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Thread: Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII

  1. #31
    I loved this chronicle so much
    I usually do not like chronicles in this genre, let alone those of Final Fantasy
    But it pleased me a lot and I had a lot of history
    In addition, everything is so well written
    thank you very much.

    ShowBox Tutuapp Mobdro
    Last edited by Shivaa; 12-03-2019 at 09:24 AM.

  2. #32

    I counted my lucky stars. By my count, it had been at least a month and both Emi and Zoey, as we would come to call her, were still with me.

    I’m sorry, Zoey Williams. She’d gotten cross with me for omitting it before. Since both Emi and I could still remember our names, it was decided that the three of us should forge stronger ties with one another to better our chances out here in this wretched place. To that end, Emi had suggested we come up with a name for her as a placeholder until she could remember her true name. As all she could really remember was the name of her GF, Zodiark, Emi offered her the name Zoey. It was her hope that having a name given to her could even inspire some memories to return, arising as a result of hearing the unfamiliar name and attempting to correct it. It sort of worked; Zoey would immediately add the surname Williams, confirming that it had been a reflex, some small memory deep inside her that had been drawn out by her renaming. After that, though she refused to accept any pet names and demanded her surname be included when we called her.

    For Emi’s part, she’d been much more easygoing, though she refused to consider the possibility that she’d become lost thanks to overusing a GF. She didn’t have any other ideas on how she might have become lost or why her memories were also limited, but she was adamant that it had nothing to do with the GFs. To her credit, she was honestly not junctioned a single one and trying to bond her with one of the ones I had available didn’t work as well as her compatibility with them was surprisingly low. We were still in unpredictable and dangerous territory, though, so I decided to give her my pistol. It shouldn’t pose too much of a problem to part with it as I’d remembered my Limit Breaks and Abilities didn’t require it.

    For my part, I was just happy they were still here. My mind dwelled on Damien and Yelena and I related the latter to Zoey Williams. It haunted me that any of us could be taken at a moment’s notice. With Nicola still missing and not a sign of where she might have even gone, with Koemi having been gone for even longer, priority one for me was to ensure these two didn’t share their fate. I’d still wanted to find those two, but now that goal had shifted to an optional objective should a trail ever be found. I’d gotten better about tracking monster movements and, along with Zoey Williams, we’d managed to continue exploring the landscape in search of information on where we were and how we might get back to Garden, planning treks only between secure rest stops within view.

    On this day, I’d found a Draw Point for my fire magic, which I decided to take my time and max out. It wasn’t something I usually had the patience for, and it would have been easy to skip out on it again now with the excuse that we were out in the open here, but monsters weren’t becoming any less common and I doubted our luck dodging them would hold up.

    "How much longer do you need? We’re not safe here." Zoey Williams asked, visibly on edge as her eyes darted back and forth to all of the points of possible ambush.

    “Not long now. I just want to make sure I’m fully stocked. The less we rely on our GFs the better, but this is only the third fire magic Draw Point I’ve found since getting here.”

    Emi had been looking at me as I pulled the magical energies, oddly asking, “What is it exactly that you’re doing? Why do you need one of these for magic?”

    What do you mean? This is a Draw Point. Certain kinds of spells are available to obtain from them if you have the right GF junctioned.” I explained.

    "This one has fire magic like Fira to draw. Both my Zodiark and his Ifrit allow us to use the spell." Zoey Williams added, also saying that, "But it’s advisable to keep your stock high in case you ever need to use it. That way these Draw Points only need to be used when absolutely necessary so you don’t end up standing out with no cover and many points of ambush."

    I understand your point loud and clear. I’m fully equipped now so we can go. Sorry for that.”

    "Fine, let’s be off then."

    We’d find our way to an overpass where we had decided to take shelter. Emi continued to be puzzled by the Draw Point, which meant she was the worst off of us. She even oddly believed that natural magic existed and that humans could channel these spells directly. It was possible she wasn’t part of SeeD and hadn’t learned that those of us that used magic only did so because of the Guardian Forces and not any innate ability. I also had to explain that the only ones capable of magic like that were the sorceresses and the only sorceress left was Edea. Well, if anything at least she seemed to enjoy the conversation.

