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Thread: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!

  1. #1501
    Lady Succubus The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Victoria's Avatar
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    Ah, alright. That makes sense. Yeah, I don't really have a group, lol. I'm pretty much the only one I know with a PSP. XD
    So I'll pass on Monster Hunter and just get Brave Story, then.

  2. #1502
    Just to let everyone know, I am still around. Just been moving. Bought a house. Needs a lot of work, therefore:

    CP : Nothing.

    FF6 Rocks!

  3. #1503
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! GRIM REAPER's Avatar
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    The deepest parts of Hell enslaving your pitiful soul.
    I have decided! When I finally get a stable internet connection and not using other peoples' connections I will get FFXI. I just need to ask you guys which version I should get. Should I get the X-Box version or the PC one? Also how much is the monthly subscription for it?

    Final Fantasy 7
    Blue dragon

  4. #1504
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    $12.95 a month for subscription and first characters, each additional character is $1.00 a month. As to which, I prefer PC myself, but then, I've also never played any of the console versions. But using a controller with this game just seems weird to me since I don't even use the mouse while playing it. I type in a LOT of my commands, so a controller's mostly pointless to me.

    btw, Hercule in DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 is THE absolute joke character of the game. Even Chiaotzu's attacks have more of an effect. XD

    Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2
    Paying Bills <~~~This games SUCKS...and you thought paying for FFXI was bad...

  5. #1505
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    Hey pixelated dudes. I'm back, maybe forever, maybe I won't even finish this post, who knows.

    Anyway, I recently became unemployed and had some time to catch up on my Old Skool gaming. I've recently been playing Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy V Advanced and being my 5th or so time I'm not enjoying them as much as I used to. Final Fantasy 6 however I played again and enjoyed it just as much. I don't think I'm going to want to try FF6 advance though as I've heard they dramatically changed the dialogue to make all the characters major say dumb bland stuff.

    I recently played Tales of Symphonia, which beleive it or not I had lying around in my room unplayed for a year. Now that I've finally picked it up and played it I'm so glad, it was much better then I expected and after looking at the reviews on game FAQs I realised I should have expected it to be good.

    In case anyone is interested I've started a new channel on Youtube where I review video games with footage I collected myself. It's going to become famous soon so get in on it early. I'll be reviewing retro games half the time so most of you should be interested.

    Expect to see more of me, maybe
    Last edited by Setzertrancer; 09-25-2007 at 08:32 AM.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  6. #1506
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    Greetings once again, mortals. College has got me in a bit of a stint lately. Trust me to choose all of my courses that have essays due around the same time. Trust my laziness to be on here when I should be working on one as well.

    Anyways, I have been gaming surprisingly. I've been playing Yugioh: Eterenal Duelist's Soul for the GBA via emulator. I ****ing love that game. It's so much cheaper than actually playing the card game, aha. Anyways, so I've been wasting my life away with that and school for the most part. So I'm not dead and what not. Or am I? Bwahaha!

    Yugioh: Eternal Duelist's Soul

    Until now!

  7. #1507
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    I've recently been playing an awesome old skool gem called E.V.O: The search for Eden. It is an rpg game about evolution. You evolve from a fish at the start of the game until you eventually become human at the end it's really quite a cool and oringinal concept for a game.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  8. #1508
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Hey guys, been on an old school roll lately. First of all, got Sin&Punishment for Wii VC. OH MY GOD! People weren't kidding that it was one of THE N64 Import titles to get. If you have a Wii, GET IT, if you have an N64 EMULATOR, GET IT. It takes a while to get used to the controls, once you do, oh man, this game is all sorts of fun!

    Currently, I'm playing Actraiser, not as amazing as above, but it's such a great blend of two concepts, it can be really hard in the beginning when you're so low in health and the bosses can be real cheap.

    And I'M REALLY CLOSE to getting my dream PC. It'll be over $1,400 with shipping (adding in the shipping an tax a while ago made me realize, "Oh I need a nother paycheck", but damn it's going to be awesome. I'm thinking I might finally be able to check out Final Fantasy XI especially after seeing it in the FF Retrospective, but I hear the amount of grinding is a major chore, and I'm just not sure if I have the free time to devote to it.

