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  1. #1
    Sir Prize Weird SHiT...that you do? Sinister's Avatar
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    Weird SHiT...that you do?

    So my roommate juggles at all hours of the day. Not messin with you, at all hours. I've seen him wake up at 5 AM and grab his bawlz. I'm waiting for dumbass to hit the sprinkler and set off the 30 gal per second fire supression system.

    Me? I play with Tarot cards like the normal people play solitaire. It's just a mental form of twiddling my thumbs, really.

    This Anthro major I know just is constantly cracking her knuckles and neck. Another person I know impulsively shops...I mean goes out looking for crap to buy to make her brain light up.

    So...what is it you do in those awkward moments you have to waste time?


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  2. #2
    Registered User Weird SHiT...that you do? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    1. organize things. which is hilarious cause my room is a total mess. organize things like...sketchbooks, CD's/games...stuff like that

    2. build (or try to build) a house of cards.

    3. i always manage to carry a guitar pick either in my pocket or backpack. if im bored or nervous, i'll hold the pick between my fingers and flick it with either my thumb or against my leg. its more of a silly habit though i guess.

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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by kupo View Post

    3. i always manage to carry a guitar pick either in my pocket or backpack. if im bored or nervous, i'll hold the pick between my fingers and flick it with either my thumb or against my leg. its more of a silly habit though i guess.
    I do that too but I use it for strumming my pants, gotta practice!
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  4. #4
    Gingersnap Weird SHiT...that you do? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    Online window shopping. I rarely buy, but it's nice to look. Clothes, tea, DVDs, kitchen appliances.... sex toys.... I mean, whatever. Yesterday, I did order a blue suede guitar strap, though.... couldn't help myself.

    Playing guitar isn't weird, but it's what I do if I'm bored and the internet sucks.

    I look up recipes that I want to try.

    If I'm feeling mobile, I'll go to a nice ass grocery store (Whole Foods or something) and wander around the produce section looking for odd fruit I haven't tried yet. Dragonfruit is awesome.

    Also exercise.

    Man, I've always told myself I wanted to juggle, but I've never put in the time.

    Read more.

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  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Online window shopping. I rarely buy, but it's nice to look. Clothes, tea, DVDs, kitchen appliances.... sex toys.... I mean, whatever. Yesterday, I did order a blue suede guitar strap, though.... couldn't help myself.
    Indeed, me too.

    I like to organise things. If I have nothing to do and I'm complaining about being bored, I clean or dust. Yesterday I cleaned the kitchen despite it not needing a clean... or much of one.

    I really. Hate. Fingerprints. On. Shiny. Surfaces. Or monitors. Seriously. I don't think it's a phobia because I don't go into an outrageous panic, but I do tense up when other people play with my laptop, tv, mirror, discs, PSP, DS, phone, etc... In my head, a finger print will smudge into a smear of grease over everything, and it takes forever to get rid of that smear. Then I convince myself that my <item> is permanently tainted. Then I'm sitting there like a mad woman with a dry cloth, rubbing the marks off of it. ^^;;;

    My PS3 controller also never feels the same after someone else has handled it. >>;

    Okay, it's a phobia. Someone find me the name for it.

    At the bottom of the banister in my flat, there's a pole going from the floor to the ceiling. For as long as I can remember, if I'm going downstairs to the kitchen, I grab it at the bottom of the stairs and swing around into the doorway of the kitchen. You can bet that's caused some nasty accidents, but if someone insisted on putting a pole there... you know.

    I get very panicky around gas canisters. For example, a friend of mine recently got their own place, bt they didn't have a cooker. So they were using some old camping gas cookers when they (you guessed it!) boiled pasta. And cooked dinner. Anywho, I kept convincing myself that I smelt gas, and that the whole building was going to go up with a loud bang. I think it's all these years of playing video games - my initial reaction when I see something explosive, is to shoot it to destroy the enemy. ^^;

    I crack loads of different bones in my body... umm... toes, ankles, knees, pelvis (which ****ing hurts, and feels like a dislocation of the vagina... so I don't do this one on purpose) lower back, mid-back, shoulders, wrist, knuckles, sections of my finger, neck and jaw. I don't do it every day (aside from knuckles and good back crunch - feels so good), but yeah... I'm like a marching band (jk).