    "Do you hear that?"

    What is it?”

    “Oh no.”

    I turned to Emi seconds before the overpass came crashing down on us. Two weapon-class monsters had rammed into the structure from either side. I tackled Emi out into a clearing, looking back to find that Zoey Williams had been separated from us by one of them. The other one was approaching behind her as she looked for a means of escape, but she didn’t have enough time.

    Hey ugly, this way!” I shouted loudly, sending a fireball at the head of the weapon in front of her.

    The momentary distraction was enough to get it to look our way, which allowed Zoey Williams to get away. The one behind her charged forward in pursuit, keeping her from rejoining us and the other one was making its way to us. With Emi still in my arms, I knew we wouldn’t be able to outrun it, but if I could keep the remains of the overpass in between us, it could provide a temporary shield and maybe even a smokescreen to escape. That wouldn’t happen. As soon as I bent my legs to start for the rubble, the weapon charged a powerful blast and fired it at us.

    The explosion was blinding and I felt my grip on Emi loosen. Slowing, I calmed the ringing in my ears and refocused my vision, but when that finally happened neither weapon was in sight. Neither were the girls. Instead, I found myself in a strange flat place, some form of water on the ground that wasn’t getting my boots wet. There was nothing but what appeared to be a bright daytime sky all around me. I played with the idea that the weapon had hit us with some transporting spell, but that wouldn’t last for very long.

    “The anomaly.” A soothing, but monotonous voice echoed.

    Turning around, I found nobody to link this voice with, but in a bright flash suddenly a woman stood before me. She was adorned in heavy blue armor with gold accents and she held a large spear and round shield in her hands. I couldn’t get a good enough look at her face because the light that she’d arrived with was still emanating around her, but I did make out long blonde hair draped over her chest plate and shoulder guards.

    “You are not the one I seek.” She continued.

    I’m Tross Cerend. Who are you looking for?” I replied.

    “Tross Cerend of SeeD. You travel with the anomaly. She does not belong here.”

    None of us do. Who are you? Can you help us find Balamb Garden?” I asked, though I was at a loss over what was happening.

    “I am Minerva, though that is a name foreign to you in this time.”

    Foreign to you? This time?” I questioned before chancing a guess, “Could you... could you be a Centra?”

    “I am before the time of Cetra, but this is irrelevant. The anomaly is not here. She must be found and returned to her proper place.” Minerva stated, the light surrounding her becoming blindingly bright again.

    The next thing I knew, I was back crouching next to the rubble of the overpass. The weapons had gone, but it was still the same time as when they’d attacked. Surveying the area, I found that I was alone, as well. Curses! We’d been so careful. The path we’d marked out from the Draw Point to the overpass was devoid of monsters and we’d cut no corners rounding any small herds of them if they seemed to be moving towards us. Could it have been the magic? I’d seldom stockpiled the spells so it never occurred to me, but it was possible they could sense the collected magic. I pondered the idea of Nicola having been tied to that monster and how she’d seemed to know it was following her. She’d been a rather heavy magic user even infusing her normal weaponry with the elements.

    "Now that’s lucky." I looked up to find Zoey Williams staring down at me, beads of sweat sliding down her face as she took several ragged breaths. "I thought for sure we’d be separated after the attack, but here you are."

    I was overjoyed to see her, immediately asking, “Are you alright?”

    "Wasn’t expecting a marathon, but I’ll survive. How did you manage to escape, though? That stunt you pulled, I thought for sure you’d doomed both of you."

    Couldn’t be helped. I saw you were pinned down by them. How did you manage to outrun the other one anyway?”

    She dusted herself off and sat down next to me, "I didn’t. After you lured away the other one, I took off running and then it was about to fire its beam attack so I rolled down into a ravine I came up on. The thing didn’t even slow down, but as it bore down on me, it suddenly vanished into a puff of streaking particles of light."

    That’s not something you see everyday. But it is fortunate. I hadn’t ever thought those lights would end up being a good thing.”

    "You’ve seen them before?"

    I’m sure you have, too, if you ended up here. If anything, you were probably on one of the earlier rescue ops. As far as I can remember, the Junction System was on the fritz and those lights you saw are somehow connected to it.” I explained.

