-when me and my wife finally got together (it was a long wait, i wanted her so bad)
-when i found out my wife was pregnant
-the day my son was born (by far unmatched)
-the day i got my orignal SNES was a great day, ide wanted one for a long time. they had only been out for about 2 months but i had heard about them for a long long time...
-the day i got married was great too (perfect)
- the day my mom got devorced from my ex-stepdad, he was a prick
- the day i found out that my mom had cancer (shes cured now)
- the day i found out my ex was cheating on me (wait this could be the best too!
- the day i watched my dog get ran over
- every night i worked at my old job after my son was born, it sucks being on overnights with a new born at home