realizing his mistake, quickly re-closed the gap, using a technique called Chi-sao, or sticky blades and spun Mahonna's blade off target with the circular fan-like motion. Her practice weapon had ended far to the left and Haku attacked right. So that when she made the fast and large action to parry, she found that Haku had actually feinted only to attack left. Where he poked her hard in the ribs for a third time.

    Mahonna backed off and fleched in a flash step, a vicious and dangerous horizontal slash was made, only to find that Haku had dropped to the ground in a passe desota and tripped her flash step with the dull side of his blade. He leaped back up and passed his practice weapon to his other hands, twirling it like a baton. The edge was brought to the base of Mahonna's neck, declaring unconditional victory.

    In a sick glimmer of light, her practice sword came from nowhere and smacked Haku's blade away. She flipped up with a high attack that Haku barely had time to parry, which only caused Mahonna to invert the attack, flipping her sword low. Haku narrowly dodged, noting that Mahonna was putting forward real effort now. She snagged the side of his uwagii and tore a hole in it, even with the practice weapon.

    Haku was considering whether or not that was, ipso facto, a point, while he spun around, changing direction which caused Mahonna to accidentally walk into the tip of Haku's practice weapon. She hit it and it bounced her back onto the ground. Haku winced, knowing that it would cause quite a bruise and possibly a broken rib.

    He offered Mahonna a hand to help her back up but she made her own way up. At first, she looked like the wind had been knocked out of her. After recovering, she looked positively humiliated, even though the entire bout had been more beautiful to see than the greatest choreographed ballet and Haku had been successfully impressed. Still, the score had been a staggering nine to nothing, or nine to one, depending on how you chose to score it. And her face was scrunched up as if she had taken a deep drink of vinegar. It was then that they both noticed Hakuen-sensei was watching with wide green eyes and a very impressed expression and began clapping appreciatively.

    "You're both very exceptional." She said, nodding. "Excellent students, very well done. Are you alright, Mahonna-san?" Mahonna nodded, still obviously in discomfort by the last exchange. "That'll be enough for today for you two." Which was perfectly fine with Haku, who felt sufficiently pleased with himself.

    History of Soul Society

    History of Soul Society passed slowly. Haku half-listened, knowing his audio eidetic memory could recite it for future reference. Honestly, he had cued his brain to respond to the words; Shinigami Syntopicon, Hollow, Vizard, Hollowfication, Contagion and even...on the outside chance, Sempiternal. He heard none of the above. He never expected any of them to be freely discussed topics. They were the unfortunate subjects that had to be forcibly learned by more...research sessions.

    He would have to wait for Shengo Izumi to finish his little task and report in the evening. Then he would see... If only it was possible. His mind begged, wishfully. If it could be done before, it could be done again...and this time he wouldn't make the fatal mistake. It would be willingly executed and in the end it would be such a move of grace he doubted that anyone would know what to do about it. In the end he would have an incredibly powerful team of friends, all willing to follow. There would be no reason to be afraid of anything if he couldn't become the all-powerful shinigami he had envisioned himself to be. No one would cross him and no one would know...and if all went well, he would have the soul society's safety and power...guaranteed.

    "Power." The teacher said, slamming her fist passionately on her desk. "Absolute power has always corrupted absolutely. The most uncontrollable and corrupt person in history is always the one who has absolute power or believes he has absolute power. Each one of the names I put on the blackboard is a person as described above and will appear on any exam over this section and most likely on any future comprehensive final.”

    'Will I be a name on a blackboard someday? If all goes wrong...I'll be just another megalomaniac they talk about in this class...If all goes well...I'll be the genuine article.' Haku thought, grimly.
    Last edited by Sinister; 09-01-2008 at 10:33 AM.

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