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Thread: Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only)

  1. #31
    10 Years after Zeno died.

    Zeno stood in front of 5 other boys his age some younger. They all stood along a river bank on a bright sunny day in Soul Society.

    “Youuu.” Zeno said pointing at the gang.

    “Your little rain of terror ends today. I don’t know how you guys even got in to Soul Society in the first place. You guys have a been bullying younger kids smaller than you are and you steal food from people who need it.”

    The head of the group was a 19 year old boy that was pretty buff. He stepped forward with a stupid smiled on his face.

    “And what are you going to do about it. We’ve been here in Soul Society 30 years longer than you have. We know how things work, and you should know your place new comer. Me and my boys really know how to hurt people.”

    Zeno stood there with his arms still crossed and his green eyes still locked with the head kid’s. The more this kid ranted, the more pissed Zeno got. Then Zeno cracked an evil happy looking smile on his face.

    “You guys want to fight about it then?”

    The group was puzzled at first but they all started laughing amongst themselves. The head then spoke out again trying to control is laughter.

    “Hahehheeee………………sure but don’t cry when we break every bone in your body.”

    Zeno uncrossed his arms and raised his fists up. Has he stood he still had that evil looking smile on his face.

    “What ever you guys are going down.”

    With that said fought he head to head with the gang like cats and dogs. Less than 5 minutes past by and Zeno was sitting down by the water. He had a few cuts and bruises on his face and body and his clothing was ripped and dirty. He got back up and started walking down a road the lead to a few houses.

    “Oh yeah I forgot.”

    Zeno turned around and looked at the people he just beat the tar out of. Each of them looked worse then the other. Zeno pointed at them.

    “Be good and don’t let me catch you stealing in my village again. If you want to fight me again just call. I have nothing else to do.”

    Zeno then walked back to the small village. It was nice peaceful place. The people were nice, the weather was always good, and it was a place you could call home. Zeno had been dead for 10 years now. But the thought of him not seeing his mom and dad and the life that he knew still bothered him. To make matters worse there was still no word or appearance of his older brother. It was hard still a hard time for him, but he had friends that helped him get by. Zeno got to a house that was at the edge of the town. He opened the front door.

    “Im home UUF!!!!!.”

    Zeno fell back after getting hit with a piece of wood. He got up with a red mark on his face.

    “What the hell was that for old women!!!!”

    And old lady that must of looked 100 stepped outside with a wooden cane.

    “You got in another fight didn’t you?”

    Zeno closed his eyes and brushed himself off.”

    “So what if I did?”

    Zeno then got hit in the head with the old women’s cane constantly. They both started fighting and arguing for the whole village to hear. After a while they both finally settled down. They both sat and said nothing for while until the old women broke the silence.

    “Zeno you dim wit, this life isn’t meant for you.”

    “And just how is it suppose to be meant for me grandma.”

    “Listen we’ve been together ten years.”

    Zeno eyes lit up in surprise then went dim of sorrow.

    “Ten years!?……….Has is really been that long?”

    The old women got up and walked towards the window to gaze at the small beautiful village.

    “If your thinking about your parents, don’t worry.”

    “Ug leave me alone you noisy old bag I’m not in the mood.”

    From a distance you could hear a mixture of pots and pans clashing together and Zeno’s voice screaming from getting hit. The old women stood above Zeno that had bumps all over his head. The old women got off of Zeno and sat down smoking a pipe.

    “Zenoah, did you think about that talk we had last night.”

    “What about The Academy?”

    Zeno said getting up and rubbing his head. When he looked at the old women she gave him a serious look. Zeno sighed.

    “Zenoah, the Academy offers you a better life. Far better than what I can ever give you.”

    “Grandma I….”

    “No buts boy, you have a talent I can feel it in your bones. You have a potential to become the real deal. You have nothing to lose, trust me you will have a blast.”

    “Yeah it sounds great and all but I just can’t leave you hear. I owe too much.”

    “You owe me nothing, no go now I packed your stuff and your all set.”

    Zeno looked over at the door to see nothing but some shoes and a bag. Zeno then looked at the old women with an angry look.

    “What the hell your kicking me out now.”

    “You really don’t have a choice, either you go to the academy or you starve to death…..”

    “But I’m already dead?”


    The old women’s voice was soft and sad sounding, that caught Zeno’s attention right away. It was clearly a mood he had never seen from her.

    “Just go.” She said sad and softly.

    Zeno looked at her with a sad look, he then got his belongings she gave him and he closed the door on his way out with his Foster Grandma still sitting on the chair with the same expression.

    Zeno walked down the empty road, which is what he also felt in his heart and in his stomach. Tears streamed down Zeno’s face. He wiped them away in surprise. He realized that he hadn’t cried in 10 years.

    “I forgot what this was like……………….have I forgotten what it was like being human. Brother, did you experience the same things…..when you first came here?”

    Zeno thought a lot to himself as he was walking towards the Academy, about his mom, dad, his brother, and his foster grandmother he just got kicked out. But those 10 great years he spent with her. Would stay in his memories for the rest of his existence. Zeno must of walked for hours till he finally reached to the academy. He looked up to see this giant open door that seemed as tall as a skyscraper. He looked inside to see a city.

    “Grandmother I know he must of did this cause you cared for me and he must of know that I always wanted to try this out, but I was afraid of leaving you alone again…………….Thank you grandma.”

    His green eyes began to water up but then he remembered his brother and his sad expression turned into determination.

    “Alright from here on out Zenoah will never cry again. Bring it on you damn Academy I’ll pass and become the greatest student in this entire place.”

    The determined Zeno with his is brown hair blowing steadily in the wind swung his bag behind him and he took his first steps within the boundary of the Academy.

  2. #32
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries
    Our Death
    Their parents once again were coming home late. Mai's stomach was about to implode from the hunger she had felt from not having eaten anything since lunchtime at school. When the two siblings arrived home, Shino was the first to spot the note.

    Mai-chan & Shino-chan, we are working late again and won't be home until very late at night, we left some money for you to get some food at the convenience store.”

    Tch. Shino sneered at the thought of work being more important than feeding their children. She sighed and cracked her neck.

    “Let's go to the store, Mai,” Shino said as she grabbed the money for dinner. “It seems mom and pop won't get here till late again.”

    “Aw, man.” Mai rubbed her stomach and followed behind Shino towards the convenience store. As they walked passed neighborhood houses, a kid their age waved out to them. He walked over to them and called on them.

    “'Ey Shino, Mai. Your parents working late again?” he scratched the back of his head.

    “Tch, yeah. I have a right mind to give them a slap or two when they get home. The morons.”

    “Now, now, Shino. At least mom left us money this time, didn't she? Remember what happened last week? She stayed up really late to make us dinner. So, even though our parents may be stupid sometimes, they at least make up for it.”

    Shino's popped vein subsided as she sighed and unclenched her fist. She turned to Mai and smiled.

    “Yeah, you're right, sis. Now, let's go. We'll see ya later, Kentarou.”

    “See ya.”

    The twins set off on their journey to the convenience store that was just around the upcoming corner, but to their amazement, something unexpected had happened to the store. It was closed due to relocation. Shino and Mai took a good look at the new map and memorized the directions. They continued walking towards their destination.

    They turned a few corners. Mai's stomach growls growing louder by each passing minute. Shino wrapped her arm around Mai's waist and held her close.

    “Just a little bit farther now. We should see it soon.” Shino said as they turned the corner. The store was right there. Just fifteen more paces. They both sighed and jogged to the store. They went through the door, sending a chime throughout the store.

    But what they didn't count on was that the new place was in the middle of a robbery. One of the crooks turned their heads to the door and yelled.

    “Stay where you are and get on your knees! Put your hands behind your head or else!”

    The two girls just stood there with their mouths gaped open. It took a moment for them to grasp what was really happening. It was a new store, yet it was already getting robbed? What kind of joke was this?

    As Mai and Shino did as instructed, Shino bit her lower lip in contempt. She was so pissed off, she accidentally pierced her lip with one of her teeth. A vein popped in her forehead. She couldn't take this any longer. She had to do something. Anything.

    Mai clenched Shino's wrist because she could sense Shino's anger and battle lust. She didn't want Shino to get hurt, even though she knew Shino knew how to fight exceptionally well at such a young age. Ever since that anime called “History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi” started airing a few months ago, Shino wanted to learn how to fight. She practiced hand to hand combat in Karate and Judo, but eventually her eyes ran across the character Siegfried. She loved his fighting techniques, and connected with him at a level unlike any other character. He loved classical music as much as she did, and so she researched his fighting style and trained and trained, day after day.

    Until she knew all she was able to know from his style. Mai continued to clench onto Shino's wrist. Shino glanced at Mai with eyes she hadn't seen for such a long time. With such pent up frustration and blood lust, Mai's grip was released and Shino very quietly stood up while the robbers were pre-occupied with the cashier.

    Her footsteps were silent, since she had removed her shoes. She was inches away from one of the robbers.

    (Theme: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 )

    Chun chun chun chunnnnnn......Chun chun chun chunnnn!” Shino's body twisted like a ballerina and her foot connected with the man's torso before he knew where the sound came from. As she was moving, she was actually humming the tune to a classical song. She had become entranced in fighting.

    “Ugh.. damn brat.” he pulled out his gun and was seconds away from pulling the trigger and ending her life right then and there. Mai's eyes widened at the thought of the loss of her only sister.

    Shino began to fall as if she had been attacked, but her foot launched in the air and kicked the gun out of his hand. He dashed to pick it up from the ground, but she launched herself from the ground like a spring and kicked the guy on the side of his skull. While on the ground, she kicked her leg up and his nose caved in.

    “Fuck! Damn brat, what the hell are you?!”

    The man was so angry and forgot about his gun. He just wanted to beat her up now for kicking his ass so much. The other robber seemed to be much stronger and more collected. He didn't let that kid bother him, and just went about his business collecting all of the money from the register, and from the back. He watched their fight for mere amusement for himself.

    More because he was an anime fan himself, and watched Kenichi as well. He chuckled to himself that his friend was actually getting beat up by a girl who used a fictional character's fighting style. He sensed that she was almost as strong as Siegfried as well. If she were 5 years older, she would be a much stronger adversary.

    Shino stood back up slowly, as if she were a zombie, and twirled around him and hit him repeatedly with a clothesline. Mai gulped at the battle and at the other robber. She constantly worried and wondered if the other man was going to do anything at all or just watch his friend get pulverized.

    It was a few minutes later that Shino had won the fight. She sighed and cracked her neck.

    “Ahh... that was a nice melody.” she said as she massaged her shoulder blades.

    The second man made his move and threw the bag of money on the ground. He gracefully took off his mask and let his fingers run through his hair. He cracked his neck and got into a fighting stance that Mai had never seen.

    It looked like Shino had seen it before, though. Even though she had just finished a fight, she was still raring to go for more. Sweat had appeared on Shino's brow after seeing his fighting stance.

    ( Theme: Wagner – Ride of the Valkyries )

    This time, Shino hummed a different tune. It seemed slightly more drastic than the last one. The man had let her move first, but she seemed hesitant on doing so. From what Mai understood from watching Shino, is that Shino's style was a counter style. She couldn't initiate the start of most combinations. Though not being one to turn down a fight, Shino didn't decline. She dashed and then twirled her way through him, or so she thought.

    Just as I thought. This kid fights just like Siegfried. There's nothing original about her yet. Heh. If this girl is Siegfried, then I am Odin!” he thought to himself as he connected a fist to her face as she was about to connected with a clothesline.

    Shino landed against an isle and knocked it over from the impact. The packages went all around the store. Shino used her hands to help her back up. She rubbed her face and spit out a little blood.

    Tch. I figured as much. He's at a higher level than I am. I won't be able to defeat him like this. If I was older, maybe. But I'm too young to go toe to toe with him. I guess I'll just do what I can.” she thought to herself as she exhaled and got into her stance.

    The man charged at her without a moment's delay and appeared in front of her. He grinned and kneed her in the stomach. While she cringed, he felt an odd pressure emanating from her, but shrugged it off and gave her a right hook that sent her sliding across the ground.

    Mai couldn't watch anymore and ran to Shino.

    “Onee-san! Please stop! You don't need to keep fighting like this!” Mai said while hugging Shino.

    “Guh....Get back, Mai. You're... disrupting...the melody....” Shino said as she panted. She slowly tried to get up with Mai's support. As soon as Shino was able to stand, she shoved Mai out of the way.

    “Hey brat, just as a courtesy, I'll let you know your killer's name. Nagi Kusuragi, remember it.” he said as he slowly walked his way toward a staggering Shino.

    “Shino...Sendo. And you're the one who's going down, bastard.” she said as she winced her eyes and focused on him.

    As the man wound up his fist and dashed toward her for a final combo, Mai unexpectedly shoved Shino out of the way at the last second and took his attack that sent her flying through the glass window.

    “... Damnit, Mai...” Shino bit her lip and glared at Nagi. “I'll get you for this, you fucker!”

    Shino's yellow eyes glowed as the pressure around her increased. Nagi felt it permanently this time. Although he didn't know where it was coming from. Shino continued to breath heavily and glare at Nagi for what he had done to Nagi. But deep down she knew that she also has part of the responsibility for being too stubborn. She charged at Nagi with what energy she had left and spun in the air and landed a kick to his wrist. He blocked her attack and countered with one of his own. He landed several punches to her gut and face as if his arm was a gattling gun.

    Blood and saliva mixed inside of her mouth and when he landed the final blow, it all fell out of her mouth as she got sent flying through the door. Her body slid across the asphalt and came to a slow halt.

    Shino coughed up blood and could barely sit up. She was done for. Before she knew it,

    Mai's body landed on the asphalt and was full of glass shards. The largest piece was gouged into her chest. Her head was cracked open from the impact and she was on the verge of passing out.

    “” she reached out her arm and grasped nothing. It fell to the ground lifeless as she blacked out. She still heard fighting going on inside even though she was blacked out with lifeless eyes. Before she knew it, her vision came back to her and it looked blurry. She shook her head to focus her vision.

    The next thing she knew was that she felt lighter. She looked around to see where she was, but she was in the same place, and noticed someone laying on the ground. She went closer to see what it was, and when she realized, her stomach went into knots and she gulped, feeling nauseous.

    Nearby, she heard someone arrive in an instant. She didn't hear footprints or anything. She turned her head to see who had arrived, and her eyes met a pair of very large breasts. And a very pretty woman who owned them. Her blonde hair flowed in the breeze as she walked up closer to Mai. When Mai stood up, she noticed a chain from her body and came to the conclusion that she was indeed dead. The woman confirmed it, as well as her dead body.

    The woman was wearing what looked like shinigami clothing. Mai met the lady halfway, but when the lady was about to give her the Soul Burial, she stepped back and put up her hand.

    “Not yet. I'm waiting for my sister.”

    “Oh? Where is she?” Matsumoto glanced toward the store where she felt the reiatsu from. She assumed it was from the man fighting the girl, but she was soon mistaken.

    “She's in that store you're looking at. She's fighting a man who attempted to rob the store. Well, two men. She managed to defeat one of them, but the other is much stronger than the last, and I'm afraid that she's almost dead. I tried to stop her from fighting, and foolishly shoved her out of the way from an attack of his, but it sent me flying through the window and killed me.” she sighed and looked back at the store.

    “...Wait just a second. Your sister is that young girl in there? She defeated a full grown man?” Matsumoto raised a brow in semi-disbelief.

    “...Yes. As hard as it is to believe, she did. And... I assume you weren't here originally for me. I can tell by the level of your reiatsu. You're here to inspect my sister, the one who's reiatsu is only beginning to awaken.”

    “...You.. know what reiatsu is?”

    “Of course. I looked it up on the internet. I knew something was odd with me and my sister, because we could see silhouettes of spirits. I discovered that there is an energy flowing within every being called Reiatsu. And my sister and I are exceptionally high in it. Although, as you can feel, my sister has much more than I do.”

    “Holy cow, girl. You're something else. Unlike all the other souls I've sent to Soul Society, you're the first who's actually done research on the matter. Don't tell me you want to become a Shinigami too, hah!” she laughed.

    Mai had a serious look on her face that told she wasn't joking around. Matsumoto stopped laughing and sweatdropped.

    “So, you do want to become a Shinigami.”

    “Yes. Along with my sister.”

    “Fair enough. We'll wait for your sister,” just as Matsumoto finished her last word, Shino was sent flying through the door and slid across the asphalt. She was beaten up and bruised beyond belief and was still alive through all of it.

    “The girl sure can take a beating.” Matsumoto whistled in awe. Shino managed to only sit up from all of her built up injuries. Nagi rushed to Shino without hesitation and gave a final blow to her throat and cut off her breath. Shino coughed and wheezed. She gasped for air, knowing full well she wasn't going to get any.

    Shino kept right on punching and kicking too slow for Nagi to even block. He just slowly evades her attack attempts.

    “I'm sorry to have to cut your life short, kid, but you fought well. I was just stronger than you, that's all. Maybe if you were ten years older, it would have been an even match.”

    Shino fell to the ground, gasping for air, staring at Nagi with contempt.

    “You can sure take a hell of a beating, too. I'm surprised you lasted this long.” he stood up and cracked his neck, as well as his knuckles.

    “Shino Sendo, huh... I'll be sure to remember that.” he walked back into the store and grabbed the bag full of money and walked off.

    Shino's vision became blurry and soon blacked out. A few moments later, she felt like she could breath again and took a deep breath, and looked all around her. She thought she had healed at home, but she was still at the store. And the weird thing was that she saw Mai and a big breasted woman nearby. ...Mai? How could Mai be there? ...And how could Shino breath?

    She looked at her reflection in the window and saw a type of chain coming from her chest. She slapped her forehead and looked at her dead body and kicked it. She was still pissed off that she lost. Her reiatsu was fully awake now.

    Wow... this reiatsu reminds me of Zaraki Kenpachi's.. it's so huge.” Matsumoto noted to herself.

    She'd be perfect for Squad Eleven.” she thought to herself as she walked to Shino. But she stopped in her tracks when she noticed something odd about Shino. Mai noticed it too. Shino was more frustrated than normal. She was full of regret and blood lust still.

    “Grr... that damn fucker. I'll kick his damn ass if it's the last thing I do. I still have to kick his ass for Mai, damnit! Shit!”

    A red aura began to envelop around her as a white mask began to form around her. Half of the mask's design was a music note. Her chain quickly decayed and a hole appeared where her chest used to be. Shino's hands became black claws and her legs became thinner. Her body was enveloped in black and her eyes became black and yellow. Her size did not change, just her body. She became a human-sized hollow. A Vasto Lorde. Shino immediately took off after Nagi. As if she knew where he went. He walked away after all, he didn't run. She'd catch up to him in no time.

    Get back here, you jackass! I'm not through with you!

    Matsumoto had shock come over her and her eyes widened. “...Th-This...This is the quickest anyone has changed into a hollow! ...And she became the strongest hollow, too!” she gulped and gripped her zanpakutou tightly.

    “I'm sorry, Mai. But I'm going to have to slay your sister. It's the only way she'll be saved.” She petted Mai on the head and went after Shino.

    “Be careful, Big boobs-san!” Mai waved at Matsumoto. Matsumoto stopped in her tracks and went back to Mai. “My name is Matsumoto, thanks very much. Matsumoto Rangiku. You remember that.” she smiled and ran off to catch up to Shino.

    “Okay, Matsumoto-san!” she continued to wave, but then thought to follow her since she wanted to be by Shino's side all the time and wanted to see what would happen.

    As Shino closed the gap between herself and Nagi, her reiatsu and new powers meshed and slowly continued to change her. She notice her human body returning, as well as her face, but still had her hollow appearance as a type of armor. A katana also appeared at her side. She shrugged her transformation off, as her new weapon wasn't needed just yet, and caught up with Nagi as she sent a powerful kick to his back and sent him flying into a wall of a building.

    “Ugh.. what the hell hit me?” he said to himself as he slowly got up to his knees and looked around. He didn't see anything but feel that same pressure as he felt before, but it was stronger than before. Could Shino's will to fight be that strong that her spirit chased after him and wanted another fight?

    Nah, it can't be. he thought to himself. He cracked his neck and looked around for any kind of attack.

    Oooh.. Nagi can't see me... Bweheheh... Time to beat his ass down!” Shino waited for him to stand up and spun and kicked him in the face. He felt it this time; Her presence.

    “That last attack definitely had Shino written all over it.” he said to himself as he breathed heavily and stood up and cracked his neck.

    “Shino! Where the hell are you? I know you're out there!” her reiatsu pressure was getting to him as well. He was barely able to stand. One more attack and he wouldn't be able to stand up anymore.

    Matsumoto and Mai finally caught up to Shino, and saw her fighting with the man from earlier. It was odd behavior for a hollow. Usually they'd attack anyone, but Shino loved her sister and fighting so much, she just had to duke it out with Nagi again. Matsumoto glanced at Mai and shrugged.

    “I thought Shino would be on a rampage like a monster, but her resolve is so strong, that she just wants to fight. She really does fit in squad eleven...”

    Just then, Matsumoto got a call on her cellphone. “Matsumoto, we're going to have to stop your investigation on the large reiatsu and defeat an arrancar. You're nearb--”

    “Yes, I know. I'm watching her fight her rival right now. You know the large reiatsu belongs to a young girl, who had become a hollow when she died, just like that. You should see this girl in action. She's a holl-...wait, did you say Arrancar?”

    “Yes, that I did, Matsumoto-san. And if what you say is true, then that girl who became a hollow, also became an psuedo-arrancar in record time as well. You already have permission to use full power. Just do what you have to do.”

