I hate to be labeled the ''conspiracy buff'' or anything like that, but basically, with the way the world is today, and how 'all of a sudden' the Earth seems to have taken a huge turn, I can't help but believe that everything that is happening really IS a huge set-up, so that the Governments (ahem, Elite of the world) can impose this One World Government upon us. It's not that I never believed in a New World Order, I was just under the impression that it would take a much longer time to impose their idea of ''society'' upon us.

Recently, a lot of people have been talking about a feeling of 'impending doom' or that they can sense something BIG is going to happen very soon, and I'm talking about people that don't watch the news, are totally under-educated and frankly are pretty numb-in-the-head. I too have been feeling this, and am wondering if other people feel the say way here on TFF? It's almost as if, and forgive me for the cheesiness of this statement, the world's population are somehow sharing their feelings, perhaps not psychically, possibly psionically. Eughh, I dunno.

Let's just say, with the sudden world events such as the OWS Movement, European Economic Crisis, the possibility of a World War should Iran be attacked etc, it feels as though these are all ways and reasons for the Governments of the world to create a world unity, and laws can be passed that will govern the entire population of the Earth.

Opinions please, and try keep it friendly, I've been really paranoid lately about a lot of things lately, and I can't stand to be ridiculed for my opinion just now

Or am I just being overly analytical?

Oh and as for the title, ''Starting Anew'' ... basically I am hoping something drastic does happen to the world, whether the entire economy collapses, or whether the Governments wipe each other out. I personally would like a clean slate on the Earth, I'm very empathetic and it's almost like Final Fantasy VII's Lifestream, I feel like I can hear the planet crying out to be relieved somehow. Either that or I just ate some bad Tofu