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Thread: You look sexy!

  1. #1
    Shake it like a polaroid picture You look sexy! RagnaToad's Avatar
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    You look sexy!

    I just came home from the haircut place. It's not short-short, but it's more decent than what I had. I had been putting it off for so long, growing my hair, much against everyone's advice. Because I do look better with a decent haircut. I forgot what a damn good looking son o' bitch I am.

    So, question for all you sexy people:

    Have you ever done stuff with your appearance (haircut, clothing, whatever) even though you knew you looked better without it?

    Are there certain phases you just HAD to go through before deciding to make yourself look the way(s) you do these days? If yes, how do you feel about your appearance during those phases now?
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 12-22-2010 at 10:59 AM.
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  2. #2
    Registered User You look sexy!
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    Re: You look sexy!

    I think I look better with bangs (or fringe, I guess), but for a looong time, I insisted on keeping my bangs grown out. I don't really know why either. I guess I just wanted to rock a different look? *shrugs*

    And hehehe.... I went through a blonde phase. It lasted for a good number of years too, and then I just got sick of the upkeep, so I let my natural color grow back in. Now, looking back at pictures, I think I looked just awful with blonde hair. I doubt I'll ever go through that again, and the only time I think that the color is going to change my hair would be if the sun lightens it up a bit.
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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    I hate my hair. I hate everything about it. Now sometimes, you have those "holy shit my hair looks ****ing badass today!" Yeah I like those days, then I can make it look decent. I haven't really changed much within that category. I've been dressing comfortably since ever.
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  4. #4
    #LOCKE4GOD You look sexy! Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    Some of you will know that I once put off having a haircut for an entire year, to "see how my hair curled". It ended up being shoulder length.

    When I got it cut, I had to admit that I looked better. And although I wouldn't mind having a bit longer hair, I wouldn't go back to having hair that long.

  5. #5
    Registered User You look sexy! Halie's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    Right now I'm making myself not dye my hair for a while even though I know I look better with red hair. In the summer I dyed it blue, which I don't regret despite the damage it did, because it looked ****ing amazing. But still, it did damage my hair quite a bit. It's been about six months now and my hair does look better and it's growing faster than it was when I was dyeing it regularly, but it's still really dry >_<.

    I'll be red again soon enough, though. Something about icy blue eyes and red hair just looks awesome to me.

  6. #6
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    I let my hair grow out once too. Due to the natural curl I ended up with a non-tamable fro. After I got it cut, I looked like a pimp.

    Also my phases of clothes have either tarnished my looks or made me look good. Depends on what spectrum you are looking at though too.

    Can this topic also include things you have tried that have made you look better????
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  7. #7
    アズテオル You look sexy! Azuteor's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    For the past 17 years I have consistently kept up with the typical Asian bowl cut or a military buzz cut since my dad is in the Navy. My female friends kept telling me to spike my hair because they believed that I would look good with it, but I refused since I didn't feel like going through all the work of having to look good.

    I finally gave in around junior year of high school and went through several hairstyles.

    1) Spiking the front only, where the bangs are lifted up
    2) Faux hawk
    3) Messy unkempt spiked hair
    4) Shaggy hair with sideways spike and cowlicks

    I look better with style four and I'm still trying to refine my hair so it looks soft and flowing rather than what you'd see on a porcupine. It doesn't look as good if I'm styling long hair that hasn't been cut in months.

    After all that, I also started changing the types of clothing I wear. For a while, I just went with whatever I got from birthday and Christmas gifts, but now I'm wearing aviator sunglasses, black thick rimmed prescription glasses, plaid shirts, vintage tees, hoodies, jackets, darker colored jeans (straight, boot cut, etc.), and converses.

    I guess you would define that as "hipster" style?

    I have to say that I feel better about my appearance now than before and I've gained more confidence from it.
    Last edited by Azuteor; 12-22-2010 at 05:48 PM.

  8. #8
    Registered User You look sexy! jcsimpson's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    When I was maybe fourteen I really got into heavy metal and wanted to grow my hair long but my Mom was giving me guff about it so I didn't until I was a year or two older and I went to work at a summer camp. My last official buzz cut was on June 26th 2003 and have only trimmed my hair since and only do so every six months depending on how lazy I'm feeling. I find I personally look better with long hair and most people agree...except for my Mother of course.
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  9. #9
    Death Before Dishonor You look sexy! Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    I grew my hair out about five years ago, it was roughly shoulder length. Then I dyed it purple. Looking back it was such a dumb thing to do, but I was dared lol so I did it.