    “...I see, but.. I have a feeling I won't need full power. She's not a normal Arrancar. If you see her in person, she acts more like Kenpachi than anything. Once she's satisfied with her fight, she'll probably just let me slash her.”

    “Just in case, Matsumoto-san. Just in case.”

    “Right.” she hung up the phone and sighed.

    Shino's flare for revenge was almost gone as her venting was almost complete. She kicked Nagi into the air and jumped up past him and twirled in the air, hitting him with repeated clotheslines and grabbing onto him and twirling towards the ground.

    When they landed, Nagi breathed hard. “Damn you...Shino...” he passed out cold. Shino cracked her neck and rotated her shoulder blades. She felt the reiatsu nearby and turned around.

    Ah, Big Boobs-san, did you see? I kicked his ass like I said I would! I rock!” Shino said as she posed in a cool victory pose.

    “Yeah, yeah. But since you became a hollow, I can't do the Soul Burial on you like I can with your sister. I'll have to slice you in half in order to save your soul.”

    But we'll still end up in Soul Society, yes?

    “That's right.”

    Then it's okay, nee-san, Shino stood in front of Matsumoto and spread her body out. “Cut me up”.

    Matsumoto leapt up off the ground and cut Shino in half with her Zanpakutou. Shino's hollow armor crumbled and her body turned into soul particles that went into the air and Mai got her Soul Burial, but something happened as they went upwards into the sky. Their souls merged into one and by the time they arrived at the entrance into Soul Society, they were one person.

    Matsumoto sighed and cracked her neck. “This was some adventure. And to think these two will become Shinigami. Hah.” she went back to Seireitei to report the conclusion of her mission.

    Our Rebirth + Our Shinigami Journey
    A person nearby got spooked as soon as they looked at the being, and ran off. She felt very weird and walked to a nearby river and saw that she had two different eyes. She tried to speak, but to no avail. Nothing was coming out. But then she closed the black eye and all of a sudden, Mai's soul took control of the body.

    “This is weird, Shino. We're both in one body. But at least since we're twins, it won't really matter.” She switched eyes.

    “Tch. It'll take some getting used to, that's for sure. But at least we're together.” She switched eyes again and looked for something she could use to make an eye patch, or for a merchant where they sold one. But they were in luck and found a dead body in an alley wearing an eye patch. They swiped it and wiped it clean of any dust or dirt and slipped it on. They covered Shino's eye and continued to explore the district they were in.

    10 years later
    Mai & Shino's body grew up to be a very voluptuous woman. Her breasts were slightly larger than her mother's that she remembers, but still smaller than Matsumoto's. Her hair falls down to her mid back and her legs grew fairly long. Her body was overall toned and fit for a Shinigami. Mai walked up the flights of stairs up to Seireitei, where she would become a student of Shinigami Academy.

    She took a deep breath and walked through the large wooden doors. Mai wore a white kimono and asked various people for directions to where she would have to register to become a student. Eventually she found where she needed to go and registered herself and Shino.

    “Where's your sister, then? She needs to be here to register.”

    Mai switched the patch and covered her own eye. Shino looked directly at the shinigami and raised her hand. “Right here, mister.”

    “Oh... you. Matsumoto said you would be coming here eventually. She sponsored for you already and had your paperwork prepared. All you two need to do is sign here.” Shino signed on one line and switched the patch and Mai signed on the other. Even though it was the same body, they had two different styles of signatures. How, it was baffling.

    Mai waited in the waiting room for the results of their passing or failing.

    “Mai and Shino Sendo?”

    “Yes?” she stood up, switched the other patch. “What's up?"

    “You passed. I will lead you to your dorm room now. You will be rooming with two others so far. Please try to get along.”

    Whatever.” Shino said.

    They turned so many intersections that Shino lost count, so she switched to Mai because Mai had a better memory for such things.

    They arrived at the dorm room and Mai opened the door. She saw a girl sleeping on a bed and didn't want to wake her, so she just sat at an available bed. She looked around the room and it had all the essentials. She sighed and laid back. She switched the patch and Shino sat up and looked around.

    This place sucks. It's so dull! It's all white, it makes the room look like a mental ward. I'm not crazy, damnit!

    “Sssh! Speak quieter, I don't want to wake up our roommate. She seems tired.”

    Pfft! See if I care, Mai. I hate this place, it needs more color!

    “Oh, Shino...” Mai sighed and laid back down. The girl on the other bed yawned and sat up.

    “...Who are you.. and were you talking with a hollow just now...? Nah.. that can't be right.” the girl said in a groggy tone.

    “My name is Mai. And I think you're talking about my sister.”

    “Your sister? Where is she? I don't see her anywhere.” she looked around the room.

    I'm right here, dumbass.” Shino said as she switched the patch and covered Mai's eye.

    The girl blinked and glared as if offended by Shino. She was able to figure out by just a glance at her face that the patch switched and the eyes were different. So, they were two souls in one body.

    “I”m not a dumbass, idiot.”

    ”And I'm not an idiot, bitch.

    “And I'm not a bitch, whore.”

    I'm not a whore, damnit! Take that back!

    “How about you take back calling me a bitch, first?”

    Not a damn chance!

    The two kept insulting each other and arguing, electricity flowing between their glares.
    Last edited by Victoria; 07-04-2007 at 10:59 PM.

  3. #33
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
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    It had seemed like mere minutes since Haruka had fallen asleep when she heard a commotion within the room. She opened her eyes and sat up to face a girl slightly younger than herself, with rather...impressive breasts.

    “...Who are you... and were you talking with a hollow just now...? Nah.. that can't be right.” She said, still pretty groggy. Then she stopped and thought for a second. Wait, what’s going on...? Oh right shinigami academy....

    She looked back at the girl as she began to speak. Haruka took a moment to study the girl, ignoring what she was saying for the time being. She had black hair with the occasional gray streak, and green eyes. Well, a green eye as one of her eyes was covered by an old looking eye patch. Haruka focused on the green eye and caught part of what the girl was saying.

    “-talking about my sister.”

    Sister? There’s only one person sitting here.... Haruka thought.

    “Your sister? Where is she? I don't see her anywhere.” Haruka skeptically eyed the rest of the room.

    I'm right here, dumbass.” The girl, whose name she had missed, moved the eyepatch to the other side, revealing a much more intimidating gold one.

    Haruka was shocked at first. She allowed her eyes to widen for a second in fear before regaining her composure and analyzing the situation.

    The share the same body...she realized. I've never seen this before, and Rukongai’s got some weird things....

    Then Haruka realized she had been called a dumbass.

    “I”m not a dumbass, idiot.”

    And I'm not an idiot, bitch.

    “And I'm not a bitch, whore.”

    I'm not a whore, damnit! Take that back!

    “How about you take back calling me a bitch, first?”

    Not a damn chance!

    ”Heh, you really are a whore.” She opened her mouth to say more when Satine walked out of the bathroom in a towel.

    “Ah, that was such a nice shower....Haruka you should really take-”

    “Shut up!!” the two other girls yelled in unison.

    That was when Satine saw the newcomer. “HOLLOW!” she screeched really, really, loudly.

    Dammit, don’t scream so fucking loud! You want me to kill you?!

    “Oh my god, no! I’m so, so, so, so sorry!” Satine began to pace. “I-I just...”

    The “hollow girl” sighed and moved the eyepatch over to reveal the green eye.

    “Um, excuse me miss?”

    Satine turned to look at the girl. Realizing that she wasn’t a hollow anymore she jumped about five feet into the air. Unfortunately this caused her towel to slip down a bit, revealing part of her chest. Her eyes widened further, and her face turned bright red.

    “Satine, just go back into the bathroom,” Haruka said calmly.

    “Uh-huh,” Satine squeaked and hurried back into the bathroom.


    The “hollow girl” was back.

    “Hey shithead, I never caught your name.” Haruka said.

    Tch, Shino. Sendo Shino.


    Haruka lay back down on the bed and closed her eyes. Hm....I better not let this girl get to me. I’ve got my fist day of training tomorrow after all....And with that she-

    Yo asswipe! What about your name?

    “Call me master.” Haruka mumbled before dropping off to sleep.

    Asswipe it is then.


    It was early next day that the students were awoken. A loud, melodic bell resonated throughout the building signaling the students to wake up. Of course, none of the newcomers woke up readily. Most just rolled over, shoved a pillow over their ear and went back to sleep. So, one of the upperclassmen was sent to search through each room to make sure everyone was awake. She was not as melodic as the bell.

    “Up!” said a shrill voice.

    “Uhn....It’s not even light out!” Haruka complained.

    She opened her eyes to see a plain looking woman with braided brown hair. “I recommend to tie your hair up in some way so it stays out of your way,” the woman continued disdainfully, looking pointedly at Haruka’s long black and red hair.

    Satine and Shino were waking up now, with Shino complaining about how “fucked up” the whole situation was. Once they were in a sitting position the upperclassman who had come to wake them seemed satisfied and left.

    Haruka was the first one out of bed. She quickly threw on one of the uniforms, and then went to stand in front of the mirror.

    How to tie it up...

    She began fiddling with various hair styles, but none seemed right.

    Vain, ” Shino sneered as she walked into the bathroom.

    “Yeah whatever,” Haruka sighed as she finished tying her hair into two loose pigtails. “There,” she said satisfied.

    Yeah, nice PIGtails, freak.

    “None of your concern, slut.”

    And with that, Haruka made her way into the hall. It was bright there, with various lights lining the ceilings. Haruka looked down at the uniform she was wearing. She could see it better now that she was out under these lights.

    It's white and...bright red! It wasn’t that Haruka disliked red, but she disliked things that looked too happy. And this uniform...definitely looked happy.

    ! I CANNOT let people see me in this! she moaned to herself. But it was too late. Her feet were already working against her will, carrying her further from her room and to the training room before she was late.

  4. #34
    Mugen had inadvertently slept through the night. He had another dream like the one he used to have when he was alive. It was like he was having an out-of-body experience. He was floating above his home in his Soul Society form, he saw the Hollow enter his house. A white flash blinded him and when his vision returned he was in his kitchen. His mother was cutting up food for dinner and his baby sister was helping. His twin sister was in the living room watching television.

    "Mom..." He said but no one could hear him.

    He watched her as she cut up carrots, his twin came into the kitchen.

    "Mama, could I help too?" Aoi asked.

    "Yes, Aoi. You can get the plates out of the cupboard. Make sure you get one for your brother, too. He should be home any minute now."

    Mugen saw his sister take out four plates and carry them to the table. Half way, she dropped them and an expression of absolute horror swept across her face.

    "Aoi!" His mother yelled. "Oh, well. Accidents happen." Mugen's mother stopped cutting and went over to Aoi to clean up the broken porcelain. Aoi did nothing but stand there, her body shaking. From behind, Mugen and his mother heard a scream and both turned around to face a terrifying sight. Mugen's younger sister was being held up in the air. A Hollow had her in his grasp.

    "Ha! For such a youngling, your spiritual pressure is strong. You'll be a tasty snack before I eat your mother." The Hollow was about to eat Mugen's younger sister but was interupted by his mother. She had threw the cutting knife at it but only scratched it. The Hollow growled and back handed her into the wall, instantly killing her.

    "NO!!!" Mugen yelled, he woke up sweating. He breathed heavily and cupped his face with his hands. A shinigami entered the room to wake up the students.

    "Is everything all right?" The shinigami asked. Mugen nodded and the other two shinigami that came in while Mugen was sleeping woke up. "Well, get up. Your first day as academy students has begun." The shingami exited and Mugen and the others got up.

    After getting cleaned up, Mugen changed out of his sweaty uniform and into a clean one. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. For a brief second, he thought he saw a Hollow version of himself. He splashed some water in his face.

    "What's going on with me?" He said to himself.

    "Hey!" One of his roomies yelled out. Your gonna be late, man!"

    Mugen dried his face off and went off to his first class: Training

    (OMG!! My 400th Post!)
    Last edited by Evangel; 07-05-2007 at 07:02 PM.

  5. #35
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    Shino opened up the dresser to find her uniform and looked at the design and gagged. She took off her camisole and slipped on the uniform. It was a white kimono with red lining. She looked in the mirror and noticed that cleavage was hanging out of the opening. She shrugged it off and went out the door. She took a few steps before Mai shouted at her mentally.

    You're going to go out like that? You don't care that your breasts may pop out? Have some decency, Shino!

    Bah, I don't care about trivial things like that. Besides, you remember what Matsumoto-san looks like.

    Yes, but...ugh. Fine. Let me take over, though. You have a head start on me by knowing how to fight.

    Aw, man. I was hoping to cause some trouble for Asswipe.

    Not today.

    Shino switched the patch to the other eye and continued on her way to her first training session. She caught up with her roommate and walked up next to her.

    “Hello, red streak-san. How did you sleep last night? I hope Shino's snoring didn't wake you.”

    “...It's Haruka,” the girl replied through gritted teeth. “And I slept just fine.”

    “Oh, that's good to hear, Haruka-san.” Mai smiled and continued walking with Haruka, since they had the same class.

    They walked through large doors that led to a large room. Mai took in the surroundings, and noticed she was left behind by Haruka. She hustled next to Haruka, who was in a group with the rest of the students. The sensei for the class appeared to be female and wore glasses.

    She slowly walked toward the group and had an aid hand everyone a wooden sword for the class.

    “Now class, I want you all to line up properly and practice your sword swings, like so.” She takes a wooden sword and demonstrates what she wants them to exercise on. She walked around the line, looking at everyone's forms and complimenting the good students and giving feedback to those who weren't quite getting it, and then she stood next to Mai, staring at her with an ice cold glare, and glancing at her chest.

    Mai's form didn't look as nearly beautiful as she had wanted it to, and seemed to be somewhat bad at swordplay for a bit. The sensei popped a vein.

    “What kind of sword swing is that?!”

    “I-I'm sorry, this is my first time using a sword...” she said as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

    The sensei then noticed the eye patch. She remembered being told about two students that were a special case. She couldn't keep her eyes off Mai's chest, though. Another vein popped.

    “Listen dairy cow, this is how your stance should look like. Stand up straight, with your legs separated. Hold your sword above your head like this,” She showed the motion, and then brought it straight down. “and then swing it straight down, like so. You got that?”

    “Da...Dairy...Cow? I'm a Dairy Cow?” Mai's eyes became somewhat teary as she looked down. She closed the opening that Shino left there, and readjusted her kimono. Mai rubbed her eyes and practiced the stance that the sensei showed her. Her form got somewhat prettier and Mai began to forget being called a dairy cow.

    She could feel Shino getting upset with the teacher for calling her a dairy cow, but wouldn't let Shino take over. Not just yet. Several minutes had passed after she got used to the form and was in sync with everyone.

    The sensei blew a whistle that signaled the end of the first session.

    “Next up, you all will be sparring with a partner. I'll call off pairs, and when all names are called, I want you to pair off and find an area to spar.”

    She called off several pairs, and when Mai heard her name paired off with Haruka, she let out a relieved sigh.

    She and Haruka paired off together in a section in the room. She bowed to Haruka and got into what she thought was a fighting stance.

    “Let's do our best, okay?”

  6. #36
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Steph stood in the room with silence holding the three from speaking. He did not like the silence in the room, but was uncertain how to approach it. The first thing he did was close the door and fully enter the room rather than standing in the frame. Then he walked over to the two of them with his brow twisting in worry. He politely bowed to him remembering his Japanese. “I’m sorry for interrupt you, Upper classmen Mitsu! I didn’t know that you were staying in the same room.”

    “We aren’t in school anymore. You can just say Kaiigaiishi now.”

    “But I…well I guess I can, Kaiigaiishi.”

    “Why are you so short, you like the same when you were alive?”

    “Oh this? Yeah, seems I haven’t aged a day while I was here. No one understands it, but I don’t mind. I’ve gotten used to it.” Steph casually shrugged it off. It was a point that had little meaning anymore to him. Though he was wondering how many more people he was going to meet that he knew. This would be uncomfortable explaining it to everyone repeatedly, or not having an explanation. It was a little strange for him to see everyone that he knew grown up into adults, sort of like a reunion except that he was out of place.

    Steph smiled to the both of them trying to lighten up the air in the room. Even with them speaking there was still a tension that left him filling tight across his chest. He went over to the other individual with a wide smile across his face. “Nice to meet you, my name is Steph, Steph Whitestone.”

    “Steph…I’m Kuragari Tamashii.”

    “Well I hope we have a fun time! I’m so tired though. I’m going to sleep if that is alright. You won’t keep me up.” Steph walked off leaving the two be and found his bed. Since there were already clothes that fit him at that corner he decided that it was going to be his bed as well, it only made sense. It was not long before he fell asleep leaving them alone.

    His sleep went as it always did for him, though it was difficult for him to be comfortable in the bed. It had been ten years since he actually slept in a bed that it felt strange for him to be doing so now. The grass and stone had always been his mattress and the air his blanket to keep him warm. There was nothing more that he had needed, it had always been enough. Even though he slept quickly his dreams and mind seemed unstable.

    Steph awoke to one of his dreams in a place that suddenly seemed more real than when he had been awake. It did not make any sense to him, but he had the strange feeling he was no longer dreaming. His mind seemed to know something that the rest of him did not. It was completely barren with endless miles of flat uninteresting cement. For the moment he was reminded of the Seireitei, though there was suddenly a change in the calm. A wind burst through picking his hair up off his shoulders. His nose felt the calming flavor of cherry blossoms, ones that he had seen over Japan. But there was nothing, not a single pedal anywhere.

    “It took you ten years, but you made it finally,” a woman’s voice said to him.

    The voice came out of nowhere and surrounded him in an instant. He looked around trying to find the voice, but realized there was nothing to be found. However, it suddenly came to him that he remembered hearing that voice before. “Its you! I remember hearing your voice before I died!”

    ‘It’s been a long time…we’ll be together again soon,’ her voice echoed in his mind as he recalled it.

    “You spoke to me then. You seem to know me, but I don’t remember you. Who are you?”

    “I’m hurt that you don’t remember me and after we spent so much time together. It was you who find me too.”

    “I’m sorry,” Steph said bowing to the void. “Maybe if I can see you then maybe I would remember.”

    “Maybe, but I expected that you would not remember me.” As she finished speaking the entire area suddenly changed completely. The ground faded away from underneath Steph’s feet making him jump up in fright and surprise. But once he landed on the nothing, he became a little reassured that he was not going to fall to his death. However, a wind blew through interrupting his thoughts with cherry blossoms carried on its back. He looked up to see the sky or rather the ground filled with cherry blossoms. The grass was above him with trees as far as he could see around him. At his feet there were clouds and the sky, a world upside down.

    “Now it does feel like a dream.”

    “This is much more than a dream, Steph,” the voice said again as a figure came walking on the clouds towards him. She walked casually across the clouds not even looking down. He was not even sure if she was stepping on the clouds at one point. The woman came out of the shadows wearing an all white kimono with surprising cleavage that made Steph step backwards.

    He still knew that he was child in appearance even know he felt far more mature and older inside. It was still unsettling for him to see the woman and someone that he was supposed to have known. Though looking at her just once was enough for him to know that he would have remembered her if he had seen her. She was definitely memorable. “Well I err…” Steph turned around looking away as his face became red.

    “Aw, feeling like a man all of sudden,” she said with a soft melody in her voice. “You never had a problem looking at me before.”

    Steph stared down at his fingers pushing them back and forth trying to get his mind off what he had seen. “Well I uh…oh boy…”

    “Heh heh,” she said giggling, her voice coming closer to him. “You’re more cute than I remember.”

    He suddenly felt her presence behind him, but he did not have enough time to turn around to confirm it. She wrapped her arms around his body as his neck and head rested in between a very uncomfortable spot for him. It only made his face become more red wanting to be free from her. “Ah Miss…”

    “So shy, the shy ones are more fun.”

    She looked down over top of him with the difference of their heights becoming even more apparent. He looked up uneasily at her trying to be a little respectful to her. Her black hair fell over her shoulders into his face. In an instant though there was something that came to him. It was a brief image that did not make any sense to him, but it was triggered from her face. There was something about her that actually was familiar. All he could see was her face though in the image, nothing more, just smiling downwards at someone. It was so familiar as though he had been there.

    “They’re more fun to tease.”

    “Huh, I just…”

    “You recall something?”

    “I don’t know, but for a moment you looked familiar to me.”

    “Good!” she said smiling at him giving him a calming feeling that he had not feeling from another person before. “You’re memory is coming back. Don’t worry it will over time.”

    She let go of him letting him face her, his face becoming red again. “So what is this place? Its not a dream?”

    “Not completely, though you probably won’t understand right now. Let’s just say that I live here for right now.”

    “You live here? How am I supposed to know you then?”

    “You’ll understand in time. But I think it is time that you go.”

    “But what is your name?!” The world was gone at that point including the woman. She had left him without any real answers, just even more questions than he had before. He already had enough questions in his life that he did not need anymore. Unfortunately, none of his questions even made any sense. There were so many things that he did not understand about himself and it seemed that those would only increase before he knew what was going on. The last cherry blossom disappeared breaking him awake in his bed.

    He looked around to see that it was night now and the others had gone to sleep. Steph did not know what to make of what happened to him, but it was clear to him now that it was all in his mind. It was not reassuring for him though. The dream was too vivid for him to simply have created it all. ‘I need to sleep…for real this time.’ He dropped his head back against the pillow feeling exhausted in spite of having done nothing.

