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  1. #1
    Synthesized Ascension WTF!  New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling Zardoch's Avatar
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    WTF! New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling

    As a person who finds the global warming conspiracy theory that it is man-made ridiculous, I couldn't help but laugh when I read this article a few days ago. Apparently, there have been new records of temperature drops all over the world INCLUDING snow in BAGHDAD [The first time they have EVER seen snow] and like the article says, this has all happened within the period of the last 12 months. Hell, even my state who has seen barely ANY snow for a couple years in winter have gotten pounded by snow storms like it was only 10 years ago. Crazy, isn't it?

    Here's a link to the article btw.

  2. #2
    The Quiet One WTF!  New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah, my dad has always had the theory that the planet have warm and cold cycles. And those cycles were decades long if not longer. And that all the global warming was just a warm cycle the earth was in and now we are entering a cooling cycle. While I don't know how sound it is, it makes a lot more sense than the things that the media and Gore would have you believe. All the cold weather really makes you wonder about all that global warming they are talking about. I know in Illinois we've have freaky weather, 10 degree one day and 60 the next. But I remember having a fairly mild summer, but winters been pretty cold. We've also have had a lot more snow than I can remember in recent years. Last year we had one big one, but this year has been one snow storm after another each week almost. The snow clears just in time for more snow.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kame
    Apparently, there have been new records of temperature drops all over the world INCLUDING snow in BAGHDAD [The first time they have EVER seen snow] and like the article says, this has all happened within the period of the last 12 months.
    One of the side effects of global warming is an increase in extreme weather.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    While I don't know how sound it is, it makes a lot more sense than the things that the media and Gore would have you believe.
    The media and Gore? Ha.

    The planet goes through hot and cold cycles due to many things. That isn't being disputed. But we are being childish if we dismiss the impact our burning of fuel and other resources has on the environment.

    When did anti-intellectualism become such a fad? Do you people really think scientists are making this up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia entry on global cooling
    This hypothesis never had significant scientific support, but gained temporary popular attention due to press reports following a better understanding of ice age cycles and a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s. Earth as a whole has not been cooling in recent decades, but is in a period of global warming.
    Last edited by Walter Sobchak; 03-05-2008 at 11:30 PM.

  4. #4
    Sir Prize WTF!  New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling Sinister's Avatar
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    What happens when Global Warming causes the polar ice caps to melt? The now thawed ice (i.e. cold water) starts to cool off more water which circulates the globe and causes cooler weather, then eventually has to heat up again via Global Warming. It swings back and forth but the final word is...Global Warming is real.

    The question you should ask yourself is, what's causing it. I do NOT think that it is anthropogenic, but most scientists will tell you it is... More to learn, we still have[/Yoda voice].


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  5. #5
    Synthesized Ascension WTF!  New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    The planet goes through hot and cold cycles due to many things. That isn't being disputed. But we are being childish if we dismiss the impact our burning of fuel and other resources has on the environment.
    Oh, I've heard both sides of the argument, but I've also heard how much our own planet releases similar or same chemicals as our fuels do, I.E. those volcanoes that emit more CO2 into the atmosphere than more than we ever have. So yes, it would be stupid to say that we've had nothing to do with it because there are times when our industrialization has made a impact, but compared to what nature is spewing out it's a minor impact.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    When did anti-intellectualism become such a fad? Do you people really think scientists are making this up?
    I wouldn't call it anti-intellectualism, but moreso claiming "bullshit" on what they think is happening. I mean if there was empirical proof that man was to blame for the earth's warming and cooling then I'd jump on the bandwagon like everybody else, yet there's not and there are many questions they can't seem to answer.

    Besides, science advancement doesn't advance if you don't question the theories and in this case there is some evidence supporting that idea of man-made destruction, and also evidence against it.

    Anyway, it wouldn't be the first time some scientist made something up as not all of them are reliable. I wouldn't consider Gore a scientist either and since he helped popularize this mainstream idea I couldn't simply trust his words as truth because of it; him and other scientist that are under his wing, of course.