    Once I get my PC, I'll be able to become a spendthrift again and buy more games for now...

    Brain Age (DS)

  9. #1509
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    The grinding is only rough in a couple of spots, and it's determined more on the job you choose than the levels themselves. The first ten levels are probably toughest for Black Mage, unless you're a Taru and have a wealth of MP to spare. Other rough spots for most jobs are 12-18 (ugh, Dunes... ugh... get one of us to PL you to 20 or something... it's worth skipping Dunes parties), as well as 35-40 (Jungles... overcamped... blah).

    I'd love to see you in the Alexander server. I'm getting the FFXI '08 Collection for PS2 next month, so I'll be back in Vana'Diel on my PS3 in due time. I'll also be picking up the new expansion for the PC as well... in any case, I'll probably be back in the game /before/ the expansions come out, since my new battery will be here soon.

    If you're going the PC route, start with the '07 Collection, and wait on the Wings of the Goddess expansion until you're at a point in the game where you can actually use the content. It would be a waste of money to buy the discs now when you have no use for them.

    The good thing about FFXI is that you CAN play it casually. I do. I've had an account since October 2004 and I still don't have a level 75 job yet. There are a lot of non-leveling things to do, between all the quests and whatnot, as well as crafting. If you don't have time for a party, run some easy quests. If you find yourself with a few hours to spare, see who's in-game and we'll be glad to help out, or swap to one of our lower-level jobs and party with you for a while. I'll have to give you all the TFFers' character names so you can /befriend all of them.

    In other news, I've been playing a lot of "old school" stuff lately, if you want to consider PSX ports on the PSP as old school. PaRappa the Rapper occupies my time when I only have a few minutes, but more importantly, FFTactics has a vice-grip on me.

    For a full list...
    • Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (PSP)
    • Flash Focus (NDS)
    • Rockstar Games presents: Table Tennis (WII)
    • PaRappa the Rapper (PSP)
    • LoZ: Phantom Hourglass (NDS)
    • Skate (PS3)

    I also have Folklore, but I've left my PS3 with some friends for the past week, so I've yet to actually play the game yet. It's just as well... Tactics controls me. They're getting more use out of the system than I would be right now.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  10. #1510
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    I've wanted to play a MMORPG for ages, but everytime I think I have everything I need something prevents me from finally playing it. Computer is too old, graphics card isn't good enough, unemployed, stupid game code dosn't work, it's always something. But looking back on it's probably good it didn't happen because I know I'm the kind of person that would get seriously addicted to something like that. I'm hoping to finally have the opportunity to play one before the end of the year. But knowing my luck my computer will probably break or something. The total time I have clocked up in MMORPGs is 15 minutes. Oh I did play Maplestory for a few hours but thought it was pretty lame.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  11. #1511
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! GRIM REAPER's Avatar
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    The deepest parts of Hell enslaving your pitiful soul.
    I know what you mean Setzert, When I got the beta for the Phantasy star Universe I played the hell out of it, spent my whole waking moments on it because I got addicted. When the game finally came out I had to stop because there is a monthly fee for it. Well as soon as I get a stable internet connection I will try my hand at FFXI.

    FF VII
    FF X-2
    The Orange Box

  12. #1512
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    The Digital Community forum is pretty dead, so I'm going to post this here as well. You blokes are pretty tech savy.

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    Okay, so, I have these really ugly verticle lines going up and down my screen and I can't figure out for the life of me why. It just happened. I left the computer for maybe 20 minutes, came back and there they were. There has been something strange going on prior to this. I have been getting a message popping up every so often (the message and the lines are shown in the attatched image) that I think is an internet advertisement trying to pop up, but failing as sometimes they do pop up randomly. At first I thought spyware. Makes sense right? I'm not sure if it's related to the verticle lines or not, but you never know. Well I purged the comp using both Adaware and Norton several times and still nothing. Anti-virus was run twice: nothing. I even tried repairing windows via the CD and nothing happened. I really can't for the life of me figure this out. Any help would be appreciated. These lines are really ****ing ugly and the pop up notice every 10 minutes is aggrivating.
    Seriously, help. It's annoying. X_X

    Until now!