    An hour later he was on the floor sleeping soundly. He had not been able to close his eyes for long enough to get to sleep with everything going through his head. The bed was too uncomfortable for him and the hard floor was a welcome friend. Once he was on the floor he had fallen asleep quickly without trouble. Morning came shortly after forcing him awake to see no sun breaking through their window.

    Steph sat up on the floor looking around to find that the sun was not up just yet, but his body knew that it was morning. His ears could hear the sound of someone going through the halls waking everyone up. He walked over to the bathroom while the others slowly rolled around. The shower felt good against his skin removing all of the dirt that he had caked on him. He could not remember the last time that he had taken a real shower rather than the bath in the river. He tied his hair back low at the neck and exited the bathroom in fresh clothes.

    He walked out of their room he looked around for someone. To his relief, there was someone passing by that seemed to going around getting late sleepers up. When they were close enough he stopped them. “Excuse me, I’m new and I don’t know where I need to go.”

    “New student, you will probably be doing sword training today. Follow the hall without taking any turns. When you see the courtyard you turn right and follow that. You’ll get there eventually.”

    “Thank you,” Steph said bowing and then rushing off hoping that he would find it without incident. However, there was something else on his mind that worried him. He knew that it was required for the shinigami, but he had never held a sword before in his life. ‘Sword training…guess I’ll just have to learn…’ After a few minutes he arrived where the rest of the new students had gathered together. He saw a few that he could recognize, which left him a little surprised.

    Once everyone had arrived the session began. He was given a wooden sword to practice with that left him staring at it for a moment. It looked a lot like ones that he had seen in movies and commercials on the TV when talking about a martial arts dojo. There was a familiarity that he had holding it, though he did not know what to do with it. He simply followed what the instructor said to do, though he was failing miserably at it. That became clear when the instructor came by yelling at him.

    “Your posture is all wrong! You aren’t even holding it correctly.”

    “I’m sorry!” Steph said bowing to the instructor.

    “Now, take a swing.” The instructor stood at his side watching him with an uncomfortable glare that made Steph sweat. He took a swing feeling his arms move in an uneasy manner that made the instructor become angry again. “Wrong! Do it again!” Steph wanted to apologize again, but he was cut off with a wave of the instructor’s hand telling him to try again. He took another couple swings as his hands and body sweated further under the pressured stares. His hands became too wet hold the sword and the final incorrect swing sent it flying across the room. His balance broke and he wobbled around falling over the instructor.

    Steph’s hand came to rest on the instructor’s sword that was set at her side. He started to pulled himself up feeling completely and utterly embarrassed for falling all over the instructor, a woman to make it worse. However, as he stood up to the angry glares of the instructor he heard a voice in his head. “Benimaru…” Steph said accidentally repeating what he had heard. He threw himself off of the woman finding rest on the floor with the instructor leaning over him with a stare that made him want to die again.

    “Don’t touch me ag-“ she said pausing for a moment. “How do you know the name of my Zanpukto?”

    “Huh? Zanpukto?” Steph said looking honestly confused, even though the instructor looked at him like he was lying.

    “You spoke my Zanpukto’s name. How do you know it?”

    “I-I just heard it in my mind. I’m sorry. I’ll forget it if I’m not supposed to know.”

    “Hmm…get back to swinging your sword.”

    The instructor walked off leaving Steph to sigh a breath of relief. He looked down at his hands remembering touching the hilt of the sword that she said was a Zanpukto. It was a name that was familiar, he thought that he had heard people talking about them before. However, it was not something that concerned him at the time so he had not paid any further attention to the conversation. “Zanpukto…what’s that?”

    “You mean you don’t know what a Zanpukto is?” the student next to him said with an incredulous look on his face. Steph nodded to him as the student went into further disbelief. “I can’t believe that you are in here and don’t know what a Zanpukto is. It’s a shinigami’s weapon. All shinigami have a Zanpukto, its common sense. Where have you been, under a rock?”

    “Well I-I…” Steph turned back trying to focus himself back on his swinging. But he suddenly realized that he was lacking a critical part of the exercise, the sword. It was lying in the corner where he had thrown it waiting for him. He sighed to himself and walked over picking it off the ground to resume his practice.

    The day continued to wear on and he was not getting any further. The instructor had them break up into a pairing to practice. However, he wondered why they were going to be sparring so soon after having just picked up a sword. It seemed a little strange to not being receiving more lessons. He could not complain though, especially after what happened.

    The sparring matches that he was in did not go so well for him. He did not have a good grip at the start and lost hold of the sword immediately. After he got used to receiving heavy hits and learning to hold more tightly on to the sword he did a little better. His partner though seemed to be taking it very seriously, every hit made his palms sting in pain. When the instructor passed by she would yell at him to stop being defensive. Steph wanted to try it as she had said, but his opponent was fast. He never had the chance to fight back and the floor became a good friend to him.

    His eyes scanned over the room when there was a pause in the fighting with his partner. He looked around the room seeing the instructor standing by the door with someone else. Steph looked closed realizing that it was the shinigami that had found him the day before. ‘What’s she doing talking to him?’ He stared at the two of them wondering what they were talking about and being a little concerned that they were looking at him. As sharp strike on his head destroyed his concentration and made him look back at his partner.

    “I’m rested enough, stop daydreaming, Nyuu-chan.”

    ‘Not again…how did I pick up that name here…’ Steph sighed to the ground.

  7. #37
    By the time Mugen reached the Training Room, Rei had already made it there before him. He rushed in an grabbed the spot next to her. He didn't bother talking to her yet since the class was ready to begin. He listened carefully to the instructor and followed her instructions absolute.

    She showed her students how she wanted them to perform a vertical swing with their practice swords. She then let them try. Mugen was a pro at it, Rei meanwhile was a little rusty and the instructor showed her what she was doing wrong. Her stance became more rigid and she swung straighter and hard.

    "Very good." Complimented the instructor. "You Mr... Tsukiakari, you are a natural." Mugen blushed lightly at her compliment. She then went down the line to scold other students.

    "Now, for groups of two and spar. Make sure to use the vertical strike to your advantage. Such a move is the only way to kill a Hollow."

    Rei immediately grabbed Mugen and took him to one of the corners of the room. She grabbed him so quickly that Mugen dropped his sword. He caught it before it hit the ground but was scoldded by the instructor.

    "Long time no see." She giggled. She got in the stance the teacher showed them. It was good for either offensive or defensive.

    "All we got is time." Mugen replied. He got in a more aggresive stance. "I'll let you go first." He smiled.

    "Your loss!" Rei said as she swung at him.

    Mugen blocked the attack and pushed her back. "You caught me off guard. But not again." Mugen brought up his sword from the bottom left. Rei barely managed to guard herself.

    Their sparring match flowed like water. Their sword stroked began to match toghether and they proved to be a match with one another. Despite the natural aggresiveness created in a battle, Mugen and Rei had fun. It was only when Mugen caught familiar faces all around the room out of the corner of his eye that Rei made contact. Her practice sword bopped Mugen square on the head. Caught of guard, Mugen fell back on his ass, rubbing his head while Rei stood over him laughing.

    "You left yourself open." She said teasingly.

    "Ouch..." Mugen said, still rubbing his head.
    Last edited by Evangel; 07-09-2007 at 08:00 PM.

  8. #38
    Zeno walked down the hall to the training room by himself. He walked in and stood with the rest of the students. He thought someone of them looked familiar but he soon put that aside thinking he it was just stressed after going through the requirements to get sighed up for the academy and to find his dorms. Which he has yet to find by himself.

    "Man this suck. I have no clue where my dorm is. It was amazing I even found this place. Least the teachers pretty."

    His teacher was women, not bad looking either. Well at least not to Zenoah's green eyes. Everyone got a hold of wooden swords. When Zeno got a hold of one in his hand he gazed at it and sighed.

    "We don't even don't get to use real swords...............what a rip off."

    Everyone was going to practice the basics, vertical and horizontal swings, defense and offense with wooden swords. Zeno was paired up with a guy that looked the same age as him. But being in Soul Society you can never guess anyone’s age. The instructor walked around checking on everyone to make sure they were all doing it right. They both held their swords out in front of them as she told everyone. Zeno and his partner held their swords in front of them as they were told. They both looked at each other and did nothing. Till the guy made a horizontal swing. Zeno ducked making it a close call, but then he made a vertical swing with his swords waking his partner in the head. His partner fell down knocked out. Zeno stood there looking at his knocked parnet feeling kind of sorry for him.

    "Sorry about that man, but you made the first move."

    When he looked up the instructor looked at him with her arms crossed. The unfriendly look on her face made Zeno feel uneasy.

    "Academy New Recruit you do know the meaning of practice right."

    "Uuuuuh yes ma'em." He said in a scared tone.

    "I saw that dodge you made. Can you do it again."

    "Well uh I guess if you really want me to."

    "Alright then dodge this!"

    With no warning she thrusted forwards at Zeno's chest. Zeno's green eyes grew wide, and he dodge her thrust barley. He smiled knowing that he cleared it, but it was soon broken after her wooden sword pierced Zeno's chest. Of coarse it wasn't serious, the instructors wooden sword barley touched his uniform. He was confused on how she got him. He could of sworn that he dodged it. The instructor took her sword back. And smiled at Zeno.

    "I can wield a sword allot quicker. In time you will learn also. Keep up the hard work Mr........"

    "......oh uh Zeno."

    "Zeno huh? Well Zeno keep practicing, and don't knock out anymore students okaye."

    She helped the knocked out student to his feet and she began to help the other students out. Zeno looked at her then he rubbed his chest where she almost skewered him.

    "Man her thrust was fast. If I’m going to be that good. I got to work hard. Alright dude lets go."

    Zeno and his partner started to practice train again with the rest of the students.
    Last edited by Oathkeeper13; 07-07-2007 at 05:34 AM.

  9. #39
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
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    “Concentration. It’s a key aspect of swordplay. You can hack and swing that sword in perfect form, but if you can’t focus, then you’re just as useless as one who’s too weak to heft a sword. Got that?!”

    “Hai*, sensei!” the students chorused, but their sensei doubted it.

    Haruka-Hyourin Tokoyami had no idea how to wield a blade. When she walked into the training room only ten minutes prior, she nearly fainted at the thought of the hard work ahead of her. Learning to fight was no easy task.

    The students were told to get into organized rows, shoulder to shoulder. If someone tripped, everyone would pay the price. Haruka slid in between two teenagers who looked extremely nervous, but at the same time unbelievably excited.

    Once everyone was in place, the sensei began to pass out their weapons fro the day. They were wooden swords. Haruka was glad they weren’t real swords, as real swords weighed a ton, but still, wooden made her feel like a child.

    Nevertheless, she took the one that was given to her without complaint.

    “Attention at the front please!” the sensei then began to demonstrate the correct swinging patterns and stances. Haruka would’ve normally blocked it all out, and tried things her own way, but she realized just how important this first lesson was. So, she payed close attention for once, drinking in all of what the sensei said.

    Now it was their turn to swing. Haruka slid her feet apart, imitating the sensei exactly, and brought the sword down in what she thought was a masterful diagonal slice.

    “Haruka, that was very good for a first try, but you have a long ways to go. Keep at it, I see great things coming out of you in the way of swordplay.”

    “Arigato**, sensei,” Haruka said, bowing.

    The class continued like this for quite a while, until the sensei was sure that the majority of the students could at least do passable slices and swings. Then, it came time for sparring. Haruka was anxious to see who she’d be paired with.

    Not Shino, Not Shino, Not Shino...

    “Tokoyami Haruka-Hyourin and Sendo Mai!”


    Haruka walked over to a vacated corner, and leaned against the wall. I’ll make the wench find me, she thought angrily. And Mai did just that, much quicker than expected. Evidently Haruka’s black and red hair was quite easy to spot.

    “Ohayou*** again, Red-Streak-san,” Mai said cheerfully.

    Haruka popped a vein. “It’s Haruka, thank you,” she said, venom pouring from her voice.

    “Let’s do our best,” Mai said sweetly.


    Haruka raised her blade into a modified version of the fighting stance she had been taught moments before. She held her feet about shoulder-width apart, and her sword horizontally in front of her chest. She leaned in, putting most of her weight on her right foot, which was slightly in front of her left, ready to dodge Mai’s attacks. Of course, Haruka had no idea if any of this was the right thing to do. Right now, she only knew the basics.

    Mai stepped forward to make the first hit, but her swing was clumsy and crooked. Haruka easily blocked with her blade and pushed Mai backwards; creating an opening that Haruka took, making a small slice to Mai’s right shoulder, rendering her sword arm “useless,” for the time being. But Mai wouldn’t give up so easily. She switched hands, putting her blade in left hand, and came at Haruka once more. But this swing was even sloppier, and Haruka easily dodged it.

    “Very nice, Haruka!” the sensei said as she passed. “Swordplay seems to really work for you.”

    But Haruka still had a long way to go. Focusing back on the fight, Haruka saw Mai lower her weapon. Thinking she had found an opening, Haruka swung in towards Mai’s head to end the fight.

    But Mai was just feigning. When Haruka was close enough to be unable to recover effectively, Mai dodged the swing, sending Haruka towards the ground. She caught herself just in time however, and swung around to face Mai again. Getting cocky, Mai raced in towards Haruka, but tripped on the way over, sending herself face first into the tatami floor.

    Haruka suppressed a giggle. This girl was in no way suited for swordplay.

    But the all traces of a smile were erased when Mai stood up, her eyepatch now revealing a bright yellow eye.

    ’Ello, asswipe.” Shino said venomously.

    *Hai= yes, understood, etc.
    **arigato= thank you
    ***ohayou= Good Morning

  10. #40
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    When the sparring match between Mai and Haruka had began, Haruka stood in a battle stance that seemed slightly different than what had been instructed. That's what made Haruka so amazing. She was more talented in swordplay than Mai would ever be. Mai was half tempted to switch to Shino, but she needed the experience to learn how to fight. Bringing out Shino would bring fear to those she battles.

    In a way she felt somewhat sorry for Shino's future opponents. Mai took a deep breath and slapped her cheeks to pump herself up.

    Mai took a step forward to make the first move, but her footwork was slightly sloppy and made her attack look ugly. Haruka easily blocked and countered her attack that made her arm useless for a while. Mai glanced at Haruka and smiled, switching the sword to her left hand.

    Since her left hand was not her dominant hand, her attack looked even more ugly than the previous one. She sneered at herself and sighed. She relaxed her arm and let her weapon down. That was when Haruka charged in to finish the match. A gleam in Mai's eye showed that she only feigned and easily dodged the thrust. She got a bit overzealous and charged in to attack Haruka, but she tripped on herself and landed on the tatami floor face first.

    She could hear a surpressed giggle from Haruka and just about had it. While she was still down, she switched the patch to Shino.

    She flipped over and stared at the ceiling.

    And so the prologue begins....

    ( Theme: Mussorgsky – Night on Bald Mountain )

    La~ Lalalalala La La La~ Laa~...Accelerato!

    She swung her body and legs around as if break dancing, her feet landing on Haruka's unsuspecting feet, making her trip. Shino's body still lay on the ground, her feet facing Haruka.

    and....Animato!” Shino's body seemed to be pulled up by her feet. Her hands were in front of her, as if she was a zombie.

    Hello, Asswipe. I hope the melody was able to astonish you.

    Shino bowed to Haruka, who had just barely stood up from the earlier surprise attack. Haruka raised a brow as to what Shino was about to do next, or if she should even continue to fight.

    "Now the chrous begins, where your sparkling melody of repent flows through the ears of everyone in the room."

    ( Theme: Beethoven Symphony No. 5 )

    “Cha Cha Cha Chann~”

    Shino stood in her fighting stance, ready to counter any attack that Haruka threw at her.

    The sensei felt Shino's reiatsu immediately. Shino wasn't supposed to be taking swordplay classes right away because her level was much higher than the newer students. She decided to walk over to their sparring spot and noticed the particularly odd fighting style of Shino's. Haruka let her guard down and got attacked by Shino.

    Sensei put her arm on Shino's shoulder and turned her around to face her. "Listen, Shino. You're too advanced to be sparring with the rest of the students. I'm going to have to ask you to bring Mai back."

    "Mai was the one who wanted me here. She felt that she was not suited for swordplay and was also humiliated by Haruka, and wanted me to teach her a lesson. I know not to go all out, but perhaps I can be a sort of obstacle course or tutor for Haruka."

    The sensei sighed and shook her head. "Fine, do what you want. Just don't be too rough on her. I heard how you love fighting."

    Shino nodded to the sensei and faced Haruka once more.
    Last edited by Victoria; 07-07-2007 at 12:34 PM.

  11. #41
    アズテオル Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Azuteor's Avatar
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    Holding down the low end.
    Kaigaiishi gripped his stomache as he began to feel sick and squinted his eyes because he could not bear to look at all the dead bodies. The catalyst of one's soul showed a white, pale skin tone brimming with the scent of decay. The scent reached to his lungs and contracted in reaction to the musty, choking gas. Kaigaiishi could not help, but gag and wheeze for it was a sickening experience. He looked around the environment seeing his classmates glare at their own selves and the remaining students laughing nervously since they were so close to losing their life. Suddenly, Kaigaiishi notices a tall orange-haired man walking with a beautiful girl who was half the size he was. Kaigaiishi observes the two and realizes that they go to the same school he attended. Kaigaiishi wondered how these two found him, why they are wearing such odd clothing, and why that man is carrying a huge sword. As they drew closer, the orange-haired man lazily walked from one student to another and hit each of them on the forehead with the hilt of his sword. Each of Kaigaiishi's classmate glimmered in a blue aura and left the world with peaceful expressions. Their spirits seperated into tiny blossoms and soared high into the sky with the wind guiding them.

    Finally it was Kaigaiishi's turn to leave everything behind. He couldn't leave the memory of his parent's death nor could he erase the face of that monster who brought grief to him. He wanted revenge; he refused to leave not until he fuffilled his desire. "It's time to go," the girl said in a whispering voice. Her eyes started to tear and her hand wanted to hold on to Kaigaiishi's shoulder as a final farewell. Her palm was inches away to touching his shoulder, but he pulled it away to keep this slightly noticeable girl from showing any remorse for him. He did not want it right now. The girl's eyes died down and stepped backwards to let her companion to do his job.

    "Time to perform konso, Ichigo," she said to the other person.

    "Right, right..." Ichigo closed his eyes, brought his sword into the air, and tapped the hilt above Kaigaiishi's eyes. An incoming sensation of rest released itself and Kaigaiishi entered into a deep sleep, oblivious of where his next destination is...


    Today was the day Kaigaiishi would sign up for Soul Academy. For once in his life, Kaigaiishi was given a way to avenge the death's of his family and friends. The first few hours of the morning began by taking a small walk throughout parts of the Rukongai. To him it felt like it was going to be another boring session of deep thinking, but this did not bother him since it became a habit in his ten years in Soul Society. First things first, he thought to himself, is to find some breakfast.

    The sweet scent of spices and delicate ingredients flow throughout the twighlight air and heavy steam emanate from a nearby hut. A crackling, sizzling sound bounces from a steaming oven as hot water is poured on it. The chef in charge of the hut hums a simple tune and cooks up a fresh batch of ramen noodles. As he prepared one bowl after another more and more hungry customers are being hooked to his delicious bait. Kaigaiishi too was hooked to the smell of the ramen and surprisingly, he could not stop himself from walking to the hut.

    "Hey Kaga-kun! Come over here!" The chef called out to him with a huge grin in her face. Kaigaiishi looked over to the crowd of people and squished himself through; the chef pointed out an empty seat with her knife and her arm on her hips. Kaigaiishi sat himself up and crossed his arms on the table to wait for his usual order. What he wanted was placed right infront of him, but wait there's something different about it...

    Extra shrimp tempura. Extra noodles? Was this his order? Would he have to pay extra for this? Kaigaiishi looked to the chef and immediately she caught his eye and waved to him that it was on her. The scarfed boy finished his breakfast early in time and left a tip at the desk. He made his farewells to the chef, to the customers, and continued to head for the sign-up booth to apply for the Academy. He walked with his arms under his kimono and his eyes always looking down at the ground. Many of the citizens who passed by and greeted him only recieved the cold shoulder, so this compelled them to be concerned or just think that he has problems.

    "This is it," he proclaimed to himself in a whisper. He finally found the 'Soul Academy Sign-Ups' at a distance far away his eyes could barely see. His legs began to move by itself, increased in speed, and soon after, he sprinted as fast as he could to the booth.

    As soon as I graduate, I will work my sweat and blood to find that hollow...

    "Hey you!"

    Kaigaiishi screamed in his mind when he saw the line increasing in length. He covered half of his face with his palm and rubbed it to relieve his frustration, "What is it? Do I know you?" He attempted to retort in a plain and calm tone, but it almost seemed impossible to hold back his impatience.

    “Not… exactly. My name is Fukumi Garu and I…”

    Hurry... up...

    “I really need to ask you something.”

    “Ask me something? Well then please ask. I don’t have much time.”

    “Why do you seem different from before?”

    Different? What the hell?

    “What are you talking about? I don’t know who you are and you said so yourself. Either you’re the one that’s confused or I am. And I’m pretty sure it’s not me,” Kaigaiishi rolled his eyes and turned around with signing up for the Academy in his mind. Although, what she had said to him bothered him slightly.

    “No, wait! Just listen to me for a sec! Kaigaishii!”

    Woah, what the...

    “How do you know me?”

    “Well… I don’t exactly but… think back on the day of your death. You died with a bunch of other students.”

    “Yes, but what does my death have to do with anything?”

