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Thread: Divided RP:

  1. #61

    Re: Divided RP:

    Wendy just stared at Aki, as she just wouldn't stop talking. She had opened her mouth several times, wanting to shout "JUST SHUT UP!", but she couldn't. Aki was way too talkative, which made Wendy even more nervous.

    She pulled her skirt so hard she almost tore it down. Then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. She listened to Aki's speech, until she finally ended it.

    "You must probably hate me now..." were her last words. Wendy sighed.
    She had listened to Aki telling her everything she felt - how could she possibly NOT hate her? She had torn her heart to pieces in front of her, like Wendy had torn Aki's sign to pieces.

    "Well..." Wendy began, hesitantly. "I... am... Wendy." She needed some time to say this. She knew that when Aki knew her name, she'd be able to find her. Anytime. Anytime she liked!
    Wendy's face lost all of its color while she spoke, almost unaudible.

    "I am weak. I can't cast Ice magic as easily as the other ones. I had to learn it. It wasn't given to me as a gift when I was born. I had to fight to come to this academy. My parents didn't even want me to. But I thought that learning magic from books would help me."

    After telling Aki her deepest feelings, she looked away. What had she done?!

    "WENDY!" she thought to herself. "You can't tell your enemy that you are WEAK!"
    "It's over now... she knows it... she'll tell the headmaster that I'm too weak. I'm not gonna be able to finish my studies. Surely she hates ME now! were her last thoughts.
    Then she stopped thinking. If you ever face much pain just from thinking about something - you just stop thinking. At least that's what Wendy did every time she faced torture from her thoughts.

  2. #62
    Lady Succubus Divided RP: Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    It was obvious that Aki was hated, if only because she rambled on and on without stopping. If Wendy had just told her to shut up, she would have stopped sooner. It's not like she would have been offended by being told to shut up. It was just one of Aki's quirks, that's all. She normally wasn't so talkative to begin with, but with the type of girl Wendy was... she couldn't help it.

    "Wendy's a nice name. I like it."

    She took in every word Wendy spoke with her trembling lips. It was hard for her to even reveal her name, she was so closed off and paranoid. It must be hard to be introverted, compared to Aki's extroverted nature.

    "It seems we're on opposite sides of the spectrum, you and I." She spoke as she took liberty of putting her fingers on Wendy's cheek and turning it to face her directly. "We both opened up to each other out of seemingly nowhere. It's rather odd, don't you think?" A sigh left her mouth as she placed a hand on her hip, and the other closed up into a fist, resting upon her bottom lip. Gears ran through her brain as she pondered.

    "Well, if you'll let me... I'll be glad to teach you all there is to know about ice magic. Not only teach, but.. I'll train you. It won't be easy, though. It never is. Through hard work, people can do great things. I may have been born with magic, but I still had to work hard to control it." Her eyes looked directly into Wendy's, even though it didn't look like it. To a normal person, it appeared as if she had no irises, but they were there. They just happened to be the same color as the rest of her eye.

    "So what do you say? Will you accept my help to make you stronger? Or... do I have to force my help on you? Because.. I'm going to help you either way."

    Aki leaned against a wall and straightened the skirt of her dress, as it rode up above her thighs, showing a bit of her racy panties. She also fixed the straps of her dress, as being low cut as it is, showed more of her chest than she wished; which some people would call a "nip slip." She didn't mind showing off cleavage, but nipples were a no no.
    Last edited by Victoria; 06-16-2011 at 12:10 PM.

  3. #63
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    The long corridor ahead of Murdon; filled with carvings, markings and statues places evenly along the walls towards the end. The corridor was roughly 6 feet wide; there was no room for anything, if anything were to happen, “no, mistakes,” Murdon thought to himself; as he slowly began to walk between to first set of statues. As soon as Murdon walked by the first statues, a muffled humming sound erupted from the statues. Before Murdon could react he was teleported to a small 10 by 10 squared room.
    As Lortin examined the aftermath of the attack in the A section of the dorms, it looked as if this area was caught off guard. Mostly students who were just a few years away from finishing school lived in this section, with some just a couple years away. The walls and rooms weren’t destroyed as much as the lobby, it seemed as though the lobby was the final battle for this attack. Wondering further through the A section, Lortin can find no help for him on who did this attack, no survivors. He began to head towards the B Section; mostly students in their middle years, just finally learning what type of magic they want to specialize in. Upon arriving in the B section Lortin could see mana flowing through the air; there might be survivors in this area, Lortin began to search the rooms. This section of the dorms was ravaged; it almost seems like one giant room if there weren’t still columns standing randomly throughout the hallways. Holes in every wall in every room even the ceilings had holes through them; whoever did this didn’t seem to care what got in their way to their objective.
    Lortin continued on through the B section, up the stairs to the 2nd floor. There were a lot of holes in the ground up here, but the walls in the rooms were also destroyed, making passage through a little easier. He walked through several rooms; the rooms were almost empty, as if most of students’ belongings were destroyed. A small flow of mana was seen in a distance from the long hallway, Lortin could see as he stepped out of one of the rooms. Lortin made his way through the several rooms to avoid the holes, reaching the end of the hallway to find the mana. There was more mana in the air, thinking there might be survivors Lortin followed the mana. Heading out of the B section of the dorms, the mana was everywhere in the air in the hallway. Walking towards the center of the hallway there can be voices heard in the washroom. Lortin entered the washroom to find 2 students sheltering themselves inside, one was lying on the ground wounded, and the other was kneeling beside them, winded. “Hello? Are you guys alright?” Lortin asked. The student kneeling stood up, “I am alright, but my friend here was wounded in the last attack.” “Last attack, they attacked multiple times?” Lortin asked.
    “Whoever they were, they attacked in different waves. The first wave was to silence everyone so nobody could retaliate,” the student sat down, looked at the student on the ground. “The second wave was to get information out of whoever they pleased, if you didn’t cooperate you were killed, if you did cooperate, you were killed,” the student said with a sigh. “It was madness; I stayed in my dorm and hoped none of them came into my room.” “Before I knew what was happening, they started destroying the whole building, blowing holes in the walls, killing everyone in their way.” “I ran, I ran and defended myself; while fleeing I found Soaw here, lying on the ground in the hallway you just came into.”

    “What happened to Soaw, why was he alive?” Lortin asked looking over at Soaw lying motionless on the ground. “Soaw was barely conscious, he only had strength to tell me that they didn’t get him,” the student replied. “I have no idea what he did; I’ve never seen him at this school till today.” “So you have no idea as to what the attackers were looking for?” Lortin asked. The student stood up and said, “I barely knew any of my dorm neighbors let alone what those people were here for, I’m glad to be alive, I just wish I was safe.” “I need to figure out why the school was attacked, and find the Elder Koahn, I have this Goblet to return to him.” Lortin pulled out the Goblet he obtained from the forest. “I...I’ve seen that Goblet before, in a picture in a book here,” the student blurted out. “What do you know about this Goblet,” Lortin exclaimed. “I don’t know anything about it, just that I’ve seen it in one of the books in our archives.”
    “Thanks a lot, I’m going to go to the archives and see if I can find anything on why the Elder wanted me to get this goblet for him.” Lortin began to leave the washroom but turned around, “what was your name again?” the student looked up and replied…”Phon.” “Thanks for your help Phon, stay safe, I’ll come back for you and Soaw when I am leaving.” He walked out into the hallway and headed towards the archives “Don’t die!” the student shouted back. “I’ll be looking for more survivors!” Lortin shouted back.
    Back in the quad area of the North side of Drasna, Lortin headed towards the center of the entire school, where the archives are located. The archives weren’t that far from any of the dorms, a lot of the rooms in the dorms are linked via teleporting pads. Arriving at the archives Lortin can’t see how much damage was done to the place before entering it, the outside of the archives looked almost unharmed. Lortin entered the archives to see the inside rummaged about. “It seems to look like that someone was looking for information on something,” Lortin thought to himself as he walked further into the main room of the archives. All of the sections in the archives are linked via teleporting pads, with the teleporting being blocked going through the archives will take longer than usual. The archives are in the lower levels of the archives building. Walking down flights of stairs to each one, each floor was about 50 feet below each other, there are 3 levels. Lortin had no idea where to look for information on the goblet, “I should have asked Phon what type of book he saw the goblet in,” Lortin thought. He began walking down the first flight of stairs.
    “Great! Just great, I tried to be safe, I tried to be correct, and ZAP just like that I’m teleported to a room with no exits!” Murdon shouted out loud. Murdon had no idea where in the school he was, for all he knows, he is underground. He walks to one of walls and examined it, “Maybe one of these walls is fake or something,” Murdon said out loud. He began swinging his sword at the wall, nothing happened. Upset that he was trapped in a room he had no idea ever existed, Murdon sat down on the wall and closed his eyes.

  4. #64

    Re: Divided RP:

    Wendy listened carefully to all Aki had to say. She knew the strong girl in front of her would offer her help. She knew, because everyone offered their help. Though Aki seemed to be different.

    Wendy tried hard to find a possible reason for Aki helping her.
    She'd spoken to so many people in Cro, all of them offering their help. But most of the guys wanted to go out with her - or even sleep with her; those were pretty desperate, as Wendy wasn't that good-looking - and the girls all wanted to get more famous through showing how they cared for others.

    But Aki was different.

    Wendy looked at her closely, but as she got a glance at Aki's panties, she blushed and looked away.

    "I don't need your help," Wendy then said. She really didn't want any help. Help just meant that Aki would be more famous. "And I don't want to be forced..."
    Wendy knew exactly that if she'd been forced, she'd stand no chance against Aki. But still... she was hopeful.

    "Listen," Wendy then said, breathing harder and harder. "I don't know why you want to help me - but I won't help you by letting you help me!"
    "Am I even making sense right know?" Wendy thought to herself. Then she continued: "I want to learn all by myself. I may be weak... but... but letting others help me is weak as well!"

    She was just trying to find some excuses.

  5. #65
    Lady Succubus Divided RP: Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    Aki listened and nodded to Wendy's response. She could feel from Wendy's words the pain of being used by others. It was a common misconception that seeking help from others was a sign of weakness, when really, seeking help from others can be a sign of courage. She pondered how to get through to Wendy, because it was obvious that the girl needed the help to succeed.

