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Thread: Upgrading monitor - recommendations?

  1. #1
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Upgrading monitor - recommendations?

    I'm in the market for a new monitor, as per thread title. Figure now's a decent time what with all the sales and things. There's nothing wrong with my current monitor per se, except that it's a 17" ProView widescreen I bought because it was a display model with a scratch on the screen (that you can't actually see when it's on, anyway) and I got a good price on it.

    I'm looking to move into the land of the 24" monitor. The main problem I'm running into right now is budget--I can't be throwing down several hundred on a piece of hardware right now, no matter how nice it is. I've been poking around Newegg and I do see a lot of budget models but I'm not the kind of person who just picks the cheapest thing I see. I will pay a bit extra if I think the quality is worth it. Hence where the recommendations come in. If not a specific model, if anyone can recommend even a general brand or what to look for, I'd much appreciate it.

    I don't plan on getting rid of the monitor I do have--I'll either run a dual monitor setup or just give this one to my mom, who still uses an old CRT monitor she got with her previous computer, over a decade ago.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    My advice is to look around for smaller stores selling imported goods. Same stuff, same brands, but because they were made for Indonesia or somewhere they can sell good models for less than half the price and still make a nice profit. I used to buy several - one for each home console, one for my laptop etc. This was a few years back and I was buying a good brand 24" monitor for roughly $250AU while that size was still considered good. Nothing compared to the same monitor at a large electronics place. The only downside is if the warranty needs to be used it takes longer for the store to send it away and get it back, but I never had that issue. xD

    EDIT: Now I do the same thing for a 32-36" screen.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Upgrading monitor - recommendations? Rowan's Avatar
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    There are many varying factors that need to be considered when buying a screen if you are after a great image. This screen would best suit your budget and is actually a great screen.

    This is the asus VE247H. Its 23" has a resolution of 1080p (true) a response time of 2ms (great) and displays 16.7 million colours.


    You wont find a better deal than that. Not sure if they ship internationally, but its worth a shot.

    Centre Com - The Centre for all your Computer and I.T. Needs!

    Edit: TV's dont create the best visual experience for computers since most tv's run at a refresh rate lower than 60 hertz (tv's with higher refresh rates cost significantly more) and could end up hurting your eyes or giving you headaches. If you want to test out what I mean, go into start/control panel/display/advanced settings/monitor, and then adjust the refresh rate so its below 60, sometimes an option isn't available, but if theres an option for 50 hertz, change it to that and you can see what I mean. Even though you can output 60 hertz from your graphics card, it doesnt mean that 60 hertz image will be projected from the TV. Just throwing this out there in case you decide to spend a bit more on a television instead of a monitor.
    Last edited by Rowan; 08-15-2012 at 05:49 PM.

  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I went with a TV to use for my monitor, also because it doubles for a TV for my 360. That is, if you have the video card to do it or you buy the components to let you display onto your TV. It also helps that I use my old monitor for dual screen.
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  5. #5
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I can actually find a monitor very similar to that one on Newegg, which is where I usually look. I like the usually free shipping and there's a warehouse very close to where I live. Asus VE248H. I may go with that one.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  6. #6
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    I'd say instead of getting one bigger monitor. Get two smaller monitors (assuming your computer has two DVI slots). I just can't use anything less now. So efficient.

  7. #7
    Boxer of the Galaxy Upgrading monitor - recommendations? Rowan's Avatar
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    Extended desktops are useful for the multitasker. But one thing to consider is if you will have enough room on your desk for 2 monitors. That one on newegg must be a later model of the one I linked you. It looks great, go for it.

  8. #8
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Trust me, space is not an issue lol. The desk I have actually came from a bank and it's huge. It's something like 2.5' wide and 5' long. Even with my current monitor, my PC tower and my printer + accessories all on the desk it's not the least bit crowded. That's actually part of why I've been looking at new monitors and such--it just looks so small lol. I was at the local office supply store the other day, took a look at their tiny selection of 24" monitors and that's what clinched it for me.

    I guess while I'm there I'll pick up the wireless keyboard I've been eyeing, too. It's rechargeable, which I think is pretty awesome. I'm upgrading and/or rearranging just about everything in my office, not just the monitor. I'm tired of looking at the mess and the hand-me-down furniture and the terrible inefficiency. When I'm done I might even post a thread about it, with pictures of course. XD
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

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