Re: Club Discussions
Catz Club, TFF Royalty, TFF Council, Tea FF, Writers of TFF, Banner Artists United, and the Aussies of TFF have been closed due to inactivity.
Everything but Aussies will be archived within a week if anyone really cares about these clubs.
Aussies still has 20 days to contact me and save the club if anyone cares.
Re: Club Discussions
Can we start a club that will only be open for part of a year for example. I want to start a club called March Madness for talk about the NCAA Basketball Tourney, it would be open in late Feb to discuss bubble teams and close after the final game. Then reopen and so on
Re: Club Discussions
I don't see a problem with that. Although at the same time, I don't really see a point in closing it. I'm sure discussion can keep going on past the season. xP
Re: Club Discussions
What's there to talk about in the offseason for basketball? Like, could there be any legitimate discussions being made about it right now? I sincerely doubt anyone cares about the NCAA at this point in time. If anything, one who is a fan of sports would realize this wouldn't be feasible....
Re: Club Discussions
Fair enough. I wasn't sure. I'm not really big on sports.
Re: Club Discussions
I r revivedz threads!
Anyway, skipping such nonsense, I'd like to add to the Club Discussion the idea of how we can really give both things here and elsewhere (i.e. groups) a push in the right direction. No, I am not talking about reviving (X) idea of mine from the past that either died or I let fail, but I think what we need to do to renew interest in various parts in TFF. Specifically, I'd like to see more competition in everything because even though my Factions didn't get off the ground, the same principle of competitiveness is the right way to go.
For example, seeing how the Elimination games have become popular with the competition between FF characters/TFF members, we could start Elimination Tournaments or something, lol. Or we could go with Cesar's idea, where he suggested there should be smaller competitions (not tourneys) in the RPB forum to generate interest and activity, which would lead to the TOA if it worked out. Basically, my point is that as we try to come up with foundations for our forums, we should base it around a competitive frame of mind. Otherwise, everything eventually dies out because either the club/group grows bored of simply just talking about a bunch of crap or they lose interest when events they planned for never get off the ground.
Now, basing what I just said about clubs/groups, the first thing we should figure out is how to make things more interesting. Sure, it's fine if people want to create clubs of interest (Music, Anime, etc.), but ultimately it only leads to a couple a post a week, if that. So the first thing that should happen is for mods and such to be more interactive with these clubs. Like in the case of Music Haven, we could setup an Eliminations game where each member puts two or three of their favorite bands and then the whole club votes until one band is victorious. With this it gives the club something to do, it allows mods to interact with them by hosting such things, and the passion that comes from wanting to see your favorite bands win keeps them interested in being active. If Elimination games aren't your cup of tea, a mod could host a trivia tournament or something.
Another thing we could do both in clubs/groups AND role-playing/battling is create a group of people to grade threads. Such as when two people finish a fight or the fight dies, this Judge can go through the thread and grade their performance, then add advice on how to improve. Just like a mentor/student thing, but it encompasses everybody. Or with clubs, a mod could grade the activity and content once a month (or week), which can determine the closing of a thread or if the club/group does well, they can gain certain privileges, prizes, or awards. That in itself should give people a sense of accomplishment, and as such help them do even more for their club/group.
And now that I think of it, we could even implement 'Achievements' like on the 360 where doing certain accomplishments gives you points or something that can be tallied up at the end of the month for an awesome award. Like say someone completes a fight in RPB, they'll get the 'Never Back Down Achievement' (10 points) for actually finishing it, despite whether they win or lose. Then there could be a High Score board to show the top 10 members.
Whew! Finally think I'm done...for now. What do you guys think?
Re: Club Discussions
Clubs Closed due to Inactivity
Anime Fanatics - 9/1/2010
Bleach Club - 7/29/2010
MMA Lovers - 8/1/2010
If anyone wishes these clubs to be remain open, please say so now, or they'll be gone. You have one week to decide.
Edit: And since it's been almost 2 months since that last post... I don't think anyone cares.
Achievements are stupid, Elimination games are annoying and I wish they would die.
But yeah. There's my piece.
Re: Club Discussions
Clubs Closed due to Inactivity
NES Daily - 9/27/2010
Music Haven - 10/02/2010
If anyone wishes these clubs to be remain open, please say so now, or they'll be gone. You have one week to decide.
Re: Club Discussions
I, club founder, of LPers of TFF request a closure of the group. Its been inactive since the previous year and no one has made use of the thread as of late. So whoever is in charge of deleting club threads around here, you are welcome to remove the thread it is no longer needed.