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Thread: Final Fantasy VIII RP (Rinoa's knight all FFVIII characters welcome)

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy VIII RP (Rinoa's knight all FFVIII characters welcome)

    ooc: I am very knew this so please everyone go easy on me lol

    A soldier looks around on the ground. This soldier is dressed as a SeeD. Balamb's secret weapon. As the soldier looked around and saw nothing but dead bodies and blood. The smell of it was so horrible the soldier thought he would throw up. The soldier saw dead babies on the floor. The thought of seeing a baby's rotten corpse lying on the ground with no life disgusted him. "Who would do such a horrible thing?" The soldier thought to himself. The soldiers eyes showed nothing but fear as he saw a message in blood that read "DEATH TO ALL GARDENS THE PROPHECY WILL BE FULFILLED." The soldier ran "I must return to Balamb and report what I saw to headmaster Cid." The soldier ran off to Balamb Garden.

    Seifer Almasy slept away in the barracks of Balamb Garden. A lot has changed after the recent events of Squall Leonhart and his friends. Squall had disappeared leaving Rinoa all alone. In his absence Rinoa has confided in Seifer as a friend. Seifer woke up realizing that all he could ever think about was Rinoa. She is the only woman who could make him laugh. She is also the woman who changed him into a better person, because of Rinoa Seifer was no longer manipulated. Seifer began to realize that he was falling back in love with her. Seifer stoodup and fixed his short blonde hair. His bright green eyes reflected as he looked in the mirror. Seifer reached out and put on his jacket. "Rinoa, I must fulfill my romantic dream. You are my destiny. I won't lose sight again. I will fulfill my romantic dream." Seifer said to himself.

    Deep in the forests of Timber in the Galbadian Garden lied Rinoa at her home. Seifer arrived and knocked on her door. As Rinoa opened the door Seifer grabbed Rinoa by the shoulders firmly but not to hard to hurt her. Seifer began to get nervous but he could not resist the temptation and could not hold his feelings back for Rinoa any longer. "Rinoa......I----I----I love you, I always have and I'll do anything to be with you. Please tell me you feel the same way. I know they say there is no room on the battlefield for love, but you are my battlefield, you are my weapon, you are the love of my life. The only way I can survive is with you by my side." Seifer said as he let out a deep breath. Revealing his true feelings to Rinoa lifted a huge weight off his shoulders. However, Seifer patiently waited for Rinoa's response.
    Last edited by Seiffy08; 02-13-2008 at 10:04 PM.

  2. #2
    The Raven haired frgirl sat alone that day, not knowing anything else that she could think about doing. Her Bright chocolate coloured orbs seemed to be distant and drawn to the ground. She hadn't thought of anything to do, since Squall had left. The mere thought of him, brought Rinoa to tears. She couldn't bring herself to call him, nor write a letter to him. She often found it hard to study. But more often than not, her friends would find her outside, glancing out into the grounds of the Garden. Nothing seemed interesting to her anymore.

    Leaning her chin against the her palms, Rinoa stood there, gazing outwards, not interested in what was infront of her. Rinoa had often seen Seifer around the place, nowadays he seemed be acting strange towards her, which questioned Rinoa's trust in him. She couldn't understand why he was doing this and why he was acting this way, but maybe she would trouble about that later. Her thoughts had been more focused on what she would do and where she would go from here on out after Squall had left her. She turned around at the sound of someone banging on her door. She raised an eyebrow slightly and wondered over towards the door.

    Hesitating slightly, she knew that if she opened the door and saw him, it would only bring her back bad memories. She breathed out and opened the door slowly. Feeling the hard grip against her shoulder's, she gasped, not knowing who it was until he stepped through the door. It was Seifer, someone whom she didn't expect. Hearing his soft words, telling her how much he loved her. She lowered her eyes, not focused on what Seifer was saying and looking towards the floor. Her raven coloured hair swung over her eyes, covering them from side. She couldn't believe that Seifer had done this. She didn't know what to say back to him now. She placed a hand on his shoulder, not knowing what else to say to him, only to walk back towards the window and gaze out into the grounds of the Garden.

    "I...I don't know what to say, Seifer. I'm shocked...Things have been alittle hectic lately." She felt mean in saying such words, but that was how Rinoa had felt for the past few weeks, since Squall's dissappearance. Not knowing where he was or what he was doing, she wouldn't understand anything. Why had he left her? Why this, why that? All those thoughts were going round in her head. What if Seifer was still the same as he was when he was with Edea? Would he not be around ever again within a few months, just like Squall? Would he too dissappear? Just like him.