  6. #6
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    When did anti-intellectualism become such a fad? Do you people really think scientists are making this up?

    FOX News does.

    In all seriousness, it's beyond documented that the earth IS INDEED warming. There is no concrete evidence to support the theory that it's caused by "green house gasses" or the burning of fossil fuels, but I believe if it is indeed OUR fault, the earth will fix it's self, even if it means going into another ice age to wipe most of us out.

    We aren't even a blip on the radar that is the life span of the earth. It'll far outlive us, even if it has to kill us to do it.

    Just thought I'd throw this out there....

    Sunday's weather here was amazing. Mid to low 60s, at least. Clear skies, cool winds, great day to be outside, I even went for a bike ride.
    Monday was raining and shit-**** cold.
    Tuesday we got 8-12 inches of snow and it was even more shit-**** cold.
    Wednesday we hit 45 almost 50 degrees and ALL of the snow is gone.
    Last edited by Sean; 03-06-2008 at 05:18 AM.

  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I won't claim to know what's going on, global warming, global cooling, whatever other possibility. But I do know what I've seen, and that's some pretty frickin' weird weather this side of the globe too. Australia.

    We copped that El nino effect for a while and everything seemed to get way hot for ages. Now we're getting hot days still, but also random cool if not cold days. And random storms with or without rain. And the other week we got hail which we hadn't had in years.

    Something ain't seeming quite right, that's for sure. ><
    victoria aut mors

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Seanny
    In all seriousness, it's beyond documented that the earth IS INDEED warming. There is no concrete evidence to support the theory that it's caused by "green house gasses" or the burning of fossil fuels, but I believe if it is indeed OUR fault, the earth will fix it's self, even if it means going into another ice age to wipe most of us out.

    We aren't even a blip on the radar that is the life span of the earth. It'll far outlive us, even if it has to kill us to do it.
    The proof is not concrete, but scientists agree it is a logical conclusion. So why not take the steps to create cleaner fuel and use solar power?

    As to the second part, what? This isn't Final Fantasy VII. The Earth isn't thinking. The Earth doesn't have ice ages because it has fleas that it needs to get rid of. If you were correct in the idea that the Earth was alive, I would hope it would have flooded and destroyed all the people that think the world is 6000 years old by now.

  9. #9
    Synthesized Ascension WTF!  New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    The proof is not concrete, but scientists agree it is a logical conclusion. So why not take the steps to create cleaner fuel and use solar power?
    I agree with this, actually. The fuels we have now not only pose a threat to some of the environment [some, not all], but they're also hurting our economy especially with foreign oil prices skyrocketing thanks to douche bags hating us. To get out from under the rock we're just to hold over our heads, it'd be much smarter to create NEW fuel systems like that of corn or even from that one guy who actually made a car run on water. Plus, I saw that there's going to be a "solar tape" or something like that that will be affordable for everyone to use for many convenient needs.

    But yeah, while I do claim bullshit on their part when it comes to man-made destruction, I do not disagree that we shouldn't push for better ways to harness the cleaner and more proficient fuels/power around us.

  10. #10
    Vagabond Thief WTF!  New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    My brother is stationed in iraq and he wrote us an email saying it snowed and he couldnt believe it. Up here in Mass we've had like tons of snow this year I think they said like 10feet worth or like 5 feet worth I cant rememebr but everytime we get a snowstorm thsi winter its been like a foot of snow and hell we're still getting snow.
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  11. #11
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rikkuffx View Post
    My brother is stationed in iraq and he wrote us an email saying it snowed and he couldnt believe it. Up here in Mass we've had like tons of snow this year I think they said like 10feet worth or like 5 feet worth I cant rememebr but everytime we get a snowstorm thsi winter its been like a foot of snow and hell we're still getting snow.
    New Hampshire got hit harder than Mass... My girlfriend left her car over here for like 3 months and when we went to dig it out yesterday it was literally covered from tire to side view in snow and ice. Goddamn mother nature.