    "I know your frustrations all too well, Wendy. When I was in Fiza, I wanted to study on my own as well. I figured that since Ice magic came so easy to me, that another element wouldn't be too hard to figure out," She took a few steps closer to Wendy and put her hand on her shoulder. "but I was wrong. I didn't understand a thing. It was such a different experience and learning curve from the Ice magic that I was used to. I wasn't born with electric magic. So in that aspect, I was just like you."

    She gave the shoulder a few pats before she took her hand back to her hip. "Eventually I also had my fair share of boys and girls wanting to help tutor me. The girls 'taught' me more than just magic, though. I was melded into one of them. A minx that seduced, flirted, and charmed her way into getting what she wanted. And that's when the boys came in. I shouldn't need to tell you what went on when the boys 'helped' me."

    She looked Wendy in the eyes to make sure they weren't glazing over, because this was important. "I know I talk a lot. Perhaps too much for your liking, but all of this has a point, so bear with it please."

    "That's when I mostly got help from my teachers, rather than my peers. Eventually with their help, I learned what I know today, and came back to Cro. By that point.. I wasn't a student anymore, Wendy. I'm.. not a student anymore. Why am I still here, then? Because of what I said before, that I don't think you heard."

    At this point, Aki placed a hand on Wendy's soft cheek as she earnestly looked in her eyes closely, to the point where Wendy could see her hidden irises. "Because I don't have anything left to learn. I'm at the level of the Cro headmaster, Wendy. I know I'm the same age as you... and you think of me as a peer that gets something out of helping people--and I'm flattered that you think of me as a peer, I really am--but you're wrong. Just.. come into my office and you'll understand."

    She pulled herself away from Wendy. When she did, there was a faint smell of something nice. Must've been perfume or something Wendy wore. She took a few steps and opened the door. She was glad that the attackers hadn't pillaged her room. The soft blend of purples and blues, to represent Fiza and Cro, filled the room. The carpet was a soft lavender, and the curtains on the window were a baby blue. The desk was a polished wood, and the cushions on the chairs were of a lighter violet. There were tall bookshelves on both sides of her walls. One had Cro books, and the other had Fiza books. On top of the Cro bookshelf was a large frame holding something inside.

    Aki climbed her small step ladder and fetched the frame and handed it to Wendy. "Now do you believe me? Now do you see?"

    The frame itself was a typical black frame that held diplomas and such parchments, but the parchment inside was a certification of being a master of all Cro magic, not just Ice.

    "I'm showing this to you in hopes that you will be one of the few that won't hate me with envy. I want you to understand something, and I really hope you do." She took Wendy's hand as it held the frame, "If there's a reason for me to help you, it's this: I want you to improve. I want to share my skills with you. I'm not like the other girls that help to get more popular. I..."

    Aki looked away for a moment and gave a sigh, biting her lip before she continued. "I really don't mean to come off as conceited or pompous, but I can't help the truth..." she trailed off for another moment. "I can't get any more popular than I already am, Wendy. So.. I have nothing to gain from helping you. Except the feeling of seeing someone improve and succeed. Someone I trained. ...Someone I raised. Do you understand now? ...Or do you still wish to be left alone?"

    Then she remembered the last thing Wendy said before she went on another lecture. Receiving help was a sign of weakness. She used to think that as well, but eventually she learned otherwise.

    She just looked at Wendy with slightly moist eyes. "And as far as getting help from someone being a sign of weakness... Sometimes the opposite is true, too. It takes a lot of courage to understand your own limits and know when it's the right time to seek aid from others. Others can cover your weaknesses for you. There may even come a time when you know a set of skills that someone else needs. I just hope that you'll come to realize that sooner rather than later."

    When she finished speaking, she sat down in a nearby chair and positioned the other next to it, and offered it for Wendy to sit in if she wanted to. "If, after all this, you still want to be left by yourself, I..." she clasped her hands together and looked down toward the carpet. "...I won't bother you anymore. You'll have to come to me for help if you want it. Because, after today.. I won't offer my help to you anymore. For the simple fact that you'd proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you want to do things on your own, no matter what, and I will respect that."

  6. #66
    Professional Klutz. Divided RP: Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    (OOC: Sorry about the short length.)

    Riian shot the new boy a glance. He made to get up but found that effort wasn't enough. The task defeated him.

    "Drasna?! Then maybe you know why they did this to us? The five of us are all that remains of Sol."

    He glanced at Solan and Marcel, then at the girl beside him. He lay his head back and groaned, he was so tired and his body ached. It was a huge effort just to remain thinking. He rolled onto his side and placed his head on his arm for comfort.

    "I think I need to rest. I can still feel the heat of Master Julios spells. I have this ache." With that his eyes closed and he lay still, breathing gently.

  7. #67
    The Mad God Divided RP: Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    He was suprised that none of them seemed perturbed by his intentionally flimsy answers to questions, but quickly brushed it off as nothing more than their obvious stress preoccupying them. He however was caught off guard by the boy's reaction to his mention of Drasna... "He believes they were responsible for something of this magnitude? Wila must have concealed their contnued existence well if Drasna is their prime suspect... perhaps I should delay revealing the next layer of my disguise, at least until their suspicioins have been redirected... or perhaps not, I'll have to see how this situation unfolds.", he thought to himself.

    He analyzed the situation, and decided it best to appear to agree with their uninformed conclusion, lest he appear to know of things he, or the next layer of the disguise shouldn't. "Wh-what? Drasna did this?!", he asked, feigning shock. He stepped back, further illustrating his false astonishment with facial expressions. "I- I don't believe it... why would they... how COULD they?", he aksed himself quietly, but audibly.

    He glanced over to see the boy's fatigue catching up with him.

    He went silent and began pacing, acting as though he had alot on his mind... which wasn't entirely untrue, but not the thoughts he wanted them to assume he was having.

  8. #68

    Re: Divided RP:

    Thick, heavy clouds were settling overhead, casting an eerie atmosphere above Fize. Lightning bolts began to crash, loud explosions of thunder in the sky. As the sky began to rip open, a thick curtain of rain began to fall, covering the entire Campus and the surrounding region.

    Isaac sat with a smug grin on his face, standing in the rain. Looking skyward, he held his arms apart with his palms facing the sky, he brought his hands together, clapping his palms together and bringing it in front of his chest.
    Concentrating, he began to focus his willpower, channeling his mana. The very air itself began to vibrate with energy, his mana channeling from his body out like a wave.

    His brow furrowing in concentration, sweat beading across his forehead, Isaac brought his arms around his waist, bringing them around in a wide circle. Slowly spreading them apart, he made half moon circles with each, bringing his left hand over his head, his right below his waist along his right side.

    Opening his hands, he spread his fingers apart, to better gather the energy around him. Electricity began to spark between his fingers, gathering power and eventually forming electric spheres in his palms. Opening his eyes, he focused on a rock in front of him, and brought his hands together momentarily before thrusting his hands out, blasting the electricity into the rock.
    The rock merely split, causing a crack as wide as his palm through the rock. Grunting from fatigue and frustration, Isaac punched the earth beneath him, cussing out in anger.

    "Isaac, why do you consistantly try to stretch beyond your reach?" A voice called from behind. Turning around, Isaac seen one of his professors, Professor Roy standing against a tree, his arms folded together.
    "I have no reach. There is no limit for those with determination." Isaac responded, gritting his teeth. "Isn't that what we as students were taught?"

    "Indeed. But trying the TwinBolt technique at the age of 20 is ludicrious. I know you are in your 9th year, but I don't know that many Mages or Teachers that know that technique." Roy stated, shaking his head. "I also came for news for you. You're scores from the fourth test came back, and you scored highest in your class again."

    "I know. I expected nothing less." Isaac mentioned, no longer interested in his studies. It was merely a pest, like a fly you can't reach. He already viewed himself as a Mage, why didn't the others?

    Shaking his head, Roy could see why Isaac didn't have any friends. It wasn't his weird physical features, and it wasn't his extreme brilliance, it was his quick anger and his lack of human companionship.

    A large bolt suddenly shot into the sky, a deep shade of pink and blue. The bolt swirled up into the air as it ascended, finally exploding into a burst of fireworks.

    "Wha? Something is wrong!" Roy yelled out. WIthout a further need for explaining, the two raced towards the College. As they raced through the field, the rain only thickened, until it felt like huge buckets of water was being dumped on them.
    "The weather isn't normally this chaotic too. It feels like a bad omen!" Roy called out, worry apparent on his voice. Isaac shook his head, ignoring the other man's concerns. Isaac didn't feel need to comfort his Instructor; he had his own thoughts to concern himself with.

    The two finally reached the College. A wide circle of small buildings made the exterior barrier, from which consisted of housing complexes. As the buildings made their way closer to the center, they consisted of schools, shops, and different training grounds. In the exact center stood a huge tower, from which the Master of the Fize College stayed in. They raced up the Central Tower's stairs, heading up to the top flight. Isaac finding a burst of energy, he raced ahead of his instructor, finding his way to the top with ease.

    Isaac burst into the Chamber, not heeding to knock or slow down. The Instructor a few paces behind him, they raced forward find an old man leaning on a staff, looking out from the Lookout window.

    Roy immediately knelt, and with hesitance Isaac followed suit. "Mage Elmore, where is Master Cain? Does he not reside within this Tower?"

    Elmore turned around, a faint line of blood coming from his brow. Isaac could tell the old man was spent, his mana drained from his body. Isaac was faintly reminded of a squeezed sponge.

    "Sol was attacked not too long ago. The entire College is ruined, from what I know of. From the bits and pieces that have made their way here, Drasna is the culprits at hand. They too, have kidnapped several ArchMages from each College, including ArchMage Cain. I tried to defend him when he fell, but I was no match for them."

    "If Cain fell, then of course you wouldn't succeed where he didn't." Isaac stated. "You must be either a brave man or a complete fool. Either way, you are an idiot."

    "You are speaking to a Mage far superior to you! Hold your tongue!" Roy shouted, reaching out to the young man. Isaac simply smacked his hand away, anger rushing over him.

    "It is no matter..." Elmore muttered, pain evident on his face. "What we must do now is return ArchMage Cain to us, and seek counsel with Sol. We must find those who have survived the battle and find out what really happened."

    Isaac scoffed, as thunder rolled in the background. "Sounds like a plan."
    Last edited by Zerobanshee; 06-29-2011 at 07:03 PM.

