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Thread: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

  1. #31
    Registered User Anime Fanatics Club v3! Yesha's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    How was this club going..? DIED? Let's all be active again!

    Oh well.. the last anime I had watched was.. the epic classic Doraemon, Kiteretsu (from the maker of Doraemon) and One Piece; Season 3 since they're all airing on T.V.

    I haven't yet committed myself to buy myself again a set of DVDs since I had many things on my hand.

    On One Piece; Season 3 the last episode I had watched was when all the gang of Luffy (Straw Hat Pirates) came back to their ship (GOING MERRY) with Nico Robin, and they were all struggling to escape from the cannon balls thrown by the marines. and then.. BOOM! :-)
    Last edited by Yesha; 01-12-2011 at 08:28 PM.

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  2. #32
    The Quiet One Anime Fanatics Club v3! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    I haven't bought much in the way of DVDs either recently, but that is because partially the Best Buy in town is slowly reducing their selection. That and Funimation is charging more than I'm willing to pay for things and Bandai keeps making their "Box Sets" smaller and smaller. Any further back and they'll be volumes of 4 episodes again. ><

    So I've actually been more in the manga market lately since I get more story for the price tag and it is cheaper overall. I can drop 9 or 10 on a book and be able to stop, I can't end get anything good in anime for 10 unless I want Anime Works. >.>

    Reading through Skip Beat, Fruits Basket, Negima and Fullmetal Alchemist at the moment. I got 14 volumes of manga and I've only read through 5 so far. Got more I need to read.
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  3. #33
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Anime Fanatics Club v3! Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Quote Originally Posted by Yesha
    How was this club going..? DIED? Let's all be active again!
    I think the club died when I was gone like it died when you left. I've noticed that usually people post a bit when I either ask a question or bring up a topic, but otherwise it's kind of meh, so there really needs to be a person to lead the group. Without a leader, everything falls through.

    Also, I'll add you to the roster (is there a better word? ), Yesha. Just tell me if you want to be co-leader again. I could always use someone to help me out because I get quite busy most of the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yesha
    On One Piece; Season 3 the last episode I had watched was when all the gang of Luffy (Straw Hat Pirates) came back to their ship (GOING MERRY) with Nico Robin, and they were all struggling to escape from the cannon balls thrown by the marines. and then.. BOOM! :-)
    I've been watching One Piece recently too! I used to watch it when it was airing on TV, but it stopped. I've started over with the Japanese audio, and they just entered the grand line where I'm at. I'm really liking it, but it seems quite dragged out. It took 60 episodes for them to get to the grand line, and I heard that the pacing just gets slower and slower as the series goes on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I haven't bought much in the way of DVDs either recently, but that is because partially the Best Buy in town is slowly reducing their selection. That and Funimation is charging more than I'm willing to pay for things and Bandai keeps making their "Box Sets" smaller and smaller. Any further back and they'll be volumes of 4 episodes again. ><
    I find the anime DVD industry in the United States to be so annoying. First, it takes so long for the companies to license an anime. Usually the anime is long over before they even announce the license acquisition. It then takes forever for them to start actually putting the DVDs out. Then with companies like Bandai, you have to wait another really long time for the anime to be put into box sets. I'm sorry, but I'm not paying more than $5 per episode especially when there are practically no extras, and you are pretty much just paying for the episodes.

    Even then, a lot of anime just don't get licensed. I can honestly say that the vast majority of my favorite anime have not been and most likely will never be licensed.

    I don't see the simulcasting of nearly all new anime improving the situation either. I don't see people buying the DVDs when there are free legal alternatives. <_<

    Also, I think the anime industry would be so much better if they were still airing anime on TV. Right now there is little advertisement for new shows. Anime used to air all the time on channels such as Cartoon Network, but now it is a rarity to see anime on TV, especially newer series.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    So I've actually been more in the manga market lately since I get more story for the price tag and it is cheaper overall. I can drop 9 or 10 on a book and be able to stop, I can't end get anything good in anime for 10 unless I want Anime Works. >.>
    Even $10 for manga is expensive in my opinion. I mean, manga just don't take that long to read especially if it has action in it. A lot of frames just end up being random nothingness in battle scenes. It is pretty much $10 for an hour of enjoyment. Compare that to a novel that costs not much more for 10-20 hours of enjoyment.

