I just felt the need for a new revised set of rules for the forums so here it is. If Yuna feels there should be any changes, she is of course, within her powers be able to change whatever she wants. I will not mind at all. Anyway, please read the rules or suffer the consequence of my wrath. It shouldn't be too hard to follow so if you break too much, I will break you. Or should I say for the fun of it, in the Remiem Temple (Before the forums were named Role-Playing), you don't break the rules, the rules break you.

1. SIGNATURES Even if it is just one line, no signature is no signature. Please be sure to remove it before you make a post. If you do not know how to, slap yourself upside the head. I won't be too harsh on signatures when moderating the boards, but if I see excessive signatures left on, I will delete your post. This also applies to the sub forum RPOOC.

2. SPAM When you role-play, please at least, for the sake of decency and quality of story, make it more beefy and juicy. Please do not post just a line and leave it at that. A simple paragraph of five sentences will do more than enough. If I see too many short posts, I will delete them.

3. GOD-MODDING It is as it says, do not play the role of a god. Of course, if the role of your character is a god in the role-play, then that would be an exception. However, please do not control another role-player's character without his or her permission. If anyone god-mods, please give me a private message and I will delete their post.

4. OUT OF CHARACTER ROLE-PLAYING For the love of Square Enix's future plans to become a giant like Disney and mankind's goals in the future or maybe a chance for them to create the world's first Coordinator (been watching too much Gundam SEED), please seperate character creation from the actual role-play thread in the RPOOC sub forum. Let me rephrase; when you create a new role-play, please make a planning thread in the RPOOC sub forum before you actually create the role-play in the Role-Playing forum. If I don't see a planning, or OOC, topic in the sub forum, I will close your role-play. (Additional add on 02/25/05) Of course, this only applies if you create a role-play along with character creation sheets and whatnot. If you create a role-play with just an introduction and start from there out of scratch with no planning whatsoever, then you will not have to make a planning thread.

5. NO HARRASSMENTS Having fun is one thing, but to abuse other role-players in the forums is not a good behavior and will not be tolerable. Then again, I have yet to see any problems relating to that, but please keep in mind and make role-playing a fun activity for all.

6. DIFFERENT STYLE OF ROLE-PLAY If you're planning to make a role-play that is not that of the usuals we see around here, please inform me of your plans. And to have it be acceptable, please make it a role-play serious enough to warrent quality posts. Remember, in role-playing, quality is also very important. Please keep in mind.

7. HAVE FUN I am sure that, most people role-play for fun. So just have the most fun you can and to keep the mood going, follow the simple rules and put your imaginations to the limit.

8. DOUBLE POSTING (Added on 02/01/05) Ah! Double posting. I apologize for not putting this on, it kind of escaped my mind as I revise the rules. Anyway, this rule applies here and also in other forums. Please do not make consecutive posts. If I see extra posts, I will delete them with discretion. However, if you make a post that is too large to fit into one, then you will be excused from this rule. Examples I see would be the ones' Andromeda makes in the The Poulus Prophecy role-play. (Additional add on at 02/11/05) I have been taken into consideration regarding bumping role-plays for activity. It is fine as long as you do it in the role-play OOC topic in the RP OOC sub forum. If you choose to do that in the actual role-play instead, be sure to include an add on post to the role-play. However, it would only be acceptable if it is long, so keep it in mind.

9. NO SOLO RP (Added on 02/11/05; Edited on 02/28/05) Yes, there was once a rule that allows Solo RP, meaning that one can role-play by him or herself. However, after some further discussions with LocoColt04, it struck me that I've forgotten about the true meaning of role-play. Role-play is an activity that involves more than one person. As such, role-play requires more than just one author to be created. So yes, there will be no more Solo RP and it will not be allowed. If you, however wishes to continue to make Solo RP, or shall I say, story writing, then bring it to the Literature forum. That is where it is most fit to be in.

There you have it. The forums' newly revised rules. Please follow them for there isn't much. Just some simple ones to keep the place nice and clean. New rules that weren't on Syd's previous rules announcement will take effect starting now when this announcement gets post up. Role-plays that broke this newly revised rules prior to the posting time will be, of course, an exception to it. However, please read it, keep the rules in mind, and don't break it. Have fun and please fill the Remiem Temple with your beautiful imaginations.