  9. #69
    Memento RK Divided RP: Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    “Rya Kalgan” She repeated the name over and over in her mind; wondering its very roots.

    She had come from a small village not far North of Sol. The fact that she ended up at Cro was either a miracle or means of just ‘getting rid’ of a problem. She hadn’t decided yet.

    Rya was born with a condition that made her body temperature a few degrees hotter than the average person. Her parents; being from Sol, only knew basic Ice magic; which only helped for so long. She was taken to every doctor in the village to try and find a cure. Eventually, when Rya reached the age of five, was recommended that she be taken to Cro College. It was there where she learned to manipulate the mana flow around her. She was able to create her own field of cold air around her at all times. It became her most favourite type of atmosphere. By the time she had reached the age of eighteen, she had mastered all she needed to know about Ice magic.

    Since learning such magic, she made an attempt to go home. She found out that she had a brother and sister, which her parents failed to tell her about. Both were living safe at home, with her family. She tried to show what she had learned over the years, but was shunned from the family. Her brother and sister had become successful students of Sol and the family had become accustomed to only using fire based magic. Rya being the odd one out was forced out of her family. Not knowing where else to go, she returned to Cro College.

    Forgetting where she was, she pounded her fist on the desk in front of her.

    “Rya! Will you pay attention?”

    She snapped out of her thoughts. “Professor Adzuki,” She said proudly, “You remember what happened last time I actually paid attention?”

    “Y-yes, I do.” He stammered.

    “Did you want me to do it again?” She said with a smirk. “Maybe this time I should get paid.”

    “N-no, I’ll teach this class.” he retracted.

    She nonchalantly sat back in her chair letting her long hair fall behind. “Maybe you should remind me why you’re making me attend this class.”

    “You’ll see.” He said as he regained composure. He carried on with the history lesson. Professor Adzuki had been Rya’s mentor over the past few years, and a great friend in the years before. He taught her everything she needed to know about skills such as sword fighting, but there was an added element that couldn’t be taught out of a book. Since Rya had a constant field of magic flowing around her, Adzuki found a way to take advantage of it. The trick for him was to teach the hot headed girl how to use that power to its fullest capacity.

    “This had better be worth it” she said under her breath.

    “Rya!” he yelled again, this time making the other students chuckle around her.

    She had become popular among the students at school. Maybe it was her fiery red hair and extremely good looks. Maybe it was because she was able to stand up and teach a class with only knowledge from the book. Whatever the case, Rya had made a good reputation for herself. She stayed relatively cheerful despite what happened in her past.

    A few moments later, Professor Adzuki dismissed the class. Just as Rya was about to exit, Adzuki stopped her. “You weren’t thinking about your parents again were you?” He asked.

    Rya dropped her head. “Aden, you know me too well.” She said without turning around.

    “Well, I’d hope so. I’ve known you for years” He said. “What was it this time?”

    “Same thing it always is.” She said turning to face him.

    “You should stop thinking you were destined to go to Sol, Rya. You ended up here for a reason.”

    “But, I was born with the ability to wield fire, and I have no idea how to use it. Why would they take that away from me?” She said as if she’d repeated it before.

    “Listen Rya, if you were meant to know fire, you would have known by now,” He said calmly. “Since you don’t, there’s a damn good reason for it. You’ll see why someday.”

    “You’re right.” She smiled.

    “Rya, are you coming? You’re so slow!” A female voice said from outside of the classroom.

    “Coming!” She said to the female. She turned back to Adzuki, “I’d best be off. I’ll see you later”

    “Of course” Adzuki said with a smile.

    Rya exited the classroom and joined the group waiting for her outside.

    “What was all that about?” Asked the female.

    “Nothing really, Suki. Just a conversation” Rya replied shrugging it off.

    The girl said something back, but Rya didn’t catch it. She was already in deep thought. She walked in pace with the group next to her, but didn’t pay attention to their conversations. She noticed a man in a mysterious robe walking down the hallway. Something’s off. She thought.

    “Hey guys, I just remembered I had something to do today” She said cutting off the conversations.

    “You okay, Rya? You’ve been acting strange” Stated Suki.

    “Eh? Yes I’m fine. I’ve got to go, Catch you later” She said as she dashed down the hallway. She tried to follow the man, but he disappeared around the corner. She then noticed another head down the opposite hallway. What is going on? She thought to herself. Shortly after, she heard an awful sound come from a distance. She readied her blade and ran down the hallway toward Adziki’s office. She noticed more mysterious men as she got closer to the office. Other students had noticed the attack and had already made an advance on the mysterious men. Ice spells had begun to explode across the hallways. She hastened her pace as the office had come into her sights. She stopped just before getting to the door and tried the handle. It’s locked? He never locks it...She thought. She slashed the door and burst into the office. To her surprise, it was completely empty. Not a single trace was left.

    “Damn it Adzuki. Where are you?”

  10. #70
    Passing fair judgement Divided RP: Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    Jason lay on the ground looking up at the sky. It was overcast and thunder could be heard in the distance, but this didn't bother Jason. He was deep in thought about what his life had become since he left home.

    He was a member of Cro, but he was far from being the best student or the favorite there. Ever since he was a young child he was fascinated with fire, he would play with it and at one point almost set himself on fire. This love of fire frightened his parents who were two of the most revered ice masters in the realm. He became distant from his family because of this, and being an only child didn't help, he was constantly pressured by his parents. He knew he should love ice as his parents did, but he just couldn't. This wasn't to say he wasn't skilled with ice, he was, but fire was his forte. This strained relationship with his family shaped him into what he was today.

    He wanted to impress his parents, prove to them he was worthy of their attention. He was by far the most well built of his fellow class mates, he had obtained steel bands to put on his arms just to show off. He was arrogant and thought he was the best at everything. This caused for a strained relationship with his classmates who didn't like his superior attitude. He tried not to let it get to him though, they just wouldn't understand why he was that way. He had friends, but they kept their distance not wanting to show they knew him. So he usually stayed alone to reflect on himself, just waiting for someone who might understand him and accept him.

    To keep himself busy of late he had forged a greatsword that he was training with. Jason rose from where he was resting and walked over to the wall, and punched it leaving a small dent. Than drawing his sword he walked into the open grounds of the school and began his drills. The thunder rolled in the distance once more, and it began to rain, but he continued his drills regardless.

  11. #71

    Re: Divided RP:

    Wendy knew she shouldn't dare make a sound when Aki began her speech. She knew exactly when she was to be silent. Not a single word came to her mind. She just listened.

    "Wow," she thought to herself, while Aki still talked about her being as strong as the headmaster, "she's telling me the whole story of her life. Isn't that a sign of weakness as well? If I know everything about her... I'll know enough to bring her down easily."

    Sometimes she even nodded when Wendy looked her in the eye. She shivered inside, not knowing what to think about Aki's eyes. They were still frightening her. She'd never seen something like that before. And after being attacked, how could she possibly not be shocked when she saw those eyes?!

    "Don't touch me." Wendy wanted to say it so badly when Aki placed her hand on her shoulder, on her cheek, everywhere! But she couldn't. She'd learned to stand still and listen to someone who's stronger than her. She didn't even try to imagine what the boys could've done to her. She expected no less from boys - they were all just thinking about the same thing. They wanted to sleep with all girls.
    That's one thing Wendy understood about Aki: Wendy didn't want to be used as a tool of the boys either. That's why she didn't talk to boys, normally. The boy in the library... Wendy shivered when she thought of him. He'd been creepy.

    When Aki went to her office, Wendy felt like invisible people forced her to follow her. To look at her office. At her books. All those books about ice magic. All those books with contents she didn't understand.
    Wendy's thoughts drifted off once again. She thought about not being able to cast ice magic - not being able to anything in Cro at all, though she's been a student for quite a while now. She was weak.

    "If, after all this, you still want to be left by yourself, I... won't bother you anymore. You'll have to come to me for help if you want it. Because, after today.. I won't offer my help to you anymore. For the simple fact that you'd proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you want to do things on your own, no matter what, and I will respect that."

    Wendy looked at Aki. For some reason, it was hard to just say "No". Wendy knew that she could easily say "No, thank you, I'm not interested." now. She was allowed to speak again - she knew it by the look Aki gave her. Aki waited for her response, waited patiently for a reaction. And Wendy had the feeling she also waited... for a "yes".

    "How's that possible?" Wendy wondered. "She's so strong, yet I feel she needs me. Her eyes tell me she's almost afraid of me saying I don't need her help. But why do I even bother?! I just have to say 'no'. I just have to say 'NO'!.... But I can't.

    "Please... tutor me..."
    "WHAT DID I JUST.....!"

    Wendy stood there, looking at Aki with her eyes wide opened. She just stood there, not knowing what she'd just said. Not believing she actually said that. Not knowing what was going on in her heart and in her head.

    At last, she couldn't stand anymore. She was tired from fighting, from being attacked, from being forced to talk to someone for that long.
    Wendy fainted.

  12. #72
    Passing fair judgement Divided RP: Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    Finished with his drills and breathing heavily Jason walked into the comfort of the inner halls of Cro. He was supposed to meet up with one of his friends before one of his classes started, he noticed him leaning against the wall and he walked over.

    "Horace, what is it you wanted to talk to me about. You don't usually even acknowledge my existence so this must be important."

    "Yes, it's important, I don't waste time by saying anything less than important."

    "Now you sound like me, but what is it?"

    "I had just left one of the class rooms and was walking past the head master's chamber. He was talking loudly with someone, I didn't recognize the voice of the other, but it sounded like they were angry. Suddenly an explosion, or at least what sounded like an explosion, went off. I feared the worst, someone was after our headmaster. I burst into the room to find the room in shambles, and almost every book destroyed. I ran out of the room, and I've kept this a secret for almost the whole day, I needed to tell someone."

    Jason looked at him incredulously, and cast an eye about the halls to make sure no one else was listening.

    "You're sure about this, how did no one else notice or even try and get into the headmaster's chamber. It doesn't make sense either, why would the room be destroyed like that."

    "Look, I don't know how to explain it, I only know what I saw. If you don't believe me than go look for yourself. See this is the reason you don't have any real friends, you never believe them, or you look down on them."

    With those parting words Horace walked away leaving Jason to consider what had happened. He had the ood feeling that Horace wasn't lying as much as the story made no sense. Jason began to walk in the direction of the headmaster's chamber, but he broke into a run the addrenaline now running it's course.