  3. #3
    After hearing Rinoa's response Seifer could do nothing but put his head down. For the first time in his life he actually revealed his true feelings. Seifer always had a strong belief that a true SeeD should keep his emotions to himself and take use that strong emotion on the battlefield. "There is no room for love in a world full of war." Seifer thought to himself. However, Seifer also knew that if he lived by that code then his romantic dream to be with Rinoa would die. That is something he could not allow. "Rinoa, I understand you're confused. I need to be alone right now." Seifer said as he walked out Rinoa's room.

    Seifer figured the best thing for him to do now is to act out his anger rather then keep it all bottled inside. Seifer headed for the Balamb Training center. Seifer was feeling so angry he didn't care about the danger he put himself in. He decided to put the training center on the highest level. As Seifer walked in the quiet center he noticed it seemed rather empty. Suddenly Seifer could hear the floor rumble. The vibrations of the ground began to get so powerful, he could feel it in his bones. Seifer began to wonder if it was an earthquake, until he looked straight ahead what lied before him which was a stampede of T-rex's. Seifer jumped over the first T-rex and slashed downwards like lightning cutting the mighty T-rex's tail off. As the dinosaur turned around, Seifer shot it right in the head destroying it. Seifer began to get cocky and gave his enemies a crooked smile. "Ahhhh, I'm feeling a lot better now!" he thought to himself. All of a sudden A T-rex surprised him and hit him with its tail right in the body. Seifer flew and his back hit the wall very hard. His body was stunned by the impact causing him not to move. All Seifer could do is look up as he saw many T-rex's run ready to devour their hot flesh and bones meal. "A true SeeD never runs from death only accepts it." Seifer said to himself. In a flash all of the T-rex's disappeared. "Training Aborted" a voice in a monitor said. Seifer looked out the corner of his eye and saw a woman with beautiful long raven hair at the control booth. Before Seifer could make out if it was Rinoa or not he passed out.

    Elsewhere in the deep research center facility, the founder of the Balamb's secret weapon the SeeD's and also the headmaster of Balamb Garden Cid stood in a room full of dark figures. "I know what you're planning to do, you want revenge on the gardens. You have to let go of the past. If you stay focused on the past you will miss out on the wonders of the present and the future." warned headmaster Cid. The man that headmaster Cid was talking too refused to be seen and stayed hidden in the shadows. A man who had no heart. For that reason Cid referred to him as Blackheart. "The gardens will pay for the sins of their fathers. You are included in that Cid!!" Blackheart said. Cid could do nothing but sigh and lower his head. "Blackheart you're playing with fire, long ago I lost my wife Edea to such a fire. I do not want to lose my children in such a way. I ask that you keep my precious SeeDs...Balamb's future and spare them. I don't want them to suffer."Cid requested. Blackheart began to laugh and his eyes began to show nothing but pure evil. "What do you know of suffering? I will show the garden real pain and anger. Allow me to share with you my dream for the gardens. But forgive me Cid if I do not allow you to live long enough to see my dream become a reality. The power of the Guardian forces will be mine and the gardens will tremble before my wrath." Blackheart shouted.
    Last edited by Seiffy08; 02-13-2008 at 10:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Pushing the stop button on the Training simulater, Rinoa stopped the whole training sequence that Seifer was in. She sighed and lowered her head, and shook it. Her Raven coloured bangs of hair went over her eyes, covering them from view as she made her way into the traning center, to comfront Seifer. Although the thought of seeing Seifer on the floor, wounded, pulled on her heart strings, she felt a sharp pain shoot through her chest. She placed her hand on her chest and coughed softly, easing the pain away as she stepped forward into the training center.

    She comfronted him with such an angered look on her face. Although she was pretty mad at him for doing this, throwing himself into training like this, Rinoa knew why he had done it in the first place. He was mad and Rinoa had known that. She had known that from the look on his face when she had told him what she felt for him and the whole situation. Feeling low for saying that, she knelt down infront of Seifer, seeing him lift his head up slowly, but yet she knew that he possibly couldn't make out who she was, being in his condition.

    Having informed the Infirmary of Seifer's injuries, Rinoa had stayed with him throughout the time he was sleeping. Sitting next to him, looking at him, she felt something in her chest. Her heart began to flutter softly, as she sat there looking at his sleeping form. She hadn't meant for this to happen and nor did she wish that Seifer was in this state, but she felt bad for him right now and that was when she felt the pain once more.

