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  1. #1
    Banned Would you? Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Would you?

    Okay, so, you head to India. They're serving horse/dog/cat. Would you do as the Romans do and take a leg of fluffy, or would you protest all the while remaining quiet about how in your country you regularly consume an animal many there consider a god?

  2. #2
    Well first off, knowing that India does not serve cats/dogs/or horses, I would eat mostly chicken. More often than not, when lamb is offered on the menu in India, it is usually goat meat. But every part of India is different on what they eat. Most parts being vegetarians. Water Buffalo is also common is some area's and I'd be willing to try that. But to answer your question, I guess I would stick to whatever was closest to what I would normally eat at home. So Chicken or Fish would be my choices. The only countries that I know of, and I'm sure there are more, that eat dog meat is China and Vietnam. And no, I would not even attempt to eat dog/cat/or horse meat.
    When they come to our country, they don't change their habits or beliefs, so why would I change mine if I travel to their country.

  3. #3
    Bananarama Would you? Pete's Avatar
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    I agree with Koda. If it looks strange, I'll ask what it is. If it's an animal that I'd have as a pet, sorry, I'd politely decline. Though, I'd definitely have bison steaks, or venison, hell even giraffe. As for dogs and cats, no thanks.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  4. #4
    Imperius Rex Would you? Storm's Avatar
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    I'm extremely fussy with meat so i'll go for the familiar. I completely disagree with eating carnivorous animals, wild animals, reptiles or anything too small (such as frogs). I also won't eat any of my favorite animals. The trade in horsemeat is very cruel, so I would never eat horse. That and I wouldn't fancy eating one anyway. I'll be happy eating vegetables- i'm fine with new vegetables, cheeses, spices etc.

    I also have a belief that one must know an adequate amount of language before contemplating going to another country. If theres a meat and I dont know what it is and cant be given a good idea of what it is, I'm likely to reject.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
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  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I know what I like to eat, and I'd usually stick with that if I have that option availiable. However, I DO like trying new things, and if I like the sound of something, I'll try it. I don't think I'd try any meat that has come from an animal that I'd/people would have as a pet though, so that means no dog, cat, rabbit... you get the idea.

    There are a few meats I'd like to try, like croc and kangaroo is supposed good - but then Kangaroo's are one of my favourite animals, so I'm kinda stuck.

    Oh, another thing - lets say I end up stranded some place, hundreds of miles from any kinda civialization (sorry if spelt wrong), I'll... well... have to expand what I believe right to eat, and bad to eat. That list won't extend to any human lol, but I'll eat a frog if I had too.

    Ha, but I'm just as happy with veggies than meat!

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  6. #6
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    There are a few meats I'd like to try, like croc and kangaroo is supposed good - but then Kangaroo's are one of my favourite animals, so I'm kinda stuck.
    Both are pretty damned tasty. And at times Skippy and his gang reach pest numbers. They outlast cattle in drought and eat up all the grazing land. So give a hoot, eat a roo. (That said get someone who knows what they're doing to cook it, as often when inexperienced people make it it tastes pretty shitty). Also, it's possible to find some roo sausages (and no I don't mean fecal matter sausages) in local supermarkets from time to time. Just gotta be here in Australia.

    Crocs are endangered I think. Not supposed to kill them, but then they are pretty tasty too. There's some nice meat under those scales...

    I've been known to try unusual foods, if only to see if they taste decent. There are some animals I'd probably rather not eat for whatever reason, but say they were the last edible meat, then chances are I'd eat them. I see edible animals as being either friend/companion or potential food.
    victoria aut mors

  7. #7
    Registered User Would you? Halie's Avatar
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    Ugh. No. I'd never eat it. I know it's what they believe in, but what about what we believe in? Is it really that hard to grow a pair of balls and say 'No thank you' and actually explain why you wouldn't want to eat this particular meat? It's not that offensive. Sure, they like to eat it. But we keep these animals as domestic pets, so we have a right to refuse to eat them.

    I'd rather starve to death than eat a cat. It's in my culture.

  8. #8
    well seeing as how i've eaten squid and snails before, i'd say i would probably just eat it and hope it tasted good. they obviously eat it for a reason so it can't be too awefuly bad. i can't say that they do serve those things but if they did i would probably eat them.