    He reached the headmaster's office and walked inside. The room wasn't in shambles, everything was neet and tidy. This didn't make any sense at all, suddenly the door was slammed shut behind Jason. He turned around and had just enough time to avoid a fireball flying towards him.

    "Well, well, well, if it isn't Jason Hurst, the shame of his family. When one of your "friends" told me you were here I almost didn't believe him."

    Jason looked at the newcomer with no sign of recollection, but instead with confusion. Obviously this person knew him, but how.

    "How do you know my name, I don't know you at all?"

    "You will understand all when the time is right, but now isn't the time. Now it's time for you to fall."

    A flurry of fireballs flew at Jason, and instinct took over. Jason rolled to his left and formed his ice daggers, and he lunged at his adversary. His opponent drew a sword and lit it aflame and blocked the blow aimed at his chest. Jason was caught off guard, but quickly regained his composure and renewed his assualt. The battle went on for what felt like an eternity, neither side gaining ground. Suddenly Jason's adversary backed away, and flames erupted around him. Once the flames had dissipated the attacker was no longer there, but the door to the chamber opened and in walked the headmaster.

    "What is the meaning of this," the headmaster implied with a wave of his arm. Now the room was in shambles, almost everything was destroyed from the battle.

    "I'm sorry headmaster, I found someone in your chamber, and I tried to fight them. In the confusion that ensued I guess your stuff got kinda....ruined."

    "Jason, why must you continue to do this sort of thing, you already are not well liked here, this is not going to help. I am going to have to punish you for this, but not now, I will speak to you at the day's end. Come to my office after all your classes are done and we shall discuss this."

    Jason nodded in acknowledgement and left the office. He walked through the halls deep in thought, the who, what, and why of the events of the last 10 minutes.

  13. #73
    Lady Succubus Divided RP: Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    What was just a few moments, felt like forever as Aki awaited the response from Wendy's lips. Aki noticed the bout of conflict from within Wendy. She wanted so much to be able to help someone such as Wendy. So many people helped her when she was young, it was her turn to finally aid someone.

    And those words finally slipped through and brought Aki back from her stupor. The office surroundings flew back into Aki's vision as the body of Wendy collapsed onto the floor before she could even move to catch the girl. Aki stood up from the chair and knelt before Wendy.

    "Wendy?! Are you all right?!" It was obvious the girl was out cold, so she couldn't hear Aki's voice. Poor girl... I probably pushed her too hard. she thought to herself as she stared at Wendy's cute sleeping face.

    She slid the hair strands away from Wendy's eyes and slowly lifted her body up from the ground. She swayed her hips and glided across the floor, through the door in the back of the office, into her room.

    She gently laid Wendy onto the soft bed and left to grab a chair from the office, to place it next to the bed. She removed Wendy's glasses and placed them on the nearby nightstand.

    Without the glasses, Wendy actually was rather cute. Now she understood why all the boys hit on her. If only Wendy was more confident in herself and knew how pretty she was.

    The last thing she wanted to do though, was to turn Wendy into another Aki. Wendy was too sweet of a girl to become something like Aki.

    There wasn't much to do now other than to wait for Wendy to come back around. But until then, Aki walked away from the bed and through another door in the bedroom, into her small kitchen. Which was less of a kitchen and more of a small room that included a pantry and a small stove to cook individual meals in.

    She rummaged through the pantry and found some powder mix and grabbed a cup from a cupboard and made some warm cocoa for Wendy. She placed the cup on the nightstand, away from her glasses, and continued to watch over Wendy's sleeping form.

    She stroked Wendy's cheek and gave it a few light taps, hoping maybe that would arouse her senses. "Wendy?"

    When that didn't seem to work, she gave a sigh and covered the cup of cocoa with a lid, to retain the heat. Before she sat back down, she leaned closer to Wendy, once again admiring her cute sleeping face.

    Her cheeks flushed lightly as she planted a soft kiss upon Wendy's cheek, giving her cheek a stroke before she let out a yawn and rested her head upon the mattress. "I'll be here when you wake up, Wendy..." she trailed off, still knowing that Wendy wouldn't hear her.

  14. #74
    Professional Klutz. Divided RP: Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    Lucid and Hyz joint post (Riian, Marcellus, Solan and Linear)

    "I think we could all use a rest," Solan agreed. "But this really might not be the best place to do it. We need to get somewhere safe, but where..." He needed to take responsibility for all of these students and keep them safe. It was the least he could do. He couldn't just stand back anymore and watch. He had to take action. He just wished he still didn't feel so lost. He was a teacher, but he was nothing like Julio. What could he even do if they were attacked again? He never had to do anything like this before. He didn't think he'd ever have to. He just wasn't sure about anything anymore. He wasn't even sure if it was even Drasna who really attacked the school. Things just didn't seem to add up.

    Marcellus looked back to Solan, noticing he looked a little distraught. He was right though. It wasn't safe here. He didn't know why, but for some reason, he felt like this was his fault. Maybe it was just his head confusing him again. He didn't know. Still, that girl... he turned his head back towards her. So familiar. He wished he could just remember where he had seen her before.
    "I'm telling you, professor. If I move I'll faint. I don't think the girl is any better off, either." Riian's body ached now. The day seemed to have finally caught up with him. He put his hands onto his chest breathing heavily and with a wheeze. "I do agree. Just, please, give me a few minutes." He didn't want to appear weak. They all needed to be strong.

    Linear opened her eyes. Her brain raced. Every though was of Rafiel. His smile haunted her. It flashed into her mind with such sweet happiness. Then he was gone. That was just it, he was gone. She felt sick once more but nothing came. Perhaps her body had given up? The boy. She looked to Riian. He had helped her. She felt more guilt as she looked around at the group surrounding her. These must be all that was left or most of it. She made to say something but still no words passed her lips. Then she felt something peculiar. A new, yet old, sensation. She felt Wila power close by. Fear gripped her and she tried to stand. It was powerful, too powerful. It must be him, Lars. It must be.

    Riian noticed Linear struggling and sat up sharply. He looked around in alarm.

    "What is it?" He glanced at her and she looked back.

    Linear could feel it, smell it. It felt close yet far off, the panic died a little. If he truly were close by they would be dead. It must be fatigue playing on her senses.

    "Professor, maybe we should move. This place has us all spooked." He spoke in particular of the girl but didn't want to say. He was sure he had seen her face before. It was during the attack. Had she been hit with a blast? The things she had seen must have affected her very badly if she had lost her voice. She even seemed frightened to sit in their company.

    "I know. I'm sorry. We can rest here for a little while longer," Solan agreed. He knew how Riian felt. All of this had been hard and exhausting on all of them. Solan was also concerned about Marcel, especially after using those powers. He just wasn't sure what to do, but his thoughts were again interrupted when the girl tried to stand, looking extremely distressed.

    "Is she alright?" he asked Riian. She must have been badly affected by the attack. She was probably in shock. Did he really want to move already though? "Well, if you're sure that you're up to it," he responded, then turned to the other young man. "What about you, hmm...I'm sorry. I don't think I got your name. I don't recognize you from any of my classes, so in case you didn't know, I'm Professor Veralow."

    Solan then turned back to Marcel. "Come on. It's time to go," he said.

    Marcellus nodded before Solan helped him to his feet, but he still felt a little weak. He knew he needed more rest, but he couldn't rest. He still had something to do. He had to remember. Though perhaps his dreams could help him remember. He seemed to recall that he remembered things in his dreams, but those memories were lost to him as soon as he awoke. If he could just hold onto them, even for just a moment, then just maybe...

    He shook his head. There was something else bothering him. He couldn't figure it out, but he got a strange feeling. A familiar feeling. He had felt it earlier, but he didn't know what it was. He looked to Riian, then the other man, then to the girl again. It confused him. It made him feel...troubled. He suddenly remembered a room. A research lab. And books and papers burning. He didn't understand any of it. What did it even mean? He put his hand to his head as if the fragmented memory pained him.

    "Are you alright?" Solan asked him quietly.

    Marcellus put his hand down and frowned. "I'm fine. We should go if everyone's ready."

    Riian nodded. He pulled himself to his feet. Every muscle in his body ached but he felt it would be stupid to complain any more. Everyone had been through so much today; not just him. He glanced around at the group. The girl was attempting to stand. She had propped her arm against a knot at the base of the tree. She seemed drained. Riian wandered over and grabbed her arm. He eased her gently to her feet.

    “Take it easy” his voice was still croaky from the dry air. “We aren’t in any rush.”

    His assurances had fallen on deaf ears. Linear attempted to walk forward almost immediately after she had stood. Her head span for a moment. She felt light headed. Stumbling forward she was again on the floor. She had fallen on something. Her right arm had landed on somebody’s arm. As she looked up her eyeline caught that of another persons. She felt as if she recognised him.

    “Are you okay?” Called Riian with alarm.

    He again made to help her up gripping her under the arms he eased her once more to her feet. Riian was surprised to find her staring at Marcel. Linear, on the other hand, was struggling to find where she had seen the man before her. She blinked and looked at Riian, then back to Marcel. She accepted that it was probably another student, or teacher, that she had seen during the attack.

  15. #75
    This is my sin... Divided RP: Lucid's Avatar
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    Re: Divided RP:

    Lucid and Hyz Joint post (Marcellus, Linear, Mikael, Lars, Solan)
    (BTW! It's really long. XD)

    Marcellus was standing in the same spot as he waited with Solan for everyone to stand and get ready to move. He continued to watch the silver-haired girl as she tried to stand and then proceeded to try and walk on her own even though she still looked too ill to do so.

    As the girl started to fall, Marcellus turned just as she reached out to grab onto something to stop herself. That something turned out to be his arm. He smiled softly as he touched his hand to hers to help her up, but instead, he gasped as a powerful and familiar feeling suddenly coursed through his body. He tensed and his eyes went wide as he remembered...

    "I can't take it anymore," Mikael sighed wearily, standing on the balcony as he looked out at the withered landscape. "Living in this stagnant place. No birds or flowers... All I can ever smell now is death...I hate it!" His long snowy hair moved around him as he turned his head to look over at his friend. What did he really think about all this? He had always trusted him before. Those blue eyes had never made him doubt anything until now. All of this suddenly felt wrong. "Are you really happy with things being like this?"

    Lars smirked. His eyes were overshadowed by a black fringe yet, with what little light there was, it was clear his eyes were closed.