    "What is this I'm feeling?" Rinoa said outloud to herself, hoping that maybe someone would answer it for her. Was she falling in love? Or was it something else? From here on out, Rinoa didn't know what she felt. Gazing back at Seifer, she smiled faintly and leant downwards towards his face, the palm of her hand rested on his smooth warm cheekbone. She rubbed it softly and smiled at him, leaning forward, without her even understanding why she had done it, and kissed his cheek softly. Raising her head back up from the kiss and placed her hand that was on his cheek to his own hand that was limp at his side, and clenched it in her own. "Please, get better soon Seifer"

  5. #5
    In the Deep Research Facility, Cid found himself at a crossroad. He was in a situation that he could not get out of. "Blackheart, I plea that you would reconsider." Cid pleaded. "Blackheart? Stop calling me that. My name is Maxwell......Maxwell Kramer." replied Maxwell. As Maxwell stepped out of the shadows to reveal himself. He was a well dressed man, in an expensive suit. His facial structure was very strong, but also very intimidating. As Cid looked into the eyes of Maxwell he could do nothing but sigh "Edea would turn over in her grave if she knew her father would turn out the way you did." Cid said.

    "How dare you speak of my loving daughter Edea!! In the past, I worked hard as I could to protect my family. However, I could not. My wife died of a very poisonous virus. Fearing my daughter Edea would meet a fate like my wife. I did everything I could to teach her the elements. Going out of my way to make her the proper Black mage......a sorceress if you will, but all she wanted to do was the same thing. "Daddy, I want to protect the poor children." Thats all she would say. And then you Cid enter her life and make her dream a reality. But where were the children when she needed help? Where were your precious SeeDs when she called for them? Where were you? Explain that to me." Maxwell shouted. Cid looked at Maxwell "It was a bit more complicated then that." Cid replied. Maxwell punched Cid as hard as he could the sound of his fists connecting with Cid's left jaw made a crunching sound. Out of respect for his late wife Edea, Cid did not try to retaliate. Suddenly a soldier dressed in the same uniform as Maxwell approached the door. "Sir!!! Using time compression we were able to achieve and capture all GF's but one. The GF Eden. Also there were rumors of another GF named Griever but we were unable to find it. We are ready to comese your preparations immediately just give us the order." replied the man. Maxwell smirked"The time has finally arrived. Begin Preparation GF immediately." ordered Maxwell as he laughed. "He's really going to do it. My SeeDs, you're Balambs only hope. May God have mercy on your souls." Cid said to himself.

    Seifer stood and was surprised with the kiss that Rinoa gave him on the cheek. Seifer could not let this moment pass it was now or never. He could see now that Rinoa did have feelings for him but only confused. Seifer put his hands on Rinoa's cheeks. "Rinoa.....I.....I......I...lov.." Seifer replied and was suddenly interrupted by a boy who ran through the training grounds. "FIRE!!!! FIRE!!! BALAMB'S ON FIRE!!!" The boy shouted as he ran. Seifer grabbed Rinoa and tried to get her out of there before the fire would spread. As they ended up in the hallways of Balamb Seifer and Rinoa saw the cause of fire. "Is....Is that the mighty GF Ifrit?" Seifer asked. The GF Ifrit stood tall destroying everything that got in his way. As Seifer looked into its eyes, he felt like he was staring into the eyes of the devil. Seifer pulled out his gunblade. "Rinoa I can't beat him alone. He's an elemental monster, which means our best bet against him is magic. You're way better at magic then I am. So I'll need your skills. Don't worry Rinoa, I will be your knight and protect you. Just keep using your magic. But you have to trust me. Please let me be your knight?" Seifer asked Rinoa.

  6. #6
    Leaning in, knowing that Seifer was going to proclaim his love for her once more, Rinoa was ready for what was about to happen. She closed her eyes, feeling his touch against her skin and she couldn't believe that the feeling she was feeling was happening to her like this. She could feel sparks all over her body and she couldn't wait to see what happened next when Seifer touched her like this.

    Suddenly, she heard a boy's voice in the background, breaking her from her thoughts and what Seifer was about to do. Looking to the side, she heard that Balamb was on fire. She gasped and held herself close to Seifer, grabbing his hand as they both made their way out of Rinoa's dorm and into the main hall of the Garden. She gasped upon seeing the monster that had been creating the fire. ""Ifrit?" Rinoa said, looking confused and glanced over at Seifer.

