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Thread: What are you getting/giving for the holidays?

  1. #1
    Mystyrion What are you getting/giving for the holidays? C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    What are you getting/giving for the holidays?

    The title says it all.
    Are you getting anything you are dying to get your hands on? A certain game? Computer? New console? Clothes?

    Are you giving anything that you feel really stoked about giving?

    I'm getting a couple games this Christmas and that's about it. I'm giving my father a Surface RT and a 64GB micro SD card, along with a traditional Simpsons gift (this year a wallet). I pitched in 100 bucks to get my mom a DSLR, pretty nice camera and I'm pretty jealous.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    My mom sent me 100 dollars
    My friend bought me a Miami Dolphins Lanyard.

    and my dad got me a Chili's gift card.
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  3. #3
    Registered User What are you getting/giving for the holidays? Halie's Avatar
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    I got me mam a watch, Robbie Williams cd, bath oil and perfume. Got Dad some dvds and cds, but I'm really gutted because since I've been home and been able to see TV adverts again, I've found out that the Stone Roses documentary Made of Stone has come out and he would've LOVED it. I wish I could've gotten it for him. I might brave going into town to get it tomorrow but I've a feeling it'll be heaving and the dvd will probably be sold out in shops. Gutted.

    Got nana some body shop bath stuff and a lovely cardigan/jacket she'll like, got my uncle the Alex Ferguson autobiography, got one of my brothers a breaking bad t shirt, my little brother Monsters Uni. on dvd and Saints Row the Third. I've a feeling that the latter was a bad choice though. He's still really young, but my elder brother lets him lay GTA V so I'm unsure. Apparently he has to play it on mute and he's not allowed to see any raunchy bits (my elder brother plays those parts for him) so SR3 will probably be the same. I've ordered a Ratchet and Clank game just in case though, hopefully it'll be here in time. Got my best mate a breaking bad mug and something One Direction related.

    As for me, I know I've got a Kindle Fire and the first Walking Dead game. And I know my mum is making me a food/essentials hamper to take back to uni with me. Hopefully I'll have things like socks and pyjamas 'cause I am in dire need.

    Merry Christmas errybody

  4. #4
    Got the wife a new North Face jacket w/ hood, some bear paws (boots), the sound of music collectors box set, some new memory foam slippers, a neck massager, some of her favorite candies, and some V/S jammies. Wife bought all the other gifts so idk those lol. Wife got me some stuff idk about but my big gift this year was my ps3 with 40 games for about 300 . . Talk about a bargain, I love having it

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  5. #5
    "my destiny evades me" What are you getting/giving for the holidays? magewarrior's Avatar
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    What are you getting/giving for the holidays?

    Didn't think I was going to get much for Christmas so I bought myself most of my gifts this year All I got this year for Christmas was 60$ in a card from my sister up in Cold Lake and 20$ in the form of an iTunes gift card from my other sister. As for what I got my sisters, I bought a make up kit and a bottle of perfume for my sister here and a very expensive bottle of perfume for my sister up in Cold Lake. Getting back to what I got myself for Christmas. I bought myself a pair of Sony headphones and the first 8 collections of One Piece anyways Merry Christmas everyone ;p

  6. #6
    Being a dad I didn't get much. I did get a new wallet... Danm did I need one of those badly. My old one has been washedmad times. Merry xmas all!

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  7. #7
    #LOCKE4GOD What are you getting/giving for the holidays? Alpha's Avatar
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    We don't really do presents. My dad got me A Feast for Crows (Game of Thrones), and my girlfriend painted this awesome A Clockwork Orange picture, and framed it. I got her a lot of little things from a shop called Japan City which sells a variety of weird things that the Japanese come up with, accessories for her new bike (light, lock, drink bottle holder, etc) and a book by one of her favourite illustrators. She was the only person I got presents for.

  8. #8
    Yea the wife got me a few other things, a ratchet set for the car, some new leather gloves, and an awesome giants sweatshirt with my last name and half of our wedding date on it

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  9. #9
    TFF's Resident Messenger What are you getting/giving for the holidays? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    I received $30 from Grandma, which is nice because now I can pay the water bill. And then Dad gave me something. I don't know what it is because I refuse to open it. He says it's something I need, but that it wasn't a handful of money. And since a handful of money is the only thing I need, I don't actually need what he got me.

