i dont really give them that often, but when i do, its always positive, ive never given a negative rep.
Repper as in reps/ thanks. How often do you give someone positive rep/thanks and negative? And what are your standards and or how easily do you give reputation.../ thanks
For me I haven't given any negative reps really, I give positive for a variety of reasons. Most of the time if I think your post is funny I'll end up giving you one or if you take the words out of my mouth, make a good topic ect. Usually silly stuff I'm not all serious about it![]()
i dont really give them that often, but when i do, its always positive, ive never given a negative rep.
Originally Posted by Wintermetal
current games playing:Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Assassins Creed Revolutions
Saints Row: The Third
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
Fallout New Vegas
I had no idea you could leave good/bad rep!
Besides my lack of forum knowledge, if I was to give +/- rep, it would most likely be positive. Positive rep for basically everything Gypsy stated and maybe for great/funny personalities, respect for others/ their opinions, etc..
I would only leave bad rep if I really didn't like the person, because they were rude, an a**hole, they argue over stupid things, etc..
gaming service ID:
I leave neg rep for the EPIC FAIL moments, you know the ones I am talking about; the ones that make you want to face palm the shit out of yourself over and over again. Which is rare for me.
As for positive rep I tend to hand it out when I deem fit. If a new poster makes a damn good post is one of the easyiest ways to get a rep out of me. Others include funny posts, posts I agree with completely and are well put, ect ect.
Hell I never know when "I will hand out rep" but when I do it is bound to be worth while.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
I don't seem to give rep out too regularly, though sometimes clump a few reps in a single day, especially if there is a thread made of WIN.
I tend to give positive rep while saving negative rep only for the few posts where if the content was said aloud I'd probably punch the person in the face for saying it. I'm not that aggressive a person neither these days, so those times are few and far between, generally if someone is getting too nasty to a user I like.
victoria aut mors
I've given rep maybe once the whole time I've been here...If I start to give rep sometime, it will be for the posts that I like or agree with like everyone else said.
The rep that I get usually seem to comment on a specific post that I made and ask a question or something, not just that they agree. I might start to do that too sometime.
Last edited by Treize; 04-01-2010 at 01:10 AM.
I don't ever give out rep....I often get them though...negatives and positives
I figure that means I'm like a Gift and a Curse
tHe ChOsEn
rJ floW
Lionhart2001 aka Pete
Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
Neo Necron
This is why bitches love me
Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-
I haven't given negative rep to anyone yet. There have been times I almost did, but then I decided against it for various reasons.
I usually give positive rep for things that amuse me, things that help me, and things that I agree with. I've also given rep just to comment about a post I read, but didn't feel like replying to the actual thread. I guess you could use a VM to do that as well, but sometimes, I don't want the other person to feel the need to respond to me, so I'll say what I have to say and be done with it.![]()
Click at your own risk.:
I've given out one or two negative rep. I tend not to.
I give out positive a little more often. I only give them out when something stands out. The only problem is that every time I go to rep someone, it doesn't let me because I haven't given enough to others.
Ah, well.
I have given neg rep a few times. Mostly to things I don't agree wit at all.
I tend to give out pos rep quite often. If you make me laugh rep, if I agree wit you rep.
I don't really recall giving out any negative rep. I usually only rep when I'm pleasantly surprised by a post or to return the favor of a nice compliment. I know that sounds pessimistic and shows favoritism, but it's much easier on the brain that to explain why someone fails or is an idiot or otherwise objectionable.
Yeah don't think I forgot about that one!Originally Posted by Sin's +rep
I give out +rep in spurts, usually to things that make me laugh or go "ah ha!" or something like that. I like leaving little messages that only they can see and no one else can. I really don't give out -rep that much, but I would more often if the rep system allowed people to be anonymous. Sometimes people need to be put in check, people I enjoy included. I'd be more inclined to do so if it ruled out the possibility of them being butt hurt. Some people are just habitual line steppers and get -rep whether I care if they know who I am or not. Like this guy:
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Actually, I give Positive Reps to those who seems to deserve it, As well if it's funny, made me laugh or something, I admit that i have given negative reps, But only to those people that answers insanely incorrect at things.
I have actually, Pretty little of reps myself, But i geuss it's much for an member with an post count of almost 300.![]()
My Reaction of People That Points The Obvious
This is my Daily Day in 2FortMy TFF Family:
I give neg rep for people who deserve a neg rep from my standards. I give positive rep to posts I like, you say something funny, I give rep, you say something good, I give rep. THE SITE TELLS ME IF I SEND REP I WILL GET ONE BACK MAYBE!
I second Sin's +rep for Rocky.
Last edited by loaf; 04-01-2010 at 10:33 AM.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
I have sent positive rep to a few people but really, I give it after I receive it sometimes by saying "Thanks for the thanks." or I do it when I find something funny, witty, or just plain awesome. There has been a couple of times that I've sent out random positive, just because.And I've never touched the negative rep because people deserve a second chance, even newbs. =3
(I think this is the first proper post I've done in around 2 months. xD)
My things:
I give positive rep to comments that are facetious, derisive, indecent, atrocious, satirical, or any combination of the five, just so long as it catches me off-balance and/or makes me laugh.
I don't give negative rep anymore, because as it turns out, that's just rude. I used to give out a lot of negative rep; to any comments that I found lethargic, troglodytical, or to anybody that I really don't like, but that's just because I'm kind of a ****. Ever since I came back from my ban, though, I've had to keep on my best behavior, so I had to completely disregard the negative rep function.
I gave you +rep for this post.
I give positive rep when I see a particularly smart/funny/helpful sort of post. And of course, complimentary posts. Or, sometimes I use it as a way to add a side comment.
I don't give negative rep. If I don't like someone's comments I just don't read their posts. If their post content is inappropriate or against the forum rules I report the post.
Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn
Polk gives out negative rep. ;_(
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I give out +rep when a post elicits a "fuck yeah!" or "roflcopter!" out of me in real life. And also sometimes if I feel the person deserves a higher rep level than "is a noob," or something like that, I will admit-a kind of abuse to the system.
I have given out negative rep in the past. I only really remember one instance, and I thought the kid was being a real doucher. Kind of like Mr. Link's "Epic Fail" comment. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom