Learning. Lazy. Thus, can't do more then one....cascade?
You know, I picked up Juggling in December, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Wanted to see if anybody else wanted to talk about it, had any tips, or questions, or whatever.
I've got the basics down, Cascade's, Showers (both directions), juggler's tennis, overhead cascade's,,,
Plus I've got a box down, a force bounce cascade, Mill's Mess, Mike's Mess, Behind the leg force bounces, a few other things.
So what do you have down?
Learning. Lazy. Thus, can't do more then one....cascade?
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
try JuggleWiki
The cascade, if you were asking, is the one where you throwing a small toss back and forth to each hand with at least 3 balls, so that it looks like an infinity symbol.
I don't really need any tips, I just need to practice, I have it down. I'm just lazy.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
No big deal,,, keep it up. But the site, will show you some other really fun and impressive patterns. Check it!
Well this is a nice casual subject that looks fun (I think I've been coming off fairly antagonistic in several of Lockes other threads)
I barely learned juggling a long time ago. My big accomplishment was getting more then two balls, lol, if you can even call throwing two balls juggling. Anyways it seems like an interesting talent to have. It improves hand-eye coordination and can be extremely entertaining. It only gets dangerous when people get over the top and do swords or flaming items.
It's an interesting hobby that I should look back into.
Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in
- "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"
-"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)
I learned over the summer, and you are right it is a blast. I'm a tad bit of a slow learner and haven't really picked up anything than the basics (which are still pretty rough). Definitely want to move to pins though.
You can juggle with two balls, if you use one hand.
At least, that's what I tell myself.
*Obligatory testicles joke.* Now Loaf is gonna shoot me for sounding like a 6th grader.Which brings me to my next question...
Of course you can juggle. You're John Locke. If you can survive an eight story fall and walk again after four years in a wheelchair, then you can do anything.
I'm a decent juggler. I can juggle three and a half large round balls. Ironically, that's also the number of testicles I have.
I learned to juggle to demonstrate the forces of gravity. My terrier just doesn't seem to understand gravity. She doesn't listen. All she does is stare at my balls, and occasionally bite one when it drops to the ground. Gravity isn't about putting balls in your mouth.
@ the Clint Eastwood - HUH? lol
@ Atma - Keep it up. I'm glad you want to do pins, because I do find using different props to be a big challenge in itself, but I like the tennis balls, and I'm probably going to trade out for pro-silicon balls. What patterns do you have down so far? Definately work up to Mill's Mess if you haven't already.
I just learned a 4 Ball false cascade YAY!!!! and I am thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to nailing down a 4 Ball shower.