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  10. #10
    You look sexy! Jin's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    I'm sure most of you remember how I looked a few years ago.

    Silly things we do for women.

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  11. #11
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    Recently I had to shave off my sideburns for work. Once that job ended, I promptly grew them back. Also, I grew my flavor saver back, because those look awesome. Thinkin' I'm gonna have to grow my fauxhawk back, too (or is it closer to a real mohawk than a fauxhawk? I'm not sure.) Generally, I've realized that long hair and I don't really go along well together.

    One time this random lady told me I looked really hot with my mo/fauxhawk. I was like "Awwwwright." Anyhoo...

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  12. #12
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    Lets see, things I have done that are beneficial to my looks.

    1st off, I stopped shaving my chest. Natural and rugged. Not that this phase went on for long and I honestly did it for a lady. I got sick of the ladies complaining about next day stubble and got tired of looking like a 5 year old. Now its wookie time gwarrrrr!

    2nd. The beard. So far I have only heard one complaint about the beard and that was the ex trying to be a douche by saying it looked like a "rapist beard". Yeah gives you an idea of her intellect.

    I have heard that it makes me look older (in a good way) and also helps to further improve on my sexiness.

    Oddly enough, kicking the exwife to the curb was the best thing I could do for me physically. I have put on over 10Lbs of solid muscle. Plus removing her stress from my life has made me back into a better person.

    Also just going out and talking to the few ladies that I have has also helped my self esteem, which the ex tried to diminish to nothing. Walking tall, loud and proud now.
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  13. #13
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    haha, I've done a lot of goofy stuff with my hair. *looks at young Rocky pictures*

    Let's see, I've had it first slicked back, then in the 7th grade I had that wierd side part that made me look like Emilio ****ing Estavez from the Mighty Ducks. Once I started high school then I had it short and spiky 9th grade, I had it long flip cut and had it also permed 10th grade. 11th grade was more perm + no cut so it looked like an afro of sheer beastliness, and senior year I had it cut back to the jewish fro-ness, so it would look good for senior pictures.

    After that I mostly let it grow long, but last year I did go through a fauxhawk phase second semester which was when I was incredibly sexy. This school year, I've had my hair at it's longish flipcut style, and I've literally had it cut twice since may: one time for my friend's wedding in October, and another time like 1.5 weeks ago for family christmas pictures.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  14. #14

    Re: You look sexy!

    When I was 14 and 15ish I had longer hair. I kept getting the back trimmed so it wasn't a mullet. And honestly I don't know what the hell it was. Before I got it cut back to normal I could pull the front of my hair past my mouth. I will say the hair does help you stay warm in winter at the bus stop.

    I also went the other direction and buzzed my head when I was 19. I didn't have a job and it was getting long so figured I'd save money plus I was always curious how it looked. Works out cause that's the winter I exercised like a madman. So people here refer to it as my Taxi Driver phase haha. I'll stay with my regular haircut now.

    I had a chin strap for a week. Thing is my facial hair is spotty and different colors. Some parts really dark, some parts are blonde but still coarse. I just looks outrageous.

    And lastly I do shave my chest. I have the line up my stomach so I don't look like I'm 5 as Meier said. But the chest hair again is patchy and looks weird. Then with it growing different directions I've itched more with hair than without.

    At least I can proudly say I've never done the dye thing like alot of kids did.

    I'm waiting for my mid life crises. I'm gonna dye my pubes green, and shave 1 eyebrow. Then I'll be BA O'Neill.

  15. #15
    Gingersnap You look sexy! OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    Hmm. When I was in around 6th/7th grade, my hair was reeaallly long (down to my waist anyway). I liked it, I guess. Or just didn't like haircuts. But this one time I saw myself in a video and 13 year old me was like, "Oh ****, I look so stupid!" Within a week, I went to get it cut to shoulder length. Nowadays, it's around upper mid back. That has been a good length.

    I've never died my hair either, but my natural color is so great, I've been told to never touch it. /bragging

    I went through a "punk" phase freshman year of high school, but I didn't even really commit to that all the way. Didn't have the funds to buy new "punk" clothes, so I just dressed real weird hahaha. I still sort of add odd elements to my ensembles now, but it's not in an attempt to fit into any certain thing.