    "I suppose the same happened to the one attacking the two of you?"

    Not exactly. I guess it was too much to ask that maybe Emi would be with you, too. Actually, I’m not really sure how I’m still alive. Just like the weapon chasing you, the one I hit fired its beam. It missed, but after the beam struck the ground over there, everything turned white and... Never mind. Long story short, I think Nicola might be in danger. We need to find her and Emi, too.”

    I decided that my encounter with Minerva wasn’t what was important. After I was brought back, Emi had disappeared. With her memory loss and not having a GF supporting her, she wouldn’t last long out here. As for Minerva, the important part of my conversation with her was that she was after Nicola. At least, that’s who I supposed she was looking for with how she described it. We’d need to find her quickly, too, especially since that other monster was already following her.

  3. #33
    The Mad God Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    "How much longer do you need? We’re not safe here." she asked, scanning the area for any signs of movement. She didn't like being this exposed.

    “Not long now. I just want to make sure I’m fully stocked. The less we rely on our GFs the better, but this is only the third fire magic Draw Point I’ve found since getting here.”

    Emi as he drew in the precious little magic this place could provide. “What is it exactly that you’re doing? Why do you need one of these for magic?”, she asked.

    What do you mean? This is a Draw Point. Certain kinds of spells are available to obtain from them if you have the right GF junctioned.” he explained.

    "This one has fire magic like Fira to draw. Both my Zodiark and his Ifrit allow us to use the spell." she added, "But it’s advisable to keep your stock high in case you ever need to use it. That way these Draw Points only need to be used when absolutely necessary so you don’t end up standing out with no cover and many points of ambush.", she continued with more than a little snark.

    I understand your point loud and clear. I’m fully equipped now so we can go. Sorry for that.”

    "Fine, let’s be off then."

    Tross continued trying to explain the finer points of magic and sorceresses as the group went on. She figured this was more than likely a wasted effort, as Emi seemed to be lacking practical memories more than either of them. Zodiark had been very careful in how he allowed himself to affect her, ensuring that he left at least her memories of combat and survival skills unclouded, instead occupying the region of her mind that contained personal memories. She could still recall every spell, every limit break, every action command, every combat maneuver, strategy, and fighting style she had ever learned, but at the cost of everything else, up to and including her own name. She probably knew more about magic than any of them, and one thing she was absolutely sure of was that she knew at least one other person who could cast magic without a GF, yet it didn't occur to her to correct Tross, because she was also certain that as a general rule, he was correct. Whoever she was remembering right now was definitely a special case.

    She could see herself in a dark, featureless room, or maybe not so much that the room was featureless, but that her mind hadn't retained any of its features. The only thing that stood out was the silhouette of a man, speaking to her. She couldn't remember his voice, so this memory was silent, but somehow she still knew that he was saying something to her.

    She tried to focus more on this memory, because it felt very important. And this wasn't the first time she'd been on the verge of remembering him. The name 'Williams' was the first spark of this thought she'd managed to rekindle, and as a result, she became quite attached to it. The name was definitely one she was used to being called, but the memories it conjured were of someone else. Her best theory at this point was that she was remembering a family member who shared the surname, but somehow that still didn't feel right... The name Williams, and a special talent for innate magic, she was so close to a breakthrough it was maddening. Unfortunately, before she could make that breakthrough, she was snapped back into reality by the distinctive sound of a large beast.

    "Do you hear that?"

    What is it?”

    “Oh no.”

    Before she knew what had happened she found herself standing in between two very large weapon-class monsters, and worse still, separated from the team.

    Hey ugly, this way!” Tross' voice called out, trying to get the attention of the beasts. This was a relief, at least they hadn't died in those moments of confusion. She took the opportunity to run, and try to rejoin the group, but it didn't seem likely the way the weapons were positioned. The second weapon had already begun pursuit, and as quickly as it was covering ground, there was no way it was gong to give her a chance to use a limit break. Her only hope was to turn Zodiark loose. She began drawing in energy for him, and trying to stay out of the creatures reach, but it was proving difficult to even keep enough distance for a chance to summon.