  9. #9
    Banned Would you? Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    I'd eat a dog or a horse maybe, but not a cat. I love cats too much. True story.

  10. #10
    I'd try out the food. I've never had Dog, so I would like to see how it tasted. I wouldn't want to eat it from a place that tortures the dogs first, though. In North Korea, they believe that the more horrible the death, the better it tastes, because of all of the adrenaline that is being pumped and released throughout the body. I saw an 8 minute video on it, and it was pretty horrible.

  11. #11
    Banned Would you? Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilium View Post
    IIn North Korea, they believe that the more horrible the death, the better it tastes, because of all of the adrenaline that is being pumped and released throughout the body.
    I wonder if that's true. I kind of hope not, because I like animals but I also like a tasty meal.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Christ View Post
    I wonder if that's true. I kind of hope not, because I like animals but I also like a tasty meal.
    Well, I saw a video on snuffX that was over 8 minutes on the topic, and the footage that was shown, along with the info that was given during and in between some of the clips... it was pretty disturbing. They hung a dog, they threw a dog into a giant tub of boiling water, starved some dogs and forced them to stand and walk, etc.

    Why is it that seeing an animal suffer affects people worse than seeing a human suffer. It seems like in horror movies, and in real footage, it's always more sad to see a dog's life ending than a humans...

  13. #13
    Banned Would you? Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lilium View Post
    it's always more sad to see a dog's life ending than a humans...

    PETA much?

    Nah, just kidding, you're alright. Interesting though. Sad, yeah, but interesting.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilium View Post
    Why is it that seeing an animal suffer affects people worse than seeing a human suffer. It seems like in horror movies, and in real footage, it's always more sad to see a dog's life ending than a humans...
    Because they're more defenceless is why, I think. The difference between a human killing a human and a human killing a dog, or many other animals, is that the victimised human is more capable of defending themselves than the victimised animal. For this reason, we take more pity on the dog.

    As for the issue of eating... I don't actually know. There's no way I could eat cat or dog.... but I could eat a horse. Only if I was offered it, however. I have no idea why... but my morals just don't forbid eating such an animal. Maybe because I've never been close to one. I do not know. II guess I could eat anything that isn't kept as a domestic pet.

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  15. #15
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Would you? Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Yes i would, i mean why not right? It's food, it's different if itdoesn't taste good then you can tell other people about your experience. Me personally would like to try all different meats i would like to try whale to see what all the fuss is about but yeh im a chef so different foods apeal to me.


  16. #16
    Bananarama Would you? Pete's Avatar
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    All in all, I'm sure anything would taste pretty good with enough barbecue and/or hot sauce. But really, I like dogs way too much. The Chinese can have their cats.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  17. #17
    I don't think I'd be able to accept the dog or cat for the same reasons as everyone else. Half the animals in the worlds scare me to death, but I love the rest of them. I can eat horse, buffalo, sheep, venison, snake, pork, beef, cricket, silkworm, frog, snail, chicken, pigeon, and any type of seafood, but I've never been attached to any of those animals. Cats and dogs are just too "pet-like" for me to eat them.

    I would take almost anything else they offered though.

  18. #18
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Okay, so eating a cat or dog? Nooo. I hear some people cook and eat guinea pigs. WTF? No way. I'd never eat any kind of animal I consider something I could care for.

    The only meat I eat anyway is chicken, cow and turkey. And even then, I barely eat turkey and chicken.

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  19. #19
    I invented Go-Gurt. Would you? Clint's Avatar
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    I wouldn't mind eating a dog. I mean, I've been to Mexico. A lot of the meat that they serve there is dog meat. I had no idea that I was eating dog meat at the time. It was only until later that I found out that it wasn't chicken. So, since dog tastes like chicken, and chicken tastes like everything, that would mean that dog tastes like everything, therefore, I would have no problem eating a dog.

  20. #20
    Please, just give me the horse, dogs eat u know what, and cats... well I'll leave that alone.

  21. #21
    Sure, I'd eat them. I'd like to try them out if I had a chance. If it tastes good, I'd eat it. If it doesn't, I wouldn't.

    What I can't stand is seafood. I've tried different ones, but I haven't had any that I've managed to eat. So, I guess it isn't too unlikely that I would not like cat, or dog, or what have you, thus I would end up not eating them. I'm very picky about food.