    As for right now.... I am currently at a level of fitness where I can wear pretty much whatever I want and pull it off. I've never really been overweight, but I didn't have the tone I wanted. So now, I'm fit without being boxy. In fact, I've only made whatever hourglass figure I had stand out more. I have a bit more progress to make, in my mind, but the reactions I got to wearing a clingy dress to a Christmas party indicated that I am definitely on the right track.

    Maybe not tonight, though, I drank a lot of Guinness and ate a lot of chicken...... also scotch. Food baby.

    Meier, I know the feeling of getting out of a relationship and thinking about how insecure that other person made you and you DIDN'T EVEN KNOW. Way familiar with that.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 12-23-2010 at 12:26 AM.

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  16. #16
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    I hate my hair, but people seem to want it. My mother's friend (jokingly, I hope) wants me to grow it out so that she can have a wig. ¬¬

    I just... don't really know what to do with it. I spent years having it tied back into a plait - when I say years, I ****ing mean it. It was just practical when I was at school or doing things at home because I didn't have hair flying infront of my face. I used to really grow my hair out too, so that when it was wet, it'd just about reach my bum.

    One day, I woke up and wanted it gone. So mum cut it, and it went pretty short (but still quite long for most people). It was too short to put into a plait, which I realise was a good move to make as I don't think it suited me very well - I'd got it into my head that it was childish, and that I can't keep my hair tied back like that forever. I went into school, and people thought I'd dyed my hair, haha. I spent a good hour beating people off and convincing them it was my natural colour. The people who'd known me since primary school were a little shocked. xD

    At the moment, I like having my hair as it is now: just below shoulder length, but long enough to tie into a small ponytail, and shorter bits at the front so that I have falling bits at the side.

    As well as the plait stage, I was also quite a tomboy. I still am in some aspects, but I do like more girlie clothes. Before it was a pair of baggy bottoms and a t-shirt, now it's a pair of dark jeans and a lower cut top. Which is weird because I remember being so self-conscious of showing too much, since about last summer, I've just had the confidence to show more. Yes, I still wear the odd hoodie (I live in England, so it's stupid not to own them), but I like low-cut tops.

    Never been a shoe person though. I used to like Reebox trainers, but I really love Airwalks now. I remember trying on a pair of heels for my NRA (leaving party) at school, and I couldn't even walk around the store in them. ^^;

    All of the changes have made me a happier, more confident person, I think.

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  17. #17
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    Ah beauty, never went for it, though I still have the occasional person envious of a thing or two.

    My sense of fashion is thus: I go for practical clothing over anything else and from there usually go with darker colours (unless something really stands out for me. The only way I use clothing to express myself is generally jewelry. I have three piercings that usually include two decent sized sleepers and a stud I like the design of and cover my right hand in stainless steel rings - skintight so they're almost like a knuckleduster, but all designs I like such as birds, or Celtic patterns.

    And my hair, well I only ever cut any of it when work (previously school) demanded it. And this is one of those things that gets some of my lady friends jealous: I *never* go for a trim and don't seem to have any real problem with split ends. Work requires a ponytail, and sometimes I'll wear one and or a headband when it needs to be out of my face, but otherwise I can just leave it be.
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  18. #18
    Bananarama You look sexy! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    I used to have my hair parted down the middle in that typical 90s fashion, back in the day. Then I went to the front flip/ spiked style, and then to a Cesar (not Loco), and then back to spiked. Now I just buzz it down and say **** it. I've also managed to keep my chops for as long as I've been able to grow them.

    Like Meier, I've also trimmed (not shaved) my chest down all the way for an ex. The worst part about that was when it would grow in, it would itch like hell. That, and the fact that my friends and family would make fun of me, saying I looked like a shaved bear.

    I've also grown a goatee because the ex suggested it. Oh man, looking back at those pictures, I looked like such an assclown that it's not even funny. From now on it's beard or no beard.

    As for clothes, I just keep it simple. Jeans and a tshirt, or shorts. When I dress up, like I did on Wed, full suit and tie, people don't recognize me. It's pretty funny.
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  19. #19
    The British Guy. You look sexy! Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: You look sexy!

    i have only ever had three hairstyles.

    Shaved completely but i think i have a big forehead so i didnt like that.
    Second was gelling the front part up but when i turned side on i looked like an uneven diving board.
    and now just your average almost bowl cut but its longer than that.

    I spray dyed it blue a few weeks ago to give my mum a scare.But it easily washed out.

    As for clothes i wear random T-shirts that amuse me Batman, Superman, Spank the Monkey etc.
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