I haven't seen one of these for.. a while.
I enjoy cooking. I actually tried my hand at making sushi. Didn't work out too well considering it takes a while to get your rice up to snuff, despite reading the recipe. OH, and patience. God.. the patience of cleaning the damn short-grain rice thoroughly. For-e-ver.
Aside from that, I've tried my hand at samosas and they turned out pretty well. I love Indian food. It's one of those foods that always has a homey feeling to it. Warm and rich, haha.
For the most part, I make soups. Especially during the winter, I mean, come on. It's not Christmas unless you've got hot soup or hot cocoa (Stephen's Dark Chocolate cocoa, get it. It's Christmas magic in a cup.). Potato and leek, ham & potato, ham & beans (ye old mormon recipe.), etc. Love it.
So, there! Tell me what you cook =D!