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Thread: Your best and worst memories.

  1. #1
    Professional Klutz. Your best and worst memories. Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Holy Kharlan

    Your best and worst memories.

    I just thought of this so its not exactly anything great.

    I just wondered what your most fond memories are, doesnt matter what. Whether it be in a relationship, getting a new game, completing a game. A family member coming home... You get me.
    Also, what your worst memories are. Obviously I wont go into that.

    Anyway, how about I start off with a few of mine?

    • Getting up one christmas to find my brother back from Iraq.
    • When I first played FF9, how deep I got into the storyline and how fast I loved it.
    • Playing Zelda for my brother and sucking. Then completing the game before he did.
    • When I lived back In Cambridge, my friend Ewan helping me whenever I needed and more.
    • Meeting my mum in a bar in Cambridge when I was 15 and her just saying "do you want a drink?".
    • Sleeping in Piccadilly station with Jack and Molly after missing the last train, laughing so hard I cried and my face and stomach ached whilst eating dry bread and drinking coffee. =]

    • Finding out my brother had been shot on tour in Afghanistan.
    • When I got mugged last year, him breaking my jaw and so scarring my throat and cheek.
    • The time when I found out my mum had deleted my PS1 memory card. I was devestated.
    • Being locked out at 3am in the rain after a night out and sleeping in the street.
    • Finding out my dog had eaten slug pellets and died. =[

    Obviously the things I put in here are all over, or I wouldnt be putting them in here (I'm referring to the worst in particular). So I'm not upset about them anymore.
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  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Broken Arrow, OK
    -when me and my wife finally got together (it was a long wait, i wanted her so bad)
    -when i found out my wife was pregnant
    -the day my son was born (by far unmatched)
    -the day i got my orignal SNES was a great day, ide wanted one for a long time. they had only been out for about 2 months but i had heard about them for a long long time...
    -the day i got married was great too (perfect)
    - the day my mom got devorced from my ex-stepdad, he was a prick

    - the day i found out that my mom had cancer (shes cured now)
    - the day i found out my ex was cheating on me (wait this could be the best too!
    - the day i watched my dog get ran over
    - every night i worked at my old job after my son was born, it sucks being on overnights with a new born at home
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  3. #3
    Air from my lungs. Your best and worst memories. Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.

    • Going to Treasure Island casino with my brother to play in the arcade. We rode the rollercoaster at NewYorkNewYork casino after that.
    • Camping in Arkansas with all of my family for 2 weeks. IT was really humid and there was this lake nearby with a rope to swing off.. I was the only one out of the kids to not get poison ivy .
    • My grandma's birthday party where the ENTIRE family came and I ran around having lots of fun with my cousins.(my grandma's dead now..10 years ago)
    • When I got my first puppy at the age of 6.
    • The days when I lived in Nevada. There were 4 other kids who lived in that neighborhood and we all became best friends and did lots of stuff together. I still talk to them now, but not as much because we live in different states.
    • When I lived in Springfield, Illinois.


    • When my sister got pregnant and she fought with my mom and dad, then left for like.. half a year without us hearing from her.
    • When I found out my brother had cancer..
    • When my dog had to be put to sleep.
    • All the years throughout middle school (grades 6th-8th).
    • When I got lost in the city at 11p.m and it was freezing out.
    • When my grandma died in the hospital.
    Last edited by Violet; 01-31-2008 at 05:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Arachnie Suicide Your best and worst memories. ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Brisbane, Australia
    Best -

    - Watching my sisters and cousins grow up.
    - Meeting people that I love and/or are now close friends with.
    - Remembering back each day now and knowing that it's getting better, really. Remembering each day as another that I haven't self-harmed or self-medicated.

    Worst -

    - My puppy Snoopy being put down when I was young.
    - My grandmother dying of cancer at around age six or seven.
    - My first boyfriend disappearing.
    - The man I was going to marry cheating on me.
    - Couple of abuse things I won't go into any detail over.
    - Believing that somebody I loved was dead for a long time.
    - Years 12-14 of my life, entirely. Grr. Want to erase those memories entirely XD.
    - Thinking I was going to die last year when I had an ovarian cyst. I've not known worse pain. Holy shit. Nasty ><.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    F*ckin' Australia!

    - Hanging with my friends back when the whole group was local.
    - Staying online with Ann a few hours past when my ass goes numb.
    - Lazing around with my cat as a kid.
    - Winning more than half the swimming events I entered when I was younger and more into swimming.
    - A few memorable fights.
    - Chats with my friends on MSN and PalTalk.
    - The friendliness of everyone when I joined TFF.
    - This one game of street footy where me and my mates absolutely PWNed some guys from Albion Park.
    - Playing most Final Fantasy games the first time.
    - That feeling when you fall in love with someone.


    - My cat dieing a few years back and the guy responsible bragging about it later.
    - Getting stabbed through my left leg.
    - Cracking my skull on the side of a pool.
    - All the beatings I took younger before I toughened the **** up.
    - The times I got dumped when I thought we were headed somewhere.
    - Playing Daikatana after all that hype.
    - Almost drowning when I was 3 or under. Also my oldest memory...
    - How much I missed my mates who moved for some time. Still miss them but I'm used to it now.
    victoria aut mors

  6. #6
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Queensland, Australia

    ~ When I got my Sega Mega Drive for Christmas, that was really awesome! I remember being about 7 or 8 and playing that thing over the years, it was fun.

    ~ When my Brother gave me his pet bird, Silvia who I cared for very much.

