Actually that's Grandia II. The first Grandia was on the Saturn and then the PSX.
Both awesome games, too :)
Printable View
Here is a classic that I know some of you will enjoy, the mega man series was good in the old days of NES and SNES but lost touch with the newer ons on the PS and PS2. Now awhile back Capcom released the collections game which had most of the Mega Man X series on it but now for the 20th aniversary they are relesing evry single Mega Man game created! Mega Man 1-8, Mega Man X - X8, Mega Man Legends 1 & 2, Battle Network 1 - 6, Mega Man Zero 1- 3 and several more that I don't know about. Look at the Mega Mantrailer at Gametrailers.
Grim....I <3 you.
And as of this moment, unless they release it PS3 only or something stupid. I <3 Capcom.
****ING SWEET!!!!!!! ^_________________________________________^
Trying to contain myself at announcement of Megaman 20th anniversary collection.
I was surfing the web earlier when I cam across this one rom site. I haven't downloaded a new rom in years so I went in to see what they had and lo and behold I spied Banjo Kazooie for the 64. Now I have another good title to go with my Mario 64 rom also i managed to find the rom for Mariokart 64! Im having fun now with my emulators. =>
Hehe, well as some of you know.. with all these yummy releases in recent times It's been more and more of a damn fine idea to buy my own DS (Lite or not, I dunno, couldnt tell the diff from all these sites I'm reading) but the price is a real ball-buster. The *average* retail price down here seems to be hovering around the $180~190 AUD mark.. in the coming weeks I'll make a journey to a nearby EB Games shop (one is close by, other is a short distance from my mum's place) and see the proper price.. memory doesnt serve me too well as you all know ^^;
That, and FFIII is $79.95 in itself.
Hmm indeed.
None of these damn sites give any hardware specs either, so give me the lowdown lads. Hear talks that its backwards compatible with ye'ol GBA games (ie. FF4Adv) and such.. how o_o? DS and GBA carts are 2 completely different things lol ~ and gimme any random helpful info that springs to mind aswell, I'm a nub to the portable gaming concept. I may be able to play ROMs and such on my Laptop but that is hardly portable gaming ... I cant exactly fit my Laptop in my shirt pocket >_>;
And hook me up w/ the url to that ROM site Grim.
(disclaimer to lurkers/nubs about ROM site: TFF and its staff [Moderators, Admins] doesnt openly support ROM/Hacking/Leeching of copyrighted games, if you download a game and get in the shit for it. Its no fault but your own, common sense succeeds =\ please exercise it.)
The DS has both a port for the DS games and the GBA games, although the GBA games tend to stick out a bit. They actually kind of pulled a Sonic and Knuckles + Sonic 3 with some of the games so that you get extra content in the DS games if you have a certain GBA game inserted. Okay, when I say some, I mean one that I know of. Harvest Moon. Alas that's all I know about the DS. That and that it's fun pressing down on the DS games while they're inserted and releasing for some wicked air time after they fly out. It's not my DS. :D
Sorry, boyos, no new/old games for me.
I haven't payed much attention to the DS, all I know it has two screens. Dawezy I sent you a PM with those links to the rom sites I found.
Anyway I have been back to TFF for a month now and I just now relised that the Clan Wars are gone! What happend to the RP clans and now that I think about it more I was a member of Soldier for a bit before I left. now that brings back memories because now i remember that girl club the TFF Femme Fatales. i had asked several of those members to be my date for this one Valentines Ball RP, I endend up going alone but I had fun in that RP getting all drunk and groping a few people. Man it has been like 3 -4 years since I have done an RP.
ZRO have you done any more of those Flash thingies you used to do with me, dawezy, Scorp and Arkaine? I still have one of them. I'll put it up.
I haven't really done too much sprite based since around that comic to be honest Grim, had my head shoved too far into FFXI. ^^;
On a side-note, my family went on vacation, so my bro let me borrow a couple of his games. Namely, Guitar Hero II, and Star Wars: Episode III. Obviously Guitar Hero II being the better of the two. Tis time to rock out a bit. \m/
Guitar Hero II
Well Banjo Kazooie and Mario Kart 64 entertained me for the last couple of days and now switched to some older and good long games. Banjo was a good find and a fun game but it was easy, now I am starting new files on two great RPGs. FFVII and Chrono Trigger are my next victims for the time being until I get the Call of Duty 4 multiplayer beta, Halo 3 and Blue Dragon.
