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Thread: Where are your ethnic origins?

  1. #31
    I want to play a game. Where are your ethnic origins? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Where are your ethnic origins?

    Quote Originally Posted by Storm View Post
    I do love how so many people here have Irish ancestory, including me! Its like the Irish are secretly trying to take over the world!
    Yeah, it is wierd. So many Irish folks and now thinking about the spawning of the Irish I think of a Family Guy joke about Irish woman. I'm not going to add to this Irish take-over as I will be giving some diversity to this thread.

    I'm mostly Italian and apparently so far the only one with Italian ancestry here. Both my grandmother's are 100% Italian and one of their parents came from Naples and the other in the Calabria region (I'm thinking somewhere in the Province of Reggio di Calabria). The next biggest chunk is German, my grandfather (father's side) is 100% German however I don't know where his family originates from. From the same grandfather I have inherited a little Norwegian. From my other grandfather (mother's side) I have mostly Dutch and some Cherokee Indian.
    Last edited by Zargabaath; 05-22-2010 at 09:07 PM.

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  2. #32
    The Mad God Where are your ethnic origins? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Where are your ethnic origins?

    I've got a grandfather from Norway, a grandfather from Germany, a grandmother from Finland, and a Grandmother from Sweden. I like booze and Metal, nuff said.
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  3. #33
    This ain't no place for no hero Where are your ethnic origins? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Where are your ethnic origins?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Yeah, it is wierd. So many Irish folks and now thinking about the spawning of the Irish I think of a Family Guy joke about Irish woman. I'm not going to add to this Irish take-over as I will be giving some diversity to this thread.

    I'm mostly Italian and apparently so far the only one with Italian ancestry here. Both my grandmother's are 100% Italian and one of their parents came from Naples and the other in the Calabria region (I'm thinking somewhere in the Province of Reggio di Calabria). The next biggest chunk is German, my grandfather (father's side) is 100% German however I don't know where is family originates from. From the same grandfather I have inherited a little Norwegian. From my other grandfather (mother's side) I have mostly Dutch and some Cherokee Indian.
    My mother is Italian. I'm adopted, which is why I have the different heritages. They're from Montorio, which is near the top part of the "boot".

    Awesome food. I've become quite the Italian food snob.

  4. #34
    Where are your ethnic origins? Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Where are your ethnic origins?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Isn't Jewish ancestry meant to be maternal?
    If one ties the Jewish ethnicity strictly to religion, yes. But if that were the case, I wouldn't need to list this at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Block
    It only passes through the female bloodline. So if your dad is Jewish, but your mother is not; you are not a Jew.
    In the eyes of Orthodox Jewry, certainly not. But their opinions on that topic change as soon as they decide to ask me for money. Then I'm suddenly as Jewish as can be and should contribute to my supposed community.

    Either way, it doesn't really change that I identify as a Jew for whatever reason. It's at least as legitimate as a sober Irishman.
    Last edited by Jin; 04-09-2010 at 01:51 PM.

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  5. #35
    is not a douche Where are your ethnic origins? Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Where are your ethnic origins?

    My mother is from Germany...Frankfurt area. And my father came from Vietnam.
    So I'm half white/ half asian. My father was one of the "boat people" who lost all their money on their way to get to a new country. His family was supposedly pretty wealthy, but they lost their fortune when the communists took over.

    All of my family, minus a few aunts, live in Germany. I don't have any connection to my Vietnamese relatives, unfortunately.

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