Have you ever suddenly come into a large amount of money? Perhaps you've won the lottery, or a scratchie, earned a scholarship, or a relatvie passed away (leaving behind a lot of money for you).
If so (or if you ever did), what would you do?
I have had this happen twice to me, once for NZ$4000, and yesterday for NZ$1500. Both were scholarships from my university. The first was a fee deduction, so it didn't really count (although it means I'll be $4000 better off at some indeterminate time in the future, when I get around for paying for my tuition). Yesterday I got a phone call saying I had won a prize worth $1500, cash.
I'm probably going to buy some really expensive headphones, and then save the rest. I suppose that's a little boring, but considering I only have $300 to my name (not including assets, which still only take me up to around $2000, probably), I'm going to be increasing my savings several times over in one hit. Which will be useful when I move out, probably next year.
So, have you ever come into a large amount of money suddenly? What did (or would) you do?