    I talk to myself and think a lot very often. It happens when you like... lock yourself up in your room all the time. It's not all a bad thing because it does help me solve a few problems, but I realise I probably cause more for myself by doing it. I think I do it so often because I talk to a lot of people online, so I tend to speak at the screen as I type (like I am doing when I'm typing this). It's never gotten to the point when someone has knocked on my door and asked who I'm talking to though.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 09-23-2010 at 07:27 AM.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  6. #6
    Weird SHiT...that you do? Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    I have long, revealing and often times silly conversations with myself quite frequently. Sometimes I'll talk to myself in accents I find amusing or make up stupid songs that tickle my fancy at the time. Sometimes I'll play out some argumentative scenario in which I play both parts. That's right folks, I'm even disagreeable when talking to me.

    Until now!

  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Weird SHiT...that you do? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    Hmm let's see. I used to piss sitting down. I was always terrified growing up cause my mom told me if I ever got piss on the seat she would beat my ass. Don't know if that threat was legit, but I didn't want to risk it.

    Until a few years ago I would frequently talk to myself. Of course that could have been cause by the drugs I was on at the time, who knows.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  8. #8
    The Old Skool Warrior Weird SHiT...that you do? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    I can be caught arguing with myself on occasion. I suppose it's a little more sane than I thought... or we're all insane. Either way, it's what I do.

    I also do the finger/toe/neck/spine cracking. Sometimes it sounds like an automatic rifle.

    I have somewhere in the neighborhood of four websites that I actually go to. This is one of them. When I run out of interesting topics or news articles or videos to view, I turn off the computer. It's part of the reason I've spent much LESS time online lately, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. (Besides, the entire staff either knows my number or knows that I get emails instantly on my phone, so I'm rarely out of reach.)

    And yes, Alisyn, dragonfruit IS amazing. Google Chrome doesn't recognize it as a word, though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Weird SHiT...that you do? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    Weird you say...let's see...

    I always adjust my glasses with my middle finger, some take it as a bad gesture, but really, I do it unknowingly most of the time.

    I crack my fingers, but only when I'm really nervous, people keep telling me that it's a bad habit.

    Quote Originally Posted by kupo View Post
    3. i always manage to carry a guitar pick either in my pocket or backpack. if im bored or nervous, i'll hold the pick between my fingers and flick it with either my thumb or against my leg. its more of a silly habit though i guess.
    I do something similar, though I carry a Stela Artois cap with me.

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  10. #10
    Memento Rhapso Weird SHiT...that you do? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    This isn't me doing them, but I do Jester Sticks
    I crack my fingers in each joint, then roll my neck to crack it
    I arrange things in 3's 5's and 7's
    I used to not be able to touch grass, like my parents could set me on a blanket in a park and I wouldn't move an inch from it lol
    Mostly OCD crap, but that's about it for me

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  11. #11
    Registered User Weird SHiT...that you do?
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    I crack my knuckles in kind of a weird way, I guess. I first interlace my fingers together and crack them all together, like most would, then I crack them individually by pressing them down towards my palms. I do that at least twice a day, or however often I feel I need to.

    I walk up the stairs on my tippy toes. That's kind of weird now that I think about it... I don't even know why I do it either. I just always have. I don't do it when I go downstairs though.

    Finally, if I'm standing around for a while in one spot, I put one leg on the other and stand like that. I think I have some kind of problem with my feet being on the ground or something.
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  12. #12
    Certified tech, come at me! Weird SHiT...that you do? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    I do the following:

    - Talk to myself
    - Solve random scenarios in my head
    - Perform newsies musical routines in the house when no ones around
    - Record videos
    - Run around for no reason at all

    Thats about it on my part.
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  13. #13

    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    I have a weird tendency to play with my lips, kind of pucker them out to one side, fold them in so they're hidden, or this other thing where I kind of fold my bottom lip inward (vertically) and hold it. It's kind of hard to explain lol

    I also rub my eyebrows alot.

    I used to crack my knuckles too, but I had to make myself stop because I was scared of my hands looking deformed over time haha.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-22-2010 at 08:10 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
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    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  14. #14

    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    Weird shit I do:
    1. I talk myself through things. Basically, I talk to myself. If I've got a problem, I'm arranging things, or something's frustrating me, I'll voice possible solutions to myself or talk myself through the steps that I'm doing at that very moment. I guess the odd part about that is that I use second person perspective? I'll say, "No Bleachfangirl, you have to do it like this...them swivel this around over here....and then put that over there. See? You did it!" Just like that.

