Earlier today at around 6:30 in the evening, I was driving home from my classes at the university I go to. I managed to cross the line on the speed limit while the traffic light was on yellow, but it turned red 3/4 of the way before I could cross to the other side. After that, I noticed that I got flashed.
"Oh, shi7!"
Along the way, I figured that I shouldn't worry about it and if I do get a ticket, I would take ownership for my mistake and pay off the fine. Even so, I couldn't keep myself from wondering if the violation for running a red light is justified even though the light changed when I was in the middle of the intersection. It wouldn't be smart of me to stop in the middle of traffic then back up while drivers are still behind me.
I'm generally a good driver. I do my best to follow the rules of the road and I admit, I make mistakes here and there. Should I have any reason to worry? What would you do in a situation like this? Got any tips so I don't do this again? I probably also have some ideas of my own.