    “I was there.”

    Kaigaiishi sighed and scratched the back of his head. He let out a soft laugh because he had no memory of this girl whatsoever nor did he know that she attended the field trip ten years ago. He put both of his hands on his back and pushed on it to lessen the stiffness of his spinal cord. He looked up in the air, turned around, and said harshly, "You're mad."

    “Why are you so different now? You used to be so kind. Why do you seem so cold now?”

    “Why are you concerned?”

    “I’m curious,” she responded.

    “Then what does it matter?” Kaigaiishi couldn't take it any longer, he had reached past his limit, and walked away once more.

    “If you’re not going to tell people what the hell is wrong with you then quit moping around and being cynical! Do you really think your life was just as hard as everyone elses? Take a look around! No one here has had it easy! The rest of us deal with it in our own ways, so you need to too! And another thing! How can you let people treat you like crap? Quit being a frickin coward!”

    Her words echoed throughout the walls of his conscience and created a deep gash between his heart. Kaigaiishi knew she was right, but did not want to accept it. How could she possibly understand what I am feeling now? Who gave her the right to talk to me that way? Suddenly, Fukumi grabbed him by the clothing and ferociously pushed him against the wall repeatedly. She forced him back hard and finally broke through him. Fukumi then took a step backwards as if she was expecting an answer.

    "Revenge," he silently replied. His azure eyes stared at the ground floor, ashamed, and angry. There was nothing he could do was there? If he was stronger, would it have been any different? She can't possibly understand what I'm going through.

    “I see…" Fukumi looked directly at the sky and released a breath of air. Kaigaiishi squinted his eyes in shock when he sensed that this stranger understood him. Maybe, for a change, he would have to understand other people and what kind of pains they are bottling inside. Yet, his heart still ached with blindness in his own obsession, but this is something he would have to do on his own.

    "So where are you rushing to?”

    Kaigaiishi's eyes widened and remembered that he had to go register in an instant. “Oh, crap! I forgot about that!” He outbursted. The boy then dashed and passed every path he could take to get to the booth to avoid answering Fukumi's question. "Oh, thank you..." Kaigaiishi sighed in fatigue and stopped running immediatley to read the sign as if to make sure he was in the right place.

    Shinigami Academy Registery

    “What are you doing?” He asked Fukumi, watching her slowly pen down her name and necessary information required for the registration.

    “What does it look like?” She remarked as she just finished and smirked at him with a stout figure. Kaigaiishi gave a weird look at her, but it seemed that she didn't notice as she turned around to leave.

    What an odd girl... I could've gotten this done if she hadn't bothered me... huh.. I guess

    I should go back home now..

    Few days later ::.

    Kaigaiishi carefully unwraps the ribbon held around scroll and pulls both ends of it to read its contained information. He quietly reads word for word and eyes move in synchronized movement as he scans the scroll from top to bottom. Kaigaiishi closed the scroll at once and neatly placed it on his worn-out tea table. He had been accepted to the academy and was very glad he did because he is one step closer to grasp to his life-long goal. Kaigaiishi packed all his clothing, gathered items that may seem fit to survive the first few days of school, and left to head for the academy for the first time.

    His journey had begun as he stood marveling at a tall, mammoth building that is filled with illustrious and elegant designs of mythical beasts. The building is built like a tower with red tiles and golden koi fish untop of the main structure to bring good luck to all the students. Kaigaiishi watched newcomers from side to side with companions itching to learn what the academy would provide for their bright, new minds. As for him, he was alone by himself and knew nothing about the school except that you become a shinigami. Telling from his gut feeling, his journey would be a long and difficult one, but one worth to save those who you love most.

    Kaigaiishi moved forward to a new beginning and entered the large red gate which welcome him and everyone with the sweet beauty of cherry blossoms. He nervously moved throughout the hallways with his feet thumping and thumping across the waxed, wood-tiled pavement, oblivious of where he should go. Everyone he glanced at seemed to know where they were going and it embarrassed him that he started out being lost and confused. Kaigaiishi shook it off and scowled under his now blushing face.

    "Gah, damnit where am I going?!" He shouted throughout the half empty hallway. Some of the students just looked at him with concern, but turned away quickly after they saw his stark, blue eyes. Kaigaiishi ignored them and procceeded to walk through long passageways in hopes that he'd find whatever he is searching for. Meanwhile, while not paying attention, he suddenley bumps into a tall man who had long black hair and a hair ornament that covered the side of his head. Both of them looked at each other silently and gave neither one tiny word. Kaigaiishi looked at his own scarf and at the strangers scarf. This was afterall, an awkward moment for him and it almost felt like he was looking at a mirror image of himself.

    "Where are you going?" The man asked him with a stern look in his face.

    "What's it to you, Shinigami?"

    "Are you a new student?" He asked another question as if growing impatient with him.

    The edge of his mouth twitched, baffled, but still remained in his straightforwardness, "If you're a new student then you must go to your assigned dorm room."

    "If it is so, I assume your room is right there," he pointed to a door beside him and Kaigaiishi looked to the same direction. When he looked back the man disappeared without a moment's notice. He took one small step and procceeded to turn the knob.

    "Kura... gari," he stuttered.

    "Kaigaiishi," Kuragari answered with a huge smirk on his face. Kaigaiishi blew air to the side and looked at the corner of the room. "It's been a while Kuragari."

    “Upper classmen Mitsu!” Kaigaiishi turned around at once and to his amazement, the boy has not changed at all over the ten years. He was still the young child as before when he first gave a helping hand and still very mannerly. Kaigaiishi observed Steph as he closed the door and walked up to him worried, “I’m sorry for interrupt you, Upper classmen Mitsu! I didn’t know that you were staying in the same room.”

    “We aren’t in school anymore. You can just say Kaiigaiishi now.”

    “But I…well I guess I can, Kaiigaiishi.”

    “Why are you so short, you look the same when you were alive?” He asked in hopes of an answer to something so strange to him.

    “Oh this? Yeah, seems I haven’t aged a day while I was here. No one understands it, but I don’t mind. I’ve gotten used to it.” The whole room grew silent and Kaigaiishi couldn't say anything, but just look at Steph with awe. The awkwardness soon died down in time and Kaigaiishi now turned his attention to Kuragari while Steph picked a bed for himself. He sat down on his bed, motioned his hand across the comforter claiming it, layed his exhausted body down, and began to sleep. Kaigaiishi faced Kuragari, pointed to the bed next to the door, and said to him that that will be his. He packed all his things all over the bed, picked up the school uniform left on the pillow, and went out the room to look for a room to change.

    "I'll be back later," he reminded.
    Last edited by Azuteor; 07-07-2007 at 02:13 PM.

  12. #42
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Sparring continued for Steph with little success. His partner seemed to have enough energy to keep going insisting on going further even after Steph was sweating and tired. He could understand the enthusiasm and being energetic, but it was exhausting for him to try to keep up with someone. The instructor was not helping either always yelling at him to do something different that he was doing wrong. He knew that he was dead already, but it was not until now that he realized how alive it was to be dead. It was still all the same as before when he was living being tired, feeling the fatigue and lack of strength.

    After an hour of torture for Steph the instructor finally called for a break. Steph was glad to take the rest after going for a few hours without a moment to stop. The other students were milling around with each other talking, but Steph walked towards the exit. He wanted to breath some fresh air that was not full of sweat and bodies. As he walked out of the room he let his hair down for a moment so that he could tie it back up. Steph stood in the hallway letting his hair fall around and combed it with his fingers briefly before someone interrupted him from behind.
    “Hey, little girl! I need you to get a message to someone if you aren’t too busy,” the voice said making Steph turn.

    It was out of instinct that he turned, though there was no one else in the hallway. He sighed to himself for being mistaken again. “I’m boy…” he said as he turned around toward the shinigami that was in front of him. “Oh, its you!”

    “Well this makes things easy. I wanted to speak to you.”

    “About what?”

    “I was speaking to your instructor while I was passing by and it has me even more curious.”

    “Curious?” Steph said looking at him questioningly. ‘I don’t like the curious that he’s looking at me with.’

    “Yes, I’ve arranged to run a medical examination for you. It’s the usual things that they run on the students. It’ll let you know how strong you are.”

    Steph was still confused about what he was talking about. The shinigami was talking to him like understood everything that was happening around him. There was little that Steph really understood about the way things worked. If it was common knowledge then he was obviously lacking in it. He preferred to keep to himself most times, so what would be common to people was not to him. It made him a bit of a recluse, but he was content with his life. “What do you mean how strong I am? My muscles? I already know that.”

    “No…” the shinigami said sighing out loud. “I mean your spiritual pressure, the amount of spiritual energy you have in your body and how focused it is. It’s all very important for training and when you’re a shinigami.”

    “Hmm…well I guess if it’s important.”

    “Good…good. Follow me then, we’ll take care of it right now.”

    “But I have class right now.”

    “You’re on break right?”

    “Well…yeah, but shouldn’t this wait until afterwards?”

    “It’ll be fine. I told you I talked to your instructor already.”

    “I guess…” Steph was pushed along by the shinigami who had an eager grin across his face that seemed misplaced for a simple medical examination. After Steph had recovered his own feet and walked on his own without aid he followed the shinigami. While they were walking he finished tying up his hair higher away from his neck so that it was no longer sticking to his sweat. The endless halls led them in a foreign building to Steph, which was hardly unexpected for him being new to the Seireitei.

    The shinigami entered the building without hesitation leaving Steph outside looking at the building. It seemed simple enough from everything else around with the usual roof of Japanese descent and cement stonewalls. The building looked cold and empty, though the inside was much different as Steph entered. Inside it was like many of the other rooms with mats and furnishings sparsely laid out. There was a front desk, but the shinigami walked on by and Steph chased after him.

    The woman at the desk did not seem to care as she continued to have her nose in some book that was hidden by the upper wall of the desk. It made it look like she was doing something else rather than ignoring her job. The area behind her looked like it held records as file cabinets lined the wall, but Steph had only seen it briefly. He followed the shinigami through the halls that all looked like exam rooms similar to hospitals in the real world. Steph wondered what they could possible do in an exam room if they were all dead to begin with.

    After several minutes of walking through halls he found himself in a rather dark corner of the medical ward. It gave him an eerie feeling that told him to run away, but the shinigami was insistent on him entering the room. Steph grudgingly obeyed trying to tell himself it was just an exam. ‘Nothing bad can happen to me. They know where I am.’ The door closed behind him with the shinigami standing between him and his way out. ‘Right? What have I gotten myself into now?’

    Steph smiled weakly at the shinigami trying to ignore his rising fear. “This is all s-safe, right?”

    “Perfectly.” The shinigami turned on the lights in the room bringing the darkness up from the slightly eerie feeling to really scary. Steph could see tools everywhere around the room along with knives and blades of various lengths. It looked more like a room for surgery than examination. In the center there was a tall chair with belts hanging off from the armrests and back of the chair. There were several machines nearby to the chair with a lot of sharp pointy objects that dripped with mal intent. It was almost as though the metal was crying out in horrifying screams of pain and anguish.

    Steph stepped backwards from looking at the sight into the shinigami’s arms. The shinigami placed his hands on Steph’s shoulders making him jump in surprise. “Go sit down in the chair. I’ll get the equipment ready.” The shinigami went over to the equipment not paying to Steph anymore. Steph looked over at the door thinking about escaping before something happened to him. He slowly stepped over to the door trying to not be too obvious.

    His back pressed up against the door as his hand searched behind him. Steph watched the shinigami to know when he would look back at him, but he seemed too engrossed in what he was doing to notice him. When his hand finally found the knob for the door he tried to open it, but found he failed. It was locked in such a way that he could not get out, he was stuck now. Steph began to sweat again fearing for his life or death, or whatever it was that he was now.

    The shinigami had finished what he was doing and looked back at Steph. “Come on, its all ready for you.”

    “Y-yeah…you sure I can’t just go back to my class?”

    “It won’t take long.”

    ‘Not like I can go anywhere…how do I get myself into situations like this?’ Steph backed away from the door a little still not wanting to get on the chair. The shinigami looked like he was starting to lose his patience with him as he walked over to him.

    “It is not going to hurt.”


    “Come on,” the shinigami said grabbing Steph hand. “I’ll give you candy afterwards.”

    “Don’t patronize me, I’m not a child.” Steph walked up past the shinigami sitting down in the chair wishing that he were somewhere else now. The shinigami went behind some of the equipment doing something out of sight leaving Steph in suspense. Afterwards, the shinigami stepped in front of him and started strapping Steph in at the feet. “Hey! That’s not necessary is it?”

    “I can’t have you moving around during the examination. Arms up on the rests and your head back.”

    Steph reluctantly agreed and became strapped down to the chair at his legs, arms, chest, waist, neck and head. It seemed excessive to him, but he did not know what it was that was required for the examination. Each moment that passed was making him feeling even more fear through his muscles. His entire body was sweating heavily in the chair.

    The shinigami began his work using strange tools that Steph did not recognize in the slightest. All he cared about at the moment was that he was not in any. The time passed by and the first round of tests was completed and the shinigami moved on to other things. He began using the equipment that was around the chair putting things up in front of him. There were a lot of lights making it difficult for him to see. He had to open his mouth once, but there was no pain still. However, there was something that did cause him pain, though the shinigami said it was supposed to. He was getting a sample for tests.

    Once all of the tests were complete the shinigami attached things to his body that were supposed give off readings that he would record. Steph did not understand most of what he said but it had something to do with his spiritual pressure and energy again. It was more confusing words.

    “Now your instructor said that you were able to hear her Zanpukto’s name, correct?”

    “Uh, I guess so. I don’t know what I did. I just heard something in my head.”

    “Well this is my Zanpukto. I want you touch it and I’m going to monitor what happens.” The shinigami pulled his Zanpukto out of his resting place at his waist and placed it sheath and all on Steph hands.

    ‘Hanajizou’ The word echoed through his mind without even thinking on it. Steph did not even know why he could hear the names of their swords. He had figured out from the initial reactions that the instructor had and the test now that it was an unusual trait to have. None of it was making any sense for him. He just hoped that this might actually explain something to him and give him an answer.

    “…Interesting…” The shinigami stared at the device he was looking at with great intensity. However, it was not useful for Steph in his position.

    ‘Is that all you have to say? I hope you’re more talkative afterwards.’

    The shinigami took back his Zanpukto and placed it at his side. “And you know the name now?”


    “Very interesting…” he said taking a pause to think. “Now try to focus your spiritual energy into a ball like so.” The shinigami placed his hand out in front and a ball of light suddenly grew out of his hand floating above his palm. Steph was in awe at what he saw and completely clueless to how he made that happen.

    “Wow, that’s really cool. How you do that?”

    “What?! According to this err…never mind. I need to see your focus in action. Just try to imagine you are holding something in your hand. But what you are holding is water or air, its formless and you need to keep it from running away. So imagine a container a solid shape that molds it into a ball.”

    “Uh…right…yeah…that’s really abstract.”

    “Just try.”

    Steph did not even have an idea where to begin with it. He tried to follow the thought process that he was given, but there was no focus point. There was nothing for him to see as needing to contain. He forced his mind to create something for him, but he could barely imagine anything. His head began to sweat again as he stared, or maybe it was glaring, at his hand to do something. But after several minutes of him grunting quietly to himself he saw a very meek looking particle of light in hand. ‘That’s disappointing.’

    “Hmm…” The shinigami seemed intrigued again and walked over behind him. “Don’t lose your focus!” There was a lot of noise of metal clashing together until finally coming to a stop. The man reappeared in front of him holding something that was metal, but did not look like much of anything other than a stick. He placed the metal stick up to Steph’s palm where the particle of light was hovering quietly. Then he struck it with the metal stick, but what happened next was not what Steph was expecting.

    The metal stick was severed in two with the far end piece falling on Steph’s palm. Steph’s surprise could not contain his focus anymore and the particle disappeared. The shinigami picked up the broken piece and tossed it away as he went back to his paper. After that the shinigami undid the straps and put away the equipment at the sides of the chair. Steph was allowed to stand up.

    Steph immediately went to the door where he readjusted his uniform with all of the sweat that was clinging to him. The door, however, was still locked forcing him to wait on the shinigami to finish with his work before he was allowed to go free. Once the door was unlocked Steph was the first out to smell the fresh, fresher, air of the hall. The medical ward was too stale for him to feel like he was free yet. But that soon changed as the shinigami escorted him back to his class, which he was thankful for since he was certain that he would not have made it back any other way.

    When they returned back to the class they were already back at practice and the instructor was glaring at him from the opposite wall of the room. Steph disappeared behind the shinigami as the instructor approached. The shinigami tried to get him free, but Steph was holding tightly on to the tails of the clothes.

    “WHERE have you been?!” the instructor said yelling enough to make the shinigami’s clothes blow. “Quit hiding! A shinigami doesn’t hide!”

    “I’m sorry,” Steph said meekly from around the shinigami.

    “Its my fault that he is late. He was with me the entire time.”

    “Well…alright. Get back in there, your partner’s been waiting on you. He’s probably put a hole in the floor again.” Steph made himself disappear into the room quickly leaving the two alone.

    “He’s a very interesting boy,” the shinigami said.

    “I don’t know if interesting is the word for it. Aside from his ability to read Zanpukto he is normal, a little too normal for here. He has no focus, no aptitude, and his spiritual energy is non-existent. I’d kick him out right now.”

    “That may be a hasty decision.”

    “And why is that, what did you find out?”

    “While you are correct his spiritual energy is low, his focus is beyond mere natural talent. It is quite literally as sharp as a blade for however little there is of it. I’ve never seen a spiritual energy so compressed and focused before. While he might not have any spiritual energy to speak up, when he does he is going to be quite surprising.”

    “When? Tch…I doubt he will ever get anything. I don’t care if he can make a pebble and throw it through a wall.”

    “He most certainly will, from what I was able to see he actually has an enormous amount of spiritual energy, it is just all sealed away by something. It is so tightly contained away that I could not even release it. I was barely even able to pick it up when doing a level five medical scan. Its there, either he subconsciously or something or someone else does not want him to have access.”

    “Tch…we’ll see.”

    “And what of his Zanpukto reading ability?”

    “I can’t say right now. All I know is that his body is not reading like a normal soul. I can’t even confirm if he is made of the same thing as the rest of us. But what he is maybe the clue to his ageless appearance and his Zanpukto reading ability. I’m certain that Captain Kurotsuchi will have great interest in him and would be very upset if he were to be kicked out of the academy.”

    “Yeah…yeah…doesn’t mean that I’ll pass him. Special or not, he’ll have to prove himself like everyone else.”

  13. #43
    Yuki was standing out side of the academy just staring blankly at the whole building just looking at how new it is to her.
    Yuki could hardly see anything actually, she was just staring at the main building laughing to herself for no particular reason.
    ~I wonder if the building is just as big from the inside as it is from the outside...
    Yuki thought to herself as she began to walk towards the main registration building.
    ~I wonder if anyone else from the accident is here...probably better if I don't worry to much I guess...

    Yuki then enter the main building and walked up to the front desk where there was a woman with brown hair reading.

    "Good morning, um...excuse me can I get a registration form please?"

    "Sure just fill it out and return it when your done, here a pen and you can fill out the form over there on that desk"

    The woman handed Yuki the form with the pen on top and pointed her into the direction of the desk.

    "Thank you, arigato"

    Yuki then smiled and walked over to the desk skimming trough the form at what information was required in it.
    She sat down at the desk and began to fill out the Basic information on it, name, last name, age etc.


    Yuki let out a brief sigh as she thought about how long it must have taken her to complete the form.
    Must be 25 minutes give or take...
    Yuki then got up and walked over to the desk where she had gotten the form in the first place.
    The woman was reading the same book as she was earlier only she looked a bit less interested for some odd reason.
    Yuki placed the form in front of the woman that was still reading.

    "Here's my form miss..."


    "So um...where do I stay while I'm here?"

    "Just head out the door and go to the building on right."


    "There should be someone there to help you find your room and hand you your new uniform"

    "Oh okay thank you"

    "Excuse me miss, the pen, others will need it to you know..."

    "Oh right, here you go."

    Yuki placed the pen she almost forgot she even had at the desk with the woman and began to walk out the door.
    She then walked over to the secound building and she was directed by the woman in the previous building.
    Yuki then opened the door to the second building where there was another woman.
    She was filing a bit of papers and more dedicated to her work then the first woman who was working.
    Yuki then walked up to the woman.

    "Um excuse me miss the wom-"

    "New Student right?"

    "um yeah the woman at the desk in the other build told me to come here."


    "Oh to find my room and get my uniform or something like that."

    "Oh, well um give me a minute..."

    The woman then walked away into another room and the sound of papers being shuffled could be heard.
    Yuki was just standing in the room looking around.
    Soon after the woman come out and wrote some things on a small slip of paper.
    She then handed it over to Yuki and began to direct Yuki to her room.

    "Just head down that hall and make a left. Its the second room down"

    "Thank you"

    "Your Uniform should be in the room"

    "Oh okay, bye then" Yuki said as she then began to head down towards her new room.

  14. #44
    Kuragari clasped his fingers at the back of his head and threw the rest of his body along with it onto the bed. Kaiigaiishi left the room as fast as he had come in. Eh, we can talk later he thought to himself. He rolled to his side and spotted the one called Steph sleeping on the bed across the room. At least he doesn’t snore Kuragari thought again staring back at the empty ceiling. Can’t say I won’t…Kuragari eyes shut and he fell fast asleep.