    Hearing his words on that she too would have to fight him, Rinoa shook her head, not knowing what else to do. Yes, he was fire and Fire is weak against water and Ice. Rinoa could use her magic's but what of Seifer and the others? Not many students on Balamb Garden were able to use magic, only trained with a Gunblade. But even that, not many students were fully trained and masters of the Gunblade. Gulping back, she nodded and knew that no matter what, her Magic would be of some use. Standing in a fighting stance, her magic level's rising, Rinoa felt hersel getting ready to fight. All around her people were getting burnt alive and Rinoa knew that if she and Seifer didn't do anything about this soon, the whole Garden and its students and Rinoa's and Seifer's Friends would surely be dead.

    "Seifer! I'm gonna hit him first! 'Kay??!" Rinoa shouted and felt her magic level rising to the point were it wouldn't rise anymore. A circle of water was developing in Rinoa's hand, signaling that the magic was ready. Closing her eyes, she felt the powerful serge to let the water go. Mixing it with Ice, the water began to freeze, but not too much as there was still some water left to hurt Ifrit. She opened her eyes and yelled as she let the element go, hitting Ifrit in his chest, causing the GF to yelp out in pain. Feeling suddenly weak, Rinoa knew that she couldn't give up and fought off the powerful urge to pass out.

  7. #7
    Seifer jumped in the air as Rinoa casted her powerful magic. Seifer saw his chance and junctioned the magic to his gunblade and slashed the GF Ifrit. The junction to the gunblade made her magic even stronger. The attack stunned Ifrit, but the mighty GF was not impressed. A huge burning rock appeared under Ifrit's feet."Oh no!!!" Seifer yelled and grabbed Rinoa, he had to carry her as she seemed to exhausted from the casting. Seifer ran side by side with the other terrified students of Balamb. "Seifer, we need to find shelter I think a storm is coming I mean just look at those clouds." Seifer looked at the sky and began to run faster. "That's no storm." As Seifer said these words the mighty GF Quezacotl showed it's self and began to throw thunder bolts at random places of the garden. Seifer ran with the other student's and hid in a safehouse. "Listen we'll have to regrup and meet at Timber in Galbadia Garden right away." Seifer ordered. "Seifer, that's impossible haven't you heard the mighty GF's Siren and Leviathan have completely flooded Galbadia Garden. I don't even want to think what GF's are waiting in Trabia Garden?" a student stated. "Listen we don't have that many choices. We will regroup and arrive in Trabia Garden. If either of you land in Trabia Garden early, don't go off on your own wait for the group. Where is the headmaster?" Seifer asked
    "Cid has been missing for days, we don't know where he is or if he's dead or alive." a female student said. "Oh good the news just gets better and better" Seifer thought to himself. As the students set out and made a course to Trabia garden. Seifer looked down at Rinoa. She looked fatigued but was still there nonetheless. "Rinoa.....I'm sorry but the GF's have completely flooded Galbadia garden that includes Timber. We're going to Trabia Garden now. Don't worry Rinny, I made a promise to you. I will be your knight. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Seifer said and kissed Rinoa on the forehead.

    Elsewhere in the deep sea Research center. Maxwell Kramer stood very proud of his work. Looking on the satellites he saw the destruction his GF's were bringing about on the gardens. He saw his dream about pure vengeance coming true. Maxwell turned to Cid "Just look at your precious SeeDs scurring to safety like little scared sheep. Are these the saviors of Balmb? Is this the all powerful group that you wanted me to protect. From my eyes I see scared little children. The SeeD's are pathetic."Maxwell said. Cid looked up "This is why my SeeDs are so good. Never underestimate them. They have a plan, I just know it. They will destroy the power of the GF."Cid said with great confidence. Maxwell shruuged his shoulders "They will try and fail."

    Seifer, Rinoa, and many other SeeDs had arrived at Trabia Garden only to be confronted by the GF's Pandemonia and Brothers. The GF's stood in front of them leaving everyone with no where to run. "This does not look good." Seifer said. Suddenly a small orb appeared in front of them. making a weird noise. The orb exploded completely obliterating the GF's. Seifer looked out of the corner of his eyes and saw what he thoguht did not exist. He saw the legendary GF Griever. Griever was in the shape of a half lion, half human creature. However, what Seifer saw was a little different then what he had heard about in the legend. He saw his rival Squall Leonhart's face on his chest. "Squall?" escaped Seifer's lips as he looked in surprise of what he saw. The GF Griever would snarl "GET OUT!" The mighty GF would yell in a voice that was cold and dark but there was no mistaking it, it was the voice of Squall Leonhart. Squall had junctioned with Griever. Seifer held Rinoa closely protecting her. "Rinoa? If it's too painful to watch then don't." Seifer warned Rinoa

  8. #8
    Hearing his voice, Rinoa looked up, her eyes diverting towards the man standing near her. Her eyes widened as she locked her eyes with the GF, knowing who was juntioned to it. She began to bury her face into Seifer's jacket, covering her face from view. Seeing him now, brought back pain for her, but she understood his postion, he was saving the Garden.

