I'm going to school to become a history teacher. One day I'd like to get a Master's degree or a Doctorate and maybe become a professor. I'll probably end up specializing in The American Revolution, or maybe World War II (though there are way too many WWII buffs out there).
That's my dream job, but that may not happen. I'll probably end up being a world famous rock star. Who wants to be a groupie?
There was a time I dreamed of being a policeman or an army man or something...
But then I thought to myself...
'**** that. I don't want to ever be expected to shoot someone or kill them over something that's really none of my business.'
And then I found out about the Security profession. It's more about diplomacy, and only using as much force as needed. The only time you'd ever have to possibly harm anyone seriously is if they're trying to do it to you for whatever reason. I have no problem with that. :D
And that's now my dream. And I've done the course, so it'll be a reality once I get my license sent to me. I'll be living the new dream. :D
And the pay is freakin' insane high. :drool:
There are lots of things I'd like to do or try at least once:
-- Game designer: not a console RPG, though; a Pen and Paper RPG. If I can get at least once in a book from Wizards of the Coast or White Wolf, it would be awesome. I'd figure at least I'd have to study a bit of Journalism, or perhaps B.A. for a decent job while at it.
-- Materials Engineer: with the boom on Chemical Engineering in Biotechnology processes, and the secondary push on Environmental Processes, Materials Engineering seems to be a bit thrown off. There are lots of things to be tried: newer forms of plastics, yet-untamed ceramics, properly cooling and heating metal by ways of ceramic heating to enhance the properties of metals, composites, and the like.
-- Languages: what would be wrong in serving as a translator for common translation works? I know English and Spanish by birth, I'm trying to learn Japanese, would like to learn German and Russian, and maybe try Greek afterwards. Might be forced to learn French, as well, even though I don't like it.
-- Nuclear Physics: yep, the ultimate realm of nerds. Just try using particle accelerators and the like for atom splicing, and perhaps controlled atom fusing. You know, so that lead eventually goes into stable gold? That would be the greatest deal: perhaps working as a materials engineer might serve for something?
My dog had to put down when i was about 7 and from that day i wanted to be a vet, so that i could help animals who needed it like my dog, but as my life at the time of leavin school was nothing but trouble, i never managed to get back on track so never got the oppertunity to go to uni or college (all my own fault), but wen i was 18 i done a child care course with some youth training group, which i done for two years but they were crap and in two years i dint get no course work no matter how many times i called em up, i got plenty on experiance as i was workin as a trainee teachin assistant in school term, and a holiday club worker in the hols, i also had a weekend job in a shop. but had to leave both when i had my baby, at the mo im just concerntrating on being a mum, but wen she starts full time school, im hoping i can go back to childcare, i know the teachers of the school i worked in very well and they know me well, so im hoping i can go back there, even if its jus goin in a few afternoons, whilst i start a collage course in child care.
I've been set on becoming a pharmacist since I was a little kid. Now that I'm older, I kind of want to become a cancer specialist, but pharmacy is still my main goal.
I don't know why I want to become a pharmacist, but it's just been my personal aspiration since I was little. I think it was because I wanted to be a pediatrician, but found out I was horrible with children. Making them cry won't help if I'm trying to diagnose them for any illness. Another reason might just be because I would like to have a job that doesn't require much effort. Plus fifty or more dollars an hour is a nice thing to look forward to.
It probably won't happen though. With my brain and lazyness, I'll most likely end up killing my college grades. I'm hoping it won't happen, but if I can't become a pharmacist, I could always be some assistant or receptionist somewhere. Sitting at a dest taking calls and appointments doesn't sound too bad either.
I remember a long time ago, I wanted to do Game Art and Design and draw character sheets and make my own game. But now, I decided that Graphic Designs would be way more reasonable for me, as I don't want to move down to LA, Hollywood, or Tokyo just to get a good job for Game Art. Graphic Design pays a ton of money, has lots of available jobs in all areas, and is something I could do with my skills. Sometime this year, I'm gonna go to community college to take Basic Math and English(again, cause I got a D.. I want better) and a Graphic Design class to see what it's exactly like. Then once I finished those semesters, I'm going to go to the Art Institute in Nevada and aim for a bachelors degree in Graphic Design.