    "Stagnant? Hmmmmmm..." He tilted his head skywards and scratched his chin, his eyes remained closed. "... You sound like the girl. What does it matter? There are plenty more places to see. Who cares about a single plot of land when others are so much more inviting? So much more... Populated."

    He opened his eyes and looked at Mikael. He stepped forward and grinned broadly.

    "I'm going to need you, all of you, when the time comes. Who knows, maybe we could revitalize this cess-pit for you... If that is what makes you all happy?"

    Mikael shook his head. Lars didn't seem to understand. It wouldn't matter where they went as this would always be the same result. It would always become like this. Perhaps he did sound like her, but he had good reason to. He didn't want to do this anymore. He was tired of it all. It was frustrating. Even his precious rosebush had withered and died. He shivered for a moment. It made him feel sick. More than he had already been feeling lately.

    Looking up at him as he stepped closer, Mikael flushed at his words. He always seemed to know exactly what to say to sway him...but that wasn't the point. It wouldn't make him happy. That's not what he wanted, and he was tired of playing these games. He looked away for a moment to reach into his robe.

    "And this...?" he then asked angrily, holding up his research paper. "When were you going to tell her about this? Or were you going to tell her at all? They've been trying so hard too... You can't tell me that you didn't know..." His voice softened as he looked to the ground in discontent. "This power has changed us all too's changed you too much..." This wasn't the same person that he had become friends with so long ago. This was someone else. Did he really even care about any of them? About him?

    And he could only wonder what Lars meant when he said that, 'When the time comes'? What did he mean? Time for what? Was Lars planning something big? He hadn't heard anything about it and Lars used to tell him everything. Why not now? He wasn't sure what to think. He didn't know how to feel. But then again, he hadn't told Lars everything either. How was he even supposed to say it? Would Lars even care? Would he even believe him to know that this power was slowly killing him? He could feel it. It was painful. This is why he didn't want this anymore. He didn't want to die in a place like this. They had to stop this. It was getting too out of hand. This power was doing something to them all. He had the proof.

    Lars turned his back to Mikael. He didn’t have answers. Not any that Mikael would accept anyway. He ran his hand round the back of his neck and massaged gently. His friend's anger had caught him off guard.

    “Of course I knew. Do you think I’m blind? You have no idea what eats away at the far reaches of my consciousness.” He turned again to Mikael, but this time lunged forward to grip his collar tightly, “The girl must never know, Mikael. Promise me!” His brain ached and his grip relaxed, he looked with regret at his hands and then back to Mikael.

    Lars put his hand to his forehead and again turned his back on his friend. His body seemed to ache with inexplicable longing. He again turned to the sky. This time he raised his palm as if in a vain attempt to grip a passing cloud.

    “Stagnant... Birds, flowers... There is beauty out there, my friend." He paused for a second to look at his fingertips. "It’s just beyond our grasp.” He looked over his shoulder with a smile. “We’ll punish the wrongs that have been dealt us Mikael. This I promise you. Your research will help us get through, I’m sure of that.”

    Mikael gasped in surprise and winced as Lars grabbed him tightly by his collar, forcing him to look into those unsettling blue eyes. This was the first time he ever remembered Lars doing something like this to him before. "Lars..." he breathed. How could he promise something like that? They were his friends too, but Lars...he could never seem to say no to him. "I-I promise," he said nervously. As Lars released his grip on him, Mikael could see the regretful expression on his face. At least it seemed as though he didn't mean to do that.

    The way Lars put his hand to his forehead, Mikael had to wonder if it had something to with what he had said earlier. He had no idea what eats away at his consciousness? What did he mean by that? Was he suffering because of these powers as well? Perhaps it was affecting his mind instead. He couldn't say for sure, but it hurt him to think about it. He didn't want to see him suffer, that's why he had to stop this. Watching him turn away and look back to the sky, Mikael frowned. Why do you only look at the sky like that? he wanted to ask.

    "You're wrong..." Mikael mumbled softly, lowering his head once more. He felt like all of this was his fault. It was because of his research that they had come this far. He felt as though they should be the ones to be punished. In a way, he already was. They all were. But that promise... That wasn't a promise he wanted. He was tired of it. Tired of it all. Why didn't Lars understand that?

    "I-I don't want to do this anymore, Lars..." Mikael confessed. "I..." He suddenly dropped to his knees as the pain returned. He leaned forward on his hands, his body trembling in fear and pain as he coughed up blood. He clenched his fists and squeezed his eyes shut as tears burned them. He didn't want Lars to see him like this. He didn't even want him to know, but it was too late now. If Lars wasn't blind, then did he know this would happen to him too?

    "Don't want to..." Lars was about to argue, but Mikael's condition stopped him dead. He walked and knelt beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't you see. We have to go on, or this will continue. I can see only one way out and I intend to carry us in the direction." He rose to his feet once more and walked to the edge of the balcony.

    "Animism, Mikael. It brought us to our knees. It has killed our lands and..." He paused and held his head once more, "... Changed, even damaged us."

    He turned to his friend holding out his hand to help him stand.

    "What if I knew of a way to control it all. So that we were no longer at the mercy of... Life... Would you come with me, Mikael?"

    Mikael grasped at his chest in pain, struggling to breathe as he looked up at Lars when he knelt down and touched his shoulder. He wanted to reach out to him, but his body wouldn't respond and he could only watch as the man stood and walked away again. Mikael couldn't even really concentrate on what he was talking about, but it seemed as though Lars had his own ideas of what he wanted to do. It didn't matter what he wanted. His words never seemed to reach him anymore.

    "You know I would follow you anywhere, Lars," Mikael said, merely looking at his outstretched hand before looking back up at him. "But this isn't what I wanted. I've been by you this whole time, but you still don't seem to get it. I don't care about this power anymore. I'm tired of living on borrowed time like this... I'm just...tired..." Mikael frowned in dismay. "This isn't what you promised me back then. You..." he lowered his head as he coughed again. What was the point of all this without him? The Lars he knew back then?

    "Y-You're taking things too far. This isn't even about what we want anymore. It's all about the power," Mikael said bitterly. "I just want this to stop. Please. Can't we just leave all of this behind? I already feel like I'm losing you."

    Lars put a hand to his head. A burning sensation ripped through his brain causing him to stumble backwards. He opened his eyes with a smirk and shook his head.

    "You say you'd follow me anywhere and then ask me to stop? No, Mikael I won't stop. Not until I have what I need. We can't go back, there's nothing to go back to. Do you want the dog that caused us this pain to go unpunished, Mikael?" He breathed heavily through the smirk as the pain reached a climax.

    He placed both hands on his face and gripped hard as if fighting a mask. Then his hands dropped and he stood still staring at Mikael with a smirk.

    "If you could do me one last favour, my friend?" He balled a fist and leaned in close to Mikael drawing beside his ear. "Don't get in my way."

    It was true. His words were contradictory, but his friend's words confused him just as much. Just what was he going on about? Was he going mad? Something obviously wasn't right about him. Looking back up, he watched Lars. His movements and actions seemed so strange and pained. And his words... He was right about one thing though. What was there to go back to? If things continued how they were, he would die much sooner than he expected, but maybe he was willing to accept that. But Lars...he seemed to be becoming more and more unhinged. He was losing him.

    Lars' last words made him freeze. He felt as though a knife had been plunged into his heart. Certainly he was joking. "L-Lars..." his voice wavered. He reached up, wrapping his fingers around the long, silky black hair that hung down close to him. It was just for a moment before he let his hand slide back down to the floor. No, he was serious. This wasn't the same Lars anymore. This was all wrong.

    "You talk about punishing wrongs, but look at what we've done. This is all our doing. We did this to ourselves," Mikael argued. "But I'm through with this now. Everything. Things weren't supposed to be this way... You promised me a world where we wouldn't have to do this anymore, but I didn't know it was going to result in...this! You're talking about messing with things far greater than what you could possibly comprehend or control and I'll have no part in it."

    Mikael winced as he picked himself up off the floor and turned away. "I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago..." he mumbled before slowly starting back down the hall to his research lab. He was going to destroy it all. He wasn't going to take part in this any longer. He was going to stop this before it got anymore out of hand.

    Mikael entered his lab, chasing out the other researchers before locking himself inside. He pulled bottles down from the shelves and threw them to the floor in a rage. He wasn't sure if he was angry at Lars or at himself, but he was going to put a stop to this. If anyone had seen him, they would have thought he had gone completely mad. He then moved to the books, ripping pages out before throwing them on the floor into a pile and setting them on fire. Every book, every paper, he burned them all. He didn't care anymore. He was going to destroy everything so it couldn't be used to harm anyone or anything else ever again. This knowledge was only in his head now, but he wasn't going to help Lars like this any longer. If Lars wasn't going to stop, then he would make him.

    But would this really stop Lars? Mikael had no idea what was going on in his mind anymore. It seemed as though he was losing his mind, losing himself. How was he going to save him? Could he even be saved? Would he even want to be? Mikael thought the worst. Would he have to end up killing him in order to stop him? Could he really even bring himself to do it if he had to...? Lars was his dearest friend though. Even if he had changed, it still was Lars, wasn't it? How could he do that when he was no better? He was the one who had helped him come this far, but he didn't know much this was going to change his friend. What he wanted now was...nearly impossible if not completely insane. To control become immortal, but at what price? He shook his head. Just what was Lars thinking? He obviously wasn't thinking straight, or thinking about the consequences for that matter. What he wanted to do was too dangerous. Not only for him, but for everyone else as well. Just what exactly did he intend to do with that kind of power. It wasn't...natural.

    If Lars didn't hate him already, then he was sure to hate him that he had done this, but he had to fix the problem. This was all his fault. He had never agreed to this, but he still did it, for Lars. Recently he had even started to feel more like Lars' faithful servant rather than his best friend, but he had willingly put himself in this position. Still, this wouldn't make things right, but it would at least stop them for a time. Until he figured out something. Perhaps he should go to the Mage Council. Surely they could do something. He really didn't want Lars to have to die in order for him to be stopped though.

    Once he had finished with his rampage, Mikael slumped to the floor and cried in desperation. You're wrong, Lars. What I want isn't beyond my's right in front of me...and yet, I still can't seem to reach it...

    Lars had watched Mikael walk away and close the door. He threw himself against it and banged hard. His rage confused him, he recoiled and paused.

