What's the worst date you've ever been on? Was it just awkward?, was it boring, or was your date annoying or weird?....or something else
Letseee, my worst date was beginning of June of last year actually. I didn't even know it was like a "date" so when I realized I was like ah F*ck I've been bamboozled. So it was one of my friends, but not like a super close one that I hung out with regularly, he was one of those guys that are really cool, but really really nice so much that it's kind of creepy, but not a super extreme case, I just wouldn't pay attention to it. Also, he has ADD and ADHD so maybe that could have added to it, not so sure.
So, he asked me to "hang out" with him one day and I was thinking oh alright no problem, it didn't seem like a big deal because he seemed chill, and he was very normal about it and I go to to the movies with my guy friends and it's never a big deal so I was thinking "oh, okay whatever" So when he came to get me, it was me, him, this other guy we both knew and one of his friends so four of us, and I'm thinking we're all going. When we got there, we were walking up to the movie theatre and the other two guys out of nowhere are like " ermm...we're gonna go to boarders" and I'm thinking wtf? who goes to Boarders at like 12:00 in the morning, two guys at that, that's just weird ( It's a bookstore if you don't know) they were like yeah, "we already saw the move, we'll just spoil it"...-_- I'm thinking come on guys Borders? I would have believed you more if one had said they had diarrhea.
So after that, I just got over it. I think the problem the whole time was him lol he wasn't acting normal, he was kinda stiff. I was trying to joke around to get him to relax but it wasn't working, he would kinda fake laugh and it started to make me uncomfortable. So basically I was entertaining myself during the whole movie, and I was scared he would try to pull a fast one on me, because I would feel sooo bad because that was not gonna happen lol. Imagine sitting in the dark with someone who's obviously not relaxed for like and hour and a half, I was actually trying not to turn and look at him the whole time, I felt so bad. I remember at one point I got so worried he was gonna do something so I edded up resting my head on his shoulder so that maybe he would calm the **** down.
So basically it was just super awkward....I don't even know how to explain it properly.