I really wanna be a mangaka(cartoonist) and illustrator. It would be a dream if I could character design for SE but thats just a dream(T^T)
Majoring in Japanese at the moment and doing some management on the side.
I hope to do business between Dutch and Japanese companies in the future and make a lot of money.
If that doesn't work I'll just become a male prostitute in Japan >.>;
Peace out
I've considered quite a few careers as I prepare to enter college, and will have to declare a major when I transfer in Fall 2009. Here's a breif rundown
-Chemist. Sounds really cool, and lab work is always tons of fun. I spent a month over last summer at a camp where I took three classes, and one of the three was chemistry. The teachers there were amazing, and I went from very little experience, to understanding how various chemical reactions worked, as well as having a bit of a grasp on the calculations involved in the span of two weeks. I even made asprin as that camp!
-Physicist. This one still isn't off the table, I'm waiting to take a class this fall or spring to see if it still appeals to me, it's got to be an easier credit than chemistry, and I've heard great things about the instructor. This was another of the three classes I took at that month long camp, and this was also the class that i did my week long research project in. By far this was my favorite class, and still sounds like an exciting career.
-Meteorologist. Ha, I still think this would be a cool job, but at the same time, unless I want to work for TV (not my thing), or the government (Definitely not my thing), there's not a lot of job openings. I can still read weather maps, and can stand outside on a stormy day, when it's about to rain, and tell you almost exactly when the rain will hit, and from what direction it will come from, by looking at the movement in the clouds.
-Computer Engineer/Scientist. This seems to be the major that I'm gonna stick with, and I'm taking classes to get A+ certified this fall. I've been working on computers as a hobby of sorts ever since I was little, and my family had our first one. My dad taught me a lot, but I've been teaching myself a lot of new things everyday. I can replace a good number of the parts in a computer (cd, dvd drives, hard drives, memory, video cards, modems, etc), and know how to manually format, and partition hard drives. I've recently been familiarizing myself with linux, since I know almost nothing about it, and HATE microsoft OS's. It's running pretty smoothly, still have some issues remembering the command prompt commands, but I'm getting there. See? I've already ranted more about computers that at least two of the other professions combined. By the way, the third class at the month long camp was computer programming. Programming = not my thing.
Im currently studying Music Mnagement. So when I graduate ill be going to work for King Foo or Sony BMG and be a manager for a band or work in promotions or even in a studio as a producer, which is my lifes dream. I love to work behind the scenes and ive spent my life working towards this and getting to know people and working my ass off. So hopefully it all works out...
It's not really a "future" profession for me, I'm already doing what I'll be doing for the rest of my life, just I'm on the downside of it.
Eventually I'd ultimately like to be the chef/owner of my own fine-dining restaurant in St. Louis. That's a highly unlikely dream, however, because new restaurants simply don't succeed, statistics don't lie.
A more realistic dream would just to be the Executive Chef of any successful restaurant in St. Louis.
Prime minister , Researher
That's great professions
EDIT by OceanEyes28: Next time, please elaborate on why those would be great professions. Thank you!
I have three "Dream" Professions(as I am still in HighSchool, I still have time to make my desicion.
1. Band Director: I really love music and would love to be a band director for a College or maybe even just a highschool.
2. Game Soundtrack Composer: Yet again, I love Music.
3. My life long dream is to move somewhere random like New York or Chicago maybe Boston and start a Ramen Restaurant. I love Ramen Noodles(or any type of japanese noodles)! I'd decorate it with Japanese looking artworks and stuff.
Yeah, 2 parts music and 1 part Ramen, thats me all right!
Oh boy...long list coming.
Actress - lurrvvee acting. But I think I need to build up my confidence a bit more. I get far too shy in front of crowds. And obviously, that's not gonna get me anywhere with acting unless I over-come it, eh?
Being in a band! =D - Erm, apparently I can sing. (Mee disagrees) but yeah. I really enjoy singing. And writing songs. Or even just doing make-up for te band or something. Fun fun fun.
Child Psychology - Even though I'm not very good with kids, I think I can erm...'understand' them. Partically from my experience as a kid. I'm taking Psychology not next year, but the year after, and hopefully I'll enjoy it. If so, then I might consider taking it up.
