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  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Too Tired to Move

    This has been happening to me more and more lately. It is the reason why I'm here on TFF this morning:

    Last night, I worked at the middle school behind my parents' house until 11 PM. I came back to my parents' at 11:30, went on the net, and at about 1 AM had every intention of leaving. My mom was like "you can spend the night here if you want to," but I was "No, I'm gonna go home." And then I started reading the EGM I got yesterday on their couch. 1:30 came around, and I realized that getting up, going out to the car, and driving home required far more effort than I wanted to put forth. Even getting up and going down to the guest bedroom felt like it would be a chore. So I fell asleep on their couch.

    There was this other time recently that my friends were over at my place, watching DVD's and stuff until like 4 AM. I got into lazy mode at about 1:30 AM; I lyed down on the couch and refused to move. "We're going to 7-11." "Great. I'm not moving." "Tom, you gonna put in the next movie?" "No, do it yourself." "Okay, we're leaving now! Goodnight, Tom!" "Yeah, whatever."

    There've also been various times I've fell asleep up on the couch when I lived iwth my parents, and even when my dad got up, I'd refuse to go to bed. Let me put this into perspective; he gets up between 3:30 and 4:30 every day, and watches the TV really loud. He also usually demands to go to bed, and usually I do, but those times I refused, so he just grumbled and turned the TV on, and I slept through it somehow.

    I don't know if this is a sign of getting older, because I never used to do this. Maybe I've willed myself to sleep in the face of loud noise before, but I don't remember being so tired I didn't want to move happening until recently. Maybe I'm becoming like my dad; he falls asleep on the couch in the middle of the day all the time. In fact, I think he sleeps more there than he does in bed; he usually isn't down there until like 10.

    So, who else is a lazy bum? Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    Born Again Atheist Too Tired to Move Sarah's Avatar
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    (How'd I miss this thread? Oy.)

    I go through some very similar things. I've been in not so good health for a while now. I find it doesn't matter what I do in regards to rest. I never feel refreshed, and I often have a very hard time doing some things. I get completely out of energy. When I do finally get up to do things when I feel like that, I get pretty damn close to passing out. (Feels like I'm on sleep meds.) Sometimes, I need to stop where I am and sit on the floor for a few minutes and breathe. It is really, really annoying. Forget about it all when my stomach is involved. Then I can't get out of bed sometimes. Other times, I simply can't move. (Don't ask me what the cause of any of this is, though. No idea.)

    It all started out with going through what you are, Taco. I'd be too tired to move. You might want to keep an eye on your health. You're not old enough to be that tired yet. You either need to eat more, get some more vitamins, more sun, more exercise, see a doctor, or some other variable. Try forcing yourself to do stuff. If it doesn't happen, then definitely find out what could be wrong. It sounds like more than just laziness to me. Then again, I want to give people the benefit of the doubt. =P
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  3. #3
    TFF'S RESIDENT DOOM GOD Too Tired to Move IRANianCha0s's Avatar
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    Yeah, I put my money on not enough nutrition. Exercise would also help.

    I've had a similar situation but for different reasons: the table I put my computer on has a massive shelf underneath it that's REALLY comfortable to lay your legs on. Unfortunately, since my chair can't go high enough, I have to lean back while pushing the chair forward so the front part of the seat rests on top of the shelf, and I have to push it far enough so I can comfortably reach my mouse and keyboard. Laziness trap. Once I get in that position, I even start asking my roommates to fetch me a drink simply because it's a pain in the ass to get out.
    #include stdio.h
    int main () {
    return 0; }

  4. #4
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Maybe I should go running. I went running a couple times two weeks ago... Or maybe I'm just eating crap. I try to include vegetables and fruit in my diet, although I usually only eat carrots, and that's every once in a while. I have like a fruit and a vegetable a day; that's probably not enough, heh. Sometimes more when I have a can of chili... I don't eat a lot anymore anyways, though. You guys are probably right. I've also found that I tend to wake up at the same time every day, regardless of how late I've been up the night before, and I'm tired for the rest of the day. I probably just need to get back into the habits I had last spring. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  5. #5
    Whistling Songbird Too Tired to Move Asectic's Avatar
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    Hmm... I guess I'm one of thse ppl, maybe or maybe not.
    Anyways ever since hearing my english tutor saying that she was tired from sleeping too much, that reminded me of a time that I did something similiar. Apparently, she got sleepy from reading a book about why Canadians went to the Afghan war to fight for hmwk.

    I cant remeber that night very well... No, actually afternoon. I get very tired easily when I'm either reading or doing nothing so I fell sleepy at around 3pm and I decided to take a nap at that time. I'm not sure whether my mom tried to wake me up or not but when I did, it was like around 4 am in the morning and I was soo fustered with myself for sleeping to long and the second thing on why she didnt shake me or something like that.
    After, I decided to try to sleep till morning and right away the next time my eyes fluttered open, it was actually morning. When I didnt even tire myself out unlike my teacher.

    I know this isn't related to the topic that's talking about but just thinking that I was so lazy that I think my constitution isnt working well. Not good at exercising and of course haaate~ it but I do go every weekend unless there's some exceptions. But I was still tired and sleepy-ish even after.

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  6. #6
    Sir Prize Too Tired to Move Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm actually pretty active for the most part. Especially since I never get any sleep... I say "never", but that usually amounts to about 40 hours a week. I run, exercise, swim and occasionally fence, not to mention just running up all the damn stairs...

    However, I am notoriously lazy, still. I procrastinate. I go into long periods of non-movement. Not to mention my usual refusal to talk. Also, I will generally fall asleep in baths and linger in them for up to thirty minutes or more. And when I am at home I will turn up my music loud and fall asleep on my carpeted floor. But then again, that's mostly from lack of much to do...

    But yes, I am lazy.


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  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Laziness was my first thought myself.
    Just from looking at myself of late though. I seem to have lost interest in many of the things that kept me enthusiastic in the past, so regardless of my nutrition at the time, I'm often feeling very lazy.

    The big thing's having something you do that you look forwards to I believe. I enjoy the work I do so it gets me off my ass and rarely feels like much of a chore. Jobs that don't serve that high a purpose and don't sound to interesting? Bugger it.
    victoria aut mors

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