-Here we can create a story after the events of Final Fantasy 13, I will not only write based on FFXIII-2, have fun!-

Lightning threw her arms around her sister, Serah. They both stood on the wide grass-field with closed eyes, holding each other tight.
"Serah ... I'm sorry"
"For what?", she answered with a troubled face.
"I could've stopped all of this, prevented it to happen"
Serah looked deeply in Lightning's eyes, as if she said; there's nothing to be sorry about.
After Serah's glance, they heard Snow's voice;
"Hey, come on, we have a town to build!", he yelled as enthusiastic as ever.
Serah and Lightning laughed, he was right. Since Cocoon is no longer habitable, Gran Pulse is everyone's new home.
"Are you coming?", Serah asked her.
Lightning shaked her head;
"You go first, I'll stay here for a while"
"Okay", Serah answered while running into Snow's arms.
Lightning looked upon the planet of Cocoon, were she once lived and worked.
Now, it is held up by a crystal rock.
"Fang ... Vanille", She said quietly for herself. She remembered when they turned into the beast, Ragnarok, and saved Cocoon. After that, they turned into crystal stasis, and began their long sleep.
"Light!?", Snow yelled.