Warriors Wanted!
(High potential for making money!)

I would like a group of fighters to attack a group of pirates who have recently stolen a shipment of goods bound for the port town of Headwind.
The ship they boarded, raided and eventually sank was carrying very expensive cargo including gold, furniture, weapons and livestock. The shipment was intended to be a show of good faith toward foreign leaders, but now that the pirates have intervened it has become a sign of weakness.
I am willing to pay partially in advance, holding the final payment until delivery of either the stolen goods or evidence of the pirate’s demise.

Serious inquiries only!!!

Lumis scanned the page in his hands with wide eyes. He hadn't found any work that sounded worth while since he moved to Hayfield. Despite the size and sheer population of the city, there was almost no work for a young man with a strong back. Lumis had tried waiting tables, but the customers in Hayfield were inconsiderate and even just plain obnoxious. He held a job at the iron melting and casting plant at the center of the city for two days. Apparently, molten iron can be catastrophically inconvenient when spilled, even in small quantities, but especially when a whole vat is innocently over filled by distracted apprentice in the company of a gorgeous, young lady.
Yes, the economic situation of Hayfield was having a decidedly negative effect on Lumis' ability to avoid hunger. And rain. And cold.
Somehow, all the fat-cats of Hayfield felt no empathy for a down-on-his-luck youngster. They offered only bits of change and never enough for a real meal or a warm bath.
As hungry, dirty, stiff-necked Lumis gripped that piece of parchment between his thinning fingers, he saw before him the life he had dreamed of when he left his family and friends behind. The adventure of never knowing what town he would visit tomorrow; the excitement of engaging formidable enemies in mortal combat; the honor and pride of victory over impossible odds; especially the fame and money that came with all that fun.
Dusty-haired Lumis licked his lips as he rolled up the scroll so that no other young men would be able to read it. He hid the writing in his shirt and took his first step toward the man behind the counter of the bar. Lumis felt light, as if he was floating toward the back of the room. He glided past tables and glanced past patrons before locking eyes with the bar owner. Finally, as the young, desperate Lumis made contact with the brass embroidering of the counter top, he opened his mouth to greet the scruffy old man.
His throat was dry, his tongue wiggled stupidly and his eyes widened from surprise.

"No." The bald-headed, gray-bearded old man stated it factually as he immediately turned away from the ragged boy. Lumis inhaled sharply and clenched his jaw before bursting out,
"Hey! I've got a serious inquiry here!" The bar owner's ears visibly perked as he stopped dead in his tracks. He paused a moment before turning to face Lumis once again and stepped toward him quickly,
"You mean, you're interested in the--" The old man stopped abruptly to look around for eavesdroppers, then lowered his voice, "--interested in the pirate job?"
Lumis grinned with satisfaction, this is what everyone should act like when approached by a model of a young man that he is. People should be excited, no honored when handsome Lumis inquires for a job!
"That's right, old man. Me and my boys are tough enough to take on this whole city. A feeble gang of pirates would be no challenge at all for my mighty warriors. See, I dress this way so that the locals don't recognize me from my campaigns abroad. I wouldn't be able to get anything done with every young lady in the city begging for my attention!" The old man smiled and bowed his head slightly before regaining eye contact,
"Sir, I'm so happy you came to my humble bar!" He extended a hand to shake Lumis fading digits, "I've been given ten gold coins to ensure that the job is taken seriously and I would gladly give it to you... Uh..."
"Lumis." The young vagabond offered.
"Lumis, of course! The name anyone would suspect of a hardened mercenary!" The old man reached under the counter and shoved a cloth sack into Lumis' waiting hands. "Have your boys meet my contact in the port town Headwind. You'll know him by the hooded robe with a red rope tied around the waist he always wears."
"Consider the mission already completed, sir. I'll be back in two weeks, give or take a day!" Lumis grinned, shook the old man's hand and marched out the door with his head held high for the first time in months.
However, as young Lumis exited the seedy bar, he realized what he had actually said to the old man. Lumis had no band of mercenaries. At that, Lumis had never even met a mercenary. What do they look like? Where do they spend their free time? How would Lumis recruit a warrior with only ten gold.
But ten gold!
The things a young, desperate boy could do with ten gold! As Lumis unwrapped the cloth pouch of coins, thoughts of sizzling steaks and steaming vegetables teased his palate. The shelter of a warm room, the comfort of a warm bath and the company of a pretty, young girl all tantalized his mind's eye.

Essentially, this mission is going to turn out to be a set up. The contact at the bar is going to refer the heroes to the port town of Headwind. At a bar in Headwind, the heroes will be introduced to a shady character who won’t really be able to elaborate on the intended mission.
Eventually, the shady character will throw off his robe and the heroes will realize he’s actually a pirate and that everyone else in the bar is there to kill them.
These cheap, sleazy pirates have made a living for years ripping off hopeful adventurers even if just for the sport of it.
The heroes will win the battle and discover that the port town of Headwind has been under the thumb of these thugs for decades. With their new found freedom, the people of Headwind don’t know what to do with themselves. They beg the heroes to stay and keep them safe in exchange for royal treatment.
The heroes will instead be approached by the mayor of the town who will ask them to re-establish Headwind as the new hub of trade for the continent. This requires them to make a nearby cove safe, as rumors have spread that a terrible beast lurks in the rocky waters.
Having been paid to report to the king who rules the continent that all was well for so long, the mayor of Headwind is quite rich. He offers to give the heroes a ship and to outfit them with gear for the coming battle in addition to a reward upon investigation of the cove.

Once at the cove, the heroes will engage several water creatures and eventually a dragon who is guarding a pile of treasure.
With the dragon defeated, a spirit of luck and fortune will be freed. The spirit will inform the heroes that other spirits are also trapped around the world. If the heroes accept the Spirit’s offer, he will bestow them each with a new skill, spell, weapon or armor (You can decide what you get, but act like it’s random in the RP).

And honestly, it doesn’t have to go exactly like that. Lets say the group takes a vote and decides to ignore the mayor of Headwind and accept the royal treatment from the locals. In that case, the town would be attacked by a clan of thieves who had a deal with the now exterminated pirates.
And so on…

Every decision could be a crossroads. Interactions with various sub-characters will influence the overall story. (EX: if the mayor is ignored, the king may find out he was a fraud and have him executed. The position could be filled by a knight, a barren from a nearby town or what have you).

Bottom line is that I have a story planned out which can be ridden out or modified easily.