    Kuragari awoke in the morning the sun beaming on his eyes through the open window. His wrist came across his eyes several times as he rubbed out the small dirt. He sat up to see Steph leaving the room, his long soaked hair tied down neatly. He flung his body back into the bed, throwing the blanket over his body. Tsch, maybe he won’t come back Kuragari thought hopefully sneering under the blanket. He slept for what felt like ten minutes to him, only to be shaken awake my someone. “Back off!” Kuragari bellowed throwing the blanket off. Kaiigaiishi’s face came into view as the blanket flew past his eyes.

    “Hurry up,” Kaiigaiishi said pulling Kuragari by his shirt. “We’re already late for sword training.”

    “Tsch, like I care,” Kuragari retorted heading towards the bathroom.

    “Fine, I’ll go. You can be as late as you want!” Kaiigaiishi returned.

    “Okay, see you later,” Kuragari said over the sound of running water. Kaiigaiishi slammed the door shot behind him as he left Kuragari in the room. After freshening up, and using most of the hot water, Kuragari stared up at the ceiling and wondered how long it’s been since Kaiigaiishi woke him. Meh, one hour at most Kuragari stared around the room, his arms at his hips. Got nothing better to do he thought as he headed toward the door. As soon as his body was let into the hallway, it was thrown down to the floor by a larger figure then his own.

    “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be at sword training?” the shinigami asked, offering his hand to help Kuragari up.

    Kuragari stared back at him, slapped his hand away and returned saying, “I don’t know and I don’t care.”

    The shinigami scowled as the little brat the stood below him. “You’re coming with me.” The shinigami grasped tightly around Kuragari’s wrist and hoisted him across the hallways. Kuragari made no effort to resist, he knew he wouldn’t have won, and he was going to sword practice anyway. He just likes to be late.

    After just a couple simple turns, they ended up in a wide area, where many other students stood, swinging their swords about. Some doing horrible, others doing very well. “Excuse me,” the shinigami called to the instructor. “You got one more brat to teach,” he called again shoving Kuragari towards the instructor. The instructor held her hand high and told them all to stop. She turned on Kuragari furiously, her beads of sweat nearly touching Kuragari’s.

    “I don’t appreciate tardiness,” she yelled to his ear.

    “Do you always talk to your students by pouring sweat on them?” Kuragari returned, waving his hand in front of his face. The teacher simply stared at him, as he took his place in line next to the other kids. However, as she began teaching, Kuragari crept behind the kids, and sat resting his back against a pillar behind them. His eyes closed again, and he slept for the second time today. Kuragari was awaken a few minutes later with a light smack across his face by a wooden sword.

    “Come on brat,” a student called to Kuragari putting the tip of his sword at Kuragari’s neck. “Let’s see you talk tough when you’re fighting. You’re going to wish you were awake.” Kuragari’s gaze met the teacher’s, who stood above the student.

    “If you intend to sleep in my class, you’ll have to know the consequences. He‘s your classes best fighter, other then one exception,” she said. Her smile reaching the tips of her slightly wrinkled face.

    “Pick up your sword,” the student cried out again, kicking a wooden sword over to Kuragari’s right hand. Kuragari’s fingers rubbed across the smooth ground until their tips met a wooden surface. His hand went up, and his fingers went down clasping around the handle like one of those crane games you find in stores. Kuragari fiddled with the sword a little and his eyes wondered around the area. He saw many other students sparring, but one caught his attention more then the others. It was two girls fighting on the opposite end. One of the girls tripped, and it seemed what caught his attention, also caught the teacher’s, as she ran towards the fight. It wasn’t her tripping, it was something else, something strange. He wanted to know.

    “I got to go,” said walking towards the quarrel. The student jumped in front of his face, and shoved him back to the pillar with his left hand.

    “Fight me, then you can leave,” the student bellowed out with more force, standing ready using the instructors stance. The other students‘ attention, except the two girls and a few others, were diverted to Kuragari and his opponent. Like he couldn’t be more loud Kuragari thought to himself, running his outstretched fingers through his hair.

    “Let’s do this quick,” Kuragari said, placing his sword plainly at his right side. He heard the other students whispering as he did this, some even sitting down to see if Kuragari was serious. His opponent lunged forward with his right foot first, and executed a perfect horizontal strike towards Kuragari’s side. Kuragari merely stood there as his opponents blade neared his side. Then……the sword struck Kuragari across his side. “Good job you win,” Kuragari said quickly as he sprinted off towards the girls lightly rubbing the side he was struck. This is much more important he thought to himself, leaving his bewildered opponent to stare at the ground. As he neared the girls, many of the other students matched his steps with a “booo,” catching their attention. By the time he arrived, the girl who had tripped, seemed to have reached a new battle prowess. Her feet swung about in a wild, but well aimed manner, leveling her opponent. Her head jerked towards Kuragari, their gazes meeting for a small moment. Her attention was diverted back again as she blocked an oncoming attack. Kuragari's grip tightened around his sword as he thought to himself. So she must be the exception.
    Last edited by Kuradic; 07-09-2007 at 02:08 PM.

  15. #45
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
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    The last thing Haruka wanted to do was fight Shino at a time like this. Not only was it apparent that Shino was much, much better than her, but she was positive they’d make a scene. And, sure enough, their classmates were gathering around their previously empty corner.

    Oh gee....

    Well? What’s your next move? Shino chuckled evilly.

    “MY move? You’re the one ho STARTED it. You should be the one to continue it.” Haruka said tiredly.


    Shino smirked to herself and walked nonchalantly closer to Haruka, the composition of Mussorgsky running through her head. "If you say so."

    She swung her arm to the side of Haruka's face and continued to spin. "Grantisimo!"

    Oh shite! She’s good! Haruka tried to dodge, and had almost succeeded when the blow connected with the edge of her cheek. So this is what it is to fight. She slid backwards slightly, still on both feet, and immediately assumed a fighting position.

    Haruka walked forward carefully, beginning to circle Shino once she was close enough. It was hard to find an opening, as it was clear that this girl had experience. And, probably because of that, Shino didn’t give Haruka time to finish her search.
    Shino felt her attack connect just barely, and smiled. Haruka's instincts started to kick in. She wanted to keep fighting Haruka to unlock her potential. She eyed Haruka as she stepped in cautiously and began to circle her. Shino twisted her body in an instant and launched into the air, sending a vertical kick to Haruka's head.

    "Yes, just like that.. keep up your rhythm... a nice melody is coming out of you..."

    Haruka felt the pain from the blow hit her immediately. It was a terrible pain, worse then anything she’d ever felt before. Better get...used Shino’s words didn’t make any sense to her however. Perhaps it was because she was feeling dizzy, or perhaps it was because Shino was completely loony, but whatever the case, the meaning of that sentence went right over Haruka’s head.
    It was then that she got her chance. Shino sighed and turned away from Haruka, presumably thinking that she was too dizzy to fight. Of course, the whole thing could’ve been a trap, but Haruka didn’t think of that. All she wanted to do was knock Shino a good one. She ran in recklessly, aiming for Shino’s spinal column. The blow seemed to connect, knocking Shino onto the floor. Haruka smiled triumphantly. I did it...

    "That was a nice give good melodies..." Her body slowly rose as if it raised itself. She smiled and stepped toward Haruka. "It seems that I should use Tempesto to finish things off." She wrapped her arms around Haruka and jumped into the air, twirling.

    Haruka’s heart turned cold with fear. This was he end of the fight and they both knew it. Shino was probably about to use some crazy-ass move that would knock Haruka unconscious for days.

    “Sendo Shino that is enough!” screamed the sensei. “You can spar with her all you want, but a move like that makes it look like you’re serious, and I will NOT have any causalities on the first day of the year. Understood?”

    Shino silently dropped Haruka to the ground, unharmed.

    Sorry, I got carried away.

    Haruka’s heart was pounding way out of her chest. What had the sensei just stopped? She suddenly wondered if this lifestyle suited her. But she was here, and she’d have to get used to it.
    Last edited by Xeim; 07-11-2007 at 10:05 AM.

  16. #46
    Mugen and Rei's first sparring match ended shortly before the teacher gave the students a break. Taking advantage, Mugen and Rei sat against a nearby wall to rest. For a few minutes, they didn't talk to each other. Rei was looking up out of a window at the sky. She had a peaceful aura about her. Mugen held his head low, enjoying her presence. He had his eyes closed, sort of day dreaming about her playing her flute. His thoughts changed to that of his sister.

    He had no way of knowing how she was doing. He didn't even know how she turned out to be like. His ponderings turned grim when the thought of her being killed entered his mind. I wouldn't even be able to find her in the Rukon District. He thought to himself.

    Mugen's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand taouch his. He looked up to find Rei with a guilty look on her face and her twidling her thumbs. He smirked and chuckled.

    "What!?" She asked demandingly.

    "It's nothing." He chuckled again.

    "Is that so?" Rei said all huffy. She then clonked him on the head where she hit him with her practice sword. "How's THAT for "nothing". Hmm?"

    "Oww! Ow ow ow ow ow... That still hurts!" Mugen rubs his head more as Rei giggles. A moment after the pain passed, Mugen asked her: "So... did you settle in well?"

    "Mmm.. not really. I don't think any body did." She motioned to a few of the first years, clearly exhausted already.

    "You can say that again... Oh! The break's over." Mugen said as he stood up. He held out his hand to Rei and helped her up all gentleman-like. "I'm not going to loose again. Just to let you know..."

    "We'll se about that." Rei returned.

    She put herself into the same stance as the teacher tought them. Mugen too took up this stance. Obviously, his attempt at a more aggresive approach did little help. They circled around each other, both smirking. Mugen was the first to make a move. He tried a thrust but Rei deflected it and he was sent stumbling. He managed to regain his footing before she made a move. Rei then countered with a diagonal slash but her sword was met by Mugen's. They were not surprisenly matched. Rei, despite her innocent appearance, was a strong woman. Rei pushes him back into the wall. Pinned, Mugen had little to do. He finally slid out onto the side of her. He backed up to a more managable postition. Rei came at him.

    It seemed like an eternity but was in reality only a few secoonds. Rei charged at Mugen. Expectedly, he held his sword high in a horizontal position to block her. Rei actually ducked under his arm and held her sword tip to his chin.

    "I lost again!" He remarked. Rei laughed at this as Mugen pouted. "I went easy on you..." He made up an excuse.

    "Yeah. Sure." She mocked.

    "I did, really."

    The teacher came by, she congradulated Rei on her second win. She also told Mugen why he lost the second time. "Your thoughts were in a different place." Mugen bowed his head to this but she immediatley brought his chin up and spoke again. "I could see it on your face. In a battle, all you must think about is surviving. If you don't do this, then surely you will either be killed before you even graduate or die at the hands of a Hollow." Mugen grumbled and the teacher walked off. "Yes, sensei." He turned to see Rei with a ear to ear grin on her face. It was the kind of grin that read: "Ha ha! You got in trouble." Mugen stuck his tounge at her, going "Nyah." But both then began to laugh toghether. It was then that they did know that they had feelings for each other.

  17. #47
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    The impact was less than a second away, just when the sensei's shout made its way to Shino's ears. Shino frowned on the inside and immediately stopped rotating and shifted her weight and landed on her feet. She released her grip on Haruka, who fell to her knees from the shock.

    Sorry, I got carried away.” Shino apologized as she bowed to the sensei. She glanced down at Haruka and squatted down to her level. She peered into her eyes and smiled with a kind demeanor.

    Do you get it now?” she glanced around the area and met the eyes of the rest of the students.

    This is what a fight is all about. Forget about all those scraps you had at school, those are just child's play. Instead, think on a much broader scale,” she stood up and cracked her neck.

    With each bout, your life is on the line, and your opponent won't wait for you to do what you want to do. Your strikes need to be quick, precise, and strong. Take this opportunity to surpass me.

    Shino took a deep breath and placed her hand on the eye patch. “If you can't beat me, how do you expect to beat anyone?” She slid it over and was about to cover her eye with it until someone spoke up.

    “Hold up a second, you whore...” Haruka stood up and dusted herself off. She cracked her neck and took a few breaths. “...Why do we have to surpass you? ...What makes you so special? ...How did you get so strong?”

    Haruka's eyes glared upon Shino. Shino scratched her forehead and sighed. “I suppose we can tell you,” she said as she covered her eye with her patch.

    “It started ten years ago. Shino and I were thirteen, then. We were on our way to buy some dinner, and the new convenient store had been under a robbery by the time we arrived there.”

    “Can you get to the main points? Class is almost over.”

    “Oh. Alright. Well, then. The main points are this; One, Shino died fighting one of the robbers. She knocked out one and the second was too strong for her. Two, because she died the way she did, she became a hollow to settle the score with him. Three, we've been in Rukongai for ten years, and during that time, Shino got much stronger. Four, as of right now, I would say Shino's strength is Shinigami level.”

    “...Ten years, huh?” Haruka sighed. “Tch, I guess we really do have to surpass her.

    “So, I was right. You're the exception that sensei was talking about.” a boy in the crowd said.

    “Me? No. I don't have any fighting experience whatsoever. Shino and I are able to live together in this body because we're twins.”

    He walked out of the crowd and had a creepy vibe that surrounded him. He was slightly shorter than her, but his hexing red eyes spoke a lot about him. His presence caused her to shiver slightly. Mai gulped as sweat trickled down her face. Something about his aura felt dark and sinister. Shino loved to fight, but this is the first time that Mai had felt a presence this intense. She cringed and covered her eye with the patch.

    Shino took a breath and walked toward him. Her eye emanated an icy glare that wasn't afraid of his presence. Since he was a few inches shorter than her, she leaned down a bit and glared at him.

    Look, you. I dunno if it was intentional, but I don't appreciate you scaring my sister with your massive blood lust. If you don't cool yourself down, I'll do it for you. Got that?

    “Is that a threat, bitch?” he leaned up and glared right back at her.

    ”No, It's a fact!

    “Oh? I'd like to see you try.”

    Yeah, well, you'll get your chance, bastard. Class is almost over and I don't want to get in anymore trouble on the first day.” she stepped back and cracked her neck. She walked over to where Mai's wooden sword lay.

    “Running away, are you?”

    Shino bent down and grabbed the handle and faced him. “Not a chance.”

    The bell rang and the crowed gradually dispersed out of the room. Shino slipped the wooden sword under the sash on her waist and walked past him, rubbing her shoulder against his.

    Two weeks from now; in the courtyard.” she continued to walk past him, out of the door and towards the cafeteria for breakfast.
    Last edited by Victoria; 07-17-2007 at 07:02 PM.

  18. #48
    Kuragari watched closely as the girl with the eye patch calmed her attack, and dropped her opponent to the ground. It was unreal. Just a moment ago her style was weak, and her strikes even weaker. However he knew deep within lay a dormant power. And as the patch was previously placed over her other eye, that dormant power was unleashed. Her style was different, and apparently didn’t require a sword to use. Kuragari was bewildered at the sight of her array of attacks, but now all that remained was an even deeper urge to fight. She ended with a brief explanation of her tragic event, most of which Kuragari tuned out. However, he heard two distinct items; her name was Shino, and that her power was at shinigami level. We’ll see about that he thought to himself. As her eye patch was re-located again, Kuragari stepped forward. “So, I was right. You're the exception that sensei was talking about.”

    “Me? No. I don't have any fighting experience whatsoever. Shino and I are able to live together in this body because we're twins.” Twins? he thought to himself again. This girl in front of him, who cowered in by his mere presence was not the one he wanted to fight. The eye patch was moved again, and the familiar aura re-emerged into the open. Now Shino stood before him, and she made no attempt at a friendly greeting.

    “Look, you. I dunno if it was intentional, but I don't appreciate you scaring my sister with your massive blood lust. If you don't cool yourself down, I'll do it for you. Got that?”

    “Is that a threat, bitch?” Kuragari shot back. Already his aggressive attentions grew wide.

    “”No, It's a fact!”

    “Oh? I'd like to see you try.”

    “Yeah, well, you'll get your chance, bastard. Class is almost over and I don't want to get in anymore trouble on the first day.” Shino retraced her steps and stopped at Mai’s sword as Kuragari called back once more.

    “Running away are you?” Kuragari said with a hint of mockery in his voice. He intended to let anger lead Shino to him, but it failed as she kept her pose. She reached down and clenched her fingers across the sword.

    “Not a chance.” The students began to file out as they saw no further reason to stay. Shino sheathed her blade as brushed past Kuragari’s shoulder. “Two weeks from now; in the courtyard.” she continued to walk past him, out of the door and towards the cafeteria for breakfast.

    Kuragari stared into the empty sky as he pondered what to do next. He had two weeks to get prepare for their battle. A battle to surely cause more corruption then needed. Kuragari inhaled deeply and sighed as he fingers ran through his hair. He spun around to meet an open palm rest on chest.

    “You’re done talking with your little girlfriend. Now fight me.” It was the same student Kuragari had left to stare at the floor. “No running this time. I‘m blocking the entrance to breakfast, so you better raise those scrawny arms of yours. ” Kuragari scratched his head roughly, scraping off a few loose pieces of skin.

    “Like I care,” he said back with a passive face. “One day without breakfast won’t kill me,” he said again pointing in the direction of the dorms with his right thumb. “See you later loser.”

    “Get back here brat!” the student called out. Enraged, he sprinted after Kuragari arms high, blade in a perfect ninety degree angle. His arm came down swift as an arrow towards Kuragari’s head. Kuragari shifted his body to evade the incoming attack, and sent an outstretched palm for the students face. A loud smack vibrated across the students flourished cheeks.

    “Get over yourself. You can’t beat me,” Kuragari said, his outstretched fingers now sheathing his wooden sword. And with that he exited the topless room, but he wasn’t headed for the dorms. He walked back into the hallways searching for a open space to practice. I’ll need as much practice as I can get to beat her. he thought to himself. And as the shadows of the hallways engulfed his body, a shimmer of doubt resided in him.

  19. #49
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
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    I really can’t believe this. Not only do I have to share a room with this whore, but now I find out she’s unnaturally powerful. God help me...I had no idea this experience would be so unreasonable...I’m going to kill Satine next time I see her...

    The sound of the bell shocked Haruka from her trance. It was time to eat.

    She picked herself up off the ground and headed for the exit like the rest of the class. Once again she was on her way through a labyrinth of white walled hallways that twisted in various fashions leaving one unbelievably confused. But, by following her classmates as they followed the “upperclassmen,” she was able to make her way into the cafeteria.

    It was a pleasant space, though lacking in the color department, and smelled of warm bread. The walls were white, with paintings of various fruits and other foodstuffs hung upon them, and the tables were a pale grey. They appeared to be made of a plastic-like substance, and we long in the bench style. Students carrying blue trays quickly filled up most of the tables, leaving only small spaces here or there for others to squeeze in. Haruka was slightly taken aback at the lack of space, but knowing complaining would get her no where she got in line for breakfast.

    It didn’t take Haruka long to reach the front of the line. She grabbed a tray and a plate, and began to slide it down the buffet line. There were tons of things to choose from: cereal, eggs, hash browns, bacon, toast...but Haruka wasn’t really interested. She was still kind of dazed by her fight with Shino earlier. God...why does she have to be such a bitch?

    Haruka glanced behind her to see Mai make her way over to a table and sit down. She is pretty...if only I could have that kind of figure...Oh my god did I really just think that? Ugh...she’s my RIVAL for heaven’s sake...

    But it is Mai...

    Same body!!!

    Haruka shivered and cut her own thoughts short, grabbing a piece of toast and some cereal in the process.

    “H-Haruka-chan, that really you?” someone shouted from a table a few feet away. Haruka turned to see who it was. He had glossy black hair, spiked up on his head, and clear blue eyes. She knew those eyes.

    “” Haruka broke off trying to place him.


    “O-oh! You!” she said rather lamely. God, why do I always get this way around him?!

    “Please! Sit by me...i-if you w-want to...of course...” his voice trickled off into a mumble by the end of his sentence.

    “I...think I’ll do just that.” She said without really thinking. Here we go again...

    They ate in silence for a few moments, neither one knowing what to say, both thinking the same thing.

    What to say...


    “Um...” They began at the same time.

    It’s like a stupid clichéd movie, Haruka thought miserably.

    “You first,” Kaigaiishi offered. Haruka didn’t protest.

    “So, what brings you here?” she asked.

    “Oh you know, hunt for power and stuff,” he said calmly, averting her eyes.

    “And the real reason?” she sighed, wishing she didn’t have to deal with his crap.

    “Revenge,” he stated meekly, sighing in the process.


    So, Haruka-chan...” Kaigaiishi visably blushed.


    “What’s your story? Why’d....” he stopped and sighed nervously. “Why’d you come here?”

    “Oh...summer know, watermelon, cherries and the like.”

    Kaigaiishi had no idea what she was talking about, but decided to go with it. “Ah.” He said and returned to his pancakes with.

    “Shy bastard. If you don’t know what I mean just tell me!” Haruka said almost flirtatiously.


    Kaigaiishi blushed profusely, and opened his mouth to continue the conversation.

  20. #50
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    “Hey, Nyuu-chan fight back some.”

    Nyuu-chan, or rather Steph had been dealing with his partner’s over zealous attitude since he returned from his examine. The extended break that he had had was still not enough to give him resistance against the boy that he was facing. All it had seemed to do was give him even more strength and aggression that he acted out on Steph. His failing attempts were not pleasing the instructor either as she had to visit him frequently yelling to him what he was doing wrong. The yelling was not helping him improve though, it only made him more nervous about the next swing. He would have preferred to practice alone a while before going up against someone, it was too soon.