    "Do it!" He spoke with a hiss. "Why are you stopping?"

    He threw himself backwards and held his hands at his sides. His dark hair now completely covered his face, he looked to the sky. His hand reached inside his jacket and felt his chest. Mikael was his dearest friend. They had been through so much together. How could he be thinking like he was.

    "Don't just stand there!" He threw himself up against the balcony's edge. "I can't do this... It's Mikael."

    His brain seared with pain. His fists balled once more and he threw a leg forward. His left hand rubbed his temple as he moved, eyes closed, towards the door. He gritted his teeth and pulled back his right, still balled fist. Then, with great force he launched it into the door. The noise of the impact was deafening. He opened his eyes. The door lay broken and dented on the floor just inside the room. A smoke cloud drifted out and away above him. He smiled as he saw what Mikael was doing. That's right Mikael, burn it. Never let this happen...

    "You fool! How could you burn our only chance?" He stood, fury bound and staring at Mikael as he threw his research papers onto a flaming mass. "Don't you see what it is you've done?"

    He took a step forward but his second one was stopped. His head shook violently for a second. He smirked for a second and then continued to walk. He felt what seemed like a rip in his head and then there was only Mikael standing before him.

    "I asked you not to get in my way. You've deliberately gone against my wishes. Obviously I cannot..." He rubbed his temple furiously "...RUN! Run, my friend. They are coming..." He shook his head and the smirk returned "I cannot allow you to ruin my plans."

    He stood before Mikael, hands outstretched and head turned upwards. A vast storm was visible through the door behind him as he mumbled under his breath.

    "Please, Mikael... End this..." His eyes clenched with pain. "You can't stop me, Lars. This is what we need to do."

    Mikael jumped and looked over as the door was broken down, and then he saw Lars standing there, smiling. That smile... For just a moment, Mikael saw the Lars he remembered. He almost started to smile back, but was quickly taken aback by his sudden change. He flinched at his angry words. The old Lars was gone and Mikael began to tremble in the presence of this Lars. He was actually afraid of him.

    Mikael looked up at Lars. Just what was he saying? He didn't understand. It was like he was two different people. One screaming at him in anger, the other telling him to run. This was worse than he thought. Just what had happened to him? No, he wasn't going to run. He couldn't even if he wanted to. And who was coming? He didn't understand.

    "I-I can't, Lars!" he cried as he now sat on the floor on his knees, trembling. He didn't want to run. He couldn't just leave him like this. He wanted to stop him, but he... It was Lars... He looked up at Lars' pain filled eyes as he begged Mikael to stop him. Was he really in that much pain? He didn't know if he could fight him though. They were nearly matched in terms of magic power, but Lars was also physically stronger. Mikael felt so weak right now though. Could he really do it? Could he really save him like this? He didn't know, but he had to at least try.

    He stood up on shaky legs as the wind gently began to swirl around him. Holding out an equally shaky hand, Mikael closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath before looking back to Lars and sending blast after blast of wind spells at him, his long hair and robes fluttering with each wave. Even though Lars wanted this, Mikael was still turning his hand against him. "Please forgive me, Lars..." If he couldn't stop Lars now, then he would probably kill him, but...maybe he wouldn't mind dying if it was by his hand. Maybe it was best this way. That way, all of his knowledge and secrets would die with him. Still, it didn't keep his heart from breaking now.

    Lars gritted his teeth and threw his weight forward whilst pulling his arms back, fists clenched. He opened his palms as Mikael's spells landed upon him, one after the other. They tore into him like blades, but still he stood as the force fueled him. Again and again Mikael's spells connected but Lars stood and took them. His footing began to slip and he pushed his shoulders forward. A ripple of energy rushed forwards creating an airtight seal around him. He closed his eyes. The squall behind him started to fade and he took a deep breath and straightened up.

    "You forget, Mikael" he opened his eyes with a smirk, "I teach this."

    He wiped his nose as a trickle of blood emerged from his right nostril. His chest now bore signs of damage though the pain didn't seem to affect him in any way. His body was ripped but his persona spoke to the contrary. His shirt had torn at the shoulder and the front was almost completely gone. Just a red sheen was across his torso. His skin had deep gashes upon the surface and the bits of material that were left had a distinct scarlet misting upon them. He loosened up and held his hands at his side. A droplet of blood formed on his index finger on his right side. He cracked his neck.

    "My turn."

    He threw his hands forward and they met as if in prayer. A breeze blew in; Lars breathed heavily. His hands shook as the wind increased. They began to part as if a force was growing between. His face reddened as he forced them, with great effort, closed. Then, pulling his hands to his chest he smirked. This time the grin was far more sinister. His eyes didn't leave Mikael's as he made to throw his palms out once more. The grin dropped and sadness grew upon his face as the force was released.


    Mikael had never hurt Lars like this before. Sure, they had practiced together and had playful matches in the past, but nothing like this. This was serious. It hurt him to see Lars like that, and by his own hand. But even though all of his spells appeared to have made contact and caused his friend so many wounds, he still stood as if nothing had happened. Had he absorbed them? He wasn't sure, but he wasn't bothered by that. What bothered him was the trickle of blood that had come from his friend's nose. Another sign of the damage done to him by this forbidden power? He just wanted to end his pain, but it seemed as though his attacks barely had any effect on him.

    Hearing Lars' next words, Mikael snapped out of his thoughts and his eyes went wide in horror. It sounded as if this was just a game to him, or his other self. He didn't know anymore. All he knew was that he could feel the air changing around him. The wind rushed by him and towards Lars as it collected there between his hands. So much power... There was that smirk again, even more sinister than before, then Lars attacked, screaming out his name. There was a look of sadness on Lars' face now, and regret in his voice, but it was too late as the force had already been unleashed upon him.

    Mikael threw up his hand to form a shield in front of himself. The spell made contact and the force hit the shield hard, sending the wind rushing past him, but it also drove him back as well. He tried to hold back the powerful attack, but hadn't realized just how weak his body had become. Before, this kind of thing didn't affect him at all. Now it seemed that using so many spells and holding the shield was taking a lot out of him. He still had plenty of power to use, he just wasn't sure he had the strength to wield it.

    He faltered for only a second and suddenly found himself slammed back into a wall as the remaining spell tore at him. He groaned and fell to his knees. He tried to catch his breath. He had to get up. If he didn't fight back, Lars would certainly kill him and then he wouldn't be able to stop him. Maybe no one would. He just wished that it didn't have to be like this.

    Mikael leaned back and put his hand on the wall behind him, slowly pulling himself up before Lars came at him again. He knew he was at a disadvantage right now and Lars probably knew it too, but it wasn't going to stop him. He just had to focus. He raised both of his hands this time, calling forth a swirling vortex which went bearing down on Lars. If this didn't stop him, then he'd have to use something even more powerful...and maybe risk killing them both. At least then...

    Lars shielded his eyes as the hurricane-like spell grew closer. His bubble of shielding wouldn't hold. His knees began to buckle. Sweet release, he thought with a sigh. His nose now bled freely once more. He was on his knees, his arms crossed before his face. Still the spell persisted. Not long now, this comforted him. He felt himself slipping. His eyes closed and he opened his arms as if to embrace his fate.

    "NO!" He bellowed. As he opened his eyes he was no longer kneeling. Now he was standing. His eyes burned as he struggled to peer through the rubble which now spun around him. He was within the spiral of wind. The fury of it seemed to have overwhelmed his body. He felt weak, yet is mind was sharp and strong. Something else lay there.

    Something horrible. It had spoken to him before, yes. Never this clearly. He ran his wrist under his nose. He felt the warmth of the blood there. How readily he attacked you, Lars.

    "No." He muttered, the anger inside him grew.

    Do you see? the voice spoke now with clarity.

    "I asked for this."

    See how eager he was to oblige? It's anger drove him. He felt the oxygen draw into his body; felt it circulate in his blood. A new pain gripped at his heart.

    "He planned this!" His voice now rattled with anger.

    Lars' body was thrown backwards by the force of the outer wall of Mikael's spell. He was flung with great force into the wall behind him. Before he hit the floor he was standing once more. He dusted himself for a moment and disappeared into the air. In a second he was only a meter or so away from Mikael. He raised a hand and tilted his head with a grin. He raised his hand and sent a blast from his palm aiming it directly at Mikael's chest.

    "Make him remember who I am!" He screeched. A hatred now gripped him. All sadness had been drained.

    No! Called the voice from somewhere in the far reaches of his mind. He grinned.

    "Make him forget."

    Mikael couldn't seem to watch as his spell overtook Lars, and he closed his eyes and turned his head away. All that could be heard was the wind as it raged across the room, picking up items from the already destroyed lab and swirling them around as it moved. No, he couldn't watch this. It was too painful. He turned back though as his spell was coming to an end, just in time to see that Lars was still standing. "Wh-..." Was all Mikael could get out as he then watched Lars disappear into the air.

    It was only a moment before Lars suddenly appeared just mere steps away. Mikael barely even had time to form a proper shield before Lars attacked again. The force pressed him back into the wall and it felt like his chest and been hit into by giant fist. He fell to his hands and knees, coughing up even more blood than before. He wasn't sure if it was from the spell, or from casting so many of his own. Regardless, his body trembled in agony and defeat and he drew one hand up to grasp at his aching chest. Lars was surely going to kill him now and he probably wouldn't be able to do anything to stop him. But to be killed by his best friend like this...with such hatred in his eyes. Mikael couldn't seem to win against that other person inside of his friend's mind.

    Mikael looked up at him at Lars, his vision was blurred by tears. His words continued to confuse him. He wasn't even sure which Lars was talking now. It wasn't all that important anyway. There were more important things to worry about right now. He could taste the blood on his lips as it trickled from the corner of his mouth. "L-Lars...please..." he pleaded, panting as he weakly lifted his hand up towards him. What was he pleading for? His life? It wasn't worth anything now. Yes, he still had all this power and knowledge, but he was dying and there was nothing he could do about that. No. That wasn't it.

    In a last ditch effort, Mikael began to cast another spell, a spell that would surely kill them both if he just had enough time to cast it... Wind slowly began to swirl around as the energy in the air was pulled towards him. Please forgive me Lars.