    Truth is, I know what it is, because he told me what I "needed" a few weeks ago. I still don't need it though, nor do I want it. So it will remain wrapped.
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  10. #10
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    We did Christmas on Sunday night because my brother and sister both have families, the sister's got in-laws she has to go see today, and the brother lives an hour and a half away and they have stuff they have to do up there. But yeah, I got a bunch of books: The Dark Tower books one through four and Jim Gaffigan's Dad is Fat (which I started reading right away) the new Legend of Zelda for the 3DS, An MLP Coloring book (lol) some fox socks, the Erasure Christmas CD, some other stuff I forget, and a beer (I kinda forget what I got for my birthday and what I got for Christmas. I got MLP season 2, one of the Dark Tower books, a gift card to Game Stop, and my mom gave me 50 some bucks, which I spent on theirs and my brother's Christmas gifts, haha.) I got a bunch of stuff that I don't remember because I ordered it online all at the same time. Legos for a couple sons, a Minecraft toy, a couple CD's, a couple movies, Lego food mold and a Starbucks gift card, and dinner for my parents and my bro one night. I also gave a bunch of family/friends copies of my favorite songs of 2013, if you count that. My bro and I exchanged a couple other burned CD's. A bunch of people bought me beers.

    Mostly I was happy to be home for Christmas. Sounds like I might not get to be next year (my supervisors already claimed a couple of the slots for next year, heh.) Goin' back tomorrow.

  11. #11
    Death Before Dishonor What are you getting/giving for the holidays? Josh_R's Avatar
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    I didn't really get to much. We did a secret santa at a friend of mines. I ended up getting a scarf from the band The Wonder Years. Other than that I went to my families house for dinner I got a Old Spice like body wash set or whatever, and a University of Kentucky sweater, I don't even like UK hahaha.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  12. #12
    Gingersnap What are you getting/giving for the holidays? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    My moms got copper mugs (they make a lot of drinks with ginger beer and lime), a book, and some gardening gloves. My dad got a tokoname teapot and some green tea (gyokuro), along with a book. My brother got a silk tie that looks like a circuit board and the Hyperbole and a Half book. Caleb got a lot of wireless controllers, an avocado saver, and the promise of a fancy brunch on me. My best friend got a bottle of St. Germain and a scarf.

    I had fun buying gifts this year.

    I got three pairs of soft wool socks, some pajamas, a scarf, folding chairs for the house, some candyyy. Caleb got me this copper pitcher with copper goblets and they are so freaking COOL. He did well. Also he won some money at fantasy football and used it to spring for a PS3 and a couple of games.

    The only thing I was like "aww" about is that even though I said my size was small, the socks are medium. So I can't really use them for hiking/backpacking (unless I have a smaller sock underneath), because they'll slide around too much and give me blisters. But they'll be good for around the house, so that's completely a first world problem.

    Also I can't believe no one got me one of these!!! Coco Jack

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  13. #13
    Certified tech, come at me! What are you getting/giving for the holidays? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I bought my grandparents a Christmas card and wrote in it telling what I have done in volunteering in honor of them.

    I bought a Chuck Norris fact book for a gift game my family does once a year.

    This is what I have received:
    - Zelda themed T-Shirt
    - Romancing SaGa for PS2
    - Tales of Xillia
    - Super Mario 3D World
    - Cash
    - Christmas cards
    - Target Gift Card
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  14. #14
    Queen What are you getting/giving for the holidays? Crescent's Avatar
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    This year's Christmas was relaxing compared to the rest..When ppl asked me what I wanted for Christmas I answered truthfully by showing them my sig.. I received some really great gifts this year.. as in ones I wouldve eventually bought for myself(I linked the cute ones) bt also feeling uneasy because I got more than what I had given :/

    -So Ive been inlove withLUSH(against animal testing, over 70% of their products currently are completely natural)and they have a ton of Vegan products) for a while now. Coming home after a long day to soak all my cares n stress away in a warm bubble bath with LUSH scented soaps n bath bombs/melts surrounded by lit candles with the FFVII/Crisis Core soundtrack playing X] is one of my guilty pleasures so 3 of my best friends knowing me all too well splurged on their soaps-1 2 & rockstar which I frequently buy myself, my fave LUSH body scrub , face cleansers 1& 2(regular purchse), Bath Bombs 1 2 & 3, Bath melts 1 & 2 and Bubble bars 1 2 & 3 plus heaps more including the Lush lgends gift set I cant be effd linking nymore. I basically adore ALL their products they're cute, creative n all-natural. If u ever pop into one of their stores those sales gals will shove everything they're selling in ur face -LUSH- worth checking out if ur interested in those sorts of goodies.