    “My name is Steph, please use it,” Steph said weakly blocking an attack from his partner.

    “Your name is Nyuu-chan until you beat me.”

    ‘Last thing I need…’ Steph sighed to himself. He did not really hate the name, but he would have preferred the boy to actually use his real name instead. The act of motivation was not really much encouragement for him though, since he was not too interested in being the strongest. He did not even feel like he had a purpose to being a shinigami. ‘I wonder how many of these here have a purpose for becoming a shinigami?’ There was no drive in his heart, even the mysteries that surrounded him were not an issue. It was more than obvious that he was curious and wondered what was wrong with him. He just did not feel that his questions would be answered by staying around to be a shinigami, but he did not believe that he would find the answers elsewhere either. This was simply another place to travel.

    His partner continued to hammer on him with the wooden sword only giving Steph blisters. However, near the end of the session there was an individual that drew the attention of the instructor as well as much of the class. It was a young woman who appeared to be more skilled than anyone else in the room and thrived on fighting. Once she had soundly defeated the person that she was against another stepped up. Though Steph had lost track of them at that point when his surprise took his gaze to Haruka.

    It was Haruka that the warrior woman was fighting and beat. Though she had not known Haruka too well it left him surprised to know that someone he knew was defeated so roughly. He did not understand why so many of the people enjoyed fighting and the rush that came with it. It was a tiring exercise that if real would mean that someone would end up severely injured or worse dead. Steph could not imagine the thought of killing someone; it was the purpose of the shinigami though. They fought monsters so that the tainted souls could reach the Soul Society. At least that was what he had grasped from the brief explanation that he had received.

    However, the training session was complete at least for the time being and they were allowed to leave. Most of the students ran off to get food, still dwelling on the things that made them human. It was a pointless exercise that was a mere tease for what one had been before. All it did was remind the person of the past and that they no longer were alive. Steph had no interest in eating food; the occasional sweet was enough for him. He rarely picked out even a candy since that to was a reminder. However, the sweet taste woke him up on the long sleepy days.

    ‘Now where should I go?’ Steph found his way through the halls to come to rest at the stairs that lead out of the academy and further into the Seireitei. He knew not to go away from the academy, but he wanted a new view. It was however, bland and blank across the skyline of the rising towers. In spite of that Steph sat himself down near the bottom of the steps. The edges of the steps were rounded from the many feet that had traveled them over the thousands of years. It was barely comfortable for him, but he could lean against it to taste the breeze wash over him.

    Steph remained in peace letting the surroundings pass him by until someone interrupted him. The person deliberately stepped next to him pretending to trip, but recover himself in time. It was a young man much older in appearance than him and looking like he wanted a fight. There were two more with him that was staying behind him.

    “What’s a child doing in the academy? Shouldn’t you be outside in the Rukon with all the rest of the filth?” The other two laughed at the comment as though it was supposed to be funny. Steph ignored the man hoping that he would just leave him. That was not the case though. “You trip me and now you ignore me as well? Brats don’t have any manners these days.”

    “They need to learn to respect their upperclassmen,” one of the two friends said chiming in from the side.

    “I think you’re right,” the man said clapping his fists together.

    ‘Just like Rukon, there’s always someone looking for a fight. No where to run to though…’ Steph stood up dusting himself calmly; it was a common thing that he had gotten used to now. For him seeing a bully was hardly a frightening occurrence, but he still did not plan to fight. He looked up at the three men that began to surround him on the stairs. “My apologies for getting your way. Hope you were not hurt.”

    The one that had tripped over Steph broke his twisted face of anger for a moment a little surprised by Steph sudden apology. He had been expecting an easy-triggered fight. “No, but you made my pants dirty.”

    “I’m sorry. I’ll be going now.” Steph said starting to turn, but he was grabbed at the arm stopped from moving.

    “Where you think you’re going? Sorry, doesn’t cut it kid. If you’re really sorry you’ll lick the dirt off my pants.”

    ‘How crass…just looking for a reason now.’ Steph sighed to himself and bowed again in apology. “I’m afraid that the warm breeze has dried my mouth. I must be going now, I don’t want to take up anymore of your precious time.”

    “Sweet talking won’t get you out of this.”

    Steph pulled his arm out of the hold of the man and broke from the group jumping over the stairs. However, they were faster than him and were already after him before he could clear the stairs. The young man ran his fist through Steph’s cheek sending him across the ground the rest of the way. Steph’s back scrapped across the rough stone slowly coming to a stop against the wall. He blinked once regaining his senses feeling a wet tickle at his chin. His hand brushed against his lip and chin picking up blood for him to confirm. ‘This is quickly getting worse.’

  21. #51
    Zenoah jumped in the air with his sword above him and did a vertical slice as he laded on the ground. He then swung more vertical and horizontal attacks. He then held his sword horizontal. Pretending he was actually fighting a opponent in battle.

    “Alright here we go, BLAST!!!!”

    He started to thrust his sword has fast as he could. The speed the blades was being pushed back and froth started to make afterimages, but He could no longer hold that pace. Zeno did on last sword thrust as hard as he could. He then stabbed the sword on the ground using it to keep himself up on his feet. He sweat dropped to the ground off his face after training who knows how long. He was breathing heavily, and he felt like the whole room was 1,000 degrees hot, but of coarse he knew it was him swing his sword.

    “……now I know how the sun feels. Oh gawd it’s hot in here……….”

    After gaining his strength back he heard the bell ring for food. Zeno’s eyes lit up like he just one the lottery.

    “Alright!!!!! FOOD!!!!!”

    Zeno then shot off running down the white never ending hallway. As he ran down the hallway the faster he ran.

    “food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food!!!!”

    He screamed has he bolted down the hallway not caring who saw him or heard him. When he finally found the doorway to it. He stopped skidding right in front of it. He looked inside and saw all the students in line. Zeno made a phist and held infront of him.

    “Damn I was too late. I can’t wait in this firkin long ass line. There’s got to be away. Hmmmmmmm okaye lets see. I scream out loud saying theres two hot chicks fighting. No then the girl students will just all gang up on me. Hmmmmm okaye what if punch one guy in the face and said that someone else did it. Then while everyone is fighting I help myself to all the yummy food. Hehehehh YES It’s perfect.”

    Zeno giggled to himself then went into the back of the line, to start off his plan. He looked around to make sure no one was looking. When he finally looked to see who was in front of him. It was a big guy that was two times Zeno size. He looked at the giant and sighed.

    “Or I can just wait in line……………………….damn it.”

    When he finally got his tray he got nothing but pancakes and syrup. He then fast walked over to a seat, sat down, and started eating. He ate so fast that people around him were watching him.”

  22. #52
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    As Shino walked toward the cafeteria, she noticed a boy wander off and remembered there was a child in her class. So perhaps he was not what he appeared to be. She shrugged it off and continued on to the cafeteria. She switched her patch to Mai because her performance was done. Mai rubbed her belly and went to the end of the line and picked up a tray and her utensils. She wondered what they served for breakfast.

    As the line went by, she noticed Haruka and another boy she sat next to. They seemed to be nervous to one another, though Mai hadn't the slightest clue as to why. Mai got her breakfast and it was pancakes. She licked her lips and made her way to Haruka. When she got closer, she noticed a few features on Haruka's body that stood out to her.

    Haruka looks so cute... She has such nice slender curves and lips that yearn to be kissed.” she thought to herself. Shino overheard the thought and suppressed a chuckle and kept her comments to herself.

    Mai lost track of herself and noticed that she arrived at Haruka's table. She blushed immediately and poked Haruka on the side of the shoulder. She bit her lower lip and thought about the comments she made about Haruka earlier.

    “Haruka-san... may I sit next to you?” she smiled sweetly.

    “Uh... sure.”

    “Thank you, Haruka-san.” Mai placed her tray next to Haruka's and sat down. She cut her pancakes into several pieces and took a bite. She licked the syrup from her lips and glanced back to Haruka and looked at her lips and blushed. She took her napkin and wiped her mouth and put her finger to her lips and continued to blush.

    Oh, what am I doing... why do I have thoughts like this? I didn't think like this before. Although... she really is pretty... she thought to herself as she continued to eat her meal. Mai was just about finished with her meal when she sighed and took another glance at Haruka. She smiled as she blushed and glanced back to her plate and finished the last bite.

    Just then, Shino had an odd feeling and her patch switched. Shino looked around the area and didn't see the boy she saw earlier in the cafeteria. Either the boy decided not to eat, or something was happening. She wasn't one to jump to conclusions, but her gut was right when a student barged in and made an announcement that “Nyuu-chan” was being beaten up.

    Shino stood up and cracked her knuckles. She took a last glance at Haruka and the guy she sat with and leaned down and whispered in Haruka's ear. Her chest rubbed against Haruka's shoulder subconsciously.

    I think Mai has a thing for you, Haru-chan.” she chuckled softly as she put on a serious glare and went up to the student.

    Lead the way, kid.” she stared with an icy glare.

    The messenger student gulped and nodded nervously and ran out of the cafeteria with Shino in tow. It took a few minutes, but the student pointed out where it was and Shino's eyes flared up when she saw “Nyuu-chan” with bloodstains. She clenched her fist and told the student that he could leave. He did as suggested, but went to get a sensei just in case.

    As the leader of the pack was about to land a punch to Nyuu-chan again, she leaped in at the right second and took the attack for him. She spun from the impact and hit him in the back of the head with her fist. She glared at him and stood in front of a wounded Nyuu-chan.

    If there's one thing I don't like more than rap music, it's people like you. Bullies, are what you are.

    “What of it, woman? You going to do something to stop us? You're out numbered.” he glared right back at her.

    Numbers aren't important right now. Your skills combined don't even compare to mine. Either leave quietly or in a stretcher. Take your pick.

    “Cocky, are we? Then it's time for us to teach you a lesson! Get her, guys!”

    “Yeah!” they said in unison as the three attacked her simultaneously.

    The three of them threw punches in unison and she ducked and split her legs and kicked two of them in their midsection and spun her legs around in a capoeria motion to knock them off of their balance. She stood up and dusted herself off.

    Just as I thought. No talent whatsoever. I barely did a thing and already you fools are on the ground.

    The crew cursed at her and stood up and took a few breaths before they charged at her once more. She shook her head in pity and dodged their excuse for attacks and turned on her heel and spun behind them and sent a chop to the back of their necks and caused them to go unconscious for a while.

    Just in time as a sensei came to see about the situation. They immediately jumped on Shino's case.

    Relax, sensei. They're not injured. I just put them to sleep.

    “...Oh. Well, then. Good work. Breakfast is almost over and it's almost time for your Kidou class, so get ready.”

    Yes, sensei.” Shino said as she bowed.

    She cleared her throat and turned to face Nyuu-chan. She knelt down and put out her hand and smiled.

    Do you need a hand, Nyuu-chan?

    “I have a name... Please call me Steph,” he said as he coughed a bit. “By the way... who are you? I saw you in class before..”

    Oh, me? My name's Shino.

    “...Why did you help me?”

    Because I hate bullies, Steph-kun.” she looked away from him for a moment to suppress her blushed cheeks.

    Damn, why does he look so cute?! she thought to herself.

    She scratched her forehead and sighed. She picked up Steph and carried him on her back as she made her way toward the Nurse's quarters. He was patched up rather quick and they walked together the rest of the way to the Kidou class.

  23. #53
    Kuragari’s body emerged from the shadows of the hallway and found himself outside staring at a large open area. The leaves in the trees rustled calmly, flowing with the calming wind. The breeze was just as gentle to his face as it was to the leaves. Kuragari stretched his arms out wide as he leaned back onto the soft padded dirt. Maybe I shouldn’t have skipped breakfast he thought to himself. His eyes weighed heavy as the continuous breeze calmed and relaxed his muscles. I’ll just eat brunch he thought as his vision turned to darkness. He awoke shortly after at the sound of someone screaming. He yawned heavily and saw a student running in the direction of the cafeteria. This might prove interesting. He pushed off the ground and started off after the student. He seemed to be in a real rush; Kuragari kept behind him though, eager to find out what was happening. He stopped his chase as the student barged through a pair of double doors. Kuragari rested behind the door his arms crossed, his ears pressed against the wall. He heard a muffled shout, all saying the same thing, but he couldn’t make it out. The student seemed to be right across the wall when he screamed the final time. Kuragari made out the words “Nyuu-chan is being beaten up!” Tch I came all the way here just to find out some person’s being bullied? What a waste of time. He was about to start heading back when the doors were thrown open again. As the door swayed back and forth, he noticed the student had a new companion by his side. Shino! he screamed in his head. Heh, I spoke to soon, as always. He followed behind silently. It was a quick run leading to small outside area. Kuragari remained in the hallway’s masking shadow as Shino ran out to help a young boy with a bloodstained shirt.

    “If there's one thing I don't like more than rap music, it's people like you. Bullies, are what you are.” Shino called out to the group of guys. How’d the kid get beat by those three? he laughed to himself.

    “What of it, woman? You going to do something to stop us? You're out numbered.” screamed what seemed to be the leader.

    “Numbers aren't important right now. Your skills combined don't even compare to mine. Either leave quietly or in a stretcher. Take your pick,” Shino called out to them again, much more threateningly.

    “Cocky, are we? Then it's time for us to teach you a lesson! Get her, guys!”

    “Yeah!” they all called out in unison, their stomping feet matching their loud voices. Idiots…Kuragari thought again shifting his head back and forth. A few minutes passed before Shino successfully knocked down all 3 of the bullies. A teacher came running into the scene throwing accusations at Shino.

    “Relax, sensei. They're not injured. I just put them to sleep,” Shino said innocently. She responded rather quickly, as she had already anticipated the accusation.

    “...Oh. Well, then. Good work. Breakfast is almost over and it's almost time for your Kidou class, so get ready,” the teacher said, slightly taken back.

    “Yes, sensei.” Shino said as she bowed. Shino turned on the boy covered in blood. They exchanged a few sentences before he was hoisted onto her back. Through it all however, Kuragari only cared about one thing he saw. She blushed. Ha-ha, she must like him. I feel sorry for whoever that is he thought to himself covering his mouth. His gaze came back up as Shino began to near his location. And at that moment he saw who she was carrying. Steph! She likes Steph? Ah great, I have to live with someone who’s girl friend is a total whore. Caught up in his own thoughts Kuragari didn’t notice Shino was getting even closer. Soon she would be able to see him. Gah! I need to get out of here. Kuragari closed shut his eyes tightly. I wish I was back at the open field. With this thought came the image the of field, and a bright white flash. Kuragari’s head spun and he found himself driving face first into a hard concrete wall.

    “Owl!!! What the hell was that,” he screamed wiping off some blood from his nearly broken nose. Oh no, Shino. He spun on his heels to see that they were gone. He was back in the open field, the sun’s rays bearing down on his beaten face. “How did I-, What’s going on.”

    “You used shunpo,” came a voice from behind.

    “Huh?” Kuragari turned around and found the teacher that found Shino gazing down at him.

    “Shunpo I said. It allows you to move much faster then normal. You’re surprisingly faster then me,” pushing up her glasses with her left index finger.

    “Shunpo? Where have I heard that before?” Kuragari tried to re-call the moment he first heard that word. With the shinigami! When he brought me to my dorm. “Ah, just like the shinigami said.”

    “What was that?”

    “Uh, nothing. Just reminiscing. How’d you know I’d come here anyway?”

    “I didn’t. I said you were faster, doesn’t mean I can’t keep up,” the teacher responded curling her lips into a small smile. “You’ll be late for you Kidou class,” she said after a pause. She pointed behind her saying, “It’s where Shino was. Just go inside and take a left from there.”

    “I’m not going to another class,” Kuragari said through pursed lips.

    “You’ll need it to beat Shino,” she returned mockingly

    “Eh… How’d you- never mind,” Kuragari said stubbornly, crossing his arms again. “Fine… I’ll go. Just lea-” Kuragari stared at the empty space where the teacher had stood before. How un-original. He stared into the floating white cotton placed into the deep blue sky. The rays of the sun causing different colors of the spectrum to appear. Each beautifully adorned off of the sun’s location. Such a nice view… I guess I can miss class once more. Just to…see…this…view. Though he would have enjoyed to stare forever onto the beautiful scene, it abruptly came to and end as the shining bright sun was replaced with a white glowing globe. What! What’s going on? The bright blue sky was replaced just as quickly with a blanket of the night sky. It would have been another good view, if the moon wasn’t quickly changing into a bright red color. Kuragari staggered back at the view, and stared down at his strange hands. From the tips of his fingers came the same color as the moon, pouring down to the floor. Out from the midst of the shadows formed a blade. The blade hovered about motionless, however the blood wasn’t so unresponsive. It shot out from its puddle and streamed towards the tip of the sword. It spiraled around the sword and wrapped it in its glowing red color. The blade accepted it like a welcomed visitor, taking it into its home. Silence grew as Kuragari could not find the courage to move. The sword broke this silence with an eerie screech. It rang aloud, and echoed throughout the soundless night sky. Shortly after the blade began to shift and swerve, attempting to take some type of shape. Kuragari stared bewildered at the monstrosity that stood before him. It was a behemoth. Large in size, bearing fangs larger then that of a dinosaur. Its gray fur grew out from the base of its neck, its brown fur streaked with the color of Kuragari’s blood.

    For the first time, in who knows how long, Kuragari felt fear. Real fear deep within his heart. This creature’s reiatsu was more then he could have ever imagined. Though he hardly knew anything of reiatsu, he knows what it can do to someone of inferiority to it. And right now, Kuragari was the inferior being. Nothing moved, not one finger, and the air seemed stiff, chocking him, stripping him of what remaining air he had left. The behemoth stared deeply into his eyes, its yellow orbs taking in everything about him. Kuragari gasped desperately for air, wheezing at ever pitiful attempt. His vision blurred every second he stayed in this condition. The behemoths law claws shattered the ground with ever step it took closer to Kuragari. Kuragari could no longer hold his conscious, his vision failed him, and the behemoth was stripped from his sight. He heard the beast utter one sentence before he lost conscious. “My name is…”
    Last edited by Kuradic; 07-20-2007 at 11:39 AM.

  24. #54
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    He had been ready to accept what was going to happen to him and survive through it. The Rukongai provided plenty of skirmishes for him that he had been used to taking a beating. It was not something that he relished, but he also did not like fighting. He never fought back against anyone that bullied him; he just did not have it in him to swing his fist. Steph could barely even get angry with them he did not care enough. It would be gone eventually and he would move along.

    This time however, he was rescued by the warrior woman from earlier. She had a fierce look in her eyes one that he could not empathize with, anger and rage. The three men that were ganging up on him were taken out quickly without much further injury that he had initially received. It amounted to mostly bruises and minor cuts, his clothes were dirtier than his appearance.

    “Do you need a hand, Nyuu-chan?” the woman said looking down at him. He was short to begin with being on the ground only furthered to make his appearance more childlike and meek.

    ‘Nyuu-chan…even she’s calling me it. And it’s a name that sticks too, I’ll never be rid of it now…’ Steph sighed softly to himself as he wiped some dirt from his hands. “I have a name…Please call me Steph.” His chest was feeling tight suddenly around his throat causing him to cough in his speech. “By the way…who are you? I saw you in class before.”

    “Oh, me? My name’s Shino.”

    “…Why did you help me?”

    “Because I hate bullies, Steph-kun.”

    ‘Well lets hope that name sticks. I’d rather forget the memories of the past if possible…’ He caught a glimpse of the woman turning red for a moment leaving Steph confused. It seemed a little strange that such a strong woman would be shy about something. ‘Guess she’s human after all.’ After shaking it off Shino picked him up and started to carry him back into the academy. ‘I’m not that injured.’ They arrived in the medical ward of the academy smaller than the one that he had visited; it was more like a nurse’s office than complete facilities.

    Shino finally let him walk on his own into the office. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to carry me,” Steph said bowing to her.

    “Yeah, well…”

    “Is there something wrong?” the woman at the desk said as Steph approached. As he approached it became clear to the woman. “Oh dear, poor child you’ve been hurt. Come around back.” Steph followed, though with some reluctance with his last visit. He did not think that his injuries were very severe to require tending. The nurse had him lay down the bed removing his shirt to tend to the bruises. He had several small cuts that he did not realize with his shirt covering them up.

    “You get into a fight with someone bigger than you?” the nurse said making idle conversation while Shino remained at the entrance.

    “Uh no…it was one sided.”

    “Bullied huh? I guess children like yourself are easy targets being so small.”

    “Its alright, I’m used to it.”

    “That’s not something I like to hear.” The nurse finished up with his cuts and let him dress himself. Steph stood up quickly tucking his shirt in at the waist. “Now I don’t want to see you in here again, okay?”

    “Alright, thank you,” Steph said bowing to the woman.

    “At least not without someone else to tend to as well,” she said teasing him lightly.

    Steph smiled to her and returned to the front of the office. ‘Waiting on me?’ He gave Shino a smile as well as thanks. She took the lead walking him to their next class. While they were on their walk Steph untied his hair. It had become a mess from being tossed around by those men that attacked him. He let his hair fall down around his shoulders while he smoothed it out with his fingers. “Thanks again for stopping them,” Steph said smiling up at Shino.

    Shino looked away again softly coughing to herself to regain her composure. “Just can’t stand bullies.”

    They reached the class finding some students already gathered inside. The instructor was standing in front watching the students as they entered. It was an aging man, though still with some youthful shine in his face still. He waited until everyone had arrived before beginning the class. Steph had found his own place a distance away from Shino who had departed company shortly after they reached the room.