    She heard an explosion in the distance, the other weapon's attack, presumably. More immediately concerning, she heard the sound of the weapon on her heels charging up its own attack. Fortunately, she'd been trying to reach a ravine she could use for cover long enough to finish summoning Zodiark, and now it seemed she was going to need it to escape the blast. She made a beeline for these precious inches of cover, sliding into the ravine just in time to stop from being obliterated, but the beast held on to its attack, trying to close in and fire on her from above. This also gave her just the time she needed, and the beast came back into view, directly on top of her just as she was getting ready to unleash Zodiark, hoping it would be enough to save her, even with the weapon at this range. But just before she could, the beast vanished, bursting into a shower of those strange, colorful streaks of light.

    "Holy hell... I don't think I've ever been that close to dying before...", she said to herself. She remained still, just long enough to catch her breath, and steel her resolve enough to peek out from her cover, to see what had become of the others. To her astonishment, the other weapon was gone, too. She got to her feet, and dusted herself off, making her way to the rubble to search for her comrades, on the off chance they'd actually managed to survive.

    "Now that’s lucky.", she said, once she laid eyes on Tross. "I thought for sure we’d be separated after the attack, but here you are."

    “Are you alright?”, he asked.

    "Wasn’t expecting a marathon, but I’ll survive. How did you manage to escape, though? That stunt you pulled, I thought for sure you’d doomed both of you."

    Couldn’t be helped. I saw you were pinned down by them. How did you manage to outrun the other one anyway?”

    She sat down before explaining. "I didn’t. After you lured away the other one, I took off running and then it was about to fire its beam attack so I rolled down into a ravine I came up on. The thing didn’t even slow down, but as it bore down on me, it suddenly vanished into a puff of streaking particles of light."

    That’s not something you see everyday. But it is fortunate. I hadn’t ever thought those lights would end up being a good thing.”

    "You’ve seen them before?"

    I’m sure you have, too, if you ended up here. If anything, you were probably on one of the earlier rescue ops. As far as I can remember, the Junction System was on the fritz and those lights you saw are somehow connected to it.” I explained.

    Again, she was drawn into that memory... She still couldn't hear his voice, but now she knew what they had been talking about. "I know it's a rescue op, but we still don't fully understand what we're even rescuing them FROM. You'd better watch your ass out there, because I don't want to be assigned to the op to rescue YOU", the voiceless silhouette mouthed. "Hey, I've been training just as hard as you used to, these past few years. Just because you weren't around for any of it doesn't mean I'm still that weak little kid you remember!", she shouted. "They should be sending me on this, and you know it. I'm the one who can use magic in spite of these lights, not you, _____", he said. She couldn't make out the last word... Was he saying her name? She focused intently on that last word, trying desperately to recall a voice to put to this conversation. For a moment, she could almost hear it... But it sounding like he was talking underwater, it was garbled and unclear.

    "Are you alright?", Zodiark's voice within her mind snapped her back to the present once again. Her attention returned to the situation.

    I suppose the same happened to the one attacking the two of you?", she asked.

    Not exactly. I guess it was too much to ask that maybe Emi would be with you, too. Actually, I’m not really sure how I’m still alive. Just like the weapon chasing you, the one I hit fired its beam. It missed, but after the beam struck the ground over there, everything turned white and... Never mind. Long story short, I think Nicola might be in danger. We need to find her and Emi, too.”

    "Nicola?", she asked. "What has she got to do with this? She's nowhere near us.", she pointed out. "Emi on the other hand, should still be somewhere close. I don't see any sign of a body, and if she was still near you when the blast went off, she definitely couldn't have been close enough to be obliterated by it.", she reasoned out loud.

    She got back on her feet, and began scanning the area again. "Normally I'd say we should split up to search, but after that mess, it's not impossible that more beasts might show up to investigate the noise, and we definitely don't want to be caught alone in this place. Honestly, I don't even want to be caught together right here. Next time I tell you a draw point looks like a death trap, think maybe you could just take my word for it?", she asked sarcastically.

