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Thread: Are you anybodies best friend?

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Are you anybodies best friend? Rowan's Avatar
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    Are you anybodies best friend?

    I was thinking about this today. I dont think im anybodies best friend. Once upon a time , maybe... But not anymore.

    Its kinda depressing.

  2. #2
    I invented Go-Gurt. Are you anybodies best friend? Clint's Avatar
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    That's usually what being an adult is like. Your friends move on and find people who matter more. I don't even talk to the people I once considered my best friends. They started doing heroin and meth, and I wanted nothing to do with them after that. My best friends are my wife and my two brothers. They're the only three people who really get me.

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Are you anybodies best friend? Victoria's Avatar
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    I'd like to think I am. *Glances at Andro and bats her lashes.* Right?~

  4. #4
    I have multiple "best" friends, even though we have grown apart and hardly get to hang out much anymore, they will still remain best friends. Its just a symptom of growing old, you inevitably grow apart, especially when you get into a relationship and have a job, you get **** all time. I still keep in touch with them via whatsapp/facebook, so its not like i dont know whats going on in their lives at all.

    But eh my oldest best friend i still chat to alot and see regularly, actually i have two of them, the other i play games with online, both of them im pals with over 25 years now o_O

    One ive known from school and the other from my neighbourhood, ive always had different factions of friends ive hung out with over the years, depending on what i was into at the time...Toys/Games/Sport/drink/drugs etc

    So yeah id have nearly a "best friend" from each walk of life - Neighbourhood / School / Sports team / Work...

    I'm going to stop talking now as i feel its mostly nonsense?

  5. #5
    The Quiet One Are you anybodies best friend? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yes Shadow we're best friends. ^^

    When I was younger I tended to be very binary, I either have best friends or acquaintances, there were no friends. As I've gotten older, I think I've been a little more open about having a middle ground. But as a result, I do have several very close best friends that I still keep in touch with.

    But you're someone's best friend Rowan, I can't believe there wouldn't be anyone that would think of you as their best friend. There's someone out there.
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  6. #6
    The Mad God Are you anybodies best friend? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    At least 3. And I still hang out with all of them regularly.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Are you anybodies best friend? Josh_R's Avatar
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    I a few friends growing up that I could say was my best friends, but as time went on we all kinda just went our separate ways and we are now friends on facebook who never really talk to each other other than the occasional like on each others post.

    I met a girl through here a few years ago and we used to talk for the majority of the day almost everyday. But she kinda just dropped off the face of the earth and I haven't talked to her in over a year.

    The only best friend I can say I have now is one that I met through a Garry's Mod community that I was running. And he is probably the only person I can really call my best friend we talk to each other with no reservations about shit. Over a year ago his brother who was training to be a police officer was shot and killed at a party and I took two weeks off of work to go down to Miami to be with him and his family. If it wasn't for him I would have never checked myself into rehab and got myself clean. Not gonna let anything **** with that friendship if I can help it.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy Are you anybodies best friend? Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    But you're someone's best friend Rowan, I can't believe there wouldn't be anyone that would think of you as their best friend. There's someone out there.
    Thats nice of you to say. In reality, im incredibly easy to get along with. Doesn't matter if you're religious, of a certain race, gender, sexuality, whatever. I think growing up I didnt surround myself with the best of company, a lot of my friends of whom are intollerant and in general, very negative people. Im seeing the person I would considered my closest friend this weekend. We dont nearly see each other as much as we used too, what with having jobs and Mr's n all, but I think we have the most memories of our teen years together playing in a band and hanging out in the city. We are entering a photo comp for a clothing company of whom are heavily video gamed themed so we are setting up at a mates place with all sorts of playstation gear, posters, clothing from the company etc.

    Ill make sure to drop the photos here afterwards.

  9. #9
    chocolateer Are you anybodies best friend? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I was thinking about this today. I dont think im anybodies best friend. Once upon a time , maybe... But not anymore.

    Its kinda depressing.
    Awww I'll be your best friend!! ^_^

    I made my real friends at college. There were a few people who I thought were my best friends but turned out to be douche bags, during school.

    I hang out regularly with my two best friends that I made at collage, been friends with them for 13 years now. Really found out how much they cared when dad died 4 years ago, they helped me through that a lot.

