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Thread: Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum

  1. #1
    Learner Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum CloudTide's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum

    Inside a small cave near the town of Wutai lives a group of brave Materia hunters known as Magnum. This daring faction have voyaged throughout the entire western hemisphere in search of many rare powerful Materia and continue on their mission and never give up.

    Zenny Urakuma, leader of Magnum, sat on his bed thinking about his cousin, Yamita Urakuma, what she might be doing, if she’s healthy. She was the only one he had…no one else…just his cousin…and he didn’t want to lose her like he did his parents and uncle and aunt. So he worried about her everyday and never stopped. “I’m doing this for you Yami…” Zenny snapped out of his trance and got up from his bed.

    “Yo, Luc, can you get me the map?” Zenny called out to his comrade Lucian Nilrem. “Hey, you there?!” Suddenly, the ground started to roar and quaver. “An earthquake?” Zenny hastened out of the cave and the next thing he saw was a colossal beast the size of a mountain. “WHAT THE HELL!?!?

    “I was walking around to get some fresh air when this monster jumped out from that lake!” Lucian exclaimed. “It looks like a summon! It doesn’t seem to be too bright so distract him for a second!”

    “Ok…hey loser!” The behemoth turn its head, stared at Zenny for a few seconds, and then roared at the top of its lungs. “Aww crap now he’s angry, uh Luc, could you hurry up before this freak eats my freakin’ head off?! Luc where the hell’d you go?!” Zenny looked up and saw a figure leap down from the cliff next to Yamita Cave. “Ahh…there you are.”


    Lucian had struck the brute right on the top of his head with his staff and it fell to the ground and disappeared. “You weren’t kidding when you told me that was a terrifyingly powerful staff. Now go get me the map I need to show you where we’re going next…”

  2. #2
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum

    It was a cool morning at the 7th Heaven bar in Nibelheim. A mysterious person had arrived in the night who was a friend of the owners and he was just now coming down to breakfast. It smelled like someone was making sausage and eggs.

    "Morning Tifa, Barret!" he called to them. At first the sight of a SOLDIER 2nd Class uniform had scared the patrons a little. But that was until they realized who was wearing it.

    "Arch! What are you doing here?" Tifa asked from behind the bar. She looked a little stunned. So did Barrett when he glanced up from the paper he was reading.

    "Oh I'm here for information and to see my three closest friends. By the way, where is Cloud?"

    She looked a little crestfallen when she answered.

    "Oh. Well he is a grunt in the Shinra military now."

    Arch kept a poker face as he calculated the news. It was nothing new to him that Cloud had joined Shinra. He'd wanted to be in SOLDIER just like Sephiroth. Just like Arch had too. They both looked up to Sephiroth like a god in a way. But that was before Arch's parents had been mysteriously murdered and Arch had dropped out.

    He walked over to the bar and sat down. Tifa poured him a glass of rum and he swallowed it in one gulp. Sighing he thought of the first question he wanted to ask.

    "So... Any news on you-know-what?"

    If it was possible, Tifa seemed to get even more sadder. Barrett had no problem answering Arch though.

    "You mean your parents? Nope! Nothing new kid, they still dead!"

    Arch frowned and asked for another glass of rum. When it was presented to him he knocked it back too.

    "What about news of any new Materia discovered?"

    Barrett looked up again.

    "Actually my contact did mention something about a hoard in a cave near IceCicle Inn. It may be guarded by a few monsters though..."

    Arch smiled and drank the next rum offered. It was almost time to get back to business.

  3. #3
    The Mad God Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum

    He climbed out of the water, wringing out his clothing. "Well... that wasn't really what I meant when I told you about the staff. Physically speaking, it is nothing more than a heavy stick. I was going to cast a spell from above, but then it occured to me that it would have little effect on that creature, and that a blunt weapon attack would likely cause it to lose form. Thankfully that was a lesser summon, or else it would've taken much more than a staff beating to put it down.", he said, removing his robe. He walked to a clothes line near the cave, and hung his robe to dry. "Still... I am troubled by its sudden appearance. Its form, and magical energy seemed to match that of a summoned beast. Yet I can sense no summoner. Nor the presence of Summoning Materia for that matter.", he said. He pointed the head of his staff at the robe, and space semed to bend around it briefly, as the robe dried almost instantly. "There... that's better.", he said, removing the robe from the line and putting it back on.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 06-25-2010 at 02:18 PM.

  4. #4
    Learner Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum

    Zenny slammed the map on his bed and motioned for Lucian to come and look at it.

    “Ok…since John’s on his little vacation to the Cave of the Ancients, so he’ll have to miss out. Also, Arch’s already on a mission, so it’s just you and me. Alright, on our last mission in Bone Village someone told me about an awesome Materia called Deathblow. That way whenever we’re on a mission and we run into some monster we’ll just finish them off with this! I also heard there are some huge monsters kinda like the one we fought just now, some huger. But it does miss sometimes, but I’ll take that risk. It’s near here,” Zenny pointed at his map. “The Gongaga reactor, so there might be some SOLDIER dudes there. We’ll leave tomorrow at dawn.”

    Zenny put his map away and went to bed…
    Last edited by CloudTide; 06-26-2010 at 11:59 AM.

  5. #5
    The Mad God Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum

    "I suppose I shall let you have that one. Physical attacks aren't my forte... I shall wake you at dawn.", he answered, laying down on a stone slab, with runic carvings. He muttered something in an unknown language, and disappeared from existence.

  6. #6
    i have ears :) Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum Full Life's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VII: Chronicles of Magnum

    uses a meteria and appears next to zenny and wakes him

    sorry im a little late i was caught up in there

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