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  12. #12
    Something's changing. And, like El Wray said, it would be simple foolishness to assume that we've got nothing to do with it. Yes, volcanoes spew CO2 - but they are few and far between. They're not pumping CO2 into the atmosphere every day like we are; and they're not big or sustained enough to cause any damage that can't be naturally reversed during the times when they're not releasing gases. The difference with humanity is that we give nature no time to reverse anything at all.

    Global 'warming' is different for every part of the world, since every part of the world is subject to different winds, seas, etc. I am in Scotland; currently, I'm on a latitude above most of Finland, a land which is perpetually covered in snow, and I'm about level with Siberia. My country is not covered in snow all of the time like these places, simply because the UK is right next to and takes a lot of heat from the Gulf Stream, an extremely warm, powerful and important ocean current in the Atlantic that stems, as the name suggests, from the Gulf of Mexico.

    Now. Global 'warming' would (and is) having a very bad effect on the Gulf Stream: it's slowing it down. Excess water from the melting poles is both diluting and slowing the Stream, which in turn stops vital heat from reaching the land mass of Scotland. It has stopped completely before, but only for a little bit.

    If it ever stops completely and doesn't resume, my country will be turned into a land of ice and snow by Global 'Warming'.

    So, global warming is a bit of a misnomer. I think it's mostly Earth's natural climactic cycles; but I can't help but feel that we might be fiddling with it in some way, speeding it up, making it worse.

  13. #13
    Bananarama WTF!  New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling Pete's Avatar
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    You mean global warming isn't caused by the gays?
    And the dinosaurs didn't all die because of Adam and Steve?

    Fox news lied.
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  14. #14
    Did you hear about the Air Car yet? They're being developed in France.

    They run on engines powered by compressed air. From the report I saw, they're still tweaking it, but the air is compressed en masse and then pumped into the car's air storage tanks. It looks exactly like pumping petrol, only it's air.

    The compressed air pushes the engine, and then leaves the car via exhaust or whatever. Runs on air, gives off only air. The report showed the newscaster driving about in one and everything.

    But here's the best bit - these babies can do up to 80mph, and only cost £2500 (US$5000, roughly) to buy! Two and a half grand for a car that doesn't harm anything!

    They said they've still got a bit of development to go yet though. It's being designed by a former F1 race engineer, and if and when they're put on sale I'll be first the bloody queue.

    How neat is that?

  15. #15
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Here's the main problem most people don't think of when it comes to alternative-fuel cars.

    Fuel companies don't WANT you to stop buying gasoline at their current outrageous prices. You WILL NOT see fueling stations every 1-2 city blocks like you do now that contain the fuel necessary to power a hydrogen powered car, ect.

    And no James, you kinda blew what I said out of proportion a bit, but I really do feel that the earth can and will fix it's self and it may be by some sort of event that would wipe out most of humanity as a side effect.

    There's also scientific evidence (backed by fuel companies and FOX news I'm sure) that states that fossil fuels are actually unending, and that it's a chemical process that takes place deep in the earth's core that pushes crude oil nearer to the surface making it havestable by us.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post

    There's also scientific evidence (backed by fuel companies and FOX news I'm sure) that states that fossil fuels are actually unending, and that it's a chemical process that takes place deep in the earth's core that pushes crude oil nearer to the surface making it havestable by us.

    I hadn't laughed properly yet today. Thanks.

    Re. fuel and car companies not wanting people to drive alternative cars - they'll go where the money is. Increasingly, they're not that pleased with petrol - the market in it is unstable, and they're not stupid; they pay scientists etc ludicrous amounts to find oil, see how much there is left, and so on, so they can get an accurate picture of when their oily cash cow is going to roll over and die.

    Noticed the recent surge in advertising for hybrid cars? I don't know about America, but they're getting a lot of attention here. As for how many people actually drive them, I don't know.

    I get the feeling that the companies will start to change trends soon. They can afford to be slow about it - they've got enough cars stockpiled, and enough oil to do them in the meantime. They'll always go where the money's going, though.