    ~ Hanging around my friends from Primary school, they used to come over to my house a lot and those times were the best.

    ~ Meeting my friends from high school, I still am friends with some of them now. They are wonderful and I am very grateful to have met them.

    ~ Playing Final Fantasy VIII for the first time. That was so amazing!

    ~ When I graduated high school, I was so happy after that because I wasn't too fond of going.

    ~ When I met Josh, I am eternally grateful for meeting him. He has made me very happy, he has taken good care of me and plus he's a wonderful person.

    ~ When I got my three birds Tiko, Taffy and Bandit. I love birds.


    ~ When my Nanny and Poppy (Grandma and Grandfather) passed away when I was a kid. I used to love being at their house.

    ~ When my uncle died from lung cancer about 6 years ago.

    ~ When my friends were taken away from me in primary school from some girl I really hated.

    ~ Having nobody to really hang around with when I started high school, I had a friend from primary school I was with but she changed and I didn't like her as much anymore.

    ~ High school had its bad memories, like my hospitality class. That was hell. I hated that teacher, she was a downright bitch.

    ~ When my Mum had a cancer scare, I remember being so worried and depressed.

    ~ When Silvia passed away last year. That was horrible, I saw her die and it was pretty heartbreaking.

    ~ When my Uncle passed away last Christmas Eve.

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  7. #7
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    -Meeting Andrew, I should think. Meeting him was like a blessing I'd been missing out on for ages. I met him at a very low point in my life and he improved it.

    -Meeting Andrew in real life, everytime.

    -Losing a lot of weight when I was thirteen. I was so proud of myself.

    -Being told by my tutor that I was the best student they had in the art department for work, attendence and speech and that I influenced people around me.

    -Getting our hamsters. I remember seeing them snuggle up to each other all the time.

    -When I met my best friend when we were little. We're still best friends now.

    -Playing my PS1 and 2 for all those glorious, wonderful years. Silent Hill, Parasite Eve 2, Harvest Moon, NFS:HP2, Project Zero and Resident Evil in particular.

    -Holding Jari and giving him lots of kisses. Even if he did poop on me after he got bored.


    -My little Sari dying. I still cry for her.

    -When I was viciously lied to by a most trusted friend. It hurt a lot.

    -I had a breakdown in 2006 and it took me a long time to get back on track. A lot of things contributed to it's happening.

    -The years when I was about 9-12 were very harsh on me.

    -Realising I was more sick than I'd hoped. Boourns.

    I'm sure there wre more of each, but meh. If I think of them, I'll post them another time.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  8. #8

    ~ My first camping trip with just friends and no parents! It was the most legendary 3 days i've had haha. Stories from that trip still circulate to this day, and that was 7 years ago. The more recent one we had was pretty funny aswell, but there was less of us therefore not as legendary XD.

    ~ Meeting someone i care about a lot. Even if i can't do much, its a good feeling. There's not much else i can say about this one

    ~ Whenever me and my friends all get together. Sounds trivial to some people maybe, but we always have a great time when we're all in one place.

    ~ Making someone's day just by putting them into fits of hysterics. I'm no class clown or anything, but i have my moments. I like to laugh, so i feel i should return the favour every now and then XD.


    ~ My grandfather passing away. I was very close to him, and it was the first family death i'd experienced so it hurt me the most. That's not to say the other's didn't effect me. Losing someone you love is something i wish no-one had to go through.

    ~ Spending the day my grandmother passed away in work on a 10 hour shift on the busiest night of the week. I'm not one to call in sick at the last moment, even if it is serious >.>

    My worst moments tend to come around because of things happening to people close to me, other than family deaths obviously. Crap stuff has happened to me all my life, so i'm used to it now haha.

  9. #9
    Registered User Your best and worst memories. Dimi's Avatar
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    ~Obviously, playing FFIX. Without playing it, I wouldn't have gotten into the series itself.

    ~About three years ago, when I gotten my first contract cell phone. Pretty lame, but I felt like I had power. >.<

    ~When I first went to Laughlin a couple years ago for about a week. Couldn't do much because I'm underrage but we got to go to the river and I got to drive a boat and purposely tried to crash it.

    ~That one convo I had with Sinister and Celtic. (If they're reading this, then they know what I mean. )

    ~Going to Disneyland a really long time ago! Like at 6 years old or something. I hardly remember much but I had fun spending time with my family at that time.

    ~When I went to the beach at sophomore year during the summer. That was pretty fun. Went out with friends and we hung out and at that time I was seeing someone. =D

    ~When my grandfather passed away, it was a major loss to my family and to me especially.

    ~"Certain things" I used to do. (I don't like going into detail into it but if you know me then you know.)

    ~From 3-9 years old I had to deal with my dad's alcoholic ways and how my family had suffered from it.

    ~Seeing my mom go through a blood transfusion, three times.

  10. #10
    Your best and worst memories. Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Best memories

    Just about every beautiful day- when the sun is shining, it's warm outside, and there's a sweet breeze running through the trees.

    Other than that I have a few of my favorite ones

    Like when Terry [my boyfriend] surprised me with 100 candles covering the table, counter top, dresser, etc... just about everything except the bed for my birthday.

    Bad memories

    I don't like to remember the bad too much, but those seem to be the ones that last the longes... and leave the deepest scars :/ some of you know what I'm talking about.

    Hmmn. Just the past, I don't like to think about too often. The future is so bright that it makes the past seem so much darker.

    To just name a few words that sum the past: alcohol, blood, sticks and stones, broken bones, rain.

    Lol, that is all.
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