    I would like to see some kind of online manga distribution. It may take a little working out, but I think the costs would be cut dramatically, so the price could come down to a reasonable level. I'd prefer a hard copy, but for an hour per volume, it's not that big of a deal.

    Anyway, since I just ranted about the local anime/manga licensing industry, I figured that could be our next discussion topic. It would also be interesting to hear views from people who don't live in the US. Is it better in other parts of the world? I doubt it, but it would be interesting to see other people's perspectives.

    I figured that for our next (first...) activity, we could have an anime song guessing contest. Would anyone be interested? Honestly, this felt like the easiest thing to put together, so I suggested it, but if anyone has any suggestions that they would like to participate in, I'll work on setting it up. I just don't want to put something up that no one would participate in. I think it would be nice to have some kind of activity, but I won't waste our time if no one is really interested.
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  4. #34
    The Quiet One Anime Fanatics Club v3! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Yeah it is about an hour for a volume. If it is a Shounen then it could be a fast as a 30 minutes, while Shoujo is usually at least an hour since it is more dense on text. Though while novels and manga appear in book form, its hard to really make them a comparison. The line would be to comics, since manga is never going to be a block of text like a novel or long enough to equal the time you get out of a novel. The closest you'll get it is a omnibus which is 2-4 volumes packed together.

    It is true that 10 dollars is a lot. They used to be like 7-8 and sometimes even 6, but they've gone up in price in the last few years. But it is still a better price than anime at this point. If you're looking for how much story you're getting for dollar amount you're getting more out of a manga.

    Online distribution for manga would certainly be nice, but I find that being able to flip through the book is more enjoyable than flipping through nothing on the internet.
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  5. #35
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Answer the questions below, and we will accept you.

    1. How long have you been watching anime?

    I've been watching Anime's for about 17 years now.

    2. What is or what are some of your favorite anime?

    Some of my favorite anime's are Code Geass/R2, Death Note, Dual Parallel Trouble Adventure, Gundam Seed/Destiny, Last Exile, After War Gundam X, Kino's Journey, Azumanga Daioh, Kaleido Star, Banner of the Stars/Crest of the Stars, Serial Experiment Lain, Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO), Witch Hunter Robin, and Gantz

    3. What anime got you seriously interested in watching other anime?

    Princess Mononoke and Akira

    4. How long have you been reading manga?

    About a year now

    5. What is or what are some of your favorite manga?

    Naruto and Fairy Tail

    6. Do you own any anime or manga?

    I own a crap load of Anime's but I own no manga yet

    7. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself that relates to anime or manga? (Examples: What was your first anime/manga? Have you ever cosplayed? etc.)

    First Anime I ever watched was Akira, from there I've been branching off and finding new series, at first I loved all and any anime's, but recently I've been picnicking a lot of them for the horrible characters that are present. I just started reading Manga's mainly because I finally found out that when an anime ends, the manga will still keep going on which is awesome.
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 01-16-2011 at 11:49 PM.

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  6. #36
    The Quiet One Anime Fanatics Club v3! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Looks like someone has discovered that greatness that is Ar Tonelico 2. ^^

    For anyone still interested, new canon episodes of Bleach English dub are starting up in three weeks. CN has already started advertising it and it is finally moving out of fillers. Bleach in Japan should be back to canon this week until they got another filler episode to run. >.>

    Brotherhood is back as well and Kekkaishi is still running. With luck they'll run all 52 odd episodes of the series rather than taking a breather like they often do with anything longer than 26 episodes.
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  7. #37
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Anime Fanatics Club v3! Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Quote Originally Posted by Squall-Lelouch View Post
    I just started reading Manga's mainly because I finally found out that when an anime ends, the manga will still keep going on which is awesome.
    I know at least one exception to this. The Dragon Ball series ended at the end of the Buu saga, but the anime reached all the way to the end.

