Just a fast thought on this issue. Don't we have a report button for a reason? If a club leader feels a post should be deleted all they have to do is report it and it will go directly to the mods of this forum. In turn I think the Club leaders opinions should matter and their wishes be delt with in a timely manner.Club Leader Permsissions - This is something I was originally planning on, but Loco convinced me otherwise. So currently Club Leaders are leaders by name, but have no ability to delete or manage their own forums like they do in social groups. Part of this will be figuring out what permissions I'd want to give out, but it would be a separate group and would not classify you as a mod or staff member. It'd be a unique title as Club Leader, similar to how we had Clan Leaders. Depending on things we may even see about making a little title for it like we do for mods. But this is the most uncertain element right now. What I'm thinking is deleting threads and posts. You'll never have warning abilities, just forum maintenance permissions. Warnings will still be handled by the club staff.