    Looking up at Seifer, she could see that he was concerned, but she suddenly let him go and walked in the direction of where Squall was standing. She couldn't help the shaky feeling that he wasn't going to talk to her even if she talked to him. Looking back at Seifer, she held her hand up, indicating for Seifer not to come forward for her. She softened as she looked at him and smiled warmly in his direction, before turning her head back towards the GF and Squall. " that you in there? If it is..please..I wish to ask you something.." Rinoa pleaded, standing a few feet away from the GF and Squall.

    If she was going to tell him about what she thought about him, now was the perfect time, and Rinoa knew that she needed some answers. She knew that this was the time, when he formed himself into Squall, she would have the perfect time to ask him some questions.

  9. #9
    In the deep sea Resarch center, Maxwell Kramer could see what was going on via satellite. He was not pleased to see that two of his GF's had been defeated so easily. "If you want somethin done right......soldier set a course for me to arrive in Trabia Garden." Maxwell ordered. "Yes sir!!!" The soldier replied as he prepared the Max's private jet for take off. Headmaster Cid stood helplessly as he thought the worse was going to happen to his "children". Cid began to slowly fall asleep as his eyes began to droop he heard a warm feminie voice "Don't ever give up on them Cid". As Cid heard the voice he was almost certain it was Edea, but was that possible?

    Back in Trabia Garden, Seifer saw how serious Rinoa was about talking to Squall. Seifer respected her wishes and let them talk. However, Seifer stood by just in case Squall tried to attack her or anyone else. "Do what you must Rinoa." Seifer said.

    Squall's face was inside the mighty Griever's chest. As he looked at Rinoa he could not keep his eyes off her necklace. Griever stood tall and spoke "WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU SEEK RINOA?" Squall asked in a dark tone. As Seifer stood and guarded Rinoa to make sure she was safe. Seifer felt something on his leg. As he looked down he saw the GF Carbuncle. The cute little GF had a red ruby on his forehead aind it began to shine brightly. As it shined he heard a familiar voice. "Seifer, you are my only hope. I'm sure you are wondering exactly what is going on. Listen you and your friends are in danger.A man by the name of Maxwell Kramer is on his way to face all of you. He is the one who started this war. You and your friends must defeat him. Please its the only way my gardens will be safe." The familiar voice said. Seifer thought he was losing his mind "Edea? is that you?" Seifer asked.

  10. #10
    Rinoa looked back at Seifer, and nodded to him as she walked over to Squall, brushing her hair behind her ears and looked at him, her eyes never leaving his as she spoke to him.

    "Squall, I wish to understand why you left me? Why? Did I do something wrong? Was I too much for you? Or too little for you? Just please tell me and put me out of my misery here" Rinoa said, slow tears of sadness rolling down her face as she looked at him, feeling pain shoot through her chest, causing her to breath harder than before, almost like her heart was being crushed into parts and peices. She understood why he had done this, and why this was happening. She looked at him and frowned, locking eye contact with him.

    "Just..why couldn't you have just told me how you felt for me, instead of rushing off like this!? Into the middle of nowhere, where I couldn't find you! I was worried for your life! And you didn't even consider what I was feeling when you did this to me?! You heartless, cold man. I never thought I would ever even say to that whom I once loved, but you, Squall Leonhart, are a worthless, no good, lying, scheming man! And I hate you!" Rinoa said, tears rolling down her cheeks as she said this, her face turned away as she finished, her tear-filled eyes glanced up towards Seifer, to see if he was still there.

  11. #11
    Squall junctioned with Griever stared at Rinoa and gave her a cold stare "Like the mighty GF Griever, I was destined to be alone. No one can save me......not even you Rinoa Heartilly. I lied to you because it was the only way I could stop you from following me. You say you hate me, but the truth is no one has more hatred for me then myself. Rinoa.....leave me and I never want to have eye contact with you ever again." Squall says and turns around.

    Seifer held Rinoa in his jacket as he had heard Squall's harsh words. As much as Seifer wanted to put Squall in his place, he had other concerns. The cute cuddly GF known as Carbuncle was being possessed by the sorceress Edea Kramer. "Seifer, Maxwell will be here in any second now. He's bringing an army with him. You and the rest of the SeeDs will defeat them understand?" Edea's consciousness said. "Yes I do understand, but who is this Maxwell Kramer?" Seifer asked. "He father. Listen there is no time to explain. The GF's are destroying the gardens as we speak. We must destroy my father right away. There is only one person who can defeat him. That person is Rinoa."Edea said.