Well nothing else to report for today...... oh that’s right! Yesterday I entered a contest for the local radio station here in San Antonio and I won 4 passes to Six Flags Fiesta Texas! I’m gonna ride those coasters all day!
Currently Playing:
- Persona 2 (PSX)
- Jeanne d'Arc (PSP)
- Uniracers (SNES)
Why Persona 2 when Persona 3 has graced us with its presence?
It's not like Persona 2 is required as there are no direct relations between the games; however, I'm not an idiot and I know how I am when it comes to playing too many games at the same time. Also, for any of you who have not yet purchased Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 for the PS2, I STRONGLY urge you to do so before I travel to your homes and murder you while you sleep by shooting you in the head just like the teens in P3 do to themselves in order to summon their Personas.
Hmmm...I'll have to look into that some time I guess....I gotta play the first one some time tho, since I have NO clue what those games are about. On that note tho, tomorrow is a big update for FFXI, so I'm excited to see what they do. Supposed to be upgrading 2handed weapons finally to compete with dual wielders. WEEE! =^.^=
going to bed early cuz of a morning shift
Guitar Hero II
Whatever else I happen to pick up to play tomorrow during update time
But that's the GLORY of it... they're nonsequential, so there's no reason whatsoever to spend years trying to find copies of P1 and P2. There were only seven copies of P2 at GameStops around the country, and I was fortunate enough to have one at a store that was 30 miles away... in MINT CONDITION... so yeah. Also, Persona 1 sucks (for a MegaTen game, anyway, so it's still decent), so there's really no need to try finding that one.
They each have the same base concept, but they all play differently.
As mentioned a couple of posts ago I actually ventured out of my house today (HOLY SHIT! LOL) since I had some business further in town.. man I hate paperwork, rots what is left of my brain but anyway. Started my day early, up before 7am (as opposed to a 9~10AM wake up) and went on some buses. My first stop was the actual retail-complex where EB Games is housed in but being the time that it was.. no stores were open yet, it was oddly quiet for a change~
I scored myself some Mc Donalds breakfast and made my way back to the buses, with a short sigh as I passed EB Games again with the doors shut. After my venture further north to drop & sort all this paperwork nonsense out I made my way back to the previously mentioned complex/centre.. and YAY! EB Games had its doors open.
Dawezy went for a little walk inside and asked the dude at the counter a few questions.
1; How much is a DS/Lite?
2; Is FF3 in?
3; Do you make/sell GBA's anymore?
1; $185
2; Out of stock, will be in Saturday
3; Nope, but DS is backwards compatible, etc
Asked for some release dates on FF4 but they werent on the system, so that shows how far behind we be downunder. T_T
FFIV-A was released before FFIII-DS was. I'm thinking it's already out down there, and it slipped the cashier's mind. I'm pretty certain that Europe has had their hands on it for ages, so there's no reason whatsoever why you shouldn't have it down there either.
Ask him if he can do a sku lookup on "Final Fantasy" in category 16 or 914 (new and used GBA, respectively). If his store has any in stock, he'll show something on the list.
There's a good chance he just spaced. ;!
I could also be wrong. It's been known to happen.
And if I'm wrong... the DS is region free, and plays DS/GBA games from anywhere in the world. If necessary, I'll pick up a copy of FFIV-A for you and ship it out. I've got no problems with something like that.
Realized I haven't posted in a while. I've been getting my old school gaming on thanks to Wii Virtual Console. I recently beat Metroid NES and Mario 2, and currently playing Super Metroid.
I've been sorta taking it easy on big purchases lately, because I'm REALLY trying to save up the money for a new PC, which I've been trying to do for the past YEAR. But now I'm getting really close.
And now I'm just SUUUUPAAAAAA! Metroid that is. I figure instead of shelling out 50-60 bucks for MP3 (which I REALLY want to play) I'd just catch up via the classics, and save my money for a few more weeks. And I've got DKC2 after that.
Man! It's so awesome to play these classics on a big screen with 5.1 surround!
Oh BTW does anyone have Chocobo Tales for the DS, I've really been wanting to challenge someone to a card battle. My Old school decks of doom will be your undoing!
I've got it, but my sister's played it far more than I have. Give me the time to actually go through the game and put together a deck worthy of using, and I'll certainly get back to you on that one, my friend. Until then, random Wii messages will have to suffice... which I've not received any from you in quite some time. =(
With all that talk about Wii's overheating from being left on in Standby mode, I wanted to play it safe and disable it ESPECIALLY with how hot it's been getting here in Southern Cali. Closer to Winter, and/or if I want to check out Weather/News again, I'll reenable it.