    I hear GT was not created by Akira Toriyama, and I understand that. And many people insist on denying it or calling it non-canon, believing it was crappy and all. To me, though, that's when the DB series ended for me.

    Didn't mean to bore you, I just wanted to point that out. As for current stuff, I got nothing to say at the moment. However, I just found a video of a DBZ ending I used to watch when I was younger. I watched the Spanish version though, but here's the English one so you understand what they're saying.

    YouTube - We Were Angels (English Version)
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  8. #38
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    So I just finish watching Wolf's Rain (I know I'm late) and man, this anime is definitely one of my favorites, mainly because of the awesome ending.
    If you seen it, then you may or may not agree with me but that's just another way to describe my personality.

    I attempted to watch 07-Ghost the other day, but sadly I only made it to Episode 9 after that, you can probably guess why I stopped watching it...

    I finally finished Season 2 of Kaleido Star which I must say was awesome.

    As far as new series goes, I haven't found any good ones to attract my attention but I'm still looking.

    If anyone knows any good ones without sappy and sentimental characters (Toboe wolf's rain) then please hit me up.

    Don't say Inuyasha either because that anime invented what I learned to call and hate oh so much...... The *SIT BOY* syndrome....

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  9. #39
    Lady Succubus Anime Fanatics Club v3! Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Panty & Stocking w/Garterbelt

    And... You watched all 30 episodes of Wolf's Rain, then? There's 30, not 26.
    GOSICK is also a good series.

  10. #40
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Panty and Stocking w/Garterbelt huh? I'll check it out now, and yeah I watched all 30 episodes of Wolf's Rain, got it all on DVD.

    Never heard of GOSICK but I'll check that out now as well, never hurt to look.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  11. #41
    Lady Succubus Anime Fanatics Club v3! Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Yeah, I don't blame you for not hearing of GOSICK, as it's currently airing in Japan right now. >_>

  12. #42
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Just found Gosick, their on episode 4 I think, got the first 3 episodes loading right now, I'll let you know the results...


    Kaichou wa Maid-sama is now a new favorite of mine, a bit different from the usual stuff I watch but man does it have the best first impression ever....
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 01-24-2011 at 08:57 PM.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  13. #43
    Lady Succubus Anime Fanatics Club v3! Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    I merged them for you; but for future reference, please don't double post. It's against the rules. If you haven't read them already, check them out.

  14. #44
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    I'll take that as a penalty to myself... think I had 3 if not more strikes from you.

    Sorry for being bad at this, see ya when I read and fully understand all the rules 10x over...

    Thanks ~Linus~

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  15. #45
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Anime Fanatics Club v3! Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Quote Originally Posted by Squall-Lelouch View Post
    Kaichou wa Maid-sama is now a new favorite of mine, a bit different from the usual stuff I watch but man does it have the best first impression ever....
    I was really disappointed with the anime adaption of Kaichou wa Maid-sama. I've read some of the manga, and was expecting a lot more out of the anime than what we got. I thought that the animation could have been so much better, and most of the time the backgrounds were just horrible. I guess it is decent adaption, but I think I'll stick with the manga since it looks so much better.

    So far I haven't watched most of the new shows airing, but I have to admit some of them look like they could be pretty interesting. Right now I'm pretty interested in Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica and Fractale. I like it when shows starts off mysteriously, and you can't quite tell where they're going to go. I haven't gotten around to watching GOSICK or Yumekui Merry yet, but I'll probably be interested in those too.

    Right now I would say my biggest disappointment is Hourou Musuko. I'm not feeling the animation style, and right now it looks like it's going to be pretty boring.
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  16. #46
    Lady Succubus Anime Fanatics Club v3! Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Fractale isn't being legally streamed anymore, no thanks to 'HorribeSubs' which rips it from a legal site called CrunchyRoll. >_>

    Which.. doesn't help matters. Why take away the legal venue? It's not going to stop them from ripping it. I wish groups like that would die. Ripping things from a legal venue just for 'lulz'.