    Lars began to feel weak as Mikael's spell pulled at him. It seemed to be draining him. He looked at his old friend's face, but felt nothing but anger. Was that a glimmer of longing fighting its way to the forefront of his thoughts? Or was it simply a way to accept what was about to happen? This spell would destroy them both. Lars was certain of it. He tried to change the current of the air but his efforts amounted to nothing. He held off for as long as he could before his muscles cried for him to stop. Again he fell to his knees. He glanced up towards Mikael, grasping an outstretched hand. One part of him yearned to end it. Another, the one now winning the inner battle, only wanted to use Mikael's power. It settled itself and the spell began to form around him. The air around them both was seeping into Lars' skin.

    Releasing Mikael's hand, he moved his own in arched motions through the air. The ripples that emitted crackled and fizzed as they left him. He felt Mikael's own spell absorb into himself. Felt the power building to a dangerous level. The concentration was unbreakable. The pain of the spell which tore at him seemed only an irritation. Mikael was trying to destroy him Lars would use that power, or make sure they both perished. He watched as a stormy vortex formed before him. It gathered speed and with that, gathered power. It grew larger and broader spitting out energy that split the walls of the building around them. He glanced at the sky with a short smile. He thought of the plans he had originally. Happiness and a sick hatred fueled anger clawed at him in alternating waves. He had high hopes for himself and his friend. They had plans.

    The voice grappled with these latest thoughts. It attacked them with a burning hot rage that gripped his very being. His nose bled as he knelt. He thought of the other boy and girl. They would help him. His finest students. The happiness left him once more. This time it left for good. The old Lars was growing weak but the situation only fed what lay deep inside. Only the goal remained.

    The vortex reached an unstable level but still it gathered momentum. There was no way of stopping it now and Lars, the new Lars, knew it. He prepared his body for the spells connection and closed his eyes.

    The power of the combined spells struck him with a shocking force. The pain was so intense that he could swear he'd die simply by feeling it. He was rammed into and through a wall. He felt himself impact upon the balcony he had left not so long before. His body felt broken. He balled his fist with great effort. A lightening bolt of pain shot up through his body. He looked at the wreckage of what would have been the research lab. Mikael couldn't have survived that. A tear rolled down his face and his mind yearned for rest. Then Lars was gone. He drifted away silently but the smirk remained and so did the voice.

    As Mikael's spell was cast, he felt something strange, another force, pulling against him, drawing his power. No, this wasn't right. Still, the spell grew and the room began to buckle and groan under the force and pressure. The wall cracked upwards and pieces of debris fell down from the ceiling and onto to the floor around them. He fought against that force, his eyes blazing with determination. If he couldn't kill Lars, then he'd have to live and warn the other two. He had to do something. The four of them had been good friends. But Lars...he could never tell him, and he had to kill him.

    The room continued to shake as the spell grew even larger and more powerful. It was painful and the crackling energy in the air seemed to burn him. It finally struck Lars and threw him back through the wall, but still the storm raged around him. It was finally too much to handle and he dropped his hand and collapsed to the floor, ending the spell. If only he had been stronger. If only this power wasn't killing him, then he could have held it, but it was too late now. Had he done it though? Had he killed Lars? He didn't know... His senses had been overwhelmed by that spell.

    Mikael closed his eyes. I'm sorry, Lars. I never meant for things to be this way. He tried to lift himself from the floor. He had to be sure. He couldn't rest without knowing, but would he even be able to look upon him? Could even ever forgive himself for doing such a thing, even if it was for the best? He wasn't sure. It hurt too much to think about it. Though it hurt just as much to move as he could only manage to pull himself back onto his hands and knees. He should have been dead, but he had been too weak, both physically and mentally. He wanted to end Lars' pain, but at the same time, he almost couldn't bring himself to do it. He had ended the spell too soon.

    Lars saw Mikael struggle to his knees. The dried blood at his fists cracked and separated as he clenched and then opened his hands once more. He moved steadily forwards. The pain his body felt had faded. It was all clear to him now.

    He came up close to Mikael, looking down upon him. Mikael seemed to look back but Lars no longer cared if he noticed or not. He was ending this now.

    He looked to the now open sky, holding his arms out wide. He gritted his teeth and pulled with every ounce of his being. He pulled in the life-force around him. He felt the life of the land draining. He felt his body shaking. He felt his power becoming more and more volatile. Now was his chance.

    I will end this, spoke the voice. His will was fine tuned. He placed his hands, palms open and facing Mikael, to each side. Shifting the direction of the flow he fed all the energy, with his own power forcing it into Mikael. This seemed the only option. In order to stop Mikael, he would seal his powers away. Muttering under his breath he began to shake. He used every drop of power he had obtained and pushed. His nose bled freely. His hands were closer around Mikael now. He could feel the power within his old friend sealing itself. His powers would soon lie dormant and would be too volatile to use.

    Mikael's skin glowed with strange, runic symbols. Lars stood with a grin. The building around him now stood as just debris.

    "Goodbye, Mikael"

    Lars turned and made his way from the wreckage. The blood now dried onto his clothes. It was time to set his plan into motion. The first thing to do would be to gather his other friends. He'd need them both. Then he'd rid the land of this college. It would be the perfect catalyst to drive his friends to aid him.

    Mikael was shocked when he looked up and saw Lars. He gasped in disbelief and fear as he approached him. How could he still be alive after that? Lars looked down at him, but was it really him, or was it someone else?

    He watched as Lars called upon some strange power, then Lars turned back to him, holding out his hand towards him and Mikael could feel it. He grabbed his chest and shook in pain as the power was pushed into him. He fell back to the ground and writhed, watching in horror as violet lines snaked upwards, inscribing his entire body with runes. The pain was excruciating, but it was almost nothing compared to the fate he would meet. He screamed as the spell was completed. His body had been sealed. He knew this now. How could Lars do such a thing to him? Why wouldn't he just kill him?

    "I never thought things would end up like this," he mumbled to Lars. "Do you really hate me so much that you would have me suffer? You were..."

    Mikael lifted his head as he watched Lars turn away. Goodbye? His eyes filled with tears. No! Why did things have to be this way? He reached out in desperation to clutch onto the bottom of Lars' coat, trying to stop him from leaving. "Y-You can't just leave me here like this, Lars..." he begged. "Have you forgotten all the things we've been through together? All the memories? Please tell me you haven't forgotten! I know you're still in there somewhere! Please Lars! Don't leave me!"

    No, he couldn't just leave. He wouldn't! But he did. He pulled free and just walked away, leaving him there on the floor.

    "Lars!! Lars!!!" Mikael's cries echoed through the halls after him. His heart ached. It had been broken, crushed and ripped apart, all by the person he cared about the most. He knew it wasn't really him, but it still hurt. Maybe it made it hurt more because of that...because he knew that he would never see his Lars again. After all this time...after all they had been through together...after all the years of being by his side...and he hadn't once told him. Mikael had kept the words inside of him. They didn't need to be said. He had been content with the way things were. He was happy with just being by his side...with seeing his smile. But now he would never see that smile again. "Lars..." he cried. All I wanted was for you to stay by my side...

    Marcellus suddenly grabbed his head and screamed in pain as the flashback overwhelmed his mind. Solan turned to him in concern and it was then that he noticed the light breeze that was beginning to swirl around them.

    No. Not here Marcel, Solan begged in his mind.

    It was only a moment though before all the information had been too much for him and he crumbled to the ground. Solan knelt back down to him, but it didn't seem like he was going to wake up again anytime soon. He would just have to carry him then. It was the only thing he could do. He just hoped no one noticed the strange wind...
    Last edited by Lucid; 07-07-2011 at 09:23 AM.

  16. #76
    The Mad God Divided RP: Heartless Angel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Sheoth

    Re: Divided RP:

    Once the others had begun talking about moving, he began to stretch, acting as though he was getting ready for the journey. While excorcising, he made an effort to observe his new companions without being too terribly suspicious.

    He stretched his right arm across his chest, and wrapped his other arm around it, then did the same with his left as the teacher among them spoke. He was obviously at the top of this relatively short chain of command, but he didn't seem sure of himself. Perhaps he'd never been in a position of like this before, or perhaps he just wasn't an effective leader. Perhaps it would be advantageous to try to get closer to the man if circumstance permitted before he was forced to give up the first of his false identities.

    He raised his right arm high, then bent it behind his back, reaching around his lower back with his left, locking his fingers together when the two hands met at the middle of his back, he then switched arms. He glanced over at the quiet, more serious looking boy. He looked to the professor, likely noticing the same weaknesses in their leader that he himself had just pondered. There was something else... confusion? He was thinking intently about something, and the way he looked at the Wila girl seemed to indicate that it had something to do with her... Could the two be connected somehow? Perhaps this boy was worth paying more attention to... there was much more to him than any of the others here.

    He reached down and touched his toes before proceeding to stretch his calves. The boy spoke up, a complaint of course, Lex expected as much from one so young in this situation. He was breathing heavily, even wheezing a bit, he was obviously exhausted.

    He stood up and stragithened his outfit out, and began turning towards the group just in time to notice the girl from Wila regaining a small part of her strength. She attempted to stand, though she was clearly disoriented, she was looking around as thought she expected to see someone, or something in particular there. The boy reacted, he seemed concerned for the girl's well being... what delicious irony that he'd look at her now like some helpless child, when not but a few hours ago, she looked at him as moving target practice... If Riian only knew who this girl was... but revealing this was not his place.

    He leaned up against a tree as the discussions of moving began once more. Eventually the professor spoke to Lex, asking him if he was ready, interupting his own question with an introduction. Lex took his weight off of the tree and walked towards the man. "Name's... Zachariah, call me Zack.", he said with a slight delay, only as long as he needed to choose the name. He shook the professors hand before answering the question, "And yeah, I'm good to go.", he said.

    The group began getting ready to move, slowly, but surely. Riian and the girl were still plainly exhausted, and the other two weren't exactly brimming with energy either, though something else seemed to be wrong with Marcellus. Lex began to walk ahead of the group, not that he knew where they were going. Out of nowhere, Marcellus screamed, and gripped his head as though he was in pain, the professor and the other two directed their attention towards the boy, though the professor's eyes showed something different than the concern of the others... he was frightened. It didn't take long for Lex to notice what he was frightened of... an unnatural wind swirled gently around him, a wind that carried the scent of a mana nearly as vile as his own. This boy was interesting indeed... but for now Lex thought better to pretend not to notice anything unusual.