Actually, it only heats up when it's doing any sort of system update while in sleep mode. I have had WiiConnect24 turned on since the day I got the system, and it's only gotten hot twice. If you're really that concerned, GameStop sells a Wii Cooling Stand that actually works REALLY well from what I'm told. I haven't had a single one come back to the store, though I also haven't felt the need to buy one myself. Better safe than sorry, I suppose, so if you're worried, give it a shot. It sells for fifteen bucks and has a nifty glowy light.
Cool! You're a lifesaver, thanks!
I mean, I figure part of the problems were people not giving it enough space to circulate air and I do (much like people complaining about Wiimotes breaking TVs or makign you sore). But I'd really hate to be wrong, better safe than sorry as you say. I've been wanting to buy a cooling system like that for a while, and wasn't sure which ones worked.
Anyway, a little more on topic, I'm almost done with Super Metroid, I've really been pushing for 100% completion which I've never done before. I also finally mastered wall juimping. I swear it's easy once you figure out how it works, but when you're so used to things like the MMX games or Batman for the NES, SM is frustratingly different. Luckily, I happened to find someone on Gamefaqs who said, the trick is press Jump AFTER You press away from the wall. It makes quite a difference
I've got DKC2 after that, and I might make a run through the first Prime game especially because I haven't played it on my HT setup.
Ney lad, I was reffering to the new DS version. Figure if the Japs have put a date on it surely it'd be somewhere on the db. Seems I was mistaken ; ; ah well.
In other news, I onry got about 3 hours sleep last night! wee.
And I managed to finish Quake IV, need to find out a method of extracting some sounds from that game.. the laugh the macron makes is made of pure win.. so deliciously evil ;-(). I've also quite pimped-out my character in Oblivion too ~ got a stack of Reflect Spell / Damage stuff equipped. Got like 57% Spell Reflect proc, 12% Damage Return. Hehe, and I got him lookin like a total champ too. ^^b
Just noticed my dude was blinking when I took the shot, lol, looks like he aint got a face XD.. I dubbed him "Spikes" as per the Argonian factor ~ their heads are covered with barbs and such. But my dude is a Vampire so its makes for all the more fun, biting necks is a tasty business.
Speaking of Oblivion, I placed the PC GOTY edition on reserve yesterday. I figure, since I don't have it yet, why not pick it up with all its expansions pre-packaged with it? It's cheaper that way, and I know it's an excellent game, so I don't have any shame in paying $50 for a PC title.
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (PSP) has dominated me today. It's been disgusting. Spent the past eight hours playing with friends, and now that I'm home, I'll be running some quests solo.
On the slate for the next few days:
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (PSP)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (WII)
Wild Arms 5 (PS2)
Jeanne d'Arc (PSP)
Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics (PSP)
Uniracers (SNES)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
I have been spending most of my gaming time on the Call Of Duty 4 Multiplayer Beta. This game looks gorgeous! The graphics look great and the character models are detailed extreamly well. The Beta only has 3 maps but they are fun. When you first start the beta you only have a few weapons to choose from but you get the bigger and better ones as you level up.
Yup you level up in this game. The more kills you get the the more points and you rise in level. The weapons get upgrades as you use them. The best upgrade i have seen is the red dot sight which puts a laser pointer on the gun for better aiming and with the night vision you can see where you are aiming better. Kill streaks nets you some bonuses as well. 3 kills you get a UAV recon scan which is a radar so you know where the enemies are. 5 kills you get an air-strike, F-16s will fly overhead and drop bombs on the position you designate. 7 kills you can call in a helicopter for air-support. The heli flys around the stage attacking any enemy units that it spots. So far a most enjoyable experiance.
COD4 Beta
Blue Dragon
Figured I should make note, if no-one already saw.
But the Cult has dinged page one-fucking-hundred. I'd make up some kind of banner in celebration of the occasion but pure laze ~ late night, and tired from work prevents me from doing so. On the bright side I stumbled upon a rather tidy pile of FFIV Hentai which I'm due to upload to my site within the next week or such, so Dawezy may rejoice with some tentacles..
Rydia and Hentai goes together like bread and butter.
Feels so right. :D
My play-time has been revolving around FF11, Battletech (Genesis ROM), Oblivion* and erm.. Quake 4, which I managed to finish.