    Seifer was somewhat baffled about what he had just heard. At one point he was once Edea's knight, and now he had to help her kill her father. With everything Rinoa had just been dealing with, Seifer was skeptical. He began to think that Rinoa wasn't ready to fight. Thinking that her emotions would get the best of her. "How is Rinoa going to beat your father?" Seifer asked. "That is the favor I must ask. I need Rinoa to allow me to possess her consciousness. With our powers combined we will become the ultimate sorceress and destroy my father." Edea said. Suddenly many soldiers could be seen running towards the SeeDs. A Helicopter was high in the sky and a ladder dropped. Maxwell Kramer had arrived to finally confront and deal with the SeeDs personally. "So you are the famous SeeDs Cid is so confident about. Well it looks like I'll have to put them to the test." Maxwell thought to himself. "Look there's no time Seifer. My father has arrived. Rinoa? I need your permission to let me possess you. Do you accept?" Edea asked imperatively.

  12. #12
    Hearing Squall's harsh words, Rinoa had sunken back towards Seifer, her head held low. The sudden pain shot through her heart, causing her to suddenly cry softly. Tears fell down her eyes and she knew that she had lost him. Not only because of his harsh words had she given up on him, but simply the fact as well, he was not there for her anymore. He never was before he left. Remembering that he had started becoming distant the past few days before he left, Rinoa had thought about this and had remembered, now knowing what a fool she had been. Seifer had been there all along, and Squall hadn't. She knew she had been a fool, now those thoughts of Seifer leaving her came into her mind. Feeling the sudden pain once more, she turned to Seifer, clenching herself to him. Like she was cradling him for the last time.

    "How could I have been so stupid?" Rinoa said against Seifer's chest, muffling the words as she said them. Suddenly, gazing down she heard the words of Edea. She had asked her a question of possession. Rinoa looked up at Seifer before she gazed back down towards Edea. She looked deeply into his eyes and saw what she had wanted to see them in for the last months from Squall, but had never had. Love and care. Rinoa smiled, letting the tears roll down her face, now knowing that she had been in love with Seifer all along, and hadn't realised how much he had made her feel happy and cherished when they were both alone together. She had been such a fool. "Seifer..I've been such a fool..Can you ever forgive me, for the hurt I have put you through?"

    Leaning forward, she gently placed her soft moist lips against his own, slipping her tongue inside his and caressed it softly with her own. Looking into Seifer's eyes as she kissed him, Rinoa moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing herself closer to him, closing her eyes now, as the passion took over. Finishing the kiss, after what seemed a long time, Rinoa stepped back, with her hands on Seifer's shoulders and looked down towards Edea. She nodded with a look of determination. "I will accept your off Edea Kramer. I give you permission to possess me" Rinoa said, stepping back away from Seifer, so that he wouldn't feel the impact of Edea coming into her body when she possessed Rinoa. She closed her eyes and stood waiting to be possessed.

  13. #13
    Seifer smiled as he gladly embraced Rinoa and kissed her on the lips gently. Squall would look and turn away. Seifer began to kiss Rinoa deeply in front of Squall, after the things he said to her, it was time for Squall to feel some pain. "I love you Rinoa, and when this is all over I have to ask you a question, a question that I've longed to ask you. But that will have to wait as we are short in time. Edea.......she's ready." Seifer said.

    Edea's consciousness began to possess slowly into Rinoa. Seifer watched and saw Rinoa's eyes change color. As well as the expression on her face. Seifer knew the possession was a success. "Take good care of Rinoa...."Seifer said as he looked at his friends and then proceeded to look at the soldiers running towards him. "There is an army approaching. I have fought many battles everyone listen up. Let's send a message to that army. Today let us shake the ground of hard rock, concret and stone. TODAY LET US MAKE THEM REMEMBER WE ARE SeeDS!!!!! AND WE FEAR NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! " Seifer screamed. Seifer's speech inspired all the students and they ran not just as friends, not as soldiers, but as Cid's pure SeeDs.

    Maxwell Kramer watched as a war began with his soldiers versus the SeeDs. Maxwell noticed just how much confidnce the students had, could Cid be right? Could they actually save the garden? Maxwell could not worry about that right now. He had to see Rinoa. That cold look in her eyes, it was the look of her daughter. Maxwell stared at Rinoa. "You must be Rinoa Heartilly, or should I call you my daughter Edea Kramer. No matter, I am your father and I made you. What I make I can destroy." Maxwell said as began to pull out his gun.

