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Thread: The United Kingdom

  1. #1

    The United Kingdom

    Right. Everyone keeps messing this up, and it's annoying, so here I will explain to you the makeup of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

    The UK is composed of four seperate states: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. It is not just made up of England.

    During the last four centuries or so, England successfully brought Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland into union with itself and each other. I know that they bribed the Scottish ministers after cheating them out of money (they persuaded the Scots to invest basically everything in an empire project, and then refused to have any of their colonies trade with said project, project failed, Scotland went bankrupt, England said 'Hey, here, sign this Act of Union and we'll give you money'. All this after howevermany hundred years of fending them off, Highland Clearances, murders, rapes, subjugation, you get it. They did basically the same to the Welsh and Irish. Which is why Scotland, Wales and Ireland, along with pretty much all of continental Europe, hold the English in occaisionally justified contempt).

    How we got to where we are doesn't matter, really. The main thing is that the UK is composed of four states under one head of state (The Queen). All states have some level of autonomy.

    Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland each have their own little mini-parliaments, graciously handed to us within the last fifteen years by the English. Those little parliaments control education, a little taxation, healthcare, law, religion, and agriculture to a certain extent. All of England's matters are decided in Westminster.

    Westminster controls foreign policy, overall taxation, and pretty much Everything Else That Matters for all four of the states. I still think that England deserves its own mini-parliament. All English matters are decided along with 'British' ones in Westminster.

    Each state has its own national football and rugby teams, and its own team in the Commonwealth Games. Scotland has its own Elephant Polo team, who are still the world champions. I do not know how the Elephant Polo team came about, but I love them to bits.

    When a team that isn't England fails, it was a failure for the Scottish or Welsh team. When a team that isn't England wins, it was a victory for the British team. See how it works?

    London is the capital of England and England alone. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff is the capital of Wales, and Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

    Each have their own unique education systems.

    I hope that is information enough to stop people on here from confusing England with Britain. England is not Britain. It is one quarter of Britain (though it has most of the population, hence why it gets the most political time spent on it, the most money, etc). The countries are distinct, though, and will always be that way.

    The most useful phrase I know to use in Europe is 'Je suis Ecossaise'. 'I am Scottish'. Suddenly the locals treat you nicely, because they've found out you're not English.

    Just so you know. I am Scottish, not British, and it bugs me when people don't know enough about my country to make that distinction. Or people who write, 'I'm of Scottish and British descent'. What on earth does that mean? Scottish and English? Scottish and Welsh?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by Govinda; 05-18-2008 at 04:07 PM. Reason: I cannot spell

  2. #2
    TFF's Token Imp The United Kingdom Martin's Avatar
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    Perfectly true. I did a lot of research into the Act of Union in particular reference to Scotland as part of my course and as an Englishman I can only offer a genuine apology for the disgraceful acts of my ancestors. ALthough I do have a problem with the way a lot of English people are treated overseas because yes, the English did run all over the world and pretend we owned it for hundreds of years under the banner of the so-called Commonwealth but I, for one, am not directly responsible for it. I abhor the actions of the colonial 'British' but I can't change anything about it.

    I also believe that the Scottish Parliament is arguably the strongest home nation legislature behind the English Parliament of course, but I think they have been implemented as an act of appeasement, I'm not so sure that they have the authority to be effective while we hold the puppet-strings. I actively endorse self-determination. It's the right of a country to decide to lead itself.

    I refer to myself as English, not British. Britain is an archaic notion of a bygone era in my humble.

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  3. #3
    You forgot to talk about The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

    These aren't part of the UK, contrary to what some people think. However... they are Crown-Dependencies.... though I'm not entirely sure what that means. Narf.

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  4. #4
    HRH Albha The United Kingdom Aerif's Avatar
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    I think it means that they are terroritories, in a similar way to some African countries and the Falkland Islands. They don't have they're own head of state and are basically ruled by the Queen since the PM has no authority.

    I think...

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  5. #5
    The United Kingdom Mr Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post

    When a team that isn't England fails, it was a failure for the Scottish or Welsh team. When a team that isn't England wins, it was a victory for the British team. See how it works?
    Ah, so it's not just me!!!

    How many times i've grown sick of that when Scotland beat England in the 6 nations......

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  6. #6
    Thank you. Now this should stop all these idiots taking one look at my location and having question marks simultaneously explode above their heads. =P (Not that I'm getting at people who don't know where or what Scotland is. It's just that... I'm a bit tired of having to explain it all over and over again.)I didn't realize there were any others from Scotland here, though! o.O
    Last edited by Refieth; 06-12-2008 at 12:30 PM.

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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post

    Just so you know. I am Scottish
    Poor effort, mate! Poor effort!

    EDIT by OceanEyes28: Since it's your first day here, I'm going to let this go. But go ahead and read the forum rules and be sure to add more content to your posts next time. Make a contribution to the topic. Thank you.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 06-14-2008 at 05:25 PM.

  8. #8
    The United Kingdom V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Can someone explain how it's a Kingdom at all w/o a King...?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by V_Translanka View Post
    Can someone explain how it's a Kingdom at all w/o a King...?
    They have a monarch. As it has been for some time, Queens have ruled. When the current Queen dies, Prince Charles will become King.