    They're only a part of oil, really, anyway. The main thing that creeps me out about the oil running out is the thousands of materials and machinery that we won't be able to make/use anymore. I remember learning that plastic is made from oil in Chemistry years ago and freaking out about it, and nobody's really given me a reason to be calm yet.

  17. #17
    The oil companies can only go so far. Truckers are starting to complain about prices, and are talking about blocking gas stations like they did in the good old days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seanny
    There's also scientific evidence (backed by fuel companies and FOX news I'm sure) that states that fossil fuels are actually unending, and that it's a chemical process that takes place deep in the earth's core that pushes crude oil nearer to the surface making it havestable by us.
    I hate FOX News. They are hurting America. From calling Republican child molesters Democrats, to accusing Obama of being Muslim, to this, they need to go.

  18. #18
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    I hate FOX News. They are hurting America. From calling Republican child molesters Democrats, to accusing Obama of being Muslim, to this, they need to go.
    I agree, but that's another debate/discussion for another time.

    I just wanted to point out that my previous post is not my actual views. I view it as bullshit.

    Chevy is the only company that's been pushing alternative fuel cars here, but it's not all over the airwaves. the US government gives a tax break to those who own hybrids, however.

  19. #19
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    I don't know where I stand on the global warming issue. On one side you have Al Gore using very skewed statistics. The earth is millions of years old and we only have recorded temperatures going back a couple hundred years. So yes if you look at just the recorded history, then it would appear that the planet is warming. I don't know if it's our fault or not. Science does kinda show that it might be part of the planet's natural cycle. We may also be helping to speed it up.

    What I do know is that oil companies are about as evil and greedy as the cigarette companies. *Note: I am a smoker. They do their own 'research' and say that their product does nothing to our health or the environment. Instead of looking for alternative fuel sources they would just rather keep screwing over everyone else and the economy so they can line their pockets. What's sad is that Argentina(or some other South American country) has become completely self sufficient on ethanol fuel and their own oil fields. They even have cars that can detect the ethanol to gasoline ratio in your gas tank and the engine automatically runs differently to improve your gas mileage. Because of this their economy is strengthening. Meanwhile here in the states we are still buying overpriced foreign oil, refining it and jacking up the price even more for lame excuses. A rise in Gas prices leads to a rise in shipping costs, which leads to a rise in the price of everything you buy, which leads to a rise in wages, which leads to inflation, a weaker economy, which means the dollar is worth less and foreign oil costs more and the cycle starts again.

    We could easily refine the biowastes from farms into ethanol fuel. In fact in Nebraska they are doing just that. When I drove through their a few months ago, plus was cheaper than regular unleaded, because it was 10% ethanol. Farmers always have extra crops that can't be sold because they don't meet FDA standards. If they were able to sell it to be made into fuel, it would put more money in their pockets, make our fuel cheaper and eventually maybe lower the costs of food here in the U.S. It also keeps our money in our economy and boosts the American Dollar again.

    Okay I am angry now and will keep typing this rant for hours if I don't stop now. *END*

    EDUT: I forgot to write about car companies. I hate those F$%^ers too. I recently went to try and buy a new car with good gas mileage. I wanted to get a Geo Metro, because even though it's got next to no power and is usually known as a cheap crappy car, it has excellent mileage. You used to be able to get one for about $5,000 new. I went to the dealer and they told me that that model had been discontinued. Then the dealer showed me another car that looked exactly the same as a Geo. It had a similar body style and the exact same engine but was selling for $18,000!!! Hybrids will run you $20,000+. The Car companies are taking cars with good gas mileage and jacking the price up. That means lower class people can't afford them and stay in the lower class. On top of that if you are gonna spend that much on a "Geo" you might as well spend a little more and get an awesome car or truck. Has anyone hear heard of the 'Gas Guzzlers' Tax? It's this new tax you pay when buying a car with bad gas mileage. All these goddamn car companies are trying to make money off the rising gas prices, meanwhile they are getting grants for 'research' into more fuel efficient engines. But you know what they do with these more efficient engines? They give them so much power or make them for trucks and SUVs so they still get crappy MPG. $@#% em' all.
    Last edited by Mike; 03-10-2008 at 10:47 PM.