  4. #34
    chocolateer Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII 01habbo's Avatar
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    I had woken up before the sun came up, it was rare that I would fall sleep through til sunrise, certainly sleeping on the ground hadn’t been the most comfortable thing in the world, but given where I had been… I hadn't had much of a choice. At least at that time I had gotten a nightmareless night so I suppose I could call that progress. The heavy weight feeling in my stomach returned though as I began to remember where I was, what had happened. “I wonder if I will ever return home to Spira?” It had probably been the only thought that had been keeping me above water.

    The chocobo next to me raised it’s head as I sat up, I remember sitting there in silence slowly stroking her head as she nuzzled against me. I then stood up stretching my muscles, I was tired, exhausted, lonely. “Don’t I deserve rest? I can’t do this anymore.” I thought to myself as I wondered out of the camp, the Chocobo quietly following me,

    I didn’t notice her until she was in front of me. “Oh right I forgot about her” I hadn't been quite sure what to say to her.

    “You should get food with her.” I could see what Shiva had been trying to do but I hadn't been in the mood.


    “It will do you good, I feel your mind falling to that place again, if it falls too far…”

    “Still no,” I then blocked out her voice, I found it easy to determine where she was in her mind and how to make it so her voice couldn’t get to me, perhaps it was all that training to keep Sanika out.

    Sanika…. Another regret to add to all the pain. A strong Psychic who hurt Kyra badly, again it was something I blamed myself for, if I had just gotten to Sanika first instead of just running away, Kyra would have never even met her.

    Somehow amongst all my thoughts I had done some impressive acting and told the girl some bullshit lie that I was going scouting. Unlikely but I would say anything to be on my own right now, as I wondered I had found myself at the edge of a cliff, the chocobo had placed itself in front of me and nudged me to go back. I felt my tears stream down my face, “I just want it to stop.” My voice was raspy. There was no going back.

    I had took a step towards the cliff.

    “No, not again.” Whispered a voice, it was really quiet hardly recognisable but I could make out some sort of words but still, the pain it was too much, did this voice not understand? I was at the edge now, the Chocobo was getting so distressed that I cast a sleep spell on her, while silently apologizing to her.


    Well that was certainly clear as day, I quickly turned around but I couldn’t see her. “Emi?” I whispered, I just wanted to see her, I turned around frantically looking everywhere, but she was no where to be seen. “Am I going crazy?” I thought to myself, after all my sister had died years ago when she was only a little girl. Then I heard them. I turned to see Pyreflies, a huge cluster of them. I stepped towards them, they hummed around me and I felt calm, peaceful. I could feel the magic I was missing return to me I no longer felt sick.

    The sun was beginning to rise now, and I had a choice I could see a rift within the pryeflies, it might lead me back home, or I could go back to the camp. The choice was hard something within was telling me it was wrong to abandon the people here, but the temptation, the lure… It was too much and I stepped through

    I couldn’t remember much beyond that, but “I had panicked as soon as I arrived, I remember running, there were people everywhere, actual living people, I had felt like the amount of people was going to trap me, huge buildings, thankfully in my panicked stated my walls to my mind had come down and Shiva guided me to a quiet part of the city” I thought while I nursed a cup in my hand.

    That had been a few weeks ago now, I had managed to get myself some sort of accommodation which I keep my doing a few odd hunting jobs I was now in a corner of a small café, the people were nice enough but they left me mostly on my own which I was grateful for. However the Pyreflies hadn’t led me back to Spira, they led me to Esthar.
    Last edited by 01habbo; 12-10-2019 at 05:08 PM.

  5. #35
    Memento RK Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo - Brave New World VIII Yoko's Avatar
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    Darkness had claimed Kyra’s vision as she fell to her knees. She lost consciousness shortly after.

    "Diablos, what is going on? Did I not have Thunder junctioned properly?" She asked with a hurried confusion.

    There was no response. Not even an interest that he was going to respond. Kyra was getting worried.

    "What is happening here? Please tell me." She pleaded.

    "You got distracted and failed" he growled harshly. "I had hoped your recent dreams would have given you some peace"

    "Yes, you’re right, but it doesn't explain why I couldn't use... wait," She paused to register what he said. "You...created those dreams?"

    "I merely nudged your subconscious to focus your mind but it did not work. Let me make this absolutely clear, the girl is dead." He put stress on those last three words. It ripped Kyra’s heart hearing that come from him.