  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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  11. #11
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Are you anybodies best friend? che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    My only friend is che
    Fk u, mr. oh hey check if you have overwatch beta dude oh wait of course you dont have it HAHAHAHAHA LOL

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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  13. #13
    Death Before Dishonor Are you anybodies best friend? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    My only friend is che
    Che doesn't talk to me

    Are you anybodies best friend?-sadpanda-jpg

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  14. #14
    Memento RK Are you anybodies best friend? Yoko's Avatar
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    I have different categories of friends from all walks of life. The people I met back in high school are worth mentioning because they've literally seen me break down and still like me, so there's that. Then there are some of my sisters friends who I have acquired as my own best friends (It's nice having the same circle of friends). Then there are internet friends whom I have met all because of Final Fantasy, including a special person who some of you know I'll be meeting this year. ^-^

    Although life hasn't always been this way, everyone goes through different stages, but it's the real friends who will show face when times are tough.
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    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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  15. #15
    Gingersnap Are you anybodies best friend? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I am the obvious choice for everyone's best friend.

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  16. #16
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I don't really know tbh. Once upon a time, definitely. But I don't feel like I have many friends any more. Close ones, sure, but we don't hang out as often as we probably should. I sort of became an aunt (one of my closest school friends had a baby) just before Christmas, and I haven't even met the little guy yet. Tbf, I was pretty sick when asked, and didn't want to be around a newborn or ANYONE while I was feeling gross.

    I used to have loads of online friends too. Talked every day on MSN. Now, I just can't do it. I don't know. Not often, at least. At one stage, I'd talk to Victoria and Joe every single day. I've spoken to both this year, but only once really.

    I'm probably a pretty shitty friend anyway...

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    Bleachie says:
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    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  17. #17
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Are you anybodies best friend? Xanatos's Avatar
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    I have several close friends, two of which I'm fairly certain I'm best friends with. I moved to this place a while back, lost few good friends due to it, well, didn't really lose, we just don't see each other nearly as much as we used to. There's Skype, Facebook and whatnot, but it's not the same.

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  18. #18
    Chief Inspiring Officer Are you anybodies best friend? Cyanist's Avatar
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    I've actually never had a friend who hasn't taken advantage of my friendship while repeatedly letting me down when I need their help in return, that sort of behavior isn't very best-friend-ly, so I don't currently have any 'official' best friends. Of course, in their defense, I don't like to depend on other people very much so I don't give out that many chances to prove best-friendly-ness, thus keeping possible friendlies at arm's length and, yeah, that's on me - I've been repeatedly told that I should be more damsel-in-distress-y. On the other hand, I'm always looking for ways to help people (so that I can make them indebted to me. JK ;P) and I know they consider me one of their best friends, so I suppose I loosely qualify. I am somebody's best friend. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

    This post was a complete brain fart.

    Keep chipping away at people with common interests, Rowan, they'll come around.
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  19. #19
    TFF's Resident Messenger Are you anybodies best friend? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    I'd like to think I am the best friend of 11 people...or rather, animals. But really, I think Luca, Jackson, Blue, Lulu, Itsy Bitsy, Stri-P-Grr, Brutus, Cleo, Bella, Cinderella, and Aurora just tolerate me because I feed them.

    As for real people, I don't get close enough to care whether I am their best friend or not. I certainly don't consider anyone my best friend.
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  20. #20
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Are you anybodies best friend? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I -think- I'm a couple people's best friends.

    One of my 2 besties from my hometown says that I'm pretty much the only friend from grade school she still talks to on an even remotely regular basis. And that no matter how much time goes by between us not talking, it's always like no time has passed at all- we just pick up where we left off.

    And my other hometown bestie that I've had for over 20 years is basically my sister. We've always called each other's parents mom & dad- I still call her mom "mom" and she still calls my dad "dad" (the other halves of our parents are dead. Her dad died of cancer a bunch of years ago, and y'all know what happened with my mom..). She's been begging me to move back down to where we're from, buuuuut I refuse.

    And ofc, I'm my feyonce's best friend. XD And he's mine. He's really the only person I can trust 100% besides maybe my dad. We never get sick of each other, and honestly... We'd rather hang out at home by ourselves with the animals than be around other people.

  21. #21
    I have a best friend. We're in our mid-30's so we both stay pretty busy.

    I should call him.
    "I find this all to be highly inappropriate."

  22. #22
    Queen Are you anybodies best friend? Crescent's Avatar
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    Yesss. Since kindy! We always joke about how we might have been in the same nursery. I feel pretty lucky to have someone (outside of family family) thats known me since practically birth. We actually do finish off each other's sentences, share inside jokes n msg each other random crap throughout the day. She's been there thru ALL my major ups n downs in life n we've travelled together many times. Legit I would go to jail for that hoe. Other close (jus not as close) friends I still hang out with just as much Ive known since high school n from work.

  23. #23
    Crash Boom Bang Are you anybodies best friend? Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    Yeah, got my bestie Clare, been friends since we started working together when i was 18 think she was 16 . I am 33 now #old I don't have many actual friends, but the ones I have are very good friends, she is just my bestest :3

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