  13. #1513
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Few things spring to mind my good man, and apologies for the delayed reply lol.

    Try with a different monitor? / New one?
    Updated Drivers / Windows Updates?
    Even a different Video Card?
    Delete Shit / Format? lol

    Also may be a help to toss in the old ALT-CTRL-DEL and see what processes are running.. if theres anything suss that you arent familuar with look it up in the Registery. Get to the bottom of that shit yo~

    Me playing scheduale aint much to look at besides my usual addiction of FF11 and too much hentai for my own good. Occasional side-dish of FFIV-Advance and some ES: Oblivion (Jin's fave title of all).. in the market for some new material, me thinks, when I'm not checking out Hentai or whoring myself to FFXI..

    Plus, moar hours at work (yay! money!) is startin to take its toll on me back so I need to start takin it easy.. x_x


  14. #1514
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    So speaking of great old skool game, isn't Perfect Dark one of the greatest first person shooters ever made, maybe the greatest. I made a whole thread about it, so check it out

    Also I've been playing Zelda: Majora's Mask and I think the whole 3 days, Clock Town thing is still one of the greatest main plot ideas they've ever made in a Zelda game. Shame the main quest was so short, I think 4 dungeons is a record low unless someone can correct me.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  15. #1515
    -lurks into the empty cult- wow...died in here didn't it?
    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  16. #1516
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scorpian View Post
    -lurks into the empty cult- wow...died in here didn't it?
    What makes ye say that? I'm still here but that doesnt mean we have to post on a daily basis ye knows this my friend~

    Been working and whoring myself to FF11 so much lately that I'm really really tired.. I did manage to snag myself an English copy of FF5 for the GBA (rom ofcourse) and for FF6 aswell. I had my head in those alot the last day or two.


  17. #1517
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Yar, I can attest to Dawezy's excuse...mostly cuz I been hearin shit about FFV.

    And the usual for whoring myself to FFXI worse than D too. XD

  18. #1518
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    I'm planning on clocking Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Master Quest over the next few days, as I havn't yet. I think all Zelda game should have an additional difficulty setting that has a similar effect to Master Quest, because mst of them are just to easy now day, at least a higher difficulty could put more monster in the dungeons because in a whole dungeon I normally lose all my hearts, but thats not including all the hearts I find in grass and off enemies. Without this the game might actually be challenging.

    Anyway I'll update you all later on how much harder I think MQ is to the original.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  19. #1519
    at least you can say this, i got people to post in here within 20 days expanses. ;P

    heh, so tat means the next post will be...on the 18th of Dec XDD ah well in anycase at least your all still here, and for that i am glad....-kills zro-
    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  20. #1520
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    You're all gonna love me once I get inked.

    The NES controller shall live in infamy. On my arm. But without the infamy.

    You know, since it's not a bad thing.

    Problem is, if I get surgery for my shoulder, I can't get the tattoo for another six months. Health reasons and all of that. Bugger.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  21. #1521
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    Zelda: Master Quest is really good, it just what peopl whoare tired of how easy Zelda is have been waiting for. All of the dungeons have been changed so that you normally have to take a competely different route through all the different rooms and locked doors, keys and switches are all in different places. So even though the rooms look the same, the puzzles have completely change and are some are really obscure. Another thing is that they have increased the number of enemies so that many fights are thrilling and make you fear death and now keeping a supply of fearies and potions is vital.

    I'm planning on getting a tatoo as well, but it's a bit controversial so I'll leave it at that.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  22. #1522
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Hello there. Just read a bit into your club and it sounds ace.
    Think I can join?
    My fave FF will always be FF:VI(III), and I do tend to prefer the old to the new, especially after such FFs as FF:X-2 and FFXII...

    As for evil, I'm a drunkard who fights solely for the thrill of fighting. I do it on whim and as I find it fun...
    I act on impulse and while I can seem righteous at times, often it's just so I can appear to be claiming the higher moral ground.

