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Thread: Ohai

  1. #1


    So, I suppose I could begin with my reasoning as to why I decided to join this forum. It all began a week or so ago, when I randomly decided to write up an FFX RP. I had never participated in such a canon experience beforehand, so I decided to give it a shot. However, after having searched extensively on Google I couldn't find a single FFX RP forum of which happened to be active. So, I decided to join Final Fantasy Forums in hope that I could garner some slight activity on their small RP section.

    Sadly, the RP still hasn't garnered so much as one post over four days or so. Not only that but I'm often neglected and warded away due to the hot topic that is Final Fantasy XIII. I've no interest in playing it, however it seems if you're new -and- you happen to dislike said game that's a double whammy on said forum. It seems most active forums these days have lost sight of what the purpose of a forum is. To increase member activity and to keep the members happy.

    I noticed that this forum's RP section isn't too active, however if any member somehow has an FF RP forum in mind (an FFX forum would be even better) then I would happily oblige. Though, don't get me wrong. I'm not simply joining to post this and leave instantly. If I find the community here to be welcoming and hospitable then I'll happily stay. I mean, I joined a Twilight forum out of kindness to a friend of whom invited me. I've no interest in leaving because the community is quite nice and appreciative. Sure, crack jokes if you'd like but I don't mind airing my business.

    Now, before I get off subject -too- much more. I'd like to list out my interests as I always do in introductory posts:

    Harry Potter
    Final Fantasy
    Italian food
    Xbox 360
    Nintendo DSi
    Internet Memes
    HP (The laptops are nice, however the keyboards are crap)

    That about explains it, feel free to ask anything.

  2. #2
    Registered User Ohai
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Ohai

    Hi Kelranox! Glad you decided to give TFF a try! Yeah, a lot of the activity here has been mostly about FF XIII, you know, since this is a FF forum and it is the most recent FF game and all, but there's tons more to post about.

    There's a few members who are still big on RPing, and I hear talk all the time about making that part of the forum more active, so maybe your idea for a FFX RP will spark some interest with a few of those members and you'll get what you're looking for.

    I notice that one of your interests is Photoshop! We have banner contests around here sometimes, and it would be great to get some new competition to participate in those contests. It's always fun to see what other people come up with.

    Anyway, I hope that you have fun here, and happy posting!
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    The above banner was made for me by VIVIMASTERMAGE!!! He is awesome as well.

  3. #3
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Broken Arrow, OK

    Re: Ohai

    Hello and welcome to TFF! I do hope you find our little community to our liking and I hope you decide to stay. I like your style, blunt and to the point with a lack of sarcasm is always appriciated.

    Anyways, I know our RP forum is a little on the slow side but if you look at the over all longivity of some of those threads it might make it a little more appealing. Also if we could get some fresh feet in there it might spark some real activity through it, specially if we can get a few new good RPs going.

    I hope to see you around the forum.

    Happy posting.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
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  4. #4
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Ohai Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    On your profile page>_>

    Re: Ohai

    Well I am glad to see you have taken an interest in TFF yeah I like FF 10 and I would be willing to help with anything you would like Oh I am Ethan by the way
    My Blitzball Kingdom:
    My Final Fantasy Family Ralz the First Brother I had he is stuck marrying Yuna xTidus The second Brother I had he really Adores Blitzball genomes blade My youngest Brother he Really enjoys his Older Brothers' company And my Mystic Brother Vivimastermage of Chaostroph may you never play cards with him. And my Awesome Brother Fate who is just great to be around all the time I would be lost if it weren't for him and My awesome Older Brother Meier Link the Party animal And my Soul-devouring, Soon-to-be-game making brother, Alther Primus Also introduing The Graceful Lord of Chaosthroph who adores big Swords and Über Spells." Elyon My Awesome Learning Sister Himi And my Auron Loving Sister Dodie16 I introduce you to My younger sister Ann another fan of FF 10 My Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi And my younger Sister Terra Branford the pie loving Fullmetal alchemist FF6 Obsessed If you want in and you are a fan of Blitzball send me a VM and you are welcome to come
    My Duck Legion Members:
    Ethan Can U Say Freak Silver

  5. #5

    Re: Ohai

    I believe I've tried four or five forums and my RP has flopped on all of them -_-

    Eh..I suppose that's just my luck. Thanks for the welcome, though.

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