  17. #47
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Anime Fanatics Club v3! Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    This club keeps dying and resurrecting more than my party when playing Final Fantasy IX, well, "the third time's a charm".

    1. How long have you been watching anime?

    Not quite sure, but it's safe to say somewhere around 13-14 years, man, I'm really getting old.

    2. What is or what are some of your favorite anime?

    FullMetal Alchemist, closely followed by GunGrave, as for third place, nothing particular really, though I love Dragonball Z, Death Note, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Panic, Golden Boy...

    3. What anime got you seriously interested in watching other anime?

    Wouldn't be far wrong if I said Digimon, I watched anime before Digimon was even aired, but that particular anime is the main reason I took a serious interest in anime in general.

    4. How long have you been reading manga?

    I'm newbie as far as manga goes, started with Naruto not too long ago, since then I got around, and read a decent library so far.

    5. What is or what are some of your favorite manga?

    Let's see, Naruto, FullMetal Alchemist, Badminton Girl, FLCL, History Strongest Disciple Kenichi...

    6. Do you own any anime or manga?

    I'm proud owner of fairly huge anime library, over 100 titles, it's a hobby of mine.

    7. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself that relates to anime or manga? (Examples: What was your first anime/manga? Have you ever cosplayed? etc.)

    I'm quite sure my first anime was Captain Tsubasa, also known as Kicker for us who watched it on RTL2. As silly as it may sound it's one of the reasons I became a huge fan of football. At that time I watched Candy Candy as well, not something most men would be eager to tell. As for cosplay, never really had opportunity for it as anime conventions are not really common here, I certainly wouldn't mind trying something out. Besides anime series, I have few posters, had some Dragonball action figures when I was a kid, don't know happened to them. Quite a few friends of mine including my brother share the same interest for anime, which is great by the way, as I always have someone to talk about it, that would be pretty much it...

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  18. #48
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Anime Fanatics Club v3! Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Welcome back Xanatos! Yeah, I was gone for like for 3-4 months, and the club died. Right now we're probably still not that active, but we've always been off and on, I guess.

    I feel like I'm talking to no one when I talk about currently airing anime, but has anyone been following Bakuman or Tegami Bachi? I would say those are the anime that I most look forward to watching weekly these days.

    Tegami Bachi is simulcasting, so perhaps someone has been watching it. It has been a little boring in the past, but the past few episodes have been progressing the plot more. I'm really curious as to where it's going, but with the number of episodes left and the state of the manga, I have a feeling that it's not going to have a solid conclusion. I guess I'll have to wait a few more years. <_< Monthly serialization really annoys me because they take forever for the story to progress.

    As for Bakuman, I really like the concept, but I think the anime is moving too slowly. I've read about 30 chapters, and the anime still doesn't seem that close to catching up to where I am. It seems like they've animated about 1/5 of what's currently out so far. I'm really curious to see where the story goes, but perhaps I should just read the manga. The anime doesn't look like it's going to get too far anytime soon.

    So, has anyone else see these or have any other anime that they've seen recently that they would like to discuss?
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  19. #49
    The Quiet One Anime Fanatics Club v3! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Well part of that might be that not a lot of people are watching the current season of anime or watching different stuff. If I had the time to afford it I'd probably watch everything, but I don't. So I pick the ones I really want and The World God Only Knows finished up its first season already. So I'm eagerly awaiting the second season, which I think is slated for the Spring Season. So I'm afraid I can't really talk about the other things currently airing.

    If you want to talk Bleach I can, since the only other show I'm currently following that is airing new episodes. I stopped Naruto until they get out of filler, because the filler is really boring on Naruto. Bleach filler tends to be better produced, still more of a meh quality, but higher quality meh than Naruto. >.> If that makes any sense to anyone other than me.

