A short girl walks into the room, struggling to hold the door open with her vaguely weak frame as she enters. She is dressed in a corseted gown, rich purple in colour and reaching down to the floor. Revealing and still elegant and demure - A real ball gown. Although they are not visible until she walks, underneath are platform heels, making her just a few inches taller, perhaps 5'4" rather than her usual 4'11".
She looks around in amazement at the room, touching a pillar near the door to feel if it is really marble. She smiles to find out that it is, and walks slightly further into the room. A man walks in behind her, and she is quick to grab his arm and pull him to her side - This is obviously her date.
She hears a Final Fantasy tune being played out from somewhere. The music is familiar to her, but she cannot quite grasp its name in her mind.
She greets Stiltzkin with a smile, introducing herself as Anachlirium and the man standing next to her as Prodigal Madness. They discuss their hopes for the night, and with a final "Hope you enjoy yourself, kupo!" from Stiltzkin they continued down the stairs to say hello to the first couple they could see, a lady in a white and pink dress and a man in a black tuxedo.
"Hello there", Anachlirium said to the both of them. "My name's Anachlirium. You wouldn't happen to know the name of this song, would you?"