Miscommunication really gets at me. I was all like, "You're awesome!" And she was all like, "WTF did you just say you asshole!?" And then I was all:
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Miscommunication really gets at me. I was all like, "You're awesome!" And she was all like, "WTF did you just say you asshole!?" And then I was all:
What really grinds my gears is not so much in my control but your going down the highway or whatever road your driving on and there is a car speeding up behind you. So you get out of that lane and move to the next one where you get stuck behind a slow ass car. When the faster car passes you you signal to get over but now every car and thier mother decide to get out from behind you and keep passing you so your stuck behind this car for far too long...
That and girls that decided to wear revealing clothes then get mad at you for looking.
I never fully understood this one myself. I find it halarious to some extent, specially when you get a called a pervert to taking a second glance at a rack that is about to fall out of a tight halter top.
Then again it is sometimes taken to far when the guy is looking at the woman and makes a crude gesture. That pisses me off. My wife has gotten lot of those remarks over the time we have been together and it has almost lead / lead to fights.
I agree with you there Meier if someone makes a rude gesture thay are just asking to get a hand across the face, but those girls that consciously wake up and go hmmm...how am I going to piss off my mom today.
"This skirt does not even cover the bottom of my thong and this shirt looks like it went through a paper shredder...I GOT AN OUTFIT!!"
*Innocent guy walks down the street and sees her. His head has some sort of magnetic device in it as he continues to walk and stare at her. She proceeds to get pissed off and tell an officer.*
Young slut--1
Innocent bystander--restraining order.
Do you know what really grinds my gears?
So basically every time I sit down somewhere with my computer. The person in front of me gets this in their face? Where is my money for advertising?!
You know what else grinds my gears?
People who say ofTen. Last I checked. The T is silent people! (no offense to anybody that says it this way. We can still be friends =D)
Pronunciation note:
Often was pronounced with a t-sound until the 17th century, when a pronunciation without the /t/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [t] Show IPA came to predominate in the speech of the educated, in both North America and Great Britain, and the earlier pronunciation fell into disfavor. Common use of a spelling pronunciation has since restored the /t/[t] for many speakers, and today /ˈɔfən/[aw-fuhn] and /ˈɔftən/[awf-tuhn] [or /ˈɒfən/[of-uhn] and /ˈɒftən/[of-tuhn]] exist side by side. Although it is still sometimes criticized, often with a /t/[t] is now so widely heard from educated speakers that it has become fully standard once again.
The T is back in style... what was lost is once again found!
It really grinds my gears when I'm tired and just want to lay down but have crap to do.
I hate lying down when i have crap to do because then dont feel like doing it ever.
What really grinds my gears!!!!
Is when people act like their hot shit and tough when their nothing but wussys like im only 135 pounds and skinny but workout 2 to 3 hours a day and this giant guy decides to shove me into a locker so what do i do i drop kick him in the face then jump on his chest and bash his nose wide open and cause him to have a broken nose in 2 places:roflmao:.......he shouldnt of pissed me off.:O
It really grinds my gears when I'm too tired to actually get a good buzz going. I fell asleep after 3 beers last night, and I was trying to get a little toasty. Sigh... I'm getting old.
People who use the term "grinds my gears"
People who put "your" instead of "you're". It's really not all that hard.
Hot sig buddy.
People who love squall pretty much do it for me.
People who won't get out of my way or when they try to piss me off that is just wrong I mean come on I ain't doing anything to you so leave me alone:blowtop:
I was just being smartass. What really grinds my gears is repeating myself and having to wake up before 8am. I hate that.
Those ****ing plastic blister/clamshell packages that electronic devices come in. You know the ones? You break out your psycho pair of scissors and some how the plastic still manages to (A) be impossible to remove and (B) cut you. Just google these mother****ers and you can witness a rebellion in the making. People are pissed. There are literally endless pages filled up with people ranting against the damn things just like I'm doing now. Change is in the wind.
^Ew, I HATE those. They're so annoying. And then when you finally get into the damn things, there are like twisty ties and stuff.
People who talk loudly on cell phones in public places. No one wants to hear your phone conversation.
Bluetooth guy. When you're driving, ok cool. The two hands on the wheel thing will probably save lives, I think. But when you're walking around in public making calls and nobody can see you're on the phone, not only do you look like a clown, but you look like you're all sorts of schizo.
^FOR REAL! My stepdad always walks in the house, and I think he's talking to me. I get so mad when I find out he's not. Although, you could argue its safety. Since your focus is still elsewhere, and not really on the road.
You know what really grinds me gears? People who complain about hating drama, but then doing high schoolish things.
What grinds my gears is the Cleveland Cavaliers. They annoy me. They are not a f*cking team, its just LeBron doing his one man f*cking show. Of course you could say the same about my beloved Los Angeles Lakers, and Kobe....
Another things that grinds my gears is Asian drivers. I have no problem with Asians, I love me some shrimp stir fry if you know what I mean, but drivers shit. It is true that most Asians can't drive. I thought it was just prejudiced things I would, that had no truth but I was behind one tjhis morning. Motherf*cker had his turn signals on for a mile. He was driving 20 in a 55. Douche bag...
Has anyone seen the Fast and the Furious Movies? Do those qualify in your Asian Driver list?
:blowtop:what realy grinds my gears are SLOW PEOPLE and
CHILDREN they just make me lose my mind ...
and people that look and search your sell phone when your gone(and say why do you always write in codes):blowtop:
What really grinds my gears is people who live in USA but make obvious spelling mistakes.
Oh wait...
Yeah but you don't make obvious spelling mistakes. Not from what I've seen =D
The incorrect use of apostrophes. I get really annoyed when someone has bombarded apostrophes in all the wrong places on shop signs or in a post. It also annoys me when people forget to use them all together!
Also, things spelt in text speak. You see it more and more, not just by idiots, but also be companies trying to look cool. It's just irritating.
The older white population is considerably high here. It out weighs the asian populaton by a great deal. I live in North Eastern Kentucky, in the f*cking middle of Appalachia. All of our older white people are crazy drunken or high rednecks that drive like a bat outta hell. What I said isn't true for all asians, their are some good asian drivers, like the ones in Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift. It could just be where I live. It could be that in my area the Asians just can't drive.
Another thing that grinds my gears is bread and butter pickles. I think they are awful, and ruin the name pickles. When I think of pickles I think of salty dills, not sweet....