    "You're lying....that can't be true!" She said, trying to plead her case. “Nikki isn’t dead...I just need to get back to Spira somehow. She could feel him slipping away from her mind, not taking any interest in her plight.

    ”You are a failure no longer worthy of me.” Diablos growled harshly again.

    “No! Why are you doing this?”

    Diablos retreated to the furthest reaches of her mind. She had felt something similar to this before. She felt as though she could no longer summon him, but could still use spells.

    Her mind filled with a cloud as if to try to fill the space that Diablos had left.

    "Another failure, eh? Guess that was the one that broke the camel's back. I wonder why you put up with me so long?" She asked. Memories of how he treated her after Aiko’s death slowly filled her mind.

    It was similar, but this was different. Kyra knew that they hadn’t finished their mission in the Via Infinito. The fact that she was sent away was eating away at her. She wanted to get back. She needed to, but she was frustrated that she also couldn’t just leave this mission. She made a promise to protect Koemi. Kyra had a feeling that her unwillingness to mentally remain on task was the reason Diablos retreated. She wasn’t exactly sure since Guardian Forces always kept their intentions hidden. She decided not to think about it and resigned herself to rest.

    Kyra woke up in a familiar looking inn room. She had spent many nights in the FH hotel in the past. A sharp pain entered her body as she tried to move. She realized that she had been poisoned by the Grand Mantis which had affected her wound and made her lose consciousness. She slowly sat up and inspected the wound on her shoulder. She noticed it was nicely bandaged. While the poison effect was gone, the pain was still present. She looked over at the side table and noticed there was a potion with a note under it. For when you wake up. it read.

    She slowly leaned over and took the potion in her hand. She wasn’t sure who would have given it to her. She removed the seal and drank the potion. The pain in her shoulder went away just enough where she would move her arm again. It would be a bit before the wound healed completely.

    She got up and noticed her sword was placed by the door with her boots. She picked up her sword and put on her boots. She decided to try to find her team in hopes of finding out what their next move was.

    She walked down the hallway and could hear a room with radio static. It must have been Koemi as she was the only one who would fiddle with a radio when no one else was around. Kyra still wasn’t sure what to say to the girl, but decided to knock anyway.

    “Hey, Koemi? Can we talk?” Kyra asked.

    "HEY you're awake! Come in!” there was a cheerfulness in Koemi’s voice

    Kyra opened the door to find Koemi cross legged on the bed. She was fiddling with the same radio as Kyra had found her fiddling with the other day. Kyra took a seat on the chair located near the desk. Koemi whacked the radio in an attempt to get it to work. It seemed to while to life with a cracking sound.

    “AHA! Got you!” she said as she put the radio to her ear. She started to fiddle with the knobs in an attempt to find an active channel.

    “Uh, any luck?”

    "Hmmm well I only just got this to wake up..." she said with a quizzical look as she turned the knob a little more.

    "It's better than dead air.” Kyra said. She was getting anxious watching her fiddle with the radio. Kyra knew she wasn’t here to watch Koemi fiddle with the radio, so she decided to ask the question on her mind, “What happened after I lost consciousness? Is everyone okay?"

    Koemi looked at the radio and then sighed putting it down, seemingly getting nowhere with it. "Me and Swain kicked butt, thunder spells are my specialty, my Guardian Force makes them twice as powerful than normal. Everyone is okay, they are all just resting." Koemi paused and squinted at Kyra. "What did you try to do?"

    "I tried to cast thunder on my blade to amplify the strike. The blade sparked, then fizzled. It caught me by surprise when I only hit with a normal attack." Kyra tried to explain what happened.

    Koemi paused again with a confused look on her face "Uhh... Why would you do that?"

    "It’s something I would do in the past to amplify the strike. It was something I learned in Spira....wait..." She realized what she just said.

    Koemi tood a deep breath and spoke slowly "But, if you cast thunder on the blade it would only hurt the blade or damage it, but you didn't even do that it sparked and then poof," Koemi paused again, "I don't know what you did in Spira... But it's not possible."

    "It must have been an instinct after fighting there for so long. Magic doesn't work that way here..." She said, trying to process her actions.

