I see that no one here has noticed. I can understand the Aussies and Britons...but I felt that it should be brought to attention, none the less.
Kentucky and parts of Indiana are now suffering under a declared state of emergency. FEMA has been out handing out food and setting up shelters. Generators have been selling like the latest fashion.
Perhaps I should explain.
A total of from two and-a-half to three inches of ice has been recorded along with some minor inch or so of snow accumulation. It has been declared the worst winter storm in the area for two thousand years.(How they justify such a statement, I have no idea) Trees are laying about like disarrayed sticks. The ones left standing are sharp jagged toothpicks that have been stripped of limbs. I will enclose pictures later.
Normally, this wouldn't have effected me much from Lexington. As they were only shortly affected. My father, being ass as he was, went to buy a generator during the midst of the storm, wrecked and broke his leg. I came from Uni to help him home, buy a generator for my family and volunteer at the Red Cross shelters. All of which I successfully did.
Nearly 170,000 people were without power.
1 family household that I know of died from the genius father installing the generator inside his house and the family dying of fumes.
1 Man, who I have literally known, all my life died of exposure, because he was too stubborn to go to a shelter.
6+ people that I know of have died because they did not have power to operate their lifesupport devices(such as oxygen ventilators and ect...)
It will be 4 weeks before all power is restored. Nearly two months before all the damage can be cleared away. And even then, they'll still be finding people dead in their homes.
I survived.
From Slaughters KY,