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Thread: Time

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    I just watched two short clips of someone playing Super Pang on YouTube and felt like writing something up about time and life. I'll get to the relationship between the classic video game and the thread title further down.

    I remember when I was still fairly new around her (given how long this site has been around it should be said I still am relatively new) and I wrote in TFF Chat one night: "I can't wait for university" and I remember Dan agreeing with me. Now I'm literally half way through university and given the way things are I'll be subject to lots and lots of work for the next 15 - 20 years. Exams, more academic work and then after I graduate 60 - 70 weeks. It's such a shame I didn't relish the time I spent back in highschool more.

    The time has just gone by so quickly but the strange thing is living out each day is incredibly arduous. The burden of work and the knowledge of being subject to this amount of work for at least 15 more years is unsettling. When I was younger Christmas took so long to come round each year, but now everything moves too fast. My first year of university went by too easily and I didn't do nearly as much as I would've liked, but that's not to say I didn't learn some very important things. Anyway, point is I just don't know where the time "goes".

    In the Super Pang videos I saw the player fire then move away from the small bubbles. This tactic works at low levels on easy mode but when the difficulty increases it's actually better to move towards the bubble you want to burst (unless you're dealing with bubbles coming from both sides closely or you've got hexagons) because moving away causes your next chain to not hit the bubble following the one you just burst due to the way the character fires.

    For reference, here is how the game should be played:
    Link 1
    Link 2

    Moving towards the bubbles which kill you reminded me that accepting the fact that life is a lot of hard work with questionable payoffs from what you do is better than trying to temporarily avoid the real world (read: graduate school) and potentially waste precious time.


    EDIT: I'll clarify something about Super Pang technique. I'm not saying walk towards the bubbles all the time. In some cases it's easier to walk towards 3 or 4 bubbles to take them out then back away.
    Last edited by Autumn; 03-13-2008 at 06:43 PM.

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