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You're talking about the utilities provided by government. If you want to do that, end it at high school, since that's what's essentially mandated. Generally, once you're out of high school, you should be right around 18 and an adult. You have what the government deems enough of a right to determine what is good for yourself. If you want to go to a university, that's up to you. The government gave you up until high school to educate yourself properly. What I'm trying to say is that government shouldn't have to PROVIDE a college education to anyone. It already PROVIDED a primary and secondary education.
Yes government should be responsible for some things, but not all. Asking people to pay a comparable rate for a college education is not the slap in the face that everyone's making it out to be. Public safety, sanitation, and general quality of life should be provided, as well as the necessary infrastructure and a quality education. The government shouldn't have to make sure everyone is as smart as their neighbor, or that everyone mows their lawn or any other such nonsense.
Higher education is a commodity. The schools that charge 40K a year do so because they can. They have prestige and world renowned facilities and professors that draw people en masse. Harvard can charge what it does because the demand to go there is so high, and yet you need to be brilliant to get accepted. Queensborough Community College can't charge that. Why? It's essentially high school part two. The professors aren't great, the students are there either because they don't have the money for a better school, or because thats what they were told they "should" do.
But really, you don't go to college for the now, you go for the later, and you largely get what you put into it. The entire process is based off of hard work, so they really are linked. Why should any university just allow people to go there without showing any real merit or worthiness?