Gotta love The Doors.

Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself to everyone.
About me:
My name is Aadria. I'm 17 and from the incredibly dull Midwest. Woohoo! (insert sarcasm)
I'm a senior in high school and plan to go to college in either Chicago, IL or Denver, CO to get an Associate's in Baking in Pastry so that I can one day open my own bakery.
If I'm not gaming or baking, I'm usually reading, so let me know if you find any phenomenal books! My favorite book is The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. READ IT!

As for gaming:
My favorite game of all time is, without a doubt or hesitation, Final Fantasy IX. There's no beating it.
As for other games, I own and am working on playing through ALMOST all of the other Final Fantasy games (referring to the original games, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 11, 12, 13, not off-shoots. Yet.) I also LOVE Chrono Trigger, any and all Spyro games, Golden Sun (can't WAIT for Golden Sun 3!!) and Empire Earth. Mortal Kombat is always an awesome game for a little bit of stress relief, too. I like pretty much every Strategy and/or RPG game I've ever played.
Currently, I am putting all of my efforts and feminine skills into obtaining a copy of Naughty Bear (who doesn't want to massacre teddy bears? I mean, seriously, come on!) And Neir looks positively amazing, too.
Also, while fighting games aren't typically my style, recently I've putting most of my gaming time into learning to play Super Smash Brothers Melee, competitively, upon the demand of one of my best friends.

If you have any suggestions for games (especially for PSP; I just bought one, mainly for Crisis Core and Dissidia and don't know what else I'm going to do with it) let me know. I love trying new games (and books. and recipes) out.