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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    The Brave Hello
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Post Hello

    Hello everyone, i hope that you are doing well.
    Anyway, I am Alisbet, and i hope that you will like me and that is all.

  2. #2

    Re: Hello

    Hi, you seem kinda uptight. You should just relax because TFF is pretty chill. You don't have to sound like a robot to get respect.

    Hope to see you around~

  3. #3
    The Brave Hello
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Post Re: Hello

    Is that so?
    Well, i guess that my introduction was like that because i was rather nervous at the time.
    You know, i wondered how i should introduce myself, what people i will meet in this forum and so on.

  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Broken Arrow, OK

    Re: Hello

    Alot of people sound generic not only in introducing their selves but also when welcoming people also. It just happens and I have seen it about a million times by now haha.

    Anyways, it is good to have you here. I hope to see you around the forum. Oh and I guess I should say welcome to TFF heh.

    Happy posting.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  5. #5
    Asking all the personal questions. Hello RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Hello

    Hey hey welcome to the greatest forum on the planet O_o I think well to me it is I am an avid stalker here but every now and again I will do some epic posting if a topic interests me so you will see me around now and again do be afraid to hit me up for a convo or anyone else for that matter except for Che, Jin and a few other members we are all pretty friendly Cheers and have fun.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

    The finer details of a signature:

    CHE- "I pee sitting down after I have sex because for some reason after I have sex and I try to pee, it goes everywhere."
    Nuff said^

    My loving TFF Family:

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    My brother Meier Link, proudly supporting the World Wide Institute of Booze since 1982.
    My Spasmodic, spamtastic, spammer nephew Fate.
    My brother HUNK, he who wears the number 1 headband.
    My glowing Goddess of Egyptian thingy's, Unknown Entity.
    My Unique and unpredictable mother Kilala ^^.
    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
    My brother Captain of the Dragoon warriors, Mallick.
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  6. #6
    I want to play a game. Hello Zargabaath's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Crashing the Alexander into your home.

    Re: Hello

    Don't listen to that organism, Che, most of us here on TFF are androids. And it is almost fact that in the future robots will rule the Earth, so why wait to be one? We can transform you into one of us for a no fee at all.

    We'll be looking forward toward meeting you...

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x


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