  14. #14
    Rinoa could hear the sounds of the battlefield when Edea possessed her. She could hear Seifer in the background as he spoke to the SeeD's and making them motavated enough to join in the battle. Turning her head, as Edea took control, all she could do was lie inside Edea's mind and wait and see what happened from the inside. She had no control over her body now, only Edea could use her in this current state.

    "Please...Edea...Don't let anything happen to Seifer..while I'm in this matter what he does..protect him..if you can" Rinoa said, as she spoke to Edea from inside her mind. Edea used her head to nod to what Rinoa had said and looked back into the evil eyes of her own Father. "You may call me, your Daughter, but You will not harm my husband's children! Nor will you hurt my SeeD's!" Edea screamed as she blasted pure magic from her sharp extended fingertips and pointed them towards her Father. She blasted all the magic she could at him, but nothing would hurt him, knowing that he was protected from her magic. She snarled, making Rinoa, who was coped up inside Edea's mind, was scared and didn't know what was going to happen. All she had to do was wait.

  15. #15
    Seifer looked back and noticed Rinoa's body glowing. Seifer could see the look of determination in her eyes. Seifer knew that Edea would take care of her as promised. Seifer however had to lead the SeeD's to victory. Seifer ran with no fear in his eyes and shouted "SeeDs ATTACK TO KILL!!!!!" The others responded with a loud chant as they ran towards Maxwell Kramer's forces. The SeeD's attacked valiantly and were defeating Kramer's soldiers with the spirit Headmaster Cid spoke to Maxwell about.

    Seifer ran and attacked soldiers so fast that if you blinked you would've missed it. Seifer ran to the first soldier and deflected the bullets with his gunblade. As he reached close range combat he impaled the soldier through the chest. Seifer then fired the gunblade to send the soldier's dead body flying. Seifer ran and as the next soldier approached Seifer swiped his gunblade very swiftly, but this time with a low strike cutting the next soldier's leg off. The soldier's scream of agonizing pain sounded like the melody of an angel to Seifer's ears. Seifer ran only to be surrounded by 4 soldiers standing side by side all holding rifles. "Halt, if you value your life!" A Soldier shouted. Seifer smirked as his hand began to glow with fire he then easily held his hand in the air and all soldiers bodies were engulfed in flames. Seifer then held out his gunblade. His gunblade began to gather all of the energy that was in the area. The energy was so powerful and focused it turned into a bright ball on Seifer's gunblade. Seifer shouted "NO MERCY!!" and fired the ball of energy on the warriors. The warriors bodies exploded sending there bloody bodie parts all over the battlefield. Blood would land on Seifer's scar on his forehead. Seifer always smiled when this would happen. It reminded him thatonly one man had evered scarred him. He made a promise to himself that no man would ever scar him again. Suddenly as Seifer looked around he noticed the soldiers were running. "They're retreating." Seifer yelled. The SeeD's would yell in celebration. "Should we follow them sir?" One of the SeeDs asked Seifer. "No, we have bigger fish to fry." Seifer said as his attention turned to Maxwell Kramer.

    Maxwell Kramer turned around and noticed that he was surrounded by not just Edea who had inhabited Rinoa's body, but an army of SeeD's. "Just because there are more of you, do not assume you have the advantage." Maxwell said. Suddenly a voice appeared in everyone's minds "My SeeD's do not attack him, this is my fight. I want the honor of destroying this worthless vessel." The voice of Edea said. The SeeD's stood and watched honorably as Maxwell stood off against Rinoa & Edea.

    "So it's a fight against my daughter. Let me remind you Edea, you are nothing more then a useless sorceress, and a useless daughter at that. I created you. The created can never defeat the creator."Maxwell spoke in a dark cold voice that made some of the SeeD's tremble. Maxwell put his hands in the air as blue energy surged through his hands. "All I need is one attack, and then I can finally wash the blood of my daughter off my hands." Maxwell said as he prepared for his attack. "Say goodnight to Edea and Rinoa Heartilly." Maxwell fired his attack and the explosion was so huge nothing could be seen but pure smoke. As the smoke cleared Maxwell was surprised on what he saw before him. What he saw was Rinoa's body still standing, but that wasn't the surprise. The surprise was Seifer's body stood in front and took the direct hit. "I was once Edea's knight, and I am now Rinoa Heartilly's knight. A knight will always protect. That is my romantic dream." Seifer said weakily as his eyes slowly closed and his body collapsed in front of Rinoa's feet.