    I've gained 3 more volumes of Negima, a volume of Pretty Face and another volume of Fruits Basket. Fruits Basket still manages to make me cry even though I know it is going to do so. And it is just words and pictures. Still I love the manga.
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  20. #50
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    I tried to watch Bleach, but for some reason just couldn't get into it as much as everyone else did.

    I got into Naruto for a while, but lost interest after watching about 60 filler episodes in a row. I started reading the manga for it a little bit before Jiraiya infiltrated the one village where Pain was in. After that I never went back to the anime, well I did for the Jiraiya vs pain fight, naruto vs pain, sasuke vs 8 tails, etc.. pretty much the major fights I watched the anime for.

    I'll try again with Bleach later, but for now I'm just looking new series to watch, already got a few suggestions, gonna check them out soon.

    Recent favorite so far is Hellsing, yeah I know I'm late but eh.

    Right now though aside from watching some new I'm buying up a collection of my all time favorites that rarely got on my nerves.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  21. #51
    Est Sularus Et Mithas! Anime Fanatics Club v3! Selquist's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    So.... The blizzards over, and I think I fully and completely hate snow now. =)

    Anyway, to Xanatos: You mentioned FLCL as one of your favorites. It's not bad, I mean I liked it, but I still have no idea where that one was going or where it went. It just boggles my mind!!!

    Sadly, I'm not watching anything that is currently airing. I need to catch up on my bleach now though. The last thing I remember seeing in that was when Aizen came back started that fight above the town with his group of the most powerful Arancar. It seemed like the series was getting back on track and then another filler started and I've had the show on hold since then.

    I recently bought up to volume 14 of Gantz! It's actually really good. I ran out of money though. =( so now, I'm reading it online. It's free, but I think I'd rather have the actual manga in my hands. Now that I've discovered this site, however, i'm going to check out as many as I can while funds are low.

    I've recently watched Kaze no Stigma. It's a good show. It's all about a guy who can't use fire magic and makes a contract with the King of the Wind Spirits for power. It ended a little funky though. Seems like there should be more too it, but I checked online and that seems to be the actual end of the show. I've always hated cliffhanger endings when the show never comes back!

    I'm currently watching a few different series on Netflix. I'm about to start either Darker Than Black or Souleater. I've also been watching Orphen, but i'm finding it really hard to keep watching for some reason. (I do like the voice acting for Magic's [or Majic's] character). And speaking of voice acting, I saw an episode of one of the newer Dragon Ball shows. I don't know if the original voice talent didn't want to keep at it, but these voices were pretty horrible in my opinion. It makes it very hard to watch when I hear Vegita sound so horribly wrong!
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  22. #52
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Quote Originally Posted by Selquist View Post
    So.... The blizzards over, and I think I fully and completely hate snow now. =)
    I totally agree with you...

    Quote Originally Posted by Selquist View Post
    Anyway, to Xanatos: You mentioned FLCL as one of your favorites. It's not bad, I mean I liked it, but I still have no idea where that one was going or where it went. It just boggles my mind!!!
    I don't really know the point of FLCL either but I can tell you that it's the best 6 eps anime I've watched next to Golden Boy lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Selquist View Post
    I recently bought up to volume 14 of Gantz! It's actually really good. I ran out of money though. =( so now, I'm reading it online. It's free, but I think I'd rather have the actual manga in my hands. Now that I've discovered this site, however, i'm going to check out as many as I can while funds are low.
    Gantz is the best thing that ever hit my TV!!, started reading the manga a few days ago and it's still amazing....

    Quote Originally Posted by Selquist View Post
    I've also been watching Orphen, but i'm finding it really hard to keep watching for some reason. (I do like the voice acting for Magic's [or Majic's] character). And speaking of voice acting, I saw an episode of one of the newer Dragon Ball shows. I don't know if the original voice talent didn't want to keep at it, but these voices were pretty horrible in my opinion. It makes it very hard to watch when I hear Vegita sound so horribly wrong!
    Orphen started off good to me, but it soon slowly went down here, I mainly blame the girl (forgot her name) she was extremely annoying and I wanted to choke the *****. Majic was alright for the most part I think, Orphen was a total badass, just that damn girl ruined it for him. All in all, I thought the anime was somewhat decent, although I did try to block out the chick whenever she started talking....

