Let's face it, there are alot of awesome people around here, so if we all got the chance.... Would YOU go to a The Final Fantasy Forums Convention?

And by convention I mean, in the sense of a meeting, a gathering of individuals who meet at an arranged place and time in order to discuss or engage in some common interest.

If you WOULD.

WHERE would you like it to be held? In a perfect world.... it could be ANYWHERE your little hearts desired. But of course, most of us are poor and couldn't afford it

I would love for it to be held at Disneyland, I think that speaks for itself. There are quite a few people on here I would LOVE to meet someday. And I think it'd be fun as hell!!! Oh and I just want to go to Disneyland, so I can get some Mickey Mouse gloves.

For majority of peeps, I would imagine some sort of party type deal. Get drunk and most likely get harrassed by you know who... It's not really to discuss Final Fantasy, I'm not ruling it out of course, but it's mainly just so a bunch of cool people can be cool together in one place. In person.