  16. #16
    Now seeing what had just happened, Rinoa had just seen the unthinkable happen. She began to fall to her knee's inside her own mind, and find herself crying. She lifted up a hand to wipe the tears away, knowing that for the first time since Squall had left, she was indeed crying. She screamed inside her mind, causing the outside Rinoa, who was being controlled to clench her head in dispair. "" Rinoa's lips moved, the voice of Edea came rumbbling through. "You....I will wipe this floor with your blood Maxwell" Edea's crude voice came through.

    Rinoa's arms would rise as she finished talking, the weeping of Rinoa inside her mind would be heard as Edea moved Rinoa's arm upwards, pointing upwards the sky, the look of determation on Rinoa's angry face. Small soft tears could be seen from the eyes of Rinoa as she opened up the palm of her hand, as a large, wide, sparkling Ice-iccle was seen just a few inches above her head. It stretched long and wide as it was ready to be shot and there was a direct aim for Maxwell. "Goodbye..Father" Rinoa lips said, the voice of Edea shone through. Closing her eyes, and with the weeping of Rinoa, the ice shot out of Rinoa's hand and struck the chest of the bewilded Maxwell. Her coughed blood as the ice shot straight through his chest, directed into his heart. He coughed again and held the ice that had clung to his chest. "You...can''t.." Maxwell would say as he tried desperately to cling to his unfortunate life.

    Closing her eyes, Edea removed herself from Rinoa's form, causing Rinoa to fall to the floor, coughing as the Ghostly form of Edea sprung to life and walked slowly towards Maxwell. "Father..I..Know you didn't want me..and neither did I want you..but...let's try and forget this whole thing...Father..come with me..." Maxwell coughed some more blood, which he spat on the floor, causing the ground to fizz with the stain of his hot blood. Edea sighed and gazed at her Father once last time. "May it be then, Father" Before she suddenly disappeared, leaving no trace of herself left behind. Maxwell, with the last breath that had he before he died, looked at every single one of the SeeD's and Rinoa and Seifer lying on the floor, on which Rinoa had jumped towards and held Seifer tightly in her arms. He coughed once more and dropped to his knee's, softly speaking. "I must admit....."He coughed. "My Daughter was are...truely...SeeD's......She would have been so proud of you.." He said, before closing his eyes and collasped to the floor, his breath cut off as he slowly passed away. [/COLOR]

    Breathing in a sigh, Rinoa looked around and saw all the SeeD's were celebrating, until one SeeD nudged another and pointed towards their leader, who had lead them into battle. They all lowered their heads and gazed towards Seifer and Rinoa. Rinoa sat there, holding Seifer's head on her knee's, stroking his face softly, brushing the strands of hair away from his face, pushing her fingers through, her eyes dripping with tears. Her cheeks were soaked and her lips were qwivering. She burst out into sudden dispair and leant her head on his chest, crying loudly. She had only wished that she could have truely told how much she had loved him before this had all happened. "Seifer...I...I know that your not here...but....Seifer...Oh God...I love you..I've always loved you...ever since he left...I always confided in you..I've always known that you would always be there for me...I love you...SEIFER ALMASY, I love you!" Rinoa cried out, holding him close to her chest, crying loudly and painfully as she held him. There was nothing she could do now. The fight was over. The battle had been won. What was there to do now?

  17. #17
    Seifer looked at Rinoa. All the remaining SeeDs tried there best to let Rinoa and Seifer have their special moment. Seifer held Rinoa, in his eyes time had stopped for Rinoa and him. Letting them hold eachother closely in which seemed like a moment that would last forever. The stench of blood was in the air, but that smell didn't bother Seifer or Rinoa one bit. All that matter was their special moment together. "R---Rinoa I've always loved you. Now as I hold you for this moment, I must confess it. I----I---I'm in love with you. Please let's fulfill my romantic dream and be with me." Seifer said while deeply kissing Rinoa.

    Everyone on the battlefield applauded and smiled as they witnessed this special moment between Seifer and Rinoa. "Well it's about time you two got together." A SeeD member said while smiling. Seifer stood on the high ground with Rinoa. "Listen up everyone, I want to say congratulations to you all. From this day forward you are all Class S SeeDs. Even though we defeated tough enemies on this day, and this battle may be over. There will be others, some tougher then the won we just fought. Do not slack on Rinoa and myself. Be the true warriors that I know you are. We will always fight for our purpose. We are the matron's children. Some may have called us lost children, but what are we truly called?"Seifer asked. Everyone yelled "SeeDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Seifer smiled and looked upon everyone. "We are Seed's until the day we die........always."Seifer replied.


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