    Koemi looked unconvinced "If you say so..."

    "I learned two skills while in Spira. One was Crystallum Nix, the other was a shockwave strike. I used them when I was in a pinch. They just seemed to happen naturally. That could be why I thought I could use it..."

    "Hmm..." Koemi paused, "Ok" She then closed her eyes as if concentrating. "Oh... Okay, wait you did what?! Jeez okay that's a lot to get my head around..." She snapped her eyes back open looking at Kyra. "What is Diablos doing?"

    "He, uh..." Kyra paused. She hesitated telling her, but there was a chance that she already knew. "He retreated."

    Koemi closes her eyes again. This was a technique they would use to cut off other senses in order to get a stronger connection when communicating with their Guardian Force.

    Koemi looks at Kyra and sighs rubbing her forehead "I really didn't want to tell you till I was certain but it seems Mr. Know-It-All already told you about Nicola." She pouted.

    Kyra's heart skipped a beat. "Kind of. He said I know someone you met as Nikki. I never knew a Nicola. Can you tell me about her?"

    "Hmmm.. Well before I start don't get your hopes up. I'm still not certain it is your Nikki, okay? Even Guardian Forces can be wrong, he did just flick through your memories, it's like flicking through a book you don’t get all the details." Koemi was picking her words carefully.

    "Right." Kyra was trying to wrap her head around what Koemi was about to tell her.

    "Plus you do know he is known for his pranks, he gets bored."

    "I do. Your Guardian Force is one of a kind. I have a picture of her though." Kyra sifted through her bag and pulled out the picture of her and Nikki in Nikki’s garden in Spira.

    Koemi's eyes light up in delight, quickly going from the serious girl to her cheery self she eagerly takes the picture, her eyes go wide as she examines it turning it this way and that. She then beams the biggest grin and turns the picture toward Kyra and points at Nikki’s face. "Don't tell me she can actually smile?" she said with a grin.

    "She can. So you have met her... How is that possible?" Kyra said remembering the time she spent in the garden and how she hated leaving her the way she did.

    Koemi was grinning from ear to ear, "I have no idea, but it's definitely her, Nicola is Nikki and she has Shiva." She said with excitement in her voice, "We need Shiva to help with Diablos only she can convince him otherwise."

    "Wait, what? She has a Guardian Force too? And what do you mean convince him? He said I'm a failure who is not worthy of him. I failed in that fight against those Grand Mantis. I acted on impulse..." She said trying to wrap her head around everything Koemi just said.

    Koemi nodded, "There is a hierarchy of Guardian Forces, I learnt this in history, Zodiark is at the top, then it's Shiva and Ifrit, then below them everyone else..." She pauses for breath. "But... Ifrit doesn't care, so it falls to Shiva to make sure everyone is doing their job, apparently Diablos is breaking his contract with you."

    "You’re making me regret not taking history. I focused on taking weapon maintenance and repair. They only told us not to rely on Guardian Forces. You taking history explains why you know more about them."

    Suddenly Koemi face falls realisation hitting her, "Only... I don't know how much time has passed for her or where Nicola is, I met her a year ago."

    "A year ago? That doesn't make sense. I saw her moments before I was forced back here. That was only a few days ago..."

    Koemi pauses "I think.. it's time compression seeing you might have been a very long time ago for her."

    "I see. Was there anyone else with her?" If she was alive, does that mean the others are too?

    Koemi shook her head, "No, me and Tross found her badly wounded and patched her up, and I gave her Shiva."

    "So she was alone..." Kyra looked down and had a sad look on her face. "I'm not sure how you found her, or what all of this means, but I'm glad she's alive. If she has Shiva, that means she should be safe, right?" Kyra knew that her being alone was not a good thing.

    "Sure." she said with a smile.

    "You mentioned she doesn't smile. What is she like now?"

    Koemi paused. Koemi hesitated she looked like she didn't know what to say "I don't really know I haven't seen her in a long while... I remember I looked for her in the wasteland before I came back but I couldn't find her."

    "Hmm, I hope we find her soon then." Kyra said. Knowing that Nikki was alone worried her. ”For her sake.”
    Last edited by Yoko; 12-15-2019 at 06:43 PM.

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