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  23. #53
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Anime Fanatics Club v3! Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    If you want to talk Bleach I can, since the only other show I'm currently following that is airing new episodes. I stopped Naruto until they get out of filler, because the filler is really boring on Naruto. Bleach filler tends to be better produced, still more of a meh quality, but higher quality meh than Naruto. >.> If that makes any sense to anyone other than me.
    I would, but I'm still so far behind on Bleach. I'm almost 200 episodes behind now. I've been looking at what's been happening recently, and it looks like there hasn't really been much that happened in the past 200 episodes. Is it slow paced, or is there just that much filler? I might just go to the manga if the anime is unbearably slow.

    As for Naruto, I'm still stuck in the filler before Shippuuden. I don't really want to skip it and go on, but I never find myself in the mood to watch the boring filler, so I'm stuck. I guess it's been that way for a few years now. I'll probably end up skipping the filler sooner or later because the Naruto filler is just so boring. I completely understand what you mean, but I'm sure it gets worse latter on than where I'm at.

    As for FLCL, I've never really liked it. This might just be my bad memory because I watched it so long ago, but I don't think it even made sense half the time. It was just random.

    The best 6 episode anime I've ever watched was Eve no Jikan. It actually has a more comprehensible story. I didn't really like the open ending, but I guess there will be another season at some point in time.

    I've never liked Gantz either. I watched the first four episodes, and it was way to tacky for my tastes. I thought that it would be pretty good from the beginning, but I was turned off after watching a couple more episodes. The manga is still ongoing, so I am a little curious how the story developed. From what I saw, it didn't look like it had that much to work with to go for more than ten years.

    Recently, I've watched the first episode of the new .hack OVA, .hack//Quantum, and I'm really liking it. I may be biased because I've always liked the idea of .hack, but this might be the best anime .hack since .hack//Sign. The story seems pretty interesting, and I like how it involves more of the real world in addition to The World. The animation is really nice especially in comparison to the previous series, too. It was a little cheap of them to reuse character designs for pretty much every character, but I guess you can just consider it homage.

    So, does anyone have any preferences on where we go with this club. I'm not really sure where we're going if we're going anywhere yet. I find it interesting how we always have 4-5 posts in one day and then nothing for a week, and then 4-5 posts again repeating.
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  24. #54
    Est Sularus Et Mithas! Anime Fanatics Club v3! Selquist's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Quote Originally Posted by Treize View Post
    So, does anyone have any preferences on where we go with this club. I'm not really sure where we're going if we're going anywhere yet. I find it interesting how we always have 4-5 posts in one day and then nothing for a week, and then 4-5 posts again repeating.
    I can't say for everyone else, but it's been really hectic lately. There simply isn't enough time for anything relaxing and fun.

    On a positive side note... I'm moving into a new place, so... very busy here.

    You know, I've really wanted to get into .hack, and I even have 4 .hack games for the ps2. Eventually I will get back to them, and some time after that make my way over to the anime. There is just so much that keeps distracting me. >.>

    Gantz is pretty good, though I've not seen the anime for it. The only thing I don't like about it so far is how the main character is a little whiney and cares for nothing but sex. Getting past that, the concept of hunting "creatures" without letting the general populace know is very M.I.B.'ish to me and I like that. A steady cast of more reputable individuals would be nice too. There seems to be a big focus on low-lifes in the manga as well.

    Also, I recent'y saw something about Gosick streaming on Anilinkz. So far I've heard a few of ya'll say positive things so I'm gonna go check that one out.