  20. #20
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    From a food standpoint, Corn is becoming more expensive in America because of the fact that oil companies are now buying excess corn, and poor farmers have come to learn they can make more for just selling their corn to the oil companies instead of selling it to grocery stores, thus making themselves more money and weakening the chain of supply for consumption.

    Note: Corn is used to create Ethanol, and fuel companies are responsible for creating it, so either way it's still money in their pockets, no matter what we as consumers buy for fuel.

    I think it's Brazil you're thinking of Mike, and they converted in the mid 1980s and went through a horrible economic downfall for over a decade. It's only NOW that they are finally pulling out of a near-depression because of the fact that foreign oil from the middle-east has become increasingly expensive.

    Geo got bought out by Chevy and Chevy remamufactured the Metro into a piece of shit.

    On a related note: My 2002 Pontiac Sunfire, $13,000 brand new, 115 Horse Power 2.0 Liter 4cyl got LESS gas mileage than my replacement: a 2002 Ford Mustang 3.2 Liter 6yl with 210 or so Horsepower which was around 17,000 brand new, which gets HALF the gas mileage of IT'S replacement, my current car, a 2005 Honda Accord 3.0L DOHC VTEC 240HP 6cyl that I paid around $24,000 for new.

    If you didn't notice what I was saying with all the numbers, I started with a slow, powerless, 4cylinder car that got the worst gas mileage of the 3. The best of the 3 was the car with the biggest engine, the most horsepower, and, obviously, the most expensive.
    Last edited by Sean; 03-11-2008 at 02:40 AM.

  21. #21
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    I don't think corn should be the only plant used to make bio-ethanol.
    Ethanol can be produced from a variety of feedstocks such as sugar cane, bagasse, miscanthus, sugar beet, sorghum, grain sorghum, switchgrass, barley, hemp, kenaf, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, sunflower, fruit, molasses, corn, stover, grain, wheat, straw, cotton, other biomass, as well as many types of cellulose waste and harvestings, whichever has the best well-to-wheel assessment.
    We have so many different crops in the US that we shouldn't have to cut into the food supply to produce ethanol. Just use the "biowaste" tat is to mean crops that don't meet FDA standards.

    Sean, The metro was always a piece of shit. But it was a reliable piece of shit and was very cheap. now it is an expensive piece of shit. The Metro became the Chevrolet Aveo. In 2004 the Aveo cost aprox $5,000 to $6,500. The current model now costs $9,500 - $13,000. For those of you saying, "That's still not too expensive>" The car is still a piece of crap. It's like taking an old rusted out Buick that's only worth $500, putting $1,000 rims on it and spending $500 on some paint for it, then truning around and selling it for $6,000. That's Bullshit.

  22. #22
    The glaciers are going to be gone in a few decades.

    Game. Set. Match.

    But yea, Al Gore made it up. And these scientists too. I will withhold judgment until Bill O'Reilly tells me what to think.

  23. #23
    Sir Prize WTF!  New recored temperatures reveal massive Global Cooling Sinister's Avatar
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    Has anyone heard the slice of news that says that Mars is undergoing very similar global warming? I was wondering if this was propaganda or is it for sure? It smells like propoganda but I don't know what source, if any, leaked it. If it is true, then it would be pretty hard to maintain that global warming is still anthropogenic.

    But like I said, I am unsure of the source. And I am far too unconcerned and lazy to search for the actual data. Sad but True.

    All of it will be revealed in time.


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  24. #24
    Global Warming created by humans is fake. The sun is on it's new solar cycle, as well as many other things. None of this matters however since the Mayans (which vanished years ago without trace) are all returning in 2014 when the world ends. (According to many different civilization's calendars)


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