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Thread: What's New Peeps!?

  1. #31
    The Quiet One What's New Peeps!? Andromeda's Avatar
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    I don't believe it, Loco. I haven't seen you on XIV in months, so you clearly must not exist. ;p

    But seriously, cross-country that's no small effort. That's very terse though, so I'm left with more questions than answers. I guess I'll find out what's going on later. Going to be returning some activity around here for yourself soon?
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  2. #32
    The Old Skool Warrior What's New Peeps!? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    That's the plan. I just let things get away from me and ended up taking an unscheduled internets vacation. I've done a TON of traveling back and forth lately, and on top of work and a hefty convention schedule, it's been hectic.

    ~ sent from my Galaxy Note 3 via Tapatalk Pro
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  3. #33
    Gingersnap What's New Peeps!? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Yeah but you live like in the middle of the country, so no one knows what that means.

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  4. #34
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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  5. #35
    Bananarama What's New Peeps!? Pete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I died, came back to life.
    Jesus Christ, enough with the puns.

    Also, Cesar, it's tough to build suspense in a thread that gets 3 posts a week. Out with it!
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  6. #36
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Yeah but you live like in the middle of the country, so no one knows what that means.

    Yeah, I was thinking this myself. Is it really cross country if you go from the middle to the not middle?


    To the topic at hand:

    Graduated college, finally. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. I guess I can call myself a scientist now. Or something. The last semester was kicking my ass so hard, I haven't read a book for leisure since December, and didn't have much time to play games. My one class was basically a full time job, I was writing code ~ 30 hours a week for these projects, and then acting as the unofficial tutor for my classmates quite a lot.

    Been resume carpet bombing. No good offers yet. Kinda kicking myself for turning down the internship offer I was given a few months ago, but I thought I'd get a real job w/ my degree.

    Still w/ the wife I married three years ago last Tuesday.

    Still live in St. Louis

    Wife did some serious damage to her ankle in a car wreck the week before finals week, and then had foot surgery for an unrelated issue that has had me taking care of her for about a month now.

    Didn't play bloodbourne, but The Witcher 3 ate about 100 hours of my new-found free time and it was amazeballs.
    Last edited by Sean; 06-09-2015 at 11:13 AM.

  7. #37
    Boxer of the Galaxy What's New Peeps!? Rowan's Avatar
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    Well most of y'all know that I proposed to my fiance' 6 months ago, and we are currently waiting until we move out together before we set a date. Im finding that all the money Im making , I'm just saving all of it, because I dont wanna spend another day without being able to call her my wife.

  8. #38
    The Old Skool Warrior What's New Peeps!? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Sean! The thumbs up is definitely not for the ankle and surgery.

    To answer the question...

    Oregon! I suppose it's not "cross country" but it's definitely a 30 hour drive through the mountains! I get to go pal around with ol' Mel on the regular. It'll be good times!

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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  9. #39
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    To answer the question...

    Oregon! I suppose it's not "cross country" but it's definitely a 30 hour drive through the mountains! I get to go pal around with ol' Mel on the regular. It'll be good times!

    ~ sent from my Galaxy Note 3 via Tapatalk Pro
    Thank shit, the suspense was litrally killingme.

    Although I think you posted somewhere already that you were going to Portlandia.

    Just don't get dysentery on the way, kay?

  10. #40
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 What's New Peeps!? T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GypsyElder View Post
    What up guys!

    What are some new developments in your lives? I want to hear everything.
    Well, for someone who appears once in (several) blue moons...

    New job?

    Yes! After about two years of looking nearly everywhere, managed to get a a restaurant. Good thing: it's literally steps away from my house, so I just have to walk from home to work, and back again; also, it's really fun. Bad thing: because I live so close to the restaurant, I have no excuses for getting late (OR skipping work, though I *can* just show them how sick I really am by merely walking there early on), and being an Expo can be...daunting. Being a Runner can be so easy in comparison...

    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life?

    New place? where?
    Nope, either. Besides, with the new mall right at the front of my house, why would I want to move?

    How is work and or school?
    As mentioned, being an expo (aka, the person who checks that every food order coming from the kitchen is complete, not to mention filling up the required sauces and basically managing the movement of the kitchen alongside the kitchen manager) can be daunting. Running the food is easier in comparison...particularly on weekends, where the restaurant is full to the brim and orders just multiply. However, workmates are comprehensive, the restaurant ambiance is fun...and it's close to home when I needed it the most, so I have no qualms about it (particularly since it's my chance of returning to college).

    Any juicy gossip?, not really, besides that one of the first actual luxury shopping malls in Puerto Rico recently opened, and it's right at front of my house. Has a few places where I pay the bills, which makes it great.

    Nope. Waiting to play Shadowrun: Hong Kong, tho. August can't come too soon.
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
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    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

  11. #41
    Guys I'm super excited, I'm finally getting some research experience!

    I got accepted to an internship on campus to perform some statistical analyses for the social science research center. Even though I'm not particularly interested in social science, this is a great starting point. The coordinator had me perform a "task" which really was an assessment to gauge my skill level. Guess I didn't do too bad [Kappa]

    Just thought I would share

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  12. #42
    アズテオル What's New Peeps!? Azuteor's Avatar
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    Holding down the low end.
    What are some new developments in your lives? I graduated college last December, volunteered at a local hospital for 8 months with Information Systems, and I am now working full-time in the same department as a Desktop Support/Technical Analyst. Additionally, I'm going to graduate school part-time for Health Informatics and Information Management. I'm doing pretty well weight lifting wise too and have gone to the gym consistently for a year and a half.

    New job? Sure do! Read above! My main role is adding new users into the hospital system and giving appropriate security access to software the users need to perform their jobs. I am doing quite a lot outside of IT work and troubleshooting computers. I assist my boss with auditing, reporting, and HIPAA compliance. The goal is to get to a point where I am doing health data analysis, which my boss is leading my training to. My boss and co-workers are wonderful people. They are very patient, personable, and make me feel like a part of the team.

    New Boyfriend/girlfriend/ dating life? I have been with the same girlfriend for a year now. It will be two years by September 28. We're pretty happy together! My busy schedule makes her miss me a lot since I am not around as much as before when I was still in college. She has about a year of studying left. I do my best to be with her every weekend, Skype, phone call, and text so she doesn't feel too far away from me.

    New place? where? Still in good, ol' Memphis, Tennessee for the past 14 years. I have just begun to appreciate Memphis because of my girlfriend introducing me to local restaurants, businesses, and art and music events.

    How is work and or school? Pretty good so far. I'm getting used to working 8am-5pm and coming home to study until midnight. Next semester, I'm only doing two classes instead of three!

    Any juicy gossip? I'm going to finally see the Foo Fighters play next October!

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