Artist - I love Art. Doing Art for a living sound amazing. There's so many things you can create with it. But I'm not sure what form of Art I'd be interested in doing. I'm not really a fan of doing game design or anything, so we can rule that out.
Doctor - Well...I'm sort of on the fence with this one. Recently, I've experienced a particular person dying, and it sort of put me off it. I just sort of think that I wouldn't be able to handle it. But the thought of helping people for a living sounds brill. And prehaps as I grow older, I'll get over it. >.>
Writing - I wouldn't get very far in it because I'm NO good at writing, but I do love doing it. Maybe if I did it for just a year to see what it's like. That'd be good enough. And then I could move onto something else...?
...I dunno. There are just too many things that I can't be bothered to name.
OH! And I wanna travel the world too. It's not a profession or job, but it's what I wanna do. Yes, I need to get my head out of the clouds. I'll most likely just end up working in my local supermarket or summin'...haha.
Band artwork - Mm. I can see myself doing this. Designing artwork for a band. Albums, singles, the lot. I think I could get by with doing that. And I'd certainly enjoy doing so.
There are two ways my career path can go right now.
Currently, my degree plan states that I am in for a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. And if I continue with this, I will make of living of it for a while, and then maybe try go for a CRNA. I'm already in the medical field and it's not that bad. But then there's something inside of me that says I kind of want to be a teacher. I wouldn't mind being an Athletics Director for a school or something.
But as of now, I'm stuck overseas for a year...
at least I'm making bank over here.
I want to be a writer. I've always loved to read, and I seem to have a natural talent for writing (except when I'm writing about myself, for some reason), so it just seems like the perfect career choice for me. Either that, or I want to do nothing. Because, how I see it, if you do nothing, you have time to do everything.
I want to be a lawyer, or an actuary. I've had an interest in both of these things for quite some time, the job, as far as I know, seems quite interesting in both of them, and it pays well. Simple enough.
Also, a part time writer. I have so many ideas floating around in my head, they need to be put on paper. Or a word document. Either is fine.
I need to bring my grades up in the second half of high school (about to become a Junior). My high school is very fast-paced, seeing how they do the 4 classes one semester, and 4 different classes the next semester. ...I miss public school =(. lol
I want to become either a doctor, surgeon, or psychologist. I think I might become a doctor for a little while, then become a psychologist so I can prescribe medication to people.
For the doctor/surgeon thing, I can handle cutting someone open, since the internet has desensitized me to that sort of stuff (won't get into that), making it a lot easier for me to do the surgery, if required. Not sure if I could give a shot, though. ...that's kind of strange, being able to cut someone open, but a little hesitant to give a shot, isn't it?
As for the psychologist thing, I'm not judgmental, and am a good listener (except during class. damn short-intention span). I could relate to people's problems as well, seeing how I've had my fair share of them (and still do with a few of them, but I won't get into that). That, and I'm probably just as ****ed up as some of the worse patients, as well. I think I'd do good in this field.
Overall, those are the professions that I am seriously considering.
I was thinking of becoming a game designer, or getting into computers, but I HATE Algebra with a passion, and have some problems when it comes to Math, so I wouldn't be too good as a computer engineer or something of the like that involves advanced math skills.
I was also thinking of becoming an author, but then again, it's not really something that you can turn into a profession unless you make it to the big times, so I might just do that for a little side thing. I enjoy writing, so...
I want to be the assembler of tiny doll parts. A doll factory. I'll make them and sometimes sneak odd things onto them, just to mess with people who buy them.
I'm sticking to Enchanting and Tailoring, Enchanting was expensive as hell so I'm not going to throw away that work and it brings in some good gold. Tailoring will continue to have the best in the slot.
I'll continue to Fish and Cook on my main, but too lazy to level it on my alt.
I have wanted to be a writer for the longest time, and I am almost achiving my goal.
I love to write poetry, short stories, and currently my first novel. I have written over 50 pieces of poetry and I am trying to send them in to get published and I would love to see them on the market, as well as my novel when I finish it.
Writing is my passion, my life, my love. I write about everything I can think of, from the rain that falls from the clouds, to the blood that spills from wounds and broken hearts.
Some day I hope to see my Novel and Poetry be a best seller and something that will be remembered.