    I hate when people get them confused. And I am not even from there! People need to take a geography class

  10. #10
    TFF's Token Imp The United Kingdom Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    They have a monarch. As it has been for some time, Queens have ruled. When the current Queen dies, Prince Charles will become King.

    I hate when people get them confused. And I am not even from there! People need to take a geography class
    Actually I wouldn't be too surprised that by the time Queenie royally croaks it that Charles himself will have departed for the world beyond and Wills becomes our Lord and Master. I'm not the biggest fan of my monarchy. They've been pretty defunct for a number of years now, ever since Olly Cromwell decided to become the dictator of England (and Ireland, can only apologise for that really) and then died. And then we brought them back in. But took all of their legislative and effectively ruling powers away from them. So they're a showpiece - a relic of a bygone era when your Queen and King were the supreme masters of your country and it's Empire.

    I don't much see the point in their continued usurpation of the countries' wealth and assets. There are Royalists out there whom would disagree with me, stating that they need to be kept to honour our foremost traditions. But I ask you this, would England and albeit the rest of the UK suffer so much as a Republic? I'm not suggesting anarchy and the overthrow of the Royal Family... Well not exactly anyway. Could we not just phase them out gradually?

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  11. #11
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    interesting and educational thread, thank you Pablo Honey for making it as it is knowledge that I can now say I know and yet have it not impact me in a single way. Howver, my one and only question is: what happens when little Canada gets into a fight at grade school, which parent comes into the school and picks him/her up? (aka how does Canada fit into all of this)
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

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  12. #12
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! The United Kingdom Tallulah's Avatar
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    Wales = 'that cute little city in England.' Apparently... =/

  13. #13
    Canada's, uh, Canada. The Commonwealth is made up of states that once formed part of the British Empire, and Canada is one of them. I think the Queen's head is still on Austrialian money, but don't hold me to that.

    I know what you mean, Tallulah. I once heard an American on TV refer to Scotland as 'Oh, isn't that a little village outside of Glass Cow? I've heard it's really pretty.'

    Some people.

  14. #14
    The United Kingdom Mr Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pablo Honey View Post
    I once heard an American on TV refer to Scotland as 'Oh, isn't that a little village outside of Glass Cow? I've heard it's really pretty.'

    Some people.
    Haha, i heard on the news a few weeks back that some American travel website said that Aviemore (which is a town in the northern part of scotland if you don't know) is a part of London. Which is in England and over 500 miles away.

    Such attractions include the London Eye, Tower Bridge and the Houses of Parliament.

    Now, i'm not exactly a professor in Physics and quantum mechanics, but as far as i know teleportation hasn't been developed as of yet.... have i missed a few years??

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  15. #15
    Imperius Rex The United Kingdom Storm's Avatar
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    Lol at above!

    I've seen a lot of American misinterpetations over Britain. One time on TFF, a year or two back I remember somebody said something in the spam thread which implied I was living in America (it was so long ago and of little significance that I cannot remember what this person said). I replied that if he looked at my location he'd of noticed that I was English. The reply said "I'm sorry I didn't know you were from London". Apparantly, to this one person, London IS England.

    Slightly off topic though, I was also looking up replica Bleach Zanpakuto's and found a great thread somebody had on producing them. The producer said that one of his hand-made zanpakuto had been sold for £100. The kid who posted below replied "how much yen is that in US$". He thought the pound sign was a yen sign.

    Back on topic, some people are ignorant to the world around them and know absolutely nothing about nations outside their own. It can't really be helped, but it is indeed funny seeing false facts or comments on the internet about your homeland!
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  16. #16
    The United Kingdom Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    Oh, this is great. It's amazing how little people know about geography. Is that even the right word? Wow, if not, I'm owned by the english language. Or rather...american english. Ha.

    No really, that was interesting though. There's a lot of confusion out there because people don't know...I'm a half breed welp, and growing up in two different countries...well, I was in the Netherlands. Which is also called Holland. Holland only refers to two provinces, but is more commonly known (and not such a mouthful).

    Also, Amsterdam is not a country. It's the capital of the Netherlands. A city. Which a lot of people don't seem to know...

    Which is also a kingdom, as there's the ol' Queen Beatrix, until she passes the crown down to her son. And hopefully, her daughter in law, so there's a King and Queen. If that's even allowed...oh well, they're just there for show.

    But um, I learned something new. Anyone else with country confusions?
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  17. #17
    The United Kingdom Mr Spike's Avatar
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    Great quote that an American asked me once:

    "Do you guys have ELECTRICITY over there??"

    I kid thee not.

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    The TFF family:

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    Current FFX challenges: NSGNSNCNONENNENBB: Macalania

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    OOH!! CAKE!!

  18. #18
    I can't believe it - did/is no one going to school? I gues i'm the only one that is...

  19. #19
    Registered User The United Kingdom Halie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Spike View Post
    Great quote that an American asked me once:

    "Do you guys have ELECTRICITY over there??"

    I kid thee not.
    LOL. Oh my God. I can't believe people are so ignorant.

    Anyway. Thanks, Pablo, for putting this thread up. It's unbelievable how many people out there who think England is the only country in the United Kingdom. Although I usually let it slide when people never know where or what Wales is (which is where I live). But perhaps this thread could change that?

    In fact, I reckon a mod should sticky this.

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