    2. I crack my back and shoulders every half hour. Every class I sit in, use the desk chair to twist my back or lean back to crack my upper and lower back as well as I can. Then I pull on my shoulders to get them to crack. My friends tell me the sounds are gross and creepy, but I like feeling the pops. Stretching is happy-making.

    3. When I read or do ANYTHING, I make faces. If I get a little surprised at a sentence in a book or some article, I'll make a surprised face. If I agree with something in the narration or theme, I'll give an approving nod or smile. If I think something's stupid, I'll frown and do something hideous with my mouth. And I don't notice it most of the time. It's just that my friend likes to point out how ugly I get when I'm reading or doing homework, and then takes pictures while I'm not paying attention....then I freak out because I didn't know I could make those faces. ._.

    4. I like watching people....

    If I leave it at that, people are going to think I'm a stalker.
    Actually, it's not that bad. Just kind of weird since it's awkward when the person you've been staring at for the past five minutes finally sees you and freaks out because they didn't know you were watching them. I'm not even sure I'm watching someone while I'm doing it either. I'll just notice something kind of off or funny, then keep watching until I realize I'm been a creep and go back to whatever it is I'm doing.

  15. #15
    #LOCKE4GOD Weird SHiT...that you do? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    If no one's around the house, I sing really loudly. One time I thought no one was home, and I was singing a song with a 'few' it. Then Mum looked up at me.

    I crack my knuckles. But I can't do it right, and I'm lucky if I can crack more than the middle finger on my right hand. Any more than that and I KNOW it's a good day.

    That's probably it. I like being alone to myself. But I don't really capitalise on it. I usually just read, or, increasingly, play some bass guitar. And I'm somewhat reserved around people I'm not intimate with, so I try not to draw attention to myself. That is, I don't do weird things.

    Though not smiling when I'm happy may be weird. People think I'm sad a lot, when I rarely am. I'm usually just tired.

  16. #16
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    Pick a nice spot with something that looks vaguely interesting above me (some trees with a lot of nice colors against an amazing clear blue sky are nice) and just lie with my head watching whatever it is as I smoke a Cuban. Eventually the smoke clouds my mind and shit starts getting kinda nice and eventually it's like I'm barely there anymore. I forget anything giving me the least amount of stress for a while.

    And then there's always online shopping for digital products (I love how they don't take up any physical space. Seriously, the people behind XBLA, PSN, Steam, iTunes and the like would love me. I have way more backed up content I've bought then I might ever actually use.

    Oh and for a few physical items, eBay shopping is also an unhealthy habit of mine. I blame the constant recharging of my spending account.
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  17. #17
    TFFF Ghost Weird SHiT...that you do? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?


    I jump on the couch even when I know I'm not supposed to.

    I put fake Kernel Panics on the computers at school while users are away and watch them shriek on horror when they come back and wonder if they just lost all their work in Aperture 3 and Photoshop... desperately pressing Apple Command + Option + Esc
    I wait till they are about to hold down the power button and restart the computer to reach over and hit the dashboard button, making said fake kernel panic screen go away.

    I swerve my Razor scooter into passing peds on purpose, acting like I'm going to crash into them and then zoom away laughing evilly (works best in the rain)

    Window shop online and pretend to cry (I think) about the PS3 and games I wish I had.

    I draw with nail polish I never wear on my bedroom wall

    I think thats all for now =O
    Spit out your stride gum and chew another piece already... or I'll haunt you.

  18. #18
    I invented Go-Gurt. Weird SHiT...that you do? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    I learn the names of transsexual porn stars, and recommend them to friends. They call it gay that I spend so much time looking up tranny porn. I call it being creative. They get grossed out by shecocks. That's just as homophobic as being afraid to take it up the ass.

    Sometimes I just like to sit around and do a lot of cocaine. That may seem weird to some, but my parole officer likes to refer to it as an addiction. And apparently it's also illegal, which makes it even more fun.

    I also have a habit of making myself look like an ass.

  19. #19
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Weird SHiT...that you do? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Weird SHiT...that you do?

    Speaking of guitar picks, I practically always have about 3-4 in my pocket, in case I am some place with a guitar.

    Sometimes I just háve to turn up my amp and play some songs by The Stooges or something. It must drive my neighbours crazy, but it's like therapy and, frankly, it's body exercise when I really let myself go. ^^
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 09-25-2010 at 08:19 AM.
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