    He turned around as soon as Marcellus cried out. "What the Hell?", he said alloud, looking at the now fallen boy. He ran back towards the group.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 07-06-2011 at 10:50 PM.

  17. #77

    Re: Divided RP:

    "No." Isaac stated, turning slowly to face the others. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he leaned against the wall. Facing Roy, he gave a jerk of his head. "You go find the old man, I'd rather do something better, like move on with my life."

    "You insolent prick!" Roy shouted, rising from the floor and throwing his arm out. "What makes you think anything is more important than the ArchMage?"

    Isaac laughed, shaking his head. "It's not that I have something more important! He's gone! Don't you understand? They probably have strung him up and tortured him until he collapsed from old age. If he couldn't defend himself then it's time to elect a new ArchMage."

    Roy made to lunge at Isaac, but Cain held out a hand to stop him. "Isaac. You've said enough." Cain muttered, anger apparent on his face. "I admit it, you've been one of our most gifted students. But you have too much anger, too much arrogance to be one of our favorites. You will never have my approval as long as you have hate in your heart."

    "I'm not asking for your approval, old man." Isaac sneered. Pushing off the wall, he spit on the floor. "I'll make it to the top, without your help." With that, he walked around the room, shoving the door open. Without a backward glance, he slammed the door shut behind him, leaving the two.


    Isaac was making his way along the forest line, deep in thought. With no real destination in mind, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going.

    Still fuming over what Cain had told him, Isaac could feel his skin tingle from his anger. Gritting his teeth, Isaac kicked at a rock, sending it flying through the trees. The path he was walking along was made of nothing but a dirt and gravel path, with trees on both sides. The path opened up a few thousand yards ahead of him to an empty field, where he was unconsciously heading.

    Once he reached the field, he looked up to look around, getting a good observation around him. Surviving means keeping a constant check of your surroundings... he thought, remembering one of his first lessons. Breathing slowly, trying to calm his anger, he started moving into a stance he learned, once that channeled his mana throughout his body.

    Stepping forward with his left foot, he shifted his weight to his right leg. Drawing a half moon circle around him with his left. Moving his hands to his waist, he brought them forward, breathing out slowly to relax his body.

    Instead however, he could hear footsteps just outside of the forest line, making his body tense up. Shifting his feet again, he drew his arms closer, making fists against his sides. Without looking, he called, "Why do you always interrupt?"

    "I'm just curious as to why you hide out here alone, day after day, doing these exercises when you know we have training facilities, and guides to help." Roy asked, stepping into the clearing. He had changed, instead of the robe he was wearing before, he was wearing a simple pair of shorts and shirt, both the color of Fize's. "I've come to see if you'd change your mind, to help locate the ArchMage."

    Isaac felt the rage build again, and instead try to find an insult, he continued his exercises. He could feel Roy's eyes on his back, and for a while he tried to resist. Finally caving, he groaned. "Are you just going to stand there uselessly like a flounder?"

    Roy shook his head, disgusted. "Sometimes, I don't know why we even bother. You are one of our brightest students. You could do amazing things, be a tutor to those younger than you, be among friends and excel, but I wonder where we instructors went wrong. Why you are so hateful."

    Isaac spun, throwing his arm out in anger. Sparks tingling down his arms from his burst of anger, he screamed out, "It is none of your concern!"

    Roy screamed back, waving his arms, "Of course it is! You've been under our care from childhood! You were a docile boy until out of nowhere you broke down. What happened?"

    Instead of responding, Isaac retaliated. Just stay out of my life, you cobbering old fool! "JetBurst!" He called, spinning on his heels. Leaping into the air, he brought his arm in a wide circle, throwing a bolt of lightning at his instructor.

    Catching it in his hands, Roy maneuvered it around his body, throwing it back. Barely missing Isaac, he called out, "You have too much rage, it'll cloud your judgement and you'll never be able to defeat those who think before they act. You need to calm your mind, and then you'll be able to defeat anyone, including me."

    Gritting his teeth, Isaac called back out, "Again with the lectures! All you've ever done is bitch and lecture!" Clapping his hands together, he spread them apart to show a web of lightning between his fingers. Holding his hands over his head, he called out, "SparkShot!", throwing his hands forward. A steady beam of lightning shot out towards Roy, who casually deflected it.

    "We only lecture because we know you can do better. Because we don't think you are doing your best." Roy responded.

    Isaac growled again, this time charging energy into his legs. Racing forward, he went to physically punch Roy, who caught Isaac's fist. Spinning, Roy pulled a reversal, tossing Isaac over his shoulder onto the ground. "In fact, we think you may have the potential to be the best we've seen in a while. We just can't figure out why you are so angry, so torn up. What happened?"

    Isaac rose to his knees, gritting his teeth. Punching the earth, flashes of his past crept through his mind, making him cry out in pain. Rising to his feet, he turned to fight again, but his willpower began to wane. Stepping back for a moment, doubting himself for a moment, Isaac's will left him completely. Anger, confusion and dismay washing over him, he spun his back to Roy, folding his hands on his head and blowing air out. "It was all my fault. I know I'll hate myself forever. But I have to keep trying, to make it up for what I've done."

    Roy paused for a moment, seeing a side new to him. Roy only heard rumors of Isaac's past, and could never get a full grasp of the story. As he tried to think of what to say, Isaac discharged the rest of his charged mana into the earth. "I'll go." Isaac stated. "I don't want help, however. I'll go alone."

    I knew you'd prefer flying solo. Roy thought, shaking his head. "So be it. We'll help you prepare before you leave.

    "Not needed. I don't have any possessions to worry about, save my sword." Isaac stated, patting his sword at his hip, his back still turned.

    "When you leaving?" Roy asked. It felt odd, to hear Isaac talk without anger, or a snide comment.

    Last edited by Zerobanshee; 07-09-2011 at 05:44 PM.

  18. #78
    Passing fair judgement Divided RP: Judge Magistrate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Divided RP:

    The rest of the day was rather uneventful for Jason, his classes were all boring. Everything his teachers were teaching was going in one ear and out the other. His focus was on one thing and one thing alone, revenge. Horace would pay for the trick he played on Jason, he could have killed him. For this he would pay, pay in blood if need be. While he was in deep thought some laughter and giggling penetrated his mind, and than...a voice.

    "Excuse me, Mr. Hurst, if you would pay attention please. I hear you're already in trouble for something, why make it worse."

    Jason rolled his eyes, this was his least favorite teacher Mr. Sugihiki. He was the most irritating and useless teacher ever. He was going to take some action now, he would take a stand.

    "Okay, you old bat, I'm tired of you, leave me alone will you."

    Jason's emotions were taking hold of him, and in turn his powers were beginning to flow freely. The temperature was rising as flames began to form along his arms.

    "I didn't do anything before, but I'm definitely going to do something now."

    Mr. Sugihiki looked at Jason with disgust, and addressed the rest of the class.

    "You see, this is waht happens when you lose control , you don't know what you're saying or doing. Jason, leave my class immediately , and report to the headmaster."

    Jason was regaining control , but couldn't resist a parting gift. He formed a small fireball in his palm and tossed it at Mr. Sugihiki's desk. He could hear students scrambling and spells being cast to put out the fire. As he was walking through the halls he heard a sudden explosion of spells being cast. He surged forward and drew his sword sensing danger coming. He rounded the corner to see many hooded beings attacking the students, many were already laying on the ground unmoving, others were crawling away from the assailants. One of the cloaked beings charged at Jason, but he sidestepped and drove his blade into his assailants chest. Some of the other unknown warriors saw this and advanced on Jason. They soon had him surrounded, but Jason only smiled and drove his sword into the ground. Some of the attackers backed away, others weren't so fortunate, a fire blade rose out of the ground underneath them slaying them instantly. Now Jason was mad, he put his sword back on his back, and enveloped his hands with flames. He began to attack the enemy with great ferocity, he saw two students pinned against a wall and he charged. He drove his flaming fist into one of the attackers back the other was shoved into the wall were he was felled by one of the students. Before Jason could turn around he felt a seering pain in his back, and he turned around. A small dagger was protruding from his back, instead of removing it he kicked hearing a satisfying crunch of bone breaking.

    Jason could feel his strength waining, but he saw Horace down the hall fighting off some of the attackers. The pain Jason felt was gone, only one thought remained, revenge. He charged down the hall yelling at Horace.

    "HORACE, you'll pay for what you did, I'm taking you down. So much for being my friend, was that all a lie?"

    He reached Horace and shoved him in the chest knocking him to the ground. Instead of replying Horace closed his eyes and formed ice spikes that flew at Jason. Jason saw them and his eyes flared and the crystals melted. Horace rose and walked up to Jason after seeing the crystals melt.

    "So Jason, you didn't like my little joke. Honestly, I didn't think you'd make it, but oh well.Just let it go and move on, we've got bigger things to worry about.

    Jason spat in Horace's face and began to circle Horace holding his sword infront of him. He walked in close to Horace, and whispered into his ear.

    "Well Horace, I don't think you'll make it out alive. I'm going to make you pay for that, and you won't soon forget this."

    The battle still raged around them, but both Horace and Jason were lost in there own hatred. Horace backed away from Jason and closed his eyes, and an ice pillar rose from the ground almost striking Jason.

    "Is that the best you can do Horace, I expected better from everything I've heard."

    With those words Jason struck the ground with his sword sending a fire wave a Horace. A look of fear and shock crossed Horace's face, but it left quickly. He dove out of the way, adn threw ice spikes that embedded themselves in Jason's leg. He let out a cry of pain, and a blood stain appeared in his pants. Several tears were going down his leg, and blood was pouring out of the wounds. Once the pain of the wounds hit Jason could feel his strength waining. He would make one last attampt to end this. Jason than put his sword back onto his back and pounded the ground with his fist. A fire wall appeared around Horace, and now a look of fear was plastered on his face. The wall was closing in on him and he had no where to run, and his panic left him unable to cast a spell.

    Jason took advantage of this and broke away from the battle clutching his wounds. There were screams as the fire enveloped Horace, but he didn't look back. He stumbled down the hall, he could feel his grip on consciousness failing. He reached the end of the hall the sounds of battle now far off, and he slipped in. He managed only enough strength to close the door, and once he had he fell to the ground broken, battered and now unconcious.
    Last edited by Judge Magistrate; 07-10-2011 at 02:31 PM.

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