*Pimped out my character with some more cool stuff, currently got..
| 87% Spell Reflection
| 12% Damage Return
| 20% Spell Resist (aswell as 18% Shock Resist)
He looks a bit odd, though.. does the job, and got funky Vampire stuff all the same.
Since my recent journey to get my hands on a DS began I have been hunting for cheap games on eGay all the same and I stumbled across Final Fantasy IV for $1 AUD.. as displayed here but I sent the guy an email.. wont take any offers, wants me to bid if I want to get it. Wondering if I should tell him to stick it up his ass, or try out-bid the fool currently with highest bid. Making note of this; FFIV-A and FFIII-DS retail for around $79 AUD (I think FFIV is less, but I forgot to check) so you can see that $5 AUD is a significant saving.
Gah! \@_@/
So, once again, I'd like to remind you that the DS is region-free and that I'm more than willing to pick up copies of these games for you and ship them your way. Seriously. All I need from you is the go-ahead.
Lemme know, ya Aussie.
Besides, I get discounts and whatnot. Employee, remember? :D
Currently Playing:
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
That little thing called "work" which pays the bills
{{Also, the Cult is on page 30 for me. :P}}
But aye, I'll take you up on that offer lad ~ get on xFire sometime ya bum so I can shoot over my PO Box number'n all that stuff. Are you 100% certain that the DS will play import GBA carts though? I'm aware the DS is region-free but I'm wonderin if thats the case for them GBAz.
In other news, I got the day off so I'm lappin it up lol.
Workin on Samurai in FF11 so its all good.
I FINALLY got ahold of a copy of FFXI, and have been playing for about a week now. Level 12 Red Mage ('cause Red Mages always have, are, and forever shall be awesome) in the Unicorn server.
Usagy has been pestering me to play it for a long time, but due to lack of funds, I've put off playing it. Now I have a part time job waiting for me, I decided to go ahead.
Though admittedly... I decided I'd play the game BEFORE I was even offered the part time job... but I was having a bad day the day I bought the game and bought it on impulse just so I could add one game to my FF collection, and be one step closer to owning the entire numbered series.
I'm only short of FFIII now. I don't own a DS... but I may well just buy the game anyway to complete my collection. Yeah.... I'd do that ^_^
Awesome Neo, awesome. Go figure, I tried to play a couple days ago to no avail. Details.
You should place a secondary character on the Alexander server so that you can be with the majority of other TFFers as well. Most of us are in the DeepSecond linkshell, though it is admittedly dead 90% of the time.
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (PS2)
Yeah, we uh...tend to kinda not flock together in there, due to lack of other people, tho, when we get a good number of us on, we tend to pop in and out, lol.
Picked up Dirge of Cerberus today. Haven't touched it yet tho, probably won't for quite some time. I've come to the conclusion that I'm more of a game collector than I am a player....for the time being, at least. I've been working on collecting games now for the last 10 years or so, but I hardly play much of anything except FFXI at the moment. Tho I've been putting more time into Budokai Tenkaichi 2 lately, since for some reason I feel an odd urge to get the hell through the story mode. Plus DBZ style fighting is just fun as hell, lol.
Seriously tho, I figure once FFXI dies, or I finally lose the interest to play it at all, I'll probably be VERY busy going through all the PS2/Xbox/GC/SNES/NES/GEN games I own. And oh my shall those be some very long nights.
CP: FFXI....yup
Well, I've gotten a PSP recently. I'm currently playing through Tekken Dark Resurrection, Jeanne d'Arc, and Valkyrie Profile. ...As those are the only three games I have at the moment. :P
I really like Jeanne d'Arc. The anime is really well done, and I'm left wondering what it would be like if it indeed was made into an anime series. That would be boss.
I'm currently preparing for the.. fourth stage, I think.
I plan to get Brave Story, and perhaps Monster Hunter. Although I read a review on Monster Hunter and apparently it's not that good? Or at least not much if no different than the first?
What's it like, Cesar?
I've also Pre-Ordered FFT War of the Lions and Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, as well as Virtua Fighter 5 for the 360. Yay for online?
Monster Hunter 2, much like the first one, isn't much fun by yourself. There's no story whatsoever, and the only goal is to become strong enough to take out the dragon at the end of all the quests. It's an excellent little multiplayer title, but unfortunately does not support online play.
Unless you have (at least) two or three other people who own the game that you can sit down with, it's not much fun by yourself or with just two people. If you don't have a group, pass on it.