    “Welcome to the Kidou class, I’ll be your instructor. What you’ll learn here is foundation knowledge and basic execution of a kidou spell. You will not learn every spell. The lowest spells will be enough to train you. You should know that there are two types of kidou spells binding and destructive. In addition is healing, but that works a little differently.”

    The man continued for a little longer talking about theory and explaining how to control spirit energy, but Steph became lost at that point. He had done it briefly when being examined, but he did not even know if it was the same method. Steph tried to concentrate and follow the instructions hoping that some of it would eventually make sense to him, but it was all abstract. ‘I don’t know if I’ll ever understand this…’

    “You child!” the instructor said suddenly snapping Steph out of his internal debate. He looked down at the instructor from the large lecture hall. “Yes, you come down here.”

    “Yes, sir!” Steph did not hesitate in moving quickly to the front of the hall uncertain why he had been called. ‘I wasn’t talking out loud was I?’ The instructor placed a hand on Steph’s shoulder firmly shaking him to the core. He quickly pulled down the shoulder of his shirt revealing the few bandages that he had on. The audience laughed at Steph’s embarrassment.

    “Quiet!” the man shouted making his voice suddenly reverberate through the walls enough to make the dust shake. “Now I noticed when you came in that you had some recent injuries. You’ll make a perfect example. I shall demonstrate the difference between healing and binding spells.” The man’s hand began to glow blue suddenly as he placed his palm against one of the small cuts Steph had. When his hand pulled away the wound was gone completely.

    “With simple injures like this one can heal quickly, larger injures will require more effort and bandages even afterwards. Now for the binding spell.” The instructor stood in front of Steph suddenly placing his hand out at his body. “Bakudo number one, Restrain!”

    Steph had his arms pulled back behind him unable to move them an inch. The swiftness nearly knocked him off his feet. He stopped straining against the invisible force knowing that he would not be able to pull free of it. It was uncomfortable as his shoulders were tense against the joints. Though it was more uncomfortable being in front of everyone.

    “A well trained shinigami can use Kidou without the need of the incantation, however I doubt any of you are at such a level that you are able to do that.” After he finished speaking Steph was released from his bonds holding his wrists to regain the feeling back. “Since you’re here anyway, lets see what you got. First concentrate your spirit energy.”

    ‘Put on the spot…it took me so long the last time and it was embarrassing.’ Steph nodded to the instructor buying himself time to try to remember what he needed to do. If all he had to do was what he did last time he figured eventually he would be able to do it. He closed his eyes bringing an image in his mind, at least trying to do that, for him to focus around. Time passed and there were whispers in the quickly disinterested audience of the hall, but the instructor silenced them with a look. Steph held his focus uninterrupted finally producing a very small sphere in his palm, marginally larger than before.

    “Well its better than nothing…” the instructor said before having to silence the laughs. “Now try to heal yourself as I did. Remember what I said.”

    Steph knew that he could not even speak as his mind was already becoming distracted. He did not even allow himself a nod to acknowledge the man. The thought of healing the wounds was an encouraging feeling for him; it would remove the signs from his body. He would not have to have people looking at him needlessly and the slight pain would be gone. His lip still hurt every time he spoke as it cracked open breathing the stinging air.

    His hand that was holding the sphere allowed it to fall into his palm absorbing it in his palm as the instructor had said. Steph could feel the warmth flowing through is hand easing the pain, but before he could place it on his wound it covered his arm. Then it surrounded his shoulder and chest until it covered his body. In a moment all of his wounds closed up quickly and released the tension from his muscles. All over his body there was a warmth internally that felt as though there was a bon fire burning inside him soothing his injuries.

    The instructor stepped back in surprise. “Uh, well that was unexpected. You seem to have some talent for this in spite of your rather little spirit energy. One last thing before I let you return to you seat to practice. Put a binding spell on me.”

    “Sir? But I…”

    “Its practice, you won’t hurt me. Let’s see what you got. You have me curious.”

    “Well I…” Steph timidly approach the man holding his hands in each other. He did not think that he would be able to do something so complex. It seemed simple for the man, but he was skilled. He could barely focus his own spirit energy. The instructor insisted further grabbing his hand and putting it in place facing himself. Steph weakly swallowed before he recited what the instructor had said for the spell, but he paused and stuttered frequently.

    “You aren’t focused, try again!” Steph tried again, but he faired no better. “Quit being scared and just do it!” the instructor yelled at him frightening Steph that he forgot what to say.

    “Bakudo number one, Restrain!” Steph said hastely not even thinking correctly and forgetting the incantation. However, the spell activated and the instructor’s hands were bound behind his back to the surprise of the students. Steph was relieved, but he saw that the instructor was having trouble. There was pain across the man’s face as the bindings grew tighter. The man kept a stoic figure even though he was sweating.


    “I-I…” Steph looked around worried what he was doing. ‘I don’t know how to do that.’ He pulled his hand back trying to break his hold. His muscles tensed up with stress making him sweat. The ground seemed to lift up on him as his equilibrium was broken. Steph fell back against the ground passing out and releasing the instructor.

    “Nearly broke my arms…first lessons!” the instructor said turned away towards the class. “First focus your spirit energy into a ball, repeat this exercise until you are confident. The next step will be partnering up and practicing the first bakodu spell that I demonstrated here. Begin!”

  25. #55
    Mugen and Rei went to the courtyard after their first class. It was time to eat but neither of them wher hungry because the didn't use up any of their spirit energy. Rei showed him this around the time they first met. She said: "You'll rarely see anyone here in the Rukongai eating. Only Soul Reapers really need to eat to regain their spirit energy. Most Rukon people don't know HOW to utilize their spirit energy, and don't really need to eat," Mugen remembered.

    The two sat under a fully bloomed cherry blossem tree. Rei pulled a Japanese flute from the inside of her uniform. "You're lucky that didn't get broken." Mugen remarked and pointed at the flute.

    "Nah, I've has this for way too long to get it broken now." She smirked as she began to play. Immediately, the sweet sound of music filled the atmosphere in and around the Academy. Mugen closed his eyes and blocked out everything except the flute music.

    When Rei played her flute, it brought peace to Mugen's scarred soul. Other people in the courtyard stopped their conversations and turned their attention to Rei and her flute. Mugen began to fall asleep, his head gently fell into Rei's lap. She blushed and ran her fingers through Mugen's hair and over his cheek.

    "No, don't stop playing." He said. "Keep going." Rei started to play again as Mugen fell asleep.
    Mugen woke up to his head hitting the ground, and hard. He groaned and cursed under his breath. Rei kicked him in the shin. "Ow! Why did you have to go and do that?" He whined.

    "We're going to be late for our next class! Get up, ya bum." Rei kicked him again and began to walk off. Mugen had a hard time getting up and walked with a slight limp. "I bet I can beat you to the class!" She taunted him. He then ran after her. She ran too, having already had a head start. Rei beat him by a mile, but both got to the Kidou class on time.

    Mugen and Rei stood next to a unusually young student. They looked at each other and shrugged. Before they knew it, the instructor was already demonstrating. The boy standing next to them was, in fact, the old man's first "guinie pig". He showed the class how to form their spirit energy into their palms and showed them the first Bakudo spell. Mugen was surprised at the young student's spirit energy.

    After the demonstration, the sensei gave them instructions. “First focus your spirit energy into a ball, repeat this exercise until you are confident. The next step will be partnering up and practicing the first bakodu spell that I demonstrated here. Begin!” When the young student was sent back to his place, Mugen had a thought that seemed reocurring to him. He looks familiar, too...

  26. #56
    “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah AMEN. Man I’m full. Time to go to the next class. Let see it was…… aw Kidou class that’s right…………………….What the hell is Kidou????

    Zeno put his tray away and walked out side. He walked only a short distance till he tripped over something and landed on his face.

    “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer OWW!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING JUST LAYING AROUND!!!! Huh?”

    A bunch of guys were just lying around for no reason. At frist Zeno thought they were sleeping but he quickly noticed the wounds on them. Zeno lifted one guy up and examined him.

    “Hey dude you okay.”

    He groaned in pain and barely opened his eyes.

    “What happened here?”

    “eeeeeeeeeeeeeerrr awwwwwww…… a women did this to us.”

    “A women. Pffffffffffffff hahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahah”

    Zeno sat the man back down and started laughing in a corner really hard.

    “Hahahahahhah you mean your whole group fought head to head with her and you all got your asses kicked. Hahahahahhahahahahhaahha!!!! OH no stop it!!! Hahahahahhahahahahah!!!!!”

    Zeno finally got his thoughts together, and stood back up and kneeled to the beaten bully.

    “So a girl you said huh. I’ll half to fight this girl one day. Thanks for the info, sorry that you got owned, but you jerks probably deserved it.”

    The beaten bully had an angry look on his face.

    “…You cocky punk id beat the tar out of you if I wasn’t beat up.”

    Zeno smiled and had a crazy look in his eyes. He stood up and took out his wooden sword and held it in front of him.

    “Heheheh you really want to test me. Im not the only crazy one in this Academy ya know. Maybe to avoid further troubles I should just kill you all know. I’ll just clean up the mess that she left for me. I have no problem serving absolute justice.”

    The tone of Zeno’s voice was dark and sinister. The bully on the ground was starting to shake at what he just heard.

    “There’s no need to fear, I’ll make your death so fast you won’t feel a think.”

    Zeno held his wooden sword back ready to pierce the guy right through the chest.

    “Any last words.”


    The man screamed and started dragging all of his buddies with him as he ran away. Zeno stood there alone with the same posture. Zeno’s fierce face went back to normal has he smiled happily. He then took put sword away and giggled to himself. As he started to walk to his class he started to talk to himself again.

    “Heheheh Aw man he missed the punch line. I was going to say kidding. I guess my acting skills are better than I thought. Too bad the Academy doesn’t have an acting class, but I guess fighting is the next best thing. Though I hope I can fight the girl she must be pretty strong, or heck I’ll fight anyone who’s strong regardless of gender….OH CRAP I half to be in class I wasted too much time with those idiots!!!!!”

    Zeno then started running really fast to the class. He shot by countless people still roaming the halls. When he finally found his Kidou class he saw all the students doing an exercise with a ball. Zeno snuck in and got a ball and pretended to do what ever the others were doing, but the his instructor and older man somehow knew he was late considering his back was turned towards him the entire time he crept in. The old man turned around and gave an evil eye to Zeno. Zeno’s eyes grew wide knowing he was busted; the old man said nothing but just gaze..

    “Young man concentrate your spiritual energy to make ball in the palm of your hand."

    He told Zeno everything he had to know in order to do the task. When he finally left, Zeno then started to do the exercise.

    “Man I’m lucky, I thought he was totally goanna chew me out. That the last time I torture bully’s.

    Zeno thought to himself as he was begining to concentrate his spiritual energy to make a ball in the palm of his hand.
    Last edited by Oathkeeper13; 08-07-2007 at 01:09 AM.

  27. #57
    Morning Always Comes Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    It wasn't the most comfortable situation Haruka had been in. She really did like Kaigaiishi, it was just that...she didn't really want to come off as a total flirt. It wasn't in what she thought to be her "nature." And, unfortunately, her mouth seemed to be moving of its own accord as her mind screamed for it to stop. If Haruka had had some sort of split personality, she would've felt a lot more comfortable with the situation, however; she knew that she was acting this way simply because of nerves. Oh the joys of human emotion.

    Kaigaiishi was talking again. "Well Haruka," he paused to take a breath, "I believe I still require an answer to that question I asked you ten years ago." He stopped again and looked straight into her eyes, rather fearfully. "But...its okay if you don't want to....or if you don't even remember..." Kaigaiishi blushed at this point, and looked like saying all that had taken every ounce of strength he possessed.

    "Um..." Haruka said, and paused to think. The day of her death had been so long ago, she had all but forgotten it. But, there was one event in her life that she would probably never forget, and it took place on that day. The first time she had ever been asked out.

    “H-Haruka? W-would you like to, uh, hang out sometime? You know, like come over to my house, and play video games, maybe have dinner?”

    "Oh." Haruka was suddenly shaking.

    " do remember, then?" Kaigaiishi asked nervously.

    "Yeah. And, I think..." But, once again, Haruka was unable to answer. It was as if she was destined to never go out Kaigaiishi, because, at that moment, Mai walked cautiously up to the table.

    “Haruka-san... may I sit next to you?” she smiled sweetly. Curious.... Haruka remembered the thoughts she had about Mai earlier, and blushed slightly.

    "Uh...sure," Haruka replied for lack of a better phrase, as she was still quite shocked that Kaigaiishi had, once again, asked her out. Mai sat down and began to tackle her pancakes. Haruka had to admit that the pancakes did look good, but she definitely preferred the cereal.

    It was then that the doors to the cafeteria slammed open. A kid walked in and started yelling about some kid called 'Nyuu-chan" getting beaten up. Nyuu-chan, Nyuu-chan...where have I heard that...Ah! Steph! It was amazing how many things joining the academy made her remember.

    Haruka turned to look at Mai. Correction, Haruka turned to look at Shino, as while she had been engrossed in her cereal, the eye-patch had switched. Shino was standing up now, cracking her knuckles. She looked like she would kill anyone who stood in her path, so Haruka decided not to speak. Then, right as she thought Shino was going to leave and all would be peaceful again, the black haired girl bent over Haruka to whisper in her ear. Her chest rubbed up against Haruka's shoulder, making her blush uncontrollably.

    Oh gee... I mean....Oh GEE!... Haruka's thoughts were definitely not coherent at this point. But, if she felt uncomfortable now, what was to come would make her feel worse. "I think Mai has a thing for you, Haru-chan," Shino said deviously. She chuckled softly and withdrew her oversized breasts from Haruka's shoulders.



    Shino walked away, and Haruka groaned, her face falling into her cereal bowl.


    "Shlut lit." Haruka mumbled through the remaining milk, splattering her hair with the creamy liquid as it splashed out of the bowl at her mouth's movement.

    Kaigaiishi didn't reply, and turned back to his food with what Haruka thought must be a disturbed look.

    It took Haruka a while to recover. She sat in the cafeteria with her face in the milk for some time, trying to fathom how this could be happening to her.

    She's pretty, but she shares Shino's body...and what about Kaigaiishi...?

    Just when Haruka thought she could lift her face from the bowl and talk to Kaigaiishi once more, the bell rang to initiate the start of Kidou class. Haruka groaned, face still in the bowl, causing milk to go everywhere.

    "I-It was nice talking to you again Haruka-chan," Kaiigaishi said nervously, obviously trying to escape the flying milk.

    "Yeah..." Haruka said, spraying milk once more. She felt Kaigaiishi flinch and realized she must've hit him with some. "Sorry," she mumbled, and this time he scurried away, afraid of getting hit with even more of the cursed liquid. It was time for Haruka's head to come out of the bowl. It wouldn't be good if she was late for class. But, what she hadn't figured when she stuck her head in, was the mess of bringing it out.

    White liquid poured over her clothes, and some of the small ring shaped Cheerios even clung to her hair. One of the shinigami monitoring the cafeteria rushed up to her. "You! Your name?"

    "Tokoyami Haruka" Haruka said, earning herself a mouthful of milk.

    "Tokoyami! Return to your room immediately and get cleaned up!" I'll send ahead an excuse to your next class...which is...."

    "Kidou," Haruka said groggily. Then, she stood up and walked slowly and tiredly out of the room.

    Out in the halls, the milk-covered Haruka passed many people, all of whom looked at the poor white tinted girl curiously, or, even mockingly. She blocked them all out though, as she didn't have the strength to deal with them at the moment. All she could think about was Mai, Kaigaiishi, and the poor unsuspecting student who tripped over the liquid now invisibly inhabiting the floor.

    By the time Haruka reached her dorm room, she was very much dry, very much sticky, and definitely looking forward to showering and changing her clothes.

    As she reached for the door she was already imagining the hot steamy water running over her, washing away the sweat and milk...

    As she clasped the door-handle, her imagination moved to the shampoo, and the delightful smell that would reach her nose as she opened the bottle and poured some of the clear purple liquid onto her hand....

    And, as she slid the door open, all of her fantasies were blown right out of her head. Standing in the middle of the room, her back to the door, was a young woman, about nineteen or twenty years of age. She had shoulder length curly blonde hair, and was slightly taller than Haruka.

    "And you would be...?" Haruka said impatiently, unable to wait for her shower any longer.

    "O-oh...well, this is my room, I believe I should ask you that."

    Haruka didn't have time for games. "My room too, idiot."


    Haruka groaned. This woman was definitely going to be annoying.

    "Junko Hetare." The woman said, her deep green eyes attempting to pierce Haruka's black ones. It didn't work.

    "Tokoyami Haruka. Now move. I need a shower."

    "Shouldn't you be in class?"

    "Shouldn't YOU?"

    "Tch, they gave me today off because I arrived late."

    Haruka sighed. This chick was really pushing her buttons. So, instead of responding, Haruka journeyed into the bathroom and slammed the door. Though it was rather cramped, it was a great relief to Haruka. The bluish-green walls and fluffy beige towels made the room look homier than any other room in the entirety of the Academy. All thoughts of Mai, Kaigaiishi, and the strange girl calling herself Hetare disappeared. Haruka was alone.

    She stood for a moment, gazing at her reflection. Her hair was terribly matted from the presence of so much milk, and her face looked extremely sticky. Lifting a finger to softly touch her nose, Haruka realized it was.

    Time for a shower, Haruka thought happily. She reached for the string on her red pants, and untied them, letting them fall softly to the floor. She looked back at herself in the mirror, unable to wait any longer for the warm water to touch her pale skin. She then walked over to the deep blue shower curtain, and pulled it back to reveal the pinkish bathtub beyond. Excitedly, she extended her right hand and began to fiddle with the knobs until the water was the perfect temperature. Taking a deep breath and allowing the steam slowly rising from the water to caress her head a moment, Haruka pulled off her red and white top. All that was left was her hair-ties. She carefully yanked her hair out of it's tied up state, and, wearing only her skin, she stepped into the shower.

    It was just how she had imagined it. The hot water ran softly down her body, immediately wiping away any grime that had clung to it moments before. Just like in her vision, Haruka then reached for the shampoo, and upon opening the cap, released the heavenly aroma of flowers into the steamy air.

    Haruka poured some of the clear liquid into her hand and began to slowly massage it through her hair, turning it whiter than it had been previously. Then, she turned, slowly, and tipping her head back slightly, Haruka rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. The white suds ran down her face and body, reminding Haruka of the milk, and the incident that had taken place only minutes before.

    She didn't know who she liked. Haruka's emotions were confusing her, and the thoughts running through her head were definitely not usual for her. She felt like a teenager hitting puberty, confused and alone, but wanting more than anything else to reach out to someone. But who? Mai and Kaigaiishi...they both liked her, she could trust them...but Mai shared a body with Shino. Haruka just didn't know what to do. Where's Satine when you need her? Haruka wondered to herself. She hadn't seen her petite friend all day.

    Grabbing a washcloth and the bottle of face wash, Haruka scrubbed her face of any of the remaining stickiness, then, pausing only to enjoy the hot water for a few more moments, Haruka turned off the water.

    How I wish I could've stayed in there longer...

    She wrapped a towel around her body, and stepped slowly out of the warm, stuffy bathroom, taking most of the steam out with her. She ignored Hetare, who had moved to sit on the bottom bunk of the bed to the right of where Haruka stood now.

    Haruka dressed quickly, and was abut to leave the room when she noticed the mess that now occupied Mai and Shino's bed. It appeared that Hetare had brought along everything she owned, and deposited randomly on one of the beds.

    "Um, excuse me," she said, being polite for once, "Excuse me Hetare, but that bed belongs to someone already. And frankly, they won't be pleased when they see that mess."

    "Their bed. They can clean it up." Hetare shrugged.

    Haruka gawked. This girl definitely didn't know Shino.

    "Your funeral," Haruka chuckled as she walked out of the room to catch the end of Kidou class.

  28. #58
    アズテオル Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Azuteor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Holding down the low end.
    Kaigaiishi closed the door behind him silently to avoid from disturbing Steph. He looked both ways to see what direction he should take to get to the bathroom, but still, he doesn't know his way around the premesis. Kaigaiishi shrugged his shoulders, sighed, and turned right not caring where he might end up as long as he finds the bathroom. The floor he walked on is smooth and slippery which made it quite easy for someone to slide and trip. As he continued to walk, his temptation to run and slide across the hallway began to cram itself into his noggin. Kaigaiishi chuckled a little and chose do just that, but was immediately halted as soon as a fellow student came out from a room. The student looked at him and stood in shock with widened eyes. Kaigaiishi's right eye winced and walked aside as to move out of the way. The guy nervously hastened to the end of hall to avoid being near a person he thought as "weird," and Kaigaiishi crossed his arms, watching the student disappear from sight.

    He faced towards the room the student came from and looked at the upper section of the room's door. Kaigaiishi gritted his teeth and read "Bathroom" in big, bold letters across the wooden closing. He then rushed right through angrily.

