Aww noes, that sucks. D=
I hope it's back up again soon. I'll see you when you get back. =)
Some person next to us slammed their door. Woke me up. I went downstairs to get a drink. My mom was in the kitchen. And she said. That our internet will be turned off tell we can pay the stupid bill. So. She didn't say when. But I might not be online as much. The library is open on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday I think (I need to check iCal.) But yeah. So when we can pay the bill I will be back like always but. For now I will just be using library wifi. Just thought I would let everyone know. Going back to bed to sleep for a few hours before school.
/bummer post
I hate to hear things like that. I hope everything works out for the better and you get a good solid net connection back up and running soon. Glad to hear that you are not completely cut off of the net though.
Quick question though, if you have an iPhone why don't you use it's net connection or is that what you are already using? I know where I am from, for someone to have an iPhone they have to have the total service package which includes unlimited net use.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
I don't have a iPhone or a phone at all actually. =/ I do want a iPad but I never thought I would need 3G tell right now.
I'm up before school a little to get some posting in in case it is turned off when I get home =(
Aww that sucksI'm gonna miss you on msn.
Well my internet is going to be off for like a month. It probably won't be on when I get home from school so I kind of have to make this post in a hurry. Um. Yeah anyway. I don't exactly know if I will be able to get online at the library or not. It depends. And um Unknown Entity. You can drop me as your adoptee if you want. I mean. I know my way around the website pretty good now and that way you can adopt others well I'm gone. I had fun though and you are a great friend! Thanks again for adopting me.
Wow this post has become rather long winded. Anyway... tell next time TFFF! =D
I decided just to post in this thread since it would make more sense than making a new thread lol
Spit out your stride gum and chew another piece already... or I'll haunt you.
I shall never drop you! You're mine for eternity! >=D
On a more serious note, I'll still be around here as your adopter/friend whenever you come back. We'll talk more when you get back.
Look after yourself, Howling Wind! =3