    - Agent Provocateur lingerie-a fuchsia piece & this entire set including the suspender & white stockings<3<3
    - My favourite animated Batman movie "Under the Red Hood" on bluray
    - Chocolate -Ferrero Rocher, Hersheys cookies n cream, Raffaello and Lindt brownie
    - One of my fave gifts - this jersey absolutely LOVVVEEE Ive been searching for it for ages
    - Mario, Toad, Princess Peach mugs and a grey Batman mug plus 2 sets of 3 pce rings from Sportsgirl and the "Yodel me on my cell" or as I prefer to call it my "Vergil" OPI nail polish- all from my beautiful lil sister
    - This clutch and black shimmer jeans both from GUESS and my (favourite) aunt
    - Moroccan oil
    - 4 pairs of heels(by colours)-B/Gold, B/W for casual wear, All Black and red heels along with a black lace wrap playsuit<3 as a combined gift from my older sisters and brother
    - This from my mum lol srsly it actually cost $6.50 she told me XD
    - A white 3DS XL plus 2 bundled games- Super Pokemon Rumble and Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies....that leaves me with 3 3DS XL's..I had bought myself a red one at the start of the yr for Project X Zone, then bout a month ago I received my LoZ Link Between Worlds Limited Edition 3DS... I'll keep em all for now but probably hand over the red one to my lil sis. I would NEVER EVER trade in my consoles and/or Handhelds. Even for the latest console. I rather wait.
    - This bundle showed up at my door on Christmas morning as I was leaving for my mum's from an apparent "secret" admirer..pulease I know who u r!!(mutual friend of a close friend n he's only met me like twice) 298% sure he chose those particular flowers and in that colour(white) for me because they resemble Aerith's flowers, which my friends know I luv and always have on my bedroom dresser -_-
    -A Free Brazilian IPL sessions voucher (I get waxed evry mnth I love it but Ive been meaning to switch to IPL with my gfs its alot better but more expensive)
    - Waking up to a sloppy face licking from my baby) His name's Bear.

    and finally some gifts I bought for myself because I dont trust anyone buying me videogames esp..More than likely they'll pick shite ones- Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles on Wii, Windwaker HD WiiU, Super Mario 3D World(playing co-op with my lil sis, up to the very LAST castle), Rayman Legends for WiiU(last time I played Rayman was 17 yonks ago on the PS1) and Dante ;D Now I own both ^_^

    As for what I gave others.. might save it for another post.

  15. #15
    Bananarama What are you getting/giving for the holidays? Pete's Avatar
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    I got a Carhartt jacket, which is much needed.
    A Leatherman Skeletool with built in pliers, knife, bottle opener, screwdriver bits. Super useful!
    Heavy Rain for the PS3
    Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection for PS3
    and a Ron Swanson bobblehead

    The GF and her family got me a flask
    Heisenberg shirt (the napkin sketch)
    a Jets shirt, hat, flask and garden gnome

    I also got a buttondown shirt, gloves and gift cards.

    I gave my mom a bunch of clothes, candies and assorted things she likes.
    My brother got Diablo 3 and the Walking dead
    The gf got tickets to see Billy Joel at the Barclays on New Years Eve

    All in all, it was a very good Christmas.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I got a Carhartt jacket, which is much needed.
    A Leatherman Skeletool with built in pliers, knife, bottle opener, screwdriver bits. Super useful!
    Heavy Rain for the PS3
    Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection for PS3
    and a Ron Swanson bobblehead

    The GF and her family got me a flask
    Heisenberg shirt (the napkin sketch)
    a Jets shirt, hat, flask and garden gnome

    I also got a buttondown shirt, gloves and gift cards.

    I gave my mom a bunch of clothes, candies and assorted things she likes.
    My brother got Diablo 3 and the Walking dead
    The gf got tickets to see Billy Joel at the Barclays on New Years Eve

    All in all, it was a very good Christmas.
    Gooooo J-E-T-S!

    Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2

  17. #17
    I got 2 hoodies and a bottle of Joop GO!

    You guys live a far more exciting Christmas than i do

  18. #18
    Its always different for some . . If you are happy with what you have, now thats a good christmas

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  19. #19
    This ain't no place for no hero What are you getting/giving for the holidays? Tiffany's Avatar
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    We don't really exchange that many gifts now that we have Claire. Christmas is definitely more for the kiddos. However hubby did get the XBO just before Christmas and I got him Assassin's Creed Black Flag to play it. He's a huge tea drinker, and I found him a tin of Blueberry Icewine tea from Roots. He liked it! He got me an Aperture Laboratories shower curtain that I had been eyeballing at FanExpo back in the summer, which is awesome!

    The rest was a shit ton of toys for the kiddo. Lalaloopsy dolls, buzz lightyear doll, baby dolls. Oh, to be a 5 year old girl again ha ha ha.

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