What, where are you moving to? You're only 5 or so hours away as it is. I don't know if I can resist the strong bad aura if I'm in that close a proximity to you. :P
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What, where are you moving to? You're only 5 or so hours away as it is. I don't know if I can resist the strong bad aura if I'm in that close a proximity to you. :P
9 hours away! Get it straight. I was actually in Winnipeg 2 hours ago... I'm at my other home right now.. in Brandon, Manitoba.
So basically... I'm moving back to Brandon in April.. so we'll only be 200 km away! .....;!
You found out my secret ;________;Quote:
Originally Posted by Anarchy
Mark another one up for us Canadians! It's true, it's true, I'm Canadian too. It's a shame I'm not close to anyone though. I wouldn't trade living int the Maritimes for anything except for California maybe.
Arkansas needed further representation besides someone having children with their father.
Is there a way to delete uploaded photos? I uploaded 2 by mistake. >_>;
Pshhhhhhh, I keep the Midwest on LOCKDOWN!
So, basically, hoorah for Quistis for representing it Illinois style. +5 cool points for you, my friend...+5 cool points for you.
Holy shit... that thing takes stalking to a whole new level o_o.
ok, I noticed something...
last time I was on that page looking at updates...I noticed a flag out in the middle of the great lake closest to me....and it didn't belong to anyone. Now there's another one close by me and again it's no one's and the other one is gone.
Are you guys getting false flags like that?
Seems like I'm the only PA girl...:(
Musa....you're 10 1/2 hours from me....not too bad.
Added myself as well...and my pic :rolleyes: :P
Yeah, I'm still here. :P Sort of. I'm now a lurker. Feel free to drop me a line whenever.
I've added myself, so you can keep track of me.
I love how at a certain zoom level, it looks like there are only 5 roads in Canada. And the map of Montreal and the West Island is all wrong. I've never even heard of "St. Edward the Confessor" and I've lived here most of my life.
Ok, i'm there, Aussie, aussie, aussie! If you chaeck the photo, I'm third from the left.
Thats pretty cool, tons of people from the US...i rep canada to the fullest as always, thats whats really good naga's
a couple people in canada though
Woohoo, represent Germ...a...ny.......ye..ah..woo...*cricket chirping*
Guess Ill have to wait for Toromor to make an entry before I get some backup.
.....What the hell? It's quiet on the right side of the map, isn't it eh Samurai? Just a few English blokes and a crazy German :P and me! .....What does that say about me?! Owh GOD!!!
Damn, you don't live that far away from me at all (considering I can reach the Dutch border in 30 minutes). What's the closest big city in your area?
The closest big city in my area is Rotterdam, you know Rotterdam right? And I actually live in the oldest city of Holland.....pretty interesting yes? .....Right? ;!......Anyone.....<*Sigh*>
Of course I know Rotterdam. Pretty nice city actually.
Oldest city in Holland??? How is that possible? I can't imagine there having been only one city at some point in time. Maybe you can clarify though.
What do you Europeans have against Southern Europe?
What do you mean? I'd love to answer but I have no idea what your referring to there hehe...he. ;!
Four years and it still seems like I'm the only Masshole. Woohoo for New Engcrap! >.>
Actually Sarah, you live pretty close to the TFF member Setzer. Just thought I'd say you're not alone out there... ;)
I added myself... I'm stuck on a island, all by my lonesome... *Sniff*
I added myself!I think i'm the only person in my area...*frown*oh well,I did put up a pic too and it is me.
Xd Dude I Can See My House With This Thing!
Edit: I found my house. This is the biggest image I can host. ;-;
Wow! my house is a bit too small to see but here it is! no-one here lives near me though! Can't see our landmark conifer. The pics a bit rubbish 'cause i had to reduce the quality so it'd fit!
That was the coolest shit eva!!! I added my picture and location and shizzie on the map. Awesome addition to the website. Good job peeps!
Yeah, I added myself. It's interesting.
word up bitches chr to the is is on the map yo..
Added myself as well. At least my home. I go to school in Claremont, CA, so I'd assume Raine and maybe some of the other SoCalifornians know where that is. Except S doesn't for some reason.