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I wonder if that glib rebuttal of yours is something you just couldn't resist or if you thought it out carefully. I really couldn't disagree more.
Wikileaks isn't there to help us police the American government, that wasn't it's purpose. And if you think they care, you're naive. The people who turn over information aren't all martyrs or heroes, they're not all doing it for good causes. And even if they are, I wonder if even they can forsee all of the results of their actions.
And it has EVERYTHING to do with timing. The Geopolitical norm is something like a Jinga tower...what you don't want to do is **** with it unless you know how. At a time where our economy is still recovering, where North Korea has begun attacking South Korea, where tensions between the US and competitor nations are beginning to soar, the helpful ministrations of a global espionage wikipedia releasing out our classified documents is not a blessing. If you think it's a cureall for government dishonesty, you must not realize the addictiveness of dishonesty. It's about as helpful as a land mine is at surgically amputating limbs.
I'm not crying wolf, the sky isn't falling...yet. And I'm not even spouting patriotism. But in such a tense time, I'd like a few less irritants and that's what Wikileaks is at the moment.