    Pets or not, they are animals just like all others. And I'm not very fond of keeping pets anyway, even though I do like animals a lot. Even if I did; they're not my pets. Now that I would have a problem with. That's like a friend, so no.

  22. #22
    Bananarama Would you? Pete's Avatar
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    Though, by that logic, you'd have no problem eating your neighbor's cat or dog. That's kinda messed, dude. But then again, I've already heard about you liking some really messed up shit. All I know is that if I have pets, I'm gonna start keeping them inside until I see one of my favorite msnbc specials

    The more I think about it, I'm starting to see things differently. If I was not aware of what I was eating, then I guess I would eat it. Unless of course it was served with the carcass mostly intact, like chicken. Though, if you told me afterwards, I would probably be mildly to moderately upset, based on the animal. I wouldn't puke it up though, cause I wouldn't bother wasting food, nor do I enjoy booting.

    Fun fact, years ago, my friend served me foie gras at this restaurant function that he was in charge of. I had no idea what it was until I finished it. It was delicious, but I wasn't really happy with him when he told me what it was: force-fed goose liver.
    Last edited by Pete; 08-05-2008 at 06:05 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  23. #23
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Though, by that logic, you'd have no problem eating your neighbor's cat or dog. That's kinda messed, dude.
    Yeah, but imagine the look on his neighbors' face.

    I mean, who goes to somebodies' house and says "excuse me, sir, but have you taken a chunk out of my dog?"

    Hahah. In any case, it's besides the point. I felt a little bad when I ate duck. It was damn good, though. Like chicken, but more melty-in-the-mouth.

    Never eat rabbit though. And people used to eat pidgeons. I mean, seriously. Come to London, take your pick and leave. It'd be great, you know, if they weren't disease-ridden and whatnot.

    Too many of those rats with wings. And not even very cute rats at that.

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  24. #24
    beep boop. Would you?
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    If I don't see it gutted, I'll try it. Dog and cat.. eh. As long as it's not MY dog, I don't care.

    I love sushi and sashimi, so raw foods don't really bother me much. In fact, that's my favorite.. that and Indian food<3. I've become partial to pork based Vietnamese soups that have random parts of animals in them. Yuuuuuuum~!

    turd burglar.

  25. #25
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Would you? Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    If I don't see it gutted, I'll try it. Dog and cat.. eh. As long as it's not MY dog, I don't care.
    I'm in the same boat. As long as I don't know the animal personally, I'll try dog or cat or anything else at least once. You know what, strike that. There's a noisy dog across the street that could benefit from a long slow dip in a pot full of water with taco seasoning in it. Hoo, delicious.

    But the way I see it is that, if I'm going to go to a place like India, I want to experience their culture full on. To me, there's nothing more rude than going to a place with a completely different culture, seeing what they do, and going "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU HOW CAN YOU DO THAT YOU HEATHEN LOL NO WAIT NO LOL THIS IS SERIOUS." But that's just me.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  26. #26
    Bananarama Would you? Pete's Avatar
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    Yeah, Chez I hate pigeons too. Far too many of them in the city. I can't imagine anyone wanting to eat them though. Freakin disgusting.

    And on a side note to Melanie, I had to pull that little bag of chicken entrails out once, and I booted all over the place. Granted, I was about 8, and my mom asked me to do it for some reason, but I booted, and I did not have any of that chicken that night. Kinda funny
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  27. #27
    Would you? Cearo's Avatar
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    Personally, I wouldn't go out of my way for it... but if I was hungry enough... it's the need to survive over my love for horses or pets... I could always donate to societies afterwards to help try to clean my conscience...
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  28. #28
    Would you? You's Avatar
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    Its hard to say until im actually faced with the prospect. But I think I would at least see if I could handle eating it and if it tastes good then I probably would get over the fact that its a lovable cat or something. If it tastes bad it would just make me think about what it is and where it came from more. But like I said its hard to say until im in the situation...

  29. #29
    I guess this wouldn't really be an issue for me since I'm a Vegan. If it has a face and takes a crap or if it comes from something that has a face and takes a crap it just seems nasty.

    Now I wouldn't mind watching someone else eat it. I'd say "Bon Appétit". I love that show where that guy travels all over the world and eats all sorts of nasty crap. Always amusing .


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