    And then, I have just started playing FFIV(II) again on the snes, and I have a renewed appreciation for it. Mainly due to seeing Dawezy's site and gaining a renewed appreciation for a game I didn't give enough time to those years before...
    victoria aut mors

  23. #1523
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    About the evil thing, don't take that too seriously. We aren't the BOD. You don't have to be a total poser and pretend you rape babies. Just come on in and relax. You have my vote, whatever that's worth

    Gaming, gaming. Haven't had much time for it lately. I finally have finished my 6 essays due this term though, so other than studying for exams I should have a lot more time now for it. I've been playing a little Kotor here and there and some AOE3: Asian Dyansties, but nothing extreme. Good to see everyone's still alive. Although Dawezy and Zro are always on the respirator that is FFXI, but alive none the less.

    AOE2: Asian Dynasties

    Until now!

  24. #1524
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Prefer new to old!?

    /stab with Scorp's butterknife.

    Meh ^^ we always welcome fresh sacrifices whether they want to enlist or just drop a line.. given the time of night ye be typing this up I cant be arsed tossing out my exam that I issue nubs, so your gettin off scot free until I wake up tomorrow. Bare in mind though ~> SEGA is my game ... was raised on ye Sonic so I hold it true. In other news though, I usually work Saturdays and for some reason unknown to me I havent been rostered on I suppose thats a good thing though, today at work was frackin brutal. T_T I was going to go and have a bigass lunch after my shift but my bro cruised by to pick me up, then I had to see my doc about some immunization shots. So that shot my time up.

    Jus chillin now~

    Wish I got some beer before I got home though.




  25. #1525
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    It says "prefer the old to the new" you nub.

    Get your eyes checked, old man.

    I'mma lettin' yousa test the young whippersnapper simply because I'm leaving for work in a few minutes. Be gentle and toss in one or two S/NES questions as well. And something FFVI-related, as this IS still one-half Cult of Kefka, after all.

    My browser's auto-spellcheck recognizes "whippersnapper" as a real word. Awesome.

    I've been playing handhelds for the moment. Can't properly grip a controller, so it's easy to set the DS on the table and play touch-screen games.

    FFXII: Revenant Wings and LOZ: Phantom Hourglass are my games of choice for the moment. The fact that FFXII:RW is a legitimate RTS-RPG makes me incredibly happy. It works out really well.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  26. #1526
    -sits at work doin nothing- figured i'd peek in and much to my surprise there is activity. Glad to see that going on ass opposed to the usual cobwebs growing on Dawezy's left over beer bottles lol
    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  27. #1527
    Im starting to get this horrible feeling that once they delete your acct, your out... however, i could never leave you darling boys alone, and honnestly Loco, scorp, dawez, zro, jin did you miss me? Before you all go get your boxes in a twist, i used to go by Juice, but heaven forbid, that name is now dead. So i thought i'd come harass you in a new name, with about 2 more years to my name. oh and life experience... and all that crap. Anyway, thats my bit, give me your good graces again to be in this here cult, (dawez i expect at least one vote from you on this one, and ZRo, you too!) And i'd be blessed.

  28. #1528
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Come now, why on Earth would anyone not vote to have you in, Juice, Zoe, Vixen, whichever. It's not even up for debate. Welcome back, we missed you. ^_^

    Poor Celtic_silver though. Wasn't someone supposed to give him a test or some sort of initiation about a month ago? I guess that's what happens when a club is stocked full of procrastinators with bad memories.

    Gaming. Ummm, not much lately. I've been playing random strategy games like Imperial Glory and Civ4 when I feel up to it, but not too much to report, really. I did manage to play through Valve's 'Portal' though. Anyone who hasn't played that yet really should, it's fantastic, especially considering it's a side game. There was cake!

    Not much.

    Until now!

  29. #1529
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Parkersburg, WV, USA
    Yay for procrastination....wait, was I supposed to be doing something? <.<;

    As for questions... eh, I'm slacking on keeping my trivial knowledge up to date. ;;

    And I'm slacking on playing anything other than FFXI anyway. <.<;;

    I'VE BECOME AN MMORPG WHORE!!!....and I play a female char, yep, I'm such a slut. XD

    Mithra Pr0nz....errr, FFXI, yesh... <3 Kedama

  30. #1530
    Hey everyone...

    Picked up a GBA this xmas.

    I'll be playing FF6a this weekend hopefully

    CP: Megaman & Bass - Damn this game is hard...

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