    Ok, I'm supposed to be packing, so... ya'll take care!
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  25. #55
    黒い翼の天使 Anime Fanatics Club v3! yuki's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    ill be rejoining too....hopefully ill be more active...
    1. How long have you been watching anime?
    about more than 10 years... ithink
    2. What is or what are some of your favorite anime?
    now .. shiki , gentama, vampire knight , hunter x hunter , fruits basket, etc...
    3. What anime got you seriously interested in watching other anime?
    ruruni kenshin
    4. How long have you been reading manga?
    maybe about 5 years now
    5. What is or what are some of your favorite manga?
    furits basket , gravitation , your so cool ..
    6. Do you own any anime or manga?
    i own ruruni kenshin and hunter x hunter ..others i watch on the net...
    7. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself that relates to anime or manga?
    my first anime was getter robot if i got the name right .. then stoped and ggot back again watching conan..
    my last cosplayed was 3 month ago (nana) from the anime nana
    and before idid rituka from loveless
    as well as medo ban from get backers..

  26. #56
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Quote Originally Posted by Selquist View Post
    The only thing I don't like about it so far is how the main character is a little whiney and cares for nothing but sex.
    Whiney.... eh at the beginning maybe, but towards the middle to whenever it ends, not so much.

    Sex... and the problem is? At least he's one of few main characters that don't freak out when he wakes up and there's a random girl next to him. Something a little more realistic which I like.

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  27. #57
    The Quiet One Anime Fanatics Club v3! Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Yeah, Kurono was a little single minded in being a teenage guy. If you follow the story in the manga he changes quite a bit from the anime. The anime sadly stops just before it starts getting really good. Not to mention Kurono actually becomes a likeable character, which he's lacking during most of the anime. Not to mention some really crazy stuff happens.

    Finished Moeyo Ken TV yesterday. It was a fun short anime that was short of harem and sort of not. And Rumiko Takahashi did the character designs for it, and it really shows. I looks a lot like Inuyasha. I'm pretty certain that Sakura from Sakura Wars had a vague cameo, as the guy that did Sakura Wars working on Moeyo Ken as well. And I think the panda might be a Ranma reference.
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  28. #58
    Badass Military Agent Anime Fanatics Club v3! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    He becomes a likable character? I already love him, which probably means half the things that make him awesome might go away if you guys hate him now but like him later.

    I'm reading the manga now hopefully he doesn't become too much of a loser.

    Read a few chapters after 91 to about 115 and man 100-105 were my favorite part lol I bet everyone else who read them was like man that guy's a jerk, asshole, heartless bastard, blah blah blah, but I loved him haahahahaha
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 02-14-2011 at 05:36 PM.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  29. #59
    Est Sularus Et Mithas! Anime Fanatics Club v3! Selquist's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    Well, ya'll have a point. I'm on chapter 192 in the manga, and he has gotten much better. Some really crappy things have happened to him though. Especially right around this point.

    I haven't seen or know of the others you've mentioned, so i'm afraid those references are lost on me as of yet. Still, I find the panda to be somewhat confusing. I miss the dog though; they never explained what happened to it. I've also come to really dislike... err, the tall guy with the sword... I forgot his name. >.> I usually like the antagonists, but this one not so much.

    On a side note:
    I've not gotten to Gosick yet, but started watching Naruto since I keep hearing about it from everywhere. I've made it to ep 68 and actually like the show a lot. I figure though, in another 40 or so episodes of straight Naruto I'll be burned out and putting it on hold to try something else. The longest I've ever watched one show straight was 240-ish to 250-ish episodes. I still haven't gotten back to that one, and I don't think my eyeballs have recovered yet. lol

    Anyway, weekend's almost over. Moving into the new apartment next weekend. Ya'll enjoy these next couple weeks!
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  30. #60
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Anime Fanatics Club v3! Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Anime Fanatics Club v3!

    I'm finishing the Naruto filler today!

    I'm mainly just skimming and watching the interesting parts, but it would just be impossible to watch all of it since the majority is quite boring.

    Also, don't really feel pushed to watch GOSICK. Honestly, it's not the greatest. It's good, but the mysteries so far aren't that interesting. I might just be used to watching Detective Conan, though. =/
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