    The following morning, the second day in his stay began by daily routines required to have a smooth academic work flow. One of these routines began by simple tasks like brushing teeth, taking baths, cleaning your own uniforms, and many others that have kept the school with excellent cleanliness. Kaigaiishi made sure that he woke up early, which he did, to get to his class in time, although he could not forget Steph or Kuragari. Kaigaiishi wanted to make sure that he would have a good day in his new classes and is fired up to learn something new. So he got out of his bed and fixed it neatly just he would when he was in the real world. This is what he feels in the inside, but in the outside, his face displayed a calm and emotionless expression. Kaigaiishi picked up his uniform from the end of his bed, put on his white under garments, blue full length kimono, white haori, and dark blue hakama pants to complete the school's traditional attire. After dressing up, Kaigaiishi walked to the edge of Kuragari's bedside so he could awaken him from his slumber, "Hurry up," he commanded by pulling by the collar of his shirt. He nudged him back and forth crazily to interfere in his sleep, but Kuragari did not react except that his head flailed about in a circular motion. Ten minutes worth of trying to wake Kuragari cost Kaigaiishi his own time and grew impatient as he pushed him back to his pillow. Finally, Kuragari slowly opens his eyes and winced when his pupils met the glaring light of the sun. Kaigaiishi quickly pointed at him with his index finger and told him that they are already late for the first day of sword training.

    Kuragari pulled aside his blankets and sat right side up at the edge of his bed. He looked at Kaigaiishi and stood up heading towards the bathroom, "Tsch, like I care!" Kaigaiishi looked to his side upset and let Kuragari be by himself, "Fine, I’ll go. You can be as late as you want!"

    “Okay, see you later,” Kuragari replied as he rushed a wave of water against his face. Kaigaiishi growled and slammed the room door to leave him in his own abodes. the scarfed twenty-five year old placed his back on a nearby wall for a few seconds to relax his burning emotions and put his hand below his garment to scratch the torso of his body. As he started to scratch, he suddenly discovered a folded paper hidden under his clothing and proceeded to take a look at it's contents. The paper withheld a list of his classes and a poorly drawn map to showed what paths he should take to get to them. Kaigaiishi's faced immediately turned grim as he observed the map, Whoever drew this must suck," he said to himself out loud. Even though he is grateful for its convenience, he feels that it isn't necessary to have doodles of bunnies all over the paper. Still annoyed at the drawing's poor artistic skill, he scanned the map to find where the swordsmanship training class is and what direction he shall follow.

    "Alright... My class should be down this hallway, take a right, take a left, and another right," he whispered this to himself still examining the map and memorizing the turns. He folded the paper back to its original form and placed it under his hakama for safe keeping. Kaigaiishi initiated his journey to his first class by jogging in place and pushing sufficient amounts of energy against the floor to give himself a running boost to the end of the hallway.

    Running for what seemed an eternity, Kaigaiishi had reached his first class and came out exhausted as he sluggishly walks into a large room that could fit more than three hundred students. Kaigaiishi makes himself comfortable in his new environment and observes the students practicing with wooden swords. He smiled and shivered in excitement as he watched everyone make excellent maneuvers. His curious eyes wandered around the room and lead to the teacher who was busy teaching techniques to most of the students. Kaigaiishi's blue eyes matched with her eyes and a stern glare returned back to him, noticing his strong presence. She then turned her attention to the pupils and dismissed them to continue their training. The teacher raised her hand and stomped the hilt of his sword on the ground as if commanding Kaigaiishi to come down. Many of the students jumped in panic and some simply dropped their wooden blades. By the time Kaigaiishi got to the their sensei, they returned back to their training like nothing happened.

    "Okay boy, your first assignment in this class is to learn basic techniques!" She shouted with authority, "First, you must bring your sword like so!" The teacher stands up straight and places her sword in front of the abdomen with her legs behind one another. She then immediately lunged forward with a downward slash and swung her sword sideways as her body bends backwards. After performing this technique she straightened her uniform and handed her own wooden sword to Kaigaiishi, "Now show me..." Kaigaiishi grabbed the sword from her and walked away to an empty spot in the class to practice what he had seen. As he trained, a group of students, who stood at the corner of the room, watched Kaigaiishi and became impressed at how well he handled the sword. "Hah! He's just an amateur!" One of them scoffed and laughed unchanged no matter what his friends told him. In fact he is the leader of the group and a pretty bad one at that. "Hey kid!" The guy walked with his nose up high and looked down at Kaigaiishi. This man wore an odd hairstyle that looked like he put too much hair gel and it protruded forward so that it bounced as he moved. He had a long square face, a pointy nose, and eye lashes that curled. Kaigaiishi wanted to explode in laughter, but he ignored him and continued what his teacher wanted him to learn.

    "Hey I'm talking to you!!"The guy pushed his forehead a bit close to Kaigaiishi and whispered,"My friends say that you're pretty good. How 'bout showing me whatcha got?"

    The teacher overheard the conversation and told Kaigaiishi to accept his challenge even though he had learned one technique. He was hesitant at first, but decided that he might as well if he would be left alone. Both men stood at opposite sides of the room while the students gathered around in a circle to witness the battle. The teacher stood as the referree between the two and before she declared "start," she mentioned that it is important to reveal your name as a sign of respect for your opponent.

    "Fine.." Kaigaiishi bit his upper lip and faced to the side in disgust, "My name is

    Kaigaiishi Mitsu." He stated his name without looking at the other person.

    "Orakashii Yamazaru (Foolish Monkey) is my name!! You will regret ever fighting me!" He boasted out loud.

    "Okay! Since you both have introduced yourselves! I will now commence the battle!" The teacher raised her right hand up in the air for a few seconds and immediately lowers it down as if to cut a piece of wood in half, "Fight!"

    Orakashii switches into a battle stance in which both of his legs are bending and his sword facing the opposite of him. Kaigaiishi does the same except he took the fighting position that he had learned from practicing a basic technique. Orakashii takes the first initiative by charging Kaigaiishi head on with his sword in an arc from his back. His "battle" cry filled the entire room and splashed the spectators faces with his own saliva. Orakashii's feet pounded the floor like an incoming earthquake and vibrated the terrain under Kaigaiishi's standpoint. Kaigaiishi held his ground, but proved a difficult task since he is constantly set off balance. He looked at his feet as if screaming at it and took a step to the left. Just when his attention dissipated, Orakashii took it to his advantage and swung his katana towards Kaigaiishi's head. By a split second, Kaigaiishi luckily ducks under the blow and move away from the fierce warrior. When Orakashii completed his strong yet fairly fast swing, a thrust of wind was unleashed and collided into the nearby wall. All of the students cried in awe at what he had done and this peaked the teacher's interest at a certain level.

    "Done yet? Kaga-kun?" Orakashii cackled as praises and cheers add to his pile of ego. Kaigaiishi picked himself up and walked back to the same spot he stood when the battle began. He grit his teeth together and his eyes burned with a flaming passion to beat him. "Oh? So the little chickie wants to fight man to man, huh?" Everyone around him laughed at Orakashii's joke and applauded in fear to his strength. Seeing that he is taking all he has got on Kaigaiishi, this eased them because they themselves are not going through his predicament. He looked to his audience and bowed to everyone as if he had accomplished something. Kaigaiishi charged and leaped towards Orakashii with his sword high in the air. Finally, he drove his weapon downward hoping that he would land a hit. "Yamazaru-san look out!" A fellow group member of Orakashii called out to him. The leader turned around astonished to see that Kaigaiishi took advantage of his vulnerability. Two opposing forces matched blades and neither one could outdo the other. As they struggled, their blades began to crack due to an immense pressure of reiatsu given from Kaigaiishi and Orakashii. Although these are strong pressures, it is not enough for killing and would need refining. Both of them separated to the opposite sides of the floor and began to recover their breathe while time permits it.

    After resting for a few seconds, Kaigaiishi forced himself to make the next move and proceeded to try the teacher's technique in the midst of battle. He stormed to Orakashii with his sword above the head and striked him across the chest while Kaigaiishi's waist earned a deep wound. Both of them propelled backwards and descended upon each other with their swords arcing to each other's midsection.

    "This is it!" Kaigaiishi cried.

    "Here it comes!" Orakashii bellowed.

    Most students in the whole room leaned forward to see the conclusion of the bout and some covered their eyes not wanting neither of them to lose. Before their very eyes, the match ended with Kaigaiishi and Orakashii at both ends of the floor. Their arms remained stiff and straight while their hands gripped the hilts of their swords. Kaigaiishi's stomach knotted together and his chest felt like it stopped functioning. It had been so long that he had any sort of physical action and was not used to such vigorous use of the body. "I guess I will have to get used to it," he proclaimed quietly to himself. He laid his hand upon his chest to feel his breathing pattern while holding his sword as if it were sacred.

    "I must say. You're pretty good for a newbie," Orakashii forced himself to stand up in attempt to cover his inability to move, but failed and he fell to the tiled floor. He smiled with the same mischievous and prideful eyes he gave when he challenged Kaigaiishi and hoped to see what kind of shinigami he would become. Kaigaiishi didn't say anything back, instead he remained on the ground moping to himself. Orakashii smirked and smoothed his hair, "Well, I hate to break it to you, but you lost." Kaigaiishi knew this. "If I didn't hold back, I could've beaten you right on spot when you were using that technique." Kaigaiishi stood up in malice and charged at Orakashii. His azure eyes enlarged as he remembered why he came to Soul Academy. The teacher held her arm out to stop Kaigaiishi and said in authority, "The battle is over. There is no need to continue it any longer." She put him aside and talked to him personally as everybody else dissolved from the center of the room.

    "Kaigaiishi, you must not make one loss such a big deal for you. Take heart into this experience and improve." She looked at her pupil straight in the eyes and right to the point in what she had to say. "And you know what?" She asked as she cuffed both of Kaigaiishi's shoulders. He looked at the ground speechless and not able to move an inch of his lips. "He's not a real student. Actually, he is hired to disguise himself to determine what sort of areas I have to cover in my curriculum. He is already shinigami and there is no way you could have beaten him. I am surprised you got this far for a first time student." She smiled and Orakashii smiled as if he heard what she said.

    "So.." Orakashii thought for a second to gather the words he needed and continued,

    "Why do you want to be Shinigami?"

    "Something you won't understand."

    "Oh, then what is it?"

    "Revenge," Kaigaiishi clenched his fists as his tongue tasted the bitterness of the word. He hid his face under his white scarf and scurried back to his dorm. The teacher gave a great sigh since the entire room has come to a calm silence. She went back to her desk seeing that she is not needed by her pupils. "He is some kind of kid," Orakashii retorted back to the awkwardness in the air.

    "Mhm," she hummed half listening to Orakashii.

    About fifteen minutes later the bell finally rang for students and faculty members to take their lunch break. Kaigaiishi had no idea where the cafeteria is so he decided to follow everyone else as he got out of his dorm room. "Thank you, thank you ma'am," he said respectfully to the people who supplied the food. Kaigaiishi watched his tray being passed down to another person who took care of a different section of food and it gradually piled with familiar delicacies he had not seen in a long while. After he received the last scoop of food he began to look for a place to sit. Kaigaiishi wanted a place where it is quiet and not too crowded. Considering that there are so many students in one building, it is nearly impossible to find the seating area he desired. Looking around the cafeteria, he wondered to a face his eyes did not set upon for ten years. Nearly dropping his tray he shouted her name, "H-Haruka-chan, that really you?"

    “” Kaigaiishi stood infront of her nervously and his face filled with embarrassment.

    “O-oh! You!”

    “Please! Sit by me...i-if you w-want to...of course...” Kaigaiishi didn't have anything else to say and his voice drifted under his breath as a coarse cough was heard in the background.

    “I...think I’ll do just that.” Kaigaiishi leaped up just a bit and goosebumps popped outwardly like bubble wrap as she accepted to sit by him. He gulped, set his tray down on the table, and dropped down to his seat. As Haruka and Kaigaiishi ate their food, none of them said at word to each other except a few quick glances at each other.

    "So..." Haruka said trying to start a conversation.

    "Um..." Kaigaiishi and Haruka started together coincidentally. He made a soft, nervous laugh and let Haruka finish what she had to say. "You first."

    “So, what brings you here?” Haruka asked.

    “Oh you know, hunt for power and stuff,” Kaigaishi replied and avoiding her eyes.

    “And the real reason?” Kaigaiishi felt the uneasiness between them and sensed that Haruka grew tired of looking for truth she wanted.

    "Revenge," He sighed.


    "So, Haruka-chan...” He blushed while in the process of avoiding the subject.


    “What’s your story? Why’d....” Kaigaiishi stopped for moment to make sure he won't say anything that may offend her. “Why’d you come here?”

    “Oh...summer know, watermelon, cherries and the like.”

    What the heck? What did that mean? Kaigaiishi had no idea what she meant, "ah," he said and continued to eat his food.

    “Shy bastard. If you don’t know what I mean just tell me!”

    Haruka-chan... Kaigaiishi's lips trembled and looked the other way. He faced towards Haruka in attempt to release words out of his mouth. "Well Haruka, I believe I still require an answer to that question I asked you ten years ago." He held on to his scarf like holding to one's mother for comfort. Kaigaiishi grew tense at what he said and was curious if Haruka remembered what happened before they died. "But...its okay if you don't want to....or if you don't even remember..."

    "Oh." Kaigaiishi saw Haruka suddenly shaking.

    " do remember, then?" He asked in fear.

    "Yeah. And, I think..." Kaigaiishi's muscles began to numb as he waited for the answer, but it seemed that they were never meant for each other after all...

    Suddenly, the cafeteria doors rushed open with an outcry of a person going by the name 'Nyuu-chan' and him being beat up. Kaigaiishi was not able to recognize the name and went back to eat his lunch.

    A few moments later, a tall, slender woman approached Haruka and politely asked if she could sit with her. Kaigaiishi faced the person and immediately looked the other way. His eyes twitched incessantly as he noticed the woman's huge... big... -- No, Kaigaiishi divert your eyes to the opposite direction! He placed his elbow unto the table with his hand supporting his head and moved his tray a small distance away from Haruka and her acquaintance. He couldn't but think about Haruka, so his head was tempted to look back at her again to see what she was up to. This time her face was on her cereal bowl.


    "Shlut lit." Kaigaiishi took this as an insult and remained quiet. It was now time for everyone to head for their next class and the sound of the bell rang throughout the school. "I-It was nice talking to you again Haruka-chan," he said in his leave for Kidou class.

    "Yeah..." Haruka spat milk at Kaigaiishi incidentally and flinched as milk dropped like a shower of rain. She apologized to him, but Kaigaiishi rushed past the crowd of students to get to his next class. He reached out for the folded paper hidden under his hakama, "The Kidou class is not too far away..." Kaigaiishi fixed his uniform and walked down the hall to his next class.
    Last edited by Azuteor; 07-24-2007 at 11:19 AM.

  29. #59
    Lady Succubus Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Victoria's Avatar
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    Shino separated ways with Steph and picked a seat to sit in that was somewhere in the middle. After she sat, she sighed and rested her elbow on the desk and leaned against her open palm. Her eye had partially glazed over, but still paid attention.

    From the very start, Steph had been put on the spot, and she rubbed her nose as she wondered why the teacher chose Steph instead of someone else. Though she eventually put that thought to the back of her mind and paid half-attention to the lecture.

    During one single moment, her senses peaked and the glaze in her eye vanished. Steph had shown that he was allegedly a prodigy in the field of Kidou. Though that wasn't what had caught her eye. Her eye was caught on the fact that Steph had just fainted and no one noticed a thing. The professor instructed everyone to partner up and begin the exercises.

    Shino would, except for the issue that everyone else had partnered up with each other and Shino was the odd girl out. She sighed and got up from her seat and walked down to where Steph had passed out. She squatted down and opened his eye lid to check his eye. It was slightly glazed, but it was still awake.

    She sighed and shook her head. While the other students were too busy with their Kidou, she took the liberty to have Steph as her Kidou partner and dragged his unconscious child body to her desk. She scratched her forehead and crossed her arms as her mind raced to think of a way to wake up him.

    Then an idea popped in her head and her eye glazed as she grinned. She plugged his nose with her fingers and waited for him to wake up by the traditional gasp for air. As she waited, she glanced over his cute face and blushed.

    His eyes began to cringe as a sign of waking. They opened up in a sudden burst as he sat up and gasped for air. She let go of her grip on his nose and smiled. When he realized he was sitting on a desk, he got down and looked around at how he got there.

    Um.. I carried you here because I needed a partner for the exercise. Heh...” she scratched the back of her head while she felt embarrassed. He sniffled a few times and cleared his throat.

    “That's fine.. but what's the exercise? And couldn't you have thought of a better way to wake me up?” he sighed.

    “The exercise is to make a spirit ball until you're confident about it, and then practice that lecture spell from earlier on each other. Let's do our best, okay?” Shino put her palms together and bowed.

    “Hmm... okay. Let's start, then.” he brought out his spirit ball again.

    Shino attempted to concentrate her reiatsu to bring out a spirit ball, but she brought out her reiatsu pressure instead. She immediately stopped concentrating and looked around bashfully to see if anyone got affected by her reiatsu. Just as she suspected, almost the whole class had collapsed under her pressure. She frowned and twiddled her fingers. The sensei walked toward her and Steph and he cleared his throat.

    “That's not quite right, Shino. You're concentrating in the wrong areas. You need to concentrate a small sample of your energy into your hand and form it into a ball. Try focusing mentally, if you can.”

    Yes, sensei.” she took a deep breath and opened her palm and closed her eye. She tried to focus her mind and summon the smallest bit of spirit energy that she could muster, and it worked, but she did not make a circle. She made a pyramid.

    “Well... that's close enough I suppose. Good work, Shino. But keep it up.”

    Will do, sensei!” she said cheerfully.

    She attempted to continue to summon a spirit ball, but they kept up the appearance of different shapes other than a sphere. This somewhat annoyed her, but she kept going. Several moments had passed and Shino began to tire.

    Eh.. whatever. He said I was close enough, so I'll wait until you're done practicing and then we'll practice that restraining spell. Although I didn't catch what the incantation was... Heh."

  30. #60
    The Quiet One Memories of a Shinigami (BLEACH Club Members only) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Steph had become distracted watching Shino’s attempts at concentrating her spirit energy that he forgot about his own. The little that he had summoned had faded away a while ago. Though it would have anyway when Shino’s spiritual pressure knocked him to the floor. He knew that she was powerful, but she seemed quite normal when he was up close to her like this. It was difficult to hold that terrifying image that he had of her from the swordsmanship class. As she tried to get a sphere of energy in her hand her face changed many times giving her a surprisingly innocent quality. Steph did not feel like he was in the presence of an out of control maniac that would crush him without a single thought.

    However, he was brought back to him now having to focus on his own spirit energy. It was not something that he had grown accustom to yet. Though it was slightly easier for him to do now than the first time. He had the feeling down and the motions to do it, but it still required him to concentrate the entire time. If he lost track for a moment it was gone and he had to restart. Eventually, he was able to find his ball of spirit energy, but it remained the small meek size that it was.

    Shino watched him intently as he practiced more summoning the energy. He was able to do it repeatedly bringing out sooner, but it still remained the same. He was disappointed that he was not able to manage to make it larger, but it was at least easier for him now. It gave him some encouragement about the academy that he was able to do something and not be completely useless. He just wish that it was a little more impressive so that it could make up for this inability to hold a sword. The thought of not be able to fight with a sword worried him if that would be a failing quality. ‘I guess I can’t think too much about it right now. If I get kicked out, I get kicked out. I’ll just go back to wandering the Rukongai.’

    Steph eventually became eased with the spirit energy and released it suddenly. He decided that he was finished with it. It was enough practice for him and Shino seemed to be getting a little bored looking from just watching. Much of it was buying time since he was not feeling so good about being the subject of kidou spells, again. He also did not know how he would do with Shino considering the fact that he had nearly injured the teacher. Plus on top of that he was not able to release the spell, though the teacher seemed to be free of it now. He only guess was that it was due to him fainting. Steph still did not understand why he had fainted, but figured it was fatigue or fear.

    “So you ready to try the kidou spell?” Shino said with an eagerness that Steph could not match.

    “Yeah, I guess so,” Steph said trying to bring up a smile. He was not sure how it went over, but he was fairly adept at faking cheerfulness. After a moment he began to tell Shino what the incantation was for the spells since she had said that she forgot it. Steph had remembered it from being put on the spot by the instructor, but he had not needed it to actually do the spell. He did not know if that was going to be the case this time though.

    “Did you want to go first?” Shino said.

    “But I already went once before.”

    “Its fine, you can give it another try.”

    “But I…the instructor I…”

    “I’m strong, don’t worry.”

    Steph pushed his fingers around against each other looking away. He did not want to hurt someone else or leave them bound permanent due to a mistake he made. He remained silent for a while not certain if he wanted to try now put in the situation. “Are you sure?” Shino nodded back to him, but he was still apprehensive about giving an attempt. Steph waited another minute until he found the determination and placed his hand out ready.

    He kept a meek voice rolling out the incantation and the spell. There was focus this time and he felt like he knew what he was doing a little more. The spell actually activated for him and it bound Shino’s arms. However, it was tightening too much again, like before, and Steph panicked. He drew his arms up to his chest in fear almost ready to cry looking around confused. Shino was struggling against the binding Steph could see and the tension building from her arms being pulled in a manner that they were not supposed. He was afraid he was going to hurt her, but before he could think anymore everything became fuzzy.

    Shino rushed to catch him before he hit the ground. This time she shook him quickly keeping him from falling unconscious. “Steph!” she yelled at him snapping him back awake. Steph looked up at Shino who had him in her and a little too close again to uncomfortable territory. The dream he had suddenly came to his mind for a moment. After that his face became red feeling embarrassed.

    “I-I-I…” Steph leapt out of Shino’s arms ending up landing on the table, which happened to bring him up to eye level with Shino. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…”

    “Just don’t pass out again. You